Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightFox
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NightFox Charmer of Twilight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Japan engineered an armed powered exoskeleton "Infinite Stratos" and it became the mainstream of weapons. Seen as a potential threat they were banned from military use and are only allowed for anti-terrorism and sports, both organised jointly by governments and the IS Academy. Since only women can operate IS, women dominate the society over men. However over recent years a few males have been found which can pilot the IS. Seeing reason for higher data collection and why only some males are able to pilot the IS. Governments world wide put resources into research and funding the IS school in Japan.

Azure woke up and looked around he wasn't at his house. Going back over his memories, he remembered he managed to sync with an IS and was transferred to Japan. Sighing, he got up. Quickly getting washed and dressed, he headed out to get to the Academy. Humming to himself, Azure was looking forward to his day. He was confident on his theory, being lectured in it by his father before leaving. That only left his practical skills under question. He had passed but with roughly the same marks as everyone else in the entrance exam, so he didn't know what level he stood at. Sighing once more, Azure entered the school.

After the Entrance Ceremony, Azure found his class, Class 1-1. Upon looking in he didn't see any familiar faces and more worrying none of the male students he saw earlier. He knew there could be various reasons for this as recently the Academy started engineering classes for anyone who wanted to take them, it was that or he was the only male who scored a high enough score in both his theory and practical exam.

All Azure could feel was eyes one him. Male IS pilots weren't as rare as before but still, seeing one before your eyes could be shocking. Sighing again, Azure sat down and began looking back over his IS's capabilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

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Class 1-1, the likely site of all her troubles for the next year. Emma didn't delude herself into thinking this would be easy because she was Canada's top pilot, she knew the best of every other major nation would be here as well. She didn't even dare consider that she'd be the best in the class, because that was being cocky, and her dad always said being cocky got you killed. Not that she expected to die of course, this was school, but being cocky could make her lose. Emma hated losing in the IS, not because she'd been beaten outright, but because she loved flying so much that it just sucked to lose.

Startled from her reverie by the sounds of awe from her surrounding classmates, she looked up in surprise to see a male walking in. A man was here, in her class? How lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view, that one of the world's limited supply of male IS pilots was in her class. For now, she tacked on a mental note to talk to him later, maybe try to befriend him. He was rather handsome, after all, for a foreigner. She shook this thought, and the resultant blush, from her head and focused on surveying the classroom.

The Entrance Ceremony, for all its ceremony, was nothing compared to the reality of being in this school. Especially jarring, however, was that she was not just here as a student, but representing the nation of Canada. The stress would get to her, eventually, no doubt, as she wasn't really prepared for the realities of this. Her every action was a reflection on her homeland, and the wrong move could spark all forms of hassles. She'd definitely have to be on guard, and be extra careful what she said to who. For now though, she just shrugged and said to herself "I hope this is a good year."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Lea looked at the school that would be her home for the next few years while she became an ace pilot. Her dream was finally coming true she would return to Europe a top pilot who would make her country proud and even more so her father. She was not the biggest fan of the school uniforms and would rather be in a some jeans and a tank top rather than the dress she was having to wear instead, the only thing that had been her choice was the red and white cross necklace that hung around her neck which also doubled as her IS stand-by mode.

As she approached Class 1-1, she took a deep breath at the door to the classroom as she did not know what to expect from her other students or even the teacher. After Lea mentally prepared herself, she opened the door and walked in to see that the room was already almost full and that there was even a male in the classroom which shocked her as she had only heard rumors of male pilots in Switzerland. She tried to remain quiet and out of the way as she made her way to the back of the class and picked out an empty desk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightFox
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NightFox Charmer of Twilight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After the class had filled up, Azure looked around once more. He was right to worry, he was the only male pilot in this class. Sighing at the problems which could emerge from this, Azure looked back at his data. After checking over it a couple of times, he closed the manual. After doing this he heard the door open once again. A woman, in her mid-twenties walked in. She seemed to give off a light and fun, yet oppressive air. Assuming this was his homeroom teacher, Azure started thinking how he should introduce himself. He was here because he decided to see if he was compatible on a whim, rather than deciding he really wanted to. Deciding just to go with what he was thinking when he had to, Azure relaxed. He wouldn't have to worry to much until he had to.

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher, Shiori Mimayamto and I am here to teach you how to pilot an IS. The first year will be one of the hardest and for 6 months those of you without personal IS's will mainly be doing theory. Those of you with personal units will be doing the same but allowed time off to train. Also those with personal units are required to help out during practical lessons. That's enough about that on to the introductions. We will start off with the unique class member here."

Knowing she was talking about him, and assuming everyone else thought so, Azure got up. "I'm Azure Yamaguchi, I am half-Japanese and am the first male representative candidate for England. That's all really you need to now really." Sitting back down, Azure sighed. He wasn't one for just standing and talking, he needed to do something while that happens.

As his classmates introduced themselves he couldn't help but wonder who would talk to him first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Lea tuned in when the teacher started speaking about the school and about those with personal IS like herself. She was not excited about the introductions as she was shy about talking in front of a whole class room of strangers from other countries. The boy in the class introduced himself as Azure Yamaguchi who was half-Japanese which she thought would make him feel at home more than most of the representatives from other countries. After him most of the other students introduced themselves and Lea realized that most of the class was Japanese with only a few representatives.

When it came to Lea's turn, she stood up at attention next to her desk and looked around at the classroom. "M-my name is Lea Sartre and I am the Representative Candidate from Switzerland. Please to meet you all and hope we can get along." She told the class with a smile and a slight bow before sitting back down at her desk and hoping she didn't draw to much attention to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightFox
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NightFox Charmer of Twilight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Azure looked around as the rest of the class was introduced. Most were comfortable enough but that was to be expected, most students here were use to this or didn't have the pressure of representing a country on their back. Pushing that aside, Azure realized that most of his classmates were relatively good-looking. He turned his attention to those getting introduced, to in particular caught his eye, the one who was currently introducing herself, Lea Sartre who said she was the representative candidate for Switzerland, and another girl, who had still to introduce herself. He assumed she was also a representative candidate, judging from her appearance. When it arrived at her she introduced herself as Emma Torel, who was the representative candidate from Canada.

After the introductions were done, the homeroom teacher, Shiori Mimayamto, began the class. "Today is only going to be a short theory lesson, due to the new engineering classes, we have to do IS training once every few weeks. Due to the way it's worked we have it every 3 weeks from today. Other than that just keep to your class schedule as well as possible. In this practical session I will be judging the overall performance of those with personal units, the one who I judge better will be made class representative, so I expect those with a personal unit to try and out do each other. That will be all, you should have received a letter with your dorm number so head there and unpack your belongings and then head to the court." Upon saying this she walked out leaving the class to itself.

After a minute or two of her departure, most of the students got up and headed towards Azure. He was expecting he would get some attention, but not as quickly as this. He had no really way of leaving due to being stationed near the center of the room. Sighing he resigned himself to the questions he would be asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Emma was incredibly nervous as she introduced herself as the Rep from Canada, but thankfully people seemed to think that was pretty cool. So, she at down and paid attention to the short lesson of the hoomeroom teacher. Truly though, it was hardly much of a lesson, given that all she really did was give them a briefing. However, she did mention that there'd be a contest in three weeks between those among the class who had personal IS units, and she grinned. The Gunner was a 3rd Generation model, aging to be sure, but they were a good pair. Granted, she was slated for upgrade soon by the Canadian government, but they assured her that it'd still be the Gunner, just improved. Until then, however, she could fly her 3rd generation like a master, and challenge anyone who thought that their new technology let them drive right over her. However, as the teacher left, she watched as everyone gathered around the male pilot, probably to swarm hi with questions and other such remarks, so she decided to help him.

She gently wormed her way to the center, and said "Umm, excuse me everyone. Can we please not bother Mister Azure? It's really mean to swarm over him all at once." That said, she turned to him and smiled, saying "A pleasure to meet you, Mister Azure. Please call me Emma or whatever you'd like to. Male pilots get their own IS units right? I look forward to facing you in the match, it should be a lot of fun!" That said, she then looked around and gently bit her lip, unsure of how to proceed, then said "Well, if you ever want to talk, I'm in room 11B, and I really want to know more about you. Not only are you a male IS pilot, but you look like you know this country better than I do, so I'm really curious!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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As class ended, Lea noticed that most of the students were gathering around the male student asking him a bunch of questions. She had a few questions of her own she wanted to ask him but did not want to fight with all the others to ask those questions. She was determined to beat the others with personal IS units during the small competition that she did not want to get distracted from that goal and left the classroom without talking to the other students on the way to her room.

After the competition was over the Switz would be nice with the other students but until then she had to make her father proud and show what Switzerland had to offer. Once at room 10A, she found that her other roommate had not shown up yet but the luggage was there allowing her to unpack in peace before leaving and heading toward the court where they were supposed to meet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightFox
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NightFox Charmer of Twilight

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Azure looked around as his classmates swarmed him. He was getting basic questions about his background and such and didn't really care about answering them. Just before he cold start thinking of replies, the girl who introduced herself as Emma Torel approached him and asked the others to back off a bit. "A pleasure to meet you, Mister Azure. Please call me Emma or whatever you'd like to. Male pilots get their own IS units right? I look forward to facing you in the match, it should be a lot of fun!" Looking at her, she seemed nice enough it was what she said next which caught Azure off guard, "Well, if you ever want to talk, I'm in room 11B, and I really want to know more about you. Not only are you a male IS pilot, but you look like you know this country better than I do, so I'm really curious!" Bringing out his note with his room number to make sure he wasn't mistaking anything he saw he wasn't, he to was to live in room 11B. Panicking inside at the thought of sharing a room with a girl for an entire year wasn't something he had thought would happen.

"Looks like we will be seeing a lot of each other then, I'm call me by my name preferably but I don't really care, though drop the mister. It makes me sound old." Bringing his thoughts back to the small test for deciding the class representative, Azure wondered how well he could do. He didn't know the specs of the other IS units or the skill of their pilots, so all he could rely on was his own unit. Deciding to get out of the atmosphere created by his classmates, Azure got up and headed towards his dorm.

After unpacking the few belongings he had with him, Azure headed towards the court to see what the country representatives would need to do for the position of class representative.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

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Azure seemed to be rooming in the same room as her, which did cause Emma some..distress, to say the least. She hadn't expected to be rooming with a boy, let alone another representative contender. To her credit, she smiled and said "Very well, Azure. Then, as I said, please call me Emma. I'm sure you'll make for a fine room-mate." With that, she turned and left, heading for the room that she and Azure were to share from now on. However, it seemed that he'd embarked not too long after, so she'd have to unpack along with him. She approached the bed nearest the window the moment she walked into the room and began to unpack her bags next to it. She had always liked looking out of the window before going to sleep at night, or at least she had at home, so she wanted to try for that here as well. With that done, however, she debated whether or not to actually go to the court. She didn't really want to be a class rep, but it wasn't like she had much of a choice but to compete, right? She'd do her best, just like she always did, and with a happy smile she turned and headed to the court, humming under her breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Lea had taken a detour on her way to the court when she went to locker room so that she could change into her pilot suit before the matches. When she finally arrived at the courtyard she was finally out of the school dress and wearing a dark red jump suit with a vertical line down the middle and a horizontal line intersecting that line across her stomach. When she reached the courtyard she was still the first one to arrive and decided that she would rest a little bit under a tree before the rest of the students showed up.
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