Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

There are gods and goddesses of every religion and most countries. They all had responsibilities. Each took care of some aspect of the universe. People spent time and energy honoring them. This helped the gods and goddesses do their jobs. But one day they seemed to have vanished. With the future of the galaxy on the line governments of the world gathered to figure out how to handle to handle the situation. They decided to hold a contest to see who would replace the gods and goddesses. Anyone interested in replacing their god or goddess was encouraged to come to a field in the middle if Nebraska. A map was provided for those who were interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ashley Royce was a serious man. Six years of loneliness and regret had seen to that. He had served as a Marine medic, and had assisted the military police in investigations and had helped save the lives of his fellow marines. He had loved it, doing something he felt was doing good for something. Then one careless mistake, one step, and it had all ended. The marine he had been off duty with at the time had stepped on an IED and activated it, blowing the unfortunate soul to shreds. Royce fared better, managing to jump away from the dtonation,, however shrapnel still managed to hit his leg, studding it with metal and bone bits. Thankfully, they were both relatively close to the base, and Ashley manage to half drag/ half carry the wounded man back tho the base. The man would lose both legs, and Ashley would be crippled for life with a stiff leg.
Returning home, he couldn't think of what he wanted to do with his now ruined life. His family had been the hospice managers for a small town for generations, and his father was willing to foot the money to pay for the additional education required to become a coroner and mortician. Ashley hated it, already nearing the end of the prime of his life, he withdrew from his younger classmates and studied diligently alone. When he returned home and took over, he became listless. He did his job well, respected the bodies brought to him, but his life was an endless routine that was slowly breaking his sanity. When the two men came to him with the invitation he jumped at the chance and began packing his things to head to the curious location of Nebraska.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Aron knew this would come. Despite his attempts his had to happen, very well if he wanted the gods to rein once more he had to interfer. He found the boy who he wanted to replace him. Aeon would posses him and use the boy to win. He possessed the boy name David. He smirked and made the boy drive to the field in Nebraska.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asuna Yuuki
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Asuna Yuuki Second in Command Of The Order of the Blood Oath

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"She left you alone, To swim or to drown..."

Diana sang along to a tune in her head as she drove to the field on the map. Occasionally she would look down to make sure she was going in the correct direction. Her parents had waved her off an hour ago, sad and nervous but happy she would have the chance to achieve something great.

"She put a finger to your lips, making sure you didn't make a sound..."

She was already imagining the things she could do as a goddess, of music no less. She would be surrounded by music, day and night, no longer a need to learn and to get a job. She could be in the music forever, never having to stop playing and singing and composing. It would be wonderful to be able to give others the gift of music as well. She hoped she wouldn't go overboard.

"Just swim, just swim, I know you can swim..."

As she passed fields of corn and her car rattled across the old, bumpy roads, she smiled just imagining what lay ahead of her.

"She gave a last smile, before diving in..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lindsey981092
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lindsey981092 The Fangirl

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As Ember eased her car around a bump in the rocky dirt road. She sighed, then picked up her instructions. Her day started out normal. When her bartender shift started, she drove to work, and did her job. But her day changed when a man beckoned her over. She decided to humor him, and walked towards him, but he was different. He didn't look like a useless, perverted, drunkard. He looked serious, and judging by the way he looked around, he wasn't just sober, he was nervous. Or did he just want no one to overhear? He told her about the gods that used to be, and the gods coming to be these days. And now, here she is. Driving through farm after farm, trying to find the right corn field. For the hopes of becoming a God.it seemed insane. What would it be like? She picked up the map again. Two miles away. She looked down the road, and saw a couple cars parked near a cornfield.
"I bet that's it." She muttered, fixing her hair, then straightening her dress before stepping out of the car.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Katherin parked her little VW bus in the field. She had followed the directions on the map she had found. This was an opportunity too good for her to miss out on. She had been looking for a way to change her life and this was it. This was her one chance make something of her life. She hadn't believed the flyer when she found it in the alley but it had been too good to resist. She had grown up on the streets. This was her chance to get off them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After having retreated from the concave that was his local church, where he had been taken in after his parents' death, Michael found himself in the utter desolate field that found itself in nebraska. Through sweat and pure fear he had pushed his legs all the way to this place, but now he found himself in the middle of something beyond his understanding. Around him there were others, they spoke of some sort of 'god-game' and Michael was simply an unknowledgable teen amidst a game which he couldn't imagine was real even if he tried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex looked out of the plane window he was on and saw that they were approaching land wouldn't be long now after 10 hours on a plane he was ready get off as soon as possible. He thought back to the the man who had spoken to him giving him a reason to come to Nebraska he was a average looking man you wouldn't have noticed him if passed him in a crowd when he entered his uncles shop he thought he would have been another customer wanting a steel replica sword, but he was wrong instead that strange man spoke of becoming a god his curiosity could not be quenched so he got the first plane to America.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Aeon looked through this boy's memories out of curiostiy. *So his name is David Markova...* He said to himself. Aeon watched through David's eyes, he wondered how many of the other gods would do what he had planed. He decided to sit back and watch through the boys eyes, he would interfere unless he had to.
David's body shook as he drove to the field, he didnt know what he was foing this. He felt like he had to. He had the chance of becoming a god. It scared but excited him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Kyle looked up at the man who entered the soup kitchen, one of the charities where he worked. The man seemed a bit weird, as he wore a medieval style robe and sandals, but that wasn't that big of a deal. After all, many of the people who came in were what most people would call "weird". "I'm sorry, sir, but lunch won't be ready for another hour. You can sit and wait if you want, even have a bottle of water, though you'll have to wait a bit for food."

"Actually, I was hoping to give you something. Do you mind?"

That too was strange, but some people wanted to try and repay you for your kindness, often with little crafts. "Sure," he said, holding out his hand. The man had asked him if he would be willing to be a god, given the chance, the day before.

Instead of placing something he carved into the man's hand, the man in the robe reached out and touched Kyles forehead. Kyle knew he needed to go to a certain field in Nebraska in a few days. "Hey, Kyle, can you help me finish with the dishes?" a voice called out from behind him.

"Sure," he said, turning around, "be there in a little while." He turned back around to see that there was no evidence of the man being there. He must have left, or went to the bathroom, thought Kyle as he stood up to go to the kitchen.

Kyle pulled up to the edge of the field and turned off his car. There were already a few people there, so he got out. "Hello!" he called out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"All contestants gather please." Someone called over the intercom. Katherin headed towards where a large stage had been built. She stood looking around she was curious about who else had come to this. "As you all have probably heard the god and goddesses of old seemed to have disappeared. No one knows where they went or why they are gone but without them the universe is in jeopardy. So governments all over world got together and decided that the best way to guarantee the universe doesn't destroy itself in this unbalanced time is to replace the gods and goddesses. So you will all compete to show us that you can handle the responsibilities of the god or goddess you have chosen to replace. We have come up with several challenges to see who can handle the responsibilities. For the first challenge you will have to find and tame the animal that will represent your god or goddess. We encourage you to work together."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"All contestants gather please." Someone called over the intercom. Katherin headed towards where a large stage had been built. She stood looking around she was curious about who else had come to this. "As you all have probably heard the god and goddesses of old seemed to have disappeared. No one knows where they went or why they are gone but without them the universe is in jeopardy. So governments all over world got together and decided that the best way to guarantee the universe doesn't destroy itself in this unbalanced time is to replace the gods and goddesses. So you will all compete to show us that you can handle the responsibilities of the god or goddess you have chosen to replace. We have come up with several challenges to see who can handle the responsibilities. For the first challenge you will have to find and tame the animal that will represent your god or goddess. We encourage you to work together."

Kyle raised his hand. "I've got a few questions. One, how can a government make a god? I know that the people in government tend to have god complexes and like to bring their wrath down on any who don't obey their commands, but shouldn't it take a god to make a god? Also, if they can do this, why not make themselves gods. I'm sure there are plenty in the governments of the world that would just at the chance to smite their enemies." Sure, he wasn't far into the meeting, but their statement didn't make much sense. Even if they knew how to create a being with immense power, why would they give it to a bunch of wildcards who decided to gather in a field?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rolling his eyes, Ashley gritted his teeth as he limped his way the stage, "This had better be worth it," he thought as his knee sent staps of pain up his leg, "if not, I'm going to be pissed." As he made his way toward the stage, he found that he had to rely less and less on his cane, as if his leg was no longer just a scar covered mess. He also felt thinner and trimmer than he did when he left his car. Seeing a mirror on his way, he stopped to look at himself. He jaw dropped, and he rubbed his face in shock. He had gained weight after his injury, but now he appeared to be in even better shape than his time in the marines. Grinning, he began sprinting towards the stage, and felt more alive than ever. He felt as if he was a man reborn, with all his troubles gone. He wore that grin as he skidded to a stop in front of the stage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Those are good questions."The woman announce admitted."I wont deny that many of the officials were tempted to do so. But there is more to being a powerful being like a god or goddess. Let's take the Goddess of the Hunt for example. She would be responsible for every hunter in the world. She would have to punish those who do not respect the animals that they hunt. She would be responsible for making sure that the animals don't destroy their habitat by encouraging hunters to go after animals that are overpopulating an area. Each God and Goddess has responsibilities that come with their powers. Some officials will be joining the trials but most decided it was too much work without enough reward."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Aeron watched through David's eyes and listened to the man's speech. He didn't know why the gods vanished, but he was going to find out. He decided to help David find a owl. He couldn't use his powers but he could influence David.
David nods at him and looked over seeing a forest. "Let's check the forest. We could find the animals there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Alex groaned in annoyance, after leaving the airport he had immediately made his way to the fields that he was told to go to despite his jet lag. And quite frankly the fact that he now had to tame an animal was getting ridiculous still he was here now no use complaining. So he looked around to see where he could possibly find the largest amount of animals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Is anyone interested in working together?"Katherin asked looking around. She wondered who each of these people wanted to become. What god and goddess called to them. She had been drawn here by opportunity. But she felt drawn to the goddess of winter. She had always liked winter the best of all the seasons. She wouldn't be able to find a winter animal here. She was going to have to travel to find what she wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After the boost of energy, Ashley could feel a familiar ache returning to his knee. Looking down at his body, he saw that while his body was the same fitness it was a minute earlier, his knee was no longer had the flexibility it did. Smiling sadly, Ashley was about to go off on his own to search for his animal, when he heard someone ask, "Is anyone interested in working together?" Turning towards the voice, he saw the redhead looking around at the group. Two had already began going their separate ways and the remainder was milling around the stage. Raising his hand, he replied, "Yeah, I'm willing, though I may slow you down." As he said this, Ashley pointed at his stiff knee, which was obscured by his jeans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex looked around and saw people going of in different directions and a few going together, deciding get on with it and not wast time he decided to walk towards a forest that could hold something for him to tame deciding to be cautious and walk as quietly as possible he advanced through the forest the deeper he went the darker it got.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 10 days ago

Aeon knew he could help influence this boy into winning but not much. If he used to much power, then the boy's body will be destroyed, killing him, and Aeon didnt want that. He would let out just enough to get a owl to him, and it will be tamed.
David smiled and said "Sure, Im willing to work together." He smiled at them both and told the guy "Dont worry about it, we'll be fine."
Aeon wondered if he could call to the other gods, and tell him of his plans.
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