Thank you for handling the situation, don't aggravate each other please
Ok Genie, I will answer your questions, and I don't mind questions I promise. If anyone gets stuck don't be afraid to ask questions.
~Are the slave deviants in the city allowed to change into four legger wolf form? Yes, but they still have the collars on and it is frowned upon
~And are they brainwashed? That is up to you
~Do the Ames Soeurs out there form packs? ~Like, do they even remember being wolves in the first place? Out where? Outside the city, yes, inside the city, yes, but they won't be together 24/7. Up to you if they remember their wolfie lives, some do some don't.
~In my initial write up for them, I said deviants will bond with a human? ~Does that still apply? Sure, but remember that any humans in the city normally die very quickly, they are food. But if you can think of a reason that a human would live in the city and not be fed on that could work. Maybe a liason or something, although I'm sure that this human would get fed off of and be anemic sooo...
~Is Genie one of the first to be transformed? ~How long has Genie been with Leo? She can be if you want, I'd say she's been this way 2-3 years ish? Sound good?
~Is it okay if Genies 'goddess' form is a ginormity monster like the wolf in the last Underworld? Negative ghostrider, her form can be bigger than a normal lycan if you wish, but not that big.
~How long does Genie stay in the cage? And I gots this collar on her... does that stop all changes? Genie is living in the cage, so all the time. The collar only stops the lycan/monster-y form, her wolfie form is allowed.
~And is she ever allowed to wander around the lab? She's rather docile around Leo, but I'm sure she's been trained to do stuff for him yet most likely cannot read and write, right? ~Or like is she just a dumb slave experiment with great potential? Since she is more docile, Leo would let her out sometimes, but since she's been discovered, the council say that is a no-go so it would have to be very hush hush. I think Leo would teach her certain words to read if that's alright with you
~How does Leo treat her anyway since he's all scatterbrained? Actually, he's not that scatterbrained, just very passionate about his work and sometimes gets a little crazy about it, Leo loves all of his experiments, although he would never admit it.
~I think Genie likes Amelia even if Amelia is cold to her, is that okay? Of course that's ok, Amelia has many secrets that she doesn't want people to know so she's very distant, but she does feel and she might like Genie...I don't know yet, Amelia is a fairly new character, I don't know what she'll do yet