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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea
6:30 a.m. Avisdale University Main building

Shifting the strap of her messenger bag higher on her shoulder as she walked, Esyla's half-lidded eyes scanned the empty main grounds before her with mild interest. Being awake this early meant she could comfortably relax before entering the school and begin her final year, pausing to finish the last of her apple-cinnamon latte she gracefully sank down until she was sitting comfortably on the top step. Legs stretching out as a yawn escapes her lips, Esyla twists the metal coffee mug in her hands before placing back into her bag, her fingers skimming over a familiar brown folder that brings a smile to her lips. She crosses her arms on top of her folded knees and begins to hum under her breath, her crimson eyes closing as her fingers begin to tap a rhythm that enters her mind. Truth be told, she was excited and nervous about this year, once the Opening Ceremony for the freshmen was completed, she'd head to her first class and have to fall back into the day to day student, the summer hadn't helped with her future goal of picking a career to follow.

Sighing softly she focused her gaze to the dark sky above and shook her head, she'd take it a day at a time, no one was rushing her yet. Absently running her fingers over her uniform skirt, Esyla wondered briefly if she'd catch a glance at her sister before class started, a frown tugged at her lips as memories of quiet murmurs filed her mind. They weren't sisters by blood but did others really need to point it out? It was irritating to have to listen to, worse when she was sometimes the one asked questions about her sister she didn't feel the need to answer. Even after being here the classmates of their year still made a jab at the fact that Esyla's younger sister wasn't her real sister, her shoulders tightened as a familiar figure slowly made her way toward the main doors, she didn't need this right now. She'd been having a good morning so far too. Shaking her head, Esyla forced a smile to her lips as the girl continued forward, she'd be polite to her, even if just seeing her had a spike of anger running down her spine. She hoped Whyspe showed soon. @Celaira
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

Sunshine... Laughter... Peace... Then, there was darkness followed quickly by a feeling of dampness. There were voices, frantic and afraid, a woman was screaming. What was she screaming? What was happening?

...The feeling of arms and then...

Whyspe sat up in her bed with a shriek. Her arms flailing out in front of her to push away an unseen force. It took her a few moments to realize where she was. The apartment she shared with her sister Esyla. In her own bed. She was safe. At that realization the small, fragile girl was able to calm herself with a few deep breaths, a cold sweat having settled itself over her body in her sleep caused her soft white hair to stick to her head and face. "Christ." She finally spoke to the empty air, a pale hand slipping through her hair in an attempt to pry it away from her face. "Why does it always have to be that dream that wakes me up in the morning?" The girl wondered aloud to herself before slipping from bed to head into the bathroom.

The wooden paneled flooring on which her feet rested creaked slightly as she moved across the boards to the open bathroom door. What time is it anyway? Whyspe wondered to herself just as she glanced at the clock on the wall. There was an audible huff when she read the time: 6:15. Esyla would have been gone already, which, while it gave her the bathroom to herself, meant that she would have to rush to school. Being that Whyspe was on the Welcoming Committee, she had to be there before the Opening Ceremony started. With that, she found herself calling out to the automated closet in her room, ordering it to prep her school uniform as she jogged across the room to the bathroom. She almost slipped on the tiles as she skidded into the rather large king-sized bath that she shared with her sister.

Without much thought, the girl threw on the shower, changed out of her pajamas and jumped in. She squealed. The water hadn't heated up yet, but she didn't have time to worry about that, she had to get showered and change. She had to go!

It took her about 20 minutes to get a shower and get dressed. Luckily for her Elysa had made sure she packed her bag with supplies the night before, making it easy for her to simply grab it as she was running out of the door. However, before she was even halfway out of the door, she realized she'd forgotten something. Her credentials bracelet! She needed that to get into the building! With an irritated growl she practically lunged back through the apartment door and into her room where she dug through her nightstand. After a moment or two of search she cried out triumphantly, she'd found it.

And, with that, Whyspe was out the door and starting down the sidewalk towards Avisdale University. It was only a five minute walk, and the Opening Ceremony didn't start till 7:00 a.m. She was safe. She hoped. As she neared the school, she caught sight of Elysa, and with a cheerful smiled called out to her. "Esyla! Es!" She jogged up the stairs, bumping into a girl who she'd seen before, but wasn't sure of the name of and smiled down at Elysa. "I'm not late am I? I need to show a group of Freshmen around today." The girl spoke excitedly, shifting from foot to foot as if she was about to start running laps around the school.

In reality though, she was terrified. But, terrified of what exactly, she wasn't sure.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea
6:55 a.m. Avisdale University Main building

Blinking up at the sudden appearance of her sister, she smiled and rose to her feet, easily tugging her Whyspe into a hug. Her eyes glanced at the who had paused and watched with a raised brow, her violet eyes narrowed slightly, Esyla shifted her grip slightly and answered her sister's question with a gentle shove of her shoulder.

"No, you made it but barely. I set two alarms did you hear neither?" She asked teasingly, turning and bringing Whyspe with her, it was now time to enter the busking and head to the Auditorium to begin preparing for the ceremony. The hand that Landed on her arm had Esyla tensing and an almost inaudible hiss escape her lips as floral perfume wafted into her face.

"Mind if I speak with you Captain?" The voice sounded sweet but the owner of it was the last person Esyla wanted to see, ever. The nickname did nothing to ease her growing sense of agitation, she didn't need right now, she needed to focus on her role in helping the Committee. She half-turned and forced a smile on her lips, the twitching of her fingers against Whyspe's shoulder a clear sign of her hidden irritation and nerves.

"Sorry Rina, I have things to do and have to prepare to help lead the freshman around campus. Excuse us." She stated politely, the lie coming easily to her lips, her teeth gritting together at the need to be nice to the person that when given the opportunity would attempt to cut you where it hurt. The hand fell from her arm but Rina remained where she was, her raven-black hair swaying in the wind, dropping her arm, Esyla gently pushed Whyspe towards the Auditorium and smiled a soft, reassuring smile. She reached out and tucked a strand of white hair behind her ear and gestured with a flick of her eyes for her to go ahead.

She turned back to the only person who had ever made her doubt her existence and forced another smile, if this turned to a fight she'd rather her sister not be present. The other students would he arriving soon, she'd hopefully back down then. Esyla squared her shoulders and waited. @Celaira
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

Whyspe blushed awkwardly when Esyla mentioned the alarms. IN truth, she hadn't heard them, she'd been too wrapped up in her dream she guessed. As the two started walking toward the school's now unlocked and open automated doors, the younger of the two sisters watched as a hand reached out to rest against her elder sister's arm. A voice she didn't reacognize met her ears, and she turned to look at the raven haired girl behind him. Captain? The word echoed in Whyspe's head, a look of confusion on her face. "Es, are you a captain of something?" Whyspe whispered softly as Esyla gripped her shoulder tighter in irritation, though Whyspe herself didn't notice the reaction.

As her sister brushed off the unfamiliar girl, Whyspe herself was pushed forward. Confusion still on her face she started to stop walking, until she heard one of her friends calling out to her from the doors of the school. "Dove! C'mon, we gotta get into the Auditorium, Ms. Connors wants a word with us before the Opening Ceremony starts." The petite brunette stood in front of the doors with her arms crossed, hugging the messenger bag she held in her grasp tightly to her chest.

Unwillingly, Whyspe nodded and trotted over. "See you inside, Es!" The girl's voice chirped as she waved before being rushed through the doors and down the main hall, out of view.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Esyla Algrea

Turning and facing away from Rina, Esyla began to make her way towards the Auditorium, absently passed her credentials bracelet across the scanner, the feel of eyes on her back has her head tilting up and a smile spreading across her lips.

"Princess, good morning" Esyla rolls her eyes foldnly and accepts the arm presented to her, Rina's presence falling away as she's guided into the room, her eyes automatically scanning for Whsype.

"A pleasure to see you." She offers softly before taking her seat and stretching her muscles slightly. It was time to start and once was done then she'd have schoolwork to focus on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

As Esyla entered the Auditorium, she would see it filled to the brim with people, both teachers and students alike. The room itself was built almost like a stadium. Chairs lined the walls in a sort of semi-circle stairs leading down to more rows of seats until the stairs ended, and the room opened up like a basin. A stage sat in the center of the floor, and atop it stood the headmaster, whose body rested languidly against the podium in front of him. The Welcoming Committee seated just behind him in chairs.

Children, no younger than six ran up and down the rows of seats calling out to one another and laughing, while the older freshman stood, or sat, talking to one another nervously. A lot of them weren't told much about the school it seemed, they just knew they had to attend it for some reason. Closest to the door was a small group of teens all muttering about how their parents were probably worried sick. Rumors had spread to Galmisdale that this school wouldn't let its students return home, and this group was terrified they'd never see their families again.

"What are we supposed to do? Act like everything's okay?!" One of the girls in the group exclaimed, her bright green eyes glittered with fear, and a hint of anger. One of the boys who stood next to her shh'd her, but quickly pulled her to him in an attempt to comfort her. She was small and shaking, she couldn't have been much older than 12 or 13.

"Sophia, it'll be okay. The rumors can't be true, our parents wouldn't have sent us here if they were. They just want us to be able to grow up safely, and learn how to use our gifts." It was a boy who spoke this time, his voice deep and stern, while still holding a note of concern. He was tall, broad shouldered, but what made him stand out most was his eyes. They were in a constant state of fluctuation. Shifting from dark green to blue to even a bright pink. It seemed the colors would never stop.

Just as another of the group looked like they were ready to speak up, a voice echoed from the speakers. "Everyone, if you would please take a seat, the Opening Ceremony is about to begin." An older woman's voice spoke gently, and a small old woman began to walk down the stairs with a microphone in her hand, her short silver curls bouncing along as she walked. Ms. Connors was her name. She had taught Preliminary Spell usage for most of last year when an accident occurred, leaving one of the other teachers injured.

At the old woman's behest, everyone in the room began to scramble for a place to sit. However, there were so many people that some were left sitting on the stairs.

Whyspe, who had been sitting quietly in her seat on the stage up until then, rose at a signal from the Headmaster. Slowly, timidly, she walked toward the podium as the head of the school moved to take one of the empty seats behind her. "Hello, and welcome to Avisdale University." The vampire began, her voice soft and timid. "If you've been accepted here, it is because you are special. A lot of people outside of this island don't understand what that means, they don't understand the students of this place, and some even want to hurt us. Her voice strengthened as she spoke, rose colored eyes dancing across the faces of each individual face in the crowd.

"It's okay though," She continued with a gentle smile. "Because this school, this island, was built as a sanctuary for those of us with special traits, or abilities. We are safe here, from so many things." The girl paused for a moment, slipping a piece of silver-white hair behind her ear before continuing. "Avisdale will try to prepare you for what you'll face once you leave this island after graduation, if you choose to. All the teachers, and other students will help you in your journey to learn how both to protect yourself, and give you the skills you need to live out in the 'real world' as well. So, I say again, Welcome to Avisdale University, may your journey here be a pleasant one." With that, Whyspe stepped away from the podium, and returned to her seat at the back of the stage.

As she sat down, the Headmaster took to the podium again, clapping cheerfully. Then, he began to speak. He talked about what Avisdale University was founded for, what it would prepare students for. He told them about where they could go and get their textbooks, dorm assignments, and class schedules. After all the explanations were over, he finally stepped away from the podium where Ms. Connors took his place. The old woman smiled warmly at the crowd, and informed them that they would be shown around the school by members of the Welcoming Committee. They could be shown any part of the school they wished, but she asked that they stay on task as best they could. A group of ten to twenty students would be assigned to each member of the committee, and the students were asked to be respectful as the committee was short handed. She went on to explain that committee members would be excused from school for most of the day in order to help their groups as much as possible.

Once she had finished, the Opening Ceremony was officially concluded, leaving the Welcoming Committee members to call for their groups to meet them in specified locations. Apparently, the students were given index cards with their committee member's name on them, as well as a picture, so they were supposed to know where they were going. At least, that was the idea.

When Whyspe called for her students, she asked that they simply meet her at school's entrance, since it was the closest, and easiest thing for them to find to start with. She then hopped off the stage and made her own way over to it, where she stood, waiting for her group to come to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea

Smiling softly as the Ceremony, she rose to her feet and paused when a hand fell on her arm, she blinked and glanced back. The male that had escorted her in smiled softly, his golden eyes shining brightly, reaching a hand out he patiently waited for Esyla to take it.

"To class then?" She asked and accepted the hand, hiding her blush as they begin to make their way towards the doors, she pauses long enough to get a final glance of her sister before beginning forward once more. The arm around her own squeezed lightly as they made their way towards the Grand Staircase and began their climb to their first class.

"Do you think this year will go by quick and easy?" Esyla glanced at her friend and shrugged her shoulders, tugging her arm free and stuffing her hands in the pockets of her uniform. She was thinking about the future she still had no idea she could aquire, her eyes dimmed slightly as a memory of waking a young, trembling Whyspe from a nightmare she couldn't wake herself up from. She begun to wake early and make a warm breakfast so her sister could try and banish the images she would see. Esyla never asked about the dreams but knew they'd leave Whyspe feeling a strange mix of emotions that she'd be quiet and withdrawn until the next day. Shaking her head, Esyla focused on the question poised to her.

"Hopefully, I'll see you later Erosion" She offered with a smile before turning left and heading to her first class, English. Time to focus now, taking her seat she fluttered her hands across her skirt and began to pull the items she needed from her bag and set them on the table before her. Now she just had to wait for her teacher to arrive to get started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

The sound of footsteps filled the halls as each member of the Welcoming Committee began to walk their groups around the main building, allowing them to pick up their schedules, dorm assignments, and supply lists. Whyspe, however, had decided to take her group to Art building first. I'll show them the beauty of the school before I get down to the more nerve wracking stuff. She thought to herself, as she listened to the chattering in her group. She had gotten the small group who were petrified of the school, as well as other students who didn't know what to expect.

A lot of questions were asked, and answered, but helping people was Whyspe's element.

When they left the Art building she took them to the gymnasium where they were able to watch as a group of seniors trained with individual instructors to advance their understand of their abilities. A lot of the students in her group asked her what the requirements to get into this kind of tutoring were, to which she simply responded, "There really aren't any. You just have to apply. As a freshman you'll learn exactly what your ability is classified as, and in the last semester you'll be able to sign up for this type of training. You'll be with the same private instructor for the rest of your time at the school, and that instructor will help you with whatever you may need in regards to your power, or powers."

After the gymnasium tour was over, she lead her group back to the main building, which was now void of the other groups. Here, she showed the new students how to use their transmission bracelets, or transmission tags on their phones, before finally taking them to get all of the necessary information. When the entire group had their dorm assignments and other information, a lot of them seemed surprised that the dorm building housed both male and female students, though none of them shared a room. Once all of the papers they needed were gotten, Whyspe took them to the school's library, followed by the Marketplace.

Avisdale had a building completely dedicated to selling goods to its students. Be they school supplies, to toys, the Marketplace was filled with things for the student body to buy for the their time at the University. The Marketplace was also where the cafeteria was. Unlike most school, Avisdale's cafeteria catered to creatures with normal Human appetites, as well as creatures who couldn't eat Human food.

The place really was a safe haven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea

Pausing just as she was about to open the book they'd been reading last class, Esyla focused her gaze on their teacher, Mr. Moriss, as he entered and made his way to the automated board. Sighing softly she allowed her chin to fall on her palm and forced herself to listen, she loved English but this book, this single book had been made to bore her to death. Turning absently to the page that appeared on the screen, Esyla mentally shook herself, it'd taken her nearly two hours a night within the last two weeks of last month to finish all five chapters during the summer, she could never manage to stay awake for it.

Groaning mentally as the board zeroed in on the highlighted paragraph, Esyla forced her gaze to follow, reading quietly as Mr. Moriss' voice filled the air. She wouldn't last long this way, a yawn escaped her lips as she tried to read along.

She didn't feel when her eyes closed a few moments later.

Esyla paused before reaching the end of the stairs, her head tilting at the voices that filled the air, her small hands tightening into fists as she slowly made her way towards the living room. She paused before entering, her eyes widening when she saw her parents and a small bundle sitting between them on the couch, silence filled the air as her mother slowly glanced up and gestured for her to come closer.

She did hesitantly and paused before the couch when ethr bundle moved and a pair of blank rose-colored eyes met her own. She wobbled forward a few paces and instinctively reached forward, her mother's voice softly filling her ears as Esyla's focus stayed on the girl slowly emerging from the worn-looking jacket wrapped around her small shoulders.

"Meet your new sister Es, can you say hi to Whyspe?" Esyla offered a smile and flipped her hand over until it was facing palm-up instead of just reaching as it had been before.

"Hi, I'm Esyla. Nice to meet you." She offered softly as Whyspe's warm hand takes her own and squeezes softly.

Her mouth opens to reply...

Esyla jerks awake at the bell and blinks her eyes blink owishly for a moment before she moved into action, lifting her book and notebook before rising from her seat and making her way towards her next class, Esyla forced her hazy mind away from the memory. Her left hand absently tucking stray strands of silver hair behind her ear as she continued on her way towards Gym, her fingers absently stuffing the objects in her hand into her bag.

It'd been awhile since she'd had a memory of the past, she dodged a group of students and made her way down the stairs and toward the Gymnasium, she couldn't help the unease that filled her gut as she passes a group of freshmen. She didn't even look to see who they were, shaking her head she attempted to clear her hazy mind. Hopefully nothing goes wrong today, she deserves a normal day. She thought with a frown as she opens the Changing room door and enters. The feel of unease remaining as she moves to her locker and tugs it open. She needed to focus now, Ms. Paula had asked she practice over the summer, she'd be expecting something new. Sighing she began to change out of her uniform and into a pair of gray sweats and an old black tank top. It was telling to face the music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

As Whyspe continued to lead her group around, she caught a glimpse of her sister as she was walking to the gym. She took a moment to wave before another onslaught of questions began. Some of her students wanted to see their classes, some wanted to know about extracurricular activities, and some wanted to know more about her. "Ah, Ms. Whyspe! Ms. Whyspe! You're a senior here, right? How long have you been at this school? Do you still talk to your family? Are the rumors about not being able to contact family members true?" A voice from the small and frightened group of teens perked up, sending the whole group into a flurry of whispers. Whyspe turned away from the building she had been facing to look at the students, her hands clasped in front of her stomach.

There was a nervous, but genuine smile on her lips. "Ah... Let me answer your questions in order," She finally spoke after a few breathless minutes, her voice audibly shaking more than it had before. This caused another wave of whispers to coarse through the group, but the vampire continued on as best as she could. "Yes, I'm a senior. I wouldn't be allowed to guide you guys unless I was. I've been at the school since I was 10 years old. Ah... As for my family--" Her words cut off abruptly.

...The feeling of arms, and then the feeling of water, where was she?
What was going on?
Where were mommy and daddy? Where had they gone?

As the thoughts whirled around in her tiny one and a half year old mind, her body finally registered that she wasn't breathing. She had instinctively held her breath to keep the water out of her lungs. Just as she was losing the will to keep going, the arms around her let go, and she broke the surface of the river. Frantically, she began to cry out, sobs of fear and uncertainty filling her lungs.

When Whyspe finally came to, her group had surrounded her. Some were calling out for help, while others had propped her head up on a jacket. That's when she heard a sickeningly sweet voice answer the question she hadn't gotten to. "Little Whyse has no family. She was adopted by her cousin's parents because she killed her own. She never gets letters from her family like Esyla does. Probably because Esyla's parents don't want to end up dead too." Whyspe winced at the words, trying to sit up. She tried to find the voice to refute what the girl had said, but the blackouts always left her unable to speak for a while.

Frantically, Whyspe searched for the girl who'd spoken, and found her rose eyes locked on a pair of cerulean blue. She didn't recognize the girl, she didn't recognize most of the girls in her own class, she realized. Why was that? How did all of these people know what had happened to her parents?

Where had they heard the story?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea

Eslya's shoulders tensed and she found herself spinning around and heading towards where the group of freshmen stood before she realized she'd made a decision. Her crimson eyes locking on cerulean blue, narrowing dangerously as she effortlessly bypasses the children nearest to her sister and gracefully kneeled down to check Whsype's near ashen-pale face.

"I'd suggest you close your mouth and make your way to class. We all know how behind you are, good day." She stated flatly, waving her right hand dismissively before focusing solely on her sister, her left hand gently reached forward to cup one of her sister's cheeks. "You okay Whys? I can help if you'd like." She knew Whyspe hated when others babied her but Esyla couldn't help it. She glanced around at the group and offered a smile, her fingers trailing down her cheek and gently squeezed the back of her neck. Her gentle touch belayed the anger she felt raging away within her, she took a deep breath and gently lifted Whyspe to her feet.

Her hand absently carding though soft, silk white hair, Esyla snarled softly as she glared into cerulean eyes, her shoulders rolling slightly as she wait, an arm draped gently across her shoulders. She couldn't help always moving to her sister's defense, ever since they met so many years ago, she'd had no one to help or look after, she'd been an only child.

No one messed with Whyspe, no one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whyspe Algrae

When Esyla moved into her defense, Whyspe felt her chest tighten. Esyla always stood up for her, even when it meant that sh emight lose a friend in the process. The girl couldn't help but be grateful. There was a part of her, though, that didn't really understand why Esyla did what she did. When the elder of the two spoke to the girl with Cerulean eyes, she simply glared. After a moment or two of her mouth opening and closing repeatedly she turned and walked away without a word.

WHyspe smiled graciously at Esyla as she helped lift her to her feet, but she still found herself unable to speak. Instead, she nodded toward her group. She needed to go to the infirmary and take her medication, so someone needed to take the group back to the Auditorium to wait for a secondary assembly to begin.

She hoped she hadn't left too bad of an impression on the group. After a moment, she turned to look at all of them, a sheepish smile on her face. She mouthed the words that she couldn't say. I'm sorry. with that she allowed her sister to help her to the infirmary, her head bowed low.

What exactly happened when her parents died? Who saved her? Where did they go?

Would she ever know any of the answers she so desperately sought?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arista
Avatar of Arista

Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Esyla Algrea

Watching as the group began towards the Auditorium, Esyla allowed her shoulders and stance to relax, her objective now was to get her sister to the infirmary. Glancing around as they slowly began their walk, Esyla felt the strange feeling that had settled into her stomach lessen slightly, though she had no idea why she felt so on edge. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Esyla began to hum softly under her breath. She'd probably get in trouble as well as Wyhspe for being late for class, she didn't really care at the moment, her sister needed her and she wasn't going to leave her.

Why can't I shake this feeling?... she thought softly, her eyes scanning the quiet halls as they continued forward, the warmth from her sister keeping her suddenly hyped nerves under control.

Why was she waiting for an attack? Why did she feel so tense?
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