Name- Kotagnak. Role-mixed. Trait- Strength. Age- 33. Weight- 247lbs. Height-6'1" Race- orc

Looks exactly like him, armor and all, without the sword.

The only attsck that has ever penetrated this shield was a Holy Penetratiin Bolt from Zeus himself, yet after thousands of years of trying, Zeus has never been able to penetrate this shield a second time. This shield adapts to enemy magical attscks over time, the more the magic is used against it, the more it begins to resist that magic. Magic resistance can only go up to 20%, and does not reset between fights/battles. When this shield is placed in the ground, it expands in size, becoming a 4 foot high, 7 foot wide, 1'6" foot thick wall of the same material.
Devil's Deck- Kotagnak has a deck of cards of various abilities passed down to him from sinister, unknown origins. This deck consist of 38 cards, and 3 different types of cards. The first type is rectangle and they are creature summons. The second type is square, and they are weapons. The third and final type is oval, and those are magics. Kotagnak's card are special in that if Kotagnak defeats his opponent, one of his blank cards will be replaced with a card that is in some way similar to or in close connection to his defeated opponent. Example Kotagnak decapitates Mistress blood, master of controlling felines. Depending on the circumstances, one of Kotagnak' rectangle cards may now allow him to summon a cheetah, or a square card may give his lion claws. Each card can only be used once per battle, unless then whole deck is used, then he may use them again. I will roll dice to see which card i get, but will still pick the type of card. Kotagnak's armor is that of the armor he wears in his appearance picture, but ignore the sword.
Other- Kotagnac is strong enough and skilled enough to weild dual two handed weapons with ease if they're not too long. Kotagnak has been known to be strong enough to rip a fairly large man in half with effort. Kotagnac is trained masterfully in polearms and two handed weapons, along with defensive and offensive shield use. Kotagnak's skin rivals leather, being only slightly less stronger, taking small-medium bladed slashes in well fortified places (chest, back, etc.) with ease.
Passives- None.
Powers- None.
Items- Secret Ace- This allows Kotagnak to use the card he last used a second time. This can only be used once, and the card musn't still be in effect.