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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Your Characters:

Character sheets will be created following the template below and submitted to the OCC for review. Once you have gained GM approval you may post them here. On further note it is important to give you some sort of reference upon who your characters are. Your group of adventures (I.E the heroes, protagonists, etc) are members of The Iron Mountain Adventuring Company in all of its splendor. Iron Mountain hires out adventures of all shapes, races and backgrounds to take on missions and so whoever you are they will find a place for you. It is important for you to note in your history exactly how and why they joined up with Iron Mountain. Anything like rivals and branches to be used later for subplots should most likely be included in there as well. I want the CS to not just be a reflection of the Character but I also will judge the CS upon your own merit to see if I feel you are going to fit well in this story.

CS Template

[center][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/center] Picture or written description or a combination of both.

[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] A couple of paragraphs so we can get a good grasp.
[u][b]History:[/b][/u] Once again the more paragraphs the nicer.

[u][b]Martial Skills:[/b][/u] Combat skills are they good at shooting, stabbing, sneaking, torture, etc?
[u][b]Passive Skills:[/b][/u] What mundane things are they good at.
[u][b]Magic Skills:[/b][/u] Magic Y/N and if so what type?
[u][b]Inventory: [/b][/u] What do you have in your pockets
[u][b]Other:[/b][/u] A total mystery

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 2 days ago


Eovaine Tervall / The Blue Demon

"Stay out of the shadows, for you will only be met with hatred."



Despite his rather harsh past, Eovaine is a nice person, which is strange considering he was also an assassin and spy for the elves before he fled the concave. However, he strongly believes in treating others as he would want to be treated, and thinks that in treating others kindly the world will somehow make everything up to him.

Eovaine is also a very pragmatic elf. When he has an assignment or a kill that he has to do, he will throw away all his emotions and kill the target without second thought. This has caused him grief in the past and some of his assassinations haunt him still, especially the final contract that he took before he left the conclave. He deals with usually by ignoring it, or by making himself happier by putting a smile on someone else's face.

If one were to look deeply into Eovaine's eyes, they would see deep rooted depression. He hides this expertly, as it had been affecting him a good portion of his life, and like how he deals with most problems, when he has a particularly dark day, he either tries to make someone else besides himself happy or spends time with nature to look at how beautiful the world was made.

Eovaine is the third child of his family and the only boy. Once he was able to stand and carry a sword, his father began training him by taking him away from the family into a secluded training ground where they would be alone and where he could practice day in and day out. The idea of the harsh training at first intimidated the young elf, but he soon found that he was enjoying the training, and enjoying spending time with his father who taught him the values of kindness and respecting the beauties of nature. When they weren't training, they were talking, and they talked about many things and often ventured into the woods and forests, sometimes staying silent for hours simply watching. Although he didn't understand at the time, the quiet moments were tactfully done by his father to teach the young elf patience as his father was constantly telling him that impatience was the bane of success.

As his training continued, Eovaine's father began teaching him how to use most weapons, and after several years of intense training he was a master with the daggers and adept with every other weapon. Once his father could teach him no more, he asked him to join the military, and although he disliked the thought of killing, he knew that the military was mostly inactive and only kept as glorified guards, so he accepted his father's request and joined. When he joined, he was moved off into the training camps where he stayed in a small cabin with four other elves. The first few months were conditioning their bodies to take on and handle the harshness of war, and Eovaine having gone through years of training with his father was nearly at the peak of his condition. His commanding officers took notice of his physique, but it wasn't until combat training that they realized just how valuable Eovaine was.

A few weeks later, he was pulled out of training and he met with a scarred elf that told him he wouldn't be joining the military, instead he would be joining the Silent Blades, a paramilitary intelligence organization of assassins and spies that used covert ops to protect the their nation's interests. He would have declined and turned away, except the scarred elf told him that his father used to be a high ranking officer in the organization, which eventually convinced Eovaine to join. Training for him was short, only lasting five years which fine tuned his skills with the daggers and other weapons by teaching him how to use the environment to his advantage and how to hide in plain site. Of course, they also taught him how to use the shadows and remain undetected when outside of the conclave.

When his training was done, he was assigned small intelligence operations within the conclave, to gather information from the high ranking elves within the society, or silently take down troublesome fey that the national guard couldn't touch due to their power or other nuances of politics that stayed their hand. This continued for a decade until his first mission outside of the conclave was given to him. He was to travel with a caravan under the guise of as the caravan guard to the Vornaric Imperium where he was to spy on a few well known nobles that were a little too open about their desire for revenge on the fey. He watched the nobles and spied on them continuously for nearly three years, going back and forth with the caravan and discussing his findings with his superiors, that the place was a game of politics and each family had many enemies and many friends. After gathering information on each of the friends and enemies of those families, he was tasked with leading a small group of assassins to take out the families and make it seem like their enemies took them out.

The assassinations were done flawlessly, the caravans continued to go into the Vornaric Imperium and Eovaine continued to follow them under his usual guide, to follow up on the assassinations and make sure that things were in order. He returned and reported that most of the noble families were talking about the assassinations and that they were convinced it had been other families that took out his targets.

A few years later, he was sent to the free cities under the guise of a wealthy merchant's son who set out to make a name for himself in the trade business, and he was tasked with spying and gathering information on a particular city lord. However, things went amok a few months into his assignment. He was beginning to set up shop when a group of guards came to him with their weapons drawn, and although he was able to easily take them out, he restrained his hand until one of the guard's visages faltered and Eovaine was able to see that it was an elf. He was about to engage when a blast of fire clouted him in the face, and although Eovaine was able to douse the fire with his own magic, it left him badly scarred and he fled the fight before anymore damage could be done to him.

Back within the conclave, his superiors set him on the sidelines while his wounds healed, and they told him because of his now unique face, he could no longer go beyond the conclave for spying. Eovaine took the news hard, and spent several years with little contact from his superiors and other elves. It was in that time that the Presidium summoned him. Curious as to why they would call him, he went to the three floating spires and stood at their base where he heard their voices in his head as they informed him that the commanding officer of the Silent Blades had been compromised and was leaking vital information to the Vornaric Imperium, they then tasked him with taking out his commander. Knowing full well what that would mean, he set out and commissioned a a blue demon mask and unique armour set from one of his blacksmith friend.

It took several months to gather the materials and make his request, and during that time, Eovaine was mentally and physically preparing himself to take down the leader of the paramilitary intelligence organization. When he received his armour, he paid his friend for his trouble and began stalking his commanding officer for several more months. His opportunity to strike at him came when the elf left Ryn to go meet with his family, and Eovaine struck in the middle of the road under the darkness of night. The commander had been camping with several of his guards when Eovaine struck, taking down the three guards with ease and went for the scarred elf. The fight lasted for several minutes before Eovaine managed to impale the elf with his own blade in the heart. After his kill he stood there for some moments in silence then walked back to Ryn where he would say his goodbyes to his own family.

When he reached his family's home, he found his father with his weapon out with five other Silent Blade members all facing Eovaine. His father told him that he betrayed the order by killing the commander and that the Order always takes care of its own, with or without the blessings of the Primordial. He fought off the five assassins, killing three of them, and managed to maim his father before he ran out of Ryn. On the outskirts of the capital, he used his skills to evade the rest of the assassins until he left the conclave entirely, and fled into the free cities.

On the outside, he found that the prosecution and hatred he faced for being an elf was increased when not under the guise of a merchant, and although he disliked the treatment he took it in stride as it was a far better fate than what awaited him within the Conclave. He was also aware that the Silent Blades would be hunting him, trying to find him in order to kill their defected traitor, and he knew that if he didn't have a group of allies protecting him he would be as good as dead, either by the other races or by his elven kin. Then he recalled the mention of of a renowned adventuring group called the Iron Mountain and traveled to their base of operations in Highwinter where he joined the group.

Martial Skills:
- Sneaking - Eovaine is a master at using the shadows and the night to his advantage. His patience only makes his skill more effective and will sometimes use fear tactics to cause discord within his enemies' ranks.

- Combat - Eovaine has mastered all sorts of weapons but feels most comfortable with his daggers. He is lithe, quick, and can take down multiple enemies single handedly quite easily.

Passive Skills:
- Trade - Having spent a long time with the trade caravans, Eovaine has learned a few tricks in getting the price he wants for certain items and can convince others to buy whatever he might sell at ridiculously overpriced prices.

- Cooking - Spending a lot of time by himself and with caravansary has taught him how to cook and become quite adept at it.

- Hunting - Although Eovaine hasn't hunted much before, he uses the skills he learned to track and take down his skills, seeing it as something slightly similar to the work he used to do.

- Alchemy - He can make interesting concoctions, although most of them tend to medicinal or poisonous.

Magic Skills:

Poison - Eovaine always carries a couple of vials of poison on his person in case he gets in trouble and needs to douse his weapons with them.

Throwing stars - Eovaine's favoured ranged weapon.

Eovaine's favourite food is the apple pie, and he would kill a person to get it if he could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Erik Volker stands at 5'9. His hair is brown with tinges of red, looking similar to Cherry wood, and reaches just past his ears. Erik's eyes are a twinkling blue, and his face is young, his cheeks and chins only recently encroached by hair.

Despite being no stranger to war, his face has emerged unscathed, and lacks blemishes. His smile is nice and toothy, while his nose resembles a the beak of many birds of prey, his pronounced and high cheek bones making the bird resemble all the more powerful.

Once beneath the neckline, his chosen profession becomes much more apparent. His chest, back, and arms are a patchwork of scar tissue from his short and violent career. Pockmarks from bolts, the straight lines of swords cutting, and the ragged tears of beast's claws. His legs have been spared the majority of the wounds, as legs are not common targets in a fight, but they are no stranger to wounds. This motley quilt of wounds past serves as book as scrapbook of failures and fights, and as a visual warning that Erik knows his way around a fight.

Erik Volker



Personality: Erik is a pragmatic person, and his main goal is always the betterment of himself. That is not to say he is a selfish person, and has no friends. But Erik is slow to trust many, and tries to keep to himself when he can. His motives will usually be self serving, but if one can find common ground or cause with Erik they can find a stalwart ally who will stand with them.

History: Born in Sadia to a Minor merchant's winter wife, Erik was raised with minimal contact with his father. The man would only come around once every few years, and the contact would always be cold and distant. The man tried to bond when he was there, but Erik never took to him. When he would visit, he would leave money for Erik, before he would return home to the west where he came from. The few times they interacted, he tried to help set Erik up to run his own shop one day, to enter the family business. However, Erik wanted nothing to do with it.

When Erik was 17, he enlisted in a Caravan's escort, and was trained to fight. He would become baptized in war on his second escort, as they were set upon by bandits. Erik quickly displayed his natural ability to fight, and more importantly for him, not die to the wounds he received defending the noble house's goods. Two years into the Five year contract he had signed, his Mother would die leaving him alone in the world. He returned home to find his old home being picked apart by scavengers, looking for things to take. Erik would "liberate" most of the money his father had left him, and set out to complete his contract.

The next three years of service to the caravans would be largely without note, other than the occasional raid being fought. Once Erik was done with his job, his veteran status made him a highly sought after commodity to Mercenaries. Looking to settle down, and more importantly, not spend 10 hours outside on a horse riding in the desert looking at the horizon, Erik joined a small noble families guard cadre for two years of guarding a door.

At the young age of 25, Erik found himself bored and looking for adventure in his life again. He spent every single coin he had, equipping himself and preparing for an expedition into the deep. He headed north to the Dwarven kingdoms and found a way in through a collapsed tower that jutted through the mountains. His descent into the Dark proved harrowing, and many times he had to fight for his life. He would have perished there if not for befriending a great stone Golem, Lazuli, who helped him get out.

Together the two of them entered business as Monster hunters, each for their own reasons. Taking on countless quests to make the countryside safer, they found it was almost impossible to even break even is costs, when Mercenary companies could just undercut the prices and bounties. As such, the two have journeyed to Highwinter and reached out to Iron Mountain to join them. After all, if you can't beat them?

Martial Skills:
-Longswordsman: Erik is a battle tested warrior whose chosen weapon is the Longsword, he has trained with it for years and is his weapon of choice.
-Dirty fighting: Erik fights with one hand free for grappling, throwing objects, and punches. Erik only believes in winning a fight, not honor.
-Two weapon fighting: Erik is also talented in the use of two weapon fighting, but prefers to leave a hand open when he can.
-Archery: Erik is trained in the use of a longbow, he is no expert, but if you let him take a few shots, expect him to hit.

Passive Skills:
-Bard: Erik is a talented musician.
-Novice cook Erik can make a mean small animal cooking over a firepit. And thats about it.
Inventory: Erik wears light armor, consisting of leather, cloth, armored bracers, and chainmail on his chest. He has a longsword on his left hip, and a quiver of arrows on his right. Erik has a backpack with a bow, a flute, a small lute, and some food, along with 3 water canteens. He also has a long knife, a handaxe, and a pipe.

Other: Apple pie: Erik doesn't really eat much Apple pie, but he does enjoy the moonshine.





Personality: Lazuli is a kind, gentle being. The phrase "Do not mistake kindness for weakness" is apt. Lazuli enjoys companionship as well, having led a solitary existence for so long.

When Lazuli is angered, rare as it can be, he is a literal force of nature, striking with all the wrath of the very earth itself moving against his opponents.

He has a love of nature and art, things he never experienced when stuck in the dark deep recesses of the Dwarven kingdom. In addition to wishing to experience these things, he also travels to test his strength, to find a challenge worthy of his strength.

History: Born during the death throes of the Golden age, Lazuli would literally be created during the final battles with the Giants. Lazuli is named for the small blue stones that dot his body.

Brought into the world by Dwarf smiths, the tower he was created in was a small outpost, a watchtower standing a lone vigil in the mountain side. As Lazuli took his first steps from the forges, Giants happened upon the tower for the first time and attacked it. As the Dwarves and Golems moved outside to make a stand, the Giants collapsed the tower, and killed the mobilizing force.

Left in the collapsed tower was the sick, the young, the old, and Lazuli. For a while they lived, shifting rubble trying to make it out. While Lazuli dug and moved rocks, he was taught his name, and spoken language. He had no time to learn to read as his lessons were verbal, while working endlessly. One by one, dwarves died, sickness and disease taking hold before starvation or dehydration.

Soon Lazuli was the only being left standing in this collapsed tower, a home he didn't even know the name of. He sat down, no longer having a reason to dig. He was the last surviving member of the Dwarven race for all he knew. They had no contact with the rest of the Dwarves, and hadn't completed any way into the tunnel systems that connect the far reaches of the kingdom these days.

Lazuli stood watch over the remains, dormant and waiting. Until one day he met a young man. A man who had crawled through a small opening in the rubble until he emerged in the outpost. The man was looking for wealth untold in the collapsed remnants of the Golden age. Unfortunately all he found was death and no way out. When he realized he couldn't move the rubble on his own, he sat down to have a last meal, and started a small fire. He produced a flute from his bag, and played a sad tune.

The strange, alien noise snaked through the deadland, stirring Lazuli. The music was something he had never heard before. It was enchanting. He moved quickly to the man sitting at the fire, asking him what it was that he was doing. The small man naturally panicked at first, before introducing himself and begging for mercy.

Lazuli was confused by the man, and asked him to keep playing, promising to help him if he would. The man obliged. It took three days for Lazuli to finish clearing a path the man could use. The man introduced himself as one Erik Volker, and he promised to return. Lazuli expected to never see the man again.

Within a week, Erik made good on his word, but this time he played a Lute outside the rubble, giving Lazuli motive to dig himself out. Once he was outside, he was astounded by the verdant greens of the land, the blue of the sky, the powerful mountain standing tall. Erik made Lazuli an offer, help him with his adventures, and Erik would help Lazuli experience the world. Lazuli accepted.

Martial Skills:
-Immense strength: Lazuli's strength is almost unparalleled, capable of tearing holes in mountains should he be given enough time.
Passive Skills:
-Unkillable: Golems are nigh on unkillable to mortal means. Anything short of powerful magic or explosives will be unable to kill Lazuli, much less wound him.
Magic Skills:
-The earth mends should Lazuli be wounded, or suffer damage to his form, packing mud, or clay into the wounds can give him time to absorb it into his form and mend the wounds.
Inventory: Lazuli wears several ropes around his chest and waist that allow him to carry a sack of belongings. The ropes also make it easy for Erik to climb up.
Other: Whats an apple
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sir Gorun of House Gravelbeard

I gain strength by obtaining freedom from my God

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Personality: Unlike most dwarves, Gorun abides by many dwarvern traditions but understands those who either choose not to or follow different ones. Additionally, he is curious about other traditions and will also ask questions about them. He considers his sense of honor to be a major part of him, and is loyal to those who are loyal to him. He does respect rank, although he may grumble periodically about the order of things. He appreciates hard work and will not tolerate those who do not try.

He is talkative and cheerful most of the time, as he does not believe there is a point in silence. Politically, he appears to be something of a libertarian. He is quick to assign people to the friend or foe category, and will treat someone as if he has known them for years despite the time of their relationship.

Appearance: Short, Stout, and muscular, Gorun is the image of a dwarf. He appears to be about fifty, with some mild wrinkles going across his skin. His eyes are a dark gray, and when emotional the whites of his eyes will turn gold. Unlike most dwarves, he has a small tan indicating that he has spent some time on the surface. He sports a large beard, and all of his hair is a dark grey.

His house emblem is a gold double sided axe with grey beards extending from beneath the blades.

History: House Gravelbeard has historically belonged to the minor nobility within the capitol, using sons as either men-at-arms or minor supervisors of industry. Most Great Houses & Middle Houses are able to have their sons become squires at a young age and train one on one underneath the supervision of a knight. It is considered uncommon but not rare for a minor noble to be knighted for talent, as being a knight is something of skill, not blood.

Gravelbeard realized Gorun's talents in combat quickly, and sent him to military training at a young age. Originally hot-headed, angry, and ready for glory, Gorur learned about teamwork and the importance of respecting others as he trained with his peers. Like the rest, he followed orders to an incredible degree, believing that their military society would lead them to glory. He fought many battles and many friends died while trying to secure the deep roads for greater dwarvern expansion. However he countinued to serve with faith.

His House was eventually bankrupted and sent packing for a fortress on the most extreme outskirts of the kingdom, Lockstead. At this new place, humans and elves and many other creatures lived in a town outside the caverns where the dwarves slept. The area had a wealth of culture and initially Gorun was angry at it. Over time without realizing it he gained friends within the town. He married a halfling, Maruna. He continued to train and fight in minor skirmishes, and was eventually promoted from a man at arms to a knight after showing his skill individually in a difficult one. He was ecstatic. His questioning of dwarvern superiority left and he started to treat his non-dwarvern friends as inferior, including his wife.

Mid-Way through his abusive relationship, losing friends, and being a general ass a siege happened. The baron of the fortress ordered the doors closed to the rest of Lockstead, allowing all those outside to be killed. Gorun was stunned, shocked, and enraged at this action. Everyone could have been saved, but the baron did not care for the lives of the non-dwarvern people of Lockstead. Getting in a heated argument with the baron about this, the lord threatened Maruna and was killed in return.

After leading Lockstead to victory and taking the fortress for Gravelbeard, Gorun sent in a letter of resignation to the kingdom's administration and left with his wife for Sadia, leaving Lockstead in possession of his father, who banished Gorun for being dishonorable.

In Sadia Sir Gorun apprenticed beneath a Mapepo, Sirul, and learned the art of enchanting. After ten year's of peace the Dwarves sent for an assasin to kill Gorun and his wife. Sirul said Gorun was graduated and gave Gorun a pass to the free cities. Since then his wife has been in hiding and Gorun adventuring. Gorun has taken a squire, learned of a growing movement seeking to establish a constitutional monarchy within the dwarvern lands, and had three kids. The squire although not graduated tends to stick more within the free city affairs.

Martial Skills:
It is Dwarvern Tradition for knights to become experts in a short and long weapon, with an expectation of being decent with them all. Usually these weapons are axes and hammers.
Guardian This Dwarvern knight began his service as a man-at-arms of a greater house, often serving in shieldwalls. While many Dwarvern knights born in greater houses end up favoring the lighter round shield for one on one dueling, Gravelbeard learned the tower first and stuck with it even when knighted. Hitting Gorur behind his shield is considered an achievement even among knights. He tends to favor the hatchet for it's speed when using the shield. He prefers to draw fights out when fighting this, to tire his opponents and learn how they fight.
Reacher Gorun uses his halberd as his medium ranged weapon, allowing him to pound through most opponents defense with sheer force then stab or slice them. Useful for breaking through shield walls. He is an expert in this field.
Single Sword Gravelbeard is not an expert with the short-sword, although when fighting without a shield it is his small weapon of choice.
Legendary Conditioning Wearing armor twelve hours a day means swimming with it is normal. It is not uncommon for dwarvern knights to fall asleep on the ground in their well padded helmets. You get used to it.
Descent With Almost Everything Else He has a working knowledge of the mechanics of most weapons

Passive Skills:
Noble He can hold and act in almost all courts in the land, respecting the customs of others while not submitting to them.
Miner He is a dwarf.
Stonesense While not as good as expert miners, Gravelbeard has an incredible sense of direction while underground.
Scholar Studying enchanting forced Gorun to learn reading and enjoy it. While not a professional, he is somewhat well learned.

Magic Skills:
Legendary Enchanter What is known is that his armor can sustain a ridiculous number of blows before failing. I have some pretty clever plans on how to use this, so I'd rather not tell anyone but the OP. If I do a reveal through RP I will add it here.

Belt Mythril Sword, Rope Coil, a few pouches for loose items, a mug sized and seemingly never ending keg.
Back Backpack with a pickaxe and hachet tied to it, containing larger items and a foot long portable hole with engravings.
Other Steel Plate armor with many engravings on the surface, along with a chain-mail hauberk beneath it to close the gaps.
Mount Steel Tower Shield (Featuring Hose Crest), Halberd, and tent. He ain't carrying that.

Other: He loves apple pie almost as much as he loves ale. Remember, he is a dwarf.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Enzayne
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Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Morwyn the Blood Crow

'Only the opportunist truly wins.'

Female Human

In the vicinity of others, Morwyn will act the part she needs to. She is a ruthless social tactician and will bully others into alleged submission so long as she comes away from the exchange with a gain. The same tactical mind makes her cooperative and nearly pleasant when the mood strikes her, and she most often treats her allies with respect, if not feigned friendship. Feigned, as Morwyn does not truly consider herself to have friends, regardless of what she or others may say. On some level she may enjoy companionship, but her values are far
removed from what would generally be considered friendship, and the only way to really receive appreciation from her is to compete with her in her strange battles for status, wealth and renown. Doing so is equally likely, however, to earn you a stab in the dark of night.

The woman is fiercely devoted to her own shifting moral compass, one which could be more likened to a predator trying to adapt to the world in which it hunts. Divining what she wants in a given situation can be very tricky, but in the end most of her decisions are made solely to her own benefit. This egotist behaviour does not necessarily translate as cowardice in the face of danger, as she will leap to the aid of her allies if their survival would benefit her. She makes for a solid comrade so long as her goals continue to align with her compatriots.

Her apparent psychopathy is distorted only in one place; Combat. In the thick of battle the woman revels with ecstatic cries of joy and violent laughter, seemingly living most in the moments where her life is literally in danger. She will not actively seek it out, rather she seems convinced that all actions inevitably cause violent conflict in the end - and she will be there to participate.

Morwyn first surfaced in a small village the Vomaric Imperium, where she traded her service in herbal remedies and alleged mythic knowledges for a roof and food. Between her early treatments she spoke of strange omens and prophecies. Her benign and gentle approach created a certain good will among the peasantry, who despite some early misgivings as to her presence soon accepted her as a strange boon to their village. That is also when she performed her first miracle, drawing a deathly ill man from the reach of the grave with but a touch of her hand and a heretical blessing from a false god. Her intervention saw the man saved, and the village, though unwilling to openly speak of her wicked ways, came to her in greater numbers with new problems.

By the time the local authority and their lordship took notice, Morwyn was firmly entrenched in their land, with a seemingly fanatical set of core followers among the local peasantry. Idols had been built, depicting a winged woman with claws for hands. Soldiers raided, hunted, sent out spies. Morwyn would not be found, and villagers all about the area denied that such witchcraft should ever take place in their lands. Still, the places in which these miracles were reported increased. Rumours among the soldiers sprang up that this witch could take the form of crows, wolves, or indeed, any man. Whatever the case, the hunt continued fiercely as peasants became increasingly outspoken and outright violent in the face of their "just" and "righteous" guardians. It culminated in a stormy night, when a nobleman himself led the charge on a particularly outspoken hamlet.

Out of the rain and mist came the woman with sand-red hair and tatoos, rending claws strapped to her arms and a plethora of knives on her body. Like a mad god tired of her subjects she descended on the contingent of soldiers and their leader. Originally backed by a loyal force of peasants, her allies began to beat a panicked retreat when it became clear that their witch god cared not whether her furious slashes tore into soldier or ordinary man, and the strange three-way battle ended with the death of an aristocrat and the retreat of all sane men. Morwyn vanished into the rain, leaving behind her a bloody battleground and a warning tale of witchery for those who lived to tell the tale. Weakness in reverence of the Architect had been exploited to bloody madness.

Morwyn later resurfaced in a fair few of the Free Cities, keeping to travelling between them only to make a name for herself as a particularly violent mercenary and pit fighter. Her wild ferocity earned her an estranged reputation enough to garner some attention, and her skills have been on loan for many less permanent "adventuring companies". In the end, the only organization that has thus far managed to rein her violent impulses enough to make something less transient of her, has been her latest employer.

Whispers of witchcraft and heresy seem to follow her around, no matter what the prevalent religion in the area may be.

Martial Skills: Morwyn is a skilled close-combat fighter, particularly with extremely short-ranged weapons such as knives and artificial claws.
Her competence is based almost entirely on speed and ferocity, however, and she does not have very much stamina. She enjoys fighting dirty.

Passive Skills: Skilled in the arts of herbal medicine, heretical claims, and wildland survival.

Magic Skills: Primordial. Morwyn is capable of producing some manifestation of "miracles" such as mending wounds, growing crops, and calling upon the natural elements to rule in her favour. Her vicious speed in battle is no doubt linked to this magical ability.

Inventory: Herbs. Knives. Claws. Lint.

Other: Apple pies are part of her herbal remedy repertoire. True story.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RyanTadashi
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Jericho is an attractive, youthful-looking man. He is not the largest, standing at around 5'7,” but he was born with an athletic body that has only grown stronger over the years. Jericho is nimble and coordinated with his greatest strength lying in his speed and quickness. He is naturally fair-skinned, but hundred of hours in the sun throughout his life has tanned him to an almond color. He has deep brown eyes and high, pronounced cheekbones. Because of an injury that never fully healed, Jericho's nose is slightly crooked, turning towards his left ear and back to the middle just where his nasolabial crease meets his nostrils. His buckskin-colored hair is shaved short on the sides and left long on the top, resulting in a messy pseudo-mohawk and suggesting a negligence from a child too concerned with other things to worry about his appearance.

Like many other youths working in the streets, Jericho has noticeable tattoos and piercings. In his left ear hang three thin, worn bronze rings, poorly shaped and hastily incorporated into his upper cartilage just above a thicker, golden ring that sparks the lust of many thieves and cutthroats. In his right ear is a simple chain earring that hangs down into a feather, representing his god, The Architect, lifting him up as if he could fly on his faith. From his right hand halfway into his right breast, Jericho's tattoos reflect intricately worked patterns in black, featuring two main images. The first is on his shoulder: a bright red rose with silver petals, his adoptive families names on each of the petals in charcoal colored script. The other is on his bicep: a beautiful mermaid that can be found on many other aspiring pirates.

Jericho Dreaver

“My God and Brothers over Me.”



On the surface, Jericho is jovial and always joking. He is genuinely filled with joy; however, his charisma and humor do not always reflect his inner thoughts. Though very confident and happy with himself for most of his life, he cannot fight his own mind which is constantly introspective. This conflict stems from the two biggest callings in his life: his devotion to The Church of the Architect and his earthly ambitions. Raised to center every aspect of his life and personality around his faith in The Architect, Jericho, like many other youths, often fill their days with more pragmatic efforts. He is influenced by his adoptive parents and brothers and sisters in his faith to stay true to his beliefs and values but simultaneously led astray by his friends in the streets and senior members of pirate gangs that rule many neighborhoods in the Free Cities. Jericho's internal conflict is accentuated by the fact that he is valued by both groups of people in his life. His passion and intelligence would make him an excellent priest or teacher for the Church, and his leadership causes others to look to him for inspiration and guidance. These personal strengths work in similar ways in his street gang life. In the constant warfare between troubled youths, Jericho's passion and intelligence is paired with his lithe, athletic body. His charisma has always helped him to stir up a following, especially among the misguided youth that constitute his friends. Both groups see Jericho as one fully devoted to their own world, pulling him apart between vastly different responsibilities.

In any aspect of his life, Jericho strongly values brotherhood and friendship. He doesn't feel whole unless he is surrounded by others. He feels supreme joy when working together with others for a greater cause, and loves to view himself within the bonds of a tightly-knit group. He makes sure to embed himself firmly in the middle of any social group he decides to be a part of, building individual relationships with every single person to make sure that he is never alienated or outcast. This sense of brotherhood for Jericho is stronger in no other relationship than the one with his late adoptive brother, Strom Stormgaard. A large man with a not-so-large intelligence level, Strom is fiercely loyal to Jericho, and has always worked hard to make sure that he is always the closest person to his adopted brother. Jericho loves his brother, and, although younger and smaller, he has always known that he is Strom's biggest role model. Because of this he is often condescending to his brother, holding himself to the highest standard and trying to model him after himself. With the same sense of humor, passtimes, and conflict over faith and life, he has clearly succeeded. Strom's death is the hardest challenge that Jericho has ever faced, and the internal storm of guilt and longing threatens never to cease.

Jericho's parents, peasants who worked the land in the Vomaric Imperium, wanted more for their firstborn child, so they, along with a few other peasant families, plotted to escape these lands for a life away from oppression. When word of this planned escape reached the noble who owned the lands, a small army was raised to beat the conspiring defectors back into compliance. Before the noble's plan could come to fruition, the Dreavers, along with their closest and most-trusted friends, another family with a young boy called the Stormgaards, fled eastward in the middle of the night. Through they didn't even stop to gather more than a couple bags full of their belongings, it wasn't too long before they were run down by a score of the noble's warriors on horseback. To save their son and their friends, both of Jericho's parents stalled the warriors, allowing the Stormgaards to escape with their child, but resulting in their death and the orphaning of baby Jericho. The Stormgaards immediately decided to adopt Jericho into their family, and eventually the new family of four reached one of the city-states formerly of the Qalini Magocracy and now part of what was known as the Free Cities.

The Stormgaards worked hard to make a life for their two boys, but this new world had its own challenges. The oppression of the Imperium's aristocracy was replaced by piracy, thugs, and gang violence all throughout the streets. A good and honest family, the Stormgaards avoided these troubles, and became well-respected members of their neighborhood and of their church – the Stormgaards immediately found a group of fellow followers of The Architect, something that was much more difficult in the Free Cities than in the Imperium. Both Jericho, and the Stormgaards' biological son, Strom, were raised in the church to be devout followers of The Architect who created the whole world and everyone inhabiting it. Though the two boys grew up to be important members of the congregation, they were also tempted by the lucrative life promised by various thugs and senior gang members on the streets.

Both Jericho and Strom made various friends and connections in the streets. What started as innocent children playing different sports in the streets soon became innocent children unassumingly running drugs or working other missions for people in the street gangs. This inevitably led to more sinister activities, with all of the now-teenagers learning to fight or move illicit drugs or even rob and kidnap. Jericho and Strom never took part in any of the harsher, more dangerous activities like some of their friends, as their relationships with The Architect and their partial obedience to their parents held them back. They were, however, often tempted into things like smoking some of the hallucinogenic herbs or participating in some of the gang violence connected to the rivalry between different pirate lords. Both boys used their different strengths, Jericho's speed and agility and Strom's brute strength, to become respected thugs, working their way up the ranks into more and more respected positions. Jericho built up a strong following amongst the other misguided youths, though he was always plagued by guilt. Through Strom was similarly conflicted, he was much less introspective, often accepting anything the way it was as long as the person he trusted most, Jericho, told him how it was supposed to be.

Before he was 19, Jericho's crew was widely feared among the streets. From Strom to the twin Cameron and Christian Brideson, the deadshot Yann Miru, Sun the polearm-weilding monkey, the little thief Jory Rabbitfingers, the monstrous badger warrior Noren, and the beautiful but dangerous Lyanna, the youths ran their tiny little chunk of their city with both deadly skill and a strict moral code imposed by their leader, Jericho. Their dominance was so complete, they became over-confident. When Jory was attacked and robbed by a notoriously underhanded gang of mapepo, his crew immediately looked to take retribution and make a statement. They knew how to put smaller gangs in their place, but what they didn't realize was that a deeper issue was at stake.

The small gang of ratmen was only the bait; laying behind the trap were no less than five other groups that had conspired to bring down the ruling crew. When Jericho and his friends went to war, they were slaughtered, only Jericho, Noren and Cameron escaping alive, all three heavily injured. The coming weeks would see Noren pass away from his injuries and Cameron losing his battle with depression and taking his own life. Jericho had made one simple mistake, and, because of it, he had lost everything.

Death is a curious thing with regards to faith. Many times a death will bring family and friends closer together and closer to their god or gods. Grief and pain are channeled into positive, passionate thoughts to escape from the depressing sorrow that lies underneath. People fill their time with things to take their minds off of the loss that they have experienced, and religion can be ideal in filling this gap.

This was not so for Jericho. Spiraling into guilt and depression, the young boy felt completely lost. He completely disconnected from everything he knew, not knowing how to face either his parents or the others at his church. His relationship with The Architect was completely lost, for Jericho blamed his god for what had happened almost as much as he blamed himself. With nothing remaining from his previous prosperity, Jericho ran away from the place that had been his home for nearly his entire life. This escape closely mirrored that of his parents; however, his parents were leaving to escape their demons while Jericho was taking his with him.

With no direction in the world, Jericho figured that he would move to Highwinter and try to find work with The Iron Mountain Adventuring Company. He didn't trust himself to lead any longer, and he didn't have anyone that he cared about left anyway. He decided to subordinate himself to something larger and new, working towards something, though he didn't know what. With the religious faith and the gang life that had characterized every aspect of his previous life lost to him, the young man, still in his early twenties, looked to salvage the wreckage he perceived his life to be.

Martial Skills:
-Swashbuckler-style Swordfighting: Jericho's quick, nimble body is perfect for this quick and daring, parry-riposte fighting. He combines quick, intricate footwork with precise lunges and slashes. He darts in and out of battle, even with a small space, utilizing his entire surrounding area. Taking his time - surprisingly disciplined underneath a flamboyant facade - Jericho's sudden panache and courage in his killing strike is rarely anticipated by his opponents.
-Armguard: Jericho wears a sturdy, hardleather guard on his left hand, useful for parrying strikes. Because he doesn't use an actual shield, Jericho makes sure not to ever be forced to block any blows outright, instead making sure to dodge or partially dodge any attacks, deflecting any glancing blows to prevent any small amount of damage.

Passive Skills:
-Charisma: Jericho's warm, extroverted personality pairs with his natural tendency to lead. Often underestimated because of his age and appearance, Jericho's clear, powerful voice has won many people over during his lifetime.
-Memory: Jericho has an affinity for memorizing things, often directly quoting jokes he has heard or inspiration from books about his god, The Architect.

Magic Skills:

-Sabine (cutlass): Because of his swashbuckling style of fighting, Jericho prefers to use either the sabre or the cutlass – utilizing both stabbing and slashing techniques. This is his favorite weapon, Sabine. She has aided him well in the close-quarters, alleyway combat of his youth, being shorter than a sabre. Her heavy, metal guard often proves vital in the protection of Jericho's skilled, delicate fingers. One the blade, just above the hilt is inscribed the word 'fraternity,' reflecting the value Jericho places in brotherhood.
-Set of Small Daggers concealed in his boots and hanging openly on his belt
-Book of The Church of the Architect

Jericho has a strong allergy to apples.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Liar
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Liar Aspiring Conqueror of the Known World

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aehren Nohr the Winter Wolf

“The end before all else.”

Human Male

Aehren is described as possessing the soul of winter, the embodiment of the chill that has made the first men of Niratrem grow strong. Ice flows through his veins. He is cold and distant like the land of his forefathers. Silent and observing, he rarely speaks and only does so when he needs to. Those that stand with him will note that melancholy wraps around him constantly and that they find little warmth in his eyes.

Winter is not without kindness though. He has been known to show great empathy and kindness to the downtrodden. Every move he makes, every word he says, they are all deliberate. Aehren always acts with purpose, perpetually calm even when he is in a flurry like a blizzard. Despite his seemingly frigid nature, he attracts those that see the gentleness that is inherent within him. Though he lacks the charisma of the jovial and gregarious, his glacial character is charming in its own merits.

During the Golden Age of Dorthargal it is said that a clan of humans known as the Wolfsworn made their homes in the mountains on the borders of what is now the Niratrem Empire and the Vomaric Imperium. Strong and clever like their namesake, the Wolfsworn are said to have evaded the Fae from enslaving them thanks to the power of their gods and even partook in Kathur the Conqueror’s revolt, helping bring about the rise of man.

Nohr had been the chieftain that led the Wolfsworn into pledging allegiance to Kathur. It was said that he had only been a young teen, inheriting his father’s title after his death at the hands of the Fae. There were several among the Wolfsworn that wanted nothing to do with Kathur and wanted to continue with their isolation, but Nohr saw how weak they have grown with each generation and saw that his people’s only salvation was through helping Kathur. Once the Blue Age begun, Nohr constructed a mighty seat in the path through the mountains.

House Nohr would take on the name of their founder for their own and dubbed the fortress he had constructed Wolfsworn. House Nohr is pledged to the Niratrem Empire, having been instrumental in forming it and later serving as marcher lords for the empire, defending its western border. The mighty fortress of Wolfsworn served as a major gate and stronghold on the borders. Enemies would even go as far as calling it the Wolf’s Maw.

Aehren Nohr was the fifthborn son and the youngest of six children. He was never expected to inherit Wolfsworn and his frailty in his youth robbed him of any thought by his father to train him in swordplay. However, despite his seeming ineptitude in martial skills, Aehren proved himself to have great cunning. He possessed a keen mind for strategy and tactics alongside political intrigue and administration. Ironically, it would be these very merits that turned his older brothers and father against him. It was only his sister, older than him by twenty years, who cared for him.

Tragedy soon struck the House once Aehren reached his adolescence. The death of Aehren’s father sparked a war of succession between the firstborn and secondborn of the family. After the thirdborn was killed in the crossfire during a meeting to call for peace, his sister sent he and the fourthborn somewhere else until one side won. Unfortunately, the fourthborn died of illness during the journey.

Aehren spent the rest of his adolescence in the coastal city until he became a man grown. He understood he wouldn’t achieve much if he returned to his family so he decided to join the Iron Mountain Adventuring Company until he felt he was ready to go home.

Martial Skills
Gunslinger – Having not been formally trained in traditional martial arts, Aehren has taken to using firearms as his main weapon of choice. He is an exceptional marksman, no doubt one of the best in the world, and can even use them as melee implements if need be.
Brawling – Though he has no formal training in hand-to-hand combat, Aehren knows a thing or two about fighting without a weapon. He prefers dodging attacks than taking them, making him awfully light on his feet. He’s not averse to using whatever means necessary to survive.

Passive Skills
Military Leadership – Aehren can be considered somewhat of a genius when it comes to strategy and tactics.
Politics – Aehren is well-versed in political intrigue in any court. He is a keen observer, able to pick up even the slightest nuances. He can hide his emotions well and can read others expertly. His oratory skills are no laughing matter even if he is reticent most of the time.
Administration – Aehren knows how to run an organization well whether it’s a small town, a mercenary band, or a country, he can do it if given the chance. So far it only helps him when it comes to bartering.
History & Literature – Aehren has a love for reading. He has a voracious appetite reading history books and documents. He can even cite poetry and write it. He tries to keep cultured even if he spends most of his time with brawny men and women.
Magical Lore – Aehren knows a few things about magic because of his sister.

Basilisk – A rifled musket created by a mage that draws on his magic to fire magical bullets, eliminating the need to reload. Fitted with it is a bayonet carved with runes. Unfortunately, the creator of the weapon had been killed, but Aehren has kept the blueprints until he can find someone he could trust to give it to and expand on the original design.
The Hydra System – Aehren keeps four regular pistols strapped to his legs, two around his waist, and four on his torso.
Bombs - He carries a small supply of bombs that he can lit between his two fingers that are covered with metal that creates sparks when grind together.
Dagger - Aehren carries with him a small dagger to use for swift or hidden strikes. On occasions he also uses it for carving or other miscellaneous tasks.

Aehren enjoys sweet things like apple pie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[center] Appearance:


Eren Pendragon/ The Lost Dragon


“You only have two real choices in this world; you can fight, or you can die.”






Eren is a grim person. He is dark, menacing and brooding. He doesn’t make the best of conversationalists, as he’s not much of a talker. He is a listener, though. He listens to everything, not allowing anything to pass him by. When Eren does talk, it tends to be sarcastic and patronizing. He has very little patience for anything, least of all other people. Eren’s a cynic, as well. He doesn’t look for the bright side of life. On the contrary, he seems to have a gift to pointing out all the bad that there is in the world. He’s a “the glass is half empty” type of guy.
Eren is quite the scary appearance. Not only is it his massive, threatening figure, it’s his looks. He’s considered handsome, as he’s been told by numerous women, yet there is something cold about him, something that’s not quite right. It takes many people quite a while to figure out what this is. What they finally realize is that is his eyes. His piercing ice blue eyes lack any emotion. They’re dead, as if something had been there but was killed a long time ago. That is what is truly frightening of Eren. It’s the fact that he may have once had a shred of compassion, but that is long gone.
He was not always like this. He was once a happy, cheerful young man. A smile was never far from his lips and a joke rested on his tongue. He was once a completely different man, a joyful, boisterous character. That person is long gone, though. That person died. Yet somewhere, far beneath Eren’s hard exterior, that person is still there. Occasionally, that person can be seen. For, as hard as he may try to seem as if he doesn’t, Eren cares for others. He does not want to see others hurt for no reason. He does not want others to be used for others gained. And so, though he is dark and menacing and frightening, Eren is not cruel.


Eren was born royalty. He was the only child of Haram Pendragon, first son of Emperor Uthar I Pendragon of the Niratrem Empire. Haram was not Emperor, though, as his younger brother Uthar II was crowned emperor after the Royal Decisions. Eren’s father was not jealous of this as he loved his younger brother and he had won it fairly. So, Haram enjoyed his lot as First Commander of the Emperor’s Armies and raising his only child.
Eren, despite being the nephew of the Emperor, lived a fairly normal life according to Niratemese standards. At the age of six he was taken from his home to learn the ways of war. He was quick to learn, successful in all his tasks. As he grew, so did his military prowess. He was athletic, strong, quick, and intelligent, everything a warrior should be. He excelled in all weapons, from swordsmanship to archery to riding. By the time he graduated at the age of eighteen, Eren was one of the greatest warriors in the entire Empire.
Upon graduation, Eren was accepted into the Gallants. This was one of the greatest honors he could have been bestowed. He accepted it thankfully and swore his Oath. Soon afterwards, he was sent to fight in one of the numerous skirmish wars that the Empire was engaged in. He steadily rose in fame, becoming well-loved by his subordinates and respect by his superiors. The common folk learnt tales of his heroism and began to praise his names. He even took his own sigil, a black dragon as opposed to the red dragon of Niratrem. During this time, Eren was also married to a woman that he loved greatly. He was happy.
Unfortunately, Eren would not live a happy life and follow in his fathers footsteps to become the First Commander. For though he consented himself to living his life fighting Niratrem’s wars for her, he was still royalty and so he was a threat. Emperor Uthar had had five children. Three of them were sons and two were daughters. The first son was of an age with Eren and the two had graduated together. They had been close friends, up until he died in a skirmish with Imperium forces. A year later, his younger brother died mysteriously in an accident. This left Uthar’s one remaining son, Malnar.
Malnar was not a typical Niratemi. He was not strong or athletic. He was not a warrior. At first this seemed fine, as Uthar had two sons who were both fit for ruling the empire. One thing Malnar was, though, was ambitious. He desired the throne for himself. It was he who had arranged his elder brother’s mysterious death, though there is no proof, despite the whisperings of the peasants. As sole son of Uthar, he would have the greatest claim to throne. However, he had one threat in a Royal Decision, in the form of Eren. Many, commoners and nobility alike, believed that he would be better fit to rule then Malnar. And so Malnar plotted to oust his cousin.
The plot occurred late one winter night, on one of the few occasions that Eren was home and not in the field. He had been sleeping in bed with his wife and newborn son when suddenly the door to his chambers burst open. One of his soldiers, one who was directly loyal to him, burst in, claiming that Malnar’s men were here to kill him. Before he could elaborate, his throat burst open as an arrow punctured it.
Eren leapt to his feet, sword already in hand. Armed men, cloaked in shadows, poured into the room. Eren began to fight his way through them, clearing a path for him and his wife. He was soon joined by more of his men and they began to fight their way through the castle. They eventually reached the courtyard and began to saddling their horses, when suddenly an entire contingent of soldiers arrived. They were under the impression that Eren had attempted to murder Malnar and that he was to be killed. Eren’s men put up a mighty resistance, but eventually they were all slaughtered. Eren managed to make it to his horse, along with his captain of the guard. His wife rode behind him, desperately holding their child in her arms. They began to make their escape, charging through the courtyard and across the drawbridge. They almost made their escape to freedom, yet suddenly there was a loud thud. Eren looked behind him in the saddle to see his wife, eyes wide, pierced through the heart by a crossbow bolt. She looked at him pleadingly, babe in her arms, as she fell to the ground. Eren would have turned back, if it wasn’t for his captain of the guard keeping him from doing so.
The two fled through the night. Days and weeks passed, and eventually they escaped the Empire. The two wandered for a time, not quite sure what to do with themselves. Eren was now a hollow shell of a man, torn apart by the death of his wife and child. Eventually they made their way to the Iron Mountain and now are employed with them. At least, Eren is. His captain died a year ago, on some mission to Yeric. Now, Eren is completely alone, haunted by his inner demons. It has been five years since that day and Malnor now rules the Empire. However, there are those that still cry out for their Lost Dragon and who would march behind the Black Dragon’s banner if it ever was to reappear.

Martial Skills:

Weapons Master- Eren is skilled with all weapons, from a longsword to a halberd, from a bow to a rifle. He has mastered nearly every way there is to kill and he does not hide the fact.
Natural Leader- Eren was, and still is, a leader. He is the type of man that others follow into battle, even if it will mean their death. While Eren is much darker than he was before, he still has the charisma of a leader.
Deathwish- Eren feels comfortable in the saddle, in an armor of plate, as the cries of the dying surround him and he charges into the enemy. No matter how great the risk or how unlikely the outcome, Eren will charge headfirst into danger.

Passive Skills:[/u]

Horseman- Eren is comfortable in the saddle and has no qualms with long journeys on horseback. For him, it is as easy as walking on his own two feet.
Hunting- While he not as great as the hunters of the great wilderness, Eren knows how hunt for his next meal. As long as there is game, he will not go hungry.

Magic Skills:


Oathkeeper- the bastard blade that Eren carries on his back, Eren named it as such for two reasons. He still keeps the Oath he swore when he was accepted as a Gallant, even though he is technically no longer one, and the Oath he swore upon his wife’s death, which is to see Malnar and all those who aid him dead.
Duel Pistols- Eren carries two pistols on each hip, as an ensurance in combat.
Saxe knife- Eren carries a saxe knife on his belt, as it is both handy in combat and for when skinning his next meal.

Pie [/center]
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