Google a sub dom relationship
Oh... That kind of sub... Not like a sub sandwich... Or sub in someone, in case they get wounded... Umm...

Google a sub dom relationship
<Snipped quote by notdeadyet>
Oh... That kind of sub... Not like a sub sandwich... Or sub in someone, in case they get wounded... Umm...
<Snipped quote by The Fated Fallen>
Im simply applying the obedience aspect. Haha if you want to punish me, you gotta earn my respect first. (Not that I dont respect you as a fellow rper, im just saying i dont respect you as a master, since i dont know you and all.)
@notdeadyet hehe I got that part, and I think her background speaks for that. It is beautifully written. I was just curious. She turned from her summoner. Even for one as herself, there are consequences for that. Jeltheor doesn't take betrayal lightly. So I'm curious how that betrayal played out, and how it will continue to effect her story.
@AiyvaGuard ahh, that makes more sense hehe. Sorry it's been a crazy couple of days
Anyone a live??!!
Anyone a live??!!