Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DesertFox
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mostly a W.I.P, but the story is done. Anyone interested?

The Daylight War

By DesertFox

A Darkness Broken, A Darkness Renewed

For a million years, Vampires ruled both the night - and the world. They were masters of all they looked upon, and their hunger was sated by the blood of lesser races. Creatures that were too stupid to amuse them in the hunt, or too clever to be harmless, were struck from the histories at a whim. Creatures that were too slow to populate, or too confined in their habitats, were also wiped from the face of the planet. Only the entertaining, adventurous and plentiful were allowed to live.

Humans were such a species.

But humanity was resilient, unpredictable and had a knack for surviving whatever was thrown at it. The humans eventually rose up against their Vampiric overseers, and using daylight and fire, were able to drive the nightmarish horrors from the surface world.

And for a million years, humanity reigned. He evolved, grew smarter, stronger. He covered the planet from North to South, from East to West. Every plain, every jungle, desert, forest, swamp, mountain and ocean knew his face. Empires rose and fell with every thousand years, and though he was master of all, he warred with himself endlessly over pride, vanity, greed and power.

His former masters watched and waited from the darkness, content that they be confined to myth and legend. The Vampires knew that another war with humanity would end much the same way, especially now that he was stronger than ever. The sun - daylight - was a decisive edge he held over them, and they cursed their foolishness for allowing him to grow as strong as they did. If they wanted to correct their error, and regain their right as rulers of the world, then they needed to negate the sun.

Over the span of centuries, the Vampires set their plans in motion. By kidnapping human women, handfuls at a time, and impregnating them with their offspring, they were able to sire the Day Walkers. Day Walkers were Man and they were Vampire, an even split in most things, save for two significant qualities. Firstly, the sun did not harm them, and they could walk the earth as freely as Man. Secondly, in appearance they were Men, and there were very few ways of differentiating the two.

Day Walkers were not immortal, unlike their fathers, and lived only for thousands of years at a time. They were also highly unstable, and the older they got, the nearer they verged to insanity. Though they possessed inhuman strength and speed, they were much weaker than their full-bloodied kin, and whilst their fathers only need feed once in a decade, they needed to feed once every ten day period. Still, their loyalty and dedication to their fathers was beyond doubt, and over their long lives, they furthered the causes of which they were assigned.

And when Man's twilight era came upon him, he knew it not.

Having infiltrated the very top of the human governments and militaries, the Day Walkers used their power and influence to create a conflict that spanned the globe. Man unleashed his vast arsenal of doomsday weapons against himself, scorching both the earth and the sky. Nations that had stood for thousands of years were reduced to ashes in an instance; billions were killed in the nuclear fires, and radiation did the rest.

And then the Vampires came back out of the darkness, and sought to claim the world for themselves once more. This time, humanity was in no shape to contest them. The survivors of the Great Disaster fled to fortified enclaves, and established around themselves vast and impressive defences to guard against the onslaught.

Though Man was greatly diminished, much of his technology survived, and so he used his knowledge to imbue these defences with the sciences he had acquired over his time. Man became militarised, and he became violent - resilient despite the magnitude of the disaster arrayed against him. From within his fortified cities, he was safe, and each night the Vampires were repulsed again and again.

But their resistance has a time limit, and with each passing day, the challenges they face to survive are mounting. In the darkness of the many caves, caverns and strongholds, the Vampires are plotting the final phase of their conquest. The end of Man will not go with a bang, but a whimper.

Skyguard, a city of a million souls, rests on the East Coast of the former United States of America. It is the sole surviving bastion of humanity for a thousand miles in either direction, and it is also the key to final victory for both species. For within its high walls, past the machine guns, solar-beams and the barbed wire, the greatest mortal minds are vying to create an airborne virus that will destroy the Vampires. It is the only known threat to the Vampiric race in recent times, and with it gone, there will be no more hope for humanity.

With the existence of the Day Walkers still an unknown to the human defenders, they have unwittingly lost the security of the sun. They will no longer be able to sleep soundly in the afternoon, and rush to their defences in the night. For them, this will be the Daylight War.

Rp Summary

Simply put, this RP is all about the triumph or defeat of the Vampires. Players will either play as a Vampire, a Day Walker or a human. Vampires and Day Walkers will work in tandem (or not!) to destroy the city, through sabotage and all out assaults, whilst the humans will give all they have and more to buy enough time for the airborne virus to be created.

The Day Walkers are very human looking, think your typical hollywood depiction of a vampire. Actual vampires are well, monsters really, all teeth and claws. Humans are still bland. Technology before the Great Disaster was on par with the 21st century, but has now taken on a post-apocalyptic Fallout-y appearance.

The humans, despite the Great Disaster, do not know of the Day Walkers and have no suspicions. This would allow for the Day Walkers to sabotage things, physically or politically... unless they pity them, somehow? The Vampires can sneak out at night and murder everyone, or roam the city's dark areas. The humans can just keep shooting their guns until they run out of ammo.

This is a freeform, player driven and semi-sandbox experience. You know the setting, you know the overarching plot, but everything outside of that is entirely up to you.







Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sagittarius
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Sagittarius The Archer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interesting. I don't suppose you could provide a better idea as to what level technology is at?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DesertFox
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Interesting. I don't suppose you could provide a better idea as to what level technology is at?

I'll get to that in the Lore section, just wanted to see if the fishes were going to bite before I committed myself.

Basically, we're looking at present day technology, but with the obvious hindrances/drawbacks that a post-apocalyptic world would inflict. Fuel is rare, many weapons have been patched and repaired over their life span, everything is made out of recycled pre-disaster era. In essence, humanity has kept the know-how, but lacks the materials.

Unless we're talking about Skyguard's Inner Sanctum, (will get to this in the lore), where the rich and powerful live. It's a walled compound, consisting of perfect gardens, a few sky scrapers and immaculately maintained houses. In the Inner Sanctum, people go about their business much as they did before the bombs fell. There's plenty of fuel, electricity, everything is new(ish) and food is plentiful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DesertFox
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Races done. Now moving onto Lore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well I'm interested to say the least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yojimbo
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Yojimbo The Wolf's Fang

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I like this! I'll join if there's any room left!
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