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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
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Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

PLEASE NOTE: You are expected to read the entirety of this post before posting. If you've been to the interest check already, you may skip any parts that are drawn directly from there, but it is suggested you read anyway.


Welcome to the world of Orvell, or at least the known world. It is a realm of squabbling city-states, each struggling to survive in the aftermath of the fall of the Orvelli Empire. Though the previous age was called the Age of Empires, we now stand in the Age of Adventure, a time when strange and beautiful things can be found in the untamed wilderness... as can dark and dangerous beasts. This is a time when the few beacons of civilization must survive against an omnipresent shadow that cloaks the land.

But who populates this land, and what lurks in the ancient forests? Where are these beacons of light, and what shadows do they cast? What rests on those isles in the middle of the world? And, just as important as all those, what lies beyond the known world?

Those are the questions we have to answer together. What answers do you have?

The Premise

Now that I have your attention: this is a world creation thread. You and I are going to work together to make a setting that people will enjoy playing in. Yes, I will be GMing this world later, when I decide the world creation phase is finished and have enough material to keep a thread going for a while. I may, in fact, run multiple threads based on this setting, and others are invited to do the same should they wish to. Blah blah blah, we're making a freakin' world, man.

That said, this won't be a "first come first serve" thread. I am the GM. I am going to be very selective about what becomes a part of this world's history, and there will be guidelines you will have to follow. Those guidelines are as follows:

    1) Don't play to "win," but to create a setting that's fun to play in.
    2) Adhere to the themes of the setting (which will be listed shortly).
    3) Make certain your submissions adhere to the formats provided (which will be listed in the Characters tab).
    4) Be ready to make changes based on my critique.
    5) And generally don't be a dingleberry, okay?

Hopefully this seems pretty straightforward. Now, you may be thinking "Inlaa, this thread is starting to sound a little totalitarian." Well, yes: I am claiming complete rights to approve or disapprove of whatever pieces are submitted. Still, I am a friendly totalitarian dictator, so that makes it okay.

Jokes aside, I'm going to be selective, but anyone may submit material and I will give everything a serious critique. I only ask that if I tell you "No" you accept my answer rather than argue.

When I eventually create a roleplay based on this thread, I will allow people who participated in world creation the first opportunity to join. As with this thread, however, there will be no "first come first serve" basis for acceptance. If a potential player submits a character that I do not want in my thread, I will simply refuse them. So long as the character is acceptable, however, that player will have a spot in the roleplay.

Finally, please note that I am not going to rush the creation of the world. It will be done when it is done. It's as simple as that.

Categories and Formats

So, if you want to submit something to be part of the world of Orvell, you need to use one of the seven formats included below. These seven formats represent the seven categories:

  • Settlements - The bread and butter of most settings, these are places where people live: towns, cities, city-states, villages, hamlets, etc. They can be built just about anywhere based on who lives in them: in the mountains, on a volcano, around a lake, in a forest, whatever. There will be certain limitations, but we'll talk about this soon.
  • Races - Every setting has different races in it. Sometimes these races aren't bound to any one place. They might be monsters for killing or something you intend to be playable in the future. Either way, you can write up a race - even if it's just dwarves or elves or kobolds - if you like.
  • Terrain Features - Perhaps you want to talk about a certain mountain range, forest, or river. Perhaps there's a wetlands area that's been floating around in your head that you want to write about. Or, perhaps, you want to make something more fantastic: a crystal lake, a wall of obsidian, or floating sky islands. Stranger things have existed before, so why not make them here?
  • History - Sometimes, the past is more important than the present. Maybe you don't want to add something onto the map, but instead want to talk about something that happened in the distant past. Was there a great war between the dwarves and elves? Were the orcs once a proud civilization that was rumored to have been ruled by an almighty wizard-king? Why is that ruin in the woods abandoned...? History is part of world building.
  • Adventure Sites - These are places that people can go and explore. Dungeons, dark forests, forgotten tombs, strange portals - whatever would make for an interesting story. When writing these places, DO NOT spell out everything in these places; instead, be vague and talk about what the history and what the denizens might be.
  • Important Characters - Important characters are people that have impacted the world in huge, powerful ways. This might be an elusive wizard that's spoken about only in legends, a legendary hero - either past or present - that has slain not one but three dragons, an ancient ent that has been around since the dawn of the world... etc. NOTE: Do not use this to make a character you want to play. Characters made in the world-building stage are NPCs ONLY.
  • Important Organizations - Again, these organizations are important to the world in some way. Religious sects, the fantasy equivalent of the Illuminati, a secret demon-worshiping cabal, a thieves guild that spans several cities... Etc.

As stuff is finished and approved, I will add it to the relevant posts in the Characters section. With luck, enough content in all seven categories should be added over time until we have a large, fun-to-explore world in our hands.

I am going to make an example for each category for you to inspect. These examples will be found in the Characters section under their respective sections (one post per category). If you aren't sure where to start when creating a submission, it may be worth looking at my work (and the works others have made as they become approved) for an idea of what you're supposed to do. As of now, these examples are not complete, but they are being constructed at a fair pace. I will delete this message when I have finished making them all.

You will find the format you need to use in the hiders below. If you are unsure how to make your format look like mine, simply open the "No Parse" hider for a given format, then copy its contents and paste that into your reply.

Remember that anything you write here may be used by other players to add more to the world. You might make a nation of elves, for instance, and another player may use that nation as the birthplace of a character, the home of a criminal organization, or the antagonist in a piece of history. It's best to communicate with people whose material you want to use, and I will, as always, be the final arbiter when the time comes to approve or disapprove a submission.

PLEASE NOTE: Refrain from using trademarked material from other settings. Halfling, for instance, is NOT a trademarked term, but Hobbit is. Use Halfling, not Hobbit.

Please remember: You are creating a world for yourself and others to play in. Don't make something because you want to see the halflings wiped out by dragon-men - make something because it would be interesting and engaging to interact with. Don't just make races and cities you want to play - make races that you want to fight, places you want to explore, or mysteries that you think others would like to solve. Again, do NOT "play to win." Instead, "play" to make the world a more interesting place.


There are several themes you should keep in mind when submitting content. They are as follows:

  • Medieval Fantasy - Swords, axes, bows, crossbows! Dragons, manticores, wyverns, hydras! This is a world where mortals face off against each other and fantastic creatures with medieval era equipment.
  • Points of Light / Fallen Empire - Our world stands upon the ashes of a once great empire. Much of the world is unexplored and dangerous. Bandits wait in ambush along the roads; dragons hoard gold in ancient halls; the restless dead rise from haunted battlefields. Still, civilization clings on; though the old Imperial Highway may be difficult to traverse, people yet live in city-states and small realms scattered about the continent. Nobody travels alone in these days: adventurers form companies, merchants travel in well-guarded caravans, and anyone that wants to settle a new village is careful to make sure they settle near other villages for defense. Wars are waged between neighboring city-states as they vie to procure new lands, but the threat of a monstrous invasion lurks in the back in the minds of the rulers of the frontier kingdoms...
  • Magic Users Are Rare - Wizards are not a dime a dozen. Wizards are, in fact, incredibly rare and powerful beings, similarly to how rare they are in the Lords of the Rings series. Mages are famous people that wield considerable power and strictly are not playable. You should feel free to make them as characters, but don't expect to play that mage. Furthermore, remember that mages are incredibly powerful, moreso than mortals, and some may even be worshiped as deities.
  • We Must Have Faith - There are no clerics calling down the wrath of the heavens. The Gods themselves do not walk the land, nor do their avatars. No: much like in the real world, a person that believes in a God must simply have faith that they exist.
  • One Continent - Everything we're building will be on one subcontinent. There may be other continents out there, but we don't know where they are or what exists in them. We're sort of backwards like that.
  • Hope - This is not a grimdark setting. Yes, the world is pretty awful. Yes, the mortal realms are ruled by self-serving monarchs; there are bandits and monsters; even the dead cannot always seem to find rest, as proven by how they rise from tombs and graves at the beck and call of some supernatural force. Still, we press on. Still, we keep our eyes to the sky, hopeful that a better, brighter future awaits out world. The world may be against us, but adventurous heroes can make the world a better place. They have to.

Final Notes

Since you have read this far, you may begin submitting things. You may want to read the Characters Tab to see what's already been posted (I'll have seven sections and constantly edit in content there). You should try to make both things you want to play and things you think would be fun to face in an adventure. If you plan to write but not to join the roleplay thread, that's fine as well - just make whatever you think is interesting and I'll tell you if I accept or deny each given piece.

Some of this information may already have been stated, but I'll say it all again:

The first roleplay for this setting will begin when I feel the setting is complete.

The setting will be complete when I believe it needs no further submissions.

Submissions may still be made after the setting is finished, but I may be less likely to accept them.

I expect some decent quality from your submissions and will critique them as they're presented. I reserve the right to refuse your submissions.

Anything I accept for use in this setting may be used by other players for their own submissions.

You are expected to cooperate with your fellow world builders to create a vibrant setting.

Dark dungeons, ferocious monsters and bandits that plague the roads are all just as desirable as city-states, legendary heroes, and so forth.

Sometimes, it's better to make something small than something big. You don't need to have vampires, dragons and demons to have a cool adventure site. Some goblins ruled by a warlord can be just as threatening and interesting as a vampire lord ruling his lonely keep.

It pays to be vague, sometimes. It can be better for the details of an Adventure Site or non-playable Race to be a little vague and uncertain, for instance, and it can make them better opponents.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

A couple of things:

1) I'm working on examples for all categories, as mentioned in the opening post. I should have a few done by the end of tonight.

2) If you want to vote on Gunpowder, please do so (Aye or Nay). If implemented, it will be in its earliest forms. If there is a tie between votes after a week, I will make the tie breaking vote.

Of special note among the things I'm writing: the brief history of the Orvelli Empire and its collapse. That's the backdrop to this world creation scheme, so...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Okay, so it took longer than I thought, but I went ahead and finished the first example. Check the Settlements section to see Arumach, a corrupt plutocratic state!

Do I expect your submissions to be that long? Not necessarily. I'll be making some shorter submissions next, hopefully finished by tomorrow morning. Namely: Orcs and half-orcs and humans are three races I want to describe briefly, and then I'll be writing up a brief history of the Orvelli Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
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Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Knights Kadosh
Sub umbra alarum tuarum, Jehova.

Battle Banner of the Knights Kadosh

Names: A∴A∴R∴K∴K (Ancient and Accepted Rite of the Knights Kadosh), Order of the Knights Kadosh, K.'.K.'.D.'.H, Knights Kadosh
Summary: an extremely secretive organization of knights.
Description: the Knights' very existance is a secret to most, known only among the upper strata of society: however, their businesses are known only to acolytes. Even when the old empire was ruling over the whole continent, the Knights were behind the scenes, pulling the strings of politcs and economy, managing to assimilate or destroy, after centuries of occult warfare, the other secret societies who attempted to do the same. The Knights are both a political and military organization, and have often gone to battle to defend their interests: however, some say that the Knights Kadosh are actually a religious sect, defined by tenets of faith to some mysterious god. Most of the times, though, the Knights prefer to operate in hidden ways, using tactics such as blackmail, assassinations, bribes, intimidations, and other such ways to further their goals. Only humans are accepted in the Knights' ranks, and the Order has often show open hostility towards non-human races.

Seal of the Order

As the empire was shattered, so were the Knights: their once united organization was divided in numerous lodges, each independently operating in a different polity within Orvell, and headed by an Inspector Inquisitor, which in turn receives his orders from the High Consistory, the heart of the organization, the nature of which is unknown even to high-ranking adepts. However, this state of affairs doesn't stop different lodges from entering in conflict with each other, occasionally creating tensions within the Order. The currently active lodges are:

  • Knights of the East and the West: based in Arumach, the Sacred Lodge of the Knights of the East and the West is a relatively powerful and extremely wealthy lodge, the main occupation of which is the control of the economy and the trade routes flowing through the city. The K.E.W. have a large influence both in the Pluceptic Church and in the city's governance: it is in their best interest to keep the various families at peace with each other, as wars are highly detrimental to economy. The lodge has a powerful naval force, usually operating undercover, flying the flags of various merchant familes or of the Arumach government: however, in special circumstances their fleet might sail forth in full force, headed by its flagship, the Amnos, with its main sail adorned with the lodge's seal. The lodge's colors are red and gold.
  • Knights of the Sun: with its main base in Ekrech and branches in the other Aelkan cities, the Princely Lodge of the Adept Knights of the Sun are the lodge operating in the Aelk region. Once a very powerful lodge acting behind the scenes of Aelkan politics, which was one of the reasons behind the prosperity of Ekrech and the other cities, the K.S. have recently lost much of their power because of slackening and intestine conflicts, potentially endangering the stability and peace of the city states they strived to maintain. As a result, they are gradually abandoning the peaceful ways they once prized, and are increasingly using violent means to further their goals: there are whispers that sometimes, when an important politician or merchant is murdered, the corpse is found branded with the lodge's seal. The lodge colors are white and vermilion.
  • [More will be added]

Areas of Influence: see the Description above.
Goals: few know what the Knight's true goals are. Some say that they merely wish to keep control of politics and economy for the sake of power and wealth, being motivated by greed and ambition. Some say that theirs is a plan, a grand plot to obtain absolute control over Orvell, thus creating a new world order: many even say that they orchestrated the Empire's fall for this exact reason. Others idealize them, saying that they are paladins of virtue and order, operating behind the shadows to keep Orvell peaceful and safe from all the evil that may menace it. Others go even further, saying that they have existed since immemorial times, and in many occasions have fought against horrendous forces, in wars long forgotten by history, threatening Orvell's very existance.

Perhaps none of them is right. Perhaps all of them are.

Plot Hooks:

  • The Knights could be both an antagonist or a helper for player characters, depending on how they choose to deal with the Order. To use them to counter *COUGHenCOUGH COUGHochCOUGH*, at the risk of putting them in control of the whole of Orvell, or to attempt to destroy them, thus having to fight against not one but two tremendously powerful enemies?
  • Some evil-aligned characters might attempt to infiltrate the Order and use it to further his/her own goals, while good-aligned characters might attempt to destroy it. Neither will be easy...
  • Did somebody say intrigue?

Consider this a W.I.P., I might expand this as more content is added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nvm. whose in on this? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I will be posting an organisations soon :) By the name " The Blue Hand"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey, just wanna say that I'm well under way with the fancy map. I'll be making it in a way that lets me insert things while the setting is in progress.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I was wondering if it was alright if I created a collection of city states in the south east, around the rivers in the desert? They would be separate cities but allied due to the Orc presence in the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'll start looking over your submission once I've regained my senses, @Capra. I just woke up and everything is hazy and fuzzy.

I was wondering if it was alright if I created a collection of city states in the south east, around the rivers in the desert? They would be separate cities but allied due to the Orc presence in the area.

Totally fine. I'll need to see them before I can judge them, but the concept works just fine for me and makes perfect sense.

Hey, just wanna say that I'm well under way with the fancy map. I'll be making it in a way that lets me insert things while the setting is in progress.

I am incredibly interested in seeing what you have so far.

EDIT: As an aside, I haven't decided where the Orvelli Empire's old capital was. If anyone wants to make that, feel free. It can either be in ruins or still standing.

I'll be finishing examples today.

I will be posting an organisations soon :) By the name " The Blue Hand"

I'll need to see it before I can judge it, as I told Ulster. Let me see what you draft up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here's the map! I tried to make it in the style of a hand-drawn map. I also added some symbols so the colors make sense to everyone, although the symbols can be edited out if you'd like that.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Capra
Avatar of Capra

Capra Necromancer Lord

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Graves of Archdemons
That is not dead which can eternal lie...

Name: Graves of Archdemons, Hand of the Adversary, Pillars of the Ocean
Summary: five enormous stone towers, erupting from the waves as immense columns.
Location: far south the coast of Orvell.
Type: once great fortifications built in an era long forgotten, these towers were abandoned centuries ago, and they still haven't crumbled completely. An old legend says that five great demons rest here, awaiting for the moment to return to the world of mortals. Of course, mere superstitions...
Description: far in the south, five ancient fortresses stand as the last testimony of a civilization long lost to human memory. It is theorized that once they were connected by an immense stone wall, but now all traces of it have disappeared, swallowed by the ocean's tide: likewise, the towers themselves are in ruin, and some pieces constantly crumble, falling to the depths below. The sheer size of the towers, along with their dreaded reputations and the legends surrounding them, has been sufficient to discourage even the bravest sailors from navigating the nearby waters: yet, it is recorded that some daring adventurers managed to reach to towers, entering to uncover their secrets. None ever returned.
Denizens: none knows what lurks the ruined halls of the Graves, and indeed many believe that they are empty and lifeless. Yet, sailors report that horrible sounds, howling and screeching, come from the towers, brought by the ocean's wind, and that they have seen and heard some of the horrors that creep within. Of course, this was dismissed as sounds created by the wind and images conjured by the grog. What is certain, is that flocks of black winds have been seen storming aroound the tops of the Graves, illuminated by the rays of a full Moon...
History: according to most, the Graves were born as fortifications, as suggested by their height and their sheer mass: however, none knows who built them, and for what reason. A legend or superstition very common among seafolk, giving the towers their name, recounts that the towers were destroyed in a great war, fought by gods against the forces of darkness: in the end, the gods managed to repel their foe, and five powerful demons chose to take refuge in the deepest part of the fallen fortresses, remaining there ever since. However, this is regarded as a superstition even by many of those who dabble in the occult.
Plot Hooks:

  • It is whispered that secrets of incredible power lie deeply buried within the towers.
  • Some say that these towers should be destroyed once and for all. Some believe that they should be studied, in the attempt to discover more about the civilization that built them. Some are simply curious to discover what dwells inside...
  • ...and if it is true that one day they may wake up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Hansa Looks awesome :) nice job
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So, while I'm still chewing on what edits I might ask for you to make to the Knights Kadosh @Capra (I have a few edits in mind), I definitely think your latest piece - the Graves of the Archdemons - is spot on. It's vague as to what exactly lurks there, but it also is interesting and gives enough information for a GM to make a roleplay based around that. Good stuff. It's accepted.

P.S. The image of these dark towers jutting out from a tumultuous ocean is just marvelous. Lightning in the background and everything...

EDIT: @Hansa I think your map is a step in the right direction, but I've got some edits in mind to ask of you. Do you want me to send you my ideas via PM so we can discuss the viability of those edits?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here is the first city of the Aelkan City States. There will be three to four more but I wanted to put this one down now. Feel free to make any edits necessary.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hansa
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sure man, send me a PM!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

A couple notes on Ekrech @ulsterwarrior:

  • First, try to separate the blocky text into smaller paragraphs at natural breakpoints. The city-state's page is difficult to read right now. If you want, I can handle those sort of edits.
  • Secondly, keep in mind that humanity is a flawed species, and no city will be perfect. While it can definitely be a great place to live, this should come at some sort of price. Perhaps the other Aelkan city states suffer as their resources are pulled into Ekrech, or perhaps the city's army is not as strong as the stories claim. (I won't suggest the "corruption" route because Amurach has that covered.) Perhaps you might consider a pro-Human angle for the city's flaw? Non-humans might be looked down upon, seen as despoilers of the fair city? Just a thought, but again: you need some sort of flaw.
  • Also, while it may prefer to make friends rather than enemies, there's definitely going to be a lot of covetous eyes looking toward that city. I think you understand that very well, and I like your allusions to that. I'd suggest keeping that in mind when writing up the other city states. Perhaps one of them has suffered most at the hands of raiders and has become considerably more warlike than its neighbors... and has a grudge against those cities near it that haven't had to suffer as it has suffered.
  • Your plot hooks are all very good. I'm happy there.

EDIT: I see, on a closer inspection, that you did mention the army being possibly weak and soft. Makes perfect sense. Good!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A couple notes on Ekrech @ulsterwarrior:

  • First, try to separate the blocky text into smaller paragraphs at natural breakpoints. The city-state's page is difficult to read right now. If you want, I can handle those sort of edits.
  • Secondly, keep in mind that humanity is a flawed species, and no city will be perfect. While it can definitely be a great place to live, this should come at some sort of price. Perhaps the other Aelkan city states suffer as their resources are pulled into Ekrech, or perhaps the city's army is not as strong as the stories claim. (I won't suggest the "corruption" route because Amurach has that covered.) Perhaps you might consider a pro-Human angle for the city's flaw? Non-humans might be looked down upon, seen as despoilers of the fair city? Just a thought, but again: you need some sort of flaw.
  • Also, while it may prefer to make friends rather than enemies, there's definitely going to be a lot of covetous eyes looking toward that city. I think you understand that very well, and I like your allusions to that. I'd suggest keeping that in mind when writing up the other city states. Perhaps one of them has suffered most at the hands of raiders and has become considerably more warlike than its neighbors... and has a grudge against those cities near it that haven't had to suffer as it has suffered.
  • Your plot hooks are all very good. I'm happy there.

EDIT: I see, on a closer inspection, that you did mention the army being possibly weak and soft. Makes perfect sense. Good!

First point, I'll fix that. It just gets complicated because I write it up in a Word Document. Second point, I was eventually going to address that with the other cities. The people of Ekrech aren't bad people, and they're even nice. They don't try and hurt people. What they don't realize is that they have been unintentionally hurting the other cities due to the tributes they demand. Most of the cities are cool with it, because that's just life for them, but I'm going to have one of the cities be a bit of an odd duckling and try and start causing trouble. I also like the idea of disliking of non-humans. I'll wait and see what races pop up from other players, but I'll probably add that. Third, yeah, as there isn't much else there yet, I put Ekrech's main enemies as the desert lords and the Orcs that you alluded to in Amurach. I'm not sure how far away Amurach is from Ekrech, but if you want, the two could have a rivalry. Or if someone else makes a bloodthirsty settlement/nation to the south that wants to invade, I'm down for that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Just finished writing up humans and orcs as examples of the race format in action. Feel free to design non-traditional races if you please, folks, and also feel free to work with traditional races.

Next on my agenda: half-orcs, the Brief History of Orvell, and the Wizard Aldaban.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I will make an Orcish war orientated nations/settlement once Orcs have been outlined :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inlaa
Avatar of Inlaa

Inlaa Yes, that's a dwarf with sunglasses.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I will make an Orcish war orientated nations/settlement once Orcs have been outlined :)

They've been outlined. Half-orcs aren't outlined, but orcs are. Take a look.
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