Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 9 days ago

Name: Laura Hedström
Alias: Vulture
Nationality: Norwegian
Age: 22
Gender: Female

Vulture stands at one hundred and seventy centimetres and weighs around sixty-five kilograms. Her skin is fair and unblemished. While she may not be heavily-muscled nor possess a huge amount of strength, her physique is slender and athletic, her muscles well-toned from the amount of physical acitivity she had done out in the zone. Her hair is honey blonde and extends just beyond her shoulders. Her eyes are a shade of blue that reminded one of the depths of the ocean. She wears an aviator googles on her head on top of a leather bandada. Her inner wear is rather unorthodox, and is stictched together and assembled from different types of clothing. She has also crafted herself a shoulder pad with the use of leather and other similar materials. Her outer wear is just a rugged brown leather jacket. On her hands are a pair of brown leather gloves, equally rugged and worn with use. She completes her outfit with a pair of brown leather boots.

Spoken Languages:
English (Fluent), Norwegian (Functioning), Russian (Basic)

Faction: Loner. Has some friendly ties to Freedom.

Vulture used to be apart of the Sentinels, but was kicked out of the Sentinels after a rather heated disagreement with the leader of the Sentinels. She was cast out of the group, and left to fend for herself. Practically a loner since them, she has been wandering around the zone, looking out interesting things to scavenge while moving from place to place in the bid for survival. She is generally regarded as trustworthy and a loyal person. But her loyalty does not come easy. A helpful person by nature, she does often help out other stalkers whenever the need arises. She tends to hunt for bandits, a habit gained during her time as part of the Sentinels. She has known to give out her limited supplies to those that desperately need them, which can could be considered a weakness of hers. She mixes around with Freedom once in a while, and maintains good relationship with the majority of the faction.

G36C with red dot sight optic - 5.56x45mm rounds (150 shots)
SIG Sauer P226 - 9x19mm rounds (120 shots)


4 bottles of water
2 energy drinks
1 bottle of vodka
3 cans of food
6 energy bars
2 medkits
5 bandages
1 morphine auto-injector
1 small gun cleaning/repair kit
1 sleeping bag

On person:
Notebook with pencils and pens
Gask Mask
Geiger Counter
12,000 RU

Old Cordon: 4,000 RU , Beretta 92 Pistol, 9x19mm (80 rounds), AK-74 , 5.45x39mm (60 rounds), 6 cans of bottle, 3 bottles of water and a spare gas mask and a spare set of clothes.


Observant - A keen eye for detail, Vulture can usually spot details that most people would miss or would glance over. This has helped her many times in her hunt for bandits.

Fast Reflexes - Known to have really quick reflexes and aided by her agility, she is a versatile combatant, and go from running to shooting in hardly anytime at all.

Marksman - Blessed with an uncanny accuracy with guns, she hits whatever she aims to get, making sure that each bullet counts.

Close Quarters Prowess - Equally adept in fighting in close quarters, be it with her arms and legs or with her kukri, if her opponents think that she would be harmless without her guns, they would be in for a nasty and possibly fatal surprise.


Mutant Unfriendly - Vulture is more than capable of handling the simpler and more common mutants, but when the rarer and more dangerous species is concerned, she has no experience dealing with them whatsoever.

Emotional- Prone to being emotional, Vulture can get too emotional at times, clouding her judgement and affecting her decision making capability. She can also get too kind-hearted which can put her in some awkward situations.

Lonely - Although a loner, she is not one by choice, and is always on the lookout for company she bond and gel with. Not an easy task in a place and time like this. Until then, she will continue to remain lonely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Jacob Taylor

Alias: Exile

Nationality: English

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Exile isn't very big, standing at 5'9" and weighing only about 67 kilograms. His hair is light brown, and pretty long for a stalker, while his eyes are a faded green. You can tell he's not the strongest guy around, but his muscles are well toned at least. His clothing is somewhat... non-traditional for most stalkers. He wears a green woodland Battle Dress Uniform with a similarly colored shemagh over a black shirt, but his pants are a pair of thin dark blue jeans, and in place of the usual pair of combat boots he wears a pair of lighter, more casual-looking black canvas boots. He also generally wears black fingerless gloves, a watch on his left arm, and a necklace with a 7.62x54mmR casing.

Spoken Languages: English (fluent); French (functioning); Russian (rudimentary/circumstantial knowledge)

Faction: Loner. Former Freedom with ties to them and the Sentinels.

Reputation: Exile is known for practically being the namesake of a loner. Though he used to be in Freedom, it was mostly a gimmick title they gave him because they were low on men and he helped them out fairly regularly. Still, he does at least somewhat adhere to Freedom's ideals, in that he believes the zone should be open to those who wish to come, though lately, with the zone taking the strange turns that it has, his ideals have been shifting a bit. He still sees the zone as a wonder to the world which holds the key to solving many of humanity's problems, but he also recognizes that it's expansion, if gone unchecked, will put several people who want nothing to do with the zone at risk, thus he has left Freedom, though he has several contacts within Freedom.

Aside from his loyalties and ideals, he is known for helping stalkers in need and hunting people who give others a hard time, and a lot of people hold him in high regard for that. He has never failed to ask a passerby if they need an extra can of food, or a bandage, or something like that, and he has been known to give stalkers who are shot within inches of their lives that one bandage that stops them from bleeding out. He's a giver to those who need or deserve it, and a taker for those who themselves take. He's one of those people who are more likely to fight for a friend than for himself, and while that all sounds a little too idyllic, he does what he does, and he does it well. The only problem is that he's generally quiet and doesn't form very personal relationships easily.

There's only one person which he is known to maintain permanent contact with, and that's the person who came to the zone with him. No one really knows who he is, aside from the staff at the Sentinel base in Petrovsk.

-AKS-74u w/PSO-1 scope (150 x 5.45x39mm rounds)
-OTs-33 Pernach (120 x 9x18mm rounds)
-Wakizashi Short Sword

  • 3 bottles of water
  • 3 energy drinks
  • 1 bottle of vodka
  • 3 cans of food
  • 3 loaves of stale bread
  • 2 medkits
  • 5 bandages
  • 1 morphine auto-injector
  • 1 small gun cleaning/repair kit
  • 1 sleeping bag
  • 1 pen and notebook

On person:
  • PDA
  • Headlamp
  • Several Bolts
  • Respirator
  • Geiger Counter
  • 14,000 RU

-Old Cordon: 1x Makarov PM, 1x Sawed-off TOZ-66, 40x 9x18mm rounds, 24x 12x70 buck shells, 5,000 RU.
-Yantar: 1x VEPR 54R, 50x 7.62x54mmR rounds, 10,000 RU, 5,000 EUR.

Perceptive - Exile has always had a talent for picking up on things others might miss, and this can allow him to tell when something bad is about to happen.

Kalashnikov's Unrelated Son - Exile knows every AK-type rifle inside and out, and can easily diagnose and fix mechanical/maintenance issues if he has the right tools.

Quasi-Ninja - Exile is a regular practitioner of parkour, making him good at navigating abnormal terrain quickly.

Swordsman - Exile is one of the exceedingly few stalkers who uses a sword, and one of the even fewer who know how to use it. Despite what most may think, he is really good at fending off mutants with it.

Seasoned Shooter - Exile's aim with most firearms is not exceptional, but it's above par compared to a lot of stalkers.

The Twitch - As some stalkers do, Exile has developed a twitch which can alert him to an imminent emission.

Mental Map - Exile knows the zone quite well outside of the Red Forest, and is often employed as a guide.

True Loner - Exile rarely works in groups, making him somewhat enigmatic given his philanthropic nature. If ever he needs to ask for help, there's not many people he can reliably call upon.

Troubled Past - Exile's past is unknown to everyone except him and exactly one other stalker, and he will avoid the subject whenever it comes up. At least one stalker has taken note of a time in which Exile seemed to exhibit the "thousand-yard stare," suggesting that he may suffer from PTSD.

Mutant Bait - While most of the common mutants don't give him much problems, some of the rarer mutants will freak him out. Bloodsuckers specifically scare the shit out of him, not to mention any number of mutants he has yet to see for himself. If it's something he hasn't seen before, and it's ugly enough, you bet he'll turn and run before fighting it.

Anomaly fodder - Exile has never been artifact hunting, thus he never really learned how to navigate anomaly fields. He can avoid a lone anomaly easy enough, but he would find a field or cluster of them to be too dangerous to traverse without help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Rachel Morgenstern

Alias: Aquila

Nationality: Israeli

Age: 30

Gender: Female


Aquila is short and has a naturally slender build, but she is well-muscled, with a number of scars, mostly from knives and bullet grazes. Her hair is a pale blonde, and she wears it long, usually tied back into a ponytail with a baseball cap or scarf covering it. She wears old Soviet-era fatigues in woodland camo, heavily worn but kept in good repair, with a lot of stitchwork. On her hands she wears black gloves with weighted knuckles, and heavy brown combat boots that are starting to wear apart.

Spoken Languages: Hebrew (First language) Russian (Fluent) English (Bad, but she can get her point across)

Faction: Aquila has no real ties, but has a generally positive relationship with most of the major factions in the Zone.

Reputation: Aquila is generally regarded as being trustworthy. While she swears loyalty to no one if she partners with someone for a mission she will give every effort humanly possible to make sure they survive the mission and get their fair cut of the spoils. She'll help out a fellow STALKER in need, but it's known that she doesn't do it out of a sense of charity. She helps you, you owe Aquila a debt and you -will- pay it back someday.

Aquila doesn't really have any friends, anyone she routinely works with or spends downtime with. A lot of acquaintances, a lot of people who owe her debts, but no one who she really lets her guard down around.

There are rumors that sour Aquila's generally sterling reputation, namely that she isn't really a STALKER but something else, most popularly either Mossad or working for a nefarious organization within the zone, gathering intelligence. Where these rumors come from she has no idea.

IWI TAR-21, with a mounted close-combat optic, with five mags of 5.56x45mm NATO rounds (150 rounds)
Micro-Uzi chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum, with four 20-round magazines. (80 rounds)

Gear: U.S. Army issue assault pack in woodland camo, with an attached camelback filled with water. Inside the pack she keeps three MREs, a thick camo poncho, a cleaning kit for her weapons, and an emergency medical kit containing a tourniquet, four large bandages, and two syringes - one morphine, one epinepherine, as well as a small bottle containing antibiotic tablets. In a small pouch attached to the side is a geiger counter, while the other side has a pouch containing a canteen of water.
Hanging at her hip is a small bag containing her gas mask and two replacement filters.
In thigh pockets on her fatigues she keeps a multitool, with the other pocket containing a ruggedized PDA.
In shoulder pockets on her fatigues she keeps a small flashlight, and in the other a wad of coins and other metal debris she uses for testing anomalies.
In her back pocket she keeps a rolled up wad of 5000 RU

Stashes: Dark Valley, there's a boarded up house, probably nice once upon a time. She found a spot where a dog had dug out a little tunnel into the crawlspace, just wide enough for her to squeeze through, then cut a hole through the floorboards. This is less a stash than it is her personal hideout. Besides the oven where she hides her funds - 1000 USD, 1000 Euros, and 10000 RU, she keeps 150 5.56 rounds in the pantry inside an old box of cereal, a loaded Makarov PM under her pillow, and about twenty cans of beans as well as a dozen MREs in various drawers around the house. She also has a collection of about thirty different kinds of batteries going on, just in case.

Military Training: It's generally accepted that Aquila served in the IDF, and it shows. She acts like a well-trained infantryman, very aware of her surroundings and often using military-style tactics on her missions.

Expert Rifleman: Aquila is a crack shot, which is probably how she got her name.

Slate-Cleaner: Aquila never forgets a debt, either that she owes or is owed to her. This may lead to some animosity when she tries to call it in, but it does mean she has a lot of people in a position where she can get what she needs out of them, and it also means that she can agree to owe someone a favor as payment for services rendered to her and have them not laugh in her face.

Hand to Hand Fighter: Bare-handed or with her tomahawk Aquila is extremely effective in hand to hand combat. Observers report that she uses Krav Maga, the brutal, utilitarian martial art used by the IDF and Mossad.


Bad Rumors: A horde of rumors follow Aquila - that she's Israeli Intelligence and gathering information on the factions, that she's working for some power in the Zone to a dark end. She can't track the rumors, but they are damned annoying and have soured more than a few negotiations.

"I hunt Men, not Beasts": Aquila is not good at fighting Mutants. While the small, dog-like ones are not so strange she can't handle them she has little experience engaging the more unusual ones, and defaults to tactics that work on Humans that are generally ineffectual - targeting center of mass is pretty useless when the target's torso has the consistency of a sponge.
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