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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DisguisedDemon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Prince Liam Hanway

Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Freyea
Pro/Anti Separation


-People watching


-Large crowds
-Silly royalty parties
-Small spaces
-Loud people

Liam has always been forced in to the spotlight, but he isn’t such a fan of having people watching him. Since he was young he’s been taught how to fake his interest in people and that seems to be carrying over to his private life with this marriage. It would be much more interesting for him to get to watch everyone else from a distance. He always tries to make it out to town, even though his family isn’t happy about that. He wants to meet the people and feels that the best way to do that is by going out to the heart of them. On the outside Liam can seem like the perfect prince, being outgoing and in charge, but he truly doesn’t consider himself to be that way.
Liam was the kid that when he was younger he would hide away in his room and read. He truly fell in to some of those stories and didn’t understand why he wasn’t having amazing adventures as a ten year old prince. The prince is always out doing something even at such a young age. It was what began his sneaking out phase and he began to be interested in the people of his kingdom. His family needs to build stronger ties with other kingdoms and marrying him off was one way to show solidarity.

-He loves animals and takes in cats that he finds on the street

Princess Isabella “Izzy” Marie Hanway

Kingdom and Position:
Princess of Freyea
Possibly asexual/figuring it out
Pro/Anti Separation


-Causing trouble and watching people struggle


-Small spaces or tight groups
-People who think they know everything
-The quiet ones who seem to see right through others
-The separation

Isabella is almost the exact opposite of her older brother, she shines in the spotlight and adores it. Having people watch her and be jealous is one of her favorite past times, along with showing those other nosy girls up. She may seem like the perfect daughter and princess on the outside, then seem to be a coldhearted brat, but she can actually be very sweet. After a while of getting to know her, she’ll open up and a lucky few will become her friend. She’s very sarcastic, but typically hides it under the idea that she’s a quiet princess who enjoys other people’s company. Izzy will not pass up a chance to get dolled up, especially since some of her closest friends have been the workers in the castle.
Isabella got along well with her older brother when she was growing up. While he would tend to go and hide, she would be out entertaining guests. A lot of people who came to the castle just loved her because she was “such a darling” and it helped to form her idea that she could manipulate people as she wanted. Perhaps if she would have followed in her brother’s footsteps she wouldn’t be this way. As she grew, she started to doubt the idea of separation in the kingdoms. If they were all one, things could move easier and there wouldn’t be troubles of getting between the two. She doesn’t necessarily agree with the more aggressive attacks, but she does think some activism would be good to bring about change.

-She has a dog (actually wolf from one of the other kingdoms) that she uses to chase off potential suitors or anyone else.

Sam (Sammy, Samantha) Eaton

Kingdom and Position:
Knight of Freyea

Pro/Anti Separation

-Space away from people
-Her bow (and arrows)


-Babies (like unable to walk)

Sam is truly a caring person, she's never married but she has a love for children. It likely comes from her hours spent watching the royal family and taking care of young children when they're parents went off to fight. This was all before she learned to fight, but she still has a mothering personality to her. She enjoys being alone, but she has no trouble mixing with the crowd. Meeting new people is great to her, but spending hours with them is somewhat of a drag. Of course that's not always the best thing when she has to spend days with the same people if they are planning an attack or preparing to defend the kingdom. She's much more soft-spoken then a lot of her comrades, but has no trouble taking on the role of leader when she needs to.
Sam's father was a knight, but he got injured in combat. She hated the idea of being someone house wife and begged her dad to teach her to fight like him. She struggled with getting in to Freyea's army because they weren't sure about having a female. However, her father had done so well that they were hoping she would be like him. Sammy used the shortened version of her name to hopefully not make people feel as insecure about her. She always trained hard to be at the top of her group, knowing she really could be one of the best. She isn't much of a fan of combat, because that's how her father got hurt and she doesn't want anyone else to be hurt. She's more then capable of doing it if she needs, but she doesn't unless absolutely necessary. She spends a lot of her time watching after the royal palace and the prince and princess.

-She always takes extra care of people who show a liking for fighting, especially girls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lady Lili Aria Adelin

Kingdom and Position:
Noble of Freyea
Bisexual, prefers women

Pro Separation

- Social gatherings
- Tournaments and similar displays of bravery
- Theatrical tragedy and opera
- Epic literature

- Cowards
- Shy people
- Being ordered around

Lili is a girl with two distinct personas: One that she shows to the kingdom at large and one she keeps between herself and her most trusted friends.

In public, Lili is a flawlessly trained diplomat and social butterfly, mixing easily with people from all nations and walks of life. She uses her voice both to charm new acquaintances and to command the attention of entire rooms through the power of song. The only inconsistency in her "perfect" demeanor lies in her love of luring others into making conversational faux pas, or revealing their secrets.

In private, however, Lili could easily be mistaken for a military recruit. She spends much of her free time studying military history and strategy, or practicing with longsword and bow. She resents being unable to hone her martial prowess more openly, but channels her frustration into training rather than challenging the status quo.

Lili was born into a minor noble family, flush with gold but poor in influence. Both her father, Duke Giraud Adelin, and her mother, Duchess Jacqueline Adelin, were relentless in their pursuit of a better position within Freyea's nobility. To this end, they groomed Lili for court life from the moment of her birth, the day of which saw truly legendary festivities funded by the proud parents.

While she was provided with the best upbringing money could buy, Lili was more interested in tales of knights and heroism than those of courtly romance. She made a habit of slipping away from her governess to play at combat with the servant children on an almost daily basis. Her parents discouraged such behavior with punishments of ever-increasing severity, but it did little to dissuade the strong-willed young lady.

As soon as she turned 12, Lili's parents sent her to live in the royal palace as a handmaiden, where she mastered the arts of socialization. She never gave up her more martially inclined pursuits, however, often disguising herself as a boy to attend swordplay lessons and watching the castle's many knights at every opportunity.

About a week after her 15th birthday, Lili's parents were both taken by fever, passing dukedom to her uncle Alphonse until Lili found a suitable husband.

Theme Music
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Princess Ares Jessamine Chara


Kingdom and Position:
Princess of Erendale


Pro/Anti Separation


  • Horses
  • Falcons
  • Fighting
  • Weapons
  • Being Alone
  • Nature


  • Girly Things
  • Balls
  • Men Who Think They’re Better Than Her
  • Cleaning

Ares is a very loud and in your face kind of girl. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, even to her father or mother. She is a skilled fighter as well as kind of a tomboy. She is reckless and tends to do what she wants rather than what people tell her to do. She loves hanging out in nature and has a very short fuse on her temper. She is sometimes careless when it comes to caring for things, except her horse Sky and her falcon Silver. She is a lone wolf most of the time, but she can sometimes be crazy when she needs to. She loves picking fights with people, especially those people who feel like the kingdoms should come together rather than be separated. A lot of people think she is heartless at times, but it is only because she rarely shows her softer side. She is mainly nice to guards in the tower or her pets. She can hardly stand human interaction because she feels like most humans just piss her off.

Ares was a rambunctious child. She would always be running around the castle, getting under the feet of the servants and messing everything up. She was adventurous as well, disappearing into secret tunnels of the castle or disappearing into guard towers and coming out a little bit later with stolen items from the place where she had come from. She began training with the guards when she was only eight years old. Her parents thought it would be good for her to get her energy out somehow, and this was the best option they could think of. She loved it as soon as she began and the guards training her loved it because it got them in good with the King and Queen. She loved to show off her skills as she got older and she is almost better than most of the guards.

Whenever she is angry, she tends to run off for a while before coming back. No one really seems to know where she goes.

Princess Aquamarine Beauty Chara


Kingdom and Position:
Princess of Erendale

Doesn’t know quite yet

Pro/Anti Separation

  • Horses
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Drawing
  • Dancing


  • Fighting
  • Her Parents Sometimes
  • Doing Chores
  • Getting Dirty

Aquamarine, or Aqua as she is preferred to be called, is a very quiet girl at times. She likes to go to windows and look outside, but never actually go outside. She loves watching the flowers turn to the sunlight and then proceed to draw them where they stop. She always seems to have her nose in a book. She also seems to be the perfect child, even if she does chores begrudgingly. She loves her siblings more than anything in the world and doesn’t care much for her parents. She prefers to wander around the castle unescorted and likes meeting new people when they come. She would gladly have an arranged marriage, though she can’t since she isn’t the marrying age. She hates choosing things for herself and prefers to be forced to do things than making her choice to do them.

Aqua is much younger than both of her siblings, but she somehow turned out to be the perfect child. She would always follow Ares around like a puppy dog and figured out that she did not want to be like her. So, she began doing things on her own and figured out she didn’t like that much either. She found balance when she began to not make choices for herself and was instead forced to do things. She preferred to be a submissive to others than an independent woman herself. She liked being forced around so much that her parents actually had to start forcing her off being forced. She is now in the awkward phase where she still wants to be forced, but she can also do stuff on her own.

She is known as the only one who can calm down Ares.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Prince Marion Wesley Chara.


Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Erendale.



Pro/Anti Separation


+ Autumn.
+ Cats.
+ Writing Poetry.
+ Fancy Clothing.
+ Lore and Legends.
+ Dancing.

- Loud Noises.
- Unsavory Smells.
- Spring.
- The Dark.
- Violin Music.

Ever the society snob, Marion can come off as very rude and jaunting to those less fortunate than him. He is highly likable when he's not in one of his many bad moods, prone to quick humor and warm sentiments. His bad moods are often what make him so unlikable to begin with, he changes like a summer storm and nothing about him is stable. These changes often happen in the strangest way, sometimes reverting his entire personality to fit his current interests but they are very transparent changes and easy to see right through.

His true colors best show when he's faced with someone of a lower status and that often surfaces the highly bratty prince within. Very snobby without even trying to be, he often scares away anyone who wants to befriend him and readily drives everyone mad.

Never quite as rambunctious as his younger sister, he was often found deep within his own studies as a child. Very quiet and calculating, he seemed to find his solace in the form of words and literature and diverged deeply into knowledge. He was a very jealous child, the kind who was easily offended by the smallest things and felt he deserved all that he asked for- he is a prince, mother! He had no interest in the people around him and held everyone at a cold distance, as he grew older however, his silences became taunts and he often jived at the ones who served him. His interest in literature grew to epic poems of a somewhat gruesome nature, though he'd never show them to anyone.

He writes poetry avidly and it's really gorey and kind of awful. He thinks it's entirely wonderful but it's really not.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 9 days ago

Prince Nicholas Moran

Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Moor
Bisexual (curious)
Pro/Anti Separation
Hard Working
Painting/Making Art

Those Who wish to hurt nature

Nicholas is a very reserved person. He has always been on his own, never one to make friends. He has a big heart and usually wears it on his sleeve. Nicholas is humble in nature and is not afraid to blush in the presences of others. He values hard work, and respects people who have worked for their success. Nicholas does not agree with the extravagant lifestyle of royalty, and dislikes bragging. Nicholas grew up in the shadow of his father, so his ego is on the low side, but he makes up for it with his openness and his infectious joy, and optimism. He can always find the light to any situation, and tried to steer clear of the dark.
Nicholas was raised by two different entities as a child: one being the old literature of philosophers or the fantasy novels. The other being the swamps and forest of his lands. Everyday it would alternate between he two and he would either bring home some new animal or plant, or pick p a different book. His mother always said he was a sponge for knowledge and that was one of his many good qualities. As he grew older he wanted to work in the farms to get a taste of real life and hard work. His father allowed it because it gave him a insight into both worlds of the kingdom. He did not have many friends because he would be by himself most of the time in the woods.
He likes all types of bugs especially spiders (he has two).
He also has a pet snake.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mindpalace
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mindpalace Inside Your Head

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Princess Erin Lynette Atrox


Kingdom and Position:
Princess of Paplia


Anti Separation

-Playing the Piano

-Loud people
-Thoughtless people

Erin has been brought up to be very polite, and doesn’t like to rush into things. Thinking them over carefully is one of her strengths and she’s quite soft-spoken. She can be very opinionated however, and arguments can get quite heated. Just because she doesn't like parties, doesn’t mean she enjoys being around people however. A select group of friends is all she really wants, but she does enjoy meeting new people. Erin can be sarcastic and come off as a little more mean then she means to, and feels mortified every time she goes a step too far. Very organised, she doesn’t enjoy having her plans messed up, preferring everything to go exactly as it should and be prepared for every possible outcome. She loves writing because she feels that it can take her anywhere she pleases, and because she can become anyone she wishes.

Erin was born of an affair her father had. It was hushed up very quickly, and she was never treated differently, but still, she felt different. Her dark hair, compared to most of her other siblings shining blond stuck out like a sore thumb for one thing, and when she first found out she refused to show her face at dinner for weeks, but she did pull herself together sternly and tell herself it didn't matter, that she was as much a part of the family as any of them.

As a young child, Erin went unnoticed almost everywhere she went. It was like, if she really wanted, she could be in a room and no one would even look over. Using this to her advantage, she'd often take a book and pencil and go outside to write about whatever caught her fancy. But even as she went unnoticed, she was never forgotten. She could get into the loudest arguments with her brothers, because frankly, most of them were idiots. The only one of her siblings that wasn't a uselessly brain-dead prick however, refused to speak to her. Really, she thought she might make a fool of herself if she did.

Oddly enough she's completely oblivious to flirting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 13 days ago

Crix Oxeum F. Atrox

"Each name is as meaningless as the letters that comprise it."

"What is age but a reason for fools to waste time."

Kingdom and Position:
Prince of Paplia
"I am the prince of Paplia, and Paplia is me; Through it, I am connected to everyone and everyone to me."

"Love is but a tool to win wars."

Anti Separation
"We are all the same; we are just different parts of the same whole."


-Publishing books, journals and other writings that contribute to the knowledge of research and development.
-Reading Books (duh)
-Drinking Tea
-Developing and Creating Toys
-Researching and Developing


-Chaotic environments
-Idiots and screw-ups
-Being underestimated

Crix is, at first glance, a cold and calculating prince who measures the worth of objects based on their use to him and the kingdom. He is the polar opposites of his much cheerful and bright siblings and relatives who made Paplia is a hustling and bustling kingdom that it now is. Furthermore, Crix is blunt with his words, not fearing to say what is on his mind even if it means hurting others. Due to his chronic illness, Crix is quite physically weak and will almost always keep coughing even when he's talking. Crix does dislike violence and will berate anyone who condones such a barbaric behaviour. However, Crix has a soft spot for children, his core growing warm whenever he sees a child enjoying the toys he had developed for them. Secretly, Crix is jealous of his healthier counterparts in the other kingdoms, knowing that society today would rather praise the strength of the arm rather than the strength of the mind; that, no matter how smart Crix becomes, he could never reach the reputation of his fathers before him.

Unlike his siblings and cousins, Crix had been born as a physically weak prince. He had this chronic illness that plagued his health for the entirety of his existence. While his brothers and sisters could hold a sword and fight like any child, Crix was still taking his first steps. Pretty much, he was the weakest royal every conceived in the last few years. So, while his siblings were out fighting, Crix decided that if he could not excel in the field of fighting, then he would excel in the arts and sciences. The boy began to read, read, read and read! He would go to libraries since the first light of dawn and he would go home when the night had settled in. While his brothers would come home sweaty and battered, he would also come home at the same time, glasses and books in hand.

In time, Crix contributed to a lot to the development of Paplia, turning the simple kingdom into the epitome of brilliance, extravagance and technological superiority. His inventions of the state-of-the-art water purifying system as well as the numerous weapons and accessories that make life easier had been attributed to a life of working in the shadows. While some consider Crix to be a genius, there is still a deep shadow that haunts the boy. His envy gnaws at him everyday, his desire to run, to jump and to... just have fun... were always left insatiable due to his sickness. Thus, Crix found his solace in handing kids his toys; the prince's eyes would well up in tears as he would look the children play and laugh, not wanting them to be lonely and sad because he, himself, knows how terrible it is to not be able to do something that you really want to do... all because of a sickness that you could never have avoided.

-Crix is terribly bad around women, often losing his composure when one gets too close for comfort.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Obelix Vidales


Kingdom and Position:
Imperial Heir of the Vidalen Empire

Strict Hetrosexual

Pro/Anti Separation:
I don't know the politics of this land yet.

Tournaments, Fighting, Hunting, Composing and playing Music, Poetry, Politics, History, Sailing, Wine, Fine horses and beautiful women

Ignorance, Gluttons, Criminals(to a point), Unjust consequences, Indecisiveness, Slothfulness, Early judgement, Forced Answers, Tart Wines, Salty meals, Shellfish

Obelix is a very proud man, but also very blunt. Retaining his thoughts on certain matters unless asked directly or out right. His answers tend are the naked truth on what he thinks. So it is commonly known at least among his own people don't ask unless you can handle the answer. Despite his appearance he is a well rounded man that loves both the arts but also a good fight now and then. Being an intellectual he calculates his answers for best responses, but has been known to make rash decisions if the need arose. A flaw of his those is his disrespect towards any ruler who isn't willing to get his hands dirty. Since of course ruling over the many often demands a less than glorious light, a dirty job but one that must be done. A product of his fathers military rule discipline often regulates many aspects of his life, which leads to near perfection in all of his habits. His softer side often relates to the poor and needy. One to offer his cash of coin to feed the hungry and homeless, instilled in him by his mother. If he catches a thief just trying to feed their family, more often than not he'd pay for the expense out of his own coin purse.

Obelix is no doubt his fathers son with lingering traits from his kind hearted mother. Duties of the empire have been drilled into his head since the time he could walk. Educated in all aspects including war, coming from his father he showed signs of being an apex warrior among his people, nicknamed the 'Vidalin Tiger' from a young age. Driving his father to glow with enthusiasm for his apparent heir to surpass his father. From ten to sixteen under his mothers guidance Obelix took the harp and poetry, she believed he needed a softer side to counter the ruggedness of his father who was out at war putting down a rebellion. Becoming an accomplished poet and harp player,rounding a young Obelix to a prodigal son. At eighteen he accompanied his father to help his uncle who was being besieged, taking the initiative and had pushed the attackers routing the forces trying to kill his uncle with a classic feigned retreat. When the land of Eslana came up a little under a year ago, the imperial court of his father were mixed on the matter and how to handle the foreign lands. Obelix volunteered for the diplomatic mission to the foreign lands and open up trade and diplomatic relations.

A part of Obelix's coming is he's looking for a spouse to further his fathers line. He's also has a fraternal twin.

Zeva Vidales


Kingdom and Position:
Grand Duchess of Vidala


Pro/Anti Separation:
Well why ask me

Drawing, sketching, reading, inventing, herbalisim, sweet cakes, history in general, comparing notes

Having poor eyesight, utterly terrified of bugs, wearing dresses, her brothers pranks/tricks

Zeva from an initial look is a quite beautiful but in truth she is a scholar threw and threw. Anything from wildlife biology to the human anatomy. Knowledge is trade and needless to say she has quite the mind since she has an Eidetic memory, able to recall most anything in a few moments time. The only person to be able to probe and reveal what is in Obelix's inner mind and loves him dearly but worries about the man's since his past wasn't colorful. Zeva hasn't had anyone be romantically interested in her since her father is quite staunch and protective off her and her sisters, so it isn't known what will happen if she is flirted with. While being second inline for the empire she doesn't want it if something were to happen to her older brother. While she shines intellectually she's still gripping the basics of combat that Obelix is teaching her for self defense.When it comes to her appearance, for her to go out in public she has to have her hair braided and dressed. It stresses her OCD if she doesn't to the point where she will go back and get ready accordingly, but still maintains a bright attitude towards all.

Zeva is third child of the Emperor and Empress of the Vidalen Empire. Born one of the prodigal children, since her early childhood when she showed an intellect that surpassed all of her siblings and her parents by the age of ten. Tutors were brought from all over the empire to help feed her thirst for knowledge and going threw half the imperial library by the age of eighteen which in itself if a gargantuan feat in its own right. The death of her older sister though had deeply impacted Zeva like anyone else, but it hurt her and Obelix the most. In the past two years Zeva and Obelix had grown considerably close, showing her around the empire and the world at large feeding her cravings. When talks of the new world came underway she begged to come along. To help with the negotiations but also to explore a new land and its people.

Zeva is the only person to know her brother darkest secret and it scares her to death. She wears glasses that sit on the ridge of her nose. She also has a tendency to oversleep and is never on time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Princess Violette Moran

Age: 16

Kingdom and Position: Princess of Moor

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pro/Anti Separation

Likes Art/Painting Parties Spring Dancing (She's horrible at it) Music Family Tea

Dislikes: Greed Flirting Injustice Cats

Personality Violette is in most regards, a social butterfly primarily due to her sheer innocence. Her ability to bring a smile to the face of even the most downhearted has brought the young princess into great renown as both the nobility and commoners alike seem to hail her as an angel. It's not like she's overly ladylike --in most cases, she's awkward and although she seems to love dancing, she won't get two steps without tripping over her dress-- but her almost palpable happiness infects most of those around her. Her positivity shines as a bright beacon atop the darkness of the world, even if she can seem a little dumb at times.

To Violette, her duties as a princess come second to her duties as a member of the Moran family. Although she eagerly spends her afternoons wandering the markets and socialising with the common folk, Violette believes that her real duty lies in supporting her family. Despite being the younger sibling, she has always been the one to step up and shoulder the responsibility so her brother may have some peace. In fact, Violette is one of the few people in the world who could ever really be described as being close to Prince Nicholas - as a child, she regularly abandoned her friends to spend time with her older brother so that he wasn't too lonely. According to Violette, there is not a single person who could match the kindness of her brother and she values him as her greatest friend.

When she wishes to relax, Violette can sometimes spend hours of her days simply wandering around the castle and outlying areas before painting any scenes or creatures that she finds particularly beautiful. Her innocence allows her to see the beauty in the world which perfectly translates to her art which has always been well praised.

History: Even from when she was little, it was always obvious that Violette was the precise opposite of the Moran heir. Unlike her brother, she found a great joy in making friends and fulfilling her duties as the Princess of Moor; whether that involved attending social gathering or receiving lessons and learning how to run a kingdom. While her brother learned of history and their lands, she learned of politics and economics. Surprisingly, she's actually quite intelligent but her lack of knowledge on anything that is not in her immediate vicinity makes her appear completely dumb. While the Prince toiled on the farms, she entertained guests and learned under the careful watch of her parents. Although they fully intended to marry her off at a good age, they made sure that she could take up any role that was thrust upon her - whether it be kingdom-running or motherhood. Despite this, any attempts by suitors at courting have been painfully shot down almost to the point where it has caused embarrassment in the respective families. Of course, this can't go on forever and it's whispered that her parents will marry her soon, whether she likes it or not.

Extra: Theme Song
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Aspen Cedar Lyons

Twenty nine.

Kingdom and Position:
Knight of Erendale.


Pro/Anti Separation


+ Rain.
+ Midnight.
+ Clouds.
+ Cool air.
+ The seaside.


- Hot days.
- Forests.
- The unknown.
- Small dogs.
- Blind Maurice.

Loyal and trusting, the man is extremely good at what he does and he feels that this kingdom is his life. Often a warm hand in social endeavors and something of a shameless flirt, he's known for being a good socializer and seems to enjoy all conversation. Very good at his job though sometimes a tad lazy and disinterested, he can be found laughing with the other knights or trying to flirt with some of the commoners nearby. He seems to enjoy life and he lives it to the fullest, always trying his hardest to find happiness in every nook and cranny that he possibly can.

He's the type of person that someone had obviously once tried to qualm the excitement of and he seems to have embraced rising above that. Happy and eccentric, he makes for a good participant in all social functions and tries to tag along with every royal ball.

His father was a knight and his father before him and it only made sense for him to follow in that path. He was always goofing off however and never took his position too seriously, he seemed to get a laugh out of screwing up and his father did not. Learning to fight was never his forte and he never seemed excited about it, it just wasn't something he enjoyed but he became good at it with much practice. It took forever for him to learn the most simple duties but he rose to a head position after many, many mess ups and his father was excruciatingly proud of him but he never seemed particularly excited about his position.

He cared a lot about his kingdom though and even more about the prince and his two sisters. He grew as find of them as he would his own children, often offering to watch them when they were very young which was a huge relief to the midwife that Marion had a habit of biting as a four year old. He was extremely pleased when the oldest princess showed an interest in fighting and was glad to help her train.

Very close with Prince Marion as a child, he was somewhat disheartened when the prince became a recluse and often had show downs with the demonic growling beast of a cat when he tried to visit him.

He considers the royal family to be his own family and cares dearly for them.
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