Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hayato sat on a stool and looked around, noticing that there were few people around but not too many. The sun had already gone down, and the moon is no longer visible from the windows. "Nothing wrong as usual..." He muttered before noticing a seemingly Asian woman with a somewhat oversized katana walking into the bar. "Aand it starts being weird." He muttered again as he looked at the bartender before making an order. "A bowl of potato chips, please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


An lone figure was sitting on a bar stool, leaning on the bar, looking at his bracelet which had a strange ornament on it, it looked like a scythe which was decorated with miniature bones and had a seemingly red gem connecting the staff, a small spine like robe on its back and a black gem that kept the blade in place.
It was hanging on the bracelet by chains attached to its end of the staff part that ended with bones of hands that grabbed on the bracelet.

"Blue hair, white skin and neon blue eyes, no pupil or eye white visible, what the heck are you?" The old bartender asked the man.
"a customer, give me a beer" was what Axel responded without looking up to the man, he had no interest in someone who would ask him about his race so rudely, then again, it was not like the man knew what he did for a living as that he was the only one of his kind anyway.
the bartender got the hint as he moved on and a few seconds later pushed the glass across the counter, years of experience caused the glass to stop right in front of Alex without a hitch.
Unless someone would speak to him again he would likely just sit there for a few hours, waiting for the time he was supposed to start his assignment.

He only looked up as an Asian woman with a katana sat down besides him, though he hardly acknowledge her beyond a small glance from the corner of his eyes, he always kept his guard up so even if she would do anything that would be even the slightest risky to him, she would find herself in danger instead.


In the females rest room a young Japanese woman was looking in the mirror, fixing up her cloths.
Not long ago she had tripped and gotten a glass of water over her.
though removing the water was easy for her, it did messed up her clothing a little.
Grabbing the top of her dress she adjusted her C cup bra.
In reality there was just one thing off on her, normally Asians have brown eyes, but she had Sky blue ones.

Once she was done she walked outside the rest room, into the bar, accidentally walking into an other person.
"Ah, sumimasen, are you alright?" she asked as she bended down politely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Night had fallen by the time Nisa arrived back in town, and she wasted no time in getting to her favorite hole-in-the-wall, the bar where she did most of her socializing. As she walked in the door she recognized some of the usual crowd, along with a few others who came in from time to time. She knew almost everyone there, and anyone she didn't know she would learn of soon enough. She walked up to the bar and sat in her normal spot in the corner of the room, where she could see everything in the bar.

Removing her mask she revealed her face to the bartender, but kept her hood up so that she was still covered in shadow. The bartender smiled at her and handed her a drink. "Welcome back. Haven't seen you here in a while." He said to her before moving on to speak with some of the other customers. He glanced at her from time to time, sometimes with a worried look on his face. She wasn't going to speak tonight, there were too many others to hear that she would prefer to stay silent unless she was needed.

The night was passing slowly, enough that Nisa was thinking about breaking her 'One drink in an hour' rule, until another woman in her organization walked in. They didn't know each other's names, but the large katana she carried was as easily recognizable as her face. The woman walked up to the bar and sat beside one of the others there, a strange looking man of a race that Nisa didn't know the name of. Hmm, not often two of us are in the same place, especially when I'm off duty. Better start watching out for anyone she might be after, wouldn't want to get in her way after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hayato started eating the chips handed to him by the bartender before looking around to in an attempt to find the Asian woman with a katana, thinking the size of the sword would give her position away. However, he did not notice the woman and her katana which was positioned in a way that should be visible from most directions, is no longer in his sight for some reasons. "She probably hid it somewhere..." he muttered as he continued eating his chips, the amount of the snack steadily decreasing. "Well, I haven't seen the katana-wielding girl before... Maybe she is new here or she usually comes here when I don't?" He muttered again as the moon had risen higher, unknown to him. He took a quick look at his watch before standing up and trying to get out of the pub, only to walk into another Asian woman with blue eyes, which politely apologized to him. "It's ok, be careful next time." He said before trying to leave the pub unless someone talked to him, stopping just to talk if someone did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by toz76

toz76 Still staying strong.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

In a corner of the pub, a tall, muscular man watched the others. You could learn a lot from the strange crowd that frequented the pub. The man, Spence, watched the katana girl. She was somehow familiar, but he couldn't quite place her.

Spence looked in another direction, surreptitiously moving the hidden camera to take everything in. He spotted an Asian woman with blue eyes bowing to someone, one of the bar's regulars.

"Ah, our target." He muttered, standing up to approach the woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Imaginary
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Imaginary Let's start a riot.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Brenna! Break's over! Get your ass back in here!" Brenna Rayne dropped her cigarette on the ground and snuffed it out with the toe of her worn, brown cowboy boots. She let out the last puff of smoke she was holding before she sighed. I hate this job, she thought, opening the heavy metal door that led back into the pub. The smell of a deep fryer mixed with bleach hit her like a wall, assaulting her senses. She walked quickly from the back of the kitchen, toward the front, throwing her hair back up into the ponytail she usually kept it in. She grabbed the order pad off the counter and pushed through the wooden, double doors into the crowded dining area. She turned to her right, looked at the customer at the table and put on the best fake smile should could manage. "Hi there, has anyone taken your order yet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago


What's this? Nisa's attention was taken from the other woman as she noticed an accident near the entrance. A young Asian had bumped into one of the regulars. Nisa didn't recognize the girl so she assumed she was an other, others never stuck around for long. The incident was over, the regular moving towards the exit to leave and the girl going about her own business, but Nisa noticed another person approaching the girl from the opposite side of the room.

The man had been around enough that Nisa knew he wasn't an other, however from what she normally noticed of him he kept to himself. The fact that he was approaching this girl bothered her, and so she decided to beat him to the punch. In the blink of an eye Nisa had got up from her seat and appeared behind the girl, tapping her on the shoulder. Nisa kept her hood up so those around her couldn't see her face, but the girl would be able to see her eyes if she looked closely enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Runa Was surprised when someone tapped on her shoulder, quickly turning around to see who it was, only to find that it was someone she is not familiar with.
"Can I help you madam?" She asked politely, more by habit then trying not to offend, she was always like this.


Axel also noticed the man moving, something about the way he approached the Asian girl seemed off.
Well someone with such blue eyes would draw in attention but still.
The woman that had sat down next to him moved away to talk to the girl.

He figured he wont have to do anything, it was his free day so he rather stayed in the shadows, but...
The woman, she seemed familiar, could she be one of his co-workers or is she from an other guild, her way of moving and the Katana, she did show all signs of an assassin....
So that the man made her move....
When no one was looking he grabbed a piece of black cloth next to him and suddenly he was gone, invisible as he moved towards the man.
Once he was near the man he put his feet on the walls, sticking to them as he whispered in the man's ear.
"whats the girl to you"

The man would not see him or even smell him if he tried to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The moon was rising slowly as the woman piloted a massive wheeled mech to a certain pub, which is definitely not normal. "So we're going to capture a street racer alive, right? The woman asked with a radio-alike device, the giant machine fading into the night while deploying something. "You're not running away from us, Multi-Booster!" She saw a white car moving out of a parking area in the distance, seen from one of the camera drones of the mech deployed just a moment ago. She thought the car could be moving quickly, but the mech is definitely capable of overtaking it even if it's going very quickly.

Hayato got out of the pub, just after finishing a bowl of chips and colliding into a girl. "I'll be breaking my own record here today... Some say it's cheating, but I don't think it is." He muttered as he entered his white coupe, starting the car and moving it out of the parking area and moved at perfectly legal speed. "Rolling start, the next sign." He muttered, carefully stepping on the accelerator as the car moved towards the sign. As the car reached the sign, a giant robot-alike machine appeared from the darkness. He stepped on the accelerator as usual before noticing the machine. "Wait... I'm being tracked by a... mech? Guess this is gonna be a fun one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by toz76

toz76 Still staying strong.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Spence heard the disembodied voice, but the briefing had prepared him for that. He walked past, ignoring it. He had a mission, and the folks at HQ would not be pleased if he got sidetracked.

A hooded figure was already talking to the target as he approached, but it didn't matter. He cleared his throat and tapped her on the shoulder, mentally rehearsing his speech: "Miss, on behalf of the Fliotan Intelligence Bureau, you are under arrest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Before the hooded woman could respond an other person tapped on her shoulder.
Confused at the sudden attention Runa turned around again only to hear she was under arrest.
"Sumimasen, I believe there must be a mistake sir, as far as I am aware I have not done anything illegal" she replied honestly.


As the cop ignored the voice Axel started to think in himself.
A cop, damn..
but why did he ignore m.....
damn, the girl must be an other co-worker that got busted, why else would she be targeted and talking to the other likely co-worker.
Time to try this trick again, worked last time.

Moving swiftly something broke the bar's light as suddenly a black cloaked figure showed up out of no where holding a huge scythe decorated with bones.
there was no face visible under the hood, only a pair of blue glowing lights.
The sight was just as the grim reaper from stories and the figure aimed his scythes to the cop.
"come, your time"
Last time he did this he scared the shit out of the cop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by toz76

toz76 Still staying strong.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Spence chuckled. "Nice try. Phil told me about his encounter with you. Now stand down before I arrest you for obstructing a police mission." Spence was actually very frightened, but not because of the spectre of Death, rather, of the figure he knew was behind the facade. FIB records called it "Anomaly B4" and warned that it was extremely dangerous, though nothing was known of its true nature.

To the girl, he said, "My superiors never told me. Officers of FIB do not question orders, we just follow them. Now come along, miss."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the katana woman approach. "Another complication," he muttered. This was his first solo field assignment, and he couldn't afford any screw-ups.
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