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Demon Shinobi

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As the team arrived back at the base Supergirl immediately stormed off. "Anyone who talks to me. Dies." She said angrily, obviously not meaning it literally. She was upset. It showed not only in her attitude, but on her face and she wasn't going to calm down anytime soon. "Well maybe if you had just followed Robin's plan things might have gone a lot easier." Kid Flash spoke as he followed behind her. "Well maybe if the orders weren't so dumb!" "They weren't dumb! You just couldn't wait a freakin second. And we needed you to hold the building up!" "Why couldn't Jason do it?!" "He was keeping the submarine from leaving!" Nathaniel and Rachel were going back and forth and it seemed like they wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. Jason sighed, while shaking his head. This was becoming very annoying, very fast. Every time something went wrong on a mission somebody would argue. This time it was Kid Flash and Supergirl. He remembered arguing with Robin once. Sometimes it would be Nate and Quinn who didn't even go on missions. He wouldn't be surprised if Ellie was still upset too, or getting more annoyed. Still, he was staying out of this one. He'd handled his part. But things seemed to go up and down often. Virgil hadn't joined them on the last few missions, which was understandable. he had his own things to handle. Though he likely wouldn't get involved in this argument, but rather choose to talk to Quinn, give her a mission report, and handle the technical stuff. Mostly to give Robin a break since she handled that stuff during the mission. He was responsible like that. Nathaniel finally threw his hands up. "Oh whatever. Me and Robin could have handled that by ourselves any day." He lied mostly because of his annoyance. He wasn't very happy. He couldn't believe this. Why did they even need to be on a team? Three months of up and down activity. Three months. Sure the missions were mostly all complete, but things always went south in some way or another. How could the league just expect them to work together like this? They were all so used to going solo or little team ups. Simply grouping up and working together like this was impossible! They all had their own ways. Sure he could listen to Robin forever and be fine, but Supergirl had a habit of going off tangent if she didn't like something. Superboy didn't usually cause waves, but if he felt strongly about it, he would let it be known. JR was more or less fine, but even then, he wasn't always around as Shock. "Please tell me I'm not the only who thought that mission kind of went down the toilet cause of Supergirl." "How about my fist tell your face to shut the fuck up?!" That was childish she knew, but Rachel couldn't help it. "Just run back to your little girlfriend and do whatever you two do. And where is Kat?" She stomped in a huff a small crater forming under her feet. That could have been worse to be honest. So she at least wasn't as angry as she claimed. She likely knew she messed up. "Woah... She is not my girlfriend." Things were going the usual route. Calming down a bit. But still... Tensions were high.
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Robin was getting tired of this, that much she was aware of. The league didn't fight like this. When her father was younger and they had their own team, they argued, but she knew it was nowhere as excessive. A lot of the time, she'd wondered why the hell her father thought it was a good idea to form this team, anyway. Why he'd put her in charge, when he knew she wasn't good at working with others. A duo? That she could do. That she could do perfectly. When it was just her and one other person, and they had a set plan, things worked perfectly. But with a whole team, she could not control them. Rachel was especially unstable, in Ellie's opinion. She would act on impulse, rather than thinking things through. From personal experience, that seemed to be a defining trait in Kryptonians, much to her (and her father's) annoyance. She hadn't yet asked her father or Bruce for help, she refused to. She swore she could handle this, but the more time went on, the clearer it got that she maybe wasn't suited to leading... especially if the ones she was supposed to lead wouldn't listen to her. She wasn't sure how much more she could take of them fighting all the time. Jason and Matt seemed to be staying out of it. Matt always stayed out of it, he co-operated with the plans and just wasn't the type to fight. Did she ever mention she liked him the best? Besides Nathan, whom she had history with prior to this stupid team forming in the first place. "Will you two shut up?" She snapped, moving between Jason and Matt to get more towards the other two. "The missions over and it's time to drop it. No matter what anyone did, it's not important now... The mission was a success, and it's over with. End of story." Robin sighed, following after Nathan, "Nate isn't my boyfriend." Kat peeked out of the TV room after hearing her name, ears forward and alert. She looked to Rachel, peeking out a little more. I take it the mission didn't go so well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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(Shorter post and separating like this cause it's easier x3) "Suuuuuurrreee." Rachel said in a sarcastic tone as Nathan and Ellie walked away. She huffed and then heard Kat. She sighed walking over to the large beast of a pet and knelt down throwing her arms around the feline. "Oh Kat. You are so far just about the greatest thing to come out of this." She cooed hugging her pet and gently stroking and scratching her fur. -------------------------- "Hey Matt. Wanna help me give the mission report to Quinn?" Jason asked calmly now that everything was more or less done. Supergirl had Kat to calm her down and nathan would do whatever it was he didn. "I'll get you some food afterwards." He added calmly. Ass he thought, Matt was the easiest to hang out with after a mission. -------------------------- Nathan was heading for the the kitchen. Yes the kitchen. After a mission he was usually hungry and after an argument well he liked to relax. "Jesus Christ this team thing was a terrible idea." He probably would have noticed Ellie following after him if he was paying attention, but he wasn't really. So he got to the kitchen and began to make some food. Sandwiches galore. "And nobody can back out because League and idiots..." He thought nobody was around to hear. He was wrong. Although it was obvious he wouldn't mean his best friend.
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Kat purred, swaying her striped tail behind her. What happened this time? She asked the Kryptonian, stepping back so that way she could look at her face. Did the Speedster do something to agitate you? He is obnoxious. But she supposed he could be worse. At least he didn't try to preform experiments on her. I'm glad my presence pleases you. Kat purred once more, sitting down. ---------------- M'att sighed softly once everyone had separated and the fighting ceased, looking up to Jason. Quinn somewhat intimidated him, but then again most people did. He nodded to Jason, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Sure, Jason. At least the mission went okay..." He realized he had been floating and got to his feet, starting towards the room where Quinn usually was - the training room - lazing about, watching something on one of the computers, and eating. "We do not have to get food if you do not want to purchase it, we could always find some here..." ---------------- Robin seemed amused that he couldn't tell she was present. It was often hard for others to notice a Bat was near, and Robin was especially quiet. While he spoke, she crossed her arms and trailed after him, a smirk on her face. "Agreed," She'd said after he seemed finished, "but I can't question my father's decision now. I suppose we'll just have to get used to them." She walked into the kitchen past him and climbed onto one of the counters so she could get into the higher cabinets, where they kept the snack foods. She pulled out a bag of chips and then sat down. "It would be a lot easier if it were just you and me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"It's just the whole team thing." Rachel sighed as she released Kat. "Come on. Let's go to the living room and watch a movie or something." She smiled as she walked away heading towards where the couch was. "We can talk more about it once I've relaxed a little bit." She added with a smile already much calmer than before. ------------------- Jason shrugged and shook his head slightly. "Don't worry about it. Besides, Nathan probably went straight for the kitchen. I don't mind buying you something to eat." He said with a small smile before they reached the training room. "Yo Quinn. Mission report time." He called out to her calmly. She must have been expecting it or something right. After all, Virgil wasn't on this mission. Someone had to do it. And he figured Ellie should get to relax too for now. ------------------- Nathaniel jumped a bit when he heard Ellie. "Son of a..." He shook off the momentary fear and turned to look at her. "Yeah yeah I know. Questioning the big bad bat is a definite no no." He said calmly as he stood back a bit from the counter, enjoying the view for a moment before she turned and sat down. Of course, he immediately looked away. By the time her eyes were on him he was eating a sandwich. One of the 5 or so he'd made. "I know it would be. This is so annoying." He stopped for a second to slide the mask down off his face. "Want a bite?" He asked as he stepped a bit closer to her while she sat on the counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Kat stood up and trailed behind Rachel, now keeping quiet. She kept her head low as she walked. She was just occupying this room, curled up in her usual spot on the floor. Per the usual, she returned to said spot and plopped down, laying her head on the arm of the couch. ------ Matt rolled his eyes at the mention of Nate and the kitchen. He liked the speedster, but he had a tendency to eat them out of house and home. Quinn had to make grocery trips what seemed like twice a week, she was the one responsible for restocking all their stuff, but Bats gave her the funds. When they entered the training room, there she was in a chair, tossing popcorn into her mouth and watching some viral video on one of the holographic computers. She looked up when they entered, standing up and setting the bowl in her chair. She stretched her arms. "Hey," She swiped the screen away and then pulled up another, which she would use to log their mission report. "How did it go? Bad, I'm assuming. I could hear you fighting from here." "It was a success, but Supergirl didn't stick to the plan..." Ash had decided to just go his separate way home after they'd gotten back towards the HQ, he had something he had to do... But he said he'd return later. ------ Robin laughed when he seemed surprised, and kicked her feet while she sat on the counter. "I can question him, it's just not always wise." She had a tendency to rebel, but she usually ended up getting in trouble. She began to eat out of the chip bag, removing her own mask. If anyone came in the room, she'd just close her eyes, but she wasn't that worried about them finding out her identity - her father, however, was more firm about it when he was around. "Nah, I can just eat one of your other ones if I get hungry." Eli grinned, setting her mask to the side. "We have to learn to work with them... Our missions are 9/10 times a success, but still... So are the leagues, they're just not fighting all the time. If only they'd listen to me." She rolled her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Rachel laid on the couch relaxing. "What are you doing Kat? Come on. Lay on the couch with me. I can take it." She laughed a little. "Let's get comfortable." She smiled petting her feline companion. ---------------------- "Yeah what Matt said. Still, even with all the trouble we got everything done. Bad guys are going to jail, That drug they were messing with is being put away in a safe location. Etc etc." With the basics out of the way Jason proceeded to give a full rundown of what happened. It was helpful with Matt since he could talk about the things Jason wasn't there for or couldn't see. Once they were done he smiled. "That's everything. So if you don't mind we're gonna go get some food. You want anything?" He asked before letting her know where Nathan and Robin likely were and where Rachel was likely to be as well in case she decided to yell at them or anything. ---------------------- "If I don't eat 'em all myself." Nathaniel teased her as he move on to his second sandwich. "Although I think the biggest problem is we're all so used to working by ourselves. At most, in a pair. And we're all pretty stubborn." He added with a small sigh. "By the way. You sure you should have your mask off?" He added with a calm somewhat uncaring tone. It didn't matter if the others knew who she was. He already did after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Okay. Kat climbed onto the couch, which she took up a lot of, and laid her head on Rachel instead. Are you sure the others are okay with this? Quinn had a tendency to tease her about 'no ligers on the couch', and she wasn't sure if she was being serious... But Rachel would probably fight the cause if anyone said something. ------ "Well, at least you got the job done. Batman should be satisfied." Quinn said as she began typing, logging the information they were telling her. After she finished, she sent it off and turned back to her younger companions. "Food? Nah, I've got plenty here. Unless my idiot cousin makes me have to take another trip to the store..." She mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes. She grabbed the popcorn bowl again and started eating. "Have a nice time." Matt grinned, waving his hand to the archer. "Thank-you! Come on, lets go~" He looked to Jason and began to float again, heading for the door. "Where should we go?" As he spoke, his costume changed to more casual clothes. ------ "Well, they're not that good anyway," Robin teased, "I make them better." When he mentioned everyone being stubborn, she groaned. "Tell me about it. I don't know how to work with them. Maybe we should just divide into groups of two for missions..." That didn't sound like a terrible idea, but... "My mask? My dad's not here to say anything about it, why should I care? Besides, even if they're all pretty useless at listening, I don't think any of them would blab my secret identity. It's not like they know my name." She shrugged, "I mean, you do and you haven't said a word to anybody."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Rachel gently pet her Liger's head and shrugged. "Who cares? I'm okay with it. And I'm comfortable with you here." She said as she used her hand to take the remote control for the tv and started flipping through the channels. "By the way, what'd you do today? Must be boring sometimes." She said as she glanced over the couch. Sure she didn't care if Kat wasn't allowed on here, but if she could avoid another argument that'd be great. --------------------------- "Alright. See ya then Quinn." Jason said calmly as he floated off after Matt. However, just before they left the room he glanced back. "By the way, Nathaniel went to the kitchen again. Bye!" He spoke quickly and then was off laughing a little. "First Matt, I'm gonna go change. And then we can get whatever you want. I picked last time." He said simply still chuckling slightly after breaking the news about the kitchen a bit more directly. ---------------------------- "Right right." Nathaniel repeated that a couple of times as Robin spoke, adding in a little chuckle here and there. He was listening, but they'd had this conversation a few times already. He hopped onto the counter beside her, laying his head back on her lap. There was only one sandwich left on the plate on the opposite side of her. "Geez... These counters are big... This whole place is big..." He laughed a little since it was pretty much all of her father's doing. The father who'd be giving him the glare of death for doing this. Why couldn't anyone realize they were just friends? "And of course I know your secret identity." He smirked looking up at her. "I'm like the coolest dude you know. And you're my best friend."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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If Kat could shrug, she would have. Instead, she just relaxed against the girl, softly purring. Well, most of the day I laid in here and slept. But for a time, I sat in the training room with Quinn and we watched some sort of feline video together. She then started making cat jokes, so I left. The liger's eyes moved to the television, watching the channels pass by. I would prefer getting to come on missions... Robin thought it was better for her to remain home, but Kat was confident she could fight. After all, that was what she was born to be; something to fight with. ------ Quinn groaned, "Nathan!" She yelled, even though he probably couldn't hear her. Man, when he showed his face---he was lucky she couldn't run. Matt shrugged. "I don't have much preference for human food. Perhaps just pizza?" He suggested with a smile. "I'll wait here for you to change." ------ She grabbed the last sandwich, taking a bite of it. "Mhm, I know. I was there when my dad made some of the blueprints a few years ago. Didn't know what they were for at the time, but..." Ellie shrugged. When he laid his head on her lap, she didn't seem to care, and adjusted her position so he was more comfortable. She almost smiled at the fact of how annoyed her father would be if he saw them, but she didn't really care. They were friends! It wasn't like they hadn't been since they were kids... "And I'm the coolest girl you know. And your best friend." She finished off the rest of the sandwich and leaned back. "So, I'll need to change eventually."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Rachel listened calmly nodding along as she scratched behind the feline's ears. "Eventually, you'll be coming out there with us. Just you wait." She said cheerfully, with a slight hint of a scheme in mind. But for now that would have to wait. "But you need to keep exercised and what not. Can't have you getting slow on me." Rachel teased Kat poking her feline stomach. "How about a little work out?" -------------------------- Jason nodded after a small laugh at Quinn's reaction. "Alright one sec." He went to the changing room, which was typically used by those who didn't live at the base. He grabbed the civvies he'd arrived here with and changed. A red t-shirt with a blue checkered button down over left open, a pair of jeans and a sneaker. "Alright." He finally said as he walked out adjusting his collar. "Pizza sounds pretty good. Let's go." He said as he floated off once again. They could fly and land somewhere without other people seeing. Plus Matt could practically make them invisible or whatever. --------------------------- Nathaniel chuckled slightly at her mention of having to change. "Awww, but you're so comfortable." He laughed a bit turning his head towards her stomach and wrapping one of his arms around her waist. "Just five more minutes. I swear." He wasn't expecting her to say yes. Mostly he was messing with her. He was relaxed. Much more than just a little while ago. Which meant the team could probably have a talk in a little while. Or all go home or wherever. It was kind of late. About 11:15 pm. At least it wasn't passed midnight... Yet. Batman might order Ellie home than he'd need to go since Quinn got kinda bitchy sometimes, and he and Supergirl still weren't on the best of terms. Bat's was pretty strict with Ellie's curfew and stuff whenever he wasn't the one with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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What kind of workout? The feline asked, lifting her head. She blinked curiously, wondering what the Kryptonian had in mind... She jumped from the couch, turning around to look back at her. ------ Matt was already starting to fly for the door before Jason said anything more. They could always use Zeta tubes to make it faster, but Mat never really liked them... Plus it seemed like Jason had the same idea. "Pizza it is, then!" He always liked pizza, or st least since he'd been on earth. ------ "Fine..." Ellie started, "but you know, my dad usually wants me home within an hour and a half of the mission being done." She smirked, leaning back on her arms. "And we've been done for about... two hours, with that trip home and all and dropping Speedy off. And Quinn probably just sent in a report... Which means my dad just got the report, and he'll probably be coming in to check on us and bring me home. In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't called me yet to tell me he's waiting out front with the batmobile. Or maybe he's in here already, hiding in the shadows, watching you lie on my lap while I have my mask off." She knew he wasn't in here, she'd been accustomed to the way that he hid, but Nathan wasn't. It was always funny to see him around her dad. "But, you know, whatever. I'm comfortable too. I'm sure he'll be fine with me spending the night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Nathaniel quickly shot up. He was in an awkward half sitting, half laying position as he glanced around. Still he made the mistake of turning his head towards Ellie which ended up with him planting his face in her breasts. Of course, he quickly pulled back falling off the counter and onto the floor before quickly hopping to his feet. "Bats... I swear... That wasn't on purpose." He said more so nervous than embarrassed. He quite enjoyed that actually. But he wouldn't say that especially if the bat was here. --------------------------------------- With that Jason and Matt would follow after Matt with no problem. "I don't really always agree with her, but I do think it's important for us to take a few notes from you and Virgil." He said making conversation. "Even I need to learn to listen to Robin more on missions." He said with a sigh. ---------------------------------------- Rachel hopped up from the couch and grinned. "Let's fight a little in the training room. "I'm the only one you can real let loose against after all." She grinned. Kat needed exercise and while the others could either avoid or let her tire herself out, Rachel would get a little more physical and let her have some fun with sparring and training. "So what do ya say?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Ellie was too busy laughing to focus on his mess-up, but she probably would have enjoyed both. "Pff, he's not actually here, idiot." She pushed herself off the counter afterwards, stepping around him delicately and then twisting around. She began to walk backwards towards the dressing rooms. "Believe me, I can tell when he's there. He puts off an aura of... dad-ness. Anyway," she put her mask back on, "he's actually on a 'secret' mission with the League right now, and won't be back until tomorrow. If they do a good job. If not, maybe day after tomorrow. But thanks for getting off of me." Her dad would still get a mission report and would likely ask Alfred if she was home yet, as he always did, so she knew she had to be home. If not she'd probably get an unpleasant scolding from either her father's hologram or him in the flesh.

Kat tilted her head to the side. I suppose it could be fun, as long as you're sure I will not injure you? The liger had learned that the children of Superman were not easily harmed. Little affected them, and they didn't tire out quickly. Still, she felt a bit uneasy at the possibility of hurting her "owner".

Matt looked to Jason as they walked, frowning. "I don't think we work too well together... all of us. So I just try to listen to Robin in hopes that it will at least get the mission done. I mean, overall, that should be our goal... right? I think everyone should focus less on personal issues with one another and more on what we're doing this for... What's the point of being a team if we can't work together?" He huffed, crossing his arms. "I guess maybe it takes time... but it seems like all the other heroes just know how already. Maybe I'm just getting used to earth..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Well fuck... Don't scare me like that!" Nate's heart had nearly exploded out of his body. If that were really a thing he'd have been screwed. "But fine... You do that... I'm gonna go change too and maybe head home." He said with a slight shrug and chuckle. "But you know I could always run you back." The speedster added as he walked by her, his upper body now bare, already out of the top half of his suit.


Rachel laughed a bit and shook her head. "I'm positive you won't do any real damage Kat. Just relax. Let loose a little. Against me, you can actually have a little fun." She said calmly as she pet the large liger. "Okay?"


Jason was quiet for a moment. Matt was right. "But... I think it's about more than just setting everything aside to work together." He said calmly. "We need to be able to understand each other, not just as team members, but as friends. We need to understand that we all have our own problems and worries and responsibilities." He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. No... That was definitely important. "I mean look at me. I'm a prince of Atlantis. If something comes up regarding the ocean or the kingdom I'll need to let things be heard." He stopped again. "We're not just pieces of a puzzle that can fall into place properly." He finished for a moment. "Though you do make things easier for Robin with the way you handle things." He chuckled a bit.
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"You could run me home, potentially," she said, taking a moment to look the attractive speedster over. "but I can't promise Alfred won't tell my dad it was you who brought me home." Teasing Nathan about her dad was far too easy, it was entertaining how terrified he got most of the time. Some day he'd probably learn she was just talking shit but for now, she could have her fun. The girl wonder unfastened her cape and began to work on pulling off her own top, even while she headed to the rooms they each had for changing. It wasn't like Nathan hadn't seen her before... Once or twice. And she knew her dad wouldn't be around right now. It wasn't like he couldn't get over it even if he was.


Okay, if you insist. Kat agreed, rubbing her head affectionately against the girl's side. I don't see why I can't just go on missions with you sometimes, if only to stay in the bio-ship. It's a bit boring around here. Quinn played with her sometimes, as if she were a cat, but most of the time she was alone and laying in the living room sleeping.


Matt listened patiently, while mentally charting the route for the pizza place. "I don't think Robin really likes to lead sometimes. Maybe Batman will find us another member that will make everyone work together better? I know Robin tries but... I think she maybe doesn't have enough respect. Like everyone respects Batman and obeys his orders. My mom, your dad, KF's dad. Everyone works together instead of doing what they wanna do because they trust Batman and know that his plans almost always work..." Matt found himself thinking too much, and decided maybe he should stop. "I don't know how they're all supposed to trust that her plans work if they don't follow them. But... I guess that's not important, the mission's over. What kind of pizza should we get?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"I suppose you're right. But as long as all I did was run you home it wouldn't matter right?" Nate said chuckling softly as he leaned against the wall. He could never really stop himself from checking his teammate out. Then again why would he want to stop himself? He took one last look before he turn to enter his own room. "But whatever. Just more time for me to get home and have myself another quick snack before bed anyway." He said calmly. Of course his was a quick change. It was important for a superhero, and very easy for a speedster. It only took him about a minute. And even then, he might have been able to shave a few seconds off if he really tried. With that he was kind of just waiting for Eli. They could say bye before they each went there separate ways.

"Well... A lot of these missions aren't really pet friendly. Ya know?" Rachel spoke with a small laugh. "Even pets as awesme as you." She sighed at the thought. "Besides, you're good and all, but there's a huge chance a big old ferocious kitty cat like yourself would be noticed. Plus you'd be just as bored in the bio ship." She thought about it for a moment before reaching the training room. "I'll see what I can do for the next slightly more overt mission though."

"Yeah, but ya gotta think Robin's dad wasn't always the leader. Before him was Aquala... Aquaman." Jason said calmly as he tried to better articulate his thoughts on Robin's position. "I mean we've got Virgil. And yeah he'd good leader material when he's around. But he has a life other than being a hero and isn't always with us. You know? Then there's Nate. He could do it if he were able to handle the responsibility. But something tells me that isn't his top priority." He shook his head and sighed. "Let's just get the food. Works over for now. No point in really letting it upset us anymore tonight." He laughed a bit trying to lighten the mood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Eli had adjusted to changing fast, but of course not as quickly as Nate could. The speedsters had a knack for getting things done quickly, even if they were mundane tasks. Eli always thought it might be useful to run fast so you could clean faster or do work faster. Quinn, who had her own speedster at home she had to "babysit", always said that it made no difference. She was still lazy. taking her folded up costume, she stuffed it in her backpack as she left the changing room, heading over to Nate. "...Well, see you, man."


Matt nodded in agreement. "Virgil would make a good leader... unfortunately, I don't know that he will stay with the team much longer..." He was getting old enough to get a position in the League. Matt had heard from his mother that the League occasionally had missions about which of their proteges were talented and experienced enough to get a space on the team. He had no doubt that Virgil would be a top option. Robin would likely, too. KF was too... himself. Rachel was very unstable, Jason just didn't seem like a first choice... Matt was too inexperienced. Ash was too reckless. And then there was Quinn, who technically was a member... but she usually rejected missions. Instead, she sat here, babysitting them. "You're right. Let's forget about it for now."
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Demon Shinobi

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"What?" Nate laughed a little bit. "A quick 'see ya man' is all your best bud gets?" He questions poking her side playfully his own book bag secure on his back. "Come on. You got more in ya than that." For a moment he was on her left side, then her right, and then her left again. Sometimes doing this was a habit. Helped him better prepare for not being able to when he was around normal people who might put two and two together. Not that he really looked like the hero type with the piercing and the mohawk. Well... People also didn't take him for the intellectual, but he was. When he wanted to be. "Well whatever. It's better than nothing I guess." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You going by Zeta tube?" He asked calmly as he began to walked towards it. He could use it to get to his city and then home from there. Easier than running the whole way.

With he subject past, Jason began his decent. They were nearing the destination. It's getting kinda late. Let's keep a low profile, head in, eat and head out. Never know what kind of freaks and jerks might come out at night. And we don't want to end up in a situation where we have to defend ourselves. It could turn out bad. For us and others." He said calmly. It was true. There were so many ways them having to defend themselves could go wrong. It would probably never end in their favor. "I'm probably just gonna get a slice or two. What about you?" He then asked as he landed in the alley out of sight. He glanced around while waiting for Matt to make sure nobody else was around. Mostly quiet with a few stragglers here and there. Nobody would really care even if they noticed it seemed. Which was better for them.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What do you want me to do, cry and act as if this is the last time we'll ever see one another?" She grinned. Eli had learned that if she just stopped watching him run back and forth, she wouldn't get a headache. Nate certainly took some getting used to, but they had been friends for years before this. The others were still adjusting to the speedster's... hyperactivity. Strangely enough, Quinn liked and tolerated him the least. Eli thought that was pretty funny, all things considered. "Yeah, I zeta everywhere when you're not basically begging me to let you run me around." She elbowed him on the arm. "What about you? Might be quicker than just running the whole way."

Matt was glad he could blend with humans and look any way he wanted... It helped his case most of the time. But when the others were around, he still needed to keep a low profile for their benefit and for the civilians benefit. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry. We should be pretty fast, anyway." He shrugged, landing beside him. There weren't many people... good. Still, he had his clothes change so he could put a hood over himself. "Well... lets get going then.'
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