Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Annaliza stared at her booth at the flea market for what seemed like the hundredth time. Someone had cancelled at the last minute and their booth had opened up, so Annaliza had quickly snapped it up ( with permission of course ), and set up her wares. Most of it was small stuff like origami figures, but she also had beautifully painted jewelry boxes and art prints. Stretching her arms above her head after she straightened a pile of art prints that she had accidentally bumped when fixing the arrangement of origami cranes, she let her icy blue eyes wander around at the other people who were still setting up their booth's.

She spotted a really adorable soft blue teddy bear that she really wanted a few booth's away, but it looked handmade so it was most likely expensive. Looking between her stuff and the teddy bear, she figured that she could try to barter or trade later on; but first she had to ask for them to put it on hold for her. Scooting out from behind the booth with her sketchbook in hand, she waved until she caught the attention of the woman behind the table.

' Would you mind putting that blue bear aside for me until the end of the day? '

The woman blinked her brown eyes a few times and squinted at the paper before nodding and sticking the bear onto a wooden chair located at the table behind her. Annaliza smiled and scribbled ' Thank you! ' on her sketchbook before hurrying back to her own table. The flea market was going to open soon, and it was a Saturday, so they would most likely be incredibly busy.


Elnarin adjusted the bow strapped to his back before resting his chin on his palm and staring out at the horizon that was still a little pink from the rising sun. It was rapidly approaching 7:30am and there were a few other people in the park with him. Staring at his cloth covered wrist, he slid the fabric off in order to glance at the name inked there. He still couldn't pronounce it no matter how many times his parents had tried to help him out, so he had just given up. The date on his wrist however, that date was today, and the apprehension within him was building.

" Mommy, why is that man not wearing a shirt? "

Elnarin looked down when he heard voices and spotted a little boy pointing up at him and talking to a woman that he assumed was his mother.

" Come on sweetie, let's go. "

They were obviously human by the looks of them, and even if he couldn't understand what they were saying, he knew that the mother was apprehensive of him and didn't want her child around him. Giving himself a once over, he wondered if leaving his bow and arrows back at his house would have been better. Humans after all weren't used to a half naked 6'3 elf with a bow hanging out in a tree ( and if they were, then Eldarin would most likely question what other things were ' normal ' for them ). Sighing softly, he slipped the glove back into place and hopped down from the tree so that he could head over to the area of the park that was more densely populated with trees so people wouldn't stare at him as much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Today was the day, that was the most startling factor of all and it nearly terrified him with it's presence. For years the name that wrapped around his skin had appeared very strange to him. It was different, a ring instead of the usual markings that burned like insignia on many other's wrists. A ring curved into his skin, so small and neat that he could barely read what it said sometimes, heck, he could barely read what it said most of the time. His mother had always told him stories about how meeting his soulmate would change everything for him and he had been nervous ever since, he didn't like change and he never had. It made him feel uncomfortable and itchy-- maybe that was just the mark.

The park had been a last second idea, after grabbing a strawberry smoothie from the corner store and nearly chewing the straw in half with his anxiousness, he'd made a beeline. The park was gathering the usual early morning visitors and he could feel the burning itch in his skin and he nearly pulled off his concealing gloves just to check if it was actually glowing. He could almost feel it and he wasn't about to give it the satisfaction. The gloves were meant to hide the hooked, clawed fingers behind about three layers of glamour and a hope that nobody tried to remove them. He could always feel them though, they were like exposed bone and they were sharper than blades.

Everything else about him seemed normal, dark brown hair that always seemed mused and gray-blue eyes that looked stormy no matter what the weather happened to be. He blended in with a crowd, nobody ever wondered about him and he liked it that way. He had his mother's good features, her wavy hair and her bright smile and he'd been told he had his father's roman nose and his stormy eyes. He was handsome but it was an average enough beauty that nobody thought twice about the five-foot-seven inches of warlock that had just made his way into the park. He wore a fluffy gray scarf despite the weather, coiled around his neck tightly over his blue button down and his stone washed jeans.

The smoothie was starting to get damp with condensation and it was reminded him that he was nervous out of his mind. His stomach wrenched at the thought of finishing it and he chucked it in the waste bin before drawing in a deep breath and glancing around.

He saw trees and early morning joggers mostly, some kids screaming and chasing each other and a few flitting birds in the trees. He gave into instinct and pulled the glove off to stare at the sharp talon fingers and the mark. It was burning as if it was lit from within and he grimaced at it before glancing up nervously again and glancing back at the mark.

"This thing is so peculiar." he mumbled before pulling the glove back over it. "It could be anyone. Anyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Danilo breathed deep in, turning his head towards the digital clock he saw it was five minutes past two in the morning. There was no way he would catch any more sleep today.
''Sometime in the next 22 hours we will meet.'' He spoke to the clock before he jumped out of his bed, looking at his wrist and the name. He smiled wide it was still there. In a hopeful manner Danilo went over to his front door and looked thought the spy hole. Seeing no one was there, he felt a tad disappointed and yet he was never had more energy in his life. The pure raw feeling of excitement all but made him run in circles.

He settled on playing music from a recent musical he watched and went on doing his morning routine several hours earlier. His apartment was spacious, he moved in a few years back with the idea to have enough room for his soulmate to crash in, if they so desired. There was a ready to use guest room too. He wouldnt mention that detail unless asked, it would be weird in human standard....on the internet they said it would be. The dragon didnt want to scare anyone away, by being weird in a negative light.

His hands made the morning hot chocolate, as his mind mulled around where to go today. He had everything planed and yet wondered if he should change anything. ''Hello. We are soulmates...no no no. I cant introduce myself like that.'' He played with the cup before he drained it in one fluid motion.

With sudden determination he slammed the cup on the table and walked up to his full body mirrors. Pretending to take a hat off, he wasnt wearing at the moment, he made a deep bow to his reflection. ''Данило Сувић, May I hope....no... Данило Сувић, Thats how the name on your wrist is pronounced.'' He looked on his own wrist once more. Speaking to it as if the person to which the name belonged would hear him.

''Do you think its too direct?'' He chuckled, he felt just so happy today was the day. Humming along the words that filled his apartment. Time passed on a snail pace as Danilo made another chocolate cup with extra whipping cream to drink as he was doing anything to make himself be as presentable as possible. Well minus the hair combing. He ruffled the red orange locks instead, allowing them to be as wild as he felt.

He left his flat in four something in the morning. He put on his best outfit. The cloths he took pride in the most as he sewed them just for this day. Each detail, each thread choice he mulled over for weeks if not months before settling on nothing less than what he saw as perfect. The hat tilted on his head both gloves on, the cane shinning from the amount of polishing he did to it. Well his shoes werent any better he saw his own reflection in them. Was he over doing it. Yes. Did he cared. No...ish. If the owner of the name cared...Would he start to care too? He didnt even reach the bottom of the building he lived in as he pulled the glove off to check on the name. Still nothing, still there. His soul mate for sure was still asleep in half five in the morning.

He enjoyed the air and the early birds on the street. He choice to walk the long route passing his favorite theater and checking what shows they had standing. No changes from last evening he checked. He tugged the glove half off to get a view on the wrist. Danilo gave up on pulling the glove fully back on. He would end up damaging it from how often he pulled it off, on his back hand covered with red scales.

He wandered the city aimlessly as he imagined all sorts of things he could talk with his soulmate. He would take his soulmate out in nice places, maybe even do something romantic as eating in candle light while a soft violin is played or maybe his soulmate didnt like those things. Maybe they liked something simple as.... fast food. He frowned deeply as he was passing a cheap fast food joint. Danilo will introduce his soulmate to the fine foods, if his soulmate still didnt like it....well Danilo will just learn to make the best fast food, better than any fast food joint ever could. He could ask his collages on work to give him tips on that too. He spun the cane in his hand as once more he chuckled to himself.

Checking the time on the wrist watch he kept in his pocket, he demand that 6:20 is the perfect time to get himself a breakfast at his favorite cafe.

He all but skipped in, scratch that, he did skipped in the cafe. ''Good morning, a nice day isnt it~'' He declared to the nearest waitress. Who was used to him and his way to act, thanks to how often he visited the place. She replied with a smile pouring coffee to a half asleep man on the table. Danilo checked his wrist as he walked to his table in the corner, looking out the window at the street. He liked this place, for sentimental reasons as it was the first places he worked in when he moved to New York.

''Today is the big day isnt it Dan?''

The dragon grinned and nodded.

'' Give me the big Ice Cream Sundae, a hot chocolate cup with extra whipping cream, and a powder sugar bagel. '' He hummed and made a bow in thanks to her. The cane resting in his lap Danilo waited for his offer. ''Sometime in the next 17 hours. '' He let out a deep breath full of anticipation. He was quite happy today forecast was sunny, if it was rainy, it would be such a shame. Danilo tapped his fingers on the table humming the melody of a song watching the street with a happy smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Taylor turned down the street and walked into the flea market. People from all around came here to sell their goods and put their life works out there. He loved coming here on his days off to see what they had for sell, he was a bit of a collector, little trinkets and small art works made his heart melt. Bobby thought it was a wast of time, he like to go out and do "more fun" things like sky diving and car shows. But today was Taylor's day so he wanted to go to the market. This is a waste of time, and you know it. Bobby said to Taylor in their head. Today is the day and you are acting like you don't care. We need to be out there finding our soul mate. Taylor chuckled, he had forgotten today was "that" day. "Well haven't you ever heard of the saying, the best way to find something is to stop looking and it will find you." Taylor looked down at his wardrobe; he had on black casual joggers and a dark red long sleeve v-neck, with black ankle socks and red and white Converse. It wasn't his best outfit but, his soul mate should take as he comes right? He approached a booth, where a elderly lady was selling small clay pots. Taylor saw one that caught his eye, it looked like it was made of different coils, he had a larger one but this was smaller and the vintage color was perfect. "How much for this one here?" Taylor asked the woman. She told him ten, and he gave her 20. He walked away with a plastic bag and began to look around again.

If we are going to waste time then at least buy something that can be a gift. Bobby was getting frustrated with Taylor. He wondered how he could not be jumping with joy at the thought of finding the person they were meant to be with. Taylor was getting tired of Bobby's nagging, he really was not worried about meeting their soul mate, he didn't even know their name. He would always cover the mark on his wrist with a bracelet or watch, like he did now, he had one of his favorite watches on and it annoyed Bobby whenever he did this. They approached another booth that caught Taylor's eye, the woman was selling hand made necklaces among other things. When he was inspecting her wears, he spotted a blue bear on the table behind her, it was hand made and looked like a fine piece of work. "Excuse me are you selling that, I'd like to buy it." He said with a smile.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Annaliza had been in the middle of painting a little girls face to look like a butterfly when her wrist started to burn a little and glow. Pausing in her work and staring at the writing on her wrist ( that looked like someone hadn't given ink enough time to dry and ended up smudging it ), her gaze immediately shot up and looked around to see if she could find whoever it was. She knew her efforts would probably be fruitless though, so she went back to painting the little girls face while trying to ignore the knowing look on the mother's face.


When the man approached her booth, she smiled warmly at him and was just about to say something when he asked her about the bear.

"The bear is on hold for that woman over there. You'll have to talk to her about it, although you probably won't get many words out of her. From what I heard, she comes to this market whenever there's an opening and doesn't speak to anyone. Ever. If she won't give up the bear, I can just make you a different one. They are $50 and come with a free necklace or bracelet of your choosing. The bow can be changed and one of my friends likes to put clothes on hers."

Getting Annaliza's attention after she finished painting the girls face and got the 5$ from the mother, she waved her over. Grabbing her sketchbook that was currently open to a very detailed drawing of a flower with her signature in the lower left corner, she went over and winced as her wrist felt like someone had pressed a hot poker to it. It was glowing like some sort of homing beacon and she looked around once more to see if she could find the person before her eyes settled on Taylor and her grip on her sketchbook tightened.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but this gentleman wants to buy the bear you asked me to set aside for you. I can always make you another one for a discounted price if you let him have this one. It won't be exactly the same since they are handmade and every one is different, but it will look very similar."

' Can you make me one with a green bow? '

Leaning forward and squinting once more at the writing after Annaliza had flipped to the next page in her sketchbook.

"Sure, I can give it a green bow."

The woman smiled before grabbing the bear and grabbing a bag that said ' Julia's Jewelry and Handmade Bears '.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Taylor had been trying to ignore it, but he was failing. The burning sensation in his wrist had started ever since he stepped up to the booth. He didn't know what to do, and Bobby was not helping. Yes!!! They are near. Thank God one of your boring trips finally paid off, now look around and maybe we can both go home happy today. Now Taylor ignored both annoying things in his life at the moment and focus on what the woman was saying.

She was telling him that someone else had already reserved the bear, and that she didn't talk. But I could have her make me another one. The she pointed to another vendor and saw the girl she was talking about. The girl was beautiful to say the least. long blonde hair nice height and she had a story in her eyes. Bobby was doing back flips by now. The bear-seller waved the girl over ad the moment she got in his space, the mark on his wrist intensified. The heat shot up his entire arm, in that moment Taylor knew that she was the one.

She wrote that she wanted one with a green bow. Taylor didn't know what to do in this moment. The girl looked like she had her guard up, and this worried him and Bobby. Look at you idiot already scaring her off, now smile, open your mouth and make some conversation. If you screw this up you wont be sleeping for a very long time, understand. Taylor shook his head yes and then put on a genuine smile.

"Here is an idea, I would like to buy two, one with a green bow and one with a purple bow, and I'll pay for hers too." He said to the woman.

He turned to the girl with a smile. " I hope you'll let me buy this for you." He said as he reached his hand out. "My name is Taylor Atkins."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red_massa
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Red_massa Chocobo Handler!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pavel had just finished his last set of the nightclub Ceilo as he walked out of the nightclub that was now early morning outside as opposed to when he entered while it was dark out. He had stopped at the coffee shop just a few buildings down the road to get a two cream sugar coffee as he started his small walk. Pavel does own a vehicle but he didn't want to leave his red 69' Chevy Chevelle SS outside at night especially with the types of crowd that typically frequented his place of work. Ahhh the nice fresh air felt nice after being inside of the club with tons of people grinding to the beats that he drops.

Pavel was covered in tattoos the only place that he really didn't have any was his neck and arms but his chest, back and legs are covered in them. The only one that was on his arms is one tattoo on his wrist, of someones name that he hadn't put there himself but randomly appeared there one day. The date was getting near that was inscribed on his wrist. His mysterious tattoo hasn't done anything weird since it is randomly appeared.

He was halfway home before he had stopped for another coffee at his second regular coffee shop for another two cream two sugar. He had been thinking lately of how he was going to meet his soul mate since he didn't really break routine since nothing really peaked his interests. He was thinking of taking some kickboxing classes since he usually had mornings or evenings off, whichever he chose. He was walking down the street in his 'Fuck Bitches, Smoke Weed, Eat Cereal' T-shirt that he occasionally wore to work, from a selection of other similar shirts. So he hoped that his significant other was going to pass him on a different day or had a twisted sense of humor like him. I guess it is time for him to go to the mall to get some gear if he was going to start kickboxing classes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Good morning, what can I get for you today?” That was Mia’s catchphrase in the café, repeated countless times to blank-faced customers, too busy to take a seat and sip a cuppa while the world bustled by, but addicted to the morning caffeine rush. Apron-strings cinched tightly behind her waist, she walked from counter to coffee-grinder, entertaining the buzzing queue of men in suits and women in pencil skirts as well as the less hectic crowd of seated patrons.

Mia put down a cup of hot chocolate – extra whipping cream – onto a tray already laden with a sundae and bagel. “An ice cream sundae?” Mia asked, looking to the waitress whose name eluded her at the moment. “In the morning?”

She simply shrugged, smiling a little. “That’s Dan.” She nodded over her shoulder, and Mia craned her neck to spot a smiling man, his cane across his lap, with a shock of ginger hair. Mia threw in a smile for good measure, and turned back to the waitress.

“I should drink those more often then,” Mia said thoughtfully with a grin, beginning to turn on her heel to receive the growing morning crowd. The waitress balanced the tray skillfully, to deliver the drinks and bagel to the man Dan. “Sundaes in the morning – isn’t that a way to live?”

Sighing inaudibly, Mia returned to her spot, transfixed for a moment by a nick in the marble countertop. With a breath, she lifted her eyes, twirling a pen into her fingers, a smile on her lips. “Good morning, what can I get for you today?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ashley was doing what she did most mornings, sitting at a red light, waiting for it to turn red. She only had Sundays off and worked during both the most traffic heavy times of the day, 7 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. She didn't mind too much though. Right now she had no fares, but that would probably change soon. Well, Ashley hoped soon. Nothing was worse than losing money because you didn't have enough customers. Still, mindless driving wasn't too bad, she didn't have to worry about giving people a tour of the town, nor shady passengers who looked about 10 minutes away from trying to rob her, nor drunks making a mess of her car. Cleaning the back of a car back to near-pristine condition after some half-awake guy pisses himself takes a lot of work.

Back when Ashley first took the job of a taxi driver she thought it would be pretty simple, but it turns out that the job is pretty complex when you get down to it. Finding the fastest route to any given destination, trying to cut down on how much waiting a customer has to do. On one hand, waiting at lights made her more money,but if the customer got impatient and gets out early, well that's a lot less than she could have made. Idly, Ashley looks at her left arm. There was a bandage covering it as usual, but she vaguely remembered that the date underneath was soonish. Maybe. Still, she couldn't read the name or tell what language it was, so it mattered little anyways. Oh hey, the light's green.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Annaliza stared at the hand being offered to her and hesitated for a moment before gently placing her hand in his. As soon as her hand made contact with his, the burning immediately ceased. Needless to say, Anna was a little taken aback by this and took off Taylor's watch so she could see the name hidden underneath it. ' Annaliza Wynnter ' was written there and she traced the soft skin for a few seconds before scribbling on her sketchbook with his watch still in her hand.

' Can you give me a brown bow too? '

It didn't take Julie very long after she saw Anna looking at the man's wrist in awe to figure out that the two of them had eachothers names on their wrists. Reading the words and nodding, she cut a length of ribbon and included it in the bag with the bear before gesturing at all the jewelry on the table.

"Pick whatever you want.It's on your Soul Mate anyway."

The last part was whispered and it earned a soft smile from Annaliza before she started looking over her options. A minute or so later, she picked out two necklaces. One was a branch with a bird dangling from it, and the other was a pair of wings curled together to form a heart.

"Ah, those are great choices."

Putting the necklaces in little jewelry bags, she put them in with the bear and handed the bag to Annaliza.

"There you go sweetie. I should have that other bear for you in a day or two. Do you want me to ship it to you, or would you rather pick it up at the shop?"

' I'll pick it up at the shop, if that's alright? '

"That's perfectly fine. Would you mind just leaving a number that I can call so I can let you know when it's ready?"

Annaliza nodded and then was just about to write down her number when she realized she still had Taylor's watch. Handing it to him gently, she scribbled down her number and information on the sheet Julie offered her.

' I don't answer my phone, would you mind texting me instead? '

"Not at all."

Turning her attention to Taylor, Julie grinned and watched Annaliza hug the blue bear to her chest.

"Alright, That'll be $80. I accept Cash or Credit, and I hope that when I meet my Soul Mate, she'll buy me something awesome. I've always wanted one of those weird speakers that have little water jets in them."


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Save for the constant of engines, horns, sirens and the occasional burbling voice on the streets it was quiet in the old apartment complex. The paint was peeling from the walls in places. Many of the trees, vines and grasses had been allowed to grow untamed. A few of the windows were cracked. Tiny balconies were cluttered with weathered outdoor furniture, bikes, children's toys and other junk. It was small, sleepy, warm, well hidden in the urban jungle, and a home. The first rays of dawn's brilliant orange and pink broke through the gaps in the DIY curtains that covered the third floor studio's windows. The light didn't go unnoticed but it did go ignored.

A few dishes were stacked in the sink and had been there for a few days now. The remnants of last night's six pack of beer and the desperate half empty bottle of whiskey for when the beer didn't do its job were still on the counter. Playing cards that had been put through well over a dozen games of solitaire in the past eight hours were scattered on the floor. Soothing music still hissed softly from a set of headphones that had been dropped beside the bed sometime in the night. There was a pack and a half of cigarettes smoldering in the ash tray. But somehow, by some horrific force of evil and cruelty carried out by his own mind and body, he was still awake.

Go. The fuck. To sleep, he mentally cursed himself. The form that was completely buried in blankets on the futon curled into a tighter lump and growled. The sun was up. The sun was up and he hadn't slept for a single second since it had come up the day before. He couldn't read the name on his wrist. He wished it was the same for the date. It taunted him. It played games with his nerves and his thoughts. It tore down his composure and his focus. Damn it.

What was fate to tell him what to do and who to meet and who to be friends with and who to let into his life. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A thought had crossed his mind. He could simply not leave the house. If he stayed in bed all day and just didn't move from this very spot he could show fate what for. Not moving for twenty four hours was a commitment but if it meant proving one of the laws of the universe wrong he was willing to go through with it. He clenched his teeth and risked a peek out from under the covers.

The minute on the clock ticked over and the radio alarm came on. A grungy, harsh and static laden guitar riff bashed against his ears before the young lead singer came in with a thick beach accent that was purposely off key. He didn't bother to shut it off. If he could only just get lost in the music and forget about all this.

Ten minutes crept by. Then fifteen. Then twenty. Twenty five. Thirty. The doorbell rang.

He pretended he was dead.

Again it rang.

"Nooooooooo..." he groaned softly and tried to wrap himself up tighter as if that would help at all.

The final set of rings was constant, fast, angry and unrelenting. Fine. In a huff he tried to throw the covers off himself and bolt up, but was so tangled in them that all he ended up throwing was himself right onto the floor. In a haze of cursing and sleepy stumbling and lurching, the lumbering demon made his way to the door. He opened it only enough to see who was out there.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Keegan Lowry, you're late, boy! Why are you still in your pajamas? Did you just wake up? Do I smell hooch?" the old woman chastised him, "What are you doing? Did you forget our appointment?"

It was Ms. Blackwell, the old widow who lived a few doors down from him. He had taken a liking to her and her usual bad attitude and dark sense of humor when he had first moved here and found they had a few things in common. She had a way of always shouting him into doing errands, chores and driving for her. But he didn't mind it. The woman had been a rodeo queen, singer, get away driver and the mother of five. The tougher than nails ex-cowgirl had seen more than her fair share of narrow escapes, wars, crossed out, blackened names, adventures and peaceful, wonderful little moments. She always had stories to tell and none of them were of the boring sort. She could also drink Keegan under the table at the age of seventy seven.

"I didn't forget," Keegan mumbled and opened the door a little. He slumped over, "But I'm gonna have to cancel."

"Better have a damn good reason you infernal little sonovabitch," she knitted her brows together, "I've been waiting for this flea market all month and you've got the wheels."

"I'm going to destroy destiny with Netflix and Cocoa Puffs," he hissed, "I cannot be stopped."

"Boy, if you don't get your ass out here, clothed, cleaned and presentable in five minutes I'm breaking down the door and throwing you off the balcony by your horns," she waved a gnarled finger at him but a small smile was creeping across her thin mouth, "Don't think I don't know what day it is. This isn't something you can get away from by hiding in those shadows of yours. I'll be at the truck."

Keegan watched Mrs. Blackwell limp slowly to the elevator. There was no doubt in his mind that she could and would throw him off a balcony. He shut the door with a quaking sigh and got himself clothed, cleaned and presentable.

One tank top, flannel shirt, ripped pair of blue jeans, dirty pair of boots and jump start to a 1979 Jimmy later, they were on the road. The rush hour traffic was still filtering out of the city streets and the going was slow at first, but soon they were making good time down the little side streets. People had told him there was no point in owning a vehicle in New York, but every time a coworker missed the bus, a friend didn't have cab fare, there was an emergency or someone needed help moving he and the ol' Jimmy were the ones who got a phone call.

"I don't get what's so great about these flea markets," he yawned, "It's just a bunch of you old people buying a bunch of old crap."

"You young things wouldn't understand quality craftsmanship if it kicked you in the balls," she snapped at him, "Things were made different fifty years ago. If you don't go running your mouth this time I might be able to teach you some history."

"I know history," Keegan scoffed.

Mrs. Blackwell snorted at him.

A sudden pain spread through his wrist. Oh, no. The burning intensified steadily. He gripped the wheel. He couldn't face it. He wasn't ready. A white hot flame ripped through his arm and hand causing him to hiss and snap it to his chest. He knew what it meant. His heart sped up so fast he thought it would race right out of his rib cage. Or explode. One of those was going to happen for sure. He was panicking. What to do? What to do!? Just ignore it. Ignore it and everything will be fine. He tapped the breaks for a second. No. He kept the truck moving.

"What was that!?" the old woman glared.

"Nothing. It's fine. I have... a rash..." he stuttered and then grimaced.

A rash? Really? That's the best you can do? That's pretty gross. Maybe work on your excuses.

"Pull over," she ordered, "They're here somewhere."

"No!" he yelled, "Flea market!"

"Pull. Over."

"Flea. Market."

Faster than greased lightning and his suicidal heart combined the old crone had latched onto his ear with a death grip and ripped him down closer to her, "Pull over!"

"OW! Jesus! Stop!," he screamed while swerving a little and tapping the breaks again.

"Anybody else would be thrilled on this day! Are you stupid? Do you have any idea what--"


Keegan pulled the Jimmy over to the side of the street into a parallel parking spot in front of a little coffee shop... At a very high rate of speed right into the back of a parked Porsche. His head slammed into the steering wheel, leaving a sizable warp in the once round shape. Mrs. Blackwell gasped but didn't once scream. She knew what to do and braced herself. And unlike her driver she was wearing a seat belt. The sudden stop and ache in her old bones ripple through her body and the pain came slowly. She groaned and rolled out her neck and rubbed her bad hips where the belt had bitten down. Dazed and disoriented and angry she looked up at the metal carnage.

Keegan had his wounded head in his hands and was trying to remember how to breathe. When he finally got a grip all he could manage was a very loud and very pissed off, "SHIT!"

Moments later he turned to his old friend, "Oh, man, are you okay? I can't believe that just happened. I need a cigarette. This is your fault."

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about the fine little yellow thing you just crushed."

"Maybe if we just get out and don't move the truck for a while nobody will see the damage," he suggested.

There was a long silence filled by a nasty hissing noise coming from the dead engine. Keegan rubbed his still burning wrist.

"Sweetheart," Mrs. Blackwell sighed, "You and I both know that isn't going to happen."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

Taylor watched as they touched hands. The burning stopped when they did touch and he knew it was here. It is her...she's the one. Bobby was obliviously still in shock so Taylor let him get over it while he played this round. What threw him off was when she took off his watch to look at his wrist ' Annaliza Wynnter ' was there, Taylor now knew her name, Annaliza, it had a good ring to it.

When he heard the woman call Annaliza his soul mate he couldn't help but smile. It brought a genuine joy to his body that he had not felt in a long time. "Those are nice choices and the ribbon will go with the blue." He said to her with a smile. "Nice choices" That's one of the first things you wanna say to our soul mate, come on make some decent conversation with her, we gotta do this right. Bobby could be right some times, so as she gave him back his watch and traded information with Julie, Taylor had an idea.

"Can you do debit?" He gave her his card and after swiping it, she game it back to him with a smile.

While she was hugging the bear he was setting the watch to real time. Then he grabbed her arm gently and put the watch on her. "Now this is one of my favorite watches, I got it from my mama, and she doesn't take to kindly to me losing her gifts." He said with a chuckle as he put it on her. "So now I'm gonna lend it to you. Its water proof so just make sure you keep it clean." After the watch was on he looked at her, she was very pretty and it made him blush. Now was that awkward moment when some one had to take a step. Hey take her out to eat, plus we are hungry.Bobby was something, always moving through his emotions so quick. Taylor scratched the back of his neck and looked around with a slight blush on his face and a mixture of nervousness and excitement in his eyes. "So w-would you like to go get some food, I mean only if your free, because I know you came here to work, and that's only because she said it, and I'm rambling now. Me, you, food, how does that sound?" Taylor felt embarrassed, he just verbally threw up on her and now his head was hung in shame. He only hoped that she understood him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@Morte Angelis

Roderick drew in a deep breath of the park air, trying to keep his wits about him as he headed forward with long strides. He had decided that hence forth, he'd be following wherever his instincts lead him and his instincts nearly lead him into a tree--quickly dodged and averted. The problem with being a warlock was often the fact that he didn't know how to use most of his powers, though he was still considerably young, the man had never had much patience. He didn't like the random happenings, he didn't like the way the leaves near him seemed to be swept in some invisible breeze and rustled along behind him. He didn't like that he didn't know, that was the worst thing, not knowing. What use was a warlock who hadn't mastered his powers?

If he was a better warlock, perhaps he could have done a tracking spell of some sort and found this lucky participant lickity split but since he was not a better warlock, he ended up wandering aimlessly. Each person he passed was saved a glance at their wrist but no one was glowing and nobody felt right. He passed a few people that glanced at him with something like understanding and he nearly became so frustrated that he snapped at them but he managed to keep it under wraps as he walked. The trees became more dense in this part of the park, the grass became thicker underfoot and more lush, it was much greener and he felt much more frustrated.

Kicking a rock sharply, he watched it skitter across the ground and bounce off a tree. Begrudgingly he complimented himself on his rock soccer skills and nearly groaned out loud because there was seemingly no one there to cheer him on. Where were they? The warlock had never had any patience and the squawking birds over head were giving him a bit of a headache, trying to ignore them, he changed focus to his surroundings. Trees, trees, wow trees. Who is that? Oh wait! That's a tree.

Tearing the gloves off, he shoved them in his pocket and glanced at the glowing mark anxiously, it was practically on fire at this point and he shot his glance from side to side. What was this? Was his soulmate a tree? Was he going to be taking a nice oak home to his parents today? Perhaps a pine tree! That would be great! His mother always told him to respect a sturdy pine tree, he'd treat it to dinner, he'd buy it a hat, he'd- Oh.

His gaze sought out the shape of another living being within the cover of the trees and he glanced at the beaming mark and back towards the humanoid shape. He'd forgotten to put back on the concealing gloves but he was walking towards them, trying not to startle them in the dappled forest light. He wasn't quiet by any means, his trudging footsteps unmistakable in the grassy terrain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Elnarin had been enjoying the relative quiet of the rustling trees and chirping birds when his wrist started to burn and he took off the glove again to stare at the letters inked there. They were glowing faintly, but as the seconds passed and the sounds of footsteps got louder and louder, that glow got brighter and brighter. By the time that his wrist looked like there was a flashlight embedded under the skin, the footsteps stopped and he turned his gaze to the man who was standing not 10 feet from the tree he was in.

"Not very light footed are you?"

The words were spoken in his native Elvish language and unless by some miracle the other man had taken Elvish in school, he wouldn't know what the heck he was saying. Jumping down from the tree and landing almost soundlessly, he adjusted his bow and let his 6'3 muscled frame tower over the other man. Focusing his almost too green gaze on the wrist attached to the clawed hand, he grabbed it; all the while not paying much attention to the fact that his own wrist had stopped burning.

"I always wondered what my name would look like written on someone else's wrist."

Elnarin spent the majority of the next few minutes just staring at the Elvish letters before thrusting his own wrist into the other man's face.

"What does this say? I've tried to pronounce it so many times that I've lost count and just can't understand this language you humans call English. To be quite honest, it's a very strange language, and I still don't understand how certain things can go together."

He babbled on for another minute about how his mother told him that most humans took another language during their schooling, and when he'd asked why they didn't offer Elvish, she'd told him that it was probably because they had nobody to teach it.


Annaliza stood stock still when the watch was placed on her wrist, and her face flushed a little before she scribbled a few things down.

' My mother never gave me a watch, but she did give me a bracelet though, and I really like it. '

Holding up the wrist not adorned by the watch, she showed him the silver charm bracelet. There were only 5 little charms on it, and there was room for plenty more. After Taylor had gotten his receipt and had stumbled over his words like a nervous teenager asking a girl out on a date, Anna giggled almost silently and scribbled a few more things down.

' I'd love to go get some food with you. I ate before I came here though; but I should be hungry again in a few hours if you're willing to wait? It'll give me a chance to sell a little bit more and make some more little kids happy by painting their faces. '

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Julie making a ' shooing ' motion with a knowing grin, so Anna held tightly to her bear ( and her bag ) before reaching her hand out towards Taylor. Taking his hand in hers, she led him over to her little booth and when she went to let go, she found that she didn't want to, so she just continued to hold his hand with her non dominant hand. She did have to draw after all, and she wouldn't be able to do anything noteworthy with her right hand.

' Feel free to look at everything; but please don't touch the jewelry box with the butterflies on it. It's not dry yet. '


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Danilo hummed, softly until the waitress came up to him. Placing the order on the table. He stopped her from leaving wanting to pay before hand. She was fine with it so the dragon reached into his inner pocket and debated for a few moments a important question.

Today was his special day. He shouldnt be saving today. Who knows maybe it will bring good luck and smiles on the faces around him. Making his decision he payed in cent the bill and seeing the frowning face from the waitress he grinned a toothy grin. ''Now the tip. Do you think I would be cheap on this special day?''

He teased already imagining her face expression when he does what he planned to do.

''I didnt say that.'' She smiled softly and Danilo pulled 200 dolars out and placed it on her palm. Yup the expression was epic. He giggled enjoying it, the face of disbelief was nearly comic worthy. He saved a lot up just for today, he can go spending it irresponsible.

''I...I..I cant take this.'' The waitress responded, the giggling stopped and Danilo stood up in a smooth fast motion. She was sure she insulted him. What she didnt await was the grin to shine up again on his face and grab her. Moment later he was leading the waitress one hand holding hers the other on her waist. Spinning them as if dance to some classical music only he heard. In the confusion he caused her the waitress didnt even get to protest as he lead her between the tables back to where another waitress was serving a coffee order. Dancing with her.

He let her go and bowed, taking off his hat to them both. '' Please if you think its too much of a tip share it in half with your waitress friend.'' Danilos eyes went over the name tag on the uniform. ''Mia, isnt it. Today is the best day of my life the least I can do is share a bit of happiness. Today I am meeting my soulmate. Now no protesting and accept and share the tip with Mia.'' He stood up pointing finger on the waitress who served his order.

'' There is a Sundae wearing my name, excuse me ladies~.''

He placed the hat on top of his head and skipped back to his seat. Leaving the two woman with each a 100 dollar tip. Dropping once in the chair and he assaulted the breakfast with a spoon. He was half done with his sweet breakfast, when he thought he imagined it. The smallest of heat on his wrist. HIs heart jumped to the sly and back. Already. Now!

It got stronger. Danilo stared at his wrist there it was, for real. It came. Its happening. He breathed deeply in. The shinning of the name on his wrist was making him think of sparkles. A man entered the coffee shop and Danilo jumped. He didnt hear anything, he didnt saw anything. The only new person in this cafe was the young business looking man. The world could have been ending outside and Danilo wouldnt have noticed. He couldnt noticed, as he draw the conclusion that the newcomer must be the soulmate he waited for. All the words and preparation he did forgotten.

He jumped up, his cane falling from his lap as well as the chair failing over. His hat started to fall as he tried and failed to catch any of the other two items. His both hands were grabbing on his hat instead.

This wanst how he planed it. People turned to stare at the weird man. Wondering what stunt he was about to pull now. The man did dance with a waitress a while ago, out of the blue. Dan shifted his hat properly on and walked up to the tired man. He picked the cane on the way and holding it in his gloved hand he made a bow. He studied the man...

The man looked confused. He wanted to say something but, it got stuck on the tip of his tongue. There was a absolute lack of strong emotion in the man feathers. On top his wrist didnt burn hotter.

''Does your wrist burn?'' Danilo asked cautious.


''Forgive me than.''

This wasnt the man but somewhere. Where? Where was his soulmate? He looked around the cafe to noticed people staring not at him, but outside.
''Did someone got hurt?''

''Totally crashed. ''


Outside? Yes it could be. It could be.He was sitting beside the window, maybe on the street a bystander. He speedily stepped towards the cafe door and opened it only to stop and looked behind over his shoulder. ''Mia! I am not yet done with the Sundae! Coming right back! I am not letting my soulmate slip out my claws!'' He hastily spoke and run out in the street. There it was, the burning got stronger. There were several people around the cafe. He walked to the Porsche and Jeep with several people who were around.

Should he call out? It wouldnt be the most romantic meeting......Well beside a Jeep crashed into the back of a Porsche. It was more worrisome than, but romantic. His wrist burned, the soulmate was alive, he loved the heat he felt. He leaned on the cane and smiled.
''What happened here?'' He asked aloud enough to get the attention from the people gawking at the view, and the people involved in it. One of them. One of them must feel it too. Which one? ''I hope my soulmate, is well?'' He added with a grin, his soulmate was alive, the burning was there just as the name. Staring at his wrist proved that, looking over the people around. He waited to spot a nervous or happy person, or someone who is looking at their wrist too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thin pale fingers danced across the colour inverted piano keys. The man that those fingers belonged to hunched over as the digits jammed heavily against the keys to produce suddenly shocking deep notes. He stood slowly, turning towards an empty auditorium and bowed to a crowd only he saw; a self assured smile pulling at thin lips. He grabbed his suit coat, glancing down at the mark on his wrist before throwing the jacket on. His soul mate apparently had to be from one of the few languages he hadn't learnt in his years upon years of traveling. An odd coincidence he chalked up to the fates that be.

He rubbed his wrist gently as he made his way out of the hall. Grabbing his gloves and pulling then on, the vampire stepped out into the sun. He hissed gently as the familiar dull pain raced through his system. Years prior he had discovered that the sensitivity to sunlight his kind had was more of an itch that wouldn't go away if you covered up as best you could.

His manager raced up behind him "Solenne" she began. Solenne turned on his heel and smiled at his manager. Whilst the tall blonde woman was a great manager, her demands were often odd and off base "you have the day off to go find your Soul Mate"

Solenne rubbed his gloved hand down his face, a sure sign of expiration "Really Marie?" He laughed "that's today's orders?"

Maried nodded and grinned "Of course it is!" The blonde bounced excitedly, her long hair jumping around "I mean the dates today" she suddenly caught sight of her own soul mate's name and date, her face turning from excitement to wistful longing.

Solenne gave her a smile "you're only two years off Marie..." and held her hand and tapped the brand of her wrist "and I'll do everything in my power to make sure this one works" he simply nodded before turning on his heel and setting out into the city.

-----Some Time Later-----

Solenne turned into a busy street, the hustle and bustle of the city always sending him to a unique place of focus. It took a lot to chain away the beast that hungered for blood, even when recently fed. Solenne had found the easiest way was to become preoccupied with his music. His gloved fingers tapping away at his thigh, playing a song he remembered from one of his many duplicitous lives led long ago. Red eyes twitched as the beast inside him, the hunger, the desire, rattled against the cage of his mind. The burning roared in his throat and his stomach. He quickly ducked into a cafe. The smell of coffee calming his shot personage. The burn was replaced by a new sensation. A small tingle on his wrist. They were here...in this café. He sat down and his eyes flicked around, waiting to be served. They would find him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Mia watched as the man she was sure was half-mad took the waitress - Delilah, that was her name - by the hand and spun her around, skipping and dancing to a tune only he could hear. But it was a light-spirited tune, to be sure, and Mia couldn't help the surprised laugh that bubbled from between her lips. The queue of customers reared away as Dan came to a halt by the counter, and demanded that Delilah and Mia take the tip. Which was - to say the least - incredibly generous. $200. "Today is the best day of my life the least I can do is share a bit of happiness. Today I am meeting my soulmate," said the man.

Soulmate. Mia froze, and looked down at her own wrist. Oh.

She had forgotten, hadn't she? Had spent the best part of twenty years mulling over the date etched into her skin, committing its every arch and edge to memory; had even fallen asleep countless times with the name and date glowing in her mind's eye. And when the day had come - finally, actually come - she had been too preoccupied with the move to this country to even think of it when the sun rose.

The jingle of the bell as the door was opened shook her from her reverie. Dan turned back to say, "Mia! I am not yet done with the Sundae! Coming right back! I am not letting my soulmate slip out my claws!" She grinned at the character who ducked out the door, swiftly taking in the twist of metal on the street that was Jeep and Porsche. She could hardly tell where one car ended and the other began. Through the glass, Mia could see an elderly woman and a strange blonde-headed figure seated in the monstrous blue-white Jeep. But there didn't seem to be any casualties. Only a very, very angry driver on the docket.

She turned her attention back to the line of people before her, scribbling names on plastic cups and weaving from counter to behind to prepare their beverages. The bell jangled again, and as Delilah stepped forth to greet the newcomer, Mia's wrist began to burn.

Sharply, she stepped back from the counter, under the critical eyes of a customer who had been mid-order. "Oh!" She gripped her wrist, as though quick pressure would lessen the sting.

"...and a frappucino with that," the suited man dragged his syllables, appearing prepared to grab his suitcase and find a comparatively saner coffee shop to find his caffeine at.

Mia nodded, struggling for composure. "Name, please?" Her eyes darted around the shop as her hand squeakily worked the nib of the pen over the plastic cup. Her grip was tense, a vice, from the burning. She glanced up, and looked around the non-plussed man to see the ever-growing queue of people. She could hardly abandon the counter to approach every table and ask to see their wrists, could she? Delilah - who was terrified of the grinding machine and the way it seemed to growl at every hand laid on it - might be willing to switch places. Her heart bobbed the slightest, caught between desperate hope and stark realism. Maybe.

As Mia turned to make the man's frappucino, she heard a grunt of impatience and disapproval. "A waste of my time," she heard over her shoulder, followed on the heels by the efficient tapping of fingers over a phone screen. Mia's eyes narrowed at the machine, but she bit her tongue, even if the man didn't look to be a tipper. Twirling around with her apron billowing around her, she deposited the drink on the counter.

"That will be three-fifty, sir." As the man muttered and searched for change, Mia's fingertips fluttered anxiously on the marble, her gaze wandering the store. It fell on the man Delilah was attending to. His hands were in gloves and he wore a coat - even with the sun out. Well-groomed and sitting poised, he held Mia's attention captive for far too long, and she started when coins splattered onto the countertop before. To the irritable customer, she echoed verbatim from shifts of learned phrases, "Have a good day." It was going to be a long one for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cedric of trall

cedric of trall

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sven took another long drag off of his cigarette as he sat on the balcony of his apartment, he didn't have any classes today so normally he wouldn't have been up before noon but for some reason he just couldn't sleep, witch was strange considering the gratuitous amounts of booze he drank the night before. He finished his cigarette and his third cup of coffee before getting up and heading inside, his place was definitely not the biggest but it was cozy and more than big enough for him. After a quick shave and another cup of coffee he figured he should probably do something constructive with his day sense his body had decided to resist any and all things he might like to do early on a Saturday morning. So he dressed in a comfortable but plain brown t-shirt and tan slacks before grabbing his laptop and sitting down at the dinning room table, he had more than a few essay's to read through and grade, and he really wasn't looking forward to it.

After about an hour Sven was sitting at his table his head in his hands, How on earth did Mr Zimmerman even graduate high school the young professor complained. I need something better than Folgers to deal with this Sven paused calming himself down fine young gentleman. With a final sigh he through his lap top in to a satchel and left, heading for his favorite cafe.

As he left the building he felt an odd sting in on his wrist, he ignored it at first but as he raised his arm to hail a cab he saw the name on his arm glowing. Rally right now he exclaimed as a cab rolled to a stop in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@Morte Angelis

Maybe that was the reason that the five-foot-seven warlock was staring up at him so strangely, and maybe that was why he looked so confused when he started speaking. Initially he'd been confused by how easily he'd grabbed his hand to study the name in his skin, his talon fingers and everything were plainly visible but he let him hold on to it while he listened to the strange words. This definitely wasn't English and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out and Roderick was definitely not a rocket scientist. Roderick knew some Spanish, a tiny spot of French but none of this was Spanish, English or French and he found himself tilting his head to the tall elven man.

His taloned hand was dropped and replaced by the wrist that was thrust at him, he took it with light claws and tilted it so he could stare. It was definitely his name, it was marked in the skin cleanly like a tattoo. He'd never seen anything quite like it and he looked up at the other man, trying to understand anything but mostly managing to look very befuddled before glancing back down to his name again and running the sharp tip of one claw just above it. The man was handsome, taller than him with a strong build and he had vibrant green eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dim light from the trees. He would have told him he liked his eyes if he wasn't so sure he might not understand him.

He surely couldn't understand a single word leaving this tall man's mouth and he could feel his own confusion like a fog before he released his wrist lightly. He didn't want to just sit there clutching it for dear life and now his heart was starting to drum in his ears. This was his soulmate and he definitely wasn't a tree, he wasn't a tree and it was much more terrifying that he wasn't just some oak. He decided to do the most universal introduction of them all and extended a hand for him to shake. The hand was mostly normal but there were long hooked claws instead of fingers, they meshed into the skin at the second knuckle and they were as black as ink and as hard as bone. The ends seemed as sharp as blades and they clicked when they touched each other, they were definitely weird to see.

"Roderick," he introduced himself, dipping his head to the tall man before him. "I- do you speak any English? I can't understand your dialect. I mean- I don't speak- What is it that you're speaking? It sounds lovely but I'm not-" he was blathering before he could stop himself. "I'm a warlock-- we all get some unfortunate marking but the claws are mine and I expected you to freak at the sight of them, many have-"

His laugh was light, nervous. "Do you even understand me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis
Taylor felt like a teenager all over again. He felt that he had wen over board with the watch but she took it well enough. Then she showed the charm bracelet that seemed to go with her amazingly. Good job now all you gotta do is let me meet her and then we will be straight. Bobby was right but how does he explain his mind set to her. It's not like Taylor could hide it from her forever, sooner or later Bobby would claw his way out and they would meet. But for now Bobby would have to wait, she wasn't ready for him, or maybe Taylor wasn't ready for him.

"Great there is this nice cafe I like to go to, its not to far from here." He said in response. He noticed her comment about making kids happy. It made him smile to know that she was happy in her current state. After getting his receipt, she took his hand and led them over to her booth. He took a seat and was still holding her hand. Don't you go sweating up on me now. stay calm, your only holding hands. But Taylor was nervous, he didn't know if he should let go or stay interlocked. Taylor couldn't bring himself to let so he sat there and looked at all her art work. She had skill, most of her stuff could be sold in art galleries if given the chance.

He looked at the jewelry box and was amazed, so much detail, and the different emotion with each stroke. The detail was award worthy in his opinion. Hey we got an artist, now we don't have to go to those stupid art galleries, she can paint whatever you want. Taylor shook his head, sometimes having someone else in his head could be a little bit much. Bobby is everything Taylor wasn't and then some, that is what he was afraid of. What if she got off-put by having to deal with two different peoples.

"You have talent, you like what you do huh. You could make a killing if you ever sold out to a galery."
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