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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


' A cafe? I could really go for a peanut butter milkshake and a smoked turkey sandwich. Not many places sell peanut butter milkshakes though, so I normally make them at home. I'm pretty sure that my blender has a permanent peanut butter scent to it. '

After she finished writing, a man approached with his son. The latter of which took a real interest in her face painting examples and pointed to a tiger.

" Daddy, daddy, can I get this? "

The sandy haired father looked over the little booklet of examples himself and picked out a simple lizard design.

" 'Scuse me miss, would you mind painting our faces? "

Shaking her head, she gestured to the chair on her left and gave Taylor's hand a squeeze before the little boy plopped himself in the chair and bounced slightly as Annaliza got her paints ready.

' Sit still alright? '

The little boy learned forward towards the pad of paper almost to the point where his nose was pressed against the paper before he nodded and gave her a toothy grin. His grin caused Annaliza to give his hair an affectionate ruffle before she started panting his face. The process took about 15 minutes because she was incredibly meticulous with the details even though she knew the paint would wash off in a few hours anyway when he got home. When she was finished, she got the father's attention and the man whistled before examining the work.

" You've got some real talent miss. "

' Thank you. Taylor says so too, and I'm just glad that I don't draw stick figures like my younger siblings. '

" I agree. Talent like yours shouldn't be wasted. "

After the two switched places, Annaliza's hand sought out Taylor's and visibly relaxed while she adorned the man's face with a lizard. Another 15 minutes later, the lizard was finished and she let him check out the art in the table mirror.

" I don't suppose you take art commissions? "

' I do, but I need to visit the residence of the person commissioning the piece so that I can get a feel for the atmosphere and create a piece that will compliment it. '

" Well here's my card, just give me a call when you're ready to check the place out. "

Taking the card with her free hand, she was given 15$ instead of 10$ and by the time she had prepared to start writing on her sketchbook, the man and his son were gone.

' Taylor, if you don't mind having a rather unconventional date, I'll pay for the drinks if you pay for the food. Is that alright with you? '

She knew from being on a few dates herself that the man was usually expected to pay for his date, but she really preferred to pay for at least something. In this case, Taylor had already bought her an incredibly expensive bear ( that had returned to being hugged to her chest ), and she didn't want him to then have to pay for the entirety of their lunch.


Elnarin just stared at Roderick with a blank expression as he spoke and he looked at the hand offered to him before shaking it. At least he knew what to do about that at least.

" Elnarin, you were supposed to-Oh, is this him? "

A woman who looked like the shorter female version of Elnarin perched herself in a nearby tree and her blue eyes focused on Roderick before she joined them on the ground.

" You must be Roderick. I'm Llamryl, Elnarin's mother. Unfortunately for you, my son does not speak English; only Elvish. I tried to teach him more than once, but he just insists that speaking Elvish is easier and less difficult. "

Turning to glare at her son, who let go of Roderick's hand and rolled his shoulders, she hugged the Warlock to her chest and patted his back.

" I hope you like bread, because I just made some and came to check on my son since it was done. I sent him out to find you and didn't expect him to actually find you. He's an incredible tracker and can find pretty much anything; but when it comes to relations with other beings, he's got less skill that a newborn foal trying to stand on it's own legs. "

Elnarin glared at his mother and the Llamryl ignored him in favor of showering affection upon her son's soul mate.

" Mother, I do believe you are squishing him. "

" Hmmm? Oh. Right. Sorry about that. "

Letting the poor young man go, she patted some dirt off her pants before gesturing to the trees.

" So how about that bread? Hungry? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Ashley cruised down the street, she felt the skin underneath her bandage start to burn. Oh shit, that was today? It would have been better if the tattoo decided to wait until tomorrow. She didn't work then. She spots a guy waving a taxi over and pulls up. If these destiny tattoos or whatever worked the way she was told, this guy was probably the guy. The taxi driver pulls up to the curb and unlocks the doors. Well, at least he didn't have any luggage. Helping out with luggage was one of the most annoying parts of the job, even if it did help out with tips.

It smelled faintly of almonds, Ashley had never been able to find out why. Despite trying to remain calm, Ashley's heart dropped down to her stomach. This was supposed to be a major event in everyone's life, right? Ashley had never really looked forward to it, but now that it was here? Hopefully he wouldn't be an asshole. Well, nobody ever said you had to form a meaningful relationship with your "soulmate." So there was at least that. Instead of thinking about the guy about to open the dorr, Ashley focused on something more familiar, the inside of her cab. The interior of the taxi was decent, if a bit worn from use. The seats were covered in gray pleather and the floor with gray carpet.

@cedric of trall
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

Taylor looked at what she wrote and smiled. He had never tried a peanut butter shake but he would have to now. "I like chocolate my self and vanilla." Bobby liked vanilla and Taylor liked chocolate but it just slipped out. He saw the man and his son come up and take interest in her work. She really did have talent, and he saw her at work. He squeezed her hand back and smiled when she looked at him, to let her know that he was still here. She saw her go into a different mode while she worked on the boys face, it was something of beauty, her focus was unmatched and her attention to detail had him observing her like she was a master and he was the humble student.

When she finished the boy, the man was next. Damn right she has talent. Girl has some skills, she could make a fortune. Bobby said this after the man's comment and Taylor shook his head.

After Annaliza finished the man's face, Taylor read what she wrote. "I would be honored, but you don't have to pay for anything, I'd feel wrong making you pay, especially for the food. If you are ready there is a cafe not far from here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@Morte Angelis

"By the Gods, you're elves! That's marvelous!" the warlock said warmly before slapping his palm against his forehead and shaking his head. He swept the woman into an embrace of his own very suddenly. He wasn't the tallest and he seemed to be more on the lean side but it was a solid hug, the kind that would ground someone in need. He seemed enthused to meet her and to know just the slightest bit more about their heritage, it was as if something was coming together and his slamming heart was now slowing in their presence.

"Bread? Oh yes, that sounds brilliant. I've only had a smoothie today, I kept thinking that I'd get so nervous that I'd bite straight through the straw and make an utter fool of myself-" heat rose in his cheeks and he smiled sheepishly at the woman he'd hugged as easily as an old friend, as easily as family and maybe she was as good as family now. "Anxiety can be a monster of an affliction! I'm just glad I'm not sweating- that would be the worst impression and you both seem so nice- My mother will love you! Can you tell him that he has the most wonderful eyes? They are truly wonderful!"

He released her lightly but not before pressing a kiss to both of her cheeks and turning back to his soulmate, though he couldn't understand him, he felt the growing urge to learn to. He wanted to know everything that he could learn, he was practically teeming with excitement that replaced the anxious shivers with flooding warmth. This was his soulmate! He had a soulmate and they didn't seem to think he was an idiot at all! This was his soulmate!

"My lord, I- Oh dear, I had planned something but I-" holding a single claw up, he pressed his hands together and rubbed them lightly before a glow of red began to beam through the spaces of his fingers. He seemed very focused on the task at hand, gnawing the corner of his lips before drawing his hands apart and stretching the beam of light. It started to shimmer and take a shape, and the glow died to reveal a rose spread across his palm. The petals were a soft velvety red and the stem was long and graced in neat thorns, it was a beautiful thing with something almost shining about it. "And here it is!"

Extending the rose to him between clawed fingers, he was smiling brightly because he hadn't expected it to work himself. His powers were often sort of volatile, sometimes the didn't do anything that he requested of them and that could have very easily ended in a spark of light and nothing more but the rose was as real as the leaves rustling around his feet. He seemed so proud for a moment that it was ridiculous, he nearly started bouncing up and down with exuberance. "Let me know if he likes it! I wasn't sure I could even make that work- I- I kept getting dandelions when I was practicing!" he declared with just a touch of embarrassment. "I just always thought a gift would be nice to offer to them when I met them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Solenne rubbed gently at his wrist, hidden under the black sleeve of his jacket. He absently looked outside as his gloved fingers laced together, thumbs rhythmically tapping together. The crash outside was unnoticed by the vampire till now, a side effect of the concentration he found himself using to ensure he was acting correctly. The crash hadn't the been fatal, seemingly just two drivers with bruised preconceived notions of their skill behind a wheel. Solenne smiled slightly, thankful that no one had been hurt “what kind of idiot gives such little care to their own life” He muttered gently, unaware of the waitress that was waiting for him to answer her question of what he would be having today. He suddenly became acutely aware of his environment and the people waiting on him. The café was full of noise; the grinding of the coffee machine, the demands of the customers, the clattering of coins on a marble countertop, the polite clearing of the throat of the waitress tending to him.

“Oh” He suddenly started before rubbing his wrist once more as if to rub the burning mark away “just a short black please” he smiled politely before catching the waitresses name “oh and one more question Delilah, would you be so polite as to ask whether anyone in this establishment’s wrists are reacting? Send them my way...my name is Solenne” he smiled again before the waitress nodded, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she spun away. His coffee ordered, and being decidedly more active in his approach this time, he waited.

Suddenly the waitresses voice came out loud and clear. The girl was standing on the counter and bouncing happily. Everyone seemed so happy when these things occurred in businesses. The cafe was quiet "m-my customer, Solenne" she waved her hand at the relaxed looking vampire "has his soul mate here today and is looking for them" she said before hopping down. Solenne looked for people checking their wrists and chewed on his lip ever so gently as his expectant eyes looked at the empty seat across from him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Mia was just about to receive another patron when Delilah suddenly stood on the counter. Startled, Mia stared up at her, wondering what had gotten into the waitress today, when Delilah spoke, her voice ringing in the coffee shop and robbing everyone's attention. "M-my customer, Solenne, has his soul mate here today and is looking for them." And at once, those words arrested Mia, held her captive where she stood.

Her eyes followed Delilah's sweeping gesture, and landed once more on the cloaked gloved man. Her wrist flared, as though the name printed on her skin could recognise its owner. She stared at him, taking in his composed demeanour and anticipatory gaze that was placed resolutely on the chair opposite him. Delilah, catching sight of Mia, grinned playfully down at her, and skipped lightly back to earth. "Why don't you ask the man if he would like a short black?" she said ribbingly, and sauntered behind the counter to elbow Mia out of her spot. "Or better yet, go say hi. I'm taking over the counter now." Delilah tried her best to conceal the distasteful look she cast at the foreboding machines, and Mia - as though propelled by Delilah's nudges - felt her feet leading her forward to the seating area, each step punctuated by a thunderous pulse. Closing the distance was maddening, as though waves were crashing soundly over her head. But they ebbed with each step, so that when Mia found herself by Solenne's table, her ears were not filled with drumbeats; her heart was free of that constriction which had made breaths thin and hard to come by; and her wrist was quiet, offering no complaint.

"I'm Mia Adams," Mia offered, because what else was there to say to someone whom you didn't know? She slipped languidly into a chair, folding her hands on the table before her. A smile in equal parts uncertain and curious unfurled smoothly over her lips as she stared into the face of a stranger she was very inclined to know, and flashed the underside of her wrist at him, where his name was emblazoned. "But, I suppose you know that already, Solenne." She tried his name on for size, rolling it on her tongue, and tucking it away behind her teeth, tasting how it felt in her voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cedric of trall

cedric of trall

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sven's arm was on fire and the tattoo was glowing so bright it was almost hard to look at. I guess today's the day he said to a woman who was passing by who was giving him a knowing look as he opened the back door and slipped into the cab. The pain only got worse when he got in the cab, it felt like someone was going to town on his arm with a pvc pipe. As he settled himself in the back of the cab he looked at the driver, and his heart skipped a beat. She was young, so young in fact if his arm wasn't screaming at him "hey she's the one" he wouldn't have even given her a second glance, well ok maybe a second glance, but nothing past that. However considering how his whole arm felt like a prolonged cigarette burn he did take a closer look at her, and everything from her soft brown eyes, to the crazy hair style, all the way to the wacky colors on her fingers appealed to his younger less sensible self.

Sven hissed as another wave of heat came from his wrist take me to 5th and central please he said while clutching his hand to his chest, oh and out of curiosity your name wouldn't happen to be Ashley Daniels would it he asked in a mild Latvian accent?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

People had gathered around the crash by the time Keegan lurched out of the Jimmy. The damage to the frame had been minimal, but from the sound the engine made he was guessing it would have to be replaced. Which meant it was totaled. Which meant he was out of a vehicle. He looked at the Porsche as the air around him started to visibly darken and grow repulsive. It had not faired nearly as well as the huge Jimmy. Out a vehicle and roughly fifty grand if his guess was good. Fifty grand which would in no way be covered by insurance. Well at least on the bright side his only seizable asset was now scrap metal and he could always start racking up the overtime.

Several of the bystanders were already on their phones contacting the police. They would probably be here any minute. And he was going to have to talk to them. And demons were not good at talking themselves out of problems with the authorities. And the searing of his wrist left no doubt in his mind that someone important was staring at him right this very second. Just one thing after another. He wanted to disappear. The shadows cast by the buildings, cars, signs and posts in his vicinity started to ripple.

What was he going to do? He risked a glance over his shoulder. It could be any one of these people. A young, very well dressed man with red hair stood out to him. He met his eyes for a split second before turning away again. What was he going to do? He could not avoid thinking that maybe he had brought this upon himself. See, this is what happens when Fate is given the finger by those little lesser sprites, mortals and devils. She waits to catch you with your pants down and then she goes to town on your sorry ass. You don't get any lube or mercy because it was you who tried to fuck her over first. Now there's nothing you can do except hang on to something and wait for her to finish because you brought this on yourself. As everybody knows, except you apparently, there are only three ways to describe Fate when she's been fucked with and they are as follows: Cold. Hard. Bitch.

Mrs. Blackwell patted his back. "It'll work out," she said as if she knew what he was thinking.

"One way or another," Keegan mumbled.

A siren was coming down the street. The patrol car had arrived on the scene. Before he could concentrate on pretending to be good for the officer he had to take care of something. The burning had not stopped. He bit his lip and glared at the mysterious glowing Cyrillic letters. Russian he guessed incorrectly. Keegan turned toward the small crowd and held up the glowing tattoo.

"Alright, I can't read this shit, but I know you're here somewhere! Which one of you is it already?" he snapped.

He was already mortified and didn't care if he dragged someone down with him or not. If nothing else it would make them bolt until he could sort this mess out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serenia
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Serenia Cullenite

Member Seen 6 mos ago

While Maggie was stowing her cello – or at least attempting to – she caught sight of her tattooed wrist. It was the day she had been dreading for some years now, and she still hoped she would be able to avoid it. Maggie wondered if it was possible, to avoid meeting your supposed ‘soul mate’, and how she would be able to do so. She had a plan to go straight home and not answer the door to anyone, not even a neighbor. She stepped out into the city and took a breath of air, though she wasn’t pleased with it. She could do with more less smoke and more humidity, but she knew she hoped in vain. Her apartment was near the river, though it was so polluted it occasionally looked green; it provided her comfort, no matter the quality.

Her blue eyes moved to the sky and saw dark clouds gathering in the distance. She scowled, readjusted the purse on her shoulder, and briskly set off toward her home. It wasn’t but a few minutes until the clouds had caught up with her and she felt a sprinkle. The grimace on her lips deepened as she held out her palm and immediately felt another drop. Maggie sighed disappointedly and looked around finding a small café across the street. It took a few minutes to cross the busy road but she managed to get inside before being bombarded by any more rain.

Maggie ran a hand through her shoulder length black hair. She cursed it as she pulled a few strands to her eyes, noting how frizzy and wavy it now was. She figured while she was here she could grab a drink and stay away from everyone, but as she brought her arm down she felt a light burning sensation on the inside of her wrist. ”Fuck”, she muttered, her eyes scanning the population of the café. Her eyes found a man with longish dark and a shirt that had some writing on it. Fuck bitches, it said. Classy. Maggie moved to the barista bar and paid for a hot, black tea with a drop of milk and a few sugars before finding a seat near the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ashley looked down at her own wrist, her tattoo glowing brightly enough to actually appear through the bandages. She holds up her arm for Sven to see. Now that she had a better look at him, it was easier to judge what kind of guy he was. He was older than she was, a lot older. Maybe his late 20s, or early 30s. If he was 30, then going by the half plus seven rule, he shouldn't be able to date her, coming out to 22. Still, he didn't seem like an overt creep, and it wasn't like he was trying to come on to her. Besides, this is supposed to be destiny right? Pretty refined even. In her thoughts, Ashley had actually forgotten to look about trying to get this guy to his destination. She looks over to the side view mirror, there were some cars passing by so it would be awhile before she could actually start driving. Well, no point in wearing this bandage, she peels off the cloth, reading the mark on her arm for the first time in years. Oh. It said Sven Erveski. Why did she think she couldn't read it. Seemed to be written in the English alphabet, or characters close enough. Now she felt really stupid. Maybe it was because Ashley was high last time she tried reading the darn thing.

"So, you're Sven?" Ashley felt like she should say more than that, but every time her brain looked in her head for more words they would disappear. Would Sven think she was anti-social or something? It wasn't a hard mistake to make, if you just looked at her and her choice of apparel. But it would definitely be a poor place to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Llamryl gave her son a look when she was hugged, and returned the hug with enthusiasm.

"I like this one Elnarin. He's definitely got some life to him and I was really hoping that you wouldn't end up with a bump on a log for a Soul Mate."

Elnarin thought it wise not to respond to that comment, so he remained silent while his mother smothered Roderick with affection.

"Yes, my son and I are Elves. Most people don't believe us when we say that, given that Elnarin looks like some sort of wild beast most of the time. I can't tell you how many times I've told him to wear an actual shirt instead of that thing; but he insists that if he wore more he would risk getting the fabric caught on something. He's such a stubborn boy for being 38. Granted, that is incredibly young for an Elf and he is still in his rebellious phase I suppose."

Turning her attention to her son, she repeated the words that Roderick had asked her to.

"He says that he like your eyes and thinks they are wonderful."

There was an adorable look of confusion on Elnarin's face and he pointed to his eyes before responding.

"He likes my eyes?"

Shaking her head in exasperation, Llamryl rubbed her nose and then focused her attention on what Roderick was doing.

"Ohhhh, that's beautiful."

Looking at it from every angle, she nudged her son forward and Elnarin took the rose before looking at it himself.

"I'm sure he'll stop acting like an idiot at some point and I wish there was an English to Elvish dictionary, but the only easy way to learn Elvish is to have someone teach you. So I'll give you a crash course while we eat. Come,come. I don't want the food to get cold before we have a chance to eat it."

Taking hold of Roderick's hand, she led him through the trees for several minutes with Elnarin behind them until they reached an area that seemed to have a permanent shadow cast over it. Said shadow was why Elnarin had to walk so far in order to see the sun rise.

"Oh good, you're back. I was getting worried I'd have to end up taking these two hunting, and you know just how well that went last time."

The man who spoke was obviously human and the two boys who towered over him had their faces scrunched up in annoyance.

"Just because you're too lazy to properly to teach us how to calculate movement doesn't mean you can blame us for scaring off that Elk."

"I can blame you all I want. After all, it was because of you that Elnarin had to go and catch it before it got away."

The slightly shorter of the twins looked like he was about to say something when Elnarin cut in.

"Go get me my kit and I'll show you how to get the fish off the bone."

The familial spat came to a close mere seconds after Elnarin spoke and the twins went off to go get what he asked for.

"I still can't figure out how he does that. Why do they listen to him and not me? I'm their father."

"There is only so much you can teach them about the world of humans that will keep their attention. They spend quite a lot of time with Elnarin and he teaches them about their Elf side. I personally think it's wonderful that they love their brother so much."

"Tell that to my pride as a father."

He pouted and Llamryl sighed before gesturing towards Roderick.

"Quit pouting and come meet Roderick."

Going over to Roderick and shaking his hand, the man introduced himself.

"Good to meet you Roderick. I'm Paul."


' I've never really liked chocolate, or things with a bitter taste. I love strawberries though, and they go really well with wine or champagne. '

When she was asked if she was ready, she had to think about it a little bit, because if she left she might miss something. However; if she stayed, she would just be following her normal schedule, and today was a very important day. Making up her mind, she quickly scribbled something.

' Just give me a minute, and then we can go. '

After she finished putting everything back into the rolling suitcase she brought everywhere with her, she put the jewelry box into a special case that would keep it immobile and allow it to continue drying. Picking up her sketchbook and bags, she motioned with her head over to where the cars were parked. Everyone who was a part of the flea market got special parking spots, and Annaliza quickly made her way over to her little powder blue Fiat. Unlocking the car and gently putting everything into the trunk except for her bear and sketchbook, she scribbled before closing the trunk and making the car beep after she locked it.

' Can we walk? It's a nice day and I can't look at the scenery if I'm driving. '

She had gotten about 3 steps before she realized she'd locked her purse in the car. Retrieving the leather contraption from the trunk, she locked the car again and took hold of Taylor's hand once more. Switching her sketchbook out for her phone since she could hold the electronic device with one hand, she typed something out and then showed it to Taylor after they'd made it a block away from the flea market.

' So what do you do? I own a craft store a few blocks away from here where I hold Origami and painting classes every week. '
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

Taylor chuckled at her written response, he always like chocolate. See she would like me way better. You and your bitter sweets how can you even stand chocolate. Taylor shook his head as he watched her get things packed. He was glad that they were going on this date. It would give him the perfect opportunity to get to know Annaliza and find out just what kind of person she was.

"I'll help you with those." He grabbed a bag and helped her to her car. I guess she likes blue just as much as I do. I'm starting to see a pattern here, are you Atkins? Taylor put her things in her car, she had a cute way of doing things it went with her natural presences. "Ya we can walk, my car is a ways down anyways and it would take longer." As they started to walk away she turned around and went back to her car. She grabbed her phone, as they walked away again she took his hand and this made him blush slightly. Oh would you stop. Blushing like a little girl, grow a pair and man up. Bobby had said this with a sneer, Taylor hated when he got like this. Bobby's annoyance gave Taylor chills, he was annoyed at not getting his "turn", but for now he was gonna have to wait.

After making it a block away in a comfortable silence, she typed something else. ' So what do you do? I own a craft store a few blocks away from here where I hold Origami and painting classes every week. ' When she asked him this it caught off guard. It is not that he didn't like his job, it's just that being a defense attorney can leave some scars on your mind. He had helped bad people get off scott free with a slap on the wrist, and it weighed on his mind every time he got asked what his career was. "I am a defense lawyer, the firm I work with takes all kinds of cases so I get a new one every week." Taylor said with a chuckle. Don't forget to mention that I am 80% of your won case records. I mean it's just your entire career, nothing to big. Bobby was getting restless, first came the annoyance, then the unwarranted sarcasm, the last part of his temper-tantrum came when he tried to force his way out. Taylor started to get nervous, he couldn't get into it with Annaliza being here she wouldn't understand.

" I would like to go see your store some time, if that's ok with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Aura rolled over onto her back, panting with exhaustion from her just completed workout routine. The local park that played host to her workout was fairly cool today, and she was grateful for it. She kept up a harsh PT schedule for herself, refusing to allow her ability to slip down the ladder. This, combined with her frequent visits to the range, kept her at her standards as a Ranger, just in case she ever got called to duty. That was something she always needed to keep in mind of course, she could always be called up to serve in combat again, and if the time came, she really wanted to be ready. That said, this very same readiness was somewhat depressing, as this same readiness kept her on her superiors list in the National Guard. She shook her head and, to steady herself a bit, she looked down at her wrist once more. Written on her wrist was a date, today in fact, when she would meet her soul mate, and she frowned slightly at this. The name was written in Norwegian, as Google Translate had helpfully provided.

She shook her head at the growing frown on her face as she got up, stretching out and yawning slightly. She shouldn't think about these things, it wasn't helpful in the slightest. So, she headed home to clean up before going out on the town for the day. She knew perfectly well there wasn't any escaping meeting her soul mate on her special day, so hiding in her house just raised the chances of it being something..distasteful. At her own home, she showered and cleaned herself carefully, wanting to at least seem like she was a high-class person. After cleaning up, she carefully dressed herself in her Army uniform, her Ranger patch proudly positioned in its usual place. Her tan beret went on to cover her hair as she turned to walk from her house, but stopped at the last second. She strapped her .45, a Colt, in its place on her hip and made sure to bring her wallet, and her gun permits with it. After all, she didn't want to get arrested and find her soul-mate in a jail cell.

Striding out of her house, she headed off towards a local cafe. She was really hungry after all her working out after all, and a cafe seemed a likely place to meet her soulmate. So, she headed off to a local diner she'd heard good things about, and decided to give it a go. After all, it had really good reviews on Yelp. So, she strode into the little cafe and sat down in a booth, smiling lightly to herself. A waitress came by, offering her a menu, and asking what she wanted to drink. Aura ordered a tea and a burger, then leaned back in the booth, smiling lightly at the promise of coming food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alekaiser awoke with a start thanks to his alarm on his phone going off. He had only gotten a few hours of sleep due to the night before had been a full moon. He shut off his alarm popping his neck and got up making his way to the bathroom taking a look at the mess of last nights hunt on the outskirts of town. The sight that greeted him would make most run for their lives but the blood that covered him made him feel good, at least the wolf in him wouldn't be restless. He cleaned himself up before dressing in a plain white t-shirt and navy blue jeans. He briefly caught site of the blue writing on his arm, something he hadn't looked at in years, at least not extensively. What greeted him wasn't something he was particularly fond of and that was the date. He had tried best to ignore it as if it would disappear if he didn't give it any notice though he knew that wouldn't happen. He sighed figuring it would be best to still try and ignore it rather then overly worry about meeting his soulmate. What he was could always be kept a secret.

He left his home looking at his phone through his emails to see what he needed to get done for his clients who were in need of assistance ranging from programming aid to making some form of animation for a brief commercial or even aiding in a presentation for a new building design. All the while he made his way through the streets and people who were going about there day as he headed for the cafe he usual went to early in the day to get a bite to eat. As he drew nearer the mark on his arm began to bug him but he continued to ignore it as he entered, finding a booth in a back corner of the cafe and getting his usual order of coffee with a burger, the meat being rare. All the way he ignored the burning itch of his mark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Solenne watched as suddenly someone sat down at his table. She was a waitress of the cafe, introducing herself as Mia. His eyes slowly looked her over. He couldn't help himself, the red orbs tracing every minute detail of her face, the way she held herself, the manner in which words came from her lips. He smiled slowly as she insinuated that he knew her name “You’d be wrong, mia cara” he gave a small laugh “your name is written in one of the few languages I am not learned in” he shifted his glove and sleeve to show her name written in a language he did not know. He looked her over once more, taking in her complexion and the specific morphology that would relate changes in the body to denote specific heritages. He had a hard time placing her “I suspect it’s an Asian language?” he said quietly before placing his clothes back the way they were before revealing the inked mark across his wrist. He rubbed the back of his head gently before smiling “So...let me ask” his hand ruffled through the back of hair before he nodded “how do you feel about another species being your soulmate?”

The question was something that had scared others away before. Despite the other species’ becoming publicly apparent; demons, witches warlocks and magic as a whole. But humans were prone to violence against that which they do not know. He tapped his finger slowly against the table before Delilah brought him his coffee, giggling as she left the two alone. He looked down in to the black liquid and back up to Mia “take your time to answer...I'm in no rush.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Danilo over looked the people and at the end the man who was apparently the cause of the crash, or something. His wrist burned just the bit stronger. Was it him? Is he really about to meet his soulmate. He looked at the man, but as if the other wanted to answer the question Danilo was thinking he raised the wrist.

There in glowing letters was his name written in Cyrillic letters. There was the answer to one of his question he mussed over the last three decades, will his name be written in latin or cytillic letters, considering his country used two alphabets officially. Second later Danilo was pulling his glove back in place, the burning still on his wrist and tilted his head as he stepped out the crowd.

Each step was accompanied with a soft clang from his cane tapping the street. He stopped in front of the other and grinned wider than he ever were grinning in his life. Raising his cane he used it to point at the man chest. His head moving from the top to the both looking him over, taking his soulmate in. Memorizing him to the last detail.


The single word left his lip, it being the only coherent word on Danilos mind at the moment. He was just truly overflew with emotions and thoughts. They were all jumbled up anyway. Danilo wasnt sure what he meant with that single word, was it, you are perfect. This is perfect. Its perfect that we are meeting. Its perfect you didnt let me wait till ten minutes till midnight.
Sadly Danilo got only a few short moments of his perfect moment. Even before he could regain control over his lips and properly introduce himself to him a scream ruined it all.

''My Porsche!''

Danilo smile dropped a bit and unwillingly he looked away from his soulmate and behind himself. His cane moved from pointing at his soulmate back to resting in his hand. The owner of the voice was the man Danilo wrongly assumed to be his soul mate, before the dragon concluded to go outside. Porsche?....What did the man pulling on his hair meant?... It was around that time Danilo gave a good look to his side and the wreck. A oh settling on his face.

The crashed expensive car looked kinda cute, the way the metal was bent would be a interesting challenge to replicate with sugar coating. He should try it for a one year anniversary. Danilo swiftly moved up to the Porsche owner, the faster he gets this done the faster he can pay full attention to his soulmate.

''...did you even have eyes!I have a meeting in 40 minutes! How should I arrive at time! What kind of moron drives like that! My car was parked! Someone could have died, you brainle-'' The man stopped as his hand was clapped by two white gloved hands and his vision was filled with red hair. Danilo was holding the mans hand in his own and had his face up close to the other. Close enough that he nearly touched noses with the business man. Actually the noses did brushed at one moment against each other. Which made the man in question attempt to step back.

''Sorry.'' Danilo said. ''I am truly sorry.''

''Y-yeah, get out my personal bubble...'' Spoke the man attempting to regain some personal space by leaning backwards and tugging his hand out. Which didnt worked as Danilo just leaned more in.

''Really sorry, here have my contact card.'' Danilo moved away his face to replace it with the elegant white business card. The man managed to wriggle his hand out of Danilo and grabbed the card moving it away from his face, and cautionary and wary stepping away. ''ugh...''

''Now we two will go, all this can be fixed later~'' Danilo sing sang at the man turning back to his soulmate. No more time he wanted to waste. The most hope filled smile on his face, to start getting to know him. Speaking to him and actually getting a response, in opposite to talking to the name on his silent wrist.

''No one is going anywhere.'' A slow tired voice said, making Danilo feel irked. Why was everyone trying to steal his time with his soulmate! They didnt even got to the hand shake and officially exchange their names part! His wrist still burning as if agreeing with Danilo. At least for the dragon it was a claiming feeling. Tilting his head to the side he saw it was two police man looking over the situation, who interrupted him this time.

At least now Danilo understood what his mother was feeling when she said, that she will bite their heads off for touching her things. He leaned on his cane with both hands and tried to smile friendly, trying to get this over as fast as possible over too. At lest Danilo was thinking it was friendly, it was more on the I will bite you head off if you dont hurry up type of patient smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"You'd be right," Mia said, feeling herself come to ease opposite this man Solenne. But anonymity still girded them both, a cloak Mia was prepared to wrench away. "I came from Singapore, somewhere in Southeast Asia. Haven't lived in these parts for very long." She gestured around the cafe, as though to encompass the entire city, the entire world left unexplored, in an easy wave of the hand.

Solenne massaged the nape of his neck, to ask, “How do you feel about another species being your soulmate?” Mia blinked, and her eyes came to settle on Solenne's irises - startling crimson rubies.

Well, that is something to chew on, Mia thought, as Delilah came up to deliver Solenne's coffee. It sat steaming between them. “Take your time to answer..." said Solenne, "I'm in no rush.”

That was an invitation. Mia might have stalled and bought time as if it were going out of style. She might have mulled over each of her words carefully, considering and weighing every syllable in the palm of her hand, until the answer that sounded the most right translated from thought to spoken word. She might have, and she absolutely did not, for reasons that evaded her well.

Resting her chin on the heel of her palm, Mia looked distantly out the window, where men and women were bustling up and down the street, so enthralled by their worlds of office matters and business affairs, that none of them paused to glance once at one another. "I could say it doesn't matter," she said, considering on the spot, musing over what left her mouth as it did. "I could probably say that it matters even less than what my horoscope is." Her eyes flicked back to Solenne's, glinting with humour. "Aquarius, by the way." Mia's expression one of contemplative solemnity, she narrowed her gaze, as though all the better to study Solenne. "But that wouldn't be entirely true.

"You belonging to another species matters - even though it's not the most important. That would be knowing how you like your coffee - " she nodded to the beverage mug, " - what you like to do on a lazy day, your interests, your pastimes. What makes you smile. I think your species matters, only because it's something about you that I would like very much to know about." Leaning forward in her chair, the corners of Mia's lips quirked upwards fondly. "So will you tell me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The edges of the shadows snapped back to their normal state as if they had never been twisted at all and the air cleared immediately. Keegan was taken aback by the response. He couldn't think of what to say. So he just stood there staring at the mysterious stranger with his mouth partway open until he gracefully whisked away to deal with the suited man. Mrs. Blackwell closed it gently for him.

It took a few more seconds of stupefied gawking before Keegan snapped himself out of his euphoric haze and returned to the real world. Even a few more to drag himself away from his newfound soul-mate and dive into the warped glove box to get his information. He felt dizzy. Dizzy enough to drop most of the contents of the box onto the floor before taking what he needed and just leaving the rest there. When he returned the firey young man was back. For some reason which he really couldn't put his finger on, he was comforted that he was here. And even more comforted that he was talking all this so well and not screaming at him or running away in shame.

"Yeah, trust me, as much as I want to just duck outta here--" he started.

The cops stepped up to them. He didn't feel the need to finish that sentence and just thrust a thumb over his shoulder at them with a shrug. The irritation the young man was putting off was almost palpable as much as he tried to hide it behind his smile.

"I-- I'm sorry. I'll try and make it quick. Then we..." he took a breath and shrugged again, "Should talk or something right? I mean we probably need to talk. Just... Don't go anywhere."

He went to go speak to the officers but only got a couple of steps before immediately whipping back and grabbing the man's hand in a firm shake. A tingle that turned into a full on chill rushed up his arm and all the way down his spine. The burning sensation was gone.

"Keegs--" he shook his head, "Keegan Lowry, by the way. Good to have you here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


' A defense attorney? You must be pretty busy then. The more a job pays usually determines how much free time you have. Doctors and Lawyers tend to have very little free time, while humble little shop owners like myself have lots of free time. We'll figure things out though. '

Giving his hand a squeeze, she looked around at all of the things around her and seemed to focus on all of the little details of everything. Especially the mangled metal of the cars in a cafe parking lot. She really hoped that the cafe he wanted to eat at wasn't this one.

' Do you think everyone is okay? '

Whenever she saw any kind of car accident, her heart always felt like someone was squeezing it. Too many bad memories involving cars tended to do that to someone, and she had her car inspected each month to make sure nothing was wrong with it. Holding on to Taylor's hand in a vise like grip in a small attempt ( in her own way ) to try and keep him safe. Her mother would call her paranoid, but it never hurt to have a little extra protection. Slowly making her way towards the parking lot and ensuring she didn't get too close, she watched the police officers do their job. It wouldn't be long before a rather large ticket would be issued, and she only knew how much those kind of tickets cost because her younger sister had crashed their father's car into another car in the high school parking lot. Their father had been pissed beyond belief and grounded Jamie for a month, while also docking her allowance to pay for the $300 ticket.

' Can we go inside? Please? '

There was something behind her eyes and she nearly dropped her phone when she heard a shout from one of the officers.

"Alright everyone, if you weren't directly involved in the accident, I need you to disperse and leave the area!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cedric of trall

cedric of trall

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sven smiled than started to chuckle, Well yes I am Sven he replied still chuckling. He would never of thought that he would meet his soul mate in a taxi on the way to get more coffee, he never really thought much about it to begin with actually. It was all kinda ironic to him, his father had always told him that it would be unexpected, the old doctor having met his wife on a train heading to Berlin for a medical conference of all things. Sven shook his head, he should have known the old man was right, he was rarely wrong about much of anything.

The professor slid forward in his seat to lean in between the front two seats and placed a hand on her shoulder, as soon as he did the burning in his arm dispersed, to Sven's unending relief. I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh he said the smile never leaving his face It's just I didn't expect that you'd be my taxi driver of all things he paused despite Sven's mild accent he was still learning English and got caught up on a word every now and then, ether way its a pleasure to meet you Ms Ashley he said finally before pulling back his hand a sliding back into his seat.
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