Sexuality: Relationship Status: Personality: Minimal 2 paragraphs Habits: Minimal 2 Hobbies: At least 1 Fears: 3 real fears that make your character unhinged
Likes: 6 minimal
Dislikes: 6 minimal
History: Minimal 3 paragraphs about your characters life up until this point.
Name: Jirachi Souma Nicknames/Aliases: Jir (Nobody usually calls her this, but she hates it when they do; pronounced Jeer/Jurr) Age: 20 Gender: Female
Height: 5'5" Weight: 124lbs Eyes: Peach-ish Hair: Dark Brown, Waist-length Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style: Jirachi always wears her hair down, hating to ever pin it up, because she is unable to wear her beanie, which she is extremely fond of. It was thing she had ever bought with her own money after-all, when she was younger. She also enjoy wearing sweaters, thigh-highs, and she loves skirts. She usually has the majority of her outfit as black, and then smaller pieces consisting of contrasting colors, which she finds cute. When Jarachi finds herself unable to hide her feline features with her natural ability, her ears are easily hidden by her cat-ear-beanie, or lain against her head to blend in with her hair. When she is unable to shift her tail away, she hides it under her skirt.
Abrasive Assertive Secretive Rash
Sexuality: Bi Relationship Status: Single Personality: Due to Jirachi's past, she is a very un-trusting person. This causes her to push away anyone who tries to become her friend. Even though she sometimes regrets it afterwards. She longs to have friends, yet she believes no one can be trusted. She often acts without thinking first, and ends up embarrassing herself or hurting the feelings of others. Habits: Biting her lip, bumping into people without apologizing Fears:
People finding out her secrets.
Losing her beanie.
Never having friends.
Annoying people.
History: Jarachi was orphaned at a very young age. From then she spent years in the orphan home, and the head matron often was the only person to tend to her, the others being repelled by her shocking biological dissimilarities. She was raised there until she was almost 18, by which time, the head matron had become extremely controlling over Jarachi, often becoming very unreasonable and betraying the girl's trust. The most scarring incident was when the matron became furious at Jarachi, striking her across the face and calling her names such as "freak", which led the young girl to run away from the orphanage to fend for herself.
Name- Samus Reugen Age- 23 Forms- In Samus’ human form, he stands above average, at six feet tall, and weighs 162 pounds. He has dark black, shaggy hair that seems to have a mind of its own, yet still manages to somehow look incredibly endearing all the time. His eyes are the color of clouds, a silky gray that seems to soften his gaze. His favorite outfit is one consisting of a long, white, duster-like coat, that has light-grey linings throughout the design, that falls to about mid-shin (his reasoning for being fond of long coats is that when he shifts into humanoid form, they tend to cover his tail). With this, he wears dark grey jeans with a black leather belt, and black tennis shoes. Around his neck he wears two thin, black, nylon cords, and a black leather cord, as well as a collar-esque black leather choker. His right ear has a double piercing, each ring about half an inch in diameter, one being about three fourths of an inch above the other, and they are placed on the lower back part of his ear. As most shifters are able to do, Samus can change his form at will. However, when Samus gets embarrassed, his form undergoes an involuntary change into his humanoid state, and he is incapable of changing back for as long as he is embarrassed. This can cause some serious problems. However, it is quite easy to hide his tail under his coat, and he is usually not distracted enough to be unaware of his embarrassment, so he can keep his ears down to blend in with his hair. Samus’ animal form is that of a Black Jaguar. A lean, yet strong body, with very powerful muscles. Samus comes from very successful parents, and therefore, never really has an immediate need for anything. He likes his independence from overshadowing adults, and enjos adventure and freedom, so he travels to where he is now, and buys a modest single room home, despite his apparent wealth. Samus is a very friendly person, but is quite shy, and likes to avoid large groups of people, if possible. However friends could convince him to be more outgoing if they wanted.
Gender: Male Age:? Appearance:
Samael stands a bit above average at 6 feet tall. This height is accompanied by a tan, lean, yet muscular body, that weighs 140-some-odd pounds. Samael is often seen donning a variety of different-colored scarves, ranging from pure white, to sand, to salmon. Nobody knows where he gets these scarves, or stores, them, but they're always changing. The rest of his wardrobe almost always consists of solely black, grey, and white, with shades in-between. When he is seen wearing something not of this color, it is most always salmon, or sand. He always wears his hair in a ponytail of the same color as his scarf. He isn't against cutting his hair, as he thinks it looks fine either way.
Personality Traits: Generally quiet Easy to get along with Fun to be around, if you can break past his outer shell Shy Analyzing and Strategic in his battles
Likes: Rain Music Silence (Un-interrupted music) Bug-Types, Steel-Types, Fighting-Types, Dark-Types Strong-looking Pokemon, Cute Pokemon, Scary Pokemon People calling him Sam/Sammy Sam(He pretends like he doesn't)
Dislikes: Trainers who abuse Pokemon Scammers Pokemon who hurt others nefariously Pokemon that are rashy violent(For example, Hydreigon are territorial)
Height: 6ft Weight: (~155-230lbs, age dependant) Eyes: Gray Hair: Black, short Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style: TBD
Quiet Observant Introverted Attentive
Sexuality: Straight Relationship Status: Single Personality: TBD
Fears: Powerful Demons Destruction of Innovation Likes: History Artifacts Learning Reading Dislikes: Arrogant people Animals Blight Rain
History: TBD
Credence in my Power: Demono is capable of manipulating a powerful set of archaic artifacts that take the form of gauntlets. These artifacts were empowered by his father, who taught Demono ways of controlling them and empowering new artifacts or refreshing the seals already upon, them before his death. They have widely varying abilities, and serve to help Demono greatly in combat. They are capable of levitating, and traveling at their listed speeds. When not in use, they are tethered to the back of his coat. These gauntlets are bestowed with various rules:
One cannot force the maneuvers of the gauntlets by any physical means, in terms of their levitation.
Unless being un-bound or intricately studied and dehanced, a gauntlet's abilities can only be temporarily disabled, and as such, are unaffected by most fields that would do so.
One cannot carry more than 4 artifacts at a time, nor can they utilize more than three at a time.
The appearance of these gauntlets is generally the same, featuring a respectively bulky glove(though still within the midst of something he can wear himself), with a small blue gem upon the top of the wrist.
Blight- Blight is Demono's most abnegated artifact, and probably the most frowned-upon by those who witness its capabilities. Blight's affect is essentially in-direct, but is still used widely in Demono's fights. It is capable of ingraining a mental influence over certain individuals if they meet the gaze of the purple eye upon its palm. Individuals who are generally down-trodden, bullied, diffident, introverted, or those put-off by the confidence or superior ability of those around them are prime targets for Blight's gaze. Upon infecting a target, Demono is informed of the infection via a purple sigil(which no one else can see) that floats above the target's head. Blight focuses on enhancing the insecurities of its targets, causing them to fear Demono, his allies, or the gauntlets themselves. Infected targets are also susceptible to weak illusions willed by Demono. However these illusions are only view-able to the infected, and can somewhat easily be discerned if focused upon. Blight can travel at a medium pace. -Demono cannot wear Blight, lest he be infected and controlled by the powers within. -Blight is maybe the most varied gauntlet, appearance wise. Besides the original mold, it emanates a faint, black, wisp-like flame that produces no heat or has any other significant effect. It also has its other out-standing appearance modification in the form of the large purple eye upon the palm. It wields long, wicked claws. -Blight is animate.
Sear- Sear is Demono's most destructive artifact, and also probably his most simple. It is one of his main offensive weapons in his arsenal. Sear is capable of both lighting itself ablaze, producing a boundlessly hot flame, as well as launching a small fireball(which would be about the size of someone's head). The fireball is very accurate, and respectively powerful, but cannot be controlled mid-flight. Sear can travel quickly. -Demono cannot wear Sear, lest he be scorched by its heat. -Sear appears as a simple red recoloration of the base gauntlet. It wields short, sharp claws. -Sear is not animate.
Pestilence- Pestilence is is one of, if not, Demono's most powerful artifacts. It is his main form of defense against magical attacks. Pestilence emits a quasi-magical, quasi-natural field of "energy" that denies the existence of active magic within it. This field can be manipulated at Demono's will, or at Pestilence's. Normally it involves all space within a foot of the gauntlet, but it can be extended to up to 3 feet briefly in any direction(However it can only extend in two directions at once). Additionally, Pestilence is unaffected by all magic, excluding the magic that empowered it, or binding/seal magic. Pestilence is capable of sensing magic. Pestilence can travel at a medium pace. -Demono can wear Pestilence. -Pestilence is a more platemail-esque gauntlet, featuring a white/pearl-ish appearance, and emits a white light with an ever-so-dim blue tint. Pestilence, unlike the other artifacts, wields no claws. -Pestilence is animate.
War- War is Demono's most versatile artifact. It is also his most utilized artifact by far. War, even thought it is of the same material of the other gauntlets, is a lot denser and harder. It is also heavier than the others, but it does not feel so to Demono. War is capable of dissolving into a liquid metal, and again hardening extremely quickly, and is capable of expanding its mass up to about that of Demono's torso. It is also endowed with a chilling touch that numbs those who touch it, giving the contacted area a "pins and needles" sensation. War travels at a slow pace. -Demono can wear War, and does so more than any other gauntlet. -War is a iron gauntlet that resembles the base form exactly. -War is not animate.
Rejection- Rejection is a very defensive gauntlet. It is his main form of defense against physical attacks. Rejection is occasionally capable of emitting a blast of force at Demono's command. If close enough, this force is well strong enough to launch any humanoid creature several yards. Additionally, Rejection can reconstruct itself into a helmet with attached hanging chainmail, which protects the top half of Demono's torso from physical attacks. Rejection can travel at a medium pace. -Demono cannot wear Rejection, lest it be forced to Reject its seal, which would un-empower it. -Rejection doesn't vary from the base gauntlet, besides its light pink tone. -Rejection is not animate.
Innovation- Innovation is Demono's only gauntlet which harnesses the abilities of a human within it. It contains the soul of his father. Innovation is capable of reconstructing itself into an array of bronze tinted, spider-like legs(Six, the ends of which are sharp) which affix themselves to Demono's back. However, these limbs are fragile and cannot really take a hit. The gauntlet is also capable of producing a contact-based, paralyzing shock that can disorient or disable an opponent for a few second. Finally, while Innovation is in Demono's possession, it is capable of switching the physical location of itself and another gauntlet over any distance. Innovation is incapable independent movement. -Demono can wear Innovation. -Innovation varies in appearance from all other gauntlets, as it appears to be made of bronze, and has gears protruding from it, as well as other mechanical spines. Innovation has long, thin, serrated claws. -Innovation is animate, and is, in fact, Demono's most trusted animate gauntlet.
Perennial Bindings: The powers behind Demono's various gauntlets are tied to both this plane, and their origin plane, making them effectively indestructible unless the link between one is severed. This links would be extremely difficult to locate, and even moreso to sunder, but it is possible that one with ample knowledge of magical seals could perform an un-binding upon each gauntlet independently. The essential affect of this binding provide the gauntlets with a nigh-indestructible presence on this physical plane. Meaning, as far as it is known, they cannot be destroyed, damaged, or have their potential abilities copied.
-All of Demono's gauntlets are modeled after the one below. -TBD -TBD
Name: Demono 'Bertrand' Casto Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human Sub-Class: N/A Physical Description: There is nothing really outstanding about Demono's physical appearance. His hair is somewhat half-way between brown and blond, and falls at the most down do his mid-nape. He occasionally styles it with gel, but usually for special occasions exclusively. He wears thin glasses(being far-sighted), which he is rarely seen without. His build isn't absurdly thin, but not ripped. Pretty much average, if not slightly more toned. Probably the most exceptional quality of his appearance is his height, being as he stands above average at 6'3". Psychological/Social Description: Bertrand is considered an astute asset for the Bureau of Paranormal Investigations, and on rare occasions, the School of the Maga-Arcane. He has worked off-and-on for the Bureau for a sum-odd four years now. What some might call a "Veteran". Bertrand's value comes from a small number of factors. The first being that he descends from a lineage in which nearly all of his predecessors are involved in this strange hidden world of magic and, whether they like it or not, they're innately good at surviving in it. The second factor would be his eidetic memory, and profound use of mnemoic devices. Something about his mind is just really at remembering things. Really good. As a result, he can memorize countless pieces and excerpts on artifacts, people, places, and basically anything, provided he recognizes it as at least semi-important. Personality wise, Betrand seems initially aloof, but is actually a very fun-loving person. This may be due to the fact that he easily finds enjoyment in two things, one of which he gets to indulge in on daily basis. The first thing he enjoys is collecting, admiring, and learning about artifacts. Be they mundane, magical, angelic, demonic, or what have you, he deeply enjoys dealing with artifacts, of which he has an impressive collection in his own two-bedroom apartment, which is located in the Business District of Loom. His second hobby is Bird Keeping. Yep. Bird Keeping.
History: At a young age, Bertrand was introduced to the heritage of his family. Said heritage is that of power and great responsibility. His bloodline is one blessed(or burdened) with the ability of being able to control one's own essence. He was an only child, and because so, he was entrusted with carrying the pride of his family. His father tried to teach Betrand how to control his ability, but soon discovered that the young boy had much potential...maybe even for his own good. He couldn't channel his essence through his own body at free will, often shattering objects around him as he attempted, but failed because of the unpredictability of his power. But his father had an idea to help him. If he could provide Demono with a sort of 'focus' for his channeling, he could retain his focus and manage his ability much easier. He presented to his son an array of artifacts. Gauntlets. Over the years, he was presented with more artifacts to signify his growing control over his manipulation of essence. Abilities/Skills:
Eidetic Memory- Something about Bertrand's brain allows some form of perfect-recall, which constitutes his ability to remember essentially every piece of information he has ever read or observed, provided he deems it important or interesting at the time of witnessing it. Falconry- Bird Keeping being one of Betrand's beloved hobbies, Falconry naturally comes with it. He holds a Master-class Falconry license, and seeks to indulge in the hobby whenever he finds time for it. Unfortunately, the city isn't the safest place to send out his birds for playtime. Lineage-induced Essence Manipulation- Even after years of training, Demono is still only capable of performing small feats of essence manipulation, outside of his artifact focuses. Each artifact is empowered by various beings or elements, providing them varying effects, and can be awoken via the insertion of some of Bertrand's own essence.
-War- War is Demono's most versatile artifact, and is also his most utilized artifact by far. War, even though it is the same material as the majority of other gauntlets, is much denser and harder. It is also much heavier than the others, but it does not feel so to Demono. The artifact is capable of dissolving into liquid metal, and again hardening extremely quickly, as well as being able to expand its mass(several gallons/several dozen pounds). Additionally, when coming in contact with anyone except Demono, the metal produces a pin-and-needles numbness at the point of contact. When War moves on its own, it moves at a slow pace. It resembles the base example exactly. -Blight- Blight is Demono's most abnegated artifact, due to its sinister yet powerful ability. It is capable of ingraining a mental influence over certain individuals if they meet the gaze of the purple eye upon its palm. Individuals who are generally down-trodden, bullied, diffident, introverted, or those put-off by the confidence or superior ability of those around them, or just not mentally stable are prime targets for Blight's gaze. It also works especially well on targets who are frightened. Upon infecting a target, Demono is informed of the infection via a purple sigil, which no one else can see, that floats above the target's head. Blight focuses on enhancing the insecurities of its targets, causing them to magically fear Demono, his allies, or the gauntlets themselves. Infected targets are also susceptible to weak illusions willed by Demono. However these illusions are only view-able to the infected, and can somewhat easily be discerned if focused upon. When Blight moves, it travels at a medium pace. Appearance wise, it emanates a faint, black, wisp-like flame that produces no heat or has any other significant effect, and has a large purple eye upon the palm. It also has long, wicked claws. -Pestilence- Pestilence is maybe Demono's most powerful artifact. It emits a field of quasi-magical, quasi-natural energy that denies the existence of any standalone essence within the field. Passively, the field persists within a foot of the artifact, but it can be extended briefly for about a yard or so in any direction. Additionally, Pestilence is unaffected by all magic, aside from that of Demono's lineage. When Pestilence moves, it does so at a medium pace. Pestilence is a more platemail-esque gauntlet, featuring a white/pearl-ish appearance, and emits a white light with an ever-so-dim blue tint. Pestilence, unlike the other artifacts, wields no claws. -Sear- Sear is Demono's most destructive artifact, and also probably his most simple. It is capable of both lighting itself ablaze, producing a boundlessly hot flame, as well as releasing a ray of concentrated flame. The ray is very accurate, and respectively powerful, but drains Demono of his essence in notably short time. Sear can move very quickly, and appears as a simple red re-coloration of the base gauntlet. It wields short, sharp claws.
Notable Belongings:
Notes: -For more information on Demono Bertrand Casto's backstory, contact me. I have it all(or most of it) laid out in my head, but can't put it out there without it sounding really cheesy. xDD
Flesh Reborn
Character Summary
Name: Psalm Maegus Krogen Aliases: TBD Age: 20 Gender: Male
Height: 5'10" Weight: 154lbs Build: Average, slightly slim Eyes: Red Hair: Medium Brown Skin Tone: Fair Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: None Personal Style:
History: Minimal 3 paragraphs about your characters life up until this point.
Reserved Stoic Conflicted Unpredictable
Sexuality: Straight Relationship Status: Single Personality: Minimal 2 paragraphs Fears:
Redacted; irrelevant information - for now. However, it is known that “Richer” is a finely trained mercenary contracted under the Red-Star Corporation - carrying out dangerous tasks that require the highest-trained NC Pilots.
Tactical Preferences and Skills:
Richer's main goal in a fight is often to isolate and cripple select targets from the opponent's ranks that could cause a problem for the rest of his squad or assault team. He does this using the incredibly tough Webbings produced by his NC, and the cover and disrupting features she also possesses. His NC is not heavily armored, but is quite fast, and evasive, which he uses to his advantage. Despite what you may inquire from the frailty of his NC, Richer has been known to take down up to two other NC's by himself. This, of course, was not in open terrain - which is his weakest area to fight; as opposed to Urban areas, where Weaver excels. However, Richer tries to work against his weaknesses. He even oftentimes call his personal ship to fly over the battle and use a long-range cannon to launch spires, which anchor heavily into the ground - this allows Weaver to tie Webs between them and make "walls" of a sort; this shows how resourceful and versatile he is in combat.
None for now.
(Sans Extra Appendages)
Light, Bipedal, Multipedal, Unguligrade.
NC Role:
Infiltrator, Interceptor.
Equipment & Armaments:
● Arachnae Appendages Weaver is equipped with an array of six appendages reminiscent of spider legs. These limbs, when not in use, fold around the main body of the NC, providing a small boost to armor. But their true purposes are many:
- Increased Maneuverability; Allows her to push off of terrain and other NC's for additionally movement. - Defensive Capabilities; The material in these limbs is resistant to both heat and plasma, as well as physical force. This is not to say the material is impervious to them, but it is very tough. This makes these legs the most sturdy part of the NC. They call this material the "carapace". - Offensive Capabilities; These sharp appendages consist of a lockable, three-point joint system, stemming from a flexible socket(also protected by the carapace) on the back of the NC. However, seeing as they are protected by the carapace, the joints are not necessarily weak-points as one would expect. But in any case, this joint system allows the limbs to strike at varying angles at the same time. One may strike from a sickle-like angle from the side, while another does a straight jab - this can make it difficult for NC's without shields to block. They do considerable piercing damage - puncturing important vessels/systems and, if possible, the pilot of the opposing NC. - Chemical Secretion Ducts; Small ducts past the last joint of these limbs is capable of coating said portion in a lightly acidic chemical specifically designed to cut through Weaver's own webbings - which will be detailed later. - Utility; The tips of the Arachnae limbs are actually able to split into three finger-like stems. This allows Weaver to both interact with fine wiring and small objects, as well as organize the placement of her webs - detailed next.
● Spinnerets Weaver has an array of minute “Spinnerets” located in various points throughout the innards of her structure - the limbs, core, back, etc. These Spinnerets use a slowly-reproducing chemical stored in the core of the machine to produce “Webbings”many times the mass of the chemical storage. These Webbings have incredibly high tensile strength - so much so that even very large Ncs will have a hard time breaking them without a heat or plasma weapon. These Webbings are not naturally sticky, however more chemical can be consumed to make them so. Additionally, the Webs are lined with small devices that have a few passive effects, as well as an active one. The main passive effect is that these devices are able to detect nearby electrical signals, along with their own movement, and transfer this information to Weaver's HUD. The active effect - they can magnetize towards the specific material that forms the Carapace.
Notably, Richer's visor can view Weaver's webs as transparent when he activates it.
● 37mm Canister Cannon Weaver has a slim, long-range canister launcher attached to her left arm. The common usage of this weapon is to fire canisters to provide obstacles for their opponents, or cover for her allies or self. - Smoke Jelly; A canister that shatters upon impact with the destination, sticking a thick black blob of gel to the collision point. This gel, shortly after, begins to dissolve and emit a thick cloud of black smoke, until the blob dissipates entirely. - Napalm Shell; As one may expect, this is a canister that splits away before impact, and releases a glob of highly flammable jelly, which self-ignites shortly after impact. These flames burn for several minutes, and while they probably won't burn through any NC's, they will heat the machines and make the inside of the craft uncomfortable. Extended contact will obviously cause some melting, however.
● CQC “Devourer” Array Weaver has a light-weight energy array in each palm. After activation, and several seconds of charging, these arrays begin to slowly disintegrate any material in front of them, absorbing them into storage containers inside the long, slender arms. Afterwards, Weaver can covert these materials into more webbings, or re-purpose them for repairs. However, these arrays have a very short range - about 3 feet; so essentially physical contact distance.
● CQC “Disruptor” Array Weaver has a light-weight energy array in each palm. After activation and a quicker charging period, these arrays start to emit a medium-strength signal-disrupting frequnecy, disabling all electronics within the 3-foot-long, coned reach for as long as the array is focused on the area, and for a few seconds after.
If you are here, I'm going to assume you are one of three things(if not all): A Weeb! Lewd as hecc! Illiterate!
Soooo, if you aren't the first two...get out <3
- - -
Okie dokie! Now that I scared off all the weirdos, let's get on with it!
I suppose we can start with the boring part first - save the best for last, yeah? Do bear with me ^~^
Me Stuff
Well, firstly, this is my very first time ever making a 1x1 interest check! So I hope it sits well with my desired audience! ^^
I am 18+ years of age(and I expect you to be as well if you're here), and I live in the United States, Texas - so my timezone is GMT-5.
I am lewd as hecc. Of course.
I consider myself a High-Casual, Low-Advanced writer, when I am invested in the writing. This generally means I can fit anywhere on the spectrum of detail - and can match my partner in most cases. My replies are pretty frequent as well, often being able to reply multiple times per day - depending on my number of RPs, of course.
I am very very catering to my writing partner's needs, so if there's something you want to say, say it. Don't expect me to get upset or anything, lol.
I enjoy creating a friendship with people I do 1x1s with. Not only does this make the RP more fun, but it makes me much more comfortable. Putting our brains together and thinking of ways to torture our little darlings(our characters) is one of the best ways to bond on the internet!
I am a big fan(obviously) of anime, and strictly roleplay that. I feel more comfortable in such a setting, so that's where you and I will be <3
And for my final, and certainly most important, point - my interests. Among my interests are categories that a lot of people may consider...risque? This may be a little forward, but - I'm a kinky individual! If the table can hold it, it's definitely on the table with me. I am open to almost everything except for the nastiest stuff, and you know what I'm talking about. Got an idea? Just ask! Or...don't >:3
Now that you know what to expect from me, let's move on to what I expect from you.
I obviously expect you to be 18+ years of age. For my own comfort.
I expect you to have a sense of humor. Easy.
If you're still reading, you're probably okay with the lewd, but I will reiterate anyways. Be okay with some smut - it doesn't have to be the focus, and you don't have to describe doing the do if you do not want to, but I expect you to be okay with doing all the things leading up to that. I'm romantic like that~
That being said...I don't expect you to be in it all for smut. I expect you to be a at least decent writer with some attention to detail. I know, I know, people really like smut. So do I! But, I also enjoy interactions outside of that. I hope you do as well.
Obviously, be okay with roleplaying via PMs.
I expect a decent reply count. As I said previously, I can respond multiple times per day, given the right circumstances and material. I do not strictly expect you to be able to do this(it would be cool tho😋). I do, however, expect you to put about as much effort in as I do. Maximum time between replies is about...three days? The more I like you, the more leeway you get <3
Related to the above, inform me if you don't think you'll be able to reply in a bit. I will understand. And more importantly, please inform me if you no longer like the premise or no longer want to RP with me. I would rather not have you be miserable in something you don't like; and don't worry, I will understand - I promise. I've had my own lapses of inspiration/desire. I will be letting you know if I find a problem on my end - nothing is one-sided.
Finallyyyy, done with all that b-o-r-i-n-g stuff! Now to get on to the fun~
Here's tha meat of the sammich. Notably, my characters are generally submissive, as that is what I am most comfortable with. However, I am willing to play a more dominant character if we double-up. * = role I'm willing to play. Any instance of "female" may be replaced with this.
Male* x Female* Female* x Female* Male* x Male*
Human* x *Neko/Shifter/Monstergirl* *Neko/Shifter/Monstergirl* x *Neko/Shifter/Monstergirl* Character* x Self (NonCon)
Noncon Omegaverse Harem/Reverse Harem/Mixed Harem
College Magic/Battle School
Character A (Me) somehow discovers a Demon(you) from another realm/dimension. Said Demon chooses to manifest themselves inside Character A's soul, perhaps sensing great potential within them. This Demon has the ability to alter Character A's body, feelings, and perceptions - to a degree. They draw power from Character A's emotions, and are even sometimes able to manifest themselves physically in whatever form they want. They can very rarely take over the mind of background characters, if for a short amount of time. Plot/Setting decided together.
Character A (Me) is a rookie Monster hunter. Sent on a routine check for some small disturbances, he/she stumbles upon a College - but no ordinary College, of course. A Monstergirl College. Upon stepping within the grounds of the College, the monster hunter is locked in from the outside world and all of its communications. He/She is then captured by Campus security and then delivered to the Mistress of the campus. There, she tells him that as punishment for being a monster hunter and refusing to see their ways, he must attend College on her campus. Until he graduates.
Character A(me) was once, millennia ago, a man of otherworldly power. A destroyer of armies and a conqueror of nations, all by the might of his own hand, he was revered by his followers as the most powerful being they'd ever laid eyes upon. Of course, his power derived from a god. And of course, Character A was full of himself. So full of himself, in fact, that he believed he could take the place of said god. Needless to say, that did not bode well for him. Being imprisoned and stripped of all his power(besides immortality), he was kept for thousands of years in isolation. Eventually, the god had decided he needed a more embarrassing punishment - hence, he sent Character A to live among the mortals. Returning to consciousness in a foreign land, Character A is discovered by Character B(you) and taken in. Further details may be discussed via PM. Further details include forward plot and world/universe characteristics, among other things
Feel free to mix and match, or suggest other ideas you think I may like! I won't bite~ Importantly, I do not do canon pairings. Sorryyy. More things to come when I think of them - my memory is not very good, so 😅 It can even be hard to remember all my interests...
Character A is broke and must give up their object of luxury - or be the servant of Character B in exchange for basic funding.
Character A is forced to move in to Character B's home, whether due to dorms, something else, etc.
End Notes
I'm not sure if this is allowed, buuuut. I am willing to accept more than one partner into the same RP. The more the lewder merrier, right? But probably only 3 total, counting me. This is, of course, taking into account the desires of my partners. So I don't really expect this to happen on the 1x1 thread. You'll know this is up for grabs when it is.
Notably, I will only be accepting a very small amount of people at a time. I think for now I want to keep my number of RPs small. Three at the maximum. If you desire, you may subscribe to this thread to be notified when I finally do open/bump it. I haven't decided yet, but bumps will probably be when the topic leaves the second page.
Welp, thank you for reading this whole thing! I hope it piqued your interest! :3
Hanlock's fashion sense is definitely one of the things that puts most people off when they first meet him. His wardrobe consists of an array of, mostly sleeve-less, broad-chested, dark-colored customized doublets. He also wears dark mantles and long-coats of leather, not leaving him much room for bulky armor, but leaving his movement flexible, and providing ample concealment for his weapons and other gear/electronics.
Hanlock keeps his dark, rough hair straight, usually holding it in dreadlocks or braided styles that fall to the sides and back of his head, or over his shoulders. In times of relaxation or recreation, he sometimes ties it back in a frayed style with a strap of leather or cloth. Additionally, he has the beginnings of a dark beard.
Hanlock also occasionally wears jewelry, but only during special events. It should also be noted that he wears a black eye-patch on his right eye, which he seemingly never removes. But he doesn't talk much about how, or whether, he actually lost his eye. One of Hanlock's many defining physical features, we can't forget, is his tricorne-style hat. Black with silver-lining, this is his most prized head-piece.
Positive traits: ⊳ Knowledgable ⊳ Calculating ⊳ Vocal Negative traits ⊳ Greedy ⊳ Brash ⊳ Heedless (In regards to law) ⊳ Very Vocal
Hanlock is a person of very flexible morals. His artificial intelligence is somewhat conflicted on what rules it believes are “correct” to follow. For example, the Buccaneer is willing to commit lesser evils, such as stealing, withiut batting an eye - but if he were to see an innocent bystander being physically mistreated, he would take action against it.
When met with a challenge, he will likely abalyze the situation with much detail before taking action. But when he does come to a decision, he doesn’t wait on his teammates, snd doesn't inquiry what they think the best solution would be.
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-Skills: Combat Living in a world of violence, Hanlock obvious has picked up a few skills along the way.
Name: Nishimura "Black Dragon" Katsumi Age: 18 Gender: Female Date of Birth: May 18th Height / Weight: 5’5” / 149lbs (67.5kg) Profile: The Nishimura is a family of longtime association with the Black Babel. The family line is one of great tradition, passing down an array of magic techniques to their children and applying their skills to become Witches. This is the fate of Katsumi.
Even from a young age she saw the effects of the Black Babel on her life; her mother was often gone performing missions, with her father only there half the time due to work, leaving the young girl to entertain herself. Which she usually did by reading old books, many detailing her family history. However, when her mother was home, she didn’t slack on the teaching of her daughter. Katsumi is homeschooled in both regular education and the magical arts of her heritage.
It wasn’t until her mid teens that she came to realize her true purpose. One fateful evening a creature of the night had followed her mother home, and killed her father before being wounded and fleeing. It was at that point that her mother became overcome with guilt and grief over what she had inadvertently caused. She abandoned her duty as a Witch despite traditional, and encouraged Katsumi to do the same. But the young girl wouldn’t. She defied her mother’s wishes because she wanted revenge against those who had taken her father away. She would show them the strength of the Nishimura Dragonblood.
Katsumi is a sharp individual, in tongue and will. She seems rather energetic and at times airy, but this is a version of stoicism for her, as underneath she evaluates serious situations more strategically than she lets on. She is rather rebellious at times when need-be, but always respects tradition, even if she’s loathe to hold her tongue in the face of things she disagrees with.
Witch Rank: C Uniform: Type A Uniform shortened nearly to the hips, with black trousers and boots. WAND: Walther P38 Familiar: Inikki is an Imp-class Daemon that takes the form of a nearly-transparent wisp. Despite being an intelligent familiar, Inikki cannot speak, and can only convey emotions and mental images to Katsumi. The daemon is a rather playful and often mischievous one, sometimes getting into more trouble than one would expect. This is aided well by its ability to possess simple objects. While possessing an object, he can manipulate them as if he had strength equalling a human. He has shown the ability to also split into two halves of himself and possess two objects, both at normal strength.
Daemon Hounds
Moji and Peach are two hound-like Daemons who’ve been tamed by Katsumi to assist her in vampire destruction and cuddles. These two Daemons are especially effective in hunting vampires due to the fact that they have potent regenerative abilities, as well as toxic blood. However, they can’t really do any meaningful damage - they’re better as distractions, or just bloodhounds. They look pretty spooky though.
Potion Case
Katsumi wears a small potion case on her hip which holds up to four vials, usually containing physical enhancement potions.
Black Dragon’s Breath
Katsumi possesses the breath of the black dragon, known for its acidic properties. She can expel a spray of acid from either her hands or her mouth, up to about five yards. Against flesh it is not incredibly corrosive, but it does slow regeneration and hurts quite a bit. It is better at boring through earthly materials like stone and metal, though. She is immune to her own acid.
Indomitable Will
Katsumi can activate this spell to boost her willpower, decreasing the pain she feels and increasing her ability to keep pushing in dire circumstances. She can also use it to help counteract attacks on her mind, if she is aware of them.
Dragon’s Flight
Katsumi can activate this magic to allow her to fly or float. She can fly fast enough to keep pace with the average broom, and she has decent control over her maneuverability.
Katsumi can enhance her agility in wet environments - whether it be a body of water, a downpour of rain, etc. Her movement seems unhindered by any type of water, and even enhanced by it in some cases. She seems able to hold her breath for an inhuman amount of time.
Hunter of Hunters
Katsumi is at her best when she is pursuing or stalking those who are caught off guard or on the backfoot. Her agility and stamina are enhanced when she is chasing or stalking her foes. She is also able to detect the state and position of her hunting Daemons, and telepathically transfer information with them.
Dragonblood Tattoo
The heritage of the Nishimura family is one that deeply connects itself to the ancient dragon tales of lore. As such, they worship and emulate the magnificent beings, passing this brand down through their bloodline - in exchange for some magical cursing potential. Katsumi’s brand passively increases her senses of sight, hearing, and smell to impressive levels. Because she possesses the Black Dragon tattoo, she innately makes it more difficult for adversaries to track her; her scent is weaker, she moves more silently, and any tracks she leaves are rather faint. In exchange, it is excruciatingly difficult for her to learn any Curses outside of her 'Black Dragon’s Breath'.
Draconic Dominance
Katsumi has studied to learn the imposing nature of dragons, making it easier for her to influence the beings around her when she uses this spell. This makes it easier to intimidate Daemons or garner their respect, potentially even persuading them to follow her orders instead of someone else’s. This can also work on humans and vampires, but currently only in the form of a one-word command that isn’t directly harmful to the afflicted. To effect a human or vampire, Katsumi has to catch them off guard or render them susceptible to illusions in some way.
Name: Synthetic R-27 Aliases: Romeo Age: 1 Birthday: (Manufacture Date?) 2017 Nationality: Uh.. Ethnicity: Appears white Birth Place: Myriad manufacturing labs Current Residence: The streets of Loom Gender: N/A Education: Essentially all information available via the Internet Job: N/A
Height: 6'2"/1.89 meters Weight: 220 lbs./99.8 Kg Build: Slim, Compact muscle Eyes: Cloudy Light Purple Hair: Dark Brown, Loose, side-parting cut Skin Tone: Very Pale-Sand Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style: R isn't much for style. He usually just wears what he has on hand, and only that, just to blend in. If you gave him a pink, flowery crop-top, he'd take it without a second thought. But usually he is seen in a tight black T-shirt, with black Khakis, and black dress shoes.
Stoic Reserved Attentive Analyzing
Sexuality: Asexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: As probably expected, R's personality is somewhat lacking in the social department. He doesn't talk much, preferring to observe his surroundings, as well as the interactions of others. He isn't very good with sarcasm, or slang terms. Habits: Fantastic Posture, Staring Hobbies: Chess Fears:
Likes: 6 minimal
Rubix Cubes
Dislikes: 6 minimal
Myriad AI
Selfish crime
A Memory: TBD History: Synthetics are a new technological advancement introduced by an organization known as "Myriad AI". They create these Synths for their own personal use, and mass profit. Originally having their synthetic creations armed only with military weapons and reconing technologies, Myriad AI began to develop more serious programs. One example of such program was an advanced experiment, code-named "Juliet". Program Juliet was an attempt to exploit emotions in AI. They attempted to create and control an artificial system of morals, advanced sentiments, and opinions, and insert them into the core hardware of a Synth. At first, they succeeded. And then they began the tests. Previous Synthetics were not programmed to be, nor exposed to any level of emotional distress. R-27 was first on the line. In previous tests on humans, the results wildly varied, seeming to have widely different effects from individual to individual. Eventually, they began tests directly targeting Synth R-27. Throughout these tests, the limits of what the AI could handle were pushed severely, resulting in Project R-27 developing a systematical improbability, self awareness. He becomes aware of himself as his own being. One able to make its own decisions, and develop its own opinions rather than being told how it felt at every step of its existence. He began to question why this was happening, and why he was here in the facility. Occasionally, out loud. He even began to show sign of insubordination, such as responding to a command with "Why?". Myriad HQ was displeased. They ordered a reboot of his non-core memories, and a reset of his AI. Subject R intercepts this order, overpowers the unarmed staff, and escapes. He travels to a city call "Loom", and with Myriad agents in his tail, he needs to find refuge..and a purpose.
Skills: R has many areas of expertise. Anything you could find on the internet, R has extensive knowledge over it. Besides Magical Phenomena. There doesn't seem to be any recording of them at all. Innate Abilities: *Advanced capabilities when it comes to hacking and operation machinery and electronics. *Extremely flexible fibers covering Subject R's chest, thighs, shoulders and back allow him to essentially ignore small caliber rounds(most handguns and pellet-loaded shotguns), and reduce possible impact of grazing larger-caliber firearms. Crude projectiles such as arrows, rocks, or sling bullets have utterly minute affects, if any. Note, this does not prevent R from having his artificial skin from being torn(only aesthetic affect, has no other purpose). *Subject R can choose to switch his vision from normal to infrared, and often does so when meeting strange characters. He can use this to detect whether something is human or not. Synths give off no heat, and Demons almost always give off more than humans do, even if they appear the same. *He has a small set of tools hidden within compartments on his arms, and some on his fingers. These include, screwdrivers, serrated blades, blowtorch, welder, files, and various other tools.
Character Quote: TBD Theme Song: N/A Anything Else:
Color Code: #CF8A30
Name | Cleophas Levi Age | 18 Gender | Male Level/Tier | V1 House | Bestia Appearance/Attire | Cleophas stands at six-foot flat, and has an ever-so-slightly toned musculature. His hair is often an unkempt - but appealing - mess, which he normally doesn't even attempt to mend. His skin is slightly tanned, and clear with no blemishes. His most noticeable physical features are his eyes - they are heterochromatic. One is light blue, the other hazel.
His clothing is usually whatever he can find around his room, as he is not much of a stickler for fashion, unless he's out to impress. As long as it's comfy and doesn't smell bad, he'll probably wear it. He does, however, prefer a darker color palette. He also has an odd taste for mildly peculiar Jewelry.
Alignment | Dynamo (Chaotic Good)
Personality/Habits | Cleophas fits his house pretty much perfectly. While he initially can keep his cool so as not to scare the jumpy students away, he naturally is quite outgoing and loud, unless he has a reason not to be. He generally is very kind to others, but may be unconsciously brash when he isn't paying attention to himself - which is often.
However, while he outwardly is a very care-free and wild individual, he, just like anyone else, is capable of complex emotions - even if he doesn't like to show it.
Background | Cleophas is from a very small family, and was raised solely by his father - and oftentimes his grandparents as well. His father owned his own business, so he had to get his parents to watch over Cleo as he attended to it.
The young summoner had a very simple childhood, day after day going to school and coming home to meet his father and grandparents waiting for him. Playing with toys. Going on the occasional father-son fun trip. Y'know. The usual. However, when he got older, things changed.
His potential as a summoner was recognized by his grandfather, who began to teach him about the art - unbeknownst to dad. Eventually, he was trained well enough to learn and summon on his own, without guidance. And of course - he was also trained well enough to accidentally let the secret slip and cause his father and granddad to entangle in a feud. From that point at the age sixteen onward, his father frowned upon all talk of being a summoner. He wouldn't stop him - but he was not happy about it. He even went so far as to rent an apartment just so Cleophas wouldn't be influenced by his grandfather anymore.
When Cleo's grandfather passed away, him and his own father grew further apart. Cleo somewhat resented his dad for taking him away from his granddad, but he wouldn't admit it.
Eventually his father started offering him opportunities to work in his business as he grew older, but Cleophas declined him. Instead, he opted to go to L'Mordryn Academy. He needed a fresh mind. A clean plate. He would eventually forgive his father, hopefully. But for now, he wanted to be on his own.
Favorite Summons |
"Mac" is a Doppelganger that Cleophas has a mixed relationship with. Their bond is built on their mutual love of pranks and jokes - which causes them to often get a little miffed at each other, but they usually don't stay that way for too long. However, despite how mad they may become, they are always there for each other.
His capabilities consist of: Perfect Duplication - allows him to perfectly mimic the physical appearance and non-unique capabilities of any form he can examine. Sense Transfer - Mac can lend his senses to others, allowing them to see through his eyes, hear through his ears, etc. This can potentially be inversed or forced, but this has not been observed. Doppelganger Physiology - After some hours, Mac can recover from nigh-all wounds. Additionally, his bare form is quite flexible and malleable.
"Crown" is a beast mixture of some sort something awesome! Plus a little of something cute. He was Cleophas' first bonded summon, under the wing of his grandfather. As a result, their bond is very strong. This little creature is often there to console Cleo in his times of need. Crown reminds Cleophas of his grandfather, and because of that he clings to the creature with all his might.
Crown does have any notable abilities. Besides being cute as hecc.
Ki'iza is Cleo's latest and outright most powerful summon. His grandfather provided him many books to study and told him that one day he would know when to look for a beast. That day was when he left his father to pursue the academy. So Ki'iza is fresh out of the box, if you will. They have so far only formed a small emotional bond due to Ki'iza's ability to partially read one's mind, but beyond that they are not that well acquainted.
Her capabilities consist of: Telepathy - Ki'iza's species is capable of reading partial thoughts, intentions, and emotions of other beings. However, they are mysteriously prohibited from conveying this information to any other being - besides their ability to tether emotions between entities. Extreme Attributes - Ki'iza is both very agile and extremely strong. She is also quite intelligent, and has amazing reflexes. She is also quite durable, and even in apparent weak spots, such as the wing-leather, she has tough skin and hide.
Character Summary
Name:Masami Souma Aliases: N/A Age: 17 (1st year at Laurel's, 3rd year) Gender:Female
Height:5'4" Weight: 122 lbs Eyes: Light Green, inquisitive Hair: Golden blond, long Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style: Masami's wardrobe is quite odd. Her outfits consist of modern styles blended with traditional sections of frabric or designs that show how proud she is of her ancestry. Often seen wearing conflicting styles, such as long, wide, traditionally modest sleeves accompanied by short skirts and thigh-highs, etc. It would be considered extremely rare to see her wearing her hair up, and she likes to decorate it with various bows and flowers, often many at a time. Masami isn't shy about showing her half-Kitsune blood, and keeps her fox ears and twin-tails in plain view, at almost all times. Both her ears and her tails are the same shade as her hair, ending in a much darker black. Her color scheme mainly consists of red, black, white, dark brown, and maroon.
Enthusiastic Friendly Whimsical Caring
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Masami is a very energetic individual. She can't stand to see others in pain, and will usually try to cheer everyone up. She isnt shy about her Kitsune heritage, but one thing she does find embarassing is that her ears and twin-tails usually reveal her emotions without her consent. She tries to make as many friends as she can, even if they are normally considered an "enemy". Habits: Knocking stuff over with her tails, petting animals too much. Fears:
History: Masami was born as the result of the love between a Kitsune and a human. She inherets heavily from her mother, a Kistune. She doesn't inherit much from her father, however. He passed away when she was very young, and she has little to remember him by, besides a small red scarf he gave her. Masami grew up living in a temple, studying medicine with the aide of her mother and a small group of Kistune-wirshipping monks; she was treated like royalty. As a result, she has exspansive knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of many creatures, including humans. She also studied fighting techniques in the temple, learning advanced sword techniques and fighting styles.
Core: Kaze Kitsune
Masami inherited much from her mother. The most prominent inheritance is probably her manipulation over air. She is capable of shaping, pressurizing, and doing all sorts of other feats. In note, this ability only causes blunt force unless she uses it in conjuction with her hilt. Additionally, she can only control it from up to 100 feet away. However, Masami’s manipulation of air is powered by movement(for example to push someone with this, she has to throw a flat hand forwards to do so). This gives her opponents opportunity to interupt her if they are fast enough. She obviously must also have room to maneuver her body.
Acute mind power: Knowledge of movement
Masami was taught that the movement of one thing affects the movements of everything. As a result, she was trained for her mind to recognize all movement around her, even if she can’t normally see it. Using her eyesight, hearing, and the movement/changing of air and its position, she can detect any movement precisely, within fifteen feet of herself, and respond accordingly.
Even for a Kitsune, Masami is odd. Normally where a Kitsune would have a single Starball, she is accompanied by two(which when not in use, they float randomly around her, or she holds them in her mouth). Each ball is light blue, are about an inch in diameter, and emit their own magical energy which makes them immune to magic that would manipulate them(ex: if they were in a water form, you couldn’t manipulate them with water magic). Masami can control every aspect of these balls, from material, to movement, to size. She can make them produce heat or light, turn them into lava, make them up to two feet in diameter, etc. However, they must always remain a sphere.
Soul Hilt
Masami is in possession of a 20 inch straight hilt. She can channel one of her Soulballs through it by attaching it to the end of the hilt. She can then control the shape and material of the blade, as if it were a Soulball. She can only do so if she has possession of both Soulballs. Each Soulball can provide her two slashes, and then must recharge.
Anything Else: -Masami’s favorite martial arts are Aikido & Wing-Chun. -Masami’s Acute Mind Power is not affected by magic negation, and to negate her control over her Starballs, they must specifically be targeted themselves. -Being a Half-Demon, Masami is capable of discerning Demon from Human with good accuracy. Something about their aura just sends her Starballs into a fit. -Being part Kitsune, Masami’s senses of hearing and smell are increased somewhat. Hearing considerably so. -Masami’s Starballs are an extension of her soul. For anyone who weilds (both of)her Starballs and wishes it, they have complete control over her actions. If one or more of her Starballs are weilded by another being, however, her powers will be weaker. Even moreso if they are both captured. She cannot control a Starball as long as it is in someone else’s hand. -Masami’s Acute Mind Power works similarly to slowing time in her mind. It provides her time to think, maneuver, and plan her response to sensed movements. -When Masami fights, she wears an animal skull over her face. While it doesnt protect her much, she just thinks it looks cool.
Character Summary
Name: Aram Vigilon Secrue Aliases: N/A Age: 17 Gender: Male
Height: 5'10" Weight:150lbs (68kilos) Build: Average Eyes: Golden-Brown Hair: Dark Brown Skin Tone: Fair Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style:
Aram's style is what some would call classical...definitely unique. To start off, one can regularly see Aram wearing a black pinstripe suit, accompanied by a fedora of the same shade, even in hot weather. One would also notice the black tie and dress shoes he wears that come with this attire. His 'fashion sense' isn't where the weirdness ends, however. Along with his style of dress, Aram's manner of speech raises eyebrows where-ever he chooses to speak...and he talks a lot. Aram uses 1940's-esque Mafia slang in his everyday speech. Annoying to most, amusing to others.
Cocky Oblivious Slighty-Arrogant Confident
Sexuality: Straight Relationship Status: Single Personality: Habits: Speaking in Mafia slang reminiscent of the 1940's mob gangs. Fears:
Being considered useless.
Disgracing his Mafian rolemodels. (ie. Al Capone, Carlo Gambino)
Old TV shows
Annoyingly Nosy People
Getting caught
Being made fun of
Aram grew up in a fairly wealthy family, with a longggg line of fire-wielding magic users. One of the most prominent lines in the region. So when he was born with the ability to manipulate that as a surprise. A true phenomenon. Unfortunately for Aram, his family a desert. He had to adapt. He learned to manipulate small quantities of water with great precision and utility, rather than control larger bodies. When it came to school, Aram was a particularly great student, and especially excelled in the sciences. So when his school offered a magical development program that focused on the application of sciences as its core principle, he couldn't pass it up. At the ripe age of 15, Aram was shipped off to a development compound for a form of scientific magic called "Alchemy". And he excelled. By the age of 17, he had all but mastered his new form of magic. When he was finished with the program, he was sent to Rhea where, in his absence, his family had moved. Now living in Rhea, he joins the Vigilantes.
Core Power:Alchemy
Aram has spent two years perfecting his use of Alchemy, and has essentially mastered it as well as he can. This science-based magic allows him to "transmute" mass into an object or entity of equal mass. This process generally follows these creed, as taught by the Administration of Alchemy: ▼ All transmutations require a transmutation circle, or a transmutation array. ▼ No mass can ever be created or destroyed; only altered into a different form. ▼ One must not transmute a human. ▼ One cannot create life, or revive life. There are few exceptions to one or more of these rules; but these exceptions are often denied as truths.
When Aram uses Alchemy, black energy arcs from his hands, as well as the transmutation circle he is using.
Secondary Power:Fine Water Manipulation
Aram has the capacity to physically and chemically manipulate water as he wishes. By all knowledge, he can control every aspect of said water. However, he can only manipulate several gallons-worth at one time, and only from a maximum of 80 feet away.
• Aram always carries the necessary materials he needs for transmutations. Without fail, he carries a dark-gray satchel with him that holds several instances of art supplies, including, but not limited to: Pens, Pencils, Markers, Notebooks/Notepads, Parchment, Paints, Brushes, Chalks, and Ink.
Additionally, he carries four wooden plates in his satchel, each with transmutation upon them, and two air-tight bags of salt.
• Besides his already odd dress, Aram tends to wear multiple layers of shirts(2) under his normal clothing. In a pinch, he can use the material from the shirts for Alchemy.
• More importantly, Aram is equipped with a special piece of armor, which he dons on his left arm, under his suit. This arm piece runs from shoulder to fist, and is primarily black, with bronze-colored joint rings. On the palm is a transmutation circle specifically made for smaller transmutations. If one where to examine the material of the piece, they would find that it is Graphene-synthesized Steel. This alloy is extremely good at conducting heat and electricity. Because of such, the interior of this armor is coated with a heat repelling, physical-shock absorbing foam that grants Aram a large degree of comfort and protection. Additionally, this alloy is repulsed to an extreme by magnets.
• While Aram isn't specifically trained to fight unarmed, he won't embarrass himself by doing so. He is however, very fond of most weapons that he can create with Alchemy. Swords being a forte for him. It may seem odd, but Aram's highly advanced knowledge in Physics help him somewhat in combat, allowing him to throw his opponents off-balance, or over-power those he normally couldn't.
Height: 5'2" Weight: 128 lbs (58 Kilos) Build: Small Eyes: Golden Hair: Blonde Skin Tone: Fair Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A Personal Style: Jirachi's sense of style is a little limited due to her being a Satyr. Obviously, she can't wear most hats, or any shoes. Usually one will see her wearing a doublet, for which she chooses from a range of colors including red, black, gray, or brown. The shoulders of said doublets have additional padding, and protrude slightly over her own shoulders. For the sake of comfort, Jir primarily wears skirts.
Dutiful Curious Fickle Good-hearted
Sexuality: Hehehe... Relationship Status: Single Personality: Jirachi tries her best to keep her priorities straight, but often fails to do so because of her relatively easiy-to-distract nature. She also doesn't like seeing people get hurt, and will often try to stop people who do so to others, even if she's clearly outmatched. Jir is serious when she's paying attention, but otherwise is a generally a cheerful girl who enjoys making friends, even if she never ends up with many..
People more serious about things than her
To be revealed.
Core Power:Synthesize Seeds of Hope
After hours of meditation, Jirachi is capable of synthesizing a bundle of seeds. These seeds can have varying effects, which are decided by her. Her preferred use of these seeds is to protect herself or others: ○ Seed of Growth - This seed summon the vitality of the earth, causing vines, roots, and other tangible greens to grow violently out of the Earth in a simple fashion she desires. ○ Seed of Nurturing - This seed blooms into a large bulb large enough to encompass a person. Stepping inside of this pod and having it close around someone will slowly begin to heal their external wounds. After several minutes, burns, scrapes, cuts and other small un-pleasantries will heal, usually painlessly. Spending a significant amount of time in this pod will heal larger wounds. And the floating spores inside even taste like fruit juice!
Secondary Power:Synthesize Seeds of Wrath
After hours of meditation, Jirachi is capable of synthesizing a bundle of seeds. These seeds can have varying effects, which are decided by her. While using them offensively isn't her favorite application for them, and she isn't as good at making these as she is at the protective ones, sometimes it is necessary: ○ Seed of Rebellion - This seed delivers a sort of distress beacon to the energies within the earth, calling for magical aid. The Earth returns this call by summoning an elemental, which forms of vines, roots, and various plants to help Jirachi. ○ Seed of Punishment - This seed calls upon the roots of the Earth to condemn those deemed enemies by Jirachi. It lies a trap in wait(or activates immediately) for an enemy. When it is triggered, it attempts to snare the target, rooting them in place and growing over them to restrict movement.
Tertiary Power:Satyr Physiology
Because of her status as a Satyr, Jirachi has some advantages that others do not. Due to the anatomy of her legs and their natural strength and structure, she can move very quickly, and jump a couple times greater the distance a human can. Additionally, her senses are slightly increased. Especially her hearing and peripheral vision. Noticeable alterations to her mostly human physique are her horns, her small, deer-like tail, and her digitigrade legs.
Quarternary Power:Disturbances in Nature The Goddess of nature has granted Jirachi with the ability to sense anything that shouldn't be. Events or objects that are unnatural to this world can be felt by Jir in some form of sixth-sense. (Examples of such entities would be Galbrek's dolls, Demons, or Samoth's anti-magic field.)
Anything Else:
• Jirachi's seeds of Growth, Rebellion, and Punishment are all subject to various additional installations, such as poisonous barbs, cactus spines, or poison ivy. • While she's meditating is one of the few times Jirachi can fully focus. She has explored her mind and the world around her during meditation, and feels comfortable in this state, despite any conditions that may be affecting her physical body. • Jir's goat-ness ceases only a couple inches above her knee. Notably, while she is in deep meditation, the entire bottom half of her body becomes goat-like. • Jiracahi is decently-taught in using tonfas for self-defense, as well as close-quarters combat. • Jirachi's meditation takes 1-2 hours to synthesize seeds, and yields anywhere between four to six seeds. Three of the seeds will be Seeds of Hope, while one to three seeds will be Seeds of Wrath.
Name- Samoth Maskono Age- 17 Grade- 3rd Year (Transfer) St. Laurels High School Biography-
Samoth is a boy of 17, and stands above average in height at six feet. He has sun-tanned skin and a thin, yet muscular body. He has broad shoulders, which are clad in a long, black leather trench coat, which falls down to his mid-shins. He wears black straight Khakis, yet the pair still allows him to move fluently. Under his coat is a black, Kevlar long-sleeve. Samoth has brown hair that shifts from light to dark, that(while it isn’t covered by his ACU cap) is placed in a side-parting, shaggy cut. He was raised in a military family, on a paramilitary training base. His mother and father were surprisingly un-strict with him, despite him being their only child. They allowed him many freedoms the other children at the base did not have. Yet he chose not to exercise most of them. Instead choosing to spend his free time learning, reading, searching the web, and developing his mind. He strives to be the smartest person in the room. He made his parents proud. He didn’t need his parents to be strict, he was strict for them. He developed a schedule from himself that he follows relentlessly, everyday: Hygiene, Eat, Mental Training, Physical Training, Eat, Hygiene/Rest, Technique Training, Eat, Hygiene, Sleep, Repeat. He followed this schedule for years, without deviation. Until his parents requested that he go to St. Laurels High School. He has utmost respect for his parents’ authority, so he obliged. Samoth’s Mental Training involves interactive activities to strengthen the integrity of his mind, as well as the expanse of his knowledge. Specifically, he studies various Martial Arts, Weapon Arts, and what information he can find about powers over the web, and various books. He also studies military and Hand-to-Hand combat strategies, heavily believing in the maxim “Mind over matter”. He sets his own goals, and now, at St. Laurels, he seeks to further his knowledge on Magical phenomenon, as well as further his experience in tournaments. One would identify Samoth’s personality as stoic. He remains silent unless spoken to, for the most part. But he watches everything. He analyzes the behavior and personalities of anyone around him, and only speaks usually only speaks of when he has important input. And when he does speak up, people tend to listen. He seems to have a very strong temper, never losing his cool, calculating gaze. He is not known to be too fond of jokes, though with close friends(of which he has none, at the moment), he can crack a joke or two. But you should consider yourself extremely lucky if you find yourself catching a glimpse of anything remotely close to a smile. He isn’t looking to make friends, and can be blunt at times. But he is not by definition rude. He is very focused on his studies, as well as any chances to gain combat experience.
Powers- Core- -Magic Negation- Samoth has the ability to disperse magic at a touch. From the major joint downward, on each of his limbs, radiates an anti-magic field. The field persists within half an inch of his skin. This anti-magic field causes the forces contributing to magical phenomena to disperse, essentially “dissolving magic” that his limbs come in contact with. This field, by extension, allows Samoth to reach places he normally couldn’t reach, and touch things he normally couldn’t touch (For example, reaching through barriers, or punching ghosts). Naturally, Samoth’s leg and arm strikes can also pierce through magical armor. By simply touching stationary fields of magic, he can disperse them. However, with a projectile, he has to strike it to generate enough force to negate the impact of the energy. -Psychic Armament- Samoth can summon invisible masses of psychic power, that he can form into mmlee weapons. These weapons don't normally cause physical damage(some can cause blunt trauma), and cannot interact physically in any way. They dissipate when they come in contact with any entity. They will inflict pain as if they are the real deal, however. -Telepathy- Samoth can detect any creature with a mind that is within 100 feet of him, and can communicate to any creature in his line of sight within the same distance. -Telekinetic Mass Manipulation- Having such a powerful mind can allow you to manipulate the world around you in ways that shouldn’t be possible, albeit briefly. Samoth is gifted with such a trait. This ability can be used to make simple objects out of invisible mass, simply out of sheer brain-power. For example, he is able to create walls, and even projectiles.
“The mind is a powerful tool, and WILL have more influence over a fight than the body that it commands.”
Relationships- -Alto Ganze: Samoth has respect for authority, where it is deserved. And Alto seems to deserve it. Being so young, yet so talented is something to be proud of. He gets along well with Alto, and seems to be quite protective of him, and respects his opinion, as well as most if not all of his decisions as Student Council President. -Clara Deimos Erdrigan: Samoth actually likes this one. Her personality is similar to his, and she is very focused on whatever task is at hand. Even being from a different school, he has no rivalry with Clara. -King: Samoth does not like King. Not one bit. He does recognize that King may yield some power in the arena, but he thinks the premise of King being from another planet or being an alien, is entirely silly and immature. He would be insulted if King were to insist upon him that he was an alien, and would take it as an insult to his intelligence. Cyan: Samoth actually feels bad for Cyan. He hates bullies and won't stand for any injustice brought upon the small fox-tailed boy. He thinks they have become good friends.
⦋ 28 || White-American || Male ⦌
(Let's just say there is a large bronze gear upon each of his shoulders xDD)
Demono stands at an above average six feet tall, and weighs 155 pounds. He wears no shirt, but his coat has leather and Kevlar alloy weaved into the fabric, and completely covers his arms. It falls down to about mid-shin level, and has a high collar(which has strong leather inside to somewhat protect his neck from small blades). Under Demono's coat, he conceals two detached, steampunk-esque arms. Each arm appears to be made of Bronze, but are actually much stronger. Both appendages are covered in a transparent film that allows Demono to flow his Ki through them, allowing him to manipulate them as if they were his own limbs. The shoulder of ear arm ends in a large, bronze-looking gear. The same is true for the elbows of each appendage. Upon the knuckles of each fist, there are rounded studs, adding for more pain, and damage, on his opponent's end. His hair is held in six hanging dreads, and in each lock, he has a small piece of bone through it. The rest of his head is covered a top hat which, miraculously, never seems to fall off.
Polite to those who don't warrant rudeness Stoic Reserved Preserves justice when he can Fun when around close friends Unread-able Analyzing Strategic
Haven't quite created this yet, but i'm sure it can be skipped for purposes of approval.
Demono’s fighting style is Jeet Kune Do. The Art of the Intercepting Fist. JKD does not have a fixed form or pattern, making it almost impossible to predict. It focuses on minimum movement, with maximum effect. It maximizes the use of footwork to out-maneuver the opponent, and generate explosive power through speed. JKD is capable of being both extremely aggressive, and very defensive at the same time. It emphasizes non-telegraphed attacks, such as the One-Inch Punch, or straight lead. JKD also has great motion economy, meaning one will almost always outlast an opponent, in terms of stamina. Practitioners prefer to stay at the edge of their adversaries' reach, as it still allows the opponent to make what they think is a good attack, but in reality, it telegraphs their movement, requires more effort on their part, and opens them up to much punishment from the JKD style. A core principle of JKD is simultaneous parrying and striking. A Jeet Kune Do practitioner will always look to strike an opponent while they are making their own attack, as that is when they are most vulnerable. In relation to other martial arts styles, JKD is overall more “Combat Realistic”, making the most out of every opportunity. Demono enhances his Jeet Kune Do with the use of his artificial limbs. He can channel his Ki through these limbs, and control them in any way he can control his normal ones. It takes very little Ki to control the arms, so it isn't really taxing at all on his energy reserves. When his Ki is flowing through them he can have them passively hover(at the maximum) a distance of eight inches from any point on his torso, in any orientation.
■ [Conducting]
[While Demono's artificial arms don't really seem to be damaged by physical attacks, they will transfer any magical damage they receive to Demono. The damage is reduced.]
■ [Ki Tether Expansion]
[Demono increases the range by which he can move his appendages away from his body by 50 feet.]
■ [Dread Ki Flow]
[Demono passively flows Dread Ki through his (organic)forearms and fists, as well as his shins and feet. While this doesn't have an effect against normal opponents, he helps him get past armor he normally couldn't possibly beat, with his bare hands, by directly attacking their Ki. For example, normal punches wouldn't really phase a creature completely made out of metal, no matter how strong. So each punch drains a portion of their Ki, eventually causing them to lose consciousness/shutdown, etc. ]
■ [Splintering]
[Each of Demono's artificial appendages separate and form themselves into two spider-like arms, except at the ends, they are sharp like a sword. He can use this to fight, or traverse.]
■ [Iron Grip]
[Demono can apply some of his Ki to his appendages, then command them to burst through the air in a straight line in front of him(30 feet), grabbing the first enemy they come in contact with. Upon contact they will deliver a shock that targets the hands and feet of his opponent. Then his appendages attempt to trip his opponent, and push them to the ground head-first, hoping to disorient them. Additional: When they fly through the air, they do so at a quick speed, but any interference will immediately send them back to Demono. The shock usually causes enemies to drop their weapons, and if they are running, for them to fall down.]
■ [Intercepting Fist]
[Demono can expend a 'Dread Ki Charge'(Observe first super move)* and apply some Ki to one of his appendages and send it flying in a direction he pleases(30 feet). Upon contact with any projectile, wave or AoE, it will absorb the energy of the attack. After flying back to Demono, the appendage will hover beside him, emitting a field the absorbs any further uses of the attack for 2 posts(starting from when the appendage returns). Demono cannot command the appendage in any way while this ability is active. This ability can weaken Supers with the interception, but cannot emit the cancelling field(the arm will still be disabled for 1 turn however). This is not used to strike his opponent, and will do just as much damage as a normal range punch if it does.]
■ [Ki Drain Technique]
For each attack powered by Ki that Demono receives, he gains a "Dread Ki" charge. He can expend a charge to utilize Dread Ki, allowing him to create a multitude of effects. One application of his Ki Drain Technique is that he can emit a a field of Dread Ki in front of him, blocking all but strong physical attacks, and even absorbing and consuming magical projectiles(Can only stop magical attacks that take the from of a projectile, orb, ball, or wave). Another use of Dread Ki is that Demono can expend a charge to empower his next physical attack. When striking the center-mass or head of his opponent, he will drain some of their stamina, as well as disable their first super move for two turns(numbers are adjustable, of course).
■ [Death Touch]
Demono can call his appendages into a defensive stance, preparing them to guard himself from magical attacks. Being hit by a magical attack from an opponent who is more than 15 feet away provides 2 charges. To activate this, he must have at least 1 Dread Ki charge, and consume any he has. Whenever he gains a Dread Ki charge, it is consumed. The closer to 6 consumed charges he gets, the blacker the glow coming from each appendage is. Upon reaching 6 charges, the hands charge at their opponent with wicked speed, attempting to grab them. If they are successful at grabbing the opponent, they will have a large amount of Ki drained from them and transferred to Demono, they will become highly disoriented, and the appendages will slam them face-first into the ground. After this attack, the appendages are unable to be used in any way for 3(of my) posts. Additional: Notice Demono cannot use Ki Drain Technique, or Intercepting Fist while this is active.
■ [Steampunk Progression]
Demono surges a large amount of Ki into his artificial appendages, greatly increasing the range at which they can move from his body. They quickly transport large pieces of scrap, wood, metal, and anything else at hand to make a large mech-esque suit of armor for Demono to utilize. They also make a large weapon out of nearby materials as well. Demono expends a significant amount of energy to reach out and tether these objects together, surrounding his body. After the collection of resources is tethered, Demono is drained of a large amount of Ki, meaning he will move much slower than normal. However, the power of his Ki keeps him capable of holding the weight of the armor. Depending on his setting, this ability will be stronger or weaker. In an urban setting, stronger. In an open field, it may be quite weak, or even incapable of activating.
Has a very short range and what few ranged attacks he may have, are relatively weak. He is quite weak in rural or wide-open areas. Without use of his artificial appendages, he is somewhat weak to heavy melee weapons(if the wielder isn't slow).
In Demono's Steampunk Progression suit, his face is not obscured by the armor. However, it is protected by a field of Ki. One of his appendages being struck by a magical attack counts as a hit, for the purposes of Dread Ki. While his appendages are more than 5 feet away from Demono, magically damaging them does not transfer the damage to Demono, nor does it grant him Ki charges.
Due to Gigiri's remote childhood and upbringing, she is quite reserved. She has never had a single friend, besides her father. As a result, she is quiet, and introverted. But this doesn't cause her to be any less enthusiastic. She takes great initiative in almost all tasks, simply enjoying any opportunities to be active. Despite this, however, she is always cautious. As her father taught her to be. He taught her many cautions a loving father should - before he vanished.
Biography / Lore ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Gigiri was raised in a remote, derelict church, by her father. She never knew her mother from meeting, but her father assured her she was a fantastic person - often with a tear in his eye. Unbeknownst (still) to Gigiri, her father was a benefactor to magical girls...and that included her mother. Once Gigiri got old enough to look after herself for days or two at a time, her would always have trips that he had to go on. These trips left her feeling lonely, but he had told her that he took these trips to keep her safe from the evils of the world - which raised her spirits while he was away. day he did not return. Gagiri was able to sustain herself, if barely, with the meek funds they got for maintaining the church grounds. And she waited there for her father to return.
And waited...
And waited so long..
But he never game back...
In his odd, human-like, dark shadow came to her. The shadow reached out to her on her late-night vigil, its wisp-like hand caressing her cheek - before being swept away in a gust of chilly air. Soon after that moment, she felt sick to her stomach. She opened the doors to the chapel in which she slept, and stepped outside into the moonlight for some fresh air.
But her body grew stiff. And turned to stone.
In her frozen stance, she panicked. She looked around as much as she could without moving - seemingly only able to scope around with her eyes - though they did not move.
She looked up. It was a full moon. Her father had warned her about odd things that happened under the light of a full moon. She was stuck this way until morning. From then, she locked herself in the cathedral's library, scouring for whatever information she could find one what had happened to her.
Following lead after lead - it became clear to her after some time - she was...a Magical Girl.
Abilities / Magic ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Archetype: Non-Holy Rosary | A Rosary given to her by her presumably deceased father. Abilities:
Gargoyle Flesh | The fleshy form of a gargoyle, thought not of stone, is still tougher than the average human. When entering combat, Gigiri's human skin spurs up, settling into minute, scale-like plates. This offers her generally decent protection against physical attacks and the elements.
Monolithic Strife | Naturally, being a Gargoyle allows one to turn to stone, either partially or wholly. In Gigiri's case, it is both. She is capable of turning parts of her body, or the whole thing, into extensively durable stone. Though that part of her body will be completely immobile - and her entire body will increase in weight drastically. • However, this process does take around two seconds to complete, and is capable of being interrupted with certain effects. Notably, this effect can also be forced. Every full moon, new moon, and birthday Gigiri experiences will turn her to stone for the duration of the event(though the Hex Night negates this). Additionally, holy objects or touching silver will temporarily turn her and her possessions into stone. • This includes her Hex Symbol.
Gargoyle's Gaze | Gargoyles are natural guardians. As such, they usually require multiple means of defending their territory. Along with being able to physically see the remnants of magic, Gigiri can project her own magic out through her eyes. This means she can stone objects - or even temporarily normal humans, if she has touched them with her Rosary. Stoned objects and people are virtually indestructible, and if a human is stoned, they will lose their memory for a couple minutes prior the stoning. Stoned entities will also become very heavy - making them hard to lift unless you are quite strong.
Castle Builder | Gagiri is unnaturally strong - when it comes to lifting stone. She can lift seemingly impossible weights, as long as the object isn't too unwieldy.
Rosary Power: Clairvoyant Guardian | Her father's Rosary was meant to help defend the places Gigiri rests in - and it has gained more power as she has developed as a magical girl. As such, she is capable of applying the Rosary's magic to doorways, gates, windows, or other entrances - sometimes even whole buildings, depending on the nature of the structure. This magical Rosary makes the enchanted structure unable to be surpassed by someone who does not wield the Rosary, and even fortifies it against destructive events. It also grants her an otherworldly vision of a small area around the enchanted structure.
Supporting Cast / Relationships ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Basic Information
Name ⦁ 'John' Booke
Vigilante Name ⦁ N/A
Age ⦁ 67
Species ⦁ Mutant
Gender ⦁ Male
Ethnicity ⦁ British
Nationality ⦁ British ⦁ American
Occupation ⦁ MSU Investigations Officer
Alignment ⦁ Neutral Good / Chaotic Good
Detailed Information
Appearance ⦁ Booke has well avoided the danger of frailty as he's aged. Standing at 6'2", and weighing 188 lbs, his liver spots and wrinkled skin belie his actual strength. He has made sure of this - due to the nature of his job. His hair is very much already grayed, and his eyes are a blue-gray tone that makes it seem as if he is in deep thought, in idleness - but those eyes can quickly change to a scrutinizing or angry mood. When it comes to fashion, Booke prefers simple or discreet outfits - opting to don long-coats and Trilby-esque hats.
Personality ⦁ In Booke's younger years of the MSU, he was one cocky bastard. Since then, he has mellowed out with maturity - however, the confidence that came with that attitude has not fully left him. With age comes experience, and Booke knows this. A fine advantage over the common crooks of the modern day. Booke generally tends to watch a situation before speaking or acting. He knows when to listen, and when to initiate. This applies to conversation, his job, and even combat. Socially, Booke is more reserved than most, but also laid-back. With age he has developed multiple facets to his personality, being able to be very serious, as well as playful, or even competitive, in the right circumstances.
Origin ⦁ WIP
Notable Relations ⦁ Socially, None. ⦁ Offices and Personnel of the MSU
Resources ⦁ Sir Booke makes more money than the average citizen, and as such lives without financial worry.
Everyday Skills ⦁ Household Chores (Cooking, Cleaning, etc) ⦁ Swimming ⦁ Board games / Card games ⦁ Exercise ⦁ Subterfuge ⦁ A large array of other skills gained throughout his lengthy life, and his occupation.
Fighting Style ⦁ Booke is not even close to being the best fighter out there, but he is one of the most-fit of the elderly ones. His strength, and to a lesser extent his agility, are more befitting to someone in their forties, and this is a great asset to someone unbecoming of such traits. This is not because of any power or augmentation, but due to careful training and conditioning over the years and present, on Booke’s part. However, someone with a good build and younger physique will overpower him. He often is seen carrying a (uneeded) cane, which he will use to deliver swift, energy draining strikes to precise points in the body, such as the temple, jaw, or calf muscles. He has a various toolbox of martial arts, due to his lengthy time in the MSU, but if he has to resort to true hand-to-hand, he opts to use techniques from several styles at once, making it difficult to read.
Strengths ⦁ Booke has an easy time fighting people he can keep at a distance and strike with his cane, or his power. ⦁ He also has a nasty surprise factor in both his power and physical ability - who expects an elderly man to rival their physique in any way? ⦁ Time in the MSU has enhanced his combat sense by a great degree.
Weaknesses ⦁ Booke, while he has the strength and agility of someone younger, can still tire. While he still has more stamina than the average seventy year old man, this is still a risk in prolonged fights. ⦁ He has little defense against someone who has more range than him, which isn't too hard to have.
Booke's power is a very odd, lyncanthrope-esque faculty. However, instead of a wolf, he has features of a Tasmanian Devil.
Strengths ⦁ This animal-attribute power gives Booke traits of a Tasmanian Devil, without the tell-tale signs one would normally receive from being a Lycanthrope; Howling, being especially hairy, loss of control, etc. ⦁ Booke's sense of smell is impressively more than that of a normal human's, and he has superior vision in dark environments. His reaction speed is also enhanced for someone of his age. His nails are also hardened and grow sharper than normal, and his canines grow sharp as well. ⦁ Additionally, he also has developed a system of tough vessels for use in conjunction with his ability to produce a easily-manipulated bodily fluid; this allows him to expel chemicals and other mixtures to around 3 yards. Moreover, being exposed to such odors for so long has desensitized him to pungent and harmful scents.
Weaknesses/Limitations ⦁ The animal-attribute power also provides Booke with an array of negatives as well. ⦁ His eyes are light-sensitive, so he appreciates shade, tinted glasses, and brimmed hats. ⦁ His physical attributes are not enhanced, unlike Lycanthropes. ⦁ Beyond changing the odor of his "special fluid", Booke has to take customized pills to imbue it with additional effects - which can require varying amounts of time to take effect.
⦁ Booke trims his nails so that they are not sharp. ⦁ Booke's canines are duller because of his age, but as we know from dogs, they are still quite dangerous - if they can even get close enough to hurt someone. ⦁ Booke trims his facial hair regularly, as his power makes it grow at an increased rate. ⦁ His pills can take anywhere from a couple seconds to half an hour to take effect, and the longer he waits, the more boosted the effect.
Body Type:
Bipedal, Morphing
Type of NC:
Assault, Distraction, Mixed
Equipment & Armaments:
● 'Cada Plates The apparatus that makes Cicada so unique - and versatile. The 'Cada Plates are an array of massive armor plates that are inter-connected solely by a complex system of thin, flexible, and extremely durable fibers. These plates actually exceed the frame of the Neural Combatant by a large degree - but the fibers below the plates support such extension and allow the plates to move as if supported by an NC of a much larger size. As a result, The Cicada appears to be in the range of 10 meters tall - but is actually 5.
The Plates are quite effective against standard ammunition, non-explosive anti-material rounds, and physical attacks in general. However, the fibers underneath are very weak to incendiary, corrosive, plasma, or explosive devices - and likely are able to be destroyed through the plates if these munitions are used.
Notably, destroying the chest-plate of a layer will cause the limb plates to detach and fall off the NC - however, there are two layers of 'Cada Plates. Due to the heavy, slow, and unwieldy nature of the armor plates, Cicada has very few armaments while the armor is intact.
● Heavy Thrusters One of the few implements allowed to The Cicada while the 'Cada Plates are still intact - and only available if they are. These are heavy-duty thrusters meant for both sustained and burst-oriented enhanced movement. Due to the size of the NC, they do not necessarily cause fast movement, it just makes it very difficult to stop one of Cicada's charges or full-body attacks.
● Weight Multipliers Only available while 'Cada Plates are intact. This mechanism allows The Cicada to manipulate how gravity effects the 'Cada Plates - enabling the pilot to increase the weight of his NC dramatically; nearly three-fold.
● Knuckles Cicada's knuckles, while the 'Cada Plates are intact, are made to punch through the hulls of other NCs. Instead of steel simply smashing against other steel, the NC's fists will puncture most non-heavy armors - and dent the heavy ones.
---Under the Armor---
● Limited Flight Apparatus After shedding the 'Cada Plates, The Cicada unlocks an array of tools. One of such tools is a set of plasma-based Flight-enablers, or 'Wings', that jut from the back. These allow for a short term of several-second-long, quick flight, every minute or so.
☼ The mistakes of your past do not define your person. ☼ ≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎≎
Jirani Mini
Misaki Jiru
Fire Nation
ℂountenance & 𝔻isposition
๑۩↛𝔸t 𝔽irst 𝔾lance↚۩๑
⊰ℍeight⊱ 5'2"
⊰𝕎eight⊱ 124 lbs
⊰𝔹uild⊱ Petite, Short
⊰𝕊kin 𝕋one⊱ Fair
⊰𝔼yes⊱ Color/Shape
⊰ℍair⊱ Light Blond/Unkempt, Yet Presentable/Short
๑۩↛ℂharacter 𝕀mage↚۩๑
๑۩↛𝔻efining 𝔽eatures↚۩๑
Jirani doesn't have much in the way of scars, as she was largely not in the frontlines of skirmishes, due to her short stature - but she does a a very light and short one vertically over the edge of her jawline. Additionally, she also often finds cowlicks in her hair, much to her embarrassment.
Jirani is very picky about her clothing. Even in her "casual" attire, she enjoys a military-esque aesthetic, always picking clothing with tight shoulders and buttons. Sashes, belts, canvas gloves, and fine shoes also all fit into this category. However - she is quite accustomed to moving in such clothing. Also, she usually keeps a dark color pallet.
๑۩↛𝕎indow 𝕋o 𝕋he 𝕊oul↚۩๑
⊰ℙrimary 𝕋rait⊱ Persistent/Determined
⊰𝕊econdary 𝕋rait⊱ Demure
⊰𝕋ertiary 𝕋rait⊱ Erudite
⊰𝕆rientation⊱ (Unknowingly) Bisexual
⊰ℝelations⊱ Single
⊰𝔽aith⊱ Agonistic
Jirani is one very determined girl, with great leadership skills, when she is focused on the task at hand. She will stop at very little to get done what needs to be done for the good of the people. When given an opportunity to help someone, she will do what she can to help them, permitting it does not come at the expense of others. Because of her past and her present, she does not judge people by their past choices, or by what they look like from first glance - she believes that people can change their ways, too. However, when the girl is not in the midst of an important assignment - she is quite bashful. When interacting with others, she will not be so forward when it isn't vital. She often finds herself embarrassed when people discuss touchy subjects, or when she is in the spotlight.
Due to the girl's largely bashful nature, she is one to blush when embarrassed - tinging her cheeks, and even sometimes her ears lightly, pink. Even simply thinking about the action can cause her to blush. When nervous, Jirani will often be seen adjusting her clothing, despite how kept they are, or biting her lip. She may occasionally tap her feet when she is nervous. She will also bite her lip when she observes something that she likes, or makes her excited. Finally, when Jirani gets angry, which is not often, she will usually ball her fists tightly, and crease her brow in frustration.
๑۩↛𝕐ay 𝕆r ℕay↚۩๑
Despite being a member of the "evil" Fire Nation, Jirani has a kind heart. If she sees someone in need - she will help them with all of her ability. As such is true, if she sees anybody bullying others, she will try to stop them, even if she puts herself in danger. She heavily dislikes cheaters, bullies, swindlers, thiefs, and the like. But she adores people who help others, or show initiative and leadership. She also likes when people have fashion sense.
A few things she likes are: Animals, Engineering, Swords, Desserts/Sweets, etc. Notably, despite being from the Fire Nation, Jirani loves rain - and the moon.
ℕumerology & 𝕂nowledge
⊰𝔹ending⊱ None.
⊰𝕃evel⊱ 1
⊰𝔼xperience⊱ 0
⊰𝕄ax ℍℙ⊱ 3
⊰𝔸lignment⊱ NG
⊰𝔸ℂ⊱ 13
๑۩↛𝔹asic 𝔸bilities↚۩๑
⊰ℂharisma⊱ 16
⊰𝕀ntelligence⊱ 16
⊰𝕎isdom⊱ 12
⊰𝕊trength⊱ 11
⊰𝔻exterity⊱ 17
⊰ℂonstitution⊱ 5
๑۩↛𝕊pecial 𝔸bilities↚۩๑
Weapon Training
No Bending
Weak Against Benders
Fire Nation Prisoner Garb (Treasonous Officer Edition)
ℝigmarole & 𝕀nteractions
Jirani grew up in the household of her father, who was/is a soldier of the Fire Nation army. As such, she was taught to be very disciplined from a very young age. However - she was a daddy's girl, and he had a soft heart for his only daughter, so as a result, she was fairly sheltered. She lived a calm life with her father until it came time for her to choose what path she wanted to take in life - and she chose her father's path. From then on, he as tougher on her. He toughened her mind, and her physical self to prepare her for the hardships and training that would lie ahead of her. When she came of age to join the Fire Nation's military, she did so - and with flying colors. She eventually advanced to a cozy position as the right hand of a well-credited Fire Nation General.
Nowadays, Jarani holds a cozy paycheck, and resides in a warm home she bought for her aging father. Being the right-hand of a Fire Nation General does have its downsides, however... She doesn't have much time for friends. She only has acquaintances in the few guards she has, and the people under her and above her - but these aren't much of friendly relationships, they are more mandatory ones...and being an only child surely doesn't help with her relative loneliness.
But now things are changing. Ever since she was accused of Treason, she has received one letter from her father. Which she hasn't opened - for fear it will reveal the loss of his loving support.
Jirani only hopes to see peace. She could go without ever seeing another war - or ever needing another military. Because who in their right mind wants a war? She now aspires to rid the world of the Fire Nation's atrocities. This isn't to say she wishes to wipe them out - but she wishes to change the Nation for the better.
𝕄uch 𝔸do 𝔸bout ℕothing
⊰ℂrime⊱ Treason: All the atrocities the Fire Nation committed were not enough to fully sway Jarani's loyalty. Not even the supposed slaughter of the Air Nomads - until one was ordered to be executed, and she was to supervise it. Moments before the tattoo'd man was cut down, she halted the executioner, and ordered him and all the guards in the execution room to leave. She cut his bindings with haste, allowing him to escape. When her commanding officer was called to the execution room - despite her attempts to play it off as being overpowered by the man, using the bruise on her cheek she gave herself as proof - he found that the bindings were cut cleanly. A sure sign of treachery. Jarani was promptly arrested and sentenced.
⊰𝔾uilt⊱ Guilty.
⊰𝕊entence⊱ Life in prison.
⊰𝕋ime⊱ Two Weeks.
[url=http://]Song Name - Artist[/url] //Still Looking//
"When people step on you, pierce their foot - they won't make that mistake a second time."
๑۩↛𝔼tc, 𝔼tc, 𝔼tc↚۩๑
Fullmetal Alchemist (Original/Brotherhood)
By submitting this CS, I am agreeing to all the rules and requirements of this Rp. I understand the consequences of breaking them, which can include, but is not limited to, removal from the Rp and my character meeting the most horrific and/or comical death possible. I also agree to conduct myself in a respectful manner at all times towards the Gm and my fellow Rpers.
La Chasse Monstrueuse takes the form of a full-cover falconry gauntlet. However, the standard accesories, such as the D-ring, tassle, etc. are absent. It is made of black leather, with a subsidiary layer of tough, brown leather covering the forearm.
Noble Arm Abilities:
La Chasse Monstrueuse, meaning "The Monstrous Hunt", is a somewhat unique Noble Arm - in that it comes in the form of clothing. Because of the unique abilities this Noble Arm grants, the longer the fight, the more advantage its wielder acquires.
►Corbeau d'ombre (Raven of Shadow) LCM (La Chasse Monstrueuse) is accompanied in its summoning by a companion - a Crow. This crow appears to be just like any other of its species...but it is not. Its being is shrouded in shadow, and as such it cannot be injured by mundane means - the magic of a Noble Arm is required to harm it. However, it can still be struck or stunned. -Ravensight- Rook is able to use the Crow's vision as his own, and vice-versa. It can also telegraph images onto another person's mind, if they are on good terms with Rook. -Shadow Ball- The Crow is able to collect shadows as it flies, before launching them in a mass similar in size to one's head. It causes no real damage - only moderate knockback, but it restores some of Rook's mental and physical stamina if it hits an opponent.
►Ailes de corbeau (Raven Wings) LCM passively increases Rook's self-control while airborne. This can allow him to dodge more effectively - with even short hops allowing him several meters of movement - and grants him the ability to control his horizontal and vertical speed while in the air. Repeated use of Ailes de corbeau will mentally fatigue Rook.
►Monstres de l'esprit (Monsters of the Mind) LCM grants Rook the ability to summon a shadow-eyed illusion of any beast he can think of. These illusions can usually only make contact with something one time before dispersing themselves. Rook only maintains up to two of these illusions at a time. Normally this technique does not substantially fatigue Rook, but repeatedly shattering his illusions will mean ramping mental fatigue for him. Separately, Rook is able to cast illusions on himself that resemble animals. Furthermore, for a couple seconds after the Crow perches on the Falconry Glove (2-4 seconds), Rook's self-illusions become corporeal, and he is able to manipulate them and impact the environment as if the real thing. During the duration of the empowerment he is physically stronger, and has acute senses. This has a cooldown.
►Epuisement spirituel (Spirit Sapping) The tools in LCM's arsenal are made less for brute-force attacks, and more for wearing down the opponent over time, while strengthening Rook. His illusion's strikes are the main conduit for this drain. For each successful strike, a Shadow Charge is gained. • With Zero(0) Shadow Charges, his Monster illusion's strikes will be standard, and will cause no physical damage - they will only sap a bit of the target's spiritual energy, and cause pain. • With One(1) Shadow Charge, the Monster illusions will be able to contact the real world twice before dispersing. • With Two(2) Shadow Charges, Rook can consume them both to empower his self-illusions for ten seconds.
Personality: Cleophas is generally a very extroverted person, once you get him talking. He's a very active and fun-loving individual, and generally gets along decently with most reasonable people - although he is a little careless around those he considers friends. When it comes to Noble Arms, his mood shifts surprisingly; he becomes much more focused, and quiet - analytically so. Additionally, he will typically go out of his way to help others, but not at his own expense or that of his friends. Many people incipiently find Cleophas a little odd, due to his initial quiet nature and odd accent, but he's not that weird.
Likes: Noble Arms, Strong Arms Masters, Bad Weather, Animals, Windows.
Dislikes: Academic Studies, being called "Cleo".
Fears: Innocent animals being hurt. Losing his ability to protect animals / Losing his Noble Arm.
Bio: Cleophas was raised almost solely by his father, Liam Rook, in a small town in southern Louisiana. Said father, despite having a seemingly boring, white-collar job, was a very fun-loving man - and always made time to try to bond and hang out with his son. Unfortunately for Liam, it seemed Cleo was not into many sports. Golfing, Football, etc - none of them really seemed to appeal to the boy. Until his father introduced him to one of his favorite, and most unusual, hobbies - falconry. Surprisingly, Cleophas was a natural. His posture and behavior around the birds was somehow almost fully-correct. And this is how they discovered his Noble Arm. After discovering the nature of his son's Noble Arm, which by the way was one of the first in his family line, Liam scoured the web for perfect educational opportunities for his son. However there was a problem. Ever since the 'coming out' of his Noble Arm, Cleophas had become absorbed in the world of these weapons. He no longer had desires to study, or better himself academically. This made it difficult for his father to find establishments that would accept him. Some had come close, due to Cleo's sheer talent and engaged-ness when it came to Noble Arms, but it was not enough. But then he stumbled upon information regarding "Trinidad Academy". Perhaps there, his son may learn the importance of Academics as well as how to harness his desire to engage in Noble Arms studies. Tough love, some may call it. But if sending him there was what he had to do to establish a good future for his son - so be it.
Current Goal: Learn all he can about Noble Arms (especially his own) - and to become one of the greatest Arms Masters ever seen.
Student Rank: 1073
Name: Ati Sex: Female Sexuality: ??? Species: Humonculus Factional Alignment: Neutral Abilities: Humonculi Battery - Built to help her mage in experiments, this Homunculi can absorb energy from supernatural creatures she touches, at a moderate rate. Consequently, she also gains enhanced strength and speed the more she does so. Humonculi Fortitude - Another quirk useful in experiment-testing, the Homonculus has a natural resistance to Supernatural sources, be it Magic, a Werewolf bite, etc. Her constitution as a whole is also noticeably higher than that of a human, as she can regenerate from wounds humans couldn't, within a manner of a couple days - lost limbs for example. She also eats less than humans. Artificial Ward - Homunculi radiate an aura that speaks "leaves a bad taste in your mouth" - most likely to ward creatures away from their creator. Beasts that thrive on hunting instincts or senses really do not like the presence of a Homunculi, and they are somewhat turned off of their hunt by it - it's almost like a reduction in testosterone for them. This, of course, announces the presence of said Homonculi to any creature that can smell it. Tailored Brain - Homunculi do all the burdensome tasks for their creators. Long-division, Physics calculation, Storing/Memorizing Information, etc. Ati is no exception, and her brain can perform these task very well - making her very useful in that regard. Strengths: Resilient. Neutrality. Weaknesses: Naturally has less raw power than most other supernatural beings. Very socially arrogant. Her abilities are only defensive. Age: Around 70 years. Physical Description: Ati stands at a short 5'4", and has a slim, appealing build with fine bone structure and features. Her eyes are honey, or gold colored - and her hair is black. Her skin is also slightly tanned. She appears to be in her early twenties. Alignment: Neutral Personality in a nutshell: Ati was a Homonculi designed partially for companionship. However, her creator added in safe-guards - She is naturally distant towards those she does not know, and tends to mind her own business. She appears cold, as if analyzing every little detail of whatever she is looking at. However, something yearns at her from inside. The more trust that builds between her and another individual, the more human-like her personality becomes. The more happy she seems, and more lively. As by design. Any Important Backstory: Ati was created by a mage in his early thirties, and lived in isolation for her entire life up to now - 70 odd years. The mage created her in such a way that she was perfect in assisting with Magical experiments - and she was good company to boot. They spent only a couple decades short of a century in his mansion together, and in that time he had become like a father to her. He would teach her about the world, and all the things he had heard and seen. Ati was fascinated by the things he showed her - beautiful forests and paradises, unique creatures both natural and not. She hoped that she would be able to travel the world with him some day and see all those things for her self.
However, all good things must come to an end. Eventually the now-old mage was discovered by the humans in the nearest town. And they were not happy.
They would come for him in dozens, and force their entry into his home. The old man urged Ati to flee, refusing to let her stay and try to somehow help him. They exchanged a tear-filled goodbye - something Ati didn't even know she could do - and Ati fled. To where, she didn't know. But away from the rising smoke.
Currently, it has been nearly a year since she saw her father.
Extras/Notes: • Ati is not aware that she is a Homonculi - as was desired by her creator. She has been taught that she is a human, and that her ability to absorb energy from creatures was being maintained by the mage. Who is now dead. Sooo...yup. • TBD
Color Code: #447321
Name | Akiara Levi Age | 18 Gender | Female Level/Tier | V1 House | Dracona Appearance/Attire | Akiara stands at an average 5'4". With long, white-gray hair almost matching her brother's in length and cloudy-grey eyes, she resembles her mother quite closely. Something which she seems to be proud of. One thing many people find surprising about her - and she doesn't know why - is that she is an avid exerciser, even going so far as to practice power-lifting. This coupled with regular running/jogging schedules bequeath to Aki noticeable muscle, especially in her legs. When it comes to clothes, Akiara tends to dress simply but cutely, often accompanying her attire with bows, scarves, etc. She usually wears light colors, and sneakers. She also almost always wears her hair up, perhaps making it look shorter than it actually is.
Alignment | Revolutionary (Rebel Good)
Personality/Habits | Akiara's personality, for the most part, appeals more to Bestia ideals than those of the Dracona house. She thoroughly enjoys having fun with others, and sometimes does so by playing pranks on them, or teasing them. However when it comes time for someone to need a friend, Akiara can be that friend. She tries to help others where she sees she can, and even where she sees she can't - perseverance is an important ideal to her. While she is quite outgoing, she isn't without her inhibitions - as few are. Additionally, she is very competitive. If someone were to beat her in combat, she would never forget it, and she would train her butt off until she could overcome them.
Background | Akiara and her fraternal twin-brother Mathis were raised by their single mother, Aurelia Levi, as the first summoners of their bloodline. Aurelia is a very caring mother, however she is quite the workaholic; and long hours combined with good pay do not help that. Whenever she is home with her children though, she is very encouraging. Something that showed to be exceedingly true as she discovered the twins' capacity for magic. She hired them each a tutor - an older gentleman who seemed apt to teach them whatever they wanted about magic. It was discovered that Akiara had a penchant for Dracona summons.
From then forward the tutor taught them every week, and they sought to be taught more and more each day - even going so far as to add in their own supplementary techniques to support their summoning; for example, sword-fighting. Aurelia was very proud of the twin's progress, and as such, decided to grant a wish Akiara had both been drooling over ever since she discovered her abilities. At the age of 16, she sent them both to L'Mordryn Academy.
Favorite Summons |
Mika is one of Akiara's scarier summons, and one she has bonded with through both their natures to be quite sassy at times, which they both respect. Mika is a Basilisk Wyvern. While quite debilitating with its supernatural ability, it is not very fast over any distance on land, and its flight speed is sub-par.
Her capabilities consist of: Petrifying Breath - The name of this species of Wyvern is actually slightly deceptive. Where Basilisks petrify with their visage, their Wyvern brethren do so with a mist-like expulsion, similar to a Dragon's breath attack. After being exposed to the breath attack for several seconds(within a reasonable time-frame), the affected region will rapidly turn to stone at surface-level(or deeper if inanimate). This effect is reverted upon un-summoning the Wyvern.
Akher is Akiara's trump-card when it comes to fighting summons that are too agile for her dragons to defeat easily. Akher is a Pygmy Drake-Hunter Dragon. Akiara bonds well with this summon because she finds it quite cute, and he enjoys the attention.
His capabilities consist of: Dragon-Blood Bite - Drake-Hunter Dragons usually inject their blood into drakes to poison them - however, this specific dragon interacts oddly with Akiara. She can have the little creature bite her, and inject small amounts of its blood into her. By doing so, Akiara will rapidly and temporarily develop aspects of a dragon. Scales begin to grow sporadically from the point of injection(usually upper arm), providing her some light yet durable armor. Additionally, she gains well-enhanced strength, speed, and general fortitude. She may also develop long, black claws on whichever arm she is bitten. Eventually either Akiara or Akher will become too exhausted to maintain the transformation, which will force it to end and leave the other similarly fatigued.
Other |
Here's additional stuff I guess, just cause I wanted to. • Akiara is very much a tease - and Mathis is often the target. She'll take most opportunities she can to tease him, whether be about summoning, girls, his height, etc. • As a result of Mathis' superb swordsmanship, Akiara has been essentially forced to learn swordplay for herself so that she doesn't lose as soon as he is in range. She wields a Rapier. • Aki and Mathis have one mutual understanding - they will not go easy on each-other.
Color Code: #CCA62E
Name | Mathis Levi Age | 18 Gender | Male Level/Tier | V1 House | Bestia Appearance/Attire | Mathis stands at a very short 5'6" for his age, much to his chagrin. Much like his sister, his eyes are a cloudy-grey, however his hair is stark white, and quite long. His build is lean, and he is well-fit due to his fascination with swordsmanship, which is a full-body effort. Mathis' normal attire is of a dark palette, and besides that he hardly cares what his clothes look like. The only oddity of his attire is that he often wears white canvas gloves.
Alignment | Benefactor (Neutral Good)
Personality/Habits | Mathis is a usually reserved individual. This isn't due to shyness, but more due to not being used to having much attention - his sister receives much more of that. As a result, he has grown accustomed to "fading into the background". He keeps to himself but is not anti-social, just generally stoic, if not curt. Of course, nobody has pierced his outer shell - so who is to know what he is really like around friends? Just like his sister, he is quite competitive.
Background | Mathis and his fraternal twin-sister Akiara were raised by their single mother, Aurelia Levi, as the first summoners of their bloodline. Aurelia is a very caring mother, however she is quite the workaholic; and long hours combined with good pay do not help that. Whenever she is home with her children though, she is very encouraging. Something that showed to be exceedingly true as she discovered the twins' capacity for magic. She hired them each a tutor - an older gentleman who seemed apt to teach them whatever they wanted about magic. They soon discovered Mathis had an aptitude for Bestia summons.
From then forward the tutor taught them every week, and they sought to be taught more and more each day - even going so far as to add in their own supplementary techniques to support their summoning; for example, sword-fighting, which Mathis was superb at. However, he was not as happy as one would think. From his point of view, since Akiara was a naturally better summoner, he felt his mother showed her more affection - which caused him to be somewhat resentful of his twin. But truly, Aurelia was very proud of both the twin's progress. As a result, she decided to grant a wish Mathis' sister had wanted from the start - and he was not staying behind to be left in the dust. At the age of 16, she sent both of them to L'Mordryn Academy.
Favorite Summons |
"Enco", as nicknamed by Akiara, is an odd summon for sure. This is because it is a being composed of a very large amount of flesh and bone - yet it can contain this mass in very complex and compact spaces. It is also very intelligent and even holds the capability to speak, despite lacking any visible mediums to do so. But what really makes the creature so useful is that is can shape itself into the form of any weapon it pleases - and it can do so while converting itself into any form of flesh or bone imaginable. Mathis has bonded very well with Enco, as they have been together for quite some time. And over time, they have learned to work as a very solid team.
His capabilities consist of: Encyclopedia of Flesh - Enco is capable of shaping his mass into many different structures of many different sizes. It can also change its mass into any type of flesh or bone. It can become very heavy, tough, quick, etc. among a vast array of other effects - limited only by the capabilities of flesh and bone. Biological Mastery - Enco also has the means to produce various biological organs and substances. Synthesizing flesh into different forms of matter to create eyes, stomachs, acids, etc. is second nature - and often a useful surprise attack to the opponent. For more complicated structures, of course, it will take a little time.
Nago is a summon that Mathis called upon for a specific reason - it is great at fighting dragons. While Nago has a somewhat rare structure among Gargoyles, this is still true. The two having mutually quiet natures makes for slow bonding progress, but Mathis has summoned it many times against his sister, so there is still a small degree of warmth between them. This creature is easily two times larger than any man.
His capabilities consist of: Flesh-Tainted Watcher - Nago is a slightly fleshier form of the average Gargoyle. His flesh is still very much like stone, but it is rubbery instead of rock-solid. This flesh allows for it to be resistant, and sometimes immune, to most dragon breath-weapons and elements. Where normal Gargoyles are weak to blunt attacks and nearly impervious to blades, for Nago this is inversed. Weight Alteration - As the name sounds, Nago can manipulate how heavy or light it and its limbs are.
Other |
Here's additional stuff I guess, just cause I wanted to. • Mathis is somewhat resentful of his sister because he thinks his mother is more proud of her. • Mathis only joined L'Mordryn Academy because he did not want to be bested by his sister, but over his two years of attendance, it has secretly grown on him. • Mathis is very adept at sword-wielding - one of the "few things" he thinks he is better at than Akiara. • To get an upper hand on his sister, he secretly learned a relatively weak spell from a tutor at the academy - one that he works on constantly to try and improve.
Lesser Arcane Precognition - Mathis can “see” the use of magic a mere couple seconds before it happens. He does not gain much info, aside from the path the magic will travel - and if it does not travel, the space its energy will occupy. Subtle magics, and those designed to not be recognized, will remain undetected. This is a passive effect and will end if he has to concentrate on maintaining a summon that isn't well-bonded - such as Enco.
• Mathis and Akiara have one mutual understanding - they will not go easy on each-other.
Reisus Juran
Physical Appearance:
Some months after having Kaisoken dust injected into his bloodstream, Reisus discovered maroon crystals beginning to sprout from his back. Apparently something in his body didn't accept the energy quite the same as others. As a result, his clothes are tailored to compensate for this fact. Additionally, when Reisus uses his magic, these crystals will begin to glow dimly. It should go without say that these crystals do draw some attention, and at times are uncomfortable.
Hair- Medium Brown Eyes- Dark Brown Skin Tone- Average Body- Well-Toned Height- Six foot
Important items:
Omni-Tool: Reisus' Omni-tool is visually very similar to a handheld phone. Mainly used for data access and recording, it can also be used for hacking/disabling if the process is simple enough, among other things. Credits: A small amount of credits from previously collected bounties, tasks, etc. Coilgun Pistol: Reisus knows how to use this simple weapon with efficiency, but not beyond them limits one normally could.
Reisus' Combat Suit:
Because of the crystalline structures on his back, Reisus has a hard time fitting into most un-tailored clothes or armor. This protective device was engineered to remedy that. It is infused with a special material that allows magically-infused entities to move through it with ease. As such, he can wear it comfortably and the crystals jut through the back of it, like usual. Note: This material provides no protection against magic, but it is very durable, lightweight, and tough on a physical scale.
This suit has a spot designed to hold his Omni-tool and protect it from outside forces while keeping it accessible. Additionally, there are small compartments spread throughout the armor.
One of the main features of this device is the rocket thrusters scattered throughout its design. Two especially powerful ones on each arm allow for impressive maneuverability when combined with Reisus' magic.
Short Bio:
Not much is known about Reisus' childhood, and those who dare to ask usually receive a curt response: "Rough". He spent most of it without parental guidance, and as such, got into a lot of trouble. He worked his way up the lawbreaking branch until he decided to leave that path, instead foregoing it for another one of...questionable legality. His new lifestyle involved hunting down humans and either killing them, or taking them in to whoever could pay the bounty. But he was greedy back then. And he found a way to rake in the profits. He reached out to the Ascendancy who infused his blood with Kaisoken dust, in exchange for a contract. He would work for them in hunting down Kaisoken for their materials, as well as anyone else they told him to snuff out.
When he discovered what the Kaisoken dust was being collected for, despite his rough mentality, he was horrified. He was helping torture children. He immediately broke his contract with the Ascendancy and fled. They tried to track him down, but he knew the nearby planets all too well, and was able to hide. Now, though, he is part of Natasha's crew. And he seeks to get vengeance for the children- and in the same instance- wash his hands of their blood.
Spell List:
Graviton Touch [World] - Reisus is able to alter the affect gravity has upon an entity when he touches it. He can make it effectively lighter or heavier, make it take on its own gravity field to draw or repel things, etc.
Displacement Vessel [Timespace] - Reisus can create entities that are essentially portals. They are relatively small, being at most around two feet by two feet, though commonly taking an elliptical shape. The average portal does not interact with the world around it unless interacted with by one of the open paths on either side of its two-dimensional shape. Touching borders negates any usage. Reisus can create the portals only within his line of site, and can only create them in pairs.
To balance this a little more, Reisus can create the first portal of the pair anywhere within his line of sight, but the second portal must be outside of a five foot radius of an hostile/opposing presence, or anyone he plans to harm.
Note- The two above spells can combine to create Reisus' "Blackhole Technique".
Crystalline Recreation [High] - By storing magical energy from destructed spells(via his Blackhole Technique), Reisus can change the pure magical energy into crystals. These crystals are visibly identical to normal crystals, though normally much larger. What makes them special is their resistance to magic. They conduct magic at a very slow rate, meaning you'd have a much easier time breaking them with physical forces. Additionally, when sprouting these crystals, it is much more effective to do so from surfaces that have many raw materials in them- such as the ground. The same is said for surfaces that are rich in magical energies. Surfaces such as pure steel(or some other similar material) will be harder for Reisus to use.
Exceptional Skills List:
Exceptional Unarmed x1 - Due to his armor, Reisus doesn't have much use for armed combat styles. He can take down opponents just as effectively- and often more so- than armed combatants.
Exceptional Awareness x1 - Reisus is especially aware of his surroundings, making him a superior guerrilla fighter. This also allows him increased reactions, among other things.
Exceptional Mentality x1 - Having spent years hunting down and killing other creatures, Humans and Kaisoken among them, Reisus has learned to harden his mind to outside influence. Guilt and other negative factors rarely weigh down on his conscious, and it's harder to change his mind by force.
Height - 5'7", Weight - 145 lbs. Color Code: #9D0B0B
Name: Elvie Kissinger
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Noble Arms:
Resonant is the primary form of Elvie's weapon. It is named after one of Elvie's favorite functions of the blade - a heart-wrenching grinding sound that resonates when an opponent's weapon is forcefully racked against the innards of the blade. It is minutely ridged in a way that easily catches and grips blades that slip between it, and snatches the weapon from the wielder's grasp as Elvie twists away her own sword. The weapon itself is an oddly shaped longsword - it is quite lengthy, but the hilt is just as long as the blade. Because of this, the balance of the blade makes it feel quite light, but it still delivers powerful attacks - and is better at defending than a wide-guarded if handled correctly.
Riddle is the secondary form of Elvie's weapon. It is named by Elvie for its ability to "riddle" the enemy's defenses with holes(humorously, its fire rate is a little too slow for "riddling"). This is a seemingly standard short-magazine .303 Lee-Enfield rifle with a dark finish. She can summon it with a Bayonet attached, or a Suppressor.
Noble Arm Abilities:
Myriad Self - Resonant and Riddle (often called R&R by Elvie) allow their Master to create clones of themselves. These clones are visually identical, aside from their eyes, which are completely black and emit a faint black smoke when exposed to light. They are different though, in that they cannot take as much abuse as the original; and will disperse after receiving anything more than a couple dozen unarmed attacks - so they usually can only take one hit in the terms of an Arms Master's battle. They may alternate between Resonant and Riddle independently of Elvie. The clones carry their own ammunition, which Elvie cannot use. Additionally, Elvie can, in a more social manner, control up to one clone at a time - meaning she can talk through it, among other things.
Personality: Elvie is, in her normal life, a very...intense person. Often brash and somewhat of a prankster to what few acquaintances she has, she's what a lot of people would call annoying. However, this side of her is often forced into remission - there's no room for games in her line of work. Well, there's not supposed to be. But Elvie changes that; every fight to her is a game. She savors every second of a good brawl. Despite her normal brash nature, she is actually quite inwardly methodical when it comes to approaching a duel or engagement with enemies. She uses her confident exterior to dispirit her enemies, attacking with a drawn ferocity that gives her an upper hand automatically in most fights.
Likes: People w/ Attitude, Fighting, Bad Weather.
Dislikes: The Hammer of Masters, Disablers, Cowardly "Bystanders".
Fears: Her state of semi-neutrality causing the loss of innocents; being a bystander; being the cause of innocent people's deaths.
Bio: WIP.
Current Goal: End the majority of the factional conflict by assisting Operation Symbiosis. Cease violent efforts of The Hammer of Masters and The Disablers.
Military Rank: N/A.
Allies: Neutral / Operation Symbiosis.
Height - 6'1", Weight - 200 lbs. Color Code: #5B1D96
Name: Xbalanque Quebal
Age: 28
Nationality: Unknown
Noble Arm Name & Appearance:
This armor is Spitemonger's only form. It appears to be a standard set of steel armor, consisting of the pauldron, rerebrace, couter, vambrace, and the gauntlet. Xbalanque wears it on his left arm and seems to be quite agile with it, despite its historically restrictive nature.
Noble Arm Abilities:
Spitemonger's Tax - Spitemonger is no simple Noble Arm. It is a conscious entity. And it demands tribute - in the form of pain. Spitemonger causes Xbalanque to endure more pain than any human could possibly manage - both mentally and physically. After killing an Arms Master, he will begin to feel ramping physical and mental pain - and only has a small few hours before all the pain they've felt throughout their entire life is poured into him over the course of about an hour. The same is true with individuals he has formed a sort of bond with; whenever they die, he feels their pain, depending on the strength of the bond. However, in return for paying this "tax", Spitemonger gifts Xbalanque with use its powers.
Spiteful Evolution - As the name suggests, Spitemonger is an entity that aims to spite anyone it comes across. And as you can imagine, this is especially useful to Xbalanque's line of work. When coming into contact with another Arms Master, Spitemonger begins to concoct an alternate function specifically designed to defeat the displayed abilities of their Noble Arm. This concoction takes a couple hours to form - so it only matters if the enemy survives the engagement, or if Xbalanque is forced to flee. Spitemonger allows Xbalanque to utilize three 'slots' for spiteful functions. Any functions at his disposal can be 'overcharged' and block the use of one slot, in exchange for increased power. If a function is deemed useful enough, it can become permanent overtime and not take up a slot - thought this usually takes a year or more.
✦ Permanent - Amorphous Steel - Spitemonger can alter its form in many ways. Weight, fluidity, hardness, temperature, shape, etc. This obviously makes it quite versatile in terms of offense and defense. However, Spitemonger is still restricted to its original quantity of mass. Despite what form Spitemonger takes, Xbalanque seems to be able to wear and move it with ease. ✦ Permanent - Constitution - Spitemonger values Xbalanque as a pain source, and as such would rather him not die. It increases Xbalanque's naturally reaction speed noticeably. Additionally, it provides him with a massive pool of willpower to draw from. ✦ Temporary - Temporary Slot ✦ Temporary - Temporary Slot ✦ Temporary - Temporary Slot
"Stop trying to die" - This is less of a power and more of a habit, but Spitemonger has shown the capacity to temporarily control Xbalanque's movements, as well as provide information and strategy that may not be thought of by the wielder. This sometimes causes him to be unpredictable in battle. While controlling the wielder's movements, he seems to be extremely aware of his surroundings and the nature of most attacks.
Personality: Xbalanque appears to be a cold-blooded person in every aspect. He seems to be bred for war, and takes orders well - as long as they follow his few ideals, which when coming from The Hammer of Masters, they usually do. He holds no visual sympathy for those he has to remove from the battlefield, regardless of who they are.
Likes: Unknown.
Dislikes: Humans, Weaklings, Anyone opposed to The Hammer of Masters.
Fears: None displayed.
Bio: Very little information is known about Mr. Quebal - besides that he lost his completely human family to The Disablers.
Current Goal: Slaughter opposition to The Hammer of Masters.
Military Rank: N/A.
True Spite - Spitemonger has the ability to completely or partially snuff out magical effects that it makes physical contact with.
Name, meaning "Name in English", cool stuff/name; what makes it unique.
Personality: Cleophas is generally a very extroverted person, once you get him talking. He's a very active and fun-loving individual, and generally gets along decently with most reasonable people - although he is a little careless around those he considers friends. When it comes to Noble Arms, his mood shifts surprisingly; he becomes much more focused, and quiet - analytically so. Additionally, he will typically go out of his way to help others, but not at his own expense or that of his friends. Many people incipiently find Cleophas a little odd, due to his initial quiet nature and odd accent, but he's not that weird.
Likes: Noble Arms, Strong Arms Masters, Bad Weather.
Dislikes: Academic Studies.
Fears: Losing his Noble Arm, or becoming unable to fight.
Bio: WiP
Current Goal: Learn all he can about Noble Arms (especially his own) - and to become one of the greatest Arms Masters ever seen.
Student Rank: 1218
Iaijutsu - Katana NA
How long do you usually write? • One to two paragraphs • Several paragraphs Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? • Very much! Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? • Yes. Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? • Interpersonal Character interaction and development. Also combat. Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague? • Nope, not really! Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? • Nope! If I put them into the situation for something bad to happen, that's my fault. Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? •
Name: Vissek Khat Species: Nautolan Homeworld: Glee Anselm Age: 23 Gender: Male Rank: Sith Apprentice Master: None. Former master(s): Lord Elith Suryn (Deceased) Apprentice(s): N/A. Sphere of influence: Sphere of Mystery.
Detailed appearance.
Vissek measures to be 183cm in height. He stands stall, with long yet thick head-tendrils that flow over his shoulders, as is normal for his species. These tendrils fall to his lumbar, and are the same smooth green - broken up occasionally by darker green streaks - as the rest of his skin. His physique is that of which one would expect from a young Sith - lean muscles that retain both strength and agility. One of the more distinguishable yet arguably minuscule facets of Vissek's appearance are the scars across his forward jaw. They are not unattractive, but seemingly permanent scars nonetheless.
Vissek's wardrobe is generally clothes of any style - as long as the palette is dark. Though well-fitting cloaks are a favorite, as well as leather. When it comes to combat, Vissek relies on his natural dermal armor to help him resist damage he is unable to avoid using dexterity - of which he retains much of, by foregoing most armor.
Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.
Noticeable Talent Force Speed (Basic) Precognition (Basic) Force Sense (Basic) Telekinesis/Throw (Intermediate) Force Empathy (Intermediate) - Vissek, being a Nautolan, is used to parsing the emotions of those around him. Being able to detect others' emotions through pheromones aids him in being much more capable of analyzing the emotions of others using the force.
Undergone Training Force Empathy (Basic) Force Stealth (Basic) Force Choke (Basic) Force Jump (Intermediate) Force Sight(Basic) (Intermediate) Telekinesis/Throw (Intermediate) Mind Trick (Intermediate) Telekinetic Defense (Intermediate) Force Drain (Intermediate)
Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill
Tactics and Strategy [Formation] (Basic) Statecraft and Governing (Basic) Basic Survival Skills (Basic) Medical (Basic) Interrogation (Intermediate) Martial [Unarmed] (Basic) Aircraft Operation (Basic) Espionage (Intermediate)
Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.
Form I Shii-Cho (Basic) Form II Makashi (Intermediate) Form IV Ataru [Personalized] (Intermediate) Form V Shen (Basic) Dun Möch Jar'Kai Sokan
In terms of lightsaber dueling, Vissek Khat has analyzed and adopted a fighting style that is somewhat unique - and one that he has grown to be quite comfortable with. He begins the duel by engaging his opponent using Form II, Makashi. Using the style's low-energy consumption rate and the opportunist nature to outlast his opponent, waiting until they display any hints of fatigue or missteps. Once he feels he is ahead in terms of energy, or he is able to break their guard through Dun Möch, he draws his second blade and initiates in an aggressive, personalized style of Ataru. One grip is reversed - like that of Form V, the Shen style - attacking from awkward angles for the opponent to defend against, while the first saber attacks from regular angles.
Detailed notes on political influence and associates.
Being a younger apprentice, his influence is little, and assets limited - though he is noticeably very persistent in matters belonging to the Sphere of Influence of Mystery, as it seemingly intrigues him a good deal. This has those within the Sphere looking upon him with approval, so far.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.
None in particular.
List and description of other known associates, including underlings.
None; Vissek is a relatively isolated individual - outside of relations with necessary or prospective superiors.
List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.
Vissek is afforded an apartment relatively close to the Academy at which he was trained. He owns two curved-hilt lightsabers.
Psychological evaluation of candidate.
Vissek is relatively stoic a good portion of the time - but has no troubles indulging in acts that only those on the Dark Side of the force would partake in. Being as that he is Nautolan, he can't always help feeling some of the emotions around him - sometimes causing his own emotions to fluctuate in intensity.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Those who work alongside or near Vissek might notice one thing about him - he is very competitive. To a fault, some say. Those he deems weaker, or of relatively equal skill, are likely to receive some sort of prodding through his stoic mask. If they seem to averse or unaffected, he will usually leave them be. But if they prod back, they may find themselves under his scrutiny, if the situation allows. Oddly, this competitiveness can also extend to those he recognizes as being more than a match for himself, in some cases.
Vissek is one who is extremely determined to challenge himself and boast his prowess not through talk, but through action. As a result, he is more prone to take risks that others would not - and while he usually applies a good deal of logic to any situation, he often internally skews success rates in his favor. Whether this is conscious so as to justify riskier operations, or done unknowingly, is unforeseen.
Additionally, Vissek finds relationship-crafting outside of a business setting quite difficult to undertake. He is not sure why this is, but he has never been too fond of acquiring "friends".
Known interests of the candidate.
Vissek, as mentioned previously, is quite fond of operations under The Sphere of Mystery. Infiltration, Assassinations, Recovery operations, etc. One might attribute this to thrill-seeker-esque behavior, but he doesn't find such satisfaction even in open combat.
Additionally, Vissek seems to have a vast thirst for knowledge. Force techniques, saber techniques, etc. are all things he craves to learn about. He believes in the mantra "Knowledge is power".
Major achievements on record.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in imperial archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Raine Provostus
6'7", 204 lbs.
Race Hunter
Faction Association The Black Healing Church
Appearance Hunter Provostus is a rather imposing individual. He stands at 6'7", making him much taller most humans, and usually retains a stoic expression. His limbs are also quite long - not excluding their digits - while still retaining a good deal of muscle. These features are largely due to his past closeness with beast-hood, which he no longer embraces, but must endure the physical alterations of. Provostus manages to maintain good hygiene, which is made apparent by his well-groomed hair and facial hair - the former of which he often greases back to keep out of the way. Said hair is a shade of dark brown - the same as his watchful eyes - and is only slightly less-dark than his facial hair. His air is more becoming of an older individual, but Hunter Provostus is still young at just under 30 years of age. The Hunter's voice is deep and calm, even so in the heat of a fight - were one to hear him talk then.
Hunter Provostus finds himself clad in tough leather when amongst the more volatile inhabitants of Yharnam - so as to retain mobility while still softening blows as much as he can. Aside from the meek protections of the leather, he also dons steel shoulder and forearm plates - as well as a steel closed-helm, accompanied by a gorget of the same material. Even in his clothes designed to be more comfortable, Hunter Provostus tends to keep his clothing thick in hide and dark in color - while valuing free range of movement - meaning he usually takes on leather as well. He keeps his color palette simple; brown, black, gray, etc, which can help to ensure he goes undetected, if he desires. The Hunter tries to travel light as often as possible, but when there comes a need, he will carry a single-strap bag large enough to hold any trinkets required, alongside a decently heavy crossbow. The bag also has straps on its exterior to clasp other weapons and tools to. The pockets within the bag are well-padded, usually protecting any vials or fragile contents.
Hunter Provostus is not from Yharnam - he was once an outsider. Before his time in Yharnam, he hailed from a far off town, living a modest life alongside his parents, who were on the older side. However, an omen of misfortune struck the man who had been just twenty. He developed a foreboding sickness of the blood - one that would eventually kill him if not dealt with. After times of searching and coming up with frighteningly empty hands in terms of remedies, Provostus was seeming out of choices. However, in the family's worried search, they had come to discover a relatively distant town called Yharnam. It was said to be a town of many medicaments. Feeling as though there were no other option, he traveled to Yharnam, specifically to the Healing Church, and inquiried about a cure. He found that the Church could indeed heal him - but seeing as he could not afford the Blood Ministration monetarily, he had but one choice - servitude as something they called a "Hunter". Naturally, he signed the contract, and imbibed of the Church's blood.
Having adopted the ways of the hunter, Provostus served the Healing Church loyally and attentively for three and a half years. However, even though the Church had upheld its promise and healed him, not all was right. Now well-ingrained in the mindset of a hunter, Provostus recognized that he was far more beast than man. He began to wonder night after night what his parents would think of him if they saw what he had become. He wondered, really, what had he become? A true beast? A false one? Just a killer? Something in between?
Was he meant to become a beast?
These thoughts were coursing through him every night then, until one night - the Night of the Blood Moon. This night, everything was plunged into bloodshed and gore. The Church was assaulted, beasts and others of their ilk roaming the streets of Yharnam, alongside blood-raged Hunters. This was the night he would leave the Church.
He sought a form of shelter for his own, traveling to the East outskirts of Yharnam, where he knew the cobblestone would be less gore-stained. He fought his way there, where he would shield himself from the outside and rack his brain with question after question. Why was he so much like them? Was it a mistake? Fate?
A time of - well, he couldn't tell how long - passed. Two months? Maybe. In this time, with what coherency he could muster, he discovered something he'd not known of even in his time with the Church. An organization, for lack of a better word, that was being called the Harrow was amongst the streets of Yharnam.
Having discovered this Harrow and digging deeper, he found that they had answers for his questions. So many answers he couldn't provide himself. Provostus joined them.
The answers the Harrow provided him seemed to quench his thirst for knowledge and embolden his thirst for bloodshed. He began to hunt with fervor once again - this time in ways akin to the beasts he hunted. His hands were his tools of death moreso than any blade. He hunted with the Harrow like a savage, disregarding the humanity of their targets entirely - consuming blood carelessly - without regard. This would persist for the entirety of two years, until one night he drew the blood of someone who's dying words reminded him all too much of his family far off. Hunched over his prey's body, with ragged breathing and blood dripping from his dagger-like nails, he heard a final weak shudder of breath escape them - the whisper of a name departing from their lips and striking the hunter in the gut like a sledgehammer.
Provostus froze, his breathing stopping as he heard that name. It was the same as his mother's.
He fell to his knees right there, the adrenaline draining from his body as he felt tears building up in his eyes - he could see his mother's face of horror in his mind as he imagined her seeing him knelt there over a bloody, torn body. He wept deeply, holding back howls as he mumbled to himself over and over what he was doing. What his family would see him as.
How long had it been since he had sent a letter to his mother? Far too long.
Provostus tore himself away from the cobblestone and ran. He stumbled and ran until he was beyond Yharnam's streets. He found shelter for himself, boarding himself away from the outside world and going into isolation. For more than a year.
When he finally emerged from isolation, he was no longer of the Harrow. His head was level - he was sane. When he emerged, he sought the Church's graces once again, hoping against all odds that they would accept him back into their enclave. Only to find that the Healing Church was but a portion of its former self, having lost a good deal of its facets - and eventually having split into two fragments: The White Healing Church and The Black Healing Church.
He came to find that only the Black Healing Church would accept his return - as the White was far more strict, far more prudent.
And so, Provostus returned to the Healing Church, even in its fragmented state - and has been with them now for another year.
Oriro's beastly features, much like her hair and eyes, are all a dark shade of red. Although said features make it pretty difficult to clothe herself - and most Manticores don't seem to mind - Oriro values her modesty. For her torso, she wears an áo yếm, which keeps her wings comfortable while still retaining modesty in her front. For her bottom she wears a maroon-plaid skirt tailored to permit her tail. Unlike her normal Manticore appendages like her tail, fur, and wings, Oriro's hands are slightly different. They are smaller than her brethren's hands, though still just barely able to text using a cellphone, with difficulty. Notably, the more flustered she becomes, the more they grow towards regular size. She is known to be able to reduce the animalistic features on her hands with intense focus. Oriro is six feet tall.
Personality: Dissimilar to her race's normal behavior, Oriro is not aggressive towards those around her. Quite the opposite, actually. She is generally reserved around those she is not too familiar with - often aloofly so, but is more talkative to those who have gained her trust. Despite her outward indifference though, she is quick to be flustered by things other members of her race would not be bothered by at all - such as wing or ear touching, or generally embarrassing occurrences.
When it comes down to serious business, Oriro is more of an observer and planner, as opposed to someone who's only plan is to just charge in all guns blazing. She'll try to contribute to the plan of attack and allocating their most useful assets to the most vital areas. Notably, if the rest of the group is adamant on one plan, she still won't budge if she believes she is right - unless somebody she trusts persuades her - or if they put enough pressure on her to make her fold. Which is rare, considering she's pretty stubborn when her mind is set.
Callsign: Black Wing | Type: Mobile Suit Appearance:
Eight meters in height.
Abilities: Black Wing is a highly mobile mecha designed to infiltrate the back line of enemy formations and defenses, minimizing damage to itself through agility while applying precise attacks to disable opponents. By utilizing (or sometimes being) a distraction, the Black Wing can open up an opponent's vital areas to attacks from Oriro's allies - encouraging the targeting of areas such as the cockpit, joints, or any other weak points.
◽Kinetics Recycling System [KRS] - The thighs and calves of Black Wing contain a locomotion-enhancing system that sustains itself on the kinetic energy of the suit itself. Hence, it is powered by movement. To induce enhanced movement. The device allows for explosive bursts of powerful speed to emit from the leg "muscles" of the machine when it has enough energy stored up to do so. However, after a handful of activations this system's energy reserves are depleted, and must be recharged via normal movement. Luckily though, the suit is already pretty agile on its own. Hypothetically, this system can be mastered in such a way that the pilot can sustain their energy supply while also having sustained bursts of speed throughout every moment of the battle - though Oriro is not skilled enough to reach that point yet. ◽Aerial Propulsion System [APS] - The Aerial Propulsion System, or "wings" as Oriro calls them, appear as two thick, fin-shaped protrusions that sprout shortly from the shoulder-blade positions. Being relatively small, they are not very powerful and do not hold much fuel, but are meant to be used sparingly and as a supplementary form of movement. They do not function underwater, but are protected from debris by the tough carapace of the torso. ◽Grippers - The Black Wings's feet and hands are augmented by a set of gripping tools which allow it to - well, grip. This specific augment has forms such as magnetism, super-strength digits, film/liquid/goop/etc dissipating heat-expulsions, etc. Basically, its grip is really good - making it an excellent mecha for scaling terrain, when paired with the suit's other functions. ◽Plasma Disperser - Black Wing's tail contains an array of capsules which hold and slowly produce stores of white-hot plasma. These capsules can be launched from or directly sprayed out of the sides or end of Black Wing's tail. Naturally, Black Wing's tail and back area are resistant, but not immune, to heat and plasma attacks. One technique Oriro often uses is racking her Heat-sink blade through the plasma in the tail to enhance its cutting. ◽Visual Aids/AntiScramble Lenses - Black Wing's visual receptors and aids, such as infrared, are highly resistant to scrambling technology. It can also parse through smokescreens a bit easier than other mechas.
Loadout: ◽Heat-sink High Hilt - A long-hilt weapon more akin to a spear than a sword, it still assumes its position in swordsmanship due to its main use as a slashing weapon. The hilt and blade alike are seemingly impervious to damage from any heat source, regardless of intensity. However, the blade goes even further, seeming to even absorb the heat's energy and allow itself to cut through many more materials than a regular blade(and many plasma blades) would be able to. The weapon's hilt and blade are about the same length, allowing for effective grips in both defensive and offensive stances. ◽120mm Grenade Launcher - A relatively long, large, detachable cannon that Black Wing carries strapped to the rear of its left shoulder. When required for use, it easy latches onto one of the forearms of the mecha for more stability. While Oriro is not entirely a fan of explosives, she finds this weapon useful in that she can launch smoke canisters with it, among other utility capsules - such a rocket-intercepting shrapnel blasts. ◽Scrambler Smokes - Smoke canisters that, when activated, emit a thick black smoke that is seemingly impossible to see through. However, they are much more useful than just a smokescreen. These smokes also release particles of signal-scrambling energy which also disable infrared and other visual aids, like targeting and missile lock-ons. Any mechas standing within their radius will also have their communications scrambled. ◽7.62mm Machinegun - A simple weapon, not meant to do much damage - just an annoying and repetitive 'ting ting ting ting' against other mecha's faceplates.
Caimedes Aedile Seraphus
(6'2", 182 lbs.)
Age 19
Nationality Caucasian
Misc. Abilities: (Beyond the capabilities of your Noble Arm, what type of abilities and skills do you have?)
Noble Arm
Peau de Gargouille
One gauntlet.
Two gauntlets.
Rank E, D, C, and B. With special exceptions permitted by the GM and Co-GM, No A-Rank Arms are allowed.
Abilities After Caimedes was taken under the wing of Master Arragon Seraphus, Peau de Gargouille ("Gargoyle Skin") was soon discovered to be a Noble Arm drawing influence from the mythical creatures known as "Gargoyles" - as the name would indicate. Its base form(Sentry) provides its wielder a good deal of utility - and desensitizes them to fear tactics, allowing them to remain a vigilant protector of their allies and themselves. The second form(Savage) releases the wielder's control on their emotions, enhancing their physique and allowing them to overpower opposition - at the cost of strategic ability. ► Sentry ◄ Stoneskin - With the aid of this Noble Arm, Caimedes is capable of absorbing the materials from his environment via touch. By making contact with any solid material he can replicate its makeup and assimilate it into his body, transforming his flesh. Notably, Caimedes is only trained well enough to change about half of his body mass - and the transformations are forcibly reverted after about a minute. Hydro Cannon - The wielder of this Noble Arm is able to summon a powerful beam of water to shoot forth from their maw. In its current state it is a thin beam, carrying enough force to stagger opponents caught by the blast. ► Savage ◄ Gargoyle Physique - In a Gargoyle's flesh form, they become strong, durable, and agile. This is seen under the affects of this Noble Arm as well. The wielder's body becomes much stronger than before, more agile, and develops a tough dermal armor. Additionally they adopt night vision. Unburdened Movement - When finally released from their stony silence, a Gargoyle is finally free to move about as it pleases. The wielder of this Noble Arm is able to fly (as fast as they can full-out sprint), climb walls, and maintain balance very well in scenarios where they normally would have no hope to.
Personality: Caim's mannerisms are rivaled in ubiquity only by his Noble Arm. Due to his upbringing, he is very respectful to all individuals, including those he has a distaste for. Alongside this respect is a value for honor - something not many people value anymore. Not having as much of a childhood as other people, he naturally has grown to be a curious individual - if a socially awkward one. Despite his somewhat awkward behaviors though, he is loyal - almost to a fault. He will remain a protector of those he sees as friends or allies to the end, even if it results in his own demise.
Appearance: While the physical appearance of MY-2073-CAT is unknown to the faculty of Facility B, the subject claims to have dark brown hair and caramel eyes - accompanied by fair skin. However, his current appearance is much different. The subject is enclosed in a inky black skin, with light wisps of equally black smoke gently floating close to the skin, across his entire body. The only exception to this is the subject’s eye areas, which contain only empty spaces of milky white material - seemingly just as tough but smooth as the rest of the carapace. Additionally, upon the top of MY-2073-CAT‘s head sit two protrusions reminiscent of horns. The horns are seemingly sturdy, but have been known to bend and morph as the subject experiences different strong emotions.
Background: MY-2073-CAT was born on June 13th, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was raised by his single mother, whom provided him an observably cushioned and sheltered life. The subject had no prior knowledge of his anomalous nature prior to his singular night of panic where his abilities presented themselves flagrantly. Anomalous Containment Staff captured the subject shortly afterwards - at the age of 16.
Powers: Shadow Carapace || MY-2073-CAT has proved to have a limited range of control over his anomalous abilities. This is proven in the form of an ever-persistent visage of what can only be described as ‘shadow’ surrounding his person. The material is smooth, but surrounded by a field of wispy black vapor resembling smoke, that retreats in direct bright light. Said visage covers the subject’s body head-to-toe, the only reprieve from the black material being the spaces for the eyes. When it comes to ability, MY-2073-CAT has been recorded to possess greater durability and strength than any normal human - which is attributed to the carapace, rather than any conscious effort on the subject’s part. Additionally, the subject is seemingly able to alter their body mass at will and move very quickly when within the confines of a darkened area. Directing light at the subject seems to instantly revert their enhanced abilities, leaving them only with their superior durability.
Fearfuel || It has been displayed through study that MY-2073-CAT’s anomalous abilities are influenced to a considerable degree by one emotion in particular - fear. The more fearful the subject seems to be, the more capable his carapace seems to become - swelling to increase in general size and height by up to a foot, even without MY-2073-CAT’s realization. Additionally, it appears the subject is much more empathetic towards the fears of others - being able to detect even minuscule amounts of fright that even the owner of the emotion may not recognize. MY-2073-CAT can use these mutual emotions as a bridge to communicate telepathically - since he cannot do so verbally - with those close to him, either accompanied by direct physical contact or through the means of shadows between him and the receiver. Notably, MY-2073-CAT is a jittery individual by nature, as light seems to make him anxious - whereas darkness, which he can see very well in, calms the subject’s nerves.
“Looks like we kinda sorta maybe might be completely fucked.”
Appearance Details
Standing six foot in height and having a slim, yet lean-muscled build, Cash possesses an athletic visage - which is to be expected in an avid member of the Martial Arts Club. His dark brown hair, which he styles into dreads, falls just above his shoulders. The end of each strand of hair is slightly lighter than the rest, as they are dyed lightly. His skin is light in tone, and quite clear in complexion. His eyes are light brown.
Cash usually keeps his wardrobe dark in color. He enjoys wearing jackets, hoodies, etc. - anything to keep him away from the cold air of Michigan. He almost always wears jeans and sneakers.
Cash didn't have the easiest of upbringings. He was raised solely by an uninterested father, and as such, had to find his own way. Early in age he became entangled in what most would consider the "wrong crowd". This crowd had a different view on society than most people would find acceptable. Being young, Cash was obviously quite influenced by this. He was forged into a boisterous, abrasive adolescent - who only looked out for himself and those he now viewed as brothers, even though he is an only child biologically. However, after a number of years, Cash had matured and realized that this wasn't the way he wanted his life to move forward; with difficulty, he found himself abandoning the only thing he had really ever known as a family.
Over the past year, Cash has been forced to reforge who he is as a person. As he struggles with separating the embedded philosophies he has imbibed over the years from what is actually right, he keeps himself relatively distant from others.
Cash has always been passionate about the things he enjoys - those primarily being Parkour and Martial Arts. Since the departure from his gang, he has found even more time to discover new hobbies he enjoys, the most appreciated among them being Anime, mechanics(Motorcycles specifically), and even writing.
Despite the lasting negative effects his past life has had on him, there are good things that come from it as well. Cash is a quick thinker - usually working well under pressure, and being quite adaptable to rapidly changing situations. He is also quite agile - quick on his feet - as his love for Parkour might suggest. Additionally, he has quite a taste for firearms - and can shoot them reliably, although he doesn't own one himself anymore.
Lastly, Cash is pretty slow to trust others. Having realized what kind of people he has come to trust in his past, he doesn't want to make the same mistake again. Notably, he isn't the most...competent person when it comes to girls. Having not had a mother to be raised by, no sisters, and no friends who were girls, makes it quite awkward for him. He does try to apply what manners he has learned, though.
- A Smartphone. - Single-strap backpack with school supplies. - Motorcycle Keys.
{Color = 39CCCC}
Mundane Skills:
Powers: Faux Forme - Magic:
Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?:
Kelly Kadir
{Color = C1CDCD}
Age: 18
Bio: Son of Kaarle Kadir and Ulyssa Kadir, Kelly is an only child. He is born to a culture-rich family - one who's piety for magic has brought them far in Iliad City. The Kadir lineage is one who values all forms of magic - seeing great beauty and value in even the most subtle uses of it. This philosophy extends to Kelly's parents as well as himself, seeing them to be very invested in his magical education. The only problem is - the family line's magical prowess is noticeably lacking in raw magical power. But they don't let it hold them back - they study to understand most forms of magic, and use their knowledge to turn the tide of battle by using an opponent's own magic against them, as opposed to enforcing their will upon the magic-devoid world around them. As a result, the lineage has seen success among their peers, and have become respected by some.
When it comes to Kelly's parents, his father is a Philosopher-bookwriter by occupation, and his mother an administrator of Ishtar Academy. As a result, his drive and discipline are well-tuned tools, allowing him good grades in all subjects. He is well-read, both by will of his parents and himself, and hence is intrigued with the world outside of Iliad - even though he has never seen it firsthand.
The family are descendants of The Illuminated Poet on his mother's side, and as such, are wary of intruders to their close relations and surroundings - seeing as though they would likely be relatively easy targets for assassination attempts. Hearing that this is a possibility is a worrying thought for Kelly, but he isn't going to let it stop him from performing as well as he can in his study to become a figure of magical innovation.
Magic: Kelly follows the path of his lineage, due to partial necessity. Since his connection to magic is weaker than most, he has to innovate - rather than impose himself on his environment, he uses the energies of his opponents against them. When not simply inverting the power of his opponents, it can be strenuous for him to call upon other forms of magic from his many studies - but he has learned to somewhat compensate for this by using conduits through which to channel his magic. A scepter, chalk/runecraft, and symbolic tattoos being among the most common means of this.
Mage's Linecraft - Kelly uses simple artistry to augment his casting, allowing him a variety of magic options despite his lineage. This linecraft comes in several forms - Chalk arts, Tattoos, and even written scriptures, among others. These magical assists usually do not stand for a specific use of magic - though can if it is required - and can be utilized for many different situations, but are limited by their shape. One may notice that Kelly has some of these markings on his hands; he has one on each side of each hand, all in the form of a perfect circle with intricately detailed borders - thought the tattoo of the left palm is noticeably more complex. It isn't common, but when he is seen wearing short sleeves or no sleeves, two simple, thick-lined tattoos are visible around each bicep.
Dark Enchantment - Although Kelly is versed well enough in most magic specializations, his uses of such are limited. Those uses he does employ could comfortably sit in this category, a hybrid specialization of Ishtar's Dark Arts and Marduk's Enchantment magic systems. Such a specialization is the only thing besides Linecraft and his counter-techniques that he trains regularly.
Intellect Drain - A rather brutal technique, Kelly combines the rune of his left palm with his Dark Enchantment training to deal a crippling blow to an opponent within arm's reach. Upon activating this spell, he begins to drain the raw intelligence from his victim, absorbing it for himself to increase his strategic ability and overall firepower. Against regular people this is a simple incapacitation technique that leaves them drooling on the floor - however, other magic wielders can defend against it. Magically-inclined targets are able to keep the drain's effects at bay as long as they are mentally sound. Those suffering from dread, rage, sorrow, or other strong emotions are vulnerable. It is also quite easy to overcome someone by surprise with this technique. Victim's minds will rapidly regenerate after a couple dozen minutes, after which Kelly will lose the buff he attained.
Luster Purge - Kelly focuses on a source of magical energy, disrupting its stability for a very brief moment, before imploding its energy in on itself. This implosion eradicates all light in a ten foot radius of the target, leaving a dome of darkness for a minute or two. If the target was a magic wielder, they will feel an intense, distracting pain moments before the implosion - however, anyone caught in initial generation of the darkness dome will have all negative effects they are suffering purged.
Enchanted Mind - Kelly's piety for magic is almost like a veritable force when enhanced by his Poet's lineage - in fact, it is. As a result, his dreams and absent thoughts act as a shield for his mind - the cogs are constantly turning, coming up with new ways to utilize this cherished ancient gift - and this is all those who enter his mind will see. Furthermore, they act as a buffer against mental attacks.
Personality: Kelly is a somewhat stoic person - seemingly unaware of his own emotions at most times - and appears much more interested in the state of his surroundings than the state of his own assets. Be that as it may, his emotions are brought to the surface by his many interests - among them the strongest being Magic. You could say he adores magic - every aspect of it.
He is very polite, even to those he may have a distaste for - of which there are none, yet - making him a rather agreeable individual. As such, it's relatively easy to become "friends" with him, but he's a little on the socially-clumsy side - he doesn't often take into account his self in relation to his surroundings(socially), so you'd likely have to actual tell him you want to be friends for him to realize it.
When it comes to conflict, Kelly is not one to shy away. He takes disagreements on logically, and if it comes to arms, he takes them on strategically - a fitting state of mind for his skill set. He even finds himself enjoying a little bit of conflict now and again - as it opens up the opportunity for him to adore magic in its most unpredictable setting - combat.
Faction: Ishtar
Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?: Yes.
Samuel Safford
{Color = CD5C5C}
Age: 18
Bio: Samuel Safford - born June 21st, 3002 AIP - was born son of Isabella Safford and Arthur Safford, and fraternal twin-brother of Lyla Safford.
The Safford family was and is a predominantly working-class one, the twins' father being a professor at Marduk Academy for The Mystic Arts, which both the children now attend, and their mother having been a city politician. Despite their rather busy professions, both parents were very loving to Samuel and Lyla as they grew up, and made enough time between the two of them to afford plenty of quality time with their children. They had a cushioned life growing up - having two loving parents who earned enough income to support the four of them comfortably. Unfortunately, good things rarely last forever.
At the unripe age of twelve, the twins found themselves, along with their father, the victims of theft. The theft of their mother's life. In recent weeks before her death, Isabella Safford had gained significant ground on her political adversaries, surpassing the small gap between them and then creating her own, more substantial one, as she took the lead in the debates. However, some individuals had an inhumane greed for wealth and power - a greed that spurred them to perform sick deeds one could not hope to prepare for. A mere week before the end of the debates an organization known as The Blackbird, as expected by the public, assassinated Isabella in cold blood - in order to push their candidate into the lead. As you might expect, this effected the family tremendously.
As they began to grow older, they saw discernible change in their father. Soon enough, he was exhaustively overprotective of the twins - never wanting to take his eyes off of them. Likely out of a fear that he would lose them, too. However, he was not the only one who changed. The twins changed too. They grew closer, using each other as a mutual crutch. It was all they could do to cope. Not that you could say they'd coped.
For Samuel, it was difficult not to be mad. Really difficult. Difficult not to be mad at himself - mad at politics - mad at so many things. As he reached the latter half of the teen years, one could say that his anger consumed him. But, there was always only one thing that could pierce the all-enveloping, searing storm of fire that was his rage towards circumstance - and that one thing was Lyla.
During these later teen years, in which the twins attended Marduk academy, Lyla was the only spark of peace in his mind. She could calm him, comfort him - make him feel loved. And he would not let something like that be taken from him again. Now, Samuel is savagely protective of his sister, and performs exceedingly well at Marduk Academy - though requiring a bit of a tougher focus on technique than others, as his inherent anger issues tend to cloud his vision. But he takes the training, all in the hopes that he can repel anybody from harming him or his sister ever again. And maybe eventually.. get some sort of revenge.
Magic: Samuel's magic draws heavily from the Marduk Academy Elemental specialization - especially Earth and Light based utilization. He bases his magical learning, for personal reasons, around a crystalline theme - using Earth magic to create crystals and shift the earth, and Light magic as support.
Earth Magic - Samuel has great control over the Earth around him, using its tough exterior to batter his opponents into submission, or to protect himself while he takes that matter on with his bare knuckles. Not only does he utilize the many rocks and minerals of the planet's body, he fixates especially upon crystals. While crystals are more fragile than rocks, they can be much harder, and as such, can deflect more powerful attacks if they possess substantial mass or are backed by something less brittle. He has never stated why he fixates on crystals in his magic style, but his sister suspects it is because of a gift he still has from his mother which holds a crystal within.
Earth Manipulation - Samuel can shift the dirt, rock, and minerals under his very feet, being able to move them at will to almost anywhere within his line of sight. He can wrench a wall of hard stone straight from the ground, extend a jagged pillar from the face of a concrete wall, or even punch straight through a cinder block with no harm to his hand, if he so wished.
Stoneskin - Samuel is able to shift a portion of his body into a variety of minerals(not exclusively stone). He can apply this to a portion roughly the size of his torso - and the changed portion will adopt all properties of the material, as well as gain significant strength, due to his muscles changing and having much greater solidity.
Overwhelming Pressure - This is seemingly the only magic that Samuel has no control over. Often having to tweak the pressures within a object in order to create crystals, manipulating pressure is something he is more than capable of - however, he has only learned to enhance pressure through the usage of the properties of the earth - and can't do so purposely outside of that. However, Samuel's rage is a vicious fuel that can unlock capabilities he may not be able to manipulate himself. When he becomes incoherently enraged, a wide area around him has its general level of pressure enhanced - harming both friend and foe alike. Those effected by this pressure will find themselves lightheaded, quite physically uncomfortable, and feeling a bit less in control of their own locomotion. Staying within the radius, which spans about fifteen feet, for a while longer will find those affected unconscious.
Crystalline Battery - Amongst the mineral mines exclusive to Iliad City lies a special crystal called Magicite. Samuel, upon discovering this crystal in his studies, has taken a particular interest in it - and has come to use it to great effect in his learning at the Academy. He often can sprout these crystals from his skin(painfully) during battle, and use their passive absorption effect to slowly gain the upper hand - using the stored energy to persevere despite fatigue. Additionally, he can expend the stored energy to bring greater might to his other techniques, allowing him control over larger sections of earth or greater quantities of light. The extra magical energy could eventually allow him ease in even more techniques beyond Earth and Light, were he to study some in the future..
Light Magic - Light Elemental magic is the more supportive side of Samuel's style, and is a small but important part of his learning. He chose Light magic due to its relationship with crystals - able of being modified or enhanced by the mineral.
Flashbang - Samuel amasses a ball of light that explodes upon contact, showering everything within line of sight in blindingly sharp light, causing everyone effected to stagger for several moments before being able to recover their vision.
CrystaLight Lenses - Alongside a fine crystal lens, Samuel's Light magic is capable of granting him an array of sight spectrums, the most noteworthy being infrared, and several other functions. Alongside rarely-utilized magnification capabilities, it also provides him protection from his own flashbangs.
Pressure Manipulation Magnetism Manipulation
Personality: Samuel is what one might call...volatile. He generally appears to be a somewhat reserved person - and one could surmise he is so because he generally does not hold much interest in others. Those who do happen to find themselves in his company would probably be right in calling him the grumpy sort. Just a tad bit rough around the edges.
When it comes to matters of interests or hobbies, Samuel holds few. But the few he does hold are profound - those being his Magical studies as well as MMA(Mixed Martial Arts), naturally. While he does enjoy these things to a degree, he doesn't show that in the way other people do - he's more progress oriented. He expresses his interest in a hobby by working at it vigorously, and using his anger to make himself better at it. Which you may imagine, doesn't work for very many hobbies.
Despite his usual demeanor, there is - as aforementioned - a way to break through his shell. That way would be his sister. He has yet to find himself so consumed by anger that she has been unable to reach him, as he's always held a soft sport for Lyla - and even moreso in the past few years.
Faction: Marduk
Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?: No.
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪
ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖: Nemorad 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕤: Nemo 𝔸𝕘𝕖: A little under a dozen years. 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤: Warforged 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣: None (Masculine) 𝕆𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: ex-Sheriff's Posse; Drifter. 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥: Lawful Good
ℍ𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥: 6'8" 𝔹𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕕: Tall, semi-bulky 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤: Gray ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕣: None 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟 𝕋𝕠𝕟𝕖: None 𝕋𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕤/𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤/ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: Beneath his protective face carapace, Nemo has a ghulra upon his forehead. Additionally, he has an intricate, circular runic symbol upon his left 'cheek' - as well as on various other parts of his body - including but not limited to: the dorsum of each foot, the dorsum of each forearm, each palm, and his back. Each symbol is similar in that they are circular and elaborate, but the one upon the 'cheek' is the most outstanding. ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖: Nemorad does not generally wear clothing, as due to his stony nature, they are not a necessity. However, his design was obviously one built with aesthetic in mind. The more flexible sections of Nemorad body are made of a tough, dark brown wood fiber; these sections visibly include the hands, underside of the forearm, underarms, feet, hough, throat, and thigh/groin region. Being that wood fibers are not the most durable material, they need protection - which comes mostly in the form of stone plates and smaller pieces of dark steel. The steel plates are rarer than the stony ones, only protecting the dorsum and sides of each forearm, the elbows and knees, and the base of the throat. The rest of his armor(body, rather) is made of well-shaped, cool gray stone. Additionally, his head and nape are made of the same cool stone - but his face is covered by a thin, smooth, removable steel plate, which serves to protect the integrity of his ghulra and face-rune. The final details of Nemorad's design are the singular horn, the fur patches sewn upon the stone of his shoulders, and a Deputy's badge upon his left pectoral. These are surmised to be details added by the creator for intimidation purposes - though after having lost the left horn, the design might look a little silly.
What first impression do you make? "I have sometimes reflected upon what 'first impression' others have of me. It seems the results are widely similar - I believe most of them are scared of me. They appear wary - even sometimes denying me services, despite me having the funds to pay for them. I am not sure why, though."
What are you like in a high stress situation? "I perform at normal capacity in 'high stress situations' - as stress is an emotion I believe I have yet to experience."
What are your best and worst qualities? "My best quality is steel, in terms of durability accompanied by relatively low mass. My worst quality is wood - highly flammable, and fragile."
What is something about yourself that you would never admit to anyone? "I have no secrets to hold onto."
What are your dreams? "I dream to be able to save outlaws from themselves. I have seen nice people do very bad things, out of irrationality. I want to stop the good from becoming the bad. And stop the truly bad from killing the good - because I know there are some who cannot be saved.."
How do you want to be seen by others? "I do not require it to protect them, but I would like people to see me as a friend. Someone they can call when they require assistance. Someone to give them hope against those who would take all away."
How do you see yourself? "Usually through a mirror - but I do not care much for my appearance, except when in regards to the desires of others."
Do you tend to make snap judgements, or stop and think about things? "I enjoy taking my time to ponder things, but if required I can make decisions quickly and efficiently."
What haunts you? "I remember the faces of every lawbreaker I have had subject to the barrel of a gun or the gallows. They spit, bite, curse - but some of them - they plead. After being given so many chances to change their ways, they choose still to be an outlaw. And then I had to put them to death. Because their remorse is only due to them being apprehended - it is fake, is what I was told. But - I still see their faces. Usually at night, when all is quiet."
What is your philosophy on life? "I do not have a philosophy on life. I have thought for a very long time on it, and I still do not know. There are so many to learn, and I have learned so many - but I do not yet understand the meaning of life."
Telling random, only sometimes-useful facts
Polishing everything
Hurting innocent people
Being unneeded
The law
Making friends
Good intentions
Plants & animals
Being helpful
Being idle
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Various craftsmanships (Pottery, Woodcarving, Sewing)
𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝/𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Strong arm - Nemorad's aim is unmatched by other, more fickle, marksmen. His arm does not waver - granting him far greater stability than any living gunman - and his vision is derived from magic, allowing him to sharpshoot even without a scope.
Novice Runecraft - Nemorad has taken a recent interest in runecrafting - something which was used liberally in his creation - and has begun to practice it at leisure.
Grit [Rune] - Grit is a rune that allows Nemo to forgo the usage of tools in order to repair himself. By taking an amount of clay, sand, or gravel soaked in alcohol, he can fill in any wounds or replace any broken pieces - and they will heal as-was over a time of a few dozen minutes. This rune is upon his left cheek.
Defender's hide [Rune] - A natural defender of his allies and the innocent, Nemo has a buffer against magic that allows him to resist about a quarter of the effects of magic used against him. This rune lies on his back, and is quite large.
Exhaust [Rune] - Instead of killing, he prefers to capture or subdue, if he can. In such cases where he finds himself capable, he can employ this rune to quickly drain the mental and physical tenacity of someone within arm's reach, eventually dropping them to the floor. This rune is upon each of his palms.
Mountain Mover [Rune] - Being as large and heavy as Warforged are, one would think it'd be difficult to find a horse that could comfortably keep pace with one on its back. However, this rune allows Nemorad to strength his mount, allowing it to easily carry him. It also helps in guiding the horse without spurs or reins. This rune is on the dorsal of each foot.
Unfinished Rune [Rune] - Nemo has an unfinished rune upon the half-way point of the dorsal of each forearm.
Several boxes of shotgun shells and high-power rifle ammo
An assortment of small craft tools (knives, needles, thread, etc.)
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: It's usually quite difficult to find individuals who possess the resolve and desire to be a law enforcer in the violent lands of the West. However, once upon a time in a distant, wealthy town, a particularly resourceful Sheriff found himself in need of some of these said individuals. But when the county was found lacking, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and hire a mage-smith to create the most capable posse possible. Amongst that posse - was Nemorad.
The posse was, as expected, the most effective the county had ever seen. A group of seven Western Warforged, led by the Sheriff of the county, was a formidable force to all bandits who dared to bandit within the area. They rode through the countryside and towns for years, defending the innocent and upholding the law. Sadly, no good things last forever. Although the posse were of hardy origin, the Sheriff himself was still human - and a bullet to the chest is a fatal blow.
Being designed to serve the purposes of a posse and having no other directives besides essentially "do what the Sheriff says to uphold the law", the Warforged find themselves, in a way, on their own. Most of them went their separate ways, spreading out to the countryside and even adjacent counties. Nemorad remained within the areas he had for all his years while deputized - but never joined law enforcement again. At least not on an official scale. Instead, he was much more akin to a Vigilante - but a good-hearted one.
However, capturing lawbreakers by surprise in most cases, and rarely killing, was not enough to save him from the prejudice of the people in the county - despite all he did for them. In recent years he has come to be a drifter, roaming the countryside with just his horse by his side, while helping anyone who needs it. Even if most are not receptive of his help.
Despite being a drifter, somebody must know at least a bit of who Nemorad is - as upon arriving to the outskirts of a town he'd never been, he received a letter addressing him. It was offering money - but he didn't care much for that. It was a chance to help keep people safe.
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕠𝕥𝕖:"I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. And apprehend those who can't apprehend themselves." 𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔼𝕝𝕤𝕖:
ℍ𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥: 6’ 𝔹𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕕: Bony.. 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤: None. ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕣: None. 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟 𝕋𝕠𝕟𝕖: None. 𝕋𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕤/𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤/ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: None. ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖: Mathis doesn’t care much for style, but tries to retain as much presentability as he can, for his sister’s sake. His wardrobe often consists of ponchos or half-ponchos, slim-fitting gloves, wide-brimmed hats, and lightweight boots. He has no penchant for any specific designs or colors.
What first impression do you make? Brizamyrr: “Mathis, being as he is, isn’t really capable of deciding what impressions he has on others - he can’t speak. So, many folks are pretty scared of him from the get-go.. but, it could be worse! At least he wears clothes!”
What are you like in a high stress situation? “Mathis is great in high-stress situations! I don’t even know if he gets stressed anymore, actually! He’s always so calm and collected - he never panicks. Even if the odds are against us, he’s always very encouraging and confident!”
What are your best and worst qualities? “I think one of my brother’s best qualities is probably how considerate he is of others. He’ll always help me and other people before himself, and that’s so kind! Even if people aren’t that receptive of him.. Oh, and also, Mathis is so protective of those he cares about - anybody who wants to get to us, have to go through him! And good luck with that - you’ll need it! I don’t really think my brother has any bad qualities, but I know he wishes he were able to communicate with others more freely - or at all.”
What is something about yourself that you would never admit to anyone? “...”
What are your dreams? “He says he doesn’t sleep.”
How do you want to be seen by others? “My brother swears he only cares about my opinion, but I know there’s more to him than that. He used to be so popular in our old town - I’m certain he misses some of that friendship. There’s no doubt in my mind that some part of him wishes to be human again every day.”
How do you see yourself? “Mathis isn’t much of a talker - no joke - even to me, so it’s pretty hard to get this sorta info outta him. But I think he sees himself as a protector. He’s the most loyal and stoic person I’ve ever met. He defends those who can’t defend themselves, even when they aren’t grateful for it - and that’s a rare quality these days.”
Do you tend to make snap judgements, or stop and think about things? “Mathis is a great planner. He calls it a ‘tactician’, but whatever it’s called, he’s super good at it. He’s resourceful, open-minded, and thorough. Even still, when he’s forced to make quick decisions it's rare that I see him choose incorrectly.”
What haunts you? “...”
What is your philosophy on life? “’There is only strength where there is weakness.’ His words - pretty poetic if ya ask me.”
Maintaining firearms.
Practicing magic.
Losing Briza.
Being alone.
Helping others.
Malevolent outlaws.
Abusive authority.
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Marksmanship - Before death, Mathis was trained by his father to become a respectable marksman. He continuously exercises this skill.
Gunslinging - Being an ex-Marshal, Mathis has seen his fair share of shootouts and knows his way around his own guns and those of his opponents.
Horsemanship - Being someone who used to regularly chase down outlaws on horseback, Mathis is an adept rider. Horses do seem a little spooked by him now, though.
Extremely Insightful - While it may be difficult for Mathis to communicate with others, they may do so to him even without wanting to. It is easy for him to draw another's intentions from their body language, tone, etc. However, sometimes it is not so easy - his appearance often finds those around him shaking in their boots.
𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝/𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Intermediate Evocation.
Intermediate Enchantment.
Deadeye - Due to Mathis’ Undead nature, his sharpshooting skills are unmatched by other marksmen. His arm does not waver - granting him far greater stability than any living gunman - and his vision is derived from magic, allowing him to sharpshoot even without a scope. He also has perfect darkvision, and can even discern colors in complete absence of light.
Magic Shatter aura - Something about Mathis’ ‘undoing’ left him surrounded by a volatile field of magic - a field that seemingly tears apart any magical energy that tries to pass through it, from any direction. Notably, certain magic can surpass the field, but either considerably weakened, or through potentially unconventional means - like mandatory physical contact.
Necromind Confluence - A seemingly telepathic measure allows Mathis to communicate with a Necromancer - more specifically his sister - without speech, and from great distance.
Kheldrstat Militant-Model Lever-action Repeater, "Breacher" - The Breacher is a military-grade, lever-action repeating rifle. It is chambered in most forms of full-size military munitions, as well as some more powerful civilian cartridges. This rifle features a box magazine underneath the action of the weapon, allowing for higher quality cartridge use, as well as a unique fashion of reload. Being of Kheldrstat manufacturing, the firearm is Human-Dwarvish in design, and is a beautiful rifle with smooth edges and a sleek appearance. Many may consider this rifle one of the best out there - Having great firepower and accuracy, while not sacrificing fire rate.
Kheldrstat Double Action Light-Frame Revolver - The Kheldrstat Light-Frame is a compact, reliable revolver manufactured with civilian self defense in mind. Hailing from a Human-Dwarvish line of firearms, the gun is well-balanced, smooth in design, and easy on the eyes. While it doesn’t boast substantial power, it’s quick, quite low-maintenance, and is a perfect weapon for beginner gunslingers.
Kheldrstat Single Action Heavy Revolver - The Kheldrstat Heavy Revolver is a standard Single Action revolver, boasting greater accuracy and velocity than Double Action revolvers while sacrificing fire rate and reload speed. This weapon is, as you'd expect, sleek in design, but noticeably more hefty than Kheldrstat's Light-Frames. It sees use in both military outfits and civilian settings.
Several books on Evocation.
Several books on Enchantment.
Travelpack with clothing and common tools, mundane and magical.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: Mathis' past is a fairly human one, you may be shocked to find out. Working as a farmhand in his younger years, the young man had a stable income, which was more than some of the time could say. He'd work for most of the day, as was normal, and then return home to his father, stepmother, and younger sister. It was a humble living they had - a farmhouse of their own with a modest amount of livestock for which they, Mathis specifically, had to tend. As for the rest of his family, his mother was a worker of the loom, and his father the Town Marshal.
However, not all was normal. Where Mathis' father was human, his mother was Drow - and this was a combination that their secluded town did not welcome. Being in company of the Marshal, they'd afforded themselves some leeway - but any mistakes on his father's part were scrutinized harshly. Even still, not all residents of the town respected the position of a Marshal - and a few seemed to have their own agenda. One day that Mathis and his sister grew to know as the most calamitous one of their lives, their mother was murdered in cold blood in their own home. And shortly after, their father.
When Mathis arrived at their home that day, he found his sister Brizamyr grieving over their loss, alone. She had been spared - for she was seemingly an innocent, Human bystander of the grievous crime. Mathis consoled her and had their parents buried. But that is not where he let it end. He set out to hunt down the criminals that had ruined their family - using the things his father had taught him, alongside the magics he was being taught by a Drow relative of his mother.
After having brought the criminals to justice, Mathis took after his father and became the Marshal of their secluded town, meeting evildoers with a strong arm - and an even stronger six-shooter. From then on, Mathis built a good reputation in the town. He was a fair law enforcer to all parties, regardless of race or background - and spent the town's funds well. However, even if funds are spent well they can still run dry, in a secluded town with not much to be known for.
ℍ𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥: 5’7” 𝔹𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕕: Lithe build, as per her Elven heritage, but easily passable as Human. 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤: Sky blue eyes that convey clear compassion and a lively spirit. ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕣: Long, light blonde hair with dark undertones. Usually unkempt or wild, but nevertheless quite pretty. 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟 𝕋𝕠𝕟𝕖: Her skin tone is very light, quite unbefitting of a Drow, but seems somewhat dulled - her complexion slightly “deadened” - by her underdark heritage. 𝕋𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕤/𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤/ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: The helix of her right ear is pierced twice midway, with two small, silver rings decorating it. ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖: Briza is not one for flashy or revealing clothing. Her wardrobe mainly consists of clothing made for comfort or function - softer leather being a main component. She generally tries to fit in with others as well as she can in the clothing department, so as to not be unapproachable - although her brother sorta crushes any hope of that.
What first impression do you make? “I’ve been told I talk a lot, so definitely a friendly one! Got lotsa positive energy - which people need more of these days if ya ask me - and I just love sharin’ it! How else’re you supposed to make friends?”
What are you like in a high stress situation? “High stress situations? Haha, well I definitely don’t ever freeze up or anything like that - no no no, not at all.. okay, maybe I do sometimes. When I’m not prepared, mostly. But who needs plans anyway??”
What are your best and worst qualities? “Best qualities, huh? Wellll.. I’m super friendly! I love taking care of my friends, which I have a looooooot of - basically anyone I’ve ever met is my friend, if we’re being honest. Which is another good quality - I’m honest as heck! Won’t catch me lyin’, no siree! I’m the most honest gal you’d ever meet! Aaanyway, I guess you could say a bad quality of mine is that sometimes I don’t look at the ‘bigger picture’ - or at least that’s what my brother, Mathis, says. Not sure what that really means tho.. He does say I may talk a bit too much sometimes as well, but nobody seems to mind! Well, most people don’t. Oh, and, uhh - I’m pretty clumsy sometimes. Yeah.. definitely clumsy.”
What is something about yourself that you would never admit to anyone? “I blame myself for how my brother is. Because of me he can’t enjoy life or whatever is beyond it. He can’t eat tasty food - he can’t sing happy songs - he can’t feel how good the rain feels on his skin. He can’t meet mom and dad in whatever world waits for us when we pass away. Maybe I shoulda let him go instead of.. doing this to him. Instead of being selfish - just because I didn’t wanna be alone.”
What are your dreams? “I’ve always wanted to make people happy. If I can somehow make that come true for this world fulla hurtin’ people, including my brother - I’d do so in the blink of an eye.”
How do you want to be seen by others? “I’d just love it if everybody could see me as a friend! I’ve always been so great at makin’ friends - just need ta meet more people.”
How do you see yourself? “I guess I’m alright! Haven’t had (many) people complain! Although, maybe if I were a bit smarter I could get a real job and make enough money that me and Mathis wouldn’t have to do all these odd-jobs all the time.”
Do you tend to make snap judgements, or stop and think about things? “Honestly, I usually just go with the flow. My flow of adrenaline! If you act before anyone else’s even able to make a plan, you can’t possibly lose, right?? Mathis says that’s not always the best way to go about things though, so sometimes I do actually plan things out. It works(I guess) - but I like my way better.”
What haunts you? “The fact that I probably ruined any chance my brother has of being happy. Just look at him.. he couldn’t even smile if he wanted to..”
What is your philosophy on life? “You should always try your best to make peace out of any situation, but if doing that puts other people in danger - you know what you gotta to do.”
Talking too much.
Practicing Magic.
Hanging out with her brother.
Researching animals.
Losing Mathis.
Hurting Mathis.
Being alone.
Bad guys.
Rough alcohol.
𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Gunslinging - Briza prefers not to shoot people if she can help it, but Mathis insists on teaching her - so far, she has seen decent success.
Intermediate Alchemy
𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝/𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕤:
Adept Necromancy
Novice Abjuration
Novice Evocation
Dampened Drow Magic Resistance
Kheldrstat Double Action Light-Frame Revolver - The Kheldrstat Light-Frame is a compact, reliable revolver manufactured with civilian self defense in mind. Hailing from a Human-Dwarvish line of firearms, the gun is well-balanced, smooth in design, and easy on the eyes. While it doesn’t boast substantial power, it’s quick, quite low-maintenance, and is a perfect weapon for beginner gunslingers.
Several books on Evocation.
Several books on Abjuration.
Alchemy Satchel.
Travelpack with clothing and common tools, mundane and magical.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: Minimal two paragraphs consisting of at least four medium length sentences.
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕠𝕥𝕖:"Why can't we be friends~ Why can't we be friends~" 𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔼𝕝𝕤𝕖:
「 ❤ Don’t let others tell you who you can’t be. You are who you are - and that is just fine. 」
Natalie Hartley Winhest
Nat, Hearts
June 17th
5’8”, 143lbs.
+ Patient ~ Fun-loving ~ Observant
- Smug ~ Sarcastic ~ Stubborn
Most would refer to Natalie as a rather laidback girl - she’s not as outgoing as some of her fellow students, but neither is she afraid to speak her mind. Those acquainted with her well know that too well, and will narrate stories of a much more playfully snarky character. And it’s true - once she determines someone as a friend she’ll shower them with affections - even if it’s in her own weird, sometimes-snide way. When it comes to her activities, Natalie is very passionate. One of her favorite pastimes is skateboarding, which is closely followed by track. In the last few months, she has even taken to powerlifting as an additional interest - and is pretty good at it. When she participates in these events she becomes very competitive, always looking to challenge friends and strangers alike to some friendly competition.
Likes: Rainstorms ~ Music ~ Competition Dislikes: Hot days ~ Bullies ~ Formal clothing Quirks: Obsessed with partial-shave hairstyles ~ Backtalker ~ Easily abashed
Ethereal Maiden [Intangibility] -- Natalie is able to render herself intangible to her enemies for a very short amount of time - about three seconds upon this spell’s use. Whenever she uses the spell, her physical form is altered so that when things would strike her, her visage shimmers in a way much akin to the appearance of a heat wave, and they pass through her instead. Unbeknownst to her, this ability draws from a sort of internal pool that fuels the power - draining as she uses it, but slowly refilling over time.
Unhindered Path -- Natalie, in a way similar to the above, can become intangible to even the very walls around her. She, along with anything on her person, can pass through steel, rock, or any other material that would hinder her passage. Truesight -- While Natalie is using either of her other spells, she is temporarily granted the additional benefit of Truesight. Truesight allows one to see in normal and magical darkness as if their vision were not obscured. It also allows the viewer to see past any illusions, invisibility, and even the disguises of any entity that is under a shapeshifting effect.
Natalie’s intangibility spell will tend to leave her sore the next day from where any objects have passed through her. Repeated passages in the same spot can even find her nerves a little numb.
Due to passing through large objects - or when being hit in the head during her intangible state - she’ll tend to find herself quite dazed or dizzy from the ordeal, after a delay. It will be more severe the longer she took to remove her effects from the object.
Natalie’s spells are purely defensive/utility based, offering her virtually no effects offensively.
Her main spell is also hindered by limited usage, as it draws from a limited pool.
Natalie’s sole guardian was her father, with whom she has a close relationship. She has never met her mother.
Natalie owns a bracelet which was given to her by her father. The green orbs upon this bracelet shine a bit brighter than they should, letting off an emerald gleam. Unbeknownst to her, this bracelet’s gleam reflects the amount of energy remaining in her internal spell pool.
Natalie has never dated before, but she fancies herself bisexual.
Currently waiting for a commission to be completed of this character, so this image is just a stand in - but it’s pretty close.
Yuriko Shizuya "Shizu"
Cloudy Gray
Long, dark brown hair that nearly reaches the shoulderblades. Always kept out of the way, tied behind his head.
Doton | Earth
Shizuya was born to a rather small clan. His predecessors do not have many accomplishments to speak of, beyond a history of reliable blacksmithing. His father himself is a blacksmith and armorer, owning a small but admittedly successful shop within Konohagakure. Shizu has a well-knit relationship with his father - even closer than is the norm for the surrounding culture, even though it may not seem so with the boy’s glaringly obvious lack of communication skills. This connection, as well as that glaring lack, is something his father attributes to his wife’s passing at Shizu’s birth - his son had always lacked a maternal figure.
Despite his lack of a second parent, Shizu was always one to seek to help his father in his shop, even from a young age. His father would allow him to carry light loads of raw materials to places they needed to go - until eventually he could teach his son some of his craft. However, while Shizu did quite enjoy helping in his father’s craft, there was another factor afoot. The Shinobi.
The Shinobi - sometimes called “Ninja” - were warriors who trained and fought to defend the village, putting their lives on the line for honor and renown, all the while protecting the lives of innocents. Shizu saw the Shinobi who frequented his father’s establishment and quickly formed a desire to become one. Being that it was such an honor, his father had no qualms with it. Worry? Of course. But he believed in his young son’s spirit.
Now, his father was no Shinobi. But he knew some people, and decided it would be wise to call in a favor. One day, he introduced his son to an old friend. The other man spent some time with Shizu, just getting to know the boy more. Eventually, he met the boy’s favorite possession. A doll that his mother had created for the boy in preparation for his birth. It was a token of her love that he kept with him regardless of where he went. After that day, the boy was enrolled in the Shinobi academy - and tutored separately through his father’s friend in the form of Puppeteering Techniques, which the boy took quickly to.
Whether he ends up being a defector or a defender of his village, I’ll have Shizu work to bring renown to his family name - as that is his ultimate goal. Being likely the first Shinobi of his lineage, he strives to use that opportunity and make a legend of himself(or maybe not a legend but someone who’s someone). I’m hoping to have him become very skilled with his Puppetry - perhaps to a degree of being known of his skill by name. Which could seem... reasonable, considering it seems like a somewhat rarer technique.
If he ends up being a goodie, he could maybe start to make some bonds with his other Shinobi - actually make friends for once. If he’s a baddie tho, I imagine he could go down a much darker path - like, the Human Puppet Technique dark.
• Novice Armor/Weaponsmithing - Shizu knows how to handle the forging, creation, and repair of various armors and weapons - though he favors armor creation, in honesty. He can’t quite make quality weapons by his lonesome, but his armorcraft is something he’s proud of. • Puppetcraft - Shizu has, since the begging of his training, learned to create quality puppets and dolls - mostly to be used with his Puppet Techniques. In tandem with his smithing experience, his creations seem a little advanced for his level of Jutsu training. • Technique Evaluation - Shizuya has an eye for gauging the capabilities of techniques - whether they be his own, or of those around him. He tends to find himself seeking out the weakness or potential combos a technique could have, even if the situation doesn't call for such a thing. He also seems fairly skilled at tracking hand seals and subtle movements. • Pokerface - He doesn’t play Poker - but if he did... • Fūinjutsu - Shizu finds the applications of Fūinjutsu to be quite useful - especially the Enclosing Techniques, which he can use to store his puppets.
• A wooden puppet that resembles Shizu - but is quite easily discerned as fake at closer inspection. • Various scrolls(of which some carry multiple puppets within them) and materials for inscribing them. • Puppet-repair tools. • A sturdy case to store all this shit.
• Puppet Technique - The main focus of Shizu’s personal tutoring and his desired focus in his Shinobi training, he has performed well in learning this technique so far - and he can only get better.
Samoth was raised on a paramilitary personnel base with his surprisingly lenient mother and father. Growing up, he was granted many freedoms the other children at the base did not have. However, he largely did not choose to exercise the freedom he was given, instead foregoing it to work even harder than the other young men on the base. Instead of slacking, or staying inside all day playing games, he would spend his free time reading, learning, and developing his mind and body. He strove to be the smartest person in the room - and he made his parents proud through doing so. He didn't need his parents to be strict with him, he was strict enough for himself. However, they did eventually become concerned for his skills on the more social side, hence suggesting he transfer to St. Laurel’s academy. Which he did, as he held the utmost respect for them. Despite that, though, he still persists his training at St. Laurels. He trains his mind, body, and will to be as capable as he can manage.
Core Power Strength of Will:
Samoth’s powers are fueled and strengthened by his willpower. Luckily for him, his deity granted him a large supplementary pool of it to draw from, and a hardy base of it, allowing him to accomplish feats unlike others. He can draw upon this willpool in mundane ways - for example to persevere physically - or through more special ways, such as to summon a large armada of his willpower structures, to manipulate the shape of Will-naught, or even to purge nuisances against his mind. These methods will, of course, begin to drain the pool quickly, which will require meditation to recover.
Secondary Power Will-naught:
Samoth has developed the ability to will the powers of another away from them - or from the environment - temporarily. He can will a field of anti-magic to cover each of his arms from elbow to fingertips. This field obliterates the forces causing magic to persist - and when applied to the skin of another individual, will quickly dig to their center to disable their abilities for as long as he touches them. Samoth can also use this touch to pierce different planes, if he knows what he’s aiming for. While this power does not normally drain his pool of will, he can manipulate the field to some degree - but doing so is very costly.
Tertiary Power Tenacity of Will:
Samoth can project his sheer willpower as a force onto his environment, creating invisible, solid structures from nothing. He can anchor these structures to space, allowing them to float - and rendering them immobile unless willed to move by himself. Surpassing these structures is much harder using subnatural means, as it pits Samoth’s will against his foe’s - but physically they can be worn out at a cost to his pool.
Quaternary Power Urgency:
Samoth can detect the wills of those he allies himself with, within a certain radius. Within about a hundred feet, he can sense the precise position of allies and the general condition of their Willpower state. This state will include emotions such a terror, triumph, or similarly overwhelming emotions.
Sava stands 5’6” in height, and weighs in at about 140lbs. She possesses straight, shoulder-length blonde hair and cloudish-gray eyes which always appear especially watchful. These rather cold eyes often compliment the usual seriousness or emotionlessness of her default expressions. Despite being a bit smaller than most of her brothers-in-arms, Sava is still very bodily fit, as one would expect.
Psych Eval:
Sava Enache is a rather quiet, watchful individual when it comes to social circumstances. She generally doesn’t speak unless spoken to, and is likely one of the least outgoing in any group - but she doesn’t seem blunt or agitable, as many others of this stance often are. Notably, despite having experience in the tight-knit camaraderie of a Special Forces team, none have grown close enough to her to draw out any behavior beyond the usual.
There are times when Operative Sava does vary, though. Most notably, on the battlefield. When others find Sava in the midst of an engagement she almost seems like a different person - hyper-focused, stern-faced, and especially communicative with those around her. One moment she can seem a physically diminutive solider holding an angle for her partner’s backside, the next one can hear her Romanian-accented voice tearing through obstacles to her allies.
When in such situations, Sava doesn’t skip a beat. She moves her and her team from position to position fluidly and efficiently, and takes on targets with even less hesitation than expected of a soldier - and seemingly while completely devoid of ruth.
Evasion and Infiltration training
Anti-terrorism training
Multilingual [Romanian, English, Russian]
Small unit/Infantry tactics
Diving/Scuba training
Mountainous traversal/combat training
CQC training
Advanced Combat Treating
Romanian Spec Ops training
Personal Equipment:
Benelli M1014 Shotgun Military md. [Collapsing Buttstock, Ghost-ring sights]
Arm-Mounted Defibrillation-capable Medical Injection System [Concept Art]
The ADMIS is a device mounted upon the operator’s left arm. It is primarily fastened in the form of a flexible bicep-length arm sleeve secured by ballistic nylon straps. Along the outermost side of the bicep and forearm sits a hardy, rather flat but boxy enclosed mechanism system that stores the silent motors of the device as well as various other parts. These two portions meet on the outside of the elbow with a compact elliptical gyrosystem to maintain full limb dexterity. Underneath the forearm just before the wrist circles a thinner, detachable portion of the system that can be filled and customized to contain various drugs, which can be injected into the operator or her allies with more efficiency and ease than other methods. The previously mentioned enclosed mechanism on the outside of the arm contains rather small but highly efficient silent motors that allow the array to enhance the locomotion and overall capability of the operator’s limb, granting them far greater velocity and strength in the limb when using the device. The array also contains small, padded compartments of storage large enough to store several vials and needles. It also holds the mechanisms required to maintain a field-carried, self-charging defibrillator system.
Bio: Sava Enache was born to James Hall and Maria Enache in Texas, United States on military installation Fort Hood. The two met when James traveled to Romania for vacation in-between U.S. Army deployments. They quickly fell for each other and after a time James eventually convinced Maria to marry him and move to America, close to Fort Hood - a stipulation being that she wanted to bring some of her close family. This created a pretty diverse growing environment for Sava as she was born some years later -- a mix of American and Romanian cultures making for an interesting household.
She grew up a rather normal child, progressing through schooling perhaps a little fast. This aptitude for learning was emphasized in high school when she began to pull ahead of others of her age, soon being placed in advanced classes by her father. She continued to excel in school until she graduated at the age of 17, and soon began her plans for attending college. However, it seemed then was when her fortune ran out.
Weeks before college terms started, the family got word from the U.S. Army that their husband and father had fallen in the line of duty. Sava was devastated and canceled her application, taking time to grieve for her father.
By the time she turned 18, Sava had decided she would take the initiative to follow in her father’s footsteps and join the United States Army. She enlisted some months after her eighteenth birthday and served in the Armed Forces for five years, experiencing four tours. After her deployments, Sava returned home to Texas, where her family awaited eagerly for her return.
They had discussed it for a time, and now that Sava’s service was over, her mother and her family decided to move back to Romania, applying and receiving dual citizenship for Sava.
The young woman took about a year off from military affairs, experiencing her ancestral home for the first time in...ever. However, something yearned inside her. It didn’t quite feel like she missed her deployments, but something felt missing in her life. Eventually, she found herself joining the Romanian Special Forces.
She served among her comrades for about five years, undergoing more training and even training courses alongside other American units, such as Green Beret and Marine Corps outfits. Even though the Romanian Special Forces was a rather different experience than the U.S. Army, she felt she was still pleasing her father by being a protector of those who could not protect themselves.
However, she wanted more. She reached out to her superiors, searching for more and more ways to help those she could in her place as an exceptionally trained and proved soldier. Luckily for her, it seemed someone was listening.
She was contacted by Rainbow to be recruited into anti-terrorist operations - which she dutifully accepted.
An image of the character could go here. Ensure this is heavily detailed as well in the appearance segment too.
Name Revel Belrose
Gender Female
Age Born June 830 -- 16 pre-training
Sexuality Bisexual
Ethnicity French-Germanic (Swiss)
Appearance Description of how they look, physically as well as in their attire, both commonly on duty and off duty. If there's no face claim/image used earlier, this may have to be a bit more detailed than normally. If there's any additional apparel items they wear, do mention too.
Personality You couldn’t be blamed for thinking Revel a rude person. When she’s not seemingly ignoring those around her, her interactions are brief and often laden with sarcastic remarks. She tends to seem rather distanced socially, purposely not engaging in conversations without some sort of coaxing - and even then, she doesn’t let down her guard. This is largely due to her glaring trust issues. Revel was a very talkative, fun girl when she was a bit younger, but her stepfather changed that with his abusive behavior - warping her into a mostly introverted and socially cautious individual.
Despite these faults, she does still have a more tender side. When she does finally come to trust someone and befriend them, she seems almost like a different person to them. She will slowly become less tense, more talkative, and be much more open to suggestion. Her sarcastic attitude will, too, change - losing the rather dry tone and taking on a more good-spirited, teasing one. While befriending this stubborn girl is quite the task, once you do so she will never leave your side.
However, there is also another facet of Revel’s personality that stands rather contrastingly to her other behaviors. She is a very dedicated girl when it comes to tasks involving her desired place within the Paradis Island Military. When she becomes focused on a task, she becomes really focused, and it can be difficult to interrupt or dissuade her from her goal.
Even if she does possess an inherent distrust of others, she generally tries to follow orders to a T - but can sometimes find herself conflicted in highly stressful situations where either of her options have significant impact on her or others.
Branch 112th Trainee Corps
Biography How has their upbringing been? What notable events led to who they are now, or were there any to begin with? Go as in-depth as you'd like.
Affiliations / Relationships Who are they families, major friends or life-impacting individuals with prior to the RP's beginning? Some can be established early with other players if you want to begin connected to another character, or you can freely update it when more characters come into yours life. Zhera Halnaut
Character Theme Not necessary, but can be used if wished. Just a bit o' fun
Criminals come from all walks of life. Maybe you started as a simple petty thief and slowly became absorbed in the deep dark world of crime. Or maybe you were born into this darker side of the world, having past connections to a mob. Perhaps you have a cripplingly expensive addiction and have no other choices. Or, maybe you're just an adrenaline addict. The thing is, nobody gives a fuck why we do what we do. They don't care. They just fear us for what we're capable of. As they fucking should. We're very good at what we do, and people don't respect that. But they will. Oooh, they will. We're gonna leave our mark on every big business that touches the light of day. I swear you that.
I am the Senior, and I have the connections and skillset to make you a very rich individual. About a week ago, I finally put a plan, which I've been working on for a while, into motion. I found you, and a select few others, who are very good at being very bad. Yes, I know who you are and what you can do - no, it doesn't matter how I know. What does matter is that I'm offering you the chance to change everything you know for the better. I'm offering you the chance to spin the modern world as we know it on its head. The chance to make a difference...especially for your pocketbook.
It's a crew. Yes, a crew, but not just any crew. Professionals. All of you. Professionals who need partners. You may not think you do, but that's because you haven't seen true success. You know all those fat cats at the top who get famous just from being rich, right? They're household names. You don't see that in our line of work. But you will in time. We can make each other the richest motherfuckers on the planet, and if you're into a bit of voyeurism, we can make eachother the most famous motherfucking criminals on the planet, too.
Alright well, this is a pretty simple idea it seems. But don't you worry, we'll be getting into much more complicated scenarios throughout the length of this RP. This obviously has heavy inspiration from themes seen in the Payday videogame franchise, as well as a lil' bit from the Shadowrun tabletop franchise. This here world is set in a future(20XX) version of ours in which there are very slight supernatural phenomenon that grant few people supernatural abilities. These phenomenon don't do much, but they can have quite an impact on the lives of those who know how to use them. Now before I bore you or scare you off, let me post the CS:
(digital or semi-realistic art strongly preferred) _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
First Last
Short summary.
Entry Notes
If they have a phenomena, detail it here - though it is not a necessary feature. Phenomena are slight mental/illusory effects that are never blatant IC. Examples would be things like being able to subconsciously partially mute one's own pain or emotions, or something like very weak hypnotism.
Personal Equipment:
I'm looking for dedicated players to join me in a long-term rp for this idea. Ideally we'd have a group of a maximum of five, probably. Really looking for people to stick around with me for this'n. I'll be acting as a sort of semi-semi-GM(lol) for this, directing the actions of The Senior(who directs the crew on occasion and provides jobs for them) as well as my own character within the crew - but all background characters(aside from those involved with The Senior's assignments) and such will, for the mostpart, be spread amongst our rp group as makes sense.
In terms of what I want from prospective players: I obviously expect solid writing ability that fits within the general terms for an advanced rp. Good punctuation, two paragraphs minimum and all that, you get it. If you are lacking in this department I will not accept you. I very well may look at your post history, should I feel the need. I also would say a soft-deadline of one week is reasonable for posts. There'll be a discord if we like that(I do), so communication will be frequent! Uhhh, I'm 100% sure I'm forgetting something but here we go anyway!