Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hallowed Mind
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Hallowed Mind Watching the rain fall

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright, this is both to see who'd be interested in playing in this world and as well to help generate it further.

Truesong is a fantasy story based in modern times where our world is split in two by a magical Filter that prevents almost all of humankind from seeing the True World. Very few Fair Folk remember the time before the Filter covered the world, and those few either do not know why it was created, or will not tell. However many people the Filter prevents from perceiving the True World, it doesn't prevent everyone, nor is it perfect. There are many ways to see beyond the Filter, and once one does, they always see the world as it is, they see the True World.

The Mundane World is layered on top of the true, the Filter keeping the two separate, keeping humans from perceiving the fullness of the world. Between four to five centuries ago, it gradually came into effect, and when it did, the fey and spirits, the dwarves and demons, all became relegated in humanity's eyes to myths, to legends. They're still here, still living, still interacting, just not with us. To the True World, most humans may as well be ghosts, not touching, not seeing. They have their effect on the world still, but they do it without knowledge of the True World. But there are those humans who the Filter affects no longer.

Perhaps one day, you closed you eyes as you leaned out a window and listened to the wind, catching but a few notes of a whispered tune. You might have been in a forest, listening as the sounds of nature coalesced into a melody you can neither describe nor wholly remember. The result is the same. You have grasped but a hint of the world beyond the Filter, the True World. You have heard a glimpse of the Truesong, the soul of Mother Gaia, the World's heartbeat made music. It is the oldest magic, the most primal power. It is in all things, both us humans and the Fair Folk. There is no power greater than the Truesong, not even the Filter can came power over it. Those who experience the Truesong are no longer blinded by the Filter, no longer blocked from the True World.

Then there are the believers that there is something out there. The Bigfoot sighters, the Nessie watchers. Those who have caught sight of a glitch in the Filter. Something that should have been hidden from them. They took hold of that memory, that sighting, refusing to let go of what they know they saw. They know what they saw, they know that they have seen a glimpse of something, and they want to know more. Perhaps, perhaps, they'll get the truth they desire, the knowledge that they seek. They may become of the True World yet.

In the True World, many things are possible. With training, one can literally dance up a storm, but please keep in mind where one is doing it. It's considered rude to ruin someone's picnic because one did a rain dance. A band can play up their own pyrotechnics with music, but be careful not to singe the crowd. Draw a maze on the ground, watch is it rises up to become three dimensional. Cast magic, talk with dwarves, and so on. Just be careful not to make too much trouble, or someone from Equilibrium Inc. might come knocking on the door.

Equilibrium Inc. are the MiBs that run damage control when someone mucks up the Filter in the area. Making sure people didn't see what they weren't supposed to see, running official explanations, a memory wipe here and there. They make sure everything keeps on running smoothly, and they employ all sorts to make sure of it, from humans to types of Fair Folk and other races. What most don't realize is that Equilibrium also handles any sort of commerce that needs to pass through the Filter to make sure that nobody sees what they shouldn't. In fact, even to ensure this, their London Headquarters and all the regional branch offices are built in a manner so all parties can enter without seeing the other, in a manner that doesn't seem odd. Humans that aren't exposed to the True World will only ever see other humans or human-enough True Worlders that they don't give them another thought. A lot of priority is placed on this, enough that everyone is trained in both upholding the masquerade and making sure they can produce believable explanations for things without much time. The latter comes in importance especially during Midsummer.

For during Midsummer, all those naturally of the True World experience a compulsion to celebrate the Truesong in gatherings called Truesong Revels. These occur all over, from small ones of a few dozen folks that lasts for a few hours to massive gatherings of hundreds to thousands of people that lasts for days. People celebrate, they dance, they feast, and most importantly, they play and wordlessly sing the Truesong itself. Only during this time can do they so. For the entirety of the Revel does this continue, for the participants, be they there from the start or joined in after, pulled by the power of the Truesong, are buoyed and kept going by the power of the Truesong itself. Only once the does the power fade from the players, from the singers, does the Revel end. Equilibrium Inc. goes into overdrive during this time, putting up spatial barriers that prevent most of those who aren't of the True World from entering these Revels, especially for large ones like the Black Forest Revel in Germany, or running interference, turning away people via roadblocks, lies, or subtle magical pushes.

Why all this effort to keep as many people blinded by the Filter? While no one really knows why it came to be, most believe magic as powerful as the Filter had to be created for a reason. Very few want to find out if it was brought down or overwhelmingly pierced through. Thus, people work to keep the masquerade going. Maintain the masquerade, maintain the Filter.

And there we go. There's plenty of the worldbuilding that's not here, so feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, give suggestions, or just cite interest. I'm game for just about anything. I've got a lot of time to put this together since my laptop fried itself, thus I'm not in any hurry to get something with this started, so might as well see what people think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This seems pretty interesting, I like the idea of the Filter blocking out humans from supernatural goings on rather than the usual "humans dont see what they dont want to see." What role do you think the players would be doing? Recently exposed to the truesong humans, the Fair Folk, or members of the equilibrium? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hallowed Mind
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Hallowed Mind Watching the rain fall

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It can be any, really. I'm pretty open as to what people want to play as. Funny you should mention the "don't see what they don't want to" because there's actually a type of exposed human, labelled as "Deniers" in my notes, who have been exposed to the Truesong yet flat-out refuse to accept what they see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Forgot to subscribe to this so I missed your response sorry! Well it seems like a fascinating setting. I think if this does get started I would like to play a human recently exposed, gets fascinated with the other realm, quits his job and goes to explore the other side of the Filter delving into its secrets. When settings have so much mystery in it ita hard for me to resist haha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hallowed Mind
Avatar of Hallowed Mind

Hallowed Mind Watching the rain fall

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

And I haven't had a chance to check in, so I missed your reply to my reply.

Although, it's just want person, interest is interest. And perhaps, to drum up more, y'all can pump me for information on the setting, I've got a few pages of it in a notebook.
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