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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Decided to scrap all previous ideas and try this, as I've been looking into Greek culture a little lately.

The Kingdom of the Hellenes

Legal Nation Name:
The Kingdom of the Hellenes
(a.k.a Greece, Hellas)

What Areas Do You Control:
Greece; Cyprus (both halves); North Epirus; Macedonia; Bulgarian Thrace; Bulgarian coast up to the border with Romania (see image in hider below)

Flag or Banner:

Political Party:
Orthodox Megali Party (right wing, pan-Greek, monarchist, anti-Islamic)

Type of Government:
Single-party authoritarian state (de facto) with constitutional monarchy.

5'450'000 (approx.), and rising.

Olive oil; wine; textiles; weapons; shipbuilding.

History of the Nation:
After the Greek default in 2015 followed by 'Grexit' from the EU, Greece suffered terrible economic hardship and almost collapsed. In desperation, Greeks turned to extremist parties such as Golden Dawn and Syriza for answers. On the 5th June 2019, the Second Greek Civil War broke out between the socialist and neo-communist left-wing Syriza supporters and the right-wing, fascist Golden Dawn supporters. This almost destroyed the nation, cleaving a second divide between Athens (Golden Dawn) and Thessaloniki (Syriza). However, the socialists were outnumberd and outgunned, and as Athens had gained control of the Hellenic navy, Syriza were blockaded and ultimately surrendered.

The stabilisation of Greece had only just been achieved in the following years by the new dictatorial government when the Third World War broke out. Greece attempted to remain neutral, and, as it had withdrawn from both the EU and NATO, succeeded for the most part. However, rapid rearmament for 'defensive purposes' perturbed the belligerent powers around it. Despite this, however, Greece never formally joined the war, but manipulated the various surrounding powers to bring Macedonia and Cyprus under its sway (the latter being made possible by the chaos dividing the Islamic world, including Turkey). This was done on the insistence of their Hellenism and the sheer incapability of the belligerent forces to intervene.

After the war, Greece experienced a limited economic upturn as the only truly stable nation in the region. It was during this period than Greek troops entered Albania and Bulgaria as 'peacekeepers' and to 'protect ethnic Hellenes'. These areas were ultimately annexed, the rump Bulgaria a mere shadow of its former self.

It is thought that Greece would have experienced severe civil unrest and resistance to the annexation if it hadn't been for the unifying factor of opposition to the Caliphate, deemed a grave threat to European civilisation. Golden Dawn, renaming itself the Orthodox Megali Party, made clear its intent to pursue the 'Megali Idea', a pan-Greek ideology seeking to unite all ethnically Greek regions. This included the recapture of Constantinople (Istanbul) and the western Anatolian coast. To legitimise this ideology, the Party reinstated the monarchy, crowned as 'King of the Hellenes' and 'Emperor of Constantinople in Exile', amongst other titles.

Now Greece seeks to expand its new influence into the Balkans and the Mediterranean, and compete with the Caliphate in a defensive manner, currently lacking the military capabilities to directly oppose them.

Racial demographics:
Hellenic (93%)
Other (7%), primarily Turkish, Albania, and Bulgarian.

Religious demographics:
Greek Orthodox (98%)
Islam (1%)
Other (1%)

Capital: Athens
Head of State: King Pavlos I of the Hellenes
Head of Government: Arkhigos (title) Nikolaos Michaloliakos

3 things,
1st: Cyprus is owned by Britannia,
2nd: You are going 2 remove kebab right
3rd: Get rid of Cyprus from you territory and you shall be accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

^ Looks like I ninja'd one of your claims again. Cyprus is a British possession.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

United free peoples of True Asia

What Areas Do You Control

China, Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia, northern Oceania, Northern parts of Main land Australia.

Political Party

Single party, 联合国 (True Asia)

Type of Government (Easy Pz)

Military Dictatorship

Government leaders

Lord high marshal Xang


Military Population: Nearly tenmillion spread through all member nations.

The Army

The Chinese army had long been purely reliant on its powerful numbers versus technology but in the early 2000's, they had begun to change this. By 2020, the chinese army had begun modernizing with the highest tech weaponry they could procure.

When the great war began these new weapons were in short supply. As potent as they may have been, it was all lost to the conventional and nuclear exchange. After the war ended, the Chinese had access to high end russian tanks of that time and a huge surplus of soviet era retrofitted tanks. This was not enough if they were to survive in this new world so they began updating once more and over the years, especially with the addition of japan and south Korea, have created a modern fighting force that would be folly to disregard

Even as 'New Asia' has access to abundant rare and common materials, they still stick to simple yet effective designs. Ultra high tech energy rifles are not a thing, super jump jet shock troopers aren't even on a to do list aside from the cartoonists. Rather, they use a variety of strong kinetic assault rifles and high tech man-portable SAM and AT weaponry. Their armored forces utilize a Main battle tank armed with a high powered rail-gun. New Asia's biggest feat however are their heavy foray into robotics which has yielded simple rifle toting drones and heavier walking assault platforms.

Air force

The Chinese air force was hit the hardest during the war. Losses piled up as nations fought for aerial supremacy in the area. Chinese jets fought the F-16's and 15's in Japan and assorted British and American aircraft in Korea and Australia. From the ashes rose another potent force, one that has radically changed its doctrine to accommodate the newest nations weapons of war. Fighters armed with lasers to take down missiles and other air threats. Rail guns for any reason and many other types of weaponry now are commonplace among the newer aircraft. They are still lagging behind in numbers and utilize a variety of captured American and older Late-Soviet era warplanes.


China has always been in the shadow of the United states when it comes to the navy. Constantly outgunned and out numbered by the strongest military in the world at the time. China had begun to counter this in the the early 2000's with various programs to update their laughable in comparison navy. They became a true Blue water navy in the late 2010's with the launch of two super carriers, able to compete with the American juggernauts of that time.

The war proved that no navy is perfect and even though the American Navy and Chinese Navy were nearly evenly matched in terms of naval numbers and technology by the onset of the war, The Americans had a clear advantage of experience which resulted in a series of decisive Naval defeats for China. It was fortunate that the United States fractured which allowed the New Asia to once again push for Dominance. Now with the experience learned from the war and five Nuclear-Super carriers roaming the western half of the Pacific and another two in the China sea, they have relative comfort from any naval threats from abroad.

Raw and processed metals, both precious and common
Various foodstuffs
Cheap merchandise

History of the Nation

True Asia truly began during the reformist movement of the late 2010's. With China crashing markets all over the world by closing its markets and dumping debts. With no real influx of cheap merchandise, numerous corporations world wide folded.

This actually hurt China more than they thought as there was now thousands of factories and millions without work. The Chinese began building what ever they could to keep their now struggling economy alive but it was going downhill fast.

The future was blew but salvation came; The Great War.

As the war set off, nuclear exchange was inevitable so the Chinese spread its population to try and mitigate the damage to its population. Warplanes launched ASAT missiles to remove spy satellites they could reach.

The black out helped save many live but also allowed the Chinese to move in some secrecy so they positioned their armies for war.

As the war in Europe reached its high point and Britain seemingly sitting it out, China made its move. Mongolia was overran without a shot which emboldened the Chinese.

South Korea was next on the list and they anticipated another easy victory but it was not to be. Americans fired nuclear weapons into north Korea and along the border, creating a nuclear barrier. China deployed its navy to draw American fleets away by bombing Hawaii and harassing shipping.

American naval forces took the bait which allowed China to begin its air war against what was stationed on mainland south Korea. It was not as easy as they had hoped as they seriously underestimated NATO and south Korea pilots. While the air battle was raging, China snuck marine forces to the south and then began nuking the DMZ.

American forces began to retreat under the stress from the attacks but still fought every inch of the way. The Chinese army generals began moving troops through safe areas of the DMZ and began their core invasion. The troops marched en masse, pushing Nato forces back to the Capitol of South Korea.

Word of the civil war in America spread like wild fire which gave China new incentive to advance and they made tremendous gains. As the battle for Korea was winding down, the Chinese generals offered remaining US forces safe passage to Hawaii out of respect.

China began assimilating south Korea and began spreading south rapidly, overtaking many of the largely undefended Oceania islands. The battle for Oceania wasn't as costly as Korea but was not easy either. Engaging Australian forces every step of the way.

With American forces largely withdrawn from the china sea, there was no one to help mainland Australia. Chinese bombers struck major cities killing thousands with conventional bombs. Australia was nearly destroyed but the war with India saved them.

The battle for India began when India invaded Pakistan, one of Chinas long time allies. The war was brief but ended with a large nuclear exclusion zone along the borders of the two great nations. Pakistan stood without its massive ally and succumbed to Indian rule.

China now had abandoned its plans for Oceania and just kept its gains but turned its eyes north, to Japan.

It was potentially a blood bath but as American forces abandoned Japan, Chinese invasion of Okinawa began. It was a decisive victory for China as they had taken Japan by surprise.

Japan didn't make that mistake twice and successfully repelled the first invasion but failed to stop the second from landfall. China became bogged down trying to fight the Japanese so they decided a show of force was necessary, as the Americans had done in World war 2.

China set off a barrage of nuclear weapons north of Tokyo, just close enough to be obvious. Japan capitulated shortly after.

After all of these gains, plans for invading further north and west were laid out but as the world war was coming to a close, china dropped those plans and began to solidify its gains.

A grand unity took place and with that pride rose a new Coalition.

True Asia was born.

Main Race

Traditional south east Asian

Main Religion


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Iluvatar Also, I would say this flag would fit your nation more. :D

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by raja1020
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ten million?
I mean, it makes sense, but I lowered my military to 2 million, I thought there was a limit?
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Iluvatar>

3 things,
1st: Cyprus is owned by Britannia,
2nd: You are going 2 remove kebab right
3rd: Get rid of Cyprus from you territory and you shall be accepted.

Is it? How odd. Very well, I renounce all claims on Cyprus.

I have no idea what you mean by 'kebab'. Is this some American phrase I know nothing about?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Iluvatar Also, I would say this flag would fit your nation more. :D

Very well, why not? :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

^ Looks like I ninja'd one of your claims again. Cyprus is a British possession.


I may just have to go to war with you to liberate ethnic Hellenes :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ten million?
I mean, it makes sense, but I lowered my military to 2 million, I thought there was a limit?

Yeah I did notice that, I would prefer if he lowered it, but he wouldn't be forced 2.
I would say lower it to 3 million
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by MetalLover>

Is it? How odd. Very well, I renounce all claims on Cyprus.

I have no idea what you mean by 'kebab'. Is this some American phrase I know nothing about?


You are accepted now by the way
Kebab = Turk
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Has anyone claimed Iran?
Would like to know if I have any next door neighbors.

I think no one has claimed Iran...yet ;)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Iluvatar>

You are accepted now by the way
Kebab = Turk

I see. I guess Greece could have purged them :3

And thanks :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by MetalLover>

I see. I guess Greece could have purged them :3

And thanks :)

No problem, post the app in the character sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by raja1020>

I think no one has claimed Iran...yet ;)

The Reich shall rule the world. Heil Merkel!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

China still maintains a huge force due to the war along side other nations assimilated forces.

If I lower to three million, other smaller nations must follow suit.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The Kingdom of the Hellenes

Legal Nation Name:
The Kingdom of the Hellenes
(a.k.a Greece, Hellas)

What Areas Do You Control:
Greece; North Epirus; Macedonia; Bulgarian Thrace; Bulgarian coast up to the border with Romania (see image in hider below)

Flag or Banner:

Political Party:
Orthodox Megali Party (right wing, pan-Greek, monarchist, anti-Islamic)

Type of Government:
Single-party authoritarian state (de facto) with constitutional monarchy.

5'450'000 (approx.), and rising.

Olive oil; wine; textiles; weapons; shipbuilding.

History of the Nation:
After the Greek default in 2015 followed by 'Grexit' from the EU, Greece suffered terrible economic hardship and almost collapsed. In desperation, Greeks turned to extremist parties such as Golden Dawn and Syriza for answers. On the 5th June 2019, the Second Greek Civil War broke out between the socialist and neo-communist left-wing Syriza supporters and the right-wing, fascist Golden Dawn supporters. This almost destroyed the nation, cleaving a second divide between Athens (Golden Dawn) and Thessaloniki (Syriza). However, the socialists were outnumberd and outgunned, and as Athens had gained control of the Hellenic navy, Syriza were blockaded and ultimately surrendered.

The stabilisation of Greece had only just been achieved in the following years by the new dictatorial government when the Third World War broke out. Greece attempted to remain neutral, and, as it had withdrawn from both the EU and NATO, succeeded for the most part. However, rapid rearmament for 'defensive purposes' perturbed the belligerent powers around it. Despite this, however, Greece never formally joined the war, but manipulated the various surrounding powers to bring Macedonia under its sway (the latter being made possible by the chaos dividing the Islamic world, including Turkey). This was done on the insistence of their Hellenism and the sheer incapability of the belligerent forces to intervene.

After the war, Greece experienced a limited economic upturn as the only truly stable nation in the region. It was during this period than Greek troops entered North Epirus and Bulgaria as 'peacekeepers' and to 'protect ethnic Hellenes'. These areas were ultimately annexed, the rump Bulgaria a mere shadow of its former self.

It is thought that Greece would have experienced severe civil unrest and resistance to the annexation if it hadn't been for the unifying factor of opposition to the Caliphate, deemed a grave threat to European civilisation. Golden Dawn, renaming itself the Orthodox Megali Party, made clear its intent to pursue the 'Megali Idea', a pan-Greek ideology seeking to unite all ethnically Greek regions. This included the recapture of Constantinople (Istanbul) and the western Anatolian coast. To legitimise this ideology, the Party reinstated the monarchy, crowned as 'King of the Hellenes' and 'Emperor of Constantinople in Exile', amongst other titles.

Now Greece seeks to expand its new influence into the Balkans and the Mediterranean, and compete with the Caliphate in a defensive manner, currently lacking the military capabilities to directly oppose them. It has also set its sights on Cyprus as a bastion of Hellenism and Orthodoxy that must be united with the rest of the Hellenic world.

Racial demographics:
Hellenic (93%)
Other (7%), primarily Albanian and Bulgarian.

Religious demographics:
Greek Orthodox (98%)
Islam (1%)
Other (1%)

Capital: Athens
Head of State: King Pavlos I of the Hellenes
Head of Government: Arkhigos (title) Nikolaos Michaloliakos
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's just that it's not that simple. The british isles are a strategic possession, so even if the UK tried to make a point of neutrality during the war, it seems difficult to believe that nobody would attempt to occupy it. Plus, assuming that that's true, and no one invaded the UK, any nuclear strike in western europe would have affected the British Isles.

Avoiding war is an incredibly simple endeavour: have a powerful military, and don't declare war. If two people are wailing on each other with sticks and there's a third guy with an even bigger stick watching them, the third fellow isn't going to be attacked, assuming that either of the first two have an IQ above 70. It would be suicide for either of the warring parties to decide, for no reason other than 'The British Isles are nice this time of year!', to waste their resources on assaulting a non-party to the conflict. This is an incredibly basic idea that should not be difficult for you to understand. As for a nuclear strike: if you had read the OP, you'd know that there weren't any.

Also, since it's not clear yet under what circumstances each country ended up after the war,how can we say that the pound sterling was the international reserve for currency?

1. The pound sterling is already an international reserve currency. It's the third most traded financial denomination after the Euro and the U.S. dollar.

2. Europe was ravaged by war and the United States was ravaged by war so badly that it divided into thirds (or is it fourths?). When countries (or evil empires, in the EU's case) are under extreme duress like that, no one wants to touch their currency with a ten foot pole. That would leave the pound sterling the most likely new international reserve purely by consequence. Factor in that when money leaves one place it has to go somewhere else, and that Britain was a most excellent place for this freed up capital to go, and it seems like it would be a fantastical oddity for the pound sterling to not become the post-war world's reserve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 21 days ago

@MonkeypantsI think Mihndar already has China.
Also even though it's 2050 we only have slightly futuristic modern weaponry.
No energy weapons or such craze.
Possibly even tank-mounted railguns are stretching it.
Although wait a minute...
@MetalLoverI know I asked technology before but I wonder would you allow vehicles mounting railguns?
If not, would it be acceptable for naval vessels (where the research is currently going on)?
Also how do you feel about large sized vehicle-mounted 1-10MW lasers (used mostly for interception and anti-aircraft purposes).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EveryMemeAKing
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EveryMemeAKing Every Man A King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

China still maintains a huge force due to the war along side other nations assimilated forces.

If I lower to three million, other smaller nations must follow suit.

Meh ok, you're right, some smaller people do have large armies, you don't have to lower. You are still accepted though
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I had claimed china back in the int chk as well as reserved on page 1 of this ooc.

Also, with numbers. China is still re arming so alot of older.. Well modern in 2015 weapons are commonplace.

And lasers are already a thing.. Already on aircraft too. Check wiki bro!! Plus I stated there was no plans for fancy energy weapons.
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