Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Welcome to Rilla's Bestial Key thread.

As you've no doubt seen, I've been engaged in two, Arena Player Assisted Key battles. And this is your chance to join in the fun!

I am on a constant search for keys, and good story, and this is a way to provide myself with both.

Now, the keys, are the important bit. They give Kei'taro his power, and thus far, he hasn't lost a challenge for a single key. The basic keys give him abilities beyond human capabilities. These include element manipulation, and animal abilities like sight and speed. In some cases, they change his appearance, or that of his weapon.

They are all held by animals, real or mythical, such of the RyuKyuan, or the Emperor Penguin. The animals have the abilities of the keys, as well as the ability to communicate with the challenger, in this case, Kei'taro.

The Keys are gained via challenge, which can be combat, race, or any other type of challenge. In one instance, Kei'taro had to basically dance atop a mountain, and in another, race up a mountain. The challenges can have stipulations as well, so long as they are considered fair by both parties. So none of that 'You can't use your magic, and you have to fight a high powered greek adonis with the ability to summon meteors.'

The Keys all have their own personality, and some aren't so loyal to Kei'taro, while some are. They also have the ability to 'evolve', or the ability to be upgraded.

Upgraded Keys, give new abilities that affect other keys. For instance, Shoot to Kill, has upgraded twice - to introduce new forms. Coil and Strike. One gives it a whip sword form, and the other reverts it back to the iconic straight sword. Another version of an upgrade would be Kei'taro earning High Level manipulation of an existing Key.

There are potentials for evolving keys to be added. Coil and Strike can be considered evolutions, perhaps.

If you have an idea for a Key, feel free to message me, or post in here with your idea. In most cases, I'll accept anything, if I don't already have it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"The Beast Master"


Age: 35

Sex: Male


Spirit Beast King: The Spirit Beast King is the man who handles all the transacations of spirit animals, in terms of giving them to their humans. He is usually behind the scenes, and with his abilities, can traverse the world using the spirit animals as transports. He is absurdly powerful, and can hop realities or dimensions, revive someone, or influence one's spirit animal. He keeps tabs on all spirit animals, though some, like Ouroboros, are outside of his field of control. He also knows what Falden's Spirit animal is, though doesn't tell him.

Ranking: Z. He is in the upper echleon of beings.

Class/Major: Beast King

Kei'taro's major class is to collect the Bestial Keys.

Class/Minor: Scholar.

He is very interested in learning about all animals, poisonous or not.

Occupation: Beast King.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Martial Status: Single.

Birthplace: The Planes of the Spirt Beast King.

Blood Type: O negative

Eye Color: Brown.

Height: Six foot three

Weight: Two Fifty Five

Hair Color/Style: Medium length brown hair.


--- Both:Yes. See Skills.

Skin Tone/Condition: Some scars from battle with animals and other people. Also, tattoos.

Markings: See Magic.


Kei'taro's voice is very peculiar. Those who hear it, say it takes on a twinge of different animals. Sometimess it's gruff like a apes, or high like a monkies, just a matter of how he feels. Those aren't all its limited to.

Reach: Two feet, two inches.


He has a black mark on the back of his leg, the mark of the Spirit Beast King's family.


Kei'Taro is a gentle soul, unless he is in a combative setting like a tournament, then he becomes a world class snarker. He is a friend to all animals, and is cordial with humans who aren't trying to kill them. He understands that people eat animals and doesn't hold grudges against them for that, but he does have a special hatred for poachers and the like. He loves a good fight, and spending time with animals, learning from them and emulating them. He believes it can make him a better Beast Master.

One of the biggest sore spots is talking about his Father, the Spirit Beast King, who he hates and hates him.

Spirit Animal:

RyuKyu, is a RyuKyuan pup he befriended in the Volcanic Lands. A RyuKyuan is a Lion/Dog mix, popualrized by the Pokemon Growlithe and Arcanine. RyuKyu is more of a more mature Growlithe. It is very loyal to Kei'Taro, and can appear and disappear at a whim. It likes to eat, especially raw meat. For its size, it has considerable bite force.

In the past five years, while nothing much has changed about Kei'taro, a lot has changed about RyuKyu. He now resembles Arcanine more than he did before.


-Upper Body: He carries camping gear on his back. It holds no special significance, he just thinks it's comfortable to sleep on.

-Lower Body: See Picture.


Kusanagi - Kusanagi is Kei'taro Straight sword. See 'Shoot to kill, Kusanagi' for it's abilities. He is quite capable of using the sword in sword fighting moments without the ability, combining his strength and speed.


Strength: Due to living with Gorillas, he was able to emulate their strength. He is able to lift up to four hundred pounds before beginning to struggle. He is able to injure a man with a punch, and able to break bones if he applied full power. He was able to pull a tree out from the ground, but it took a bit of struggling to do.

Speed: Kei'Taro is able to reach speeds of up to sixty miles an hour, at a sprint, and 50 miles for an extended run. This comes from trying to keep up with various types of animals who were often on the move.

Intelligence: Kei'taro is not exactly a stupid man, he is just not technologically savvy. Being in the wild for most of his life, his knowledge comes from that and not the fancy leaps and bounds the world has made. He was surprised when he was tasked to hold on to an MP3 player from a guy he once fought. He still seeks to return it.

Transportation: In addition to running, Kei'taro is adept at swinging from vines, and swimming.

Martial Arts: Through studying animals, Kei'Taor has become very skilled at multiple types of animal based combat. He is most adept at the Wu Xing, but is also capable of using fighting styles based off different animals. It makes for an incredibly difficult fisticuffs bout with him.

Reflexes: Kei'taro is a very agile and reflex intensive man, able to catch a striking snake neck by the throat mid-strike and not get bit.

Hands and Feet: Kei'taro is adept at using either hand to wield his sword, or for any other activity. This extends to his feet as well. they aren't as useful as a monkey's, but he can make it work. His toes and fingers have exceptional gripping power.


Animal Tongue: Kei'taro is quite skilled at talking to and understanding any animal he comes into contact with.

Senses: Kei'taro possesses enhanced senses of smell, sight, touch, and hearing. He can see things in greater detail, and feel more textures when he touches something. He has twice as many scent glands as normal humans, but being around animals for most of his life has numbed him to the nastier scents of the world. He can hear things from a greater distance than humans, and at a lower volume. He can pick out specific individuals based off their voices at well.

Well Traveled: Kei'taro can survive in just about any environment that isn't outright death causing, due to his many travels in search of animals. He is not, however, very capable of handling the extremes of temperatures though, and even has his own limit. He was able to survive in the Volanic Lands and the Winter Wonderland without any debiliating effects. Because of this, he can pick out edible foods, and poisonous ones at a glance. He is great at directions.

Hunter-Tracker: Despite his love for animals, the man has to eat, and so he became very adept at hunting things based off prints and excrement. He doesn't kill baby animals nor the females of the group. He takes care to only hunt the weaker males as well.


Kei'Taro has a particular brand of magic which is evoked via tattoos called Bestial Keys. These Keys are gained from animals that have them, after a test relating to the animal or ability. There are an unknown number of these, and Kei'Taro is constantly searching, though seems to have an innate ability to sort of happen upon them, such is the case for his Spirit Animal, and first Bestial Key, RyuKyu. They glow so long as they hold a charge, and continue to glow while in use.

The tattoo's etch themselves on Kei'Taro, except for Kusanagi and RyuKyu, which take the form of his sword, and spirit animal, respectively. They each have their own personality, as it relates to Kei'Taro, some are extremely loyal - like RyuKyu, and some are willing to jump ship if able, like Eight Legged Spider.

For every charge they have before activating, Kei'Taro can control the tattoo's for that many turns, until he gets to three charges. Once he gets the third charge, then he is granted an extra turn of manipulation.

He can have multiple tattoo's charged, but cannot charge more than one per turn. While this gives him access to a wider array of moves on the fly, it also means they'll be lower in strength than if he focused on one.

[Locked]He is also capable of combining them for different effects. He can only do this if they have the same amount of charges prior to combining them. At base, they only last one turn. If they have two charges, they last one turn, and if they have three charges, they last two; so on and so forth. He can also combine up to three of them at once, but they at base, only last two turns, and three turns for each of them having four charges.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Potential Keys.

There are some keys already mentioned, that he may not already have.

Uthur, a giant orca, that has the ability to control deep waters. He is also a legendary key animal. His key is the High Level version of Swimming Bass, granting him High Level water manipulation. He is a mortal enemy of Pongo, and Koke-Kain.

Koke-Kain, a polar bear, that has the High Level Frost abilities.

Unnamed Bug Key, which bestows the power to shrug off/shed skin, so to speak, any poison or illness afflicted to the key wielder, once activated. Must have equal amount of charges to the inflicting attack to get rid of it completely.

Allectus the Owl, which bestows the wisdom key; allowing Kei'taro an easier time determining weaknesses and openings in his opponent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yeah it can still be for the shed skin thing.
And the stipulation (if accepted) is that Kei can use any keys he wants, and if the key does damage, it must be physical damage. Anything involving his sword can stay as is even if magic damage is involved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I would prefer if you just used a praying mantis, instead of a half and half. As it'll fit the theme better.

If you could, go through my keys, and pick the ones you don't consider physical damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

K he can be a single over-sized mantis. If i use him as just a praying mantis ill need to change something about his flight ability though. He'll be able to fly much faster and easier.

keys i consider magical damage:
Vivid dragon, thunderbird, and swimming Bass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Then I'll go with Kusanagi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

So the changes to Xzarixx are he is now about 500 pounds lighter, so 300 pounds. and he can fly much easier and faster.
but he still has the armour on his back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

Then I'll go with Kusanagi.

What do you mean?
Edit-does he not always bring Kusanagi?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As my Key
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

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I don't see the super sexy coconut monkey key. The key would naturally be epic as you would have to travelvto Las Vegas to defeat the key master in various things. Lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

Oh Rilla you mustve misunderstood. You can use all your keys except the ones i listed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Super sexy coconut monkey!

Hahaha, oh! I thought I could only pick one.

Well, go through and pick the ones he can't use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

K he can be a single over-sized mantis. If i use him as just a praying mantis ill need to change something about his flight ability though. He'll be able to fly much faster and easier.

keys i consider magical damage:
Vivid dragon, thunderbird, and swimming Bass.

Those three.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Soaring Eagle is air based, whereas Dragon and Bass deal fire and water
Pride of Lions, King of Crows, Crazy Monkey, Chameleon, Tortoise, doesn't deal damage

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

Im basically removing anything magic i cant block. I can block air, but not fire,lightning, and water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Why can you block Air, but not the rest?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

Air cannot go through objects. Water czn easily go over under and around, fire's heat can still burn you, and lightning can go through objects. I cannot block those three things with my arms. I can block air with my arms, a blade formed by the wind cannot ccut through Xzarixx's hard carapace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Air cannot go through objects. Water czn easily go over under and around, fire's heat can still burn you, and lightning can go through objects. I cannot block those three things with my arms. I can block air with my arms, a blade formed by the wind cannot ccut through Xzarixx's hard carapace.

Well, if you're sure. Lightning, Water, and Fire are out.

We can start when I wrap up things with Skally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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