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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Freedom shot up and over the Musha's charge, and ended up, upside down in the air above the Musha, and opportunity Alexis was not going to waste, as she fired both Rail Guns and the Torso Cannon again, and following that, was a firing of 4 DRAGOON Bits aimed slightly to the sides of the Musha with the other 4 aimed squarely at its back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Seeing that she was done for, out manuvered and out played by alexis, she decided to mitigate the damage as much as possible before surrendering. With a quick application of her thrusters, the beams and guns tore through her legs, leaving them useless. After the musha gundam landed, she sighed and looked at it, hitting the submit button. The awkwardness didn't miss her as she stared at the essentially paralyzed gundam. However, she looked up and smiled at Alexis. "Good match." the girl happily complimented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis smiled a bit as The Musha fell to the forest floor and righted the Freedom before calling the DRAGOON Bits back and setting it down, only to have its right knee buckle and drop the Gundam to its knees from the damage it took earlier.

"Good match." Dani said with a smile, though she sense something else behind it, course when she saw the damage to the Musha she got it. "Yeah, It was." She replied looking at her own tore up Gunpla "I'm honestly kinda surprised I won." Alexis said "Guess you can't totally write off a straight build can you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Even a straight build built with the utmost love and care can perhaps outperform a professional build." the girl said softly and manipulated her gp base with a finger, the palavsky particles reacting with and bringing all of her parts to her on the arena, one of the modifications she had made for sure. "i would love to see you fight block at her final form. i know it shall be a fun fight and i can really let go." Dani commented, cradeling her injured gunpla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Students all around were chattering as their attention was turned to the center Battle System. One comments: "Is he really going to be fighting against an expert of the labs?" Another comments: "I give him 3 minutes before he's shot down." One other says: "After seeing him faint at lunch, I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly tripped after launching."

Alex is facing his opponent, Mitchel Grand, on the other side of the battle system they were at. Despite Grands tall stature and intimidating features, Alex was not at all afraid, but focused.


Both fighters set their GP bases on, info appears up on both bases.


With that, particles start to fill the field...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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The Fields particles finally formed up after a big flash as the system had chosen: "FIELD 8, SKY."

Before the particles had surrounded both fighters to form their cockpits, Alex notices Alexis and gives her a thumbs up before the particles came up around him.

The system now tells the players to: "PLEASE SET YOUR GUNPLA."

Grand had a glint in his eyes: "Let's see how you handle my latest work... my Byarlant Kai!" Setting his Gunpla down, the model was a RX-160 Byarlant with parts that were trimmed down to make it slightly more slimmer than the standard Byarlant, and this unit also had an addition of twin Gattling cannons on its back, moved to the sides of the boosters. The Byarlant's head tilts up as its mono eye lights up.

Alex takes a look at his model and says to himself: "Showtime partner." He sets down his Gunpla. What appears to be an AGE-1 Normal, only the V-fin was colored yellow instead of white, there was blue on part of the shoulders and the sides of the legs and on the wrists of the unit. It also had yellow on the elbow guard and was equipped with a DODS Rifle and a Anti-Beam Shield. It also sported a flight pack that was not standard with the AGE-1 Normal. The suits head tilts up as both its eyes and the AGE system on the unit light up.

Instructor Satsuki thinks to himself as he examines the suit: "Hm... an AGE-1 Gundam, though i felt like I've seen this one before... could he possibly be?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Block? that the name of the Guntank you keep mentioning?" Alexis asked as she collected her damage Gunpla. She sighed one she had it in hand though. "I've had my Exia blow to hell, and generally destroyed more then once, but this one? This one I feel bad about getting damaged, and I've got way more time and effort into my Exia." Alexis mused as the right leg of the Freedom just swung freely due to damage, to say nothing of the missing left forearm. "Shudder to think what I could do with this if I gave it the same treatment."

She'd noticed the commotion around the center battled system, and turned to Dani "Wanna watch? or do you wanna get to fixing your Musha?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani rolled on over to the railing, folding out a smaller tray that she used to begin working on the musha gundam. "I prefer to do both." she commented, staring to repair her gunpla the best she could while observing the conflict unfolding before her. "And yes, Block is my guntank, he's so far undefeated, but that doesn't make me cocky, that just means i keep on updating him." the girl added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Do you see now, Vince?" Ball Guy began preaching. "This is what Gunpla is about. Expression, creativity, and moxie."

DAI-BALL-OH! stood in front of an exploding star, silhouetted as a black shape with nothing but a bright green eye visible.

"SCREW YOU YOU TWO BIT NERD!" Vince roared as he rushed towards Ball Guy, beam saber in hand. DAI-BALL-OH! quickly dodged under the Victory Gundam, unsheathing a bright blue beam saber and cutting the suit apart from the waist down. "Impatience is a quick folly to defeat." Ball Guy spoke, angering Vince even further. DAI-BALL-OH! shot upwards above the black Victory, alternating fire between his twin beam rifles on his arm to create a fierce barrage of cover fire.

"Never rush a suit with unknown capabilities, lest you find yourself..."

DAI-BALL-OH! unleashed a torrent of micro-missiles from the pods on its legs, hitting the mark and busting an arm off of the crippled Victory.


Ball Guy maneuvered to gracefully face the black Victory Gundam.

"I look forward to fighting you again once you've wisened up."

DAI-BALL-OH! locked its elbows against its waist and the cockpit of Brigadier Ball began to brightly glow.


DAI-BALL-OH! unleashed a hellish green beam that spiraled and twisted into the Victory Gundam. Vince sat agape, unaware of the atrocity that was about to occur.

Vince began laughing. "Really? I mean...really? Is that it? All that build up for no-" He was cutoff as his Victory began to violently shake and contort before imploding like a black hole.


Rou could feel the shock and awe of the other attendees. He snapped and pointed at the furious Vince. "Remember what I taught you, and become even greater! Breach your limits!" With that, Ball Guy packed up his five balls and quickly rushed back to his room.


Rou threw off his suit and stowed it away before scattering his HG Brave around to make it seem like he had been working on it. That was great! It was the most invigorating battle he had had yet! DAI-BALL-OH! performed just as planned, and its greatness would be ever evolving. Rou flopped onto his bed and signed. This summer would be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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The system pauses for a bit before announcing: “BATTLE START!”

Grand launches first: “Mitchel Grand. Byarlant Kai. Taking off!” The catapult sends the Byarlant rocketing towards the exit and out into the sky field.

Alex was next: “Alex Taylor. Star AGE Gundam. LAUNCHING!” The Catapult sends Alex Gunpla out next, and out into the clear blue sky. A cloud layer is below them, likely showing the bottom part of the field. A few clouds surround the area, but not big enough to hide into one. As Alex’s Gunpla was out, the flight pack on its back opens up and the wings sweep forward and the unit rockets forward.

It only takes a few minute before both Gunpla are close in range. Grand decides to make another one of his snarky comments: “If that’s the best you could come up with, you wouldn’t last a week here.”

Alex comments back: “Looks aren’t everything. Let’s show you!”

The Gundam raises up its DODS rifle and fires off a few rounds at the Byarlant Kai, who easily avoids the shots then counters with its Mega Particle canons in the forearms. The Star AGE Gundam rises in altitude, making him vulnerable for the chain guns. Alex places his shield in front to protect his unit from the shots and tries to take a few putt shots at the Byarlant.

Grand: “You can’t hide behind that shield forever!”

Alex decides to do something unexpected. He tosses his own shield, his only protection, at the Byarlant. Grand expects to easily dodge the shield by climbing… but suddenly Alex fires a DODS round that ricochets off the shield and blasts the right chain gun off the Byarlant.

Grand was shocked: “What the?!”

Alex comments: “A little trick that was used also by Shinn in Gundam SEED Destiny! Though I kinda did lose my shield.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"i learned more from my losses then my wins" Alexis said as she watched the battle between the AGE-1 and Byarlant get under way, though it was to early to tell who had the advantage just yet. She did how ever, after having a little look around, wonder what the people there had thought of her and Dani's dual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Grand was not a happy camper that his unit was damaged by what he believes to be an amature: “You’ll pay for that!” He opens up with both cannons and the last chain gun. His wide range of fire wasn’t easy for Alex to keep dodging and worse was that a few rounds of chain gun fire tear into Alex’s DODS rifle, making it useless now as a weapon.

Grand boasts: “Ha, see what happens when you test the patients of a pro? The rest of these students better learn from this if they want to become better.”

Alex speaks out: “Listen Grand, I don’t care what you say about me, but I will NOT let you insult anyone else in this room! I can feel it for sure, each one of them is unique and special in their own way. And I’m sure each of them would have done amazing in a battle against a strong fighter like you!”

Grand: “Confident for someone who’s about to lose!”

Alex comments back: “Because I know this battle isn’t over yet! Not till the last move is made! Time to show the true power both I and my Gunpla have!” Alex works on the controls and slides over the options to SP Weapon.

Grand takes aim and shouts: “FALL!” He fires both Mega Particle Cannons at the AGE which is not moving… suddenly a huge explosion engulfs the unit as the particle cannons seem to take a hit.

Grand: “It’s over newbie…” Just as he says that, his unit alerts him to a danger: “What?!”

Alex shouts at the top of his lungs: “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

(This starts playing, hope the link works. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/316/a/2/gundam_build_fighters_try_cerulean_full_by_piolet231-d867n2y.mp3

As the fire around his unit dissipates, there is a bright grow around the AGE, like an Aura with many sparkles that are like Stars. The unit’s eyes and AGE system were glowing bright. Its DODS rifle was gone, used as a final shield against the Cannon shots.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou put the finishing touches on his basic Brave. It was sturdy and well built, but far beyond being completed. He unpacked a Master Grade sized box of spare and scrap parts and began digging through it, placing any thing of interest aside.

He grabbed his model putty and began to sculp some excess runner pieces to the Brave's head, extending the "ears" by another inch. He snapped the Drake Howling Rifle into two pieces and attached small pieces to the underside, as well as small binders that connected to the back of the Brave.

"I wonder how Alex is doing in his battle." Rou thought to himself. He set aside his project and walked back to the battle room to try and find Alex. On his way he passed a very disgruntled Vince, who stormed by with out a word. Rou couldn't help by smile. He arrived in the battle room to find Alex's battle nearing an end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex doesn’t waist a second and charges towards the Byarlant Kai. Grand opens up again with all his projectile weapons, but the AGE is moving at a much higher rate of speed and agility, easily dodging all the shots.

Satsuki thinks to himself: “That light! Those moves! Now I’m sure about it… this is the Unit! The champion of the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament.”

As Alex was fast approaching, Grand switches his weapon from his Cannons to his Beam Saber. Before impact, Alex flips upside down, detaches the flight pack, flips back over and jumps in the air off it while the pack continued to charge towards the Byarlant Kai. Grand slashes the pack and destroys it, but that then leaves him wide open above, which Alex exploits, charging down with a drawn Beam Saber. Unlike the AGE’s standard pink like color it usually had, the blade turns into a sky blue color, same as the AGE systems lights. He slashes down, but the Byarlant counters it. Sparks fly off both units sabers.

Grand was dumbstruck by this and a little afraid as he ask: “What the heck are you?! Some sort of monster?!”

Alex answers his question with: “Who I am is Alex Taylor, even if I’m a Gunpla Fighter or a champion, above and beyond that, I am still Alex. That’s how I want to be remembered!” The same kind of thing that his favorite female Gundam character, Lacus Clyne said.

Just then, the Star AGE Gundam’s beam saber starts to slowly cut through the Byarlant Kai’s beam saber. Alex draws out his 2nd saber and slashes down, breaking through his opponents saber, and with that, gives two quick slashes through the Byarlant Kai.

Grand was totally white in shock as he cries out: “NOOO! NOT MY BYARLANT KAI!!”

A split second after his cry, his unit splits into four pieces and explodes.

The system announces: “BATTLE ENDED!”

The Star AGE Gundam hovers victorious before the particles disappear and the Gunpla falls onto the surfaces of the battle system.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex strikes a victory pose for his victory: "And that's how it's done!"

Grand had his face on the system crying a river: "I worked so hard on that model!"

Alex calls out to him from across the system: "I could tell. It was really well made and made for a great opponent. I had a lot of fun today Grand. Let's have another battle sometime soon."

Grand rises up after grabing his Byarlant Kai's parts: "I promise next time I'll make a better model and defeat you!" After that he storms out.

Alex: "Geez, I said it was a great fight. He didn't have to run out like that." Alex then crouches down to his model's height looking at it and says: "Well partner, we did it again. Nice work out there."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou ran up and clapped Alex on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. "Nice job man. You've got a lot of skill for someone your age." He said while watching a grown man cry and run away. Rou winked. "But you know, once I'm done fixing up my Brave it won't be so easy."

Rou looked around the room as people began finishing their duels. The academy was chock full of strong people, all wanting to show what they were made of. DAI-BALL-OH! was going to change the face of Gunpla this summer, Rou knew it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex turns to Rou: "Thanks Rou. I've had some experience."

Satsuki walks up to the duo to talk to Alex: "Very impressive experience. Fitting for the 12th Gunpla Battle Tournament champion."

Alex twitches a bit when he revealed his secret and thought: "Oh boy..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, that was anti-climatic" Alexis said to Dani, not really having moved from the Battle System they fought at to watch Alex's fight. "I was hoping for a better show of actual skill, not 'pop burst mode and over power the opponent'." She shrugged "Oh well, that staff member had it coming, I could tell from here he wasn't treating his opponent as a potential equal." Alexis turned and started down the steps.

"I'm going to go fix up the Strike Freedom, and look over my Exia a bit, make sure both are ready for the next sorte." she said as she headed for the workshop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Champ or not, you still have another thing coming." Rou chortled. "Dont let it all go to your head now, one cocky opponent doesn't mean you've won the academy over."

He turned and headed back to the room, already mulling over designs for his Brave and future Ball modules.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Before Rou leaves, Alex calls out to him: "Now wait Rou! I don't care if I had won or lost to him. I didn't come here to just show off. I don't think I am better than anyone or say that I am better than everyone. I don't want special treatment just because I won the tournament." Alex pauses for a bit before continuing: "After my time in the tournament I learned that there's still so much more to Gunpla that i needed to learn. It became obvious after each close fight. That's why I'm here at Neilsen Labs, to learn to become a better Gundam Build Fighter, no matter how hard it'll be."
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