Name(First and Last): Elektra Argyris
Age: 15
Gender: Female
# Of Years You've Attended CHB: 1
Godly Parent: Peitho
Which Side You're On: Aphrodite's

Skills: Elektra is a gifted sculptress who's sculptures are prized by those she has given them to. She is also a gifted speaker who can be difficult to resist. Aware that she is only as healthy as she tries to be Elektra runs, swims and stretches each and every day as well as eats only a healthy diet..
Powers: As the daughter of Peitho Elektra has the Siren's voice when she sings which means she can enthrall any who hear it. Not yet fully able to control her voice Elektra can only stupefy not command.
Personality: Elektra is the type of girl who always tries to see the potential in any of those around her. She is a peace maker who doesn't mind being the go between and mediator. She is loyal and always keeps her word once given.
History: Elektra's father is a well known archaeologist who's focus in Helladic society and culture made him world renowned. He was chosen to speak on the subject at universities from Athens to London, New York and Tokyo. Handsome, charismatic and an enthralling speaker it was little wonder that he attracted the attention of the Goddess Peitho who soon sought him out as one of her lover. Shortly they had a very intense affair that went on for two years before Peitho revealed to him that she was a goddess come to earth and was expecting his child. Doctor Victor Argyris Elektra's father took the news well though in the beginning thought his lovely Petra was joking or slightly mad..
When Peitho gave birth to Elektra she like the other immortals of Olympus had to give her up to her mortal father and allow him to raise her as a mortal. Elektra and her father spent part of their year in Greece and the rest traveling the world where she grew up listening to her father's lectures. Life was fun and adventurous for father and daughter and Elektra thought it would never end.
Then came the day when Elektra was 12 year's old and her father died in a tragic plane crash. She was devastated and thought she was alone in the world till an aunt she never knew she had came and took her to live with her in San Francisco where she ran a large art gallery. Life there in the city by the bay wasn't the same as had been the jet setting life she'd lead before but her aunt Polly did everything to make Elektra happy.
It was here that she learned that she had a talent at art with sculpting as her best talent. Aunt Polly was her greatest fan and saw to it that Elektra received tutoring from several sculptors that she displayed at her gallery. Soon her work was it's self in demand and displayed in Polly's gallery and it looked as if she was finally settled in once more but that ended the day she found out Polly wasn't her aunt but a guardian nymph assigned by her mother to raise her.
It was quite a shock when six months ago that she found out that her long lost mother wasn't dead but a goddess who couldn't even visit her child directly. Polly revealed her true form and astounded her young charge. She then helped her find her talent of persuasion and her siren's voice but when she revealed the reason for this Elektra wasn't happy. It took Polly acting as the conduit and her mother's skill as the ultimate negotiator to convince her that it was important for her to attend Camp Half Blood.
This is Elektra's first year at the camp and other than feeling a loyalty to her mother and Aphrodite Elektra has no connections.