Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Char had been flying around the woods for days and was getting tired, he hadn't slept since Mulberry had died but all of a sudden as he was flying he heard something awfully familiar, it was the same song that Mulberry had sung to him to make him fall asleep. He could already feel himself getting sleepy but he needed to know who was singing the song and how they knew it. He followed his ears until he came to a meadow of roses, berry bushes and beautiful ferns. The singing stopped without warning and he became worried that he was just going crazy and had just imagined it all, he was about to go and continue his trek to wherever he was going (which he even didn't know) when the song started up again. This time he knew that it was real for sure and he felt that he needed to find where or who it was coming from, he again followed the sound of the song but than it ended and he found that he was lost.

Since then he had been following the path that came from Mulberry's house and continued for ages, he took a few steps backward but bumped into something and fell, he had landed on something soft and when he turned to look he saw a pretty fairy. In his mind she was the prettiest fairy that he had ever seen but then the only other fairy that he could remember seeing was Mulberry so he didn't exactly have much experience with others which had made him shy. He quickly got off of her, stood up and mumbled," I'm sorry, I really am, I should of been looking at where I was going," then he looked down at his shoes, shy and ashamed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She was about to get angry at whoever bumped into her and made her fall when she saw it was a boy fairy of around her age, so she blushed. In her eyes it was the cutest and handsomest fairy, and she had quite a few to judge it on. "Hey its okay, don't be sorry it was my fault I should have been looking where I was walking", she stuttered blushing. "Anyway are you alright?", she asked looking at him to see if there was any marks where he was hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Char looked up at the pretty fairy, he couldn't believe that she didn't have a go at him, he saw her cheeks go suddenly crimson and she stuttered as though she was nervous. He didn't think that she should be the least bit nervous but he knew that she couldn't be as nervous as he was, she was too obviously outgoing to be scared, nervous or anything like that let alone have nerves this bad. He couldn't think to why she was acting like she was but he was grateful that she hadn't yelled at him, he was already a nervous wreck," I, I, I'm fi, fine, how a, a, about y, you," he stuttered like an idiot. "I, i, it's m, my, f, faul, fault, m, m, miss," he yet again said in his ever stuttering voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'm fine", she grinned. "Where are you going, this morning?", she asked with wonder. She kind of hoped he would take her with with but she didn't have much hope. "Okay its both of our faults then", she giggled. She heard someone yelling at her asking who she was talking to so she yelled back with a lie "just to myself!" She grabbed hold of him softly and tugged him into a bush making sure it wasn't near any poison ivy. She motioned him to keep quite for a minute.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Woah," ((Purple=thoughts)) Char thought to himself, he wondered how she could be so bubbly, he had to admit that he liked it though, it was a change of speed for him and he was enjoying it. He didn't like however the fact that she had lied, he had always been told that lies are bad, no matter what but he was enjoying her company too much to tell her. He couldn't stop staring at her, he thought that she was just so beautiful and he couldn't help but not want to ever stop looking at her. He had been shocked when she had grabbed him as it was out of the blue and thought that it was peculiar that they were hiding from whoever it was who had asked about who she was talking to, he thought that they were probably just worried about her. "Do you want to come with me?" he whispered softly in her ear, his shyness was becoming quickly overcome by the thought of being around her for a bit longer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Luna was glad that he had asked her that since she sucked at asking. She didn't really care particularly where they were going anyway she loved exploring. Besides she had never been with someone around the same age as her so it was exciting. She nodded in agreement and flew up a bit in excitement. Luna knew that they would just think that she was just on another stupid adventure of hers so she didn't bother writing a message.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Char was so excited that she said yes that he flew up and out of the bushes only to see and be seen by an older female fairy who didn't look too happy about him being there, the woman yelled to the others that there was stranger danger and take out a knife from the washing basket that she was carrying. He flew as fast as he could away from the fairies, he was so scared and he didn't know what to do, all he knew was that he wasn't safe anywhere near that place.

{Laurel Hook} ((Red=Talking, Blue=Thinking))

Meanwhile.... "Dad, that is fabulous! I love it!" Laurel screamed excitedly at her father, Captain James Hook, she ran up to him and gave him a huge hug before putting on her brand new black trench coat with shiny, bronze buttons. ((Ignore left picture))

She suddenly heard Smee yell out that they were ready for her," Well, I better get going," she said brightly and then gave her father another hug and went outside. Outside there was a feast on a long mahogany table with pirates all round, all of them with some sort of alcohol and everyone knows that pirates and alcohol are a very bad mix, even if you aren't the daughter of the most infamous pirate of all time which she happened to be. She hoped that her father wasn't going to drink as it was her birthday and every time that he drank they had an argument, last time she nearly left, there was no doubt that this time she would. Since he had last lost to Peter Pan he had become a drunkard, at parties at least, now that she thought of it, it was always mainly at her birthday parties.

All of the pirates had sung her 'Happy Birthday' even though most of them didn't know the words and she had blown the candles and they had eaten the feast and now they were all just sitting quietly, some were asleep, some were nearly asleep, most were drunk and one of them was her father. All of the excitement had made her forget to watch him and this was the consequence, he started to walk towards her and that's when it started, all the mouthing about Peter Pan and the problem was that all of the others had joined in as well. She became sick of it very quickly but it was him calling Peter pathetic that really did it, she yelled at her father," How dare you? If anyone is pathetic it is you!" and she ran off the boat and out of town, she decided that she was going to find out about this 'Peter Pan' for herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hey hes a good fairy" she yelled at her neighbor. The neighbor was just as stubborn and would have none of it. Luna was getting upset so she flew after him, he was pretty fast so it was hard to catch up to him. When she nearly caught up to him she yelled "Wait for me!"

Zaire was not looking forward to waking up today because it was the first day back at school. He had just come back from his mums, mums house the other week and he had great fun there, there were plenty of secret places to explore. His mum woke him up to have a shower and get dressed, one thing for sure was that he was glad he wasn't a girl because they had more clothes to put on. He got up moaning and had a shower, it took forever for the water to get to the right temperature. It was either boiling or freezing. After he had a quick shower he went to have breakfast which was Cheerios, cinnamon burst to be specific. After he gobbled down his breakfast pretty quickly, it would of been classed rude if he had been with other people.

He rushed upstairs and got dressed into his uniform, he thought it was really funny that no one had noticed that his tie was the cheats one (the one with elastic). Once he got dressed he grabbed his bag and water bottle then went downstairs to hug his mum goodbye. He hugged his mum goodbye and walked out the door. He ran all the way to school, of course he was earlier then anyone else there because thats just how he was. He sat by the first classroom after he packed the stuff he didn't need in the locker. He waited for the bell to go off, in the meantime he was listening to music on his ipod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Char heard the girl yell out but he couldn't understand what and he was too afraid to stop, he kept on flying, faster than he had before. Soon he was tired and knew that he would need a rest so he decided to finally stop, he noticed that it was getting late and decided to go to the treetops to see the sunset so up he flew. When he got there he noticed that he was still being followed by the girl and said," It's beautiful, isn't it?"

{Laurel Hook}

Laurel had gone to Earth by means unknown to any of the pirates, including her father. She was glad that she had prepared for this by enrolling into a school so that she at least wouldn't be missing out on some education, she wasn't too happy about her missing her fencing classes though. She quickly went to her hideout which was an abandoned warehouse to get changed into her uniform and collect her books, she then ran down empty alleys and bustling streets to get to the school. When she got there she ran inside and, using her timetable, ran to find her first class, she looked at the numbers on the doors to try and find her class but all she found was that, surprisingly, it was empty. She was thinking this when she nearly tripped over a boy in the doorway of her new class, she quickly said," Sorry about that," even though she doubted that he heard her because he was listening to music and decided that she would wait on the other side of the hall so that is where she put down her things. She was still carrying all of her books because she hadn't yet been assigned a locker and wasn't expected to show up so soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


When the boy eventually stopped she was extremely grateful, because she was getting very flustered. She went up with him and sighed when she eventually got there. "Yes it is remarkable, I often come up here to get away from the noise, its very peaceful", she mused.


He got out of his music trance when a girl nearly tripped up on him. He took his headphones off and asked "Are you alright?", but right after he asked the bell rang so he rushed into class and made sure to sit up front because he had trouble hearing over all the noisy kids. Once everyone sat down the teacher went through the list of names, when they got to his name he put up his hand smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"You should go now, before it gets dark," he told the pretty fairy,"but before you do, may I ask you your name?"

{Laurel Hook}

Laurel had been drastically rushed when the bell went and had ended up with the back seat with the broken chair, after the role and noticing that her name hadn't been called out, not that she had expected it to be, she put up her hand to tell the teacher of her presence. When the teacher allowed her to speak she told the teacher that she hadn't been called out and how she was new and that. The teacher then smiled at her and told the class that because of them having a new peer, they were all going to play getting to know each other games which Laurel could of easily done without. They sat in a circle and she said what she was told to," My name is Laurel Hook and I like to fence," she saw a few of the other kids look at her funny but didn't think anything of it.
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