There are gods that watch us day to day. They grant our wishes when we pray to them but there are millions of gods that aren't prayed to. They live in fear of being forgotten. They're the ones that do the jobs that other gods don't want to do. They do odd jobs just so people remember them. They are born from wishes and most are forgotten but there's always more to replace them. That's what they deal with and that's how things are. This is the story of four of those gods.
Welcome to the Noragami: Four Gods of Trouble (Reboot)!! I am booksmusicanime or as most people know me as Books. I started this roleplay two months ago but sadly it died when people stopped responding but I decided to revive it! I do recommend having some basic knowledge of Noragami so you can kinda understand. If you have any questions about anything just ask me. Anyways here's the rules!
1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPs.
2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal
3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice.
4. Please once you have finished your CS wait for me to accept it! I don't want people who I haven't accepted to post!
5. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that.
6. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome.
7. You cannot be a character from the manga/anime! No ifs ands or buts.
8. ONE CHARACTER ONLY!!! Unless you've been asked to play a bad guy for the plot.
9. Put Yato in the Other section of your forum if you read the rules. People wanting to be Shinki/Regalias and gods put weapon in other if you read the Shinki page on the Noragami wikia. Reading the wikia page is recommended if you don't have any prior knowledge of Noragami.
10. There are only limited spots! No ifs and or buts, unless I trust that you won't disappear halfway through the RP.
11. NO CHARACTERS THAT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL! Just no. I'm not letting that destroy my roleplay again.
12. My word is law! If I say something goes then it goes. No arguing unless you make a valid reason.
13. Do not post before I make the first post. If you do I will tell you remove your post until I make the first post.
14. If you have some knowledge of Noragami that would be AWESOME! If not please watch the anime or read the manga to get a general idea. Both are really good and I kinda want everyone to have some basic knowledge of Noragami so you know what you're getting into.
15. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time.
Now there's three forms and I have some stuff to say before putting up the forms.
To the Shinki/Regalia's: Okay so your form is going to be fairly confusing. When putting your name put something simple (example: Yuki, Tao, etc) and then wait because I have to assign you to your god and YOU MUST be a weapon but you can be any weapon. NO SHIELDS. Once you have a god there will be a few letters added to the end of your name (example: ne, chi, etc). For your weapon name put something simple then the end of it will be added with the two letters ki (examples: Sekki, Hanki, Hiki, etc).
To the Gods: You're form aren't terribly confusing but kinda meh. You kinda fill in spots of the Shinki's form. You need your shinki family name which is explained in the wikia if you read it (you should've cause you need to) you can choose two letters to add to the end, that must make sense (examples: ma, ne, chi, etc). That's really all you need and you also need to say what you are a god of and we are in 2015 so it can be anything from our century. Skills do include super jump and hovering (it does happen).
To the Half-Phantoms: You're basically fine except that you need to tell what your soul cord is. For example a cat's tail could be what tethers you to your human body and tell what you can do better in that form like fighting. Double jump is already a ability you have.
Now for our forms!
Welcome to the Noragami: Four Gods of Trouble (Reboot)!! I am booksmusicanime or as most people know me as Books. I started this roleplay two months ago but sadly it died when people stopped responding but I decided to revive it! I do recommend having some basic knowledge of Noragami so you can kinda understand. If you have any questions about anything just ask me. Anyways here's the rules!
1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPs.
2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal
3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice.
4. Please once you have finished your CS wait for me to accept it! I don't want people who I haven't accepted to post!
5. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that.
6. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome.
7. You cannot be a character from the manga/anime! No ifs ands or buts.
8. ONE CHARACTER ONLY!!! Unless you've been asked to play a bad guy for the plot.
9. Put Yato in the Other section of your forum if you read the rules. People wanting to be Shinki/Regalias and gods put weapon in other if you read the Shinki page on the Noragami wikia. Reading the wikia page is recommended if you don't have any prior knowledge of Noragami.
10. There are only limited spots! No ifs and or buts, unless I trust that you won't disappear halfway through the RP.
11. NO CHARACTERS THAT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL! Just no. I'm not letting that destroy my roleplay again.
12. My word is law! If I say something goes then it goes. No arguing unless you make a valid reason.
13. Do not post before I make the first post. If you do I will tell you remove your post until I make the first post.
14. If you have some knowledge of Noragami that would be AWESOME! If not please watch the anime or read the manga to get a general idea. Both are really good and I kinda want everyone to have some basic knowledge of Noragami so you know what you're getting into.
15. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time.
Now there's three forms and I have some stuff to say before putting up the forms.
To the Shinki/Regalia's: Okay so your form is going to be fairly confusing. When putting your name put something simple (example: Yuki, Tao, etc) and then wait because I have to assign you to your god and YOU MUST be a weapon but you can be any weapon. NO SHIELDS. Once you have a god there will be a few letters added to the end of your name (example: ne, chi, etc). For your weapon name put something simple then the end of it will be added with the two letters ki (examples: Sekki, Hanki, Hiki, etc).
To the Gods: You're form aren't terribly confusing but kinda meh. You kinda fill in spots of the Shinki's form. You need your shinki family name which is explained in the wikia if you read it (you should've cause you need to) you can choose two letters to add to the end, that must make sense (examples: ma, ne, chi, etc). That's really all you need and you also need to say what you are a god of and we are in 2015 so it can be anything from our century. Skills do include super jump and hovering (it does happen).
To the Half-Phantoms: You're basically fine except that you need to tell what your soul cord is. For example a cat's tail could be what tethers you to your human body and tell what you can do better in that form like fighting. Double jump is already a ability you have.
Now for our forms!
4/4 Gods
4/4 Shinki
1/2 Half-Phantoms
Accepted Characters (God and Shinki same number. Gods are first number, Shinki's are second. 5 and 6 are the half-phantoms)
1. booksmusicanime - Senshi (Yuko)
1. Raining - Itoeku (Etsuki)
2. Kitty - Kurami (Ami)
2. Rin Okumura - Hisao (Ikki)
3. TheTwistedOne - Yuichi
3. SpazzyKat - Kyoko (Kyoki)
4.Asuu - Izanagi (Nagi)
4. Song Book - Aki (Miki)
5. Axilmeus Steel - Asa Yoru
6. ???
Reserved Characters
Now I leave you all with this one joyful bit of information and funny photo.
4/4 Shinki
1/2 Half-Phantoms
Accepted Characters (God and Shinki same number. Gods are first number, Shinki's are second. 5 and 6 are the half-phantoms)
1. booksmusicanime - Senshi (Yuko)
1. Raining - Itoeku (Etsuki)
2. Kitty - Kurami (Ami)
2. Rin Okumura - Hisao (Ikki)
3. TheTwistedOne - Yuichi
3. SpazzyKat - Kyoko (Kyoki)
4.Asuu - Izanagi (Nagi)
4. Song Book - Aki (Miki)
5. Axilmeus Steel - Asa Yoru
6. ???
Reserved Characters
Now I leave you all with this one joyful bit of information and funny photo.