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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Walking Dead - Among the Ruined
Season 4

When hell gets full, the Devil lets the dead walk the earth...

So this is a walking dead style rp. There will be action and gore and zombie killing, but mostly this will be about the twists and turns, the drama, the heartache and the joy of moral decisions that have both good and bad consequences.
Everything you do and say will have consequences further down the line. The walker you killed yesterday was actually the mother of the person you met today. That guy you refused to give food? He came back as a walker and killed your best friend. That little boy you helped? He came back with a large group to steal your supplies. Each choice is life and death. Don't ever get too comfortable, because you never know when things will go to hell.
Of course... it's already there...

And we are entering our 4th season. I can hardly believe it. I am so proud of this rp and of the people who have joined it, becoming not just rp friends but a close knit family. Those who have stuck with me to this point : I love all of you so much. You are the best rp group I have ever had.
Those who are joining now : thank you for wanting to become a part of this. We warmly welcome all newcomers WHO PLAN ON STAYING WITH US. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.
The next post will contain a summary of everything that has happened so far in the past 3 seasons along with character lists including NPCs.

Rules :
1. No fighting in the OOC or Chat. I mean it. You get one warning, then your characters gets killed off and you are banned from the rp.
2. No overpowered characters. It's okay to have weapons, but not everyone is survival trained and can make a rocket launcher with a pocket knife, some string and a potato. Be realistic with your characters skills and their weapons.
3. An extension of the above rule-- We won't be accepting more characters with military backgrounds. Characters with medical backgrounds will likely be asked to change as well. To avoid any conflicts it's best that you plan on your character having just being a regular person before the apocalypse hit. Stray from creating characters that have a particularly firearms-related background (Like someone who grew up hunting and is a skilled marksman).
4. Gore is fine, but romance (if there is any during a zombie apocalypse) goes to PM. Anything above kissing goes to PM.
5. Killing of characters must be agreed upon, even NPCs. NPCs without a * next to their name are free to be moved around/controlled, required that their written personality/history is adhered to.
6. All ideas are welcome! If you have any ideas for major plot-related ideas, characters. locations, etc. then please PM either myself or my Co-GM(s).
7. Before making any game changing decisions please pm me to ask or discuss it in the OOC or chatzy before posting it. This does not mean I need to make every decision for you, but MAJOR plot twists need to be approved by either me or my Co-GM(s).
8. You can have as many characters as you can handle. Do not ignore anyone and post regularly. If you can't post for a couple of days, let us know so we can move around your character. If you do not post in the IC or OOC or PM us for a significant amount of time, then your character will be made an NPC and likely become a walker. If you want to return after that, you can make another character.
9. In that same vein, if you've been in the rp for some time and decide you want to go, the option for your character to become an NPC is there in case you ever return. Though NPCs are more likely to be killed off, the character just may be alive when you come back.
10. People will die. It's a zombie survival rp. We ask that you strongly consider ideas for your character's death eventually, even if you don't really wish for them to die. While we will never kill off your character without your consent, no one is likely to survive forever in zombie fiction. Just keep the idea in mind when making your sheet.
11. It might seem strange to have this rule but I have run into problems with this in the past so I am going to say it right off : NO ONE IS IMMUNE. This is not "The Last of Us" this is a "The Walking Dead" rp. There is no cure and there is no immunity to the zombie virus. Everyone already has it. Your character can be working on a cure, but that is all.
12 Please follow the posting rule (see below) If you do not, your post will be ignored.
13. I reserve the right to add more rules if needed.


Appearance : (please no anime pics. portraits are fine as long as they are realistic)
Name :
Age :
Skill : (are you good at medicine? cooking? electronics? hunting? marksman? these can be skills acquired after the outbreak)
Preferred Weapons (up to three) : (anything you can realistically have)
Personality : (good and bad points)
Brief Bio : (we are not going to know much about each other at first so only a brief history, such as what they were doing before the outbreak, is fine)

Link to Chat
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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OOC Chat
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Refer to this post for a summary of previous seasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hi-- QT sent me here from the horribly failed totally fine while it lasted spinoff thread. Making a new character, and excited to possibly join such an established RP! (it's actually a little intimidating)

I was just wondering if there were any character tropes that were in demand? (to contrast the soldier/doc characters that you understandably don't really want anymore of)

Also, do we post CS's in the char section or is that for accepted characters only?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hi-- QT sent me here from the horribly failed totally fine while it lasted spinoff thread. Making a new character, and excited to possibly join such an established RP! (it's actually a little intimidating)

I was just wondering if there were any character tropes that were in demand? (to contrast the soldier/doc characters that you understandably don't really want anymore of)

Also, do we post CS's in the char section or is that for accepted characters only?

Only accepted characters. We're likely to accept you though, haha.

I can't say there's much we need. Anyone with a background that would give them combat/firearm/medical experience would be no good (So, like, even just a dude who hunts as a hobby).

I think low income individuals would be best, such as students/the unemployed/minimum wage workers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Richard "Ricky" Cline

His lower arms and hands bear a collection of linear scars earned from practice with live blades. His left arm also shows off a nasty bite from a crocodile that had been a little too enthusiastic about getting an easy meal. His boots and his belt were made from just that beast's skin. He likes to keep his hair slicked back neatly, but has taken to neglecting it since the fall of civilization. Since his employment as a gaff hand he has taken to wearing a simple, but fairly heavy leather jacket, having discovered that it helped a great deal, though he wished he might have known that before a crocodile tried to have lunch at the expense of his arm.

A more recent development is his decision to wear his knives strapped to his hips, making them much easier to access. A Bowie knife rests on his right hip, and an Arkansas toothpick sits on his left. He keeps his Colt Cobra in an ambidextrous holster that he carries inside his waistband. He will shift it around depending on what he is doing, but he prefers to carry it either against the small of his back, or right side, next to his appendix.


Cooking, animal processing, knife-fighting

Preferred Weapons:
Knives, snub-nosed revolvers

In addition to his clothes and weapons, Ricky has recently picked up a backpack for himself, one he'd found while scavenging in an airport. It was plain, black, and had seen far better days, but it continued to serve him well. Into he'd stuffed a change of clothes, some canned food, a can opener, a box of powderless blue nitrile gloves, size large, and a box of fifty .38 special rounds he'd found in someone's house. It wasn't quite full, but he still had plenty left, in his opinion. His most important possession, however, is the waterproof tackle box he has stuffed full of the medication he requires to maintain his more rational thoughts. On the outside of the bag are strapped his one-litre water bottle, and his Tim Hortons mug, the latter of which is large enough to hold an entire pot of coffee, with a little room left over for cream and sugar.

While seemingly friendly and cooperative, he has a slight tendency toward sociopathy, most notably he has a hard time understanding the value of life. Medication has helped in the past, increasing his impulse control and aiding in rational thought.

Brief Bio:
Ricky was born in the Great White North, but moved to the United States when he was just barely over a year old. His parents had wanted to try out life in Canada, but a family emergency drew them to the southern United States. That didn't stop them from visiting friends they had made in the Maritimes, however, and Ricky soon found himself holding dual citizenship and drifting from the eastern-most parts of Canada, down the coast to Louisiana. Most of his family settled in and around New Orleans around the time he finished high school. Around that time, he was also diagnosed with a mental disorder that doctors claimed was easily curable with medication. They made the mistake of thinking that the future stabilization of his hormones could result in his brain sorting itself out while also being affected by the medication. This would not be the case, and he found himself looking at a lifetime on medication.

He moved back to Canada for a few years after high school to attend a community college where he earned a diploma toward getting his Chef's Red Seal. From there he moved back to New Orleans, where he was told there was an apprenticeship open for him. What followed was a great deal of confusion and a struggle to find himself a job. Work wasn't terribly difficult to find, however there seemed to be no apprenticeships available by the time he arrived to look into them. Eventually Ricky settled for a job on a crawfish boat, where he was given the exciting job of making sure nothing untoward got into the boat. That included anyone who thought they could go around stealing other people's crawfish traps. To that effect he began carrying a pair of very large knives into the swamps with him, having realized that people were barely phased by the sight of a shotgun, but the idea of a man with a knife seemed to strike fear into the hearts of most bayou pirates. His captain was even kind enough to gift him a snub-nosed Colt Cobra in .38 special, and while he appreciated the thought, and carried it everywhere, he spent more time honing his abilities with the knives he chose to carry, thinking it would take more practice to get good with close combat, than it would with a firearm. Unconcerned by his mistaken belief, the man was quite successful in deterring both thieves and small crocodiles, and found himself becoming an expert at more than just cooking animals. It wasn't the sort of work he'd been looking for, but the physical nature of the job appealed to him, and he found he didn't mind it as much as he'd thought he might.

By the time he finally found an apprenticeship, he was confident in his ability to dress any kind of wild game, something that helped him immensely as he worked toward his red seal. His time on a crawfish boat had been inspiring, however, and he didn't let his fighting skills lapse just because he didn't necessarily need them any more. Of course he still did little in the way of practice with his revolver, managing only to keep it maintained in case he did need it. Instead he focused on maintaining his own physical shape and his abilities with a knife. Unfortunately, he'd find zombies overthrowing the world before he ever earned his red seal. The worst part, he thought at the time, was the fact that it happened in the middle of his vacation. He'd been visiting friends across the border when he heard about the initial stages of the disaster. He thought he could wait out this sort of thing, but it didn't take long to realize that the airport wasn't going to be running when it came time for his return flight. With gas stations out of fuel and nothing to do about it, he started a long walk to Louisiana, hitching or stealing rides when he could, but finding he spent more time on his feet than behind a wheel. When he came to terms with the idea that these were zombies, and not people, he stopped feeling anything about ending their unlives. Not even medication could give him any sort of feeling toward the things. That didn't stop him from raiding every pharmacy he could find on the way toward his home, however, as he was reluctant to lose more touch with reality.

The trip south took far longer than he liked, and even after so long in transit, the hordes of undead seemed unshrinking when he witnessed the streets of New Orleans. He gave up on trying to get home, and instead focused on surviving once more, like he had for the last ten months. Unfortunately, at this point he was lost, unsure where exactly he was. Nearly a year without civilization to maintain the area left it in tatters, and the chef took to wandering aimlessly, and considering drifting his way back to Canada...
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I like him, the background of being a chef and being in New Orleans and his history of mental issues makes him unique. And I love me some crawfish :)
Approved. You can post him in the character thread

I will be posting the first post sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Reformatted and added a couple things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name : Aubrey Diaz

Age : 19 (turning 20 soon)

Skill : Basic first aid and archery.

Weapon (up three): A black, modern, Recurve bow with 20 arrows in its quiver; as well as a tactical knife about seven inches long.

Personality :When first meeting Aubrey, it's easy to assume that she's timid and easily frightened, but that's not the case for long. Aubrey can be stubborn and short tempered at times. If she thinks she is right, she won't back down from the argument. The sarcasm is strong in her and she won't make exceptions to who she uses it with. But this is only to people that she typically doesn't get along with. To those who know her, or those she thinks are worth her trust, she is funny and caring. The sarcasm still applies but she knows when to use it. Aubrey is loyal to those that show promise and will try to do everything in her power to help them survive. She used to be an outgoing girl, still having her outbursts here and there, but now she chooses to stay quiet and do things on her own.

Brief Bio: Aubrey was born to a wealthy family in McAllen, Texas. She had no siblings and the very few friends she had, she spoke to very little. Her time would be occupied with horse riding lessons, archery lessons, and school. Although her family had money, she still chose to work, helping out at the vet's office a few blocks from her house until she graduated from high school and left to college.

She attended Texas A&M up until the outbreak happened. Her family decided to go north, out of the state of Texas to see if they could find safety or refuge. Aubrey agreed to meet them at a certain point, but in the mayhem and fear that the others were causing, she got lost and ended up driving to Louisiana with a group of people making their way in a caravan of vehicles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name : Aubrey Diaz

Age : 19

Skill : Basic first aid and archery.

Weapon (up three): A black, modern, Recurve bow with 20 arrows in its quiver; as well as a tactical knife about seven inches long.

Personality :When first meeting Aubrey, it's easy to assume that she's timid and easy scared, but that's not the case for long. Aubrey can be stubborn and short tempered at times. If she thinks she is right, she won't back down from the argument. The sarcasm is strong in her and she won't make exceptions to who she uses it with. But this is only to people that she typically doesn't get along with. To those who know her, or those she thinks are worth her trust, she is funny and caring. The sarcasm still applies but she knows when to use it. Aubrey is loyal to those that show promise and will try to do everything in her power to help them survive. She used to be an outgoing girl, still having her outbursts here and there, but now she chooses to stay quiet and do things on her own.

Brief Bio: Aubrey was born to a wealthy family in McAllen, Texas. She had no siblings and the very few friends she had, she spoke to very little. Her time would be occupied with horse riding lessons, archery lessons, and school. Although her family had money, she still chose to work, helping out at the vet's office a few blocks from her house until she graduated from high school and left to college.

She attended Texas A&M up until the outbreak happened. Her family decided to go north, out of the state of Texas to see if they could find safety or refuge. Aubrey agreed to meet them at a certain point, but in the mayhem and fear that the others were causing, she got lost and ended up driving to Louisiana with a group of people making their way in a caravan of vehicles.

I will go ahead and say you can add this to the character tab.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just so everyone knows, the people trapped in the mentioned cell with Danny currently are

- Shannon
- Rob
- Alex
- Damian
- Zoe
- Danny
- Luke
- Richard
- Andrew
- Trey
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Made some dudes

"I dunno, an apocalypse wouldn't be too bad... Hey! If they're dead, then you don't have to pay your debts, right...? I actually think that'd be hella rad, y'know?"
Chae Ryeŏn (pre-apocalypse)

Name: Chae Ji Ryeŏn
Age: 26

Appearance: Although varied at 1/2 Korean, 1/4th Vietnamese, and 1/4 Puerto Rican, Chae's ancestry doesn't exactly spell out 'melting pot,' but still, mesh together well with her own sense of fashion, to form a woman who possesses a very smokey, dark beauty.

  • Stealth
  • Creative thinking
  • Scavenging
  • Once drank an entire bottle of absinthe in one pull

Preferred Weapon(s):
  • Improvisation (extreme/master proficiency)
  • Revolvers/Handguns (Small guns)(average/low proficiency)
  • Speech (decent proficiency with people... the infected... not so much)

Personality: Chae is someone who, at her core, loves life, and loves loving things in life. Generally unconcerned with pursuing the same worldly pleasures as most found themselves chasing before the apocalypse. Chae was, more or less, a bum, less out of laziness, and more out only being truly concerned with her passions, and what made her happy. Still, even then she was full of self doubt, loathing and depression. She feels abandonment easy and tries not to stay too close to anyone, even people she considers friends. While some of these traits have helped her vastly since the Fall, other have proved ideologically detrimental. And occasional bouts of depression, stemming from many things, such as her surroundings and her undressed psychological issues, occasionally leave her so lethargic and apathetic she may be unable to move.

Chae, like the music she loves, is an ocean of beautiful emotional meaning and variability, melancholic and bangers. At her best, she's a clever, sarcastic, and pleasant idea woman who'll just as soon hit on everyone in a room as she would throw up her Wu-Tang 'W.' At her worst, she can be an unresponsive, vulnerable wreck, defined by her own insecurities and baggage.

Brief Bio:


"Que sera sera, perras..."
Chito Evans (post-apocalypse)

Name: Miguel 'Chito' Evans
Age: 17

Appearance: With the muscles of an amateur wrestler and the height of statue, Chito is just one of those guys you don't want to piss off in a small room. Training regiments derived from a military family and high school sports trainers looking to see their boy earn his sports scholarship a year early, his body is still toned-- with more than few fresh scars gained from dealing with the nzumbi head on...

  • Considerable physical strength
  • Remaining calm in stressful situations
  • Remaining calm in pretty much any situation

Preferred Weapon(s):
  • Hand-to-hand (extremely proficient)
  • Handguns/Rifles (Medium sized guns) (average/good proficiency)
  • Improvisation (below average proficiency)

Personality: Chito is a man of few words-- and fittingly, as is an easy description of his personality; Although he's young, he's cool, calm, and collected.

Brief Bio: (See tl;dr)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheColourless
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name : Annie Sprit

Age : 15

Skill : Cloth sewing, basic first aid, high survivalist skill, and basic stitching.

Preferred Weapons (up to three) : Pocket Knife, Bow and Arrows(15 arrows), and a Fire Axe.

Personality : Extremely intelligent, Cunning, With drawn, optimist, and so much more to discover.

Brief Bio : Annie and her twin brother Ellis were once a small family who lived in a little town in Australia with their father and mother. It was a quite a life, one that bared many wonderful memory's for the two, until one dreadful day their mother got diagnosed with a rare cancer, and died a mere two week after. Both her and her twin managed to escape there home country on a refuge boat fleeing to America after the beginning of the outbreak, only to be on separate ships and lose their father along the way.

Appearance :

Name : Ellis Sprit

Age : 15

Skill : Basic First Aid, Basic tracking Skill, Basic sewing skill, Good Scavenger, and a incredible tactician.

Preferred Weapons: Survival Knife, Stockman Knife, and nail baseball bat.

Personality : Intelligent, Kind, Loving, very quite, slightly gullible, violent only when its needed, helpful, and more. Split personality: Cunning, Manipulative, twisted, evil, controlling, level headed, and prideful.

Brief Bio : Annie and her twin brother Ellis were once a small family who lived in a little town in Australia with their father and mother. It was a quite a life, one that bared many wonderful memory's for the two, until one dreadful day their mother got diagnosed with a rare cancer, and died a mere two week after. Both her and her twin managed to escape there home country on a refuge boat fleeing to America after the beginning of the outbreak, only to be on separate ships and lose their father along the way.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Woah, all these sheets. I was going to wait until Myst saw the sheets until I approved them, but I'm gonna say go ahead and throw them into the character tab.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So, how's things?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yay two more redheads!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So, how's things?

Great :)

I guess we should start figuring out where to put Ricky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I was thinking that might be good. I was gunna have him just do his own thing as like comic relief or something if you guys couldn't fit him in. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I was thinking that might be good. I was gunna have him just do his own thing as like comic relief or something if you guys couldn't fit him in. XD

That could be possible. I think right now the only easy group to run into is Monica and Emma, though Ellis is already running into them, sooo...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I saw that. I wasn't sure what to think about that, but maybe it'll solve itself if I post again. That post made me want cheezits though, that's not fair. I'm not allowed to eat cheezits...
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