Our Age was forged in blood and it shall end in blood.
Gods, Kings, & Wizards is a fantasy RP taking place in the world of Dorthargal. Dorthargal is a land of deceit, war, chaos and trickery with a heavy dose of explosive magery. Decidedly rooted and inspired by Dark Fantasy works such as those by Steven Erikson, Glen Cook as well as my own D&D campaigns. The result is a world where the deities of Dorthargal are in constant conflict, dozen of different powerful factions and kingdoms constantly fighting for control of this Earth-like planet. While ancient deep rooted history binds much of the lore together it is still much a blank slate that can be used to create new and wonderful stories. The story of GK&W is one such tale in this world about the Iron Mountain Adventuring Company and their journey through Dorthargal during the closing years of the Red Age. What starts out as a simple adventure becomes much more as well.... I don’t want to spoil the fun for you. If any of this seems interesting to you please take a gander below. Things are not finished yet, but I hoped to give you a good picture of the world.
It is said with truth that every building is constructed stone by stone, and the same may be said of knowledge, extracted and compiled by many learned men, each of whom builds upon the works of those who precedes him. What one does not learn another shall in time and all shall be known by the time man is done. Now it is this old man’s turn to take up the time to build the next brick. I was not the first to sculpt such a form within this Monastery and I will not be the last, no doubt this tradition will continue to rise and become strong with the help of many hands.
What follows is a testament to the courage and vigor of the men and beast that shaped the history of Dorthargal. This is no means an accusation or some form of appeasement for what had been done, this is only a recording of those souls that lived through it. This is a story of the Red Age of Dorthargal: heroics, villains, war, kings, conquest, savagery, demons, dragons, and mercenaries. The tales within forever changed the landscape of our land and like all others shaped the foundation of history.
It is to my hope that in reading these records you can avoid the mistakes of our terrible defeats and follow in the footsteps of our heroic victories. Do not judge those you see within for the burdens their names now bare, judge theme upon their actions with your own eyes. May the gods watch over us all.
What follows is a testament to the courage and vigor of the men and beast that shaped the history of Dorthargal. This is no means an accusation or some form of appeasement for what had been done, this is only a recording of those souls that lived through it. This is a story of the Red Age of Dorthargal: heroics, villains, war, kings, conquest, savagery, demons, dragons, and mercenaries. The tales within forever changed the landscape of our land and like all others shaped the foundation of history.
It is to my hope that in reading these records you can avoid the mistakes of our terrible defeats and follow in the footsteps of our heroic victories. Do not judge those you see within for the burdens their names now bare, judge theme upon their actions with your own eyes. May the gods watch over us all.
Dorthargal: A Brief History
Nobody for certain knows the true age of Dorthargal, yet this has not stopped many a scholar and historian from digging through old texts and ruins to try and find out. Is it thirty thousand years as a hopeful group claims, a hundred thousand - even more than that? Are we still in our world’s youth or in its dying convulsions?It is not known for those that lived during the Gold Age were not cultured and so we have no written records.
What we do have knowledge of was this time was that it was one of barbarism. No great civilizations dotted the landscapes or claimed sovereignty over the lands. In place of these great places small tribes littered the landscapes they were forgers, hunters, wanders, and most of all none without what seemed to be a common language to connect them. What little contact they did have with one another we could summarize only ended in bloody conflict. Though in these times there were greater threats than this. For this was the time of the Giants.
We know little of the Giants with all that remains are colossal isolated dwellings and their ivory bones that mark the wilderness. What we can say about comes from assumptions based upon analysis of these places and their continual mention throughout the land’s myths. They were the most dominate force in this isolated period. Vicious, bloodthirsty they hunted down villages of Men and Fae alike destroying and devouring all. It it's generally agreed upon that these Giants are the reason for the lack of civilization’s growth as their presence did not look too kindly to the stationary, sustained life of farming that was required for the foundations of such empires.
This all came to an end as the Gold Age dwindled and the Green Age came to replace it. It was in this time of transition that the Fae folk first discovered the use of the Arcane. It was with these powers and under the guidance of Afryl The Uniter of the Thousand Tribes that the Fae were able to bring the Giants beyond the point of death in a costly war. Organized and powerful when it was over the Fae races were the first to create the first kingdoms upon which we have written accounts of and so we can create a much more vivid picture of the Green Age.
From all accounts it was a time of verdant prosperity as these bastions of culture flourished. The most important of these developments came to our fundamental knowledge of the Arcane and how we manipulate our worlds. Experiments with healing, alchemy, artificery and magic were daily things. They speak of the Fae holding immortality, a state of deathless upon which they covered for walked their coveted halls. But as in all things it was truly not all that simple. The price of these developments were high and oppression of the races of man and beast through rampant slavery, genocide. It was the price that they felt was worth its cost as cities, roads, test subjects, and valuable metals do not grow on tree. But it was this oppression that would seal the ending fate of the Green Age.
The men and beastfolk were united under the name of Kathur the Conqueror, A slave who spent most of his life in the mines digging up arcane materials. Kathur and his army of slaves lead a long revolt against their Fae persecutors. The slaves finally won the war that left the very ground spoiled red with blood and scarred with damage still visible to this day. This victory marks the end of what many scholars consider the Era of Myths and thus began The Blue Age of Dorthargal and with it man’s rise to dominance. Time progressed and soon three more ages came and went and nearly two thousand years prior with the fall of the Qalini Magocracy, the Red Age came into existence. A time marked by nearly constant plague, disease, beast attack, or warfare some fear we have entered the dying years of our world as the winters grow longer and the summers shorter with each passing season.
It is in this time in the closing years of the Red Age, that the story it is my duty to tell as Scribe begins. In the Free City of Highwinter on a sweltering summer’s day as the ship with the black mast docked in the harbor.
What we do have knowledge of was this time was that it was one of barbarism. No great civilizations dotted the landscapes or claimed sovereignty over the lands. In place of these great places small tribes littered the landscapes they were forgers, hunters, wanders, and most of all none without what seemed to be a common language to connect them. What little contact they did have with one another we could summarize only ended in bloody conflict. Though in these times there were greater threats than this. For this was the time of the Giants.
We know little of the Giants with all that remains are colossal isolated dwellings and their ivory bones that mark the wilderness. What we can say about comes from assumptions based upon analysis of these places and their continual mention throughout the land’s myths. They were the most dominate force in this isolated period. Vicious, bloodthirsty they hunted down villages of Men and Fae alike destroying and devouring all. It it's generally agreed upon that these Giants are the reason for the lack of civilization’s growth as their presence did not look too kindly to the stationary, sustained life of farming that was required for the foundations of such empires.
This all came to an end as the Gold Age dwindled and the Green Age came to replace it. It was in this time of transition that the Fae folk first discovered the use of the Arcane. It was with these powers and under the guidance of Afryl The Uniter of the Thousand Tribes that the Fae were able to bring the Giants beyond the point of death in a costly war. Organized and powerful when it was over the Fae races were the first to create the first kingdoms upon which we have written accounts of and so we can create a much more vivid picture of the Green Age.
From all accounts it was a time of verdant prosperity as these bastions of culture flourished. The most important of these developments came to our fundamental knowledge of the Arcane and how we manipulate our worlds. Experiments with healing, alchemy, artificery and magic were daily things. They speak of the Fae holding immortality, a state of deathless upon which they covered for walked their coveted halls. But as in all things it was truly not all that simple. The price of these developments were high and oppression of the races of man and beast through rampant slavery, genocide. It was the price that they felt was worth its cost as cities, roads, test subjects, and valuable metals do not grow on tree. But it was this oppression that would seal the ending fate of the Green Age.
The men and beastfolk were united under the name of Kathur the Conqueror, A slave who spent most of his life in the mines digging up arcane materials. Kathur and his army of slaves lead a long revolt against their Fae persecutors. The slaves finally won the war that left the very ground spoiled red with blood and scarred with damage still visible to this day. This victory marks the end of what many scholars consider the Era of Myths and thus began The Blue Age of Dorthargal and with it man’s rise to dominance. Time progressed and soon three more ages came and went and nearly two thousand years prior with the fall of the Qalini Magocracy, the Red Age came into existence. A time marked by nearly constant plague, disease, beast attack, or warfare some fear we have entered the dying years of our world as the winters grow longer and the summers shorter with each passing season.
It is in this time in the closing years of the Red Age, that the story it is my duty to tell as Scribe begins. In the Free City of Highwinter on a sweltering summer’s day as the ship with the black mast docked in the harbor.
What be you or: The Races of Dorthargal
This is in no way shape or form a complete list, you are free to add new races, expand upon the present races and create subraces within the main ones. I have purposely made the descriptions for each as sparse as possible to not to force any ideas. Cultures, histories and attitudes are all really up to you.

One of the most populous races in Dorthargal, the many men of Dorthargal can be found dotting the landscape in cities, tribes and villages. For the most part they are pretty self-explanatory coming in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Once again pretty standard in this department. The Elves are the most populous of the Fae races and the most inclined to do dealings with others. Old masters of the world, their immortality was lost long ago as well as most of their ancient culture. But the marks it left still remain upon their people as their capacity for the arcane is one of the greatest in the land. Their naturally tall and slender faces deem them as an “attractive” race and Elves have no trouble finding many that would want to bed with them. Those seen outside of the Fae Conclave are usually either caravaners or wizards as most have no other reason to face the rest of the world where they risk persecution due to their ancestor’s slavery inclinations.

The people of the mountain and stone, defenders of the underground, menders of steel. Dwarves have many names in Dorthargal but they all refer to the same people. Stuck in an odd distinction somewhere between Fae and Man these stout men and women stick to what they know best stabbing, chopping, forgoing and drinking. While most live within the hallowed halls of their kingdom within the Dwoekin Range some “surfacers” still leave their humans to see the world and adventure. Strong warriors, smiths, and premiere enchanters a Dwarves are good allies to call upon.

Cysgods in most ancient text but now more commonly referred to by the easier to remember Halfling. These wee folk are lovers of good drinks, sleep and the occasional adventure. red toned hair, fair skin and their short stature are traditional markings of the Halfling. While most would believe they are a race of man, they are actually Fae creatures more related to the Elves. Always hankering for some mischief they are usually employed as thieves using their natural aptitude at picking locks and plentiful charm. Though Halfling wizards and warriors are not unheard of and some are scattered about the Realm.

People of the forest, the Slyvn are one of Dorthargal’s odder Fae creatures. Slyvn are made in the forests of the land but not necessarily born. They represent the will of these plants and trees and protect them as well as they can and most certainly to the death. Most Slyvn seen outside of the depths of the forests are usually younger venturing out on their Shamashal. A great pilgrimage that each Slyvn must complete as a sort of rite before they can return to their home tree.

Derogatorily called Ratmen this race of furry creatures can be found living almost anywhere. Despite their savage appearance these folk are natural tinkers and enchanters. The first to start experimenting with gunpowder the Mapepo are all thinkers in some right. If you need something enchanted or invented finding a Mapepo in his or her workshop would greatly hasten the process.

Remnants of Gold Age magic, these towering creatures of metal and stone were once beasts of war used to fight the Giants. Now they are docile creatures usually found in the company of Mapepo, Dwarves (the original creators of the creatures) or anyone that could find one left behind. Aspiring wizards, mages and sorcerers try to seek them out for their vast and bountiful wisdom on the arcane arts that helped create them.

Coming in a variety of different shapes, colors, sizes etc. Beast folk are bipedal animal like creatures with distinct animal features and a sapient level of intelligence. Like most they were originally slaves underneath the old Fae kingdoms but freed themselves during the revolts under Kathur. Today they are merchants, wizards, warriors, thieves and anything else the really wish to be.
The Known World

Anything not within a colored box can be considered generally unclaimed land filled with mean things that want to kill you.
The Free Cities:The Free Cities are a collection of splintered city states that made up the former Qalini Magocracy. Today they are united underneath what is called Lord’s Conduct, an agreement between the Lords of each city that states that they will not attack one another and they will come to each other’s aid in a time of need. Due to the relatively lax nature of the enforcement of laws, these city states are a haven for smugglers, pirates and scum of all kind. To that same regard though it is a place where anybody from anywhere can come and make their name in the world. A place where dreams can be seized and shattered in a separation of only a few moments.
The Fae Conclave: The only reminder of the once great Fae Kingdom that fell at the end of the Green Age. Shrouded in a constant arcane mist, the last of an ancient defense system only those with permission can enter the Conclave. Within this land Fae creatures can live in peace and not fear the outside world and its persecution. Trade between the Conclave and the outside world is generally performed by the Elven traders that can move freely between the mist and the outside world. What most know the conclave is only of tales and stories as most never see beyond the mist. The conclave is a tight fisted theocracy being run primarily by The Presidium and their guards.
The Dwarven Lands: The yellow box marks the approximate location of the main entrances to the Dwarven Kingdom. The kingdom itself runs through the entirety of the Dwoekin Range and goes deep beneath the surface of the planet. The Kingdom is a Stratocracy with the dwarven warrior caste running the entire show. This is out of necessity more than anything else as they must be ready to repel fight all sorts of creatures that lay deep beneath the surface of the planet. Smiths, warriors, inventors they all work towards the greater good of defending the kingdom. They primarily export metals and other precious gems out of their mines and into world for sale as well as any enchanted items they create.
The Vomaric Imperium: Once a small smattering of tribes and villages, the Imperium is know the largest military power in all of the world. While all power rests solely in the current King or Queen, land is generally watch over and given to the wealthy Aristocracy to do with it what seems fit. A nation where class and social politics rule the day. As such nobles and peasants have very different lives with nobles begin concerned with the latest fashions and academic papers while the peasantry wear simple clothes marked with the heraldry of the noble they serve and do physical task and other work. Because of this there is a general sense of resentment for the commoners as they work everyday with a dream of someday reaching the height of the nobility. This goal is hard to achieve as they are oppressed by what they see as unfair privileges and rites that they must follow.
Furthermore commoners in the Imperium are at the mercy of the needs of the nobles and their country. During war times, press gangs lead by the nobility roundup and commonly force Vormarician peasants into military service whether they want to or not. Those who don’t are left at the mercy of bandits a nd starvation as the army takes demand over the peasant population. Though the peasants have little in terms of weapons and resolve and so the cycle has continued uninterrupted for hundreds of years.
The aristocracy of the Imperium is a vicious game marked by the desire for more power. Spies, assassins and saboteurs lurked about and it is not uncommon for a nobel to vanish in the night. The ruthlessness of this game of position is well known throughout the world as most know talking to a Vormarician noble well quickly trap you inside this game as even once conversation marks you as an ally that must be dealt with or coerced. Trained for a young age the young aristocracy are usually well versed in the arcane arts, combat and classic study of literature and history.
Sadia: Sadia is a plutocracy and the most affluent nation in all of Dorthargal. They started out as simple sailors and caravanners trading in the committees of their land silk, spices and gold. Though soon they found out the demand for these in other nations was high and soon they took to trading in a much more aggressive fashion. Through a series of highly complex treaties Sadia sailors have free access to every port in the land and they use this power to their own benefit greatly. Sadia grew from a few small camps in the desert into to huge towering ivory oasis shining underneath the sun.
Most of the power is in the hands of several trading houses. These trading houses are made up of several affluent families that bound their power and wealth together to create strong monopolies. Coin has the most power in Sadia as those that have can get anything they went and those without it are generally stuck in the gutter. Coin allows nobles to bribe each other, buy essential goods, bribe foreigner nations, buy more exoticit items to trade all to make more coin. This is why the trading houses have the most sway in the nation as they hold massive swaths of money of several affluent families combined wealth that no normal person could dream of achieving. Their vaults are filled to brim with gems, coins and treausres making Sadia a favorite destination among thieves.
Sadia does not have a standing military and instead relies on hiring out large mercenary armies whenever they are threatened. Because of this some nations think that they are weak but in reality the armies they could muster could rival any of those in Dorthargal. In times of conflict they usually ally themselves with those that are most likely to win and having Sadia coffers supplying you does put the odds ever more in your favor.
Sadia is a varied nation where you can see most of every race talking and conversing in a variety of languages. Interestingly they also have the largest population of Dwarves outside of the Dwarven homelands due to their relatively close proximity, their presence is seen in architecture and generally smithy appearances and quality of work. An influence also seen in that two of the dominating trading houses are in actually two old Dwarven merchant houses that left the mountains for greener pastures.
The Niratrem Empire: Originally making up the northern Free Cities in the beginning of the Red Age the city state of Niratrem rouse to great power. Having a strong military tradition and blessed with bountiful resources the Niratrem city state grew in power and soon began to conquer the other city states around them. This marked the start of the warmongering Niratrem Empire. Descendents of barbarians these strong willed individuals have a natural liking for conquest and blood. A military tradition embed so deep that the nobles decided amongst them who will be named Emperor or Empress with great events called Royal Decisions. Acting as a sort of brawl the prospective kings and sometimes even defending king fight in a royal tournee of sorts where the last man standing gets the crown.
Most of the noble class are members of the feared and renowned knightly order The Gallants. Gallant’ martial training is considered by most to be the harshest, learning combat in every form from a very young age to become proficient masters in the way of death. This training instills a remarkable level of discipline and a strictly followed code of honor that on breaking would lead to a swift death and great dishonor upon their family. They are looked up upon by many as the greatest military troops in all of Dorthargal with tales of just a few gallant’s holding off entire armies for hours upon end. Under Niratrem law the Gallant are given free reign over the peasantry which does cause discord between the ruling and commoner classes.
There are currently whispers of border skirmishes between Niratrem and the Imperium as both military powers are looking for ways to expand. While these skirmishes are currently contained if they spilled out and war begun it could drag the entire world into chaos with it.
Yeric: A hegemony of nations united under the prosperous and affluent mageocracy that is Yeric. During the Blue Age, Yeric was the first big empire to rise to power after the fall of the Fae. Over the years though other nations rose to power and soon Yeric which once swept across the entirety of the lands fell to the small holding around its capital city. It was here that it slowly began to regain its power and come back to dominance bringing other small nations into the fold with the promise of power through the secrets of magic.
Yeric is the only remaining true Mageocracy in the world after the fall of Qalini. A shadow of its former self it is still relatively strong and holds sway in the affairs of the world but not as much as they would like. The mageocracy is the dominate force in Yeric where those who have great talent with magic can get anything they want. They have huge estates, slaves, money and all the explicit luxury items one could have. Skilled mages marry other mages to try and keep their bloodline strong with the hope to bring the family line into great power. The ruling family of Yeric, House Cynder has had a successful mage bloodline since the Blue age and are one of the oldest institutions of power still left standing in the world. Those without magic are treated as second class citizens, slaves and warriors used to do what those with the power do not want to do. Due to this Slave revolts are common in Yeric but they are also put down with extreme brutality and efficiency.
While Yeric was once a warmongering state know they are relatively peaceful. They are masters of diplomacy and prefer to sign agreements and treaties to keep the peace and bring other nations into their fold. Yericlyns do not believe that war is ever a good thing because it drags them away from their research and is generally a bothersome task to sway away those that would like to bother them. Because of this most other nations have good relations with Yeric as they are polite to a point and since most court wizards and other well trained mages come from the nation as a King would trust one of them more than a wizard from the Fae Conclave of course. Yeric is a bastion of technology and magic even if sometimes morals are put aside to allow for progress.
The Fae Conclave: The only reminder of the once great Fae Kingdom that fell at the end of the Green Age. Shrouded in a constant arcane mist, the last of an ancient defense system only those with permission can enter the Conclave. Within this land Fae creatures can live in peace and not fear the outside world and its persecution. Trade between the Conclave and the outside world is generally performed by the Elven traders that can move freely between the mist and the outside world. What most know the conclave is only of tales and stories as most never see beyond the mist. The conclave is a tight fisted theocracy being run primarily by The Presidium and their guards.
The Dwarven Lands: The yellow box marks the approximate location of the main entrances to the Dwarven Kingdom. The kingdom itself runs through the entirety of the Dwoekin Range and goes deep beneath the surface of the planet. The Kingdom is a Stratocracy with the dwarven warrior caste running the entire show. This is out of necessity more than anything else as they must be ready to repel fight all sorts of creatures that lay deep beneath the surface of the planet. Smiths, warriors, inventors they all work towards the greater good of defending the kingdom. They primarily export metals and other precious gems out of their mines and into world for sale as well as any enchanted items they create.
The Vomaric Imperium: Once a small smattering of tribes and villages, the Imperium is know the largest military power in all of the world. While all power rests solely in the current King or Queen, land is generally watch over and given to the wealthy Aristocracy to do with it what seems fit. A nation where class and social politics rule the day. As such nobles and peasants have very different lives with nobles begin concerned with the latest fashions and academic papers while the peasantry wear simple clothes marked with the heraldry of the noble they serve and do physical task and other work. Because of this there is a general sense of resentment for the commoners as they work everyday with a dream of someday reaching the height of the nobility. This goal is hard to achieve as they are oppressed by what they see as unfair privileges and rites that they must follow.
Furthermore commoners in the Imperium are at the mercy of the needs of the nobles and their country. During war times, press gangs lead by the nobility roundup and commonly force Vormarician peasants into military service whether they want to or not. Those who don’t are left at the mercy of bandits a nd starvation as the army takes demand over the peasant population. Though the peasants have little in terms of weapons and resolve and so the cycle has continued uninterrupted for hundreds of years.
The aristocracy of the Imperium is a vicious game marked by the desire for more power. Spies, assassins and saboteurs lurked about and it is not uncommon for a nobel to vanish in the night. The ruthlessness of this game of position is well known throughout the world as most know talking to a Vormarician noble well quickly trap you inside this game as even once conversation marks you as an ally that must be dealt with or coerced. Trained for a young age the young aristocracy are usually well versed in the arcane arts, combat and classic study of literature and history.
Sadia: Sadia is a plutocracy and the most affluent nation in all of Dorthargal. They started out as simple sailors and caravanners trading in the committees of their land silk, spices and gold. Though soon they found out the demand for these in other nations was high and soon they took to trading in a much more aggressive fashion. Through a series of highly complex treaties Sadia sailors have free access to every port in the land and they use this power to their own benefit greatly. Sadia grew from a few small camps in the desert into to huge towering ivory oasis shining underneath the sun.
Most of the power is in the hands of several trading houses. These trading houses are made up of several affluent families that bound their power and wealth together to create strong monopolies. Coin has the most power in Sadia as those that have can get anything they went and those without it are generally stuck in the gutter. Coin allows nobles to bribe each other, buy essential goods, bribe foreigner nations, buy more exoticit items to trade all to make more coin. This is why the trading houses have the most sway in the nation as they hold massive swaths of money of several affluent families combined wealth that no normal person could dream of achieving. Their vaults are filled to brim with gems, coins and treausres making Sadia a favorite destination among thieves.
Sadia does not have a standing military and instead relies on hiring out large mercenary armies whenever they are threatened. Because of this some nations think that they are weak but in reality the armies they could muster could rival any of those in Dorthargal. In times of conflict they usually ally themselves with those that are most likely to win and having Sadia coffers supplying you does put the odds ever more in your favor.
Sadia is a varied nation where you can see most of every race talking and conversing in a variety of languages. Interestingly they also have the largest population of Dwarves outside of the Dwarven homelands due to their relatively close proximity, their presence is seen in architecture and generally smithy appearances and quality of work. An influence also seen in that two of the dominating trading houses are in actually two old Dwarven merchant houses that left the mountains for greener pastures.
The Niratrem Empire: Originally making up the northern Free Cities in the beginning of the Red Age the city state of Niratrem rouse to great power. Having a strong military tradition and blessed with bountiful resources the Niratrem city state grew in power and soon began to conquer the other city states around them. This marked the start of the warmongering Niratrem Empire. Descendents of barbarians these strong willed individuals have a natural liking for conquest and blood. A military tradition embed so deep that the nobles decided amongst them who will be named Emperor or Empress with great events called Royal Decisions. Acting as a sort of brawl the prospective kings and sometimes even defending king fight in a royal tournee of sorts where the last man standing gets the crown.
Most of the noble class are members of the feared and renowned knightly order The Gallants. Gallant’ martial training is considered by most to be the harshest, learning combat in every form from a very young age to become proficient masters in the way of death. This training instills a remarkable level of discipline and a strictly followed code of honor that on breaking would lead to a swift death and great dishonor upon their family. They are looked up upon by many as the greatest military troops in all of Dorthargal with tales of just a few gallant’s holding off entire armies for hours upon end. Under Niratrem law the Gallant are given free reign over the peasantry which does cause discord between the ruling and commoner classes.
There are currently whispers of border skirmishes between Niratrem and the Imperium as both military powers are looking for ways to expand. While these skirmishes are currently contained if they spilled out and war begun it could drag the entire world into chaos with it.
Yeric: A hegemony of nations united under the prosperous and affluent mageocracy that is Yeric. During the Blue Age, Yeric was the first big empire to rise to power after the fall of the Fae. Over the years though other nations rose to power and soon Yeric which once swept across the entirety of the lands fell to the small holding around its capital city. It was here that it slowly began to regain its power and come back to dominance bringing other small nations into the fold with the promise of power through the secrets of magic.
Yeric is the only remaining true Mageocracy in the world after the fall of Qalini. A shadow of its former self it is still relatively strong and holds sway in the affairs of the world but not as much as they would like. The mageocracy is the dominate force in Yeric where those who have great talent with magic can get anything they want. They have huge estates, slaves, money and all the explicit luxury items one could have. Skilled mages marry other mages to try and keep their bloodline strong with the hope to bring the family line into great power. The ruling family of Yeric, House Cynder has had a successful mage bloodline since the Blue age and are one of the oldest institutions of power still left standing in the world. Those without magic are treated as second class citizens, slaves and warriors used to do what those with the power do not want to do. Due to this Slave revolts are common in Yeric but they are also put down with extreme brutality and efficiency.
While Yeric was once a warmongering state know they are relatively peaceful. They are masters of diplomacy and prefer to sign agreements and treaties to keep the peace and bring other nations into their fold. Yericlyns do not believe that war is ever a good thing because it drags them away from their research and is generally a bothersome task to sway away those that would like to bother them. Because of this most other nations have good relations with Yeric as they are polite to a point and since most court wizards and other well trained mages come from the nation as a King would trust one of them more than a wizard from the Fae Conclave of course. Yeric is a bastion of technology and magic even if sometimes morals are put aside to allow for progress.
The Iron Mountain Adventuring Company

Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris
Called an adventuring company because mercenary companies have such a negative connotation to them. Iron Mountain is one of the most renowned adventure for hire groups in the known world. Having close to 2000 adventures on call at all times they hire them out to the highest bidder to do any number of dastardly things in the name of a few coins. Murder, extortion, genocide, guerilla warfare whatever is needed they will find a will and way to do it. The company gets 75% of the profit as a finders fee as well as paying for the adventures items, housing while not away and paying off any officials each employee gets 25% to do whatever they damn well please with it. Their base of operations is in Highwinter along the southern coast of the free cities but Iron Mountain soldiers can be found all over Dorthargal. It is a name that carries prestige in that they get the job done.
The Sacred Procession: The Procession is the the name of the largest congregation of human faith in Dorthargal. The Procession is a patheon made up of many gods, goddess and minor deities. These celestial beings are all in constant conflict with one another and always trying to murder and outdo one another by bringing more followers to their respective temples.
The Presidium: The last three immortal Fae within the conclave: Mormaris, Yllaharice, and Aeyarus. To the Fae creatures they are akin to gods walking amongst mortals. Because of their bountiful wisdom and great magical ability unlike any other in the world they are worshiped and treated as gods among the Fae. Rulers of the conclave they each live within three large floating towers that dominate the skyline of the capital city of Ryn.
The Stone: The Dwarven religion is most like of ancient Shintoism. They worship and believe in the ancient spirits of the stone that they believe watch over and protect them. These spirits are big and small, helpful and harmful and are considered by the dwarves to be the precursors to their own race.
The Church of the Architect: The dominant religion of the Imperium, the church is one of the only monotheistic religions in existence in Dorthragal. They believe in the Architect a grand and divine begin that spoke to the first king of the Imperium and told him of the grand empire that would be his. The church says that this begin created the world and everything around it and that through the Architect that everything else flows. That he has a plan set up for everyone and every creature in his world of creation.
The Synergy of Magic: Less of a religion and more of a philosophy either way it is the dominant idea of thinking in Yeric. The idea is that the world is one giant flowing arcane device and that each person in the world is like a cog in the great machine and that we must all do our duty to keep the balance and allow the arcane magic to flow.
The Presidium: The last three immortal Fae within the conclave: Mormaris, Yllaharice, and Aeyarus. To the Fae creatures they are akin to gods walking amongst mortals. Because of their bountiful wisdom and great magical ability unlike any other in the world they are worshiped and treated as gods among the Fae. Rulers of the conclave they each live within three large floating towers that dominate the skyline of the capital city of Ryn.
The Stone: The Dwarven religion is most like of ancient Shintoism. They worship and believe in the ancient spirits of the stone that they believe watch over and protect them. These spirits are big and small, helpful and harmful and are considered by the dwarves to be the precursors to their own race.
The Church of the Architect: The dominant religion of the Imperium, the church is one of the only monotheistic religions in existence in Dorthragal. They believe in the Architect a grand and divine begin that spoke to the first king of the Imperium and told him of the grand empire that would be his. The church says that this begin created the world and everything around it and that through the Architect that everything else flows. That he has a plan set up for everyone and every creature in his world of creation.
The Synergy of Magic: Less of a religion and more of a philosophy either way it is the dominant idea of thinking in Yeric. The idea is that the world is one giant flowing arcane device and that each person in the world is like a cog in the great machine and that we must all do our duty to keep the balance and allow the arcane magic to flow.
Magic in Dorthargal is a subject upon which is clouded much in mystery but most can generally agree that there are three different types of it. Abyssal, Primordial and Arcane. While the Arcane Arts can generally be taught to anyone with enough reading and practicing the other two come as natural born gifts and are generally a dying art. To make things easier to understand I’m going to break each of them down separately so you can see what I mean.
The Arcane Arts: The Arcane Arts are more like a science than anything else, it is the understanding of the innate magical properties of the world around us and how they manipulate the world. Arcanist can create high quality materials, enchanted items, magical lanterns, modernized waterworks and all that would be considered by us to be called technology. The study physics, chemistry, medicine and metallurgy and how the proper incantation, rune or force of will can call upon powers to bend the will of the world. Alchemist, enchanters and rune makers all fall under the designation of Arcanists. Most importantly Arcanist are still bounded somewhat by the laws of reality can they create fireballs yes they can but their fireballs still follow conservation of energy laws and so heat must be dragged out of the body through mental will to produce a flame, heat for heat, energy for energy. They can’t conjure up gold or summon dragons but they can manipulate physics so that two objects of like sized mentally linked can be lifted together as if one is floating in air.
Primordial Magic: Primordial magic is more akin to what you would imagine a standard wizard begin able to do. Casting fireballs, summoning lighting, creating creatures out of thin air. This is the magic most commonly used by wizards and sorcerers of the Fae Conclave and Yeric. This magic not all can learn and instead is passed through bloodlines as some have an aptitude at channeling the forces required but most do not and so it is more misjudged than the Arcane arts with stories of witches turning people to newts, cannibalistic shamans and the like being fresh in the minds of the people. But those people also go to churches and cathedrals where priests and paladins perform divine indications to the gods to perform miracles which actually falls under the same classification as the witches and shamans they fear so much. The thing is though is that even Primordial Magic has its limits you push too far and your mind breaks, you exploded in a blast of magical energy in a phenomenon known as a MageBreak.
Abyssal Magic: Abyssal Magic is dark, ancient and forbidden Fae Magic that has been lost with time. The only three practitioners of this type are the Presidium as they were born in a time when it was practiced much more freely than it is now. This grants them powers close to gods begin able to move entire oceans, drag moons out of the sky and conjure up fireballs the size of continents. If Primordial Magic warps reality than Abyssal Magic completely destroys it allowing for feats of strength, power and intelligence on a grand scale. Many unfortunate souls have tried to learn this key to what they think would be Godhood only to go insane by the utter power that is exerted on the mind required to cast it.
The Arcane Arts: The Arcane Arts are more like a science than anything else, it is the understanding of the innate magical properties of the world around us and how they manipulate the world. Arcanist can create high quality materials, enchanted items, magical lanterns, modernized waterworks and all that would be considered by us to be called technology. The study physics, chemistry, medicine and metallurgy and how the proper incantation, rune or force of will can call upon powers to bend the will of the world. Alchemist, enchanters and rune makers all fall under the designation of Arcanists. Most importantly Arcanist are still bounded somewhat by the laws of reality can they create fireballs yes they can but their fireballs still follow conservation of energy laws and so heat must be dragged out of the body through mental will to produce a flame, heat for heat, energy for energy. They can’t conjure up gold or summon dragons but they can manipulate physics so that two objects of like sized mentally linked can be lifted together as if one is floating in air.
Primordial Magic: Primordial magic is more akin to what you would imagine a standard wizard begin able to do. Casting fireballs, summoning lighting, creating creatures out of thin air. This is the magic most commonly used by wizards and sorcerers of the Fae Conclave and Yeric. This magic not all can learn and instead is passed through bloodlines as some have an aptitude at channeling the forces required but most do not and so it is more misjudged than the Arcane arts with stories of witches turning people to newts, cannibalistic shamans and the like being fresh in the minds of the people. But those people also go to churches and cathedrals where priests and paladins perform divine indications to the gods to perform miracles which actually falls under the same classification as the witches and shamans they fear so much. The thing is though is that even Primordial Magic has its limits you push too far and your mind breaks, you exploded in a blast of magical energy in a phenomenon known as a MageBreak.
Abyssal Magic: Abyssal Magic is dark, ancient and forbidden Fae Magic that has been lost with time. The only three practitioners of this type are the Presidium as they were born in a time when it was practiced much more freely than it is now. This grants them powers close to gods begin able to move entire oceans, drag moons out of the sky and conjure up fireballs the size of continents. If Primordial Magic warps reality than Abyssal Magic completely destroys it allowing for feats of strength, power and intelligence on a grand scale. Many unfortunate souls have tried to learn this key to what they think would be Godhood only to go insane by the utter power that is exerted on the mind required to cast it.
A technological approximation would be Europe of the early 16th century. A time where swords and shields mixed freely for a time with early cannons and rifles. Though these weapons of smoke and fire are in this world made from magical advancements and enchanting rather than simple chemistry and metal working. The cannon is lit by a snap of a mage’s fingers and it can fire earth elementals tucked into balls if they want too. So technology may have the same name but may have a very different twist to it.
The End
Congratulations if you made it to this point it means you got through the world building section if you skipped through that part I’m very disappointed in you. As you can see Dorthargal is a place with a history and a present. What it doesn't have is a future, it doesn't have the sweet ichor of adventure pumping through it. That is where I need your help. I need some people that want to go on a grand adventure punching dragons in the face and snapping the necks of wizards. I need a group of adventures ready to seize the day. The story right now is pretty bare bones I will tell you that, I’m going to need your help feeling in the spaces between Point A and Point B. So who is with me?