OOC for this.

The city.
It's not exactly known when the cities along the northern coast of the Gulf of Thailand merged into the single continuous sprawl of wet concrete and searing neon they are today, but the event itself is undeniable. From Bangkok to Phnom Pehn, city. Stands of spindly skyscrapers with the lumpy gray of the slums groveling at their feet. Waterways perpetually clogged with unmanned supply barges. Crime is rampant and largely ignored where it isn't brutally punished. Capitalism is the order of the day, much of the voracious expansion of the city fueled by the ambition of immense conglomerates worth trillions of baht. And of course, with capitalism comes the massive class divide: executives and investors and entrepreneurs holed up in their shining arcologies while the working people below scrabble to eat, indentured and usually practically enslaved to the companies that employ them, usually drawn from somewhere else with the promise of good work, a better life. They're trapped here, in the biggest city on the planet, in what should be a shining beacon of opportunity. It doesn't have to be just so. But, humans are humans, of course, and so it is.
Who are you? Are you a disgruntled laborer, finally fed up with the torturous state of affairs in your place of work and ready to strike? Are you a criminal? A killer-for-hire? A simple, petty, timeless thief, be it of memes or gold or drugs? Or are you something else entirely?
K there's the pretentious exposition pitch thing taken care of. Uhh yeah everything determined in the interest check still applies as far as setting goes. Augmentations exist, the government is basically a figurehead and is controlled by megacorps because duh it's cyberpunk, there's a """""cyberspace"""""-type thing that's used for recreation and also houses runaway AIs that deal in information services. Space travel is expensive but can be done dangerously and slightly cheaper via unlicensed services. The culture is cosmopolitan as hell and just about everyone's mixed-race and from somewhere else.
I won't ask you to make a character sheet. I want you to make a pretty descriptive write-up, though. Nothing ridiculously complex; just give your character some dimensions. Background, motivations, personality, in addition to standard superficial stuff like appearance. Note that it'll also serve as an impromptu test of your writing ability.
I suppose we can work out some type of plot hook once we have everyone's character, something that'll neatly include everyone.
Oh and I'm not making a formal minimum on post length. Sometimes there just isn't much to type without resorting to filler, and I don't want to create an environment where that feels like a necessity. Just try, please.

The city.
It's not exactly known when the cities along the northern coast of the Gulf of Thailand merged into the single continuous sprawl of wet concrete and searing neon they are today, but the event itself is undeniable. From Bangkok to Phnom Pehn, city. Stands of spindly skyscrapers with the lumpy gray of the slums groveling at their feet. Waterways perpetually clogged with unmanned supply barges. Crime is rampant and largely ignored where it isn't brutally punished. Capitalism is the order of the day, much of the voracious expansion of the city fueled by the ambition of immense conglomerates worth trillions of baht. And of course, with capitalism comes the massive class divide: executives and investors and entrepreneurs holed up in their shining arcologies while the working people below scrabble to eat, indentured and usually practically enslaved to the companies that employ them, usually drawn from somewhere else with the promise of good work, a better life. They're trapped here, in the biggest city on the planet, in what should be a shining beacon of opportunity. It doesn't have to be just so. But, humans are humans, of course, and so it is.
Who are you? Are you a disgruntled laborer, finally fed up with the torturous state of affairs in your place of work and ready to strike? Are you a criminal? A killer-for-hire? A simple, petty, timeless thief, be it of memes or gold or drugs? Or are you something else entirely?
K there's the pretentious exposition pitch thing taken care of. Uhh yeah everything determined in the interest check still applies as far as setting goes. Augmentations exist, the government is basically a figurehead and is controlled by megacorps because duh it's cyberpunk, there's a """""cyberspace"""""-type thing that's used for recreation and also houses runaway AIs that deal in information services. Space travel is expensive but can be done dangerously and slightly cheaper via unlicensed services. The culture is cosmopolitan as hell and just about everyone's mixed-race and from somewhere else.
I won't ask you to make a character sheet. I want you to make a pretty descriptive write-up, though. Nothing ridiculously complex; just give your character some dimensions. Background, motivations, personality, in addition to standard superficial stuff like appearance. Note that it'll also serve as an impromptu test of your writing ability.
I suppose we can work out some type of plot hook once we have everyone's character, something that'll neatly include everyone.
Oh and I'm not making a formal minimum on post length. Sometimes there just isn't much to type without resorting to filler, and I don't want to create an environment where that feels like a necessity. Just try, please.