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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

He chuckled, the sound gleeful and wonderfully maniacal as he felt the soft cartilage crunch and bend under his claws, snapping like dry twigs. Whilst he had time and time was plentiful when everything seemed to move in slow motion or rather when one was moving incredibly fast, he place his claws over Forte's shoulders and leaned down by his ear, "I don't need you to not fly, I need you to suffer." He laughed, dancing backwards as the winds around him began to pick up around him in a torrent. The white dragon's paper thin wings flapping in the harsh below of the wind. He raised his arm to shield his face from the debris it picked up, even dust becoming as biting as needles in the miniature tornado. His bandages fluttering, threatening to reveal the grisly wounds it hid. At this point, he honestly shouldn't care.

Unfortunately, Forte didn't even give him a chance to rip away the swath of bandages around his head, rushing him. A laugh ripped away from his throat as the hydra leaped towards him, time slowed. He admired the warrior's physique. Honestly, he had expected more from him. Once the greatest warrior of his time, a great general. A hero that had wanted more. Had becoming a hydra made him so soft? So weak? "Tis a shame." He muttered, he could stand for no such weakness in his army. As a test subject though...

"Hehe." He chuckled, staring up at the hydra. His sword raised, lazily almost at the hydra, "Your blood is undeserving of my blade." He mused and lunged forward, sword swung back as he came to meet the hydra in his lunge. Single golden eye fixed on the hydra as he came to meet him. Faster, stronger, it was as Forte predicted. A futile effort as the white dragon's claw closed around Forte's neck. His jaws stretching as he growled and pulled forward, teeth closing around the hydra's shoulder. He couldn't help but shake, laughter muffled against skin as he thought of it as an indirect kiss. He didn't know his sensitive his mouths were after all. If they could feel pain as he ripped away his shoulder, using his weight to pull them both down.

Slamming against the ground, he pinned him, careful of his other animated parts. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on Forte's cheek, growling against his ear, "Bow down to the king."
The door creaked open and the fire dragon dragged himself in. Back straight and stride confident though his shoulders were a little bit slumped and his head held down a little bit wearily. He slipped off the feathered headdress off his head, sighing in an exhaustion after having spent majority of the festival entertaining the masses. Oh it was a proud thing to represent his clan and show off what he could do, what he was capable of to protect them. He was tired though, muscles sore and joints aching. He couldn't help but think he was better off working his bones sore off after a few days training rather than keeping a smile on his face as he tried for acrobatics whilst keeping in time with the music. He had been so focused on not messing up, he had barely a gotten a good look at his audience. He hoped the elders had seen him along with the savior...

Even worn, the dragon was as alert as ever. The sudden battle cry had him whirling around, hands a flame and nearly throwing off the hydra. The voice stopped him now and his shoulders lumped, body immediately relaxing, "Our savior.." He answered, though the title was tinged with affection and informality. He had...a sort of affection towards the apparently centuries old savior had been an annoyance at first. Seeing the petite boy that was meant to be the strongest, wisest of them all, the savior, the god that fell to the earth. He had scoffed at such titles, the boy looked absolutely nothing like this fabled lord, he looked weak. Over the time he spent with him though, at first finding the boy rather clinging, he started to enjoy his companionship. Started to appreciate the quiet power he had, even more hidden than that of the silent wind dragon that kept to the library.

"Did you enjoy the performance?" He asked, expecting anything but a sudden rush of words spilling from the boy's lips. His brain taking a moment to register. The silence heavy on the both of them and Regnum could feel the boy start to sweat. Finally, the fire dragon slipped away from Edge's embrace and turned around, placing his hands firmly on both of Edge's shoulders, leaning down, his fiery eyes met nervous purple ones. His expression unreadable, he stared at the hydra for a good minute, searching for...something. Then suddenly he leaned forward, meeting Edge's lips in a less than chaste kiss. His tongue tracing the bottom of his lip as he seemed permission to enter. He kept their bodies apart, at least until he started to ask for more, rocking closer into Edge.

They came together like a bright spark, brilliant and explosive. No words exchanged as their bodies melded together, Regnum pushing Edge up against the wall, hands roaming over him, connected at the lips. The air heated around them, the sound of fabric sliding over skin. Outside the festival continued, loud and jubilant, contrasting to the sounds of heavy breathing and quiet kisses.
"Today is Feng Xiuang..." "Why don't we go to the festival mama?" The white dragon asked curiously as mother nuzzled his cheek, "Because the places we used to celebrate it doesn't exist anymore." "Why mama?" "We gave it to the humans, dear. For them to celebrate." She nuzzled her baby dragon's cheek, smiling to herself as he pressed a small hand to her snout and giggled.

"The dragons are really nice to the humans, mama, but does that mean we can't celebrate it anymore?" "Off course not." "That's good." He said yawning, "Go to sleep baby, it's late.."
"Near..." He muttered softly, coming from behind his friend. "I have something to tell you.." The green scales dragon whirled around before he could get out another word, interrupting his friend, "Relin! I have something to tell you too!" "Oh-yes?" "Remember the old myth on Feng Xiuang? The one where if you confess to your love-" "I-I know it." The white dragon fumbled with his hands, grasping onto nothing and probably looking like a fool. He stared up at his friend, golden eyes hopeful as the green dragon's grin widened, the seconds ticking by painfully, "I confessed to Echo! She said yet! We're going to be mates forever!" "....I-isn't it a little too early?.." "We said we would wait till we were older, but she said yes Relin! She said yes!" "....I'm...happy for you."

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" "Oh..I just wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to the waterfall later today..." "No thanks, Echo and I are going to the old rocks tonight to look for night butterflies! Then, we're gonna watch the stars!" "Alright..." "But I..have some time now, let's talk." The dragon patted the spot next to him, Relin crawled over. "At least we can see the sunset right?" Near grinned at his friend.

Maybe it's just a myth..maybe he'll come back. And even if he doesn't..." The dragon's gaze softened as he watched his friend ramble on excitedly, the setting rays of the sun lighting upon his frame, making his chestnut brown skin glow and his eyes sparkle even more, he could live with this. I hope things never change.
"Mama?..." "Relin run..." "But you're hurt!" "Urgh...Relin..." "I'm not going!" "Relin! Run!" He flinched, tears wetting his cheeks, "N-no..." "Relin! Run!" "Ow! Mama! That..." "Run!"

These aren't your memories, this isn't your life....you've always been king Relin. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise..."
"Pity...I expected that you would be much more useful." He kicked the motionless hydra, the roots breaking under his foot, along with a few ribs. He kicked him again, pulling out a metal stick from his pocket. Humans were really innovative...he pressed the end between his lips, inhaling the nicotine burning inside. It burned his mouth, making him cough and drop the stick, crushing it under his foot. Why did he try this? Shaking his head, he gazed up the tower, "Are all of you ready to come down now? Or shall I wait down here?" He asked, wings, whole at least from sight, gleaming white under his illusion flapped lazily.

"Father! Father is down there!" Sleipnir squealed hearing his Father's voice, whilst Leo held both twins tightly, "Father! Can you hear Sky?! It's father!" He pushed against Leo who shared looked with Blizzard and Sanare, there was no escape.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In the back of his mind, he had known the whole time that the white dragon would bring him to his doom. His mouths crunched on purposelessly , their owner already defeated. He had experienced far worse than this. He had fought kings and queens, assassins and gladiators. He never would have believed it would be technology that ultimately proved his end. Yet, here he was, famed general of the Sky Knights, and a candidate to be elder. Well, those were the old days. He didn't know how they decided their positions now. He was hoping they weren't being sissies about it.

Grinding his teeth angrily as the dragon bit into his shoulder, he felt his blood boil in rage. How dare he bite him! How dare he! Why should the white dragon be able to violate him in such a way? Would the other also refuse him an honorable- a hero's defeat? "You... sick... pretentious bastard... I'll never... bow... down to anyone... but my king..." He growled, mouths chattering on in a chorus of general sounds. In little time at all, he was out, anger fading from his features.
Edge blinked twice. Well? What was taking Regnum so long to find an answer? His imagination raced at the possibilities, no matter how unlikely. The fire dragon probably wasn't into the dragons with black scales. Or maybe his bubbly personality was a turnoff? Or he was already with someone. Being an elder candidate just added to his attractiveness. And he was hot, in more ways than one. Edge was ready to run and hide behind the mulberry tree and never, ever, come out. Well, now that he thought about it, tree bark was... kinda not yummy-licious.

But then he was met with an intense and loving heat which he completely embraced. Every part of the fire dragon was at a high temperature. It was like Regnum was a furnace, and let off a constant steam of heat. Edge, so-called savior of all dragon kind, melted in the kiss. He moaned as Regnum's tongue traced the line where his lips met, the sensation ticklish and lustful. The hydra opened his mouth slowly, mind fuzzy with sensory overload. He felt his back firmly push against the wall of the other male's home and as their tongues met, he drew his own back on instinct as not to burn.

As only slightly tan hands reached out to squeeze the other's arms and sides experimentally, Edge peeked and cracked one eye open, taking in what the fire dragon looked like in this position. But even with all the love and lust they were sharing, quietly and wantonly eating one another, he could feel himself drawing the demons out of Regnum. It was like a shot of concentrate morphine, making him feel drowsy, dizzy, and in bliss simultaneously. Closing his eyes, Edge let it happen, unaware of would lead to his ultimate downfall.
Sky didn't hear what his Father was saying, only that it was indeed the white dragon's voice. He wiggled in the elder hydra's grip, trying to escape the safety of Leo's arms to see his father. His eyes and mouth were still sealed, but he made little sounds in response to his brother. ""Mph! Mmph!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Poor unwitting dragons. They did not know their fate though perhaps December had already said enough. Separated the moment they were taken, they were taken to the last safe haven there was, a way far from the rotting earth, it's last hope gone. Strapped and shuffled down the blindingly white corridor, they would find their own wonderful rooms awaiting them. Each with their own custom adjustments as the white dragon saw fit; a wonderfully cold room for Regnum, misted to perfection, the opposite for Sanare, a metal entrapment for Sila, a room full of shattered glass for the vainest hydra, the cutest contraption of food sealed away to tempt the starving Blizzard, for Forte, a tiny cramped suffocating space, Anemoli, a sweet room of knowledge...and as for wonderful little December, well it didn't matter what he made her room to be for she would be the scientist's fondest experiment. She should be grateful, she would revered like the great oracle she had once been. The one everyone would turn to for all their answers, only this time he gave her the grace of having no escape.

As for the others, the king had other plans for them. He could not have his army without a few generals or perhaps, he would just rebuild Edge's wonderful little harem...
"So I guess we're together now, huh?" Regnum panted softly, eyes closed, Edge drawn up close against his body, pleasantly tingling and covered in a sheen of sweat. He chuckled, "You know I'm only supposed to have this room for a little while, They're probably wondering where I am out there..you wanna explain?" He muttered, pressing a kiss against Edge's neck. Staring down and rubbing his shoulder affectionately. Such wasted moments, the dragon had grown out of, matured after they had parted. Edge had not.
"What about Near?" "You must forget him, my child. The grass has thinned," A cough, "we must move onto...greener pastures.." "But I don't want to go." "We must." "I don't want to ever forget."

"We'll be friends forever?" "Till the day I die, Relin, we'll be friends forever." "Then don't die. Ever." "Heh, if you do the same, promise?" "Promise."

"Oh Relin, what a wonderful imagination you have, don't you know? You've always been king."
"Give me my children, won't you?" He shouted up rather condescendingly, Sleipnir as agitated as his brother, struggled in Leo's grasp. Unfortunately Leo could not keep hold of two struggling toddler sized young ones, desperate to see their father. Before he knew it, they had slipped right out of his grasp like soap when someone held on too hard. No need to say Leo was in frenzied panic as he dived back down, the dragons hot on his tail.

Sleipnir found himself in Leo's arms one minute and falling down long flights of stairs the next. Too surprised to wail, he flailed his arms, the air rushing past him. His tiny wings flapping uselessly as the ceiling got further and further away. He tried to reach out for his brother, but grasped only air. Too young perhaps to fully realize that height was proportional to how hard you hit the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut, expecting no more than a bad bruise. Luckily, he found himself held against a soft warmth. Skylark squished next to him, he opened his eyes an shouted gleefully, "Father!"

"My children." The dragon replied curtly, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. He glanced over at Skylark and gently pressed a claw against his mouth, carefully cutting away the sticky threads of sap, "My my, how do they treat you..." He muttered, glancing up as the others finally reached the bottom. Leo relieved, but anxious as he watched the dragon handle the twins. He didn't care if he was their father or their brother or their goddamn fiancée! He didn't trust him, stepping forward, wings glared as he bared his teeth, growling at the dragon, who answered with a smile. "Now, now, don't upset the children, we wouldn't want them...hurt by your acts of hostility. I honestly think, it would be easier on them, if you just came quietly, don't you think?" He ran a hand through Skylark's hair, ruffling it, "Definetely, I wouldn't want anything to befall them..." He pressed a kiss against Sleipnir soft cheek, completely healed after their last meeting. Wonderful that he had inherited his Daddy's immune system. More to study...more to keep from usurping his throne.

Leo turned and shared a look with the others, their own telling too much of their own hopelessness, of what they couldn't do. The dragon smirked, he didn't need their permission, only their hesitation. They went down like flies in the cold when the first arrow stroked them, whizzing past the dragon. His eyes glowed as he turned, "Bring them back, come now, let us go home."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edge quivered, both from their activities and the invading neurotic sensation coursing through his existence. He smiled only a bit. This was, after all, festival land and not the center of their city where the important people loved, anyways. Of course Regnum wouldn't stay here very long. Nodding thoughtfully, Edge smiled. "Yeah, leave all of it to me! I'll know what to do." Violet eyes traced over Regnum's pointed ears and his wings fluttered excitedly and he licked his lips.

He reached over, breath kissing the fire dragon's neck before he pinched Regnum's ear between two fingers playfully. "You're so adorable..." He giggled before getting up independently and opening the door, slipping out into the festival with a light, warm heart. Everything seemed perfect. He and Regnum could get married and have kids, and they'd live happy forever! They could have, but of was never meant to be.

Edge was oblivious of the gazes he got, humming and frolicking through the crowds.
"In a territory once called Peru, many ruins can be found, in addition to rather advanced remains of what appear to be torches, though how these primitive people lit them is currently unknown. Our ancestors had discovered elaborate headdresses and costumes presumably for use in ceremonies, celebrations, and festivals." The student cleared his throat, violet eyes meeting the blues, greens, and browns of his classmates. They all shared the same look. Poorly concealed disgust.

It didn't matter how smart Edge was, he would always be a foreigner to them, a mysterious purple-eyed alien from god-knows-where. Chewing the inside of his cheek nervously, the artificial lights focusing on him, the teacher made a hand motion from her position on the teleboard and the human wandered to find his desk in the seemingly endless rows in the academy room, being tripped less than accidentally on many occasions.

'It doesn't matter,' he whispered desperately to himself. 'I'll be a scientist soon and all this madness... all this paranoia will be over. Once I make the earth nice again, they'll have no reason to fear me any longer...'
He pressed a hand to the side of the rock formation, then quickly drew it back in fear.

"Regnum, that fiancée of yours is a problem. Who knows what he is capable of? You must stop this nonsense immediately. It is improper of a... a savior of any kind to be fraternizing with others. They have duties to uphold, as do you."

Swallowing, purple eyes watering only slightly, the hydra backed away from where the elders were, still out of sight but obviously not out of mind.
Skylark couldn't even scream as Leo lost his grip and he became a potato that was thrown down the stairs. It made him even more scared as he didn't realize that he was falling down the staircase, only that he kept hitting the ground painfully. And then he felt a squeezing comfortable tightness. The next thing he realized, the sap around his mouth was all gone as was the sap around his eyes. He raised a hand to rub the rest of it away.

Skylark grinned wondrously, eyes brightening like the ancient sun in the sky. "Father!" He buried his fact in his Father's chest, trying to be as close to his parent as possible. He stopped as he noticed Leo and the dragon's hostility. What ever was the matter? Father was nice. Of course, he had said some mean things earlier but Skylark trusted him. He was about to tell Leo to sit when the white dragon did something to all of them. He gasped in concern and shock. "Will Leo be okay? And where are we going? Father? Father?"

The gears in his little brain were turning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"He is not a god..." The dragon muttered softly, eyes fixed on the ground, "If anything, he is more like us than he is not. I will bear full responsibility for his mistakes, but I will always put our kind first. Give me a chance, should anything go wrong, I will be sure to right it at once. Just give me a chance...give him a chance, us." He said softly, the closest that the dragon would ever come to pleading. Looking up as the elders shared looks with one another. Then all turning to their leader for guidance, a stern white, eyes of molten gold and mouth set in a stern tight line, surely, he appealed to him.

The white dragons, a powerful breed, had been...dwindling in number. As had all races as the humans started to coat the earth, however, none had been so greatly affected than the whites. They had been the first to give up their natural homes, first to travel half way across the world to seek sanctuary. Their young were fragile, their more human forms were unnatural to the humans, making them targets for witchcraft or demon spawn. The idea was laughable, but the humans were afraid of the unknown. He knew for a fact that the leader was a family orientated dragon, there were rumors that he was training his daughter to be the next leader of the elders. Having lost his own mate, perhaps he would look down more kindly on Regnum.

"Very well...but should he step out of line, for even he has a place, you are to make sure that he is taken care of." The fire dragon lifted his head, meeting the elder's gaze, "Thank you." He said, sincerely, "I will not let you down."
The cup sloshed as he brought it up to his lips, feeling it run coolly down his throat, whilst the water dragoness put back the bell jar, turning to face him. He sort of dreaded this conversation, wondering why he had pulled her into his problems. He had asked her for her advise, so he might as well just get this over with, "I don't know anymore Sanare. I thought I had it under control, but..the hydras..the humans, I don't even know him anymore. He's...different. The same. How can he be the same after all that's happened? How can he talk about our wedding when the world's falling apart?" "He is your fiancée Regnum." "But he's not...." "-the one you fell for?" "Yes!"

"Well, Regnum, it's your decision what you wish to do, after all, you are an elder now." "We are." "Yes, and I will support you in whatever decision you wish to bring up to the council." "That's not very good advice...I just..I don't know how we ever got into 'this' in the first place. How I could...love someone like that. All caught up with his hydras, too busy to see what he's caused. I have to..do something about it." "Whatever choice Regnum, we trust you."
"You're out of control Edge! You don't see it!"
"It's because of you! He went out looking for you! He left the haven! Look what happened! This is all your fault!" "Echo please! I...I didn't know! Please, don't go..we have to stick together. Near wouldn't want us to fig-" "NEAR IS DEAD! Because of you!" "Echo! Don't-don't do anything rash, we..we can find the others, we..." "This is all your fault!" "Echo!"

It's warm against his hands, flowing freely. Sickly. His stomach growled, watching the large flies start to settle. He shooed them away, depriving them of a meal. He was so hungry...how long had he gone without food? Without water?...Warm past his lips, clean..sweet...It rushed back up like rotting meat making him turn and puke out his guts. Not good, he couldn't lose nutrients..Mama had wanted him to stay fed. Stay strong and survive. Mama would tell him to be strong and do what had to be done. Mama.."I'm so sorry Echo."
"What's wrong Relin? What is there to worry? Don't believe the lies. You've always been king."
"Will we see Daddy?" Sleipnir pipped up excitedly and Relin pressed a finger against the tip of his nose. He caught Father's...pretty gaze and fell silent. The white dragon smiled and carried his children forth.
"Aren't you a pretty kitty." A voice hissed softly in Charon's ear. "It would be a shame to let you suffer like the rest, come. Awake now and serve your king." Ferrum's eyes snapped open, staring up blankly at the goggled man before him. Attired in a white coat and protective gear, then tent overly reached out a hand. The dragon stared blankly at it, oblivious to the others around him. Gently, he was petted, inciting a happy noise from the dragon. Blind to the hand that moved lower and plucked out a few loose scales. Like a playful pet, he gazed up adoringly at his owner.
"Will you take care of the oracle? Away from the others." "Off course my king." "I am sure she shall have a lot to give you. Take her right one will you? I think the left one was blinded." "Yes my king, the others have been prepped for surgery." "And the anesthetic?" "Reserved for the hydra." "Good, you may go now." He ward off the white clad human who saluted before marching out of his room. Turning away from the large observation deck he called a window, the shiny metal curtain unfolded over it and the artificial lights came on, brightly illuminating his bed chamber. He walked over to the large queensized bed, smiling at the two bundled up sleeping dragons wrapped in the sheets.

He reached for them, "Path-path." He paused, "Why are you doing this?" The voice asked softly and he peeked over his shoulder at the boy pressed up in the mirrored walls, "Why?" "Pitiful." The dragon muttered annoyed and banished the illusion, "You think you can trick me so easily? I am king." He said out loud, he wouldn't believe the lies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“…The hell’s this for?”

Hands behind his back, the boy feigned coyness. “I know pumpkin flan’s you’re fa-a-a-avorite…” He told the older, drawing out his words slowly on purpose to irritate the other.

“Edge, we’re in the middle of a war, I hardly think it’s time to-“

“Shh! It’s always time for sweets! If you don’t wanna eat it now, either hide it in your pockets or give it to Blizzard.” The hydra sighed before lifting the small saucer to his nose and sniffing it slightly. The gelatinous orange dessert threatened to slip right off, and he put a hand underneath just in case. It was made well, of course, smelling of fresh zesty pumpkin, cinnamon, and sweet milk. Edge was no cook, so Forte was left to wonder where he had gotten the flan from. Perhaps they had had dinner without him, as usual. As the ex-Sky Knight raised his gaze to thank his king, he found Edge with his arms outspread like wings, only on foot planted on the rooftop, and his eyes panning across the autumn cityscape.

It was peaceful, serene, and it would all come to an end. It was early fall, and Edge was determined to find leader of a group of wood dragons that were hiding out in Milan. It was a dangerous move, since the town was as green as could be, and the perfect place for trees to grow. The buildings were brilliant shades of reds and oranges in the setting sun, and the two were standing on the top of a cathedral of sorts.

“She’s near. I can feel it.”

“You grew up with her, right?” The knight inquired, finger gliding over the surface of the dessert and tongue darting out to graze it.

“Not really.” Edge replied plainly, his composition completely changed. “I mean, Ambrosia taught the both of us, but I didn't really talk to her.” Forte was silent in the name of the last elder of the shadow dragons, Ambrosia. Her name meant ‘of the gods’, and even among dragons, she was regarded as one. In the old days, they could see the Ygdrassil anytime they wanted, and when they did, there would be a whole section missing, as if someone had cut it off. Legend told that the old elder of the shadow dragons, Oscell, sawed off a branch of the holy tree and planted it in his yard. It grew a blossom, in which stepped out the young dragoness. It was a rather romantic tale, but the popular explanation of the strongest dragon that ever lived.

“She’s not dead.” Echoed a voice from behind them, and Edge turned slowly to face his old acquaintance. She was stout, and had wooden limbs growing out of her back and head.

“Of course she is, Beoff.”

“She’s sealed away, kept in-“

Edge raised a hand, and the rebel leader was hoisted into the air by her neck by an invisible force.

“I killed her myself.” Edge said with a slight smile and tilting his head to one side.

“W-Why?” She managed to choke out.

“Why? Because she was the only one who could cut me down…”
Charon blinked his eyes open, then heard a voice. He grinned stupidly and growled happily as he was petted. The conditioning was designed so flawlessly, the hydra's will had completely melted away. There was no desires, only the commands he was given. It was an existence he would have never been able to pursue, because Charon led with his heart so much more than anything else. It was so ironic that his king had created something that would doom his subjects.
Edge returned in the mirrors, palm pressed against the glass, a childish pout upon his childish features. "You're no king," He mused, accused.

"I am a king. You are nothing but a shadow, a disgrace."

The bitterness melted from his face in a few moments. "Why?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Are you sure about this? Are you really really sure of this? Making sure statements is a very bold move." The wind dragon spoke softly, bringing the steaming cup of tea to his lips, white eyes staring casually at the basin of water stood inbetween all of them, shimmering dimly in the light filtering from the entrance. It was a tradition, of sorts, to have a keepsake from each dragon placed in the centre to symbolize their part and unity as a counsel. The tradition had long since faded when they started losing members, friends, family, entire clans until it was almost like taboo to speak of their fallen comrades. He supposed, it was their down fall.

"I am sure, the days of Aureum A' Tua are over. Dare I say, the elders have been too merciful before us, many a death is on the counsels' hand for our complacency, our ignorance. The blood of our own flesh stains our hands. We have not acted fast enough, look around you, we have fallen apart. We have let ourselves be picked off."

"What do you suggest, we do then? Retaliate? They outnumber us, they have the ability to destroy our lands further. We have crossed that threshold of their fear being our advantage. They have long since become weapons of their own right. We have let them alone too long, what do you suggest we do now?"

"A fail safe. A means to the beginning end. Should we fall, let there be a few to remain and rebuild. A few to stop the chaos from spreading throughout the earth. Be there but one survivor, that will be enough reason to begin anew. It is not pleasant news, not for what is expected to befall us, but it is perhaps the best chance out kind shall have. The only chance we have."

"And who do you expect to be the saviors of our entire race? Who would you see fit? This is a serious matter you have brought up, even a more dangerous solution. Who will lead the new era?"

A smirk, a sad glint in her eye, "I'd expect no less of the council and whoever is strong enough to awaken them for the new age. Perhaps it is not the right choice, but what else have we to lose?"
Who are you? Why do you show me such things? Such nightmares, such memories. All the suffering. Why do you see fit to torture me so, my dear love?
I pity you. A thing worth less than dirt. Pitiful worthless creature. You're suffering is barely worth a thing to me. To anyone. The only thing you're good for fails to exist.
But I am king!
You are destined to die, but even death does not want you. Worthless.
His restraints were far too tight, the metal biting into his skin. Instinct told him to struggle, a lesser notion made him want to tell Ferrum to stop playing around, but the metal dragon was not here. Not as far as he could tell. The light was blinding as he opened his eyes, the burning smell of anesthetic burning his nostrils. He sought to lift his head but found himself unable to. A soft groan left him and was answered by several more returning groans.

"Regnum?" "Terra?" Another longer drawn out groan followed by snoring, "Leo?" "Five more days..."

"You're awake. You shouldn't be." A voice drifted over from across the room. Regnum shifted, trying to turn his head and catch sight of the wind dragon, but he couldn't, "They'll be coming to separate all of you. They already took Charon and Ferrum, though they're going to be doing worse to yoy. You've given him something to hate you for. I doubt you will continue to be anesthetized for the rest of your procedures." "What are you talking about? Anemoli, come free us!" "I am sorry, that is not within my authorization. Talk among yourselves, they shall be here for you soon..."
"Liar!" He swung around and pounced forward, sword in hand. The blade swung forward before it was abruptly stopped inches from the mirror and the dragon leaned in close, golden eyes nearly transparent, yet filled with a madness, a mockery as he pulled back and laughed, "I am king. I have always been king. I know you, inside and out, better than yourself. I know you. You are no more than a apparition. A false memory. I have your ash to prove it."

With that, he turned and waved off the question, "You, specter, I am tired. Leave me be. I hath no time for your questions, my children are waking, they have a busy day ahead..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Edge's head moved so slightly it couldn't be called a tilt. His eyes became pointed at the ends and shiny in the centers. His image blurred in the mirror for a brief moment, but the boy quickly came back into focus. His face was clear again- his tousled night-colored hair stuck up naturally, his skin was unmarked, and he had full pink lips and a small, regal nose. His cheeks, too, were high and defined, and his ears were free-lobed and stuck out a bit.

He wore what he usually did when they were hiding out in the shelter- a shirt with an eclipse print, arctic camp cargo shorts, and because he hated his feet being cold, red checkered crew socks. When he spoke, his voice was as Path remembered. "Relin..." He murmured softly, pouting a bit, before he broke out into a happy grin.

"Ooooh! I know! Tell me more about dragons! I'm a scientist, you know," Edge continued, pressing his hands against the glass and staring studiously at the dragon's every move- every flex of a muscle was an intense scientific discovery. "Like, mmm... tell me about mating..." He continued with a smile, though he coyly refused to look at the dragon any more, instead staring at the tiled floor. He gracefully sat down on his knees and reached a hand under his shirt to scratch at his ribs, moving the fabric up and exposing some of his midriff.

"I... uh... I wish I was there, love. I wish I was in your arms... you know how warm your arms are?"
The pink-haired dragon struggled in his restraints. They had even strapped down his tail, and it was so stretched out it hurt. Lucian ground his teeth angrily as he heard some of the others making soft murmurs. "Ngh!" He moaned gently, lungs and body aching and sore. Even though he was bruised ans battered, the dragon smiled with his eyes.

He was an aura dragon, and no matter what anyone thought, he didn't get into the Yggdrasil Guard for no reason. His breath quickened as he spread out his aura like an umbrella, getting a spiritual picture of the room without having to move his head. He couldn't. His forehead was strapped to the table, and judging by the heavy breathing next to him, the others were here as well.

He found there was one dragon who had not been restrained, and this piqued his interest. Lucian closed his eyes with a moan and left his mouth hanging open. He took laborious breaths, faking extreme fatigue and exhaustion. Meanwhile, his aura reached out and twisted around Anemoli's, hopefully agitating the wind dragon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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How do you know when your own conscience is against you? When you're about to descend into the depths of madness?

And the illusion wavered and dispelled itself. Golden eyes traded in for a single grey orb, the other covered in a shroud of bandages. Wings for laughable decayed stalks that just barely sprung out from his back. What he wore was the same, but certainly, it was a horried contrast against the discoloured skin along his arms, burned by acid in countless of areas. And with such glamor went such confidence and mean-spirited arrogance because he was back within the shelter and everything was only just teetering on the edge of going wrong, but he didn't quite know why.

Gathering up the bundled sleeping child, what had he named them? The newborns, they were already so big. Skylark, sleeping wonder, sleep so long you'd never see the sky. His gaze softened and he cradled the boy close, "Why don't you already know of mating Edge? There's your whole harem that you never told me of. Why don't you know? I gave you myself without even knowing. I gave you the young that you so loved as well, sweet ones you wanted part of your lol harem...and who's form I so took to please you." What was he saying? What were these words? He didn't know because he was king and he couldn't tell what he was doing anymore.

Cradling his child close, he let the stranger's words leave his mouth, "My arms, do you know how warm they are? Edge....." And he placed the boy down and pressed a claw to his arm, wincing betraying the pain. Why was he doing this?

The scratch hissed as it met the air, black mist arising from the wound. He lifted his head and stared at the mirror, "How warm are my arms?"
Do you know, why madness is mad? Why my love, why? When there is nothing left, it devours itself
The wind dragon's aura was disturbed, surrounded by an entirely different entity that hissed and spat at the unwanted intrusion and twisted tighter around the wind dragon, threatening.

"Who will be here soon? Anemoli!" The fire dragon growled and those strapped down beside him would feel the heat emitting from his scales. Not one second later, the ceiling above him opened up and doused him in a shower of ice and snow. Surprised, he froze as the hard ice cubes pelted him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Violet eyes shone happily as the illusion broke and the thing was revealed for what it really was. The Edge that Path knew would have ran up and warmed the other in an embrace, no matter how horrified he may have been. But that boy was weak, and in many ways, an illusion.

The Hydra King would never have embraced a comrade- would he?
"I thought I told you not to let any get away... Not a single one." Edge pouted innocently, his servant not daring to make eye contact. His nose wrinkled as he smiled in amusement. Mindlessly, he twirled his scepter, the stone heart of the mighty Elder Lunar dragon was the main piece, and used the other sharp end to pick at his canines. He had someone stuck in his teeth.

Light shone through the obsidian windows, but it was tinted a wondrously smoky black color. If Edge wanted to sunbathe, he would do it on one of the balconies. The boy looked over the other hydra. He was bigger than the king, but so were most of his subjects. The only one he was taller than would be Noire, but when she wore heels she was still taller. Edge didn't have wings or a tail, either. The only things that hinted at his dragon blood were the patches of ebony scales around his wrists, ears, and sternum. His ears were round and his blood was red.

The man standing before him was different. Edge didn't fully understand how it worked, turning others into hydras. It wasn't important. All he needed to understand was that he would have to kiss the other ferociously and take a big bite of their still-beating heart in order to activate the change. And if Charon and Beelzebub were of any note, they didn't fully change right away.

For example, Beelzebub's hair tied in a ponytail had a contrast to its original streaked grey and white at the ends to pure black at the roots. Crimson eyes were beginning to show flecks of purple in them. Bel growled softly, not in defiance but to ask permission to speak. Edge arched an eyebrow, then dropped his scepter and shrugged off his cloak and crown, leaving it all on the throne. The room was triangular, with the ceilings forming an angle at the top. There was one door, and there was a single path to Edge's bed. At the foot of the bed sat his throne.

Edge didn't look intimidating, and this may have been what made him so dangerous. As he walked toward his buff and vicious subordinate, he did so like he was a kid running at an ice cream truck. And as he twisted his fingers into the former shadow dragon's locks and dragged him onto his bed, roughly pressing the man's handsome face to a mirror he kept above his bed, he murmured curiously, "Tell me, Beelzebub, what do you see?" As if he didn't have any idea.

The proud hydra ground his teeth and snarled, "I see-" With a scream, Edge drew Beelzebub's head back and smashed it against the mirror so hard that the glass rippled before shattering into pieces, some of the sharp fragments digging into the man's face. He made no sounds of pain, but Edge heard and felt his heart rate rise.

"I see a slave who refuses to listen to his master. And you know what happens when you don't listen to master. You get punished." Edge whispered darkly before pressing the hydra onto his bed, back down and body exposed. Putting a hand into the air, Edge willed a few needle-sharp knives into existence. Their eyes met, and Edge ran one knife through his shoulder, where the muscles clung. Bel hissed in pain. Satisfied, Edge giggled and lowered a second knife. This one cut away the older man's shirt and Edge buried another one of the knives in the other's breast. Seeing as he had no reaction other than blinking his eyes shut, Edge twisted the knife, causing blood to splatter.

"Now, I don't care if you had to face an elder or not. I am king and you shall do as I command. Clear?"

"...Yes..." Bel rumbled angrily.


"Yes... Master..." Edge smirked and squeezed the other's cheek affectionately.

"Good boy. Now let's put that mouth of yours to better use..."
Mirror Edge smirked as it answered. "You're pretty warm for someone without a heart, Path-Path." He put a finger to his lips and shushed the other. He then laughed before vanishing from Path's sight, but not before cruelly echoing, "You really are pathetic..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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"Yeah, I think that's common knowledge now." He muttered, standing up as the illusion faded. And only himself stared up at him, single eye dull and hazy. Reaching up, he slowly ran a claw over the bandages that covered the other half of his face and his vision blurred further. The skin felt rough, strangely smooth and textured at the same time and he took up his blade, staring at the ashes that swirled in some unseen wind within the small orb embedded in it's hilt. Then glanced at the two toddlers sleeping peacefully upon his bed. He'd never known it would come to this huh?

Looking back on everything, from the moment that he was born to the end of his life to this. He'd never known it would happen, could never expect something like this to happen. Never think that he'd call himself a king. Never think he'd deserve to be happy, but that was what happened didn't it? In the very end, he was the last one smiling, he was the one that made it out alive. He was king, no matter what his demented mind tried to convince him of otherwise, no matter how those memories started to blur and corrupt themselves with that of another's.

Down this twisted, sick and confusing path...was he finally getting back the parts of him he had lost, or replacing them with something better? Something worthwhile? He wasn't really sure anymore, what had he exactly been looking for this whole time when he finally was king? What more did he need to deserve happiness? He glanced back up at the mirror and the thought crossed his mind, 'What had the impetuous former done before him?' Yes, he'd built an army, he'd given himself, power, but..the boy had built up his own little harem as well wasn't it? And Relin had been a part of that. Yes...he wouldn't mind that, but humans were ever so fragile, mere pawns. And his test subjects? Well, they were old used pieces of trash, long discarded. And Relin's children? They were young, sweet, innocent babes, barely past the first stages of their life. Yes, they could be sweet, but as he glanced at the swirling ashes, a sweeter thought crossed his mind. He believed, it was time for some payback.

"Sleipnir, Skylark, wake up won't you? You can't spend all day sleeping, I won't allow it."
The doors opened, sliding away to reveal the first heavily suited scientist, armed with a robotic device on wheels. It's skeletal arms ending in tubes and syringes, sparkling with rubbing alcohol. They had to be sterilized after all, their king wouldn't want any of the test subjects dying of infection. A little drop of blood wouldn't be enough either in their studies should someone perish, so as a precaution, they withdrew about five needles' worth from each subject for safekeeping. Incase the subjects should attempt escape, an anaesthetic would be administered immediately to negate all aggressive actions. It shouldn't be too much trouble today though, they only needed a sample of their blood and of course, they wished to start immediately researching the strange pattern of brain waves coming from one of the female subjects. He'd have to check for any acidic damage to the optical nerve before extracting the receptive optic for future examination. With any hope, he would be able to predict his paycheck next month, though he honestly doubted the 'psychic' nonsense that surrounded the subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"This is fun."

He looked up to see the pretty hydra dressed in a dress with many ruffles and Mary Jane shoes. She sat across from him on the vehicle. It was a contraption made of metal, not what he was used to, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. "Isn't it, though? Humans are amusing with their little contraptions, don't you find?" Edge had on a top hat and grey drab clothes that reflected the era. The sky had just begun to smell like smog, but Edge didn't doubt his own abilities to fix it. He could fix anything. He was a god. "I wonder where Blizzard is. No doubt stuffing her face somewhere. Hope she doesn't blow our cover, though." Noire nodded, distracted by something. Suddenly, Edge kicked open the cage door of their car. They were at the 183 World's Fair, held in the American city, Chicago. They weren't just here for the fun, though. Rumors held that a shadow dragon was hiding somewhere in the city. If that was true, then they needed to sever any links to Ambrosia. Noire hadn't even been born when Ambrosia died, but even in her childhood she knew of the shadow elder.

The pink shadow, she was called. The most powerful of all the dragons, a brash and headstrong woman. Possibly Edge's undoing, because according to him, she had the powers to unravel his. Whatever that meant, Noire didn't need to know. As a hydra, she was satisfied not knowing. She was never really happy anymore, living in the cursed existence. She was only ever frustrated or more frustrated. Though, she supposed, it was better than Beelzebub being either angry or angrier. In fact-
His father's voice calling him out of his sleep, Skylark opened his eyes slowly. He felt clean on the outside, but mucky on the inside. Curling up with his brother, he gently shook the two-toned dragon, fingering his own curls and taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "Father? Where... Where are we?" Suddenly, his eyes caught those of another young dragon. In shock, Skylark drew back, only to find the other boy did so as well. Frowning at the unfamiliar dragon, he had never seen a mirror before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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"There's no where left to hide. Once he finds us, there is no chance of Ambrosia ever coming back."
"Hush, by brothers, my sisters! Hush, there is one way!"
"Blasphemy! What way? What way?!"
"Hush, there is one, let us take our conflict straight to the source."

(Hope that doesnt mess up whatever you are planning)

For that moment, there was sweetness in watching the little boy draw back from the mirror straight into his waking brother who just as wide eyed stared at his own unblinking reflection. Hiding behind his brother, he peeked over his shoulder at the strange mimicking creature then glanced up at his Father and reached up as if asking for him to come and protect them from the violet eyed creatures. As if complying, he sat down on the edge of the bed, hiding their view off of the mirror as he picked up Skylark and cradled the young dragon against his chest, "Sleep well, my little ones? Hush now, no need to be afraid anymore. No need.."

He gathered up Sleipnir as well and hugged the both of them against his chest, staring at the wall behind them. For the briefest moment, he was sure he saw a flash of gold in his reflection's eyes and maybe there was, maybe that was another hallucination because he didn't know that dragon anymore. He only saw a king there, someone that deserved to be happy, someone with all the power, all that he needed to...with one condition. Yes, he remembered.

"Are you hungry?" He asked softly, lifting them off the bed, "I'm sure you are, have you even eaten a proper meal before? No, of course not...you wouldn't know. They wouldn't know how to treat young ones like you both correctly. Come now, there's a real bath prepared for the both of you and a proper meal." He murmured as the door slid open at his approach, revealing the long tube like hallway. The walls seemed smooth and transparent, but blocked by segmented sections of pipe outside the wall. He led them down the short corridor, then another until they came across a much larger silver door tightly sealed and once again, he thought he saw the flicker of something golden in the blurred reflection of the door, but that was just another disillusion, like this one exception. Just one made of the king.

The doors slid open, revealing a grassy field and an endlessly blue sky with fluffy white clouds drifting across the it. A lake reflecting the sky shaded by tall lush trees, leaves green as...well, as green as it could be. In the middle of the field lay a small picnic blanket, white with a wicker basket sat atop, just waiting for them. He set down the two upon the soft grass and urged them on as he took a step back and reached out his hand. The warmth of the artificial light almost felt real, but briefly, the reality flickered into cold metal plates and he caught his reflection again as he made his way across the field: the soft grass tickling underfoot. The breeze making the leaves whisper and fall gently riding the breeze.

"The one exception." He murmured softly to himself as he glanced back at the cool metal of the hallway behind them. He didn't know what he wanted, but he knew that below this deck his army was training and even further down, they were experimenting and the faintest screams could be heard up the air vent and he he plans; jumbled thoughts fighting to pierce themselves together, half made intentions and goals that were leading...somewhere and then there was this room...

He'd wanted nothing more than this before. And now...

"Father!" Sleipnir called as he gripped his brother's hand and gazed out in wonder at the field. The door closed behind them, the one exception.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The other twin allowed himself to be led further, deeper into the belly of the beast. Though Skylark never felt anything amiss, the back of his throat tingled like something was wrong. Something was... Off somehow. But how? Father was here, taking care of them, and Daddy would be here soon, too. Then they could all play together. For one so young, it had never occurred to him how many hardships he and his brother had gone through. He didn't know it, but it wasn't good for him. Every time he saw someone gored, he felt it become that much more normal. Not to say, of course, that he wanted to hurt anyone! Oh, no! It was just that he had pretty much seen a war in action, and things couldn't get much worse. Right? As the white dragon opened the door, Skylark's eyebrows raised and his lips parted for some time. It looked like a heaven! Meadow spreading as far as his eye could see, the baby dragon rubbed his face on his Father's hand and rumbled happily. Never having seen or felt the sun, he was content with assuming that this was sunlight, and he was content here was well. Grinning at his brother, unaware of the dire nature of their situation, he thought about Father and hugged the white dragon. "Father, what is this place?" There was also the notion that they were the only ones here. Where was Leo? And the rest of them? --- 1883 Chicago World Fair: Having climbed to the top of the ferris wheel, Edge raised up both his arms as if he was a bird and planning to fly. On either side were his underlings, Noire on one side and Leo on the other. December, Charon, and Forte were either at the castle or doing whatever hydra did when they weren't killing people. Blizzard and Beelzebub had been let loose on the fairgrounds the day before, to try and catch a whiff of the shadow dragons. All five of them didn't need to come, Beelzebub assured them. He could take care of the problem in itself just fine. Well, Edge wanted to go so he could confirm if Ambrosia really was still alive or not, Noise wanted to see the ferris wheel, and Leo had accidentally shifted forms while in December's room, cursing most of her stuff. Because he was the only one whose scales shed like fur, the oracle would know it was him. Face the wrath of the former goddess or go to a Fair? It was a no-brainer. Yawning, he questioned, "Uhhm, so... You know where they are ..? Or anything...?" Edge tilted his head to one side ever so slighty, but didn't turn around to face the much taller male. "I can taste them from here. They've been eating too much junk food; their arteries are clogged with fat. Doesn't matter. I'm not one for eating, usually, but with them I'll make an exception. They should be honored," He joked, then scratched behind his neck. "Let's go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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The smell of grass was almost unreal, painfully fresh and green as he cursed the blades underfoot. The grass tickled his feet, the soft soil sinking inbetween his toes. The fresh air was almost painful as it rushed suddenly into his lungs, burning his nostrils. Was this really what he wanted so long ago? The sunlight seemed so..unfulfilling, but he supposed that it was only bound to happen, after all, now that he was king, such trifle things were..meaningless, uncomparable. This was all nothing to what he had now, he wasn't even sure why he had done this anymore. For them? For these stranger young dragons that he'd gone through pain and isolation for? That he'd wanted to raise and nurture? That had never really belonged to him from the moment they were born. Those deep violet eyes; they weren't his, but..they were his. And, there had been a time where he would have foolishly gone to the end of the world for those eyes... The soft question snapped him out of his daze and he slowly knelt down, fixedly staring into those eyes, pretty eyes; the both of them. Rehearsed words, "It's a secret place. All for the both of you. It's made just for you and the both of you will be age and happy here, do you know? This is your safe place..and," An actor forgets the most important line on stage. Forgets the scene, forgets the role and those dark eyes were always so piercing. A tremble went through him and the fog was back. "And..when you are here, remember that whatever Father does, no matter what Father does to hurt you, Father loves you." Improvisation, they say it's more than a line then. It's more than acting, if just for a moment. Reaching up, he wrapped his arms around the two young boys.so soft..He could..almost see why Edge wanted them. Almost, what was wrong with him? Pulling back, he stared down at the two of them; so young, so supple, so trusting. He blinked, a darkness clouding the edges of his vision. History really was repeating itself in some awful parody. What were these afflictions that gripped him as king? Pulling away from the two of them, he stood up and too another breath of painful air, staring to feel a little sick of the green surroundings. A dizziness striking the king, "Go, go play...." And when you lose every part of yourself, you're forced to remember all over again just so it can torture you some more. Meek, my new king. My old enemy. Te shadow has never faded, yet another has fallen everlasting victim.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Poking at his exposed feet was a strange green texture that he had never seen before. Skylark's eyes lit up in pure amazement as he stared at the meadow that unfolded before their very eyes. His hand squeezed his brother's and he made a peculiar face. He didn't know what to make of this place. The baby dragon remembered places like these from Father's memories and Daddy's. . .

A wave of dread washed over him. Why couldn't he find Daddy's memories? His arms fell limp and his eyes stared outwards at nothing as he tried his best to concentrate, to no avail. He could still remember Daddy, his snark walk and confident eye smiles. He could remember his lark like voice and sinewy tanned skin. Most of all, the violet that shone in Daddy's eyes, so much like his own and yet filled with so much more darkness. He looked into Father's eyes, tilting his head to one side.

He had seen it in all the adults. Why was everyone filled with so much darkness? Ferrum had outlined that humans had caused the dragons to disappear gradually, but something else must have happened to explain why everyone was so angry. Frankly, Skylark didn't understand. Looking around, there was no denying that the Earth in its natural form was beautiful. But so was playing with everyone and taking baths together.

"Father, can we bring the others here, too?" He suddenly asked, the idea popping into his head. "I think Daddy would be happy to see his friends here too, so we can all play together!" He smiled dreamily thinking about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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How could they ask for such a thing? When he had already given them so much? When he had already done so much? But when was it ever enough? When was anything ever enough? Not to them! Ungrateful bastard offspring, no more no less like their Daddy. Spoiled princes, rich with wicked potential to askew his kingship, he should've- The dragon's face twisted, a strange expression over taking his features as he turned away and threw a long hard stare over his shoulder before he knelt down once more to the one that refused to play. To the creature's sibling that refused to leave his side and silently communicated with him; holding back secrets. Never mind, he had his own secrets, he had his own whispers that no one else would hear. To each his own.

"The others? Why would you want to do that?" And the broken claw trailed slowly across the young one's cheek, so smooth, so pure, this was what he wanted, the dragon could see now. He trembled violently, not out of fear, but more like his frame couldn't handle the being inside of him and honestly, it never could in the first place. Head tilted to the side, he stared down, down into those wide violet eyes, more like lilacs, "Didn't I just tell you?" His voice wavered, "Didn't I just say this is a secret place? Just for the two of you." The words crackled, like static, was he a robot now?

"Didn't I just tell you that?" They shook, where was the script?

"And now you want to ruin it all by bringing someone else here?" What was that, reflecting in vials of purple? Was that what he looked like to them? Was he not a king in their eyes as the illusion fell apart and shattered, "You...You think you can just let them here? You think they won't destroy it for you? Huh, children," And the laughter bubbled against his lips, a breathy chuckle, a painful giggle, "You know you can't ever bring anyone else here. Do you think they will want to stay? To play with you? You think that they will be happy if you are?"

"Don't you know? They're going to take you away from here. Away from me. Do you want that?" Improv, just a little to the play. He couldn't break out of this character, he just had to play along with the bump in the play, the other characters that wouldn't play their part. His gaze softened, "Dear, don't you wanna stay here? You can, forever, forever and always here. Just here, if you don't let anyone else come here. You can play here forever, watch the flowers go, have our picnics. You can have the life you were meant to. As long as you stay here."

And the script was clear in intention. He understood the role he played now as he mimed the words out. It was never meant for him to play the hero, never meant for him to have an 'exception' because even that was turned against him. But at least, he had...a clause, something to stow away, "Just stay here....won't you?"

Skylark wasn't sure why Father felt so different. He had learned so much about him, in his memories. He'd learnt about a place like this, a fuzzy sort of green and blue place, cutting itself in his memories like a badly pierced together film. The memory blotting out in places, leaving the beginning of a voice or the briefest glance of someone coming into view but cutting it off before anyone was really there. Father's memories had no people, ever. He wondered why, but he dare not ask as the man loomed over him and a single golden orb stared at them, it's light faded and dulled.

He squeezed his brother's hand gently, before he spoke up first, albeit softly, but first, "But Daddy would love this place."


Skylark's head snapped to the side.

"LOVE?! Do you know the meaning of that word?" Composure, stick to the play. The dragon stood, straightened himself, "None of you were made of love, do you understand? Do you think you will understand?" And he felt his stomach flip, and his head spin, "There is no such thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There was a sinsister sense of foreboding when a stomach was a boy to come. Skylark had felt it, long before the white dragon had delivered a swift slap to the face. Lilac eyes widened ever so slowly as he absorbed the situation. He didn't understand. Why did father hit him? Why was the world spinning? Why did his cheek feel hot and sweaty now? Skylark felt water dripping down his face and his throat extended on its own to stifle a sniffle. This was wrong.

He closed his eyes and tried to see the Path that Edge had seen, not too long ago. His hair and skin were ivory, and he glittered like a trophy. Daddy's hands appeared fine etched against the white of the dragon's skin. Murmuring contently, Edge fell asleep hugging his mate, even as acid fell from the sky above the bunker, and babies were beginning to form in his mate's womb. What happened? Why was Path... why was he so cold?

Hand wrapping tightly around its twin, th baby dragon had a face void of emotion. Love. What was love? He felt the sting but it didn't hurt. "I said I want to play with the others." He said again, in as happy a voice he could muster. Maybe he heard wrong. Maybe... maybe it was all all bad dream. Protectivrly, the grey-haired boy stood in front of his brother. Sleipnir... sleipnir didn't need to get hurt. Daddy had already hurt him.

"Won't you let us see them? Can't we bring ay least one to play with?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

((Ahem, in advance; I am sorry for this post and the future posts to come as Path slowly descends further into the depths of madness. I was gonna hold off on this a little while, but I didn't wanna drag this on too long either so without further adieu....))

Yes, that's right! Play along with the script, there's no time for improvisation and fancy tricks! The story had to move on! Progress should be made or else they would never get to the climax, nor the curtain call, the final scene! Rewrite this scene as long as the story is the same, he didn't mind too far seeing the elder stand protectively in front of his cowering brother, their hands woven together and hidden behind their backs as if they were making some secret gesture to some unseen audience, a clause against the antagonist, a promise against the villain. He pretended not to see, clouded it from his vision, the display of such sloppy acting. Nodded to the false note that they tried to play their voice to and dropped once more back to his knees, eying them; sweet naïve actors. He wasn't sure what mask he wore now as he leered over them, almost as lecherous as the one who played the role before him. But up his sleeve, he had an acting ace, the secret of the major role that it's predecessor failed to exploit. What earned him the limelight.

"Others? You wish for others to play with you now?" Reset the scene, restart the script, damn those eyes, "Why bother with them, when Father has something even better for you both?" Intrigue, why do they always trust the villain?

"Father has something super special for you both you know," He drawled, his mind wanders and so do his hands, over to-please, not that, over to his shirt. It sounded so loud, hearing the material slide up over his stomach, "Don't you know? Very very soon, you're gonna have a little baby sister or brother, courtesy of your sweet Daddy and I."

The roof tiles scrape into his back and for a moment, there's a sense of clarity, wondering exactly what the hell is going on. Who is he, who's the thing inside of him. What's that warmth; that sickening painful heat that coils in the base of his stomach, forces him back under a shrill bought of laughter that he eventually recognizes as his own. A reflection in damning eyes, he doesn't see himself. He sees his son; a cheap illusion pulled over his skin and it's better this way, that's what he thinks then. It's better that way to give into it. To die like he should when he leaves. Life is cruel though, even in death, life finds a way to worm inside of you, infect you..He doesn't know why he's cursed with life. He doesn't question it anymore

"But you know," Please, anything else, another part of the play, not this

"Since you asked me so nicely for a playmate," Skip this scene, write it out please

"Father decided, that there's no reason for you and your brother to wait." I can't

"Father will bring your playmate out right now."
Can you...forgive me, one day?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Then, all at once, Edge let one foot slide off the edge of the metal car, spreading his limbs so that he could feel the wind rushing against his skin. It was divine. Feeling the earth become closer and closer, the hydra took a deep breath in, and smirked as his body turned to dust. The particles gathered once on the ground, forming the tops of his shoes, his waist, the ends of his hair, and his fanciful top hat. The scent of the dragon's left an oily taste in his mouth, and he let his tongue dance over the top of his lips. Feeling two soft thumps behind him, one obviously heavier than the other, the king got to his feet. Flexing his hand, he was ready to turn the villains inside out.

Who was absurd enough to get in the way of a clearly less than sane dragon? Now his children. Bumping Sleipnir back, Skylark began to back away, feeling his tail begin to thrash. Intricate grey wings spread of his back, and the by crouched in a defensive stance common in dragons. Lips curling up, the boy exposed his canines to his father. His slender tail tightly wrapped around his broher's leg like a serpent as the dragons began to retreat. This wasn't home, he realized. This wasn't his father. This... this was a monster. And more memories of Edge began to flood through both boy's minds. But these ones... were new.

The young man leaned against the booth, grinning smugly. "You say this is called a phonograph?" He mused, the woman behind the table shivering violently as she nodded. "Y-Yes and if I can help you with anything else-" Casually making sure there were no humans arundel to witness the scene, he gave a quick nod to Leo, who, mid-yawn, flashed behind the woman and restrained her, the hard of his claw pressed against the tender veins in her neck. She squealed helplessly. "Now, I'm going to say this once, and if you don't answer correctly the first time, I'll find the rest of you on my own. Where is Ambrosia's cult?!?" The female stammered, "I-I have no idea what you-MMMph!" Covering her mouth with one hand, Beelzebub ran a hand into her stomach, poking a little bit at Leo who was on the other side. As the dragoness spread her wings, the dragon of wrath kicked her head swiftly, causing it to snap off and burst as it collided with a wall.

Edge let his underlings trail him, the five of them wolves hunting for their prey. By a theater, Edge stoped and opened the French doors with a wicked grin, with great anticipation. As they entered, they found the dusty room had... nothing. "Sire, there’s nothing-" Swiftly, Beelzebub found his king on top of him whilst he was a mess on the ground. "You dare question me ?!?" He demanded, to which the other hydra bit his tongue and shook his head. Satisfied, the boy jumped off and scampered onto the stage. Seemingly in his own little world, the hydra did a twirl- then violently stomped on the ground! The wood below gave way, and screams rang out below. The other four quickly dove in, digging claws and fangs into the screaming shadow dragons. But some fought valiantly. There was a female grey dragon, and a male that glittered like the moon. The male hid something in a backpack, and Edge quickly swept in and ripped it off his back, straps and all. Alarmed, the dragon began to shift forms, only stopped when Noire let loose a rain of metal scales from her arms. "Stop!" The male yelled as Edge began to open the bundle, only to smirk with delight as the baby mewled.
Charon cuddled closely against Ferrum, meowing. He rubbed their noses togather, reveling in the feeling of their warm skin pressed closely together. Their captor was gone, so only the two of them remained on the fluffy bed.
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