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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani nodded, moving over to the stairs up and just driving up them, her tank wheelchair being designed in mind with stairs. "No use if i can't get to my gunpla battles." she said with a smile, rolling up to the arena, happy to be able to play on a larger field. "wanna do the honors?" she asked, getting out her musha gundam and gp base.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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"Hey, loser in the space suit!"

Ball Guy turned his head towards the voice. It came from a burly looking man that appeared to be in his twenties. "Yes? How can I help you." He answered.

The brute walked towards Ball Guy, standing a full foot taller than Rou up front. He was not to be intimidated though. "Looking for a match?" Ball Guy inquired.

The brute nodded. "More like...prey." He motioned to a battle station. "Let's go."

Ball Guy followed him and stood at the pedestal.

(My phone wont let me copy the System stuff)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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(Then allow me)

Both systems being used by Ball Guy, his opponent and the system with Dani and Alexis turn on: "GUNPLA BATTLE, COMBAT MODE, START UP! MODEL LEVEL DAMAGE SET TO C. PLEASE SET YOUR GP BASE."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Ball Guy set down his GP base and Brigadier Ball as the System sounded off. Across from him, his opponent set down a jet black Victory Gundam. Ugh, at least he painted it. He heard the man laughing at him. "Nice. I'm Vince, and you know why I use this here Victory Gundam?"

Vince paused.

"Because I always win."

This guy was even cornier than Rou was, which was saying something. Ball Guy opened the black case and placed Blade, Blaster, Bomb, and Booster Balls on a hidden alcove in front of him, for easy access when he needed them. The field was Space, generic but perfect.


"Ball Guy. Brigadier Ball...launching!" He shouted, as his prized Gunpla rocketed out of the hangar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis set her GP base then the Strike Freedom after the system chimed off.

"FIELD 1; FOREST" the system chimed off as it 'powered up' her Gunpla, she took a few moments to go over the options the base Gunpla had. While Alexis knew what weapons and defenses the Strike Freedom had, she didn't know how they where laid out. 'I really should have played with this before now ...' she though as she quickly committed things to memory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Vince's Victory escaped from the hangar as its three Core Fighters, which split up to hunt for Ball Guy. Rou maneuvered Brigadier Ball just in range of one of the fighters before firing an easily dodgable warning shot from the bazooka on top. All three fighters came after him. Vince was baited way to easily. Ball Guy rushed away with Brigadier Ball, having the Victory Fighters chase him along various asteroids.

Shortly after, Vince grew tired of Ball Guys little game. "Alright you little pink, enough of that." Vince growled. His Victory fighters quickly combined into Gundam form, and he quickly began catching up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"Dani Hatashi, Musha Gundam, Shinsui!" she called out as she had been placing her gunpla and gp base into the system on pace with Alexis. The musha gundam pushed harder and moved forwards with the launch pad and into the forest. Killing her thrusters, she disappeared into the forest, walking in the over sized tress and trying to keep her suit as silent as possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Ball Guy kept up his game of cat and mouse,.which frustrated Vince severely. Eventually, Vince unsheathed a beam saber, attempting to swipe at Brigadier Ball every chance he could. Ball Guy led him down a long hallway in a broken space station (Imagine the Exia Dark Matter chase).

Vince roared victoriously. "Gotcha."

He lunged forward with his beam saber as Ball Guy input a special command. Arms burst outwards as Brigadier Ball unfolded. The spindly little claw arms became spindly little claw legs. Finally, a Gundam head popped out on top, and the transformation was complete. Brigadier Ball swooped up, latching onto the shoulders of the Victory with its feet, pushing it to the floor before it rocketed out of the hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex was one of the last to enter into the battle room. He had to recover a bit from his choaking. Before he got to the room, Rou had taken off to go "work" on his Brave Gunpla model. Alex thought to himself: "He must really want that Brave built so he could battle with it."

When he enters the room, his eyes grew wide seeing all these Gunpla Battles taking place: "Amazing! Look at them all!" He saw suits ranging from common grunt suits like the GM, Dagger, and the ever popular Zaku models, too special units like the Sinanju, the Dreadnaught Gundam, and even a Victory Gundam painted black that was chasing what appears to be a Ball. Though soon his attention is drawn to one Battle system in the middle of the room that wasn't turned on: "Oh wow..." He walks up to exam it.

Soon someone asks him: "Impressive, isn't it?" Alex turns around to see instructor Satsuki who continues: "Advantage to being the leader of Gunpla Battle Systems means we get to test out the latest models before they go to the public."

Alex: "It sure got my attention. We only have one battle system in town, and it's actually an old PPSE model. Luckily though Yajima GP bases still work on it. We're not exactly the most popular town around."

Satsuki: "Hm, we should try to make sure your home gets the latest system."

Alex soon notices someone familiar is in a battle: "Is that... Alexis? And the Strike Freedom?" He sees that she's in a battle with another girl in a wheel chair using a Musha Gundam.

Satsuki asks: "Friends of yours?"

Alex: "Well I just met Alexis today and saw the other girl often but haven't talked to her yet. And I'm not quite sure how she thinks of me considering I kinda made a fool of myself. Though, i won't let it get me down, it's only the first day after all." He talks to himself: "Everyone's already fighting, i better find myself an opponent too."

Soon there was another voice behind him: "Confident, aren't we?"

Turning around, there was a tall male wearing a uniform looking down at Alex.

Instructor Satsuki knew who he was: "Couldn't stay away from the battle room, couldn't you Grand?"

Alex asks his instructor: "Who's this guy?"

He answers introducing: "Mitchel Grand, he's an attendee here at the labs, though not part of the Summer Academy."

Mitchel explains: "I just wanted to see the newbies here at the labs. And judging back how you act... you must be the biggest newbie here."

Alex was unfazed by his comment and asks: "Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Grand snickers: "Trying to be the tough guy now?"

Alex: "I'm not trying to be anything, I'm just being me."

Grand noticed he wasn't gonna be affected by words anymore: "Well then, how about we moved from fighting with words, to fighting with Gunpla?"

Instructor Satsuki tries to stop this: "Grand, you know you can't challenge the students here on their first..."

But Alex interjects: "You got a deal. I can't refuse a challenge."

Grand: "You are either confident or a fool accepting my challenge, especially set at Model damage level B instead of C."

Alex: "Sounds good to me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Alexis Voll, Strike Freedom, Launch"

The Strike Freedom shot forward on the catapult a little after Dani's Musha due to Alexis familiarizing her self with her Gunpla's options. As Alexis flew her gunpla forward she drew the dual Beam Rifles stored on the hips, which had the result of swinging the Rail Guns from the back to the side and made them ready for use.

Alexis flew in and under the tree line. Dani had a head start, and given the relative build of the Musha she figured she was hiding in the trees. 'Bloody hell ... this is gonna be tougher then I though, forgot how slow these straight builds are ...' she thought as she started searching for the Musha Gundam on foot, Rifles at the ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Vincent angrily swore up and down as his Victory regained its composure, Ball Guy swiftly but stealthily sent in his special surprise. Four new Balls entered the field and quickly took position behind a small asteroid, awaiting command.

Vince's Victory flew out of the tunnel, only to meet his foe a short distance away. Brigadier Ball stood gracefully on a single asteroid, arms crossed.

"You've put up a good fight Vince." Ball Guy started. "You transformed and combined your Victory nearly on the spot. However, it was rather...boring."

The four new Ball modules slowly drifted to orbit Brigadier Ball.

"Gunpla is about creativity and imagination. Judging from your simple base suit and lack of customization besides color, you lack these key ideas."

The new Balls began to orbit faster.

"Let me show you a real combiner Vince."

Ball Guy's helmet gleamed brightly as he bellowed loud enough that the whole room could hear and watch.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Happy that the forest was a bit over sized and allowed for her movement to be concealed. She had her sensors up in full and were scanning around herself. She picked up on her scanners movement, taking cover in bunch of trees, getting out her beam rifle and taking aim in the direction, ready to fire if she had visual confirmation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The sensors in the Strike Freedom went off for a second 'she's near by' she thought. She stopped and panned the main camera around a bit 'now ... if i was setting an ambush where would a be ...' she thought. The contact hadn't popped up again so she decided to the one thing she felt was best.

She unfolded the Rail Gun, Powered up the Beam Cannon and fired them and the Beam Rifles in the direction of the blip, while activating the energy shields on the arms just in case of a side attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Brigadier Ball stood still as the other Balls orbited it at a fast pace. As the blue striped Blade Ball opened a small hole in its cockpit, Brigadier Ball lashed out its arm, sliding it through until Blade Ball was firmly attached to the right bicep, all four beam saber hilts sticking out.

Blaster Ball spread open and neared next. Brigadier Ball swung its left forearm up, snapping the green striped ball to his arm. The twin beam rifles rotated to face forward.

Bomb Ball split in half as Brigadier Ball brought its elbows into a neutral position. Each half connected to a leg and locked in place. The missile pods slowly revolved into position on each side.

Finally, the quick pink striped Booster Ball attached to the back, launching an unknown object upwards. Booster Ball slowly bloomed like a fiery flower until it was in position. The previously launched object landed squarely on Brigadiers head, covering the right eye. An obnoxiously large horn split apart (unicorn style), creating a large V-Fin that spanned at least 4 inches.

Ball Guy shouted as loud as his vocals would let him;




Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani could see the sensors dealing with the particals increasing and waited till just before the dishcharg to push to the side, bursting through the trees she was using as concealment and out of the beams way, taking aim and firing back at an arc just off center of the blast wave, hoping to avoid shooting through shields by doing so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Strike Freedom twisted to the right and away as the shot from Dani's Beam Rifle sailed by, though not with out grazing the left shoulder armor. 'Gonna need to react faster then that Freedom ...' Alexis thought as she decided to get crafty.

The Strike Freedom brought its right wings up so the 'bottom' of them was even with the ground, at the same time the right arm came up to add its Beam Rifle to the mix and as she 'back peddled' with the boosters fired off 3 quick shots from the Beam Rifle and DRAGOON Bits on the right at the source of the shot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Trying to be quick and anticipate the return shots, the girl stumbled over herself, causing the gundam to trip and turn, making her should plate take a shot, scorching it bad, but not getting through it completely. she grunted, pushing herself up and holding the gun in one hand before standing back up, taking out the yari spear and weilding it in the other. Using the spear to well... spearhead the attack, she used the boosters on full and charged the enemy gundam, making great time doing so, dumping laser shots in the direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis blocked a few of the in coming Beam Rifle shots with her energy shield, but being a straight build the shield couldn't take as much as she'd liked, with one shot actually destroying the shield generator on the left arm, which ended up taking the arm off up to the elbow. So once again she turned to making up for performance with guile.

While Dani charged at her, Alexis flew backwards, keeping her shield up and taking pot shots at Dani's Musha with the Head Vulcans and Rail Guns, mostly body shots but more then a few aimed at the Beam Rifle it self, while some of the unprotected bits of the Strike Freedom took damage, like the legs and shoulder armor. Alexis let this go on for about 20 seconds before jettisoning all 8 of her DRAGOON Bits. The Bits righted them selves almost instantly and all 8, plus both Rail Guns and the torso mounted Beam Cannon fired at once.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sensing the large paritcal burst coming, she reverse thrusted her rockets, the gun being hit by the vulcans, causing her to throw it forwards and explode. digging into the ground, she thrusted the yari forwards and into the main torso cannon's beam, splitting it around the outside of her own gunpla and using it as an energy shield to block the other beams as well. Her right pauldron damaged, one of the railgun shots hit her left one and blew it off completely. After the attack subsided, she threw the yari to the side as it was melting from the energy it had to deal with.

Making the thrust output to the max, she boosted forwards to the freedom, getting up in its grill with evasive maneuvering before attempting a one strike KO with the drawing slash of the musha gundam's Nichirinmaru sword.
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