Once upon a time there were four adventurers, the first four...
This is a story of a world that is young and fantastic with things to discover, the adventurers live on a small island of the coast of a mysterious continent most refuse to leave the Island and call the rest mad men, so a group of unlikely individuals to meet set off one day never to return to their little island, but fate will decide what happens...
Characters as SO:
Race: (perferably human)
Special Skills: (Like trades and professions, Maybe magic just ask)
And let the First Journey Begin
This is a story of a world that is young and fantastic with things to discover, the adventurers live on a small island of the coast of a mysterious continent most refuse to leave the Island and call the rest mad men, so a group of unlikely individuals to meet set off one day never to return to their little island, but fate will decide what happens...
Characters as SO:
Race: (perferably human)
Special Skills: (Like trades and professions, Maybe magic just ask)
And let the First Journey Begin