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Important Landmasses
Darklands (Medium Continent) - A land southwest of Omeria, shrouded in darkness and mystery. It is home to orcs, goblins, trolls, dragons, and more. It is rumored the Blightlord lives in his great fortress somewhere in this land.
Isle of Dracos (Small Continent) - A small spit of land sitting west of Omeria. It is where Dracos and his dragonriers landed many years ago and was the site of the War of Five.
Northlands (Large Continent) - A frigid region of never ending winter where the Icelord is rumored to live. The Frigid Men live here amongst the Giants and the Ice Drakes. It lies directly north of Omeria. Every winter, the White Sea freezes over and allows the Icelord's army to march into Asgeir.
Omeria (Large Continent) - A large continent where the Omerians, Sauls, and the Varan originated from. It was once the site of the great Omerian Empire.
Western/Eastern Lands (Large Continent) - An unknown land of exotic people, thought to be the origin of all elves. A great desert is said to cover a good bit of the land while tropical forests and temperate regions cover the rest. It lies to the east/west of Omeria.
The Vale (Large Island) - An island sitting northeast of Omeria, covered in a dense fog. All who venture here never return. It is as if the mist consumes your very flesh.
Important Locations
Asgeir[/u] - The northernmost region of Omeria, homeland to the Varan, and site of the Varan Kingdom. It is a cold and harsh region with many dangers.
Bleakwood - A dark and twisted forest located in Omeria. There's no telling what dangers lurk within these woods.
Joria - An important settlement in Asgeir. A Varan by the name of Joric rallied a group of men here and formed the Jorian Riders who would reclaim Asgeir from the Icelord's army. The settlement was later named after him and the Jorian Riders Guild lives on to this day.
Night-Raven Inn - An important inn sitting outside of Valuun Keep.
Paals - A region in south-east Omeria, home to the Paladins and the Templar Order.
Ravenrock Inn - An important inn in Raven Fields of Omeria.
Saul - A region in northeast Omeria, home to an army of powerful knights.
Stormhold - Capital of Asgeir.
The Heartlands - Central region in Omeria, homeland of the Omerians, and once the site of the great Omerian Empire.
Under Deep - Cavern of harrowing secrets below Valuun Keep.
Valuun Keep - Massive fortress constructed by General Valrund the Mad who some say built it to secrete Under Deep.
Important People
Blightlord - Demi-god ruling in the Darklands.
Gyda Valgard - Daughter of Joric Valgard.
Icelord - A demi-god who makes his home in the Northlands and rules over the Frigid Men and the Giants.
King Joric - Ancient but important king who rallied the last Varan and drove the Icelord from Asgeir.
Joric Valgard - Mysterious Varan, formed Keeper of the North.
Sidonis - The Darklord, a demi-god.
Valius Valgard - Brother of Joric Valgard and a Keeper of the North.
Wraithlord - Demi-god.
Isle of Dracos
Ravenrock Inn
Under Deep
Important Events
Invasion of Asgeir - A long war that saw the conquering of Asgeir by the Icelord and his army; Joric would later rally the last Varan and drive them from the land and reclaim their homes.
Icebreaker - Legendary weapon of the Icelord.
Jorian Riders - Legendary guild in Joria; esteemed and capable cavalry warriors.
Keepers of the North - Expertly-trained warriors from Asgeir; covert agents who ensure the safety of Asgeir.
Ki'gar - Traditional piece of clothing that all Varan wear.
Knights of Saul - Force of powerful knights from Saul.
Omerian Empire - An ancient empire of Omerians that fell centuries ago but whose influence has shaped the world.
Stormguards - Powerful warriors and guardsmen of Stormhold in Asgeir.
Templars - Army of religiously-radical knights with powerful spells in Paals.
Varan Kingdom - Monarchy that rules over Asgeir.
Darklands (Medium Continent) - A land southwest of Omeria, shrouded in darkness and mystery. It is home to orcs, goblins, trolls, dragons, and more. It is rumored the Blightlord lives in his great fortress somewhere in this land.
Isle of Dracos (Small Continent) - A small spit of land sitting west of Omeria. It is where Dracos and his dragonriers landed many years ago and was the site of the War of Five.
Northlands (Large Continent) - A frigid region of never ending winter where the Icelord is rumored to live. The Frigid Men live here amongst the Giants and the Ice Drakes. It lies directly north of Omeria. Every winter, the White Sea freezes over and allows the Icelord's army to march into Asgeir.
Omeria (Large Continent) - A large continent where the Omerians, Sauls, and the Varan originated from. It was once the site of the great Omerian Empire.
Western/Eastern Lands (Large Continent) - An unknown land of exotic people, thought to be the origin of all elves. A great desert is said to cover a good bit of the land while tropical forests and temperate regions cover the rest. It lies to the east/west of Omeria.
The Vale (Large Island) - An island sitting northeast of Omeria, covered in a dense fog. All who venture here never return. It is as if the mist consumes your very flesh.
Asgeir[/u] - The northernmost region of Omeria, homeland to the Varan, and site of the Varan Kingdom. It is a cold and harsh region with many dangers.
Bleakwood - A dark and twisted forest located in Omeria. There's no telling what dangers lurk within these woods.
Joria - An important settlement in Asgeir. A Varan by the name of Joric rallied a group of men here and formed the Jorian Riders who would reclaim Asgeir from the Icelord's army. The settlement was later named after him and the Jorian Riders Guild lives on to this day.
Night-Raven Inn - An important inn sitting outside of Valuun Keep.
Paals - A region in south-east Omeria, home to the Paladins and the Templar Order.
Ravenrock Inn - An important inn in Raven Fields of Omeria.
Saul - A region in northeast Omeria, home to an army of powerful knights.
Stormhold - Capital of Asgeir.
The Heartlands - Central region in Omeria, homeland of the Omerians, and once the site of the great Omerian Empire.
Under Deep - Cavern of harrowing secrets below Valuun Keep.
Valuun Keep - Massive fortress constructed by General Valrund the Mad who some say built it to secrete Under Deep.
Blightlord - Demi-god ruling in the Darklands.
Gyda Valgard - Daughter of Joric Valgard.
Icelord - A demi-god who makes his home in the Northlands and rules over the Frigid Men and the Giants.
King Joric - Ancient but important king who rallied the last Varan and drove the Icelord from Asgeir.
Joric Valgard - Mysterious Varan, formed Keeper of the North.
Sidonis - The Darklord, a demi-god.
Valius Valgard - Brother of Joric Valgard and a Keeper of the North.
Wraithlord - Demi-god.
Isle of Dracos
Ravenrock Inn
Under Deep
Invasion of Asgeir - A long war that saw the conquering of Asgeir by the Icelord and his army; Joric would later rally the last Varan and drive them from the land and reclaim their homes.
Icebreaker - Legendary weapon of the Icelord.
Jorian Riders - Legendary guild in Joria; esteemed and capable cavalry warriors.
Keepers of the North - Expertly-trained warriors from Asgeir; covert agents who ensure the safety of Asgeir.
Ki'gar - Traditional piece of clothing that all Varan wear.
Knights of Saul - Force of powerful knights from Saul.
Omerian Empire - An ancient empire of Omerians that fell centuries ago but whose influence has shaped the world.
Stormguards - Powerful warriors and guardsmen of Stormhold in Asgeir.
Templars - Army of religiously-radical knights with powerful spells in Paals.
Varan Kingdom - Monarchy that rules over Asgeir.