Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Count Salezenathor of Hesse, Vassal of Talos, Sworn to the Black Order

Count Salezenathor was born as the younger brother of the current Duke Ironclast of Hannover. Ironclast and Salezenathor were opposite in some ways: Ironclast preferred to fight close and be comfortable with the masses, while Salezenathor preferred to fight from a distance and only open up around smaller groups. For the reign of their sickly father however, they complemented each other in maintaining the house. They became better friends as they became worked more closely.

Their father, realizing his death was approaching, wrote in various gifts to each of his children. This included an Shardbow for Salezenathor and a magical sword for Ironclast.

When illness finally killed their father, the duchy went to Ironclast and some ducal lands went to Salezenathor as a county. For a while they remained friends, but then Ironclast got married and had a child, and then another one the next year. Realizing that while his brother remained, his second born would have no lands to inherit. Sal's brother, wanting to maintain his line as noble, started trying to get rid of Sal. After a few minor skirmishes within the duchy the Count left, naming Ironclasts second son regent and heir.

Salezenathor signed up with the Black Order, maintaining his title but losing the lands as a requirement. Ironclast's murderous intentions remained however as he thought Salezenathor was just being clever.

While accomplishing nothing extremely note-worthy, Sal has started building a reputation as an excellent marksman and a skilled politician. He has hunted in the evil woods for monsters of small to mid size as practice though, waiting to jump on the big game for when he as accurate with his bow as with his eye.

Age: 40

Fighting Style
Sal prefers to maintain a distance, shooting his arrows with great skill. If he has to he will use a simple knife on them.

Marksman: Salezenathor can shoot far and accurately, or mid distance and quickly depending on his bow.
Horseman: Salezenathor can ride like a knight, as comfortable on horseback as on foot.
Politician: While not able to speak to crowds, Sal is clever and in a conversation involving less than five people will get the better of the others.
Singer: Every camp needs a bard.
Sneaky: Although not a tracker, Sal can hide in the shadows.

Icon. Rankoric Horses are bred for speed and intellect, moving faster and longer. Small in stature yet strong, they have one defining characteristic: they choose a person and stick with them. They will only obey commands from that person, will fight to defend them, and die for them if necessary. They also live to be as old as the person who rides them, usually dying no later than a year after they do (although sometimes they change to a close friend, making some live for stupidly long lengths of time). Icon chose Sal when Sal first left for the Order, in a way a sign from God that this was the right choice for him.
Boots of Silence: Make no noise as he walks.
Cloak of Weather Resistance: Anything natural has no effect on the wearer: a strong storm will not hit them, rain will not touch them, and ants will not bother them. Monsters and magic will still hit the wearer though.
Folding bow: A bow that folds at the middle in a unique manner, allowing Sal to carry it discretely in his cloak if necessary. Made to shoot quickly and at a mid range.
Shardbow: A bow of massive strength and size, it is theorized that from the Age of Gods this was a weapon that brought down deities. When drawn, it will never snap no matter the tension, and it seems to shoot exponentially harder the stronger it is pulled, meaning if something tugged the string REALLY hard...
(Note: For a human this will only be maybe twice to three times as strong as normal, so he won't be shooting a railgun)
Jester: A magical flute. Salezenathor is still trying to figure the damn thing out.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ty'ura Kurastien




Height| 5'4 / Weight| 113.2lb / Build| Athletic


A normal child, the daughter of a guard but shamed by her gender. Her father wanted a boy and found it preposterous for a girl to train as a warrior. The father found it odd for a women to be swinging a sword instead of caring for the family so he disgraced his own daughter. Ty'ura the girl in which wanted to be a warrior; as she grew, amazed by her father as he swings his swords and bashes with his shield. Amazed and yet scared, Ty'ura knew the risks of being a supposed 'warrior'...but she was too young to realize that they were wearing armor and that it was extremely durable in battle but! Aside from that Ty'ura was scared of her own ambition. The father, noticing her eagerness to fight with a sword he got through...Ty'ura had a small chest (no pedophile) and so it made it easier for her to be recognized as a boy, by cutting her hair she would be changed into a boy and not be found as odd or weird.

The father began teaching the 'boy' and thus she began her training as a warrior. Almost instantly she was advanced, fast and eager to learn her skill was seemingly beyond measure. Her blades struck with power and seemingly gust of winds would follow. Her dodges were extreme and yet odd for battle. 'Fancy' she was, her father believed that there was some sort of magic behind her skill and that was wind. Wind followed her wherever thus that explained her constant display of dirt rising into the air when ever she trained. It was unknown were her wind origins came from, his wife Asthian had no trace of magic...or so he thought.

Though, not bothered the father continued on hoping Ty'ura the best; giving her hope to strive to be better. And so when the time comes...everyone goes, it was inevitable that the father would die soon...of age. Proud and happy that his 'son' completed his goals he passed away with no regrets. Sad, alone, and hate was all that filled her mind her father was gone and yet she'd think that she'd be happy but in her reality she was sad. The man who had given her the courage to keep on going was now gone, leaving a life that she had not dictated before...but bluntly she went off. Leaving Harazan, finally she was free from her fathers grasp's and now she didn't know what to do. She explored the forest for days until she made the decision to join the Black Order. (A newcomer)

Fighting Style

Ty'ura is a acrobatic fighter, with the aid of her skills she can preform flips, rolls, and others to preform her dodge. And since she has no exact fighting style she just creates her own. Let it be swing and dodge or bash and swing, the possibilities are endless and she won't let and single style restrict her.

Light Robes


Her windbirthmark seemingly activates when her adrenaline is high. When she is at most confident and energetic during combat or what ever she is doing that increases her adrenaline. But when she runs out of energy she will become incredibly fatigue but for only three hours...or so what she experienced.

<<Other Information>>

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sasha Silverfang
Silverfang but of latest years from Illum

True to his people, he is tall and fair as an aspen tree but more toned than the rest of his bulky brethren. He stands a full head over most at 7' and tips the scales at twenty stones (280). A blow to the left side of his face took an eye and so he covers it with his hair when at rest.
As a member of the coastal tribes, they were 'protected' by Xanboro for many years as he regained his strength. Unfortunately, as he grew strong, he also grew hungry and Sasha was on the menu for the next offering. It was here that his mother put him on a boat and set south to Illuim for hopes of a better life for her son. It she became the house servant for a blackiron smith and Sasha fell into apprenticeship at only five years old where his natural bulk grew greatly under the blacksmiths tutelage.

For ten years he knew barely any more than the swelter of the forge or exhaustion by his mothers side. When he was fifteen, he was finally finished with his apprenticeship and could now wield the blades he had been forging. However the blades of the Illuimn were far too small for him to use to the best of his ability, even the 'longdeath' great-swords of the people were too light for him. So he gathered up ten times the ore needed for anyone else's sword and set to work on his own. It was a failure, nothing more than a cleaving slab of steel, but it was his and he planned to make it his own.

He traveled to each of the five clans and challenged two warriors to a duel. He lacked the formal training of the other warriors but his overwhelming strength proved to be enough to sunder their great blades and collect the pieces. It took him five years to find ten such individuals willing to accept such a challenge, but after those victories, he returned to his teacher to forge a new blade made from a superior steel. This time he succeeded.

It was a monstrosity, truly fitting his bulk and form. The steel was made from the ten swords of his victories and a full tang of six feet from tip to solid iron ring at the bottom. Now that he was armed with his true sword at twenty, he wanted to go home to free his people from the ways of Xanboro. But he could not do it alone. He would need the help of an army, he needed the Black Order.

As they accept all who come, entry was the easiest part. Getting himself on a mission to the silverfang coast was the hard part. For another five years he has worked his way in the ranks, trying to gain the skill to match his overwhelming strength to one day behead the monstrous snake.

Fighting Style: The way of the 'steel storm' is a polearm based style that involves stepping and spinning about to bring every chord of muscle to bear in blows that can cleave right through three men abreast.

6'long with 2' blade attached to a 4' haft and thirty pounds of steel from tip to ring.

A sample of his simple Ashigaru armor: Breastplate with exposed arms for maximum movement with a hardened skirting around the thighs finished by matching shin guards and bracers.

Smithing: The ability to repair or make most metallic needs for the black order with the proper tools and supplies.
Strength: He is strong. Not just the usual genetic tone, but daily exercises lifting and curling barrels of water or buckets of rocks over his head. True strength training to make the most of his body.
Other Information:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milowan
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Milowan time for a tea party

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Tyr The Just

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Nationality: Silverfang


Tyr is a 6'5" brute of a man with a long, flowing beard and a tough, hardened face.

Bio: Tyr the Just is a giant of a man, born and raised in Silverfang He quickly learned the way of combat.
When he turned 16 his coming of age ceremony was a test to see if he was worthy of being called a man.
Following his family's traditions Tyr set off into the wilds unarmed, his test was to see if he could survive a week in the wilderness.
after two weeks had passed his family having given him up for dead, Tyr returned dragging the corpse of a great wolf behind him.

When Tyr reached the age of 20 he went off on a hunting trip, he returned four days later to discover that his entire family had been slaughtered. Examining the corpses Tyr identified the cause of death to have been claws gouging out the eyes and the throat. Enraged with the betrayal of his sovereign Beasts Tyr set off on a quest for revenge. A quest that led him to The Order.

When Tyr first joined The Order he had, difficulties adjusting to social protocol. He quickly learned that smashing mugs was not a good idea, and that nearly killing men in bar fights will end with him in jail. Tyr has been with The Order for four years now and has managed to settle quite nicely into his daily life.

Fighting Style: Tyr is a Berserker who attacks in mad flurries that can rip his enemies apart.

Equipment: Tyr carries two war-axes into battle, and he dons a full helmet and a heavy iron-plated chestguard.

Bloodlust: When Tyr is fighting a Beast or if he sheds too much blood in battle he loses all restraint and lets instinct take over, resulting in a dizzying blur of hacks, slams and kicks.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kojashi28
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Kojashi28 The Flaming Spoon

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Giffard The Traitor

Nickname: Giffy

Gender: Male


Nationality: Talos

Bio: Grew up to a very wealthy family that gave a lot of money and not much discipline to him. Giffy often ignored his studies, although he never failed since he was quite naturally smart. Conjuring up excuses and finding ways to manipulate his teachers has turned him into a great spy. His parents didn't like his mischievous ways and made him become a young squire, for one of the great generals during the war against the beasts, the legendary knight Terry The Great. Who was still taking squires since he believed that one day the Age of Man would end and a new race after us would emerge and history would repeat itself like with the gods and beasts. Although Giffy didn't appreciate the opportunities he was being handed. He did learn some basic horseback riding and he was actually pretty advanced at hand-to-hand combat(mostly because he found fought dirty and found ways to use his environment, his opponents legs, and others compassion to win.) Except he struggled to learn chivalry and this upset his master. Terry later got into a war over a misunderstanding with relationships with beasts with Giffy's old family. Giffard enraged by Terry's refusal to accept how he fought and by the fact that he got into a war with his old family, killed Terry The Great. He was disgraced, banished to the beast lands, and not allowed home since his parents thought Giffy wasted his opportunities. Now Giffard has recently joined the Black Order who except his “innovative” fighting style, although they do try and teach him to act chivalrous. He finally feels like he's where he belongs hunting beasts and being treated like a hero thanks to the orders great history of conquering lands.

Fighting Style: A modified version of the way of the pirate. A quick and opportunistic style that uses two dual wielded swords.

Skills: Giffard can ride horses averagely, fight very well, and has many of the talents of a spy. As in he can gather information ok, persuade/manipulate others amazingly, and is decent at hiding.

Equipment: A short sword given by his parents(Nightbane) and another shortsword(Desolation) taken from the dead body of the knight he squired under Terry The Great. He also has a magical cloak that he found, the Champion's Wrap of The Eclipse.

Weaknesses: He's very cocky and selfish.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Rem
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Nationality: Suldan

Rem is definitely Suldan. He's bronze-skinned, about 5'7 and kind of hairy to boot. He wears a well-traveled tunic and matching clothing fringed with fur for warmth. His olive cloak helps distinguish him from others. Most often he beams with a kind and gentle smile but sometimes you can catch a hint of sadness in his eyes when he isn't paying attention to the others.

Rem is a man of Suldan and second heir to the Adeus, a wealthy family of architects. That was not the trade he wished to ply for in his youth however. He wanted to be a mage and his mark destined him for the noble profession. His destiny seemed certain to land him in the great leadership of the city with other wise advisers and oracles. That was his destiny until he chose otherwise. What the magus professors of Suldan taught felt wrong to him. They spoke of the world's magic as something that the gods used to bind it together. This felt true but they continued to speak of it as a thing to be dominated and used like a great bludgeon against enemies. True, the gods used this power against one another in their own war but that was wrong and fate led them to their consequences. Where are the gods now? Whispers are all that remain. Magic used as such would indeed cause great backlashes. It would bring nothing but death.

So he left. He had something he needed to know and there was no other way than to do the tremendous task of leaving his wealth and family behind. He would return one day but until then he wanted to know more of the true nature of magic and its involvement with the forces of Alestoth. The gods had left their whispers behind, their legacy forged into the very plants, earth and creatures they had created. This mission brought him to the boundaries of the Takari Wilds. He spent much time here despite the dangers, researching and pondering the environment. It was arguably the oldest place on the continent to be left unconquered by men. It became the source of his greatest discoveries.

At the age of twenty-four Rem acted as one of the guides for a Black Order expedition into the Takari Wilds. He had joined to learn more about the Great Beasts and who better than the ones who had the guts to kill them. Ultimately the expedition failed and due to Rem's expertise on the area many lives were saved.

Despite association with the Black Order he still wound up drifting back into the wilderness by himself. The purest magic of the world drew him with whispers. He has full membership in the Black Order and withdraws from them out to his wanderings as events and calls to action come and go, taking whatever time he can to continue his personal pursuits.

Rem has made a name for himself as a wanderer and shady character. He does in fact always move with a goal. The mages of his home city hate him for obvious reasons.

Fighting Style:
Rem isn't particularly strong as a melee combatant. He can defend himself against a trained soldier with the use of his cane. Magic increases his close range capabilities tremendously and most of his fighting moves are taken after watching others or from the inspiration of creatures.

Rem's preference in combat is to stay at a medium range and support his allies. It's not good to underestimate him even if he seems weak because he is liable to make some very tricky moves with magic.

Equipment: A long walking cane with a silver hawk at its crown with two short strands of red ribbon. The gilding distinguishes it as of Suldan making. A satchel with various herbs in it for different purposes. A pack to carry standard traveling supplies like water, a small hatchet, a fresh set of clothes, a bedroll and dried foods. His boots are very well made but on the surface appear to be in poor condition. To a skilled craftsman one would be able to notice their workmanship. Rem carries nothing that is magical.

Herbalist - Rem knows a broad variety of wild plants that he can use to the benefit of others. For food, healing remedies or just protecting that one fool from eating the red berries.

Meditation - A skill Rem can use to recover more quickly when not in combat, even heal at an enhanced rate. It is also vital for him to tap into "whispers".

Magic / Abilities:
Starting from a point perspective - 2 Earth - 1 Water - 1 Arcane.
Rem has access to a variety of spells used primarily for utility and support. These in particular allow him to better adapt the battlefield to his advantage.

Unro Boshoth - (Source - Earth) Causes the targeted rock, stone or dirt to become fine sand. Causes quicksand when used on an already loosened surface.
Unro Dagoon - (Source - Earth and Water) Turns a patch of ground into thick, sticky mud that makes traversal difficult.
Ernal Finno - (Source - Earth and Water) Energizes the plants in a given area with power to move quickly in order to obey the will of the user. Snaring, entangling, strangling, etc. With volume and duration come more strain on Rem. Releasing power on the plants will leave them in their current position without any further drain from the caster.
Read Beasts - (Source - Arcane) A simple term for being able to perceive the intent and thoughts of something. In this case it is that of beasts, simple and carnal. With this he can communicate to a certain degree that language doesn't allow and issue a command if the beast isn't inherently evil. There are dangers to doing this. It can be physically draining and give him a headache depending on the creature or its intellect which is why doing such a thing on a human would be incredibly hazardous.

Untap Potential - (Source - Earth and Arcane) Allows Rem to tap into the latent energy of an herb after some focus in order to increase its property to heal substantially.

Other Information -
Rem holds a lot of secrets. One lies close to his heart that few know about. Arthanus knows what this certain one is.

The whispers referred to are most often places of power that few have touched. Sacred, haunted, or otherwise. These are spots that still hold bits of the legacy that Ristoth and his children left behind since their brutal war and before.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kiya
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kiya Tangled

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Hariett Morri

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Nationality: Talos


Bio: Royal blood surges through this body. Hariett thought to herself as she stood on the outer most wall of the beloved city Harazan, her blood was too diluted to ever be recognized as a Princess or anything even close to such a title, however she was favored within the city mainly due to her steadfast devotion to the king; where he commanded she would go. Hariett was a knight and a Zealot, she served her king because he was the true heir to this world's creator, a firm belief that held strong with most of the mountain cities populous.

"Hariett." Spoke a deep voiced man,
"Yes, your majesty." She took a half breath between her words to make the royal title stand out, her devotion even lingered as an after thought.
"You are the hand that carries my sword are you not?" He spoke once more, his voice carried power.
"I am, I live to cut down your enemies." Her words sounded as if spoken as a heart felt promise.
"You will leave this city and your homeland." His words still powerful held a slight tang of remorse.
"If that is your will." Her own voice filled with remorse, she swallowed to clear her throat.
"I need you to join The Black Order, they fight for the future of this world and we cannot let them fail." He commanded her.
"I will leave tonight, your majesty." She spoke with a sunken feeling in her heart, she wanted to live and die by his side, but instead she had been cast away to fight on the front lines of hell, rejected like a used napkin. However she stayed loyal and would do all that he asked.

Two years had passed and she had not seen or heard of her homeland, she still thought back to when she would stand on the walls and watch as the gales pushed the mighty trees that stood below, or how the children would always want to join her on daily watches. Now instead of worshiping the King in person she worshiped him in memory. She glanced once more into the yarn that was her memories and unraveled the day where she was made a knight for her deeds in many small conflicts around their lands, she was well known and it was obviously her next step as a warrior to become one of the many knights that served the King personally.

As a recruit of The Black Order people seemed fascinated by the fact that a Talos Knight had joined, some happy to see a well experienced warrior training and fighting with them and others mainly people from Talos saw her as a failure or a traitor due to the King's normally unwillingness to give up any of his Knights for anything other than home defense, it hurt her to see her own people judging her badly for what the King had ordered her to do, but she moved on and instead of worrying over what people thought turned herself to studies and climbing the ranks of The Black Order.

Fighting Style: Basic Two handed long sword, however she does have a small dagger attached to her chest which she is proficient in using.

Heavy metallic Armour engraved with the royal symbols that shows her as a knight of Talos
A small dagger crude looking iron dagger with a very worn looking handle
Royal long sword, a unique blade crafted as her knighthood request, the sword extends out at the tip about two inches each side, created to give a heavy more direct impact on a shield, to cause enemies to falter.

Skills/Abilities: She has no magical abilities what so ever, but she does have knowledge in tending to minor wounds, a skill she has picked up from wounds she has received in battle. She is also proficient at riding horse back and semi okay at using a bow.

Other Information: None.

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