Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As a waitress set her glass of tea before her, Aura couldn't help but wince at the sudden itching and burning on her wrist. The waitress seemed to be looking down at Aura's wrist with excitement and, glancing down, it wasn't hard to tell why. Her marking now had a faint glow to it, accompanying the burning itch in it. Most likely intending to be helpful, the waitress indicated a rear booth and whispered "That gentleman just walked in, he must be the one!" With a muted sigh, she smiled at the waitress and mumbled "Thanks." The waitress walked off, leaving Aura staring at the one who was, most likely, her soul-mate. He had long dark hair, as well as a small goatee. He certainly didn't look overly distinguished, but she was a soldier, not a CEO, so she didn't have incredibly high standards as far as that went, so there wasn't really a reason to make a fuss about that. She couldn't deny however that her heart was quickening at the sight of him, but that was probably just because of how big a deal she'd always been told this was. She couldn't very well just ignore it though so, with a final breath of courage, she got to her feet and walked over.

Standing in front of his booth, she froze for a second and nervously played with the name tab on her uniform before finally saying "Uhhh, hi. My wrist started uhh, burning when you came in, so I figured it's worth a try.." Clearing her throat, and chiding herself for being so timid, she steeled her resolve and continued "My name is Aura Kalstov, 1st Lieutenant in the US Army. Is your name Alli..Alla...Alekayser? I'm sorry, Google may've told me it's Norwegian but it didn't teach me how to pronounce it. Would that be you, by any chance?" Aura was beginning to waver on the spot, nervous about being shot down or, even more embarrassing than that, being told that wasn't his name, but she again steeled her resolve. She was a Ranger, not some high-school girl talking to her first crush, she could bloody well handle this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Same." Ashley saed, finding an opening spot for the cab to pull into. At this point, she turned on the meter to begin calculating the price of the cab ride. Subconsciously, Ashley found her fingers drumming on the steering wheel. Well at least the burning sensation had faded away by now. She didn't really find the laughing to be an insult or anything. After all if any of her high school friends had learned that this was how she would meet her soulmate they'd probably laugh too, and not just because they were high. Although that would be a factor too.

"So you're from Europe?" In this business, you met all kinds, and Ashley had gotten pretty good at talking to people while driving them to their destinations, but the circumstances here threw her off. At this point, she was mostly looking for conversation to fill the silence before it got too awkward. His accent definitely sounded Eastern Europeanish, and judging by the script his name was written in, he wasn't Russian. Ashley wasn't going to hazard a guess at his country of origin, because it would probably be wrong and make her look ignorant. That said, it would be pretty brutal if he were from Estonia. Estonia is a really good name for a country.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red_massa
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Red_massa Chocobo Handler!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The sound of two vehicles making contact nearly scared the life out of the half asleep who seemed to have dozed off while standing in the cafe. It had startled him which resulted in his freshly poured coffee escaped his grip and spilled over his wrist and caused extreme pain to shoot through his wrist. It wasn't until he started to clean the coffee off of his wrist that he noticed that it was starting to glow as well. Given that he was at the scene of an accident with a population that seems to be extremely nosy, Given that he was in New York he was surprised how anybody had stopped instead of living their hustle and bustle lifestyles.

Pavel had been used to being around large groups of people 5 days of the week but on what could possibly be the day that changes the rest of his life forever he was slightly nervous today..This was especially the case since he wasn't sure if the tattoo date was really month.day.year or day.month.year. Looking at the date I guess both could have been viable options. Given how many people were ordering items and how slow it was because of the accident out front Pavel decided that he would just retire the idea of getting another coffee for the road. He looked around to see if anyone gave him butterflies in the stomach or that when he looked at them it made his tattoo burn more than it did before.

Pavel decided to step outside to get some fresh air since he didn’t know if it was the amount of people in the cafe or if it was the sensation of knowing that his soul mate was nearby. When he stepped outside he knew why there was so many people staring at the accident that had occurred. There was a late 70’s Jimmy that had crumpled up a nice little Porsche, the value difference between the two was so large that it was slightly ironic that the two would form a collision.Given how easily it was to lose an amazing car as shown by this example Pavel definitely wasn’t going to be taking his Chevelle out for a drive to the sports store to get his kickboxing gear. He was going to have to check online to see if it was close enough to walk or if he was going to have to take a “delightful”journey in a NY taxi. However before he headed home he needed to use the washroom and he guessed the cafe was a viable option as any.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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ignore (dang computer)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Alekaiser was somewhat surprised at first seeing someone walking towards him, especially one who was wearing an army uniform. Horrible thoughts quickly rushed through his head of what the heck his other half had done the night before but he kept a straight face and internally breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn't about his full moon change. When she mentioned her name he looked at his own arm for a second having not memorized the name to see if the name was a match and found out that it was making him unsure if he should feel joy or terror.

"It's Alekaiser, no 'y' but it's close enough. If need be just call me Al, most do who can't pronounce it right," he kept himself calm as best as he could somehow worried that any wrong word would screw the entire moment ",Pleasure to meet you Aura, unique name you have. Can I offer you a seat in this booth?" He wanted to mentally smack himself to some degree on how stupid he probably sounded but was stuck with the cards he was dealt and allowed Aura to decide on what next to do.

"A 1st lieutenant you said? That's impressive," he added ",Can't say I have any grand rank but I'm a programmer if you were curious. A freelancer one."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Somewhat relieved by the fact that she, at least, had the right person, Aura nodded gratefully and slid into a seat opposite him in the booth. She carefully removed her tan beret and set it gently on the table next to her, allowing her blonde hair to spill out. Messy though it was, she supposed that if this was her soulmate, he should get a good look at as much of her as she could show. She sounded out his name, as he'd said it, in her mind and, after a moment, locked it in. It wasn't hard to pronounce names for her, once she'd heard someone else say it at least. She offered a smile at that, replying "Yeah, I get that a lot about my name, not sure where my folks got it." She did grin at his comment on her rank, since it seemed that at least meant that he wasn't going to go off on some anti-military schpiel. In all honesty, that had been one of her initial fears, but thankfully that at least had come up in her favor.

"Oh, it's not that impressive really, I went to college first so I came in as a Second Lieutenant anyways, just one promotion in eight years is actually kind of a bad record. Anyway, I I'm an infantry officer in the 75th Rangers. So, you're a programmer huh? That's really neat! I wanted to be a programmer in college, but wound up switching over to a Military Science major. What kind of stuff do you usually program?" She was genuinely curious about what a freelance programmer could get up to since, as far as she knew, freelancers didn't usually get much work. Then again, she wasn't exactly an aficionado of the computer industry, so in order to get the intel she wanted her best bet was just to ask the man himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

"Well I'm able to pick and choose my own cases so, when I am not on one I basically have the time off. Now if I want money I have to take big cases that pay out well, and then get a lot of time off, like I am doing now. But yeah we can figure something out to get some quality time in."

Way to brag much she doesn't care about our job, and if it gets in the way were are quitting and going to become what you really wanted, a Librarian. Taylor blushed, he actually liked what he did, and thanked Bobby whenever he got the chance for making them take law. Sometimes he did have a tendency to over "explain" his career and had to catch himself most of the time. As they walked on she began to squeeze his hand, he was staring at her, and looked up to see the car accident. "Ya I'm sure every one was fine, usually they had forensic and more personae if someone got hurt badly or....died." Taylor whispered the last and then gave her hand some more pressure to let her know he is there for her.

Her hand got tighter as they got closer and he couldn't help feeling that this accident went way deeper than just seeing something like this. Hey hug her or something she looks like she is gonna cry. At least try to be sensitive to her situation. That was just it though, Taylor didn't quite know what to do in this situation, he usulally didn't know how to handle the real emotional clients on their cases and usually let Bobby take over. So he really didn't know what to do but hoped that this was enough to let her know that he was here and cared.

"Ya, lets get inside. Hey are you ok?" He said as he went to open the door. He heard the officer and wondered if that had anything to do with her pale face and lack of motion. "Annaliza, what's wrong you look sick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Right now mostly websites, a few project designs for some new buildings, and some animation work for some test footage for commercials. If I'm lucky a movie once in awhile. It's not always the greatest paying but being a freelancer at least gives some room to ask for your own wages so it works out well in the end. One day I might decide to go more into the gaming industry but for now I'm fine with where I'm at," he said ",Funny, I thought about joining the military before deciding programming. Nearly did but I was a bit overly sensitive to a lot of what was going on around me. To much distractions that kept me from being focused, wouldn't be so good in an actual situation. So hey one rank up in eight years is better then me which is nothing." He joked.

"What about you? I mean you aren't in service right now so what do you do?" he asked Aura his nervousness somewhat ebbing away glad that at least she didn't see his profession as a waste of time like some had before. All the while he took the site of his soulmate in. He had never much thought on what his soulmate would look like, but somehow looking at the person in front of him now, seemed to always be etched in his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morte Angelis

Morte Angelis

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


In a normal situation, any other person would have just said that they were ' fine ' and try to change the subject. Annaliza was not one of those people though. When ( and if ) something was bothering her, she was sure to let other people know about it. Once they were inside and all she could hear was the chatter of other people and other normal cafe sounds, she sat down with Taylor and started writing out a rather lengthy string of words onto her sketchbook while clutching her bear in her other arm.

' When I was younger and still talked, a boy tried to get close to me and ended up getting hit by a car on his way across the street to his house. He only broke a few bones and got bruised up pretty badly, but some of the others weren't so lucky. The second one happened when I was 10 and there was a fight going on. He thought he could handle it and show me that he could prove himself a good friend. An hour later he died from a cranial hemorrhage as a result of getting hit repeatedly with a pipe. The third time was a girl when I was 13, and she survived, but she can't walk anymore. I was 15 when the next one occurred, and I still can't get that lifeless look in his eyes out of my head.

The last one before I distanced myself from people and stopped talking was when I was 16. She was a very sweet girl and had such big plans for when she got into college. The day before she was supposed to meet her soul mate we were on our way back from the mall when a mugged tried to take her bag. She sprayed him with pepper spray and he shoved her into traffic. I can still remember the sound her body made when the car ran her over. People stopped of course, but it was too late by then and her parents never stopped blaming me for what happened. I knew it was my fault though, so I just accepted their malice and still carry it with me even after my family moved here from London 5 years ago.

When a waiter came over and asked what she wanted, she typed out on her phone that she wanted a peanut butter shake and a smoked turkey sandwich with extra tomato. As the waiter turned to ask Taylor what he wanted, a little sniffle escaped from Annaliza and the pen the waiter was using cracked and ink started to leak all over his hand. Quickly grabbing some napkins, she helped the waiter clean himself up; ignoring his protests that he was fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

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She gave a slight grin at his tale of almost-enlisting, yeah she'd hear that before from a lot of people. Plenty of people dallied on the edge but couldn't bring themselves to sign on the dotted line, but that hadn't been a problem for Aura. Shaking this thought from her mind, she replied "Actually, I'm still enlisted in the National Guard, and I work for the local police department. Turns out, they needed some military experience for their SWAT team, so they hired me on. Guess you can take the girl outta the Army, but ya can't take the Army outta the girl." She chuckled at that, though it was a poor joke to say the least. Her guys had always joked that she had deadly aim and a wicked punch, but the humor of a dead tree. She'd never taken kindly to that joke, and had always had some form of suitable retort to fire back, but true to form she'd never been able to get much more than a pity laugh from the men. After a moment, she continued "So, uhh, do you live in town? I have a house not too far from here actually."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The scarlet eyed vampire sat watching his soulmate mull the question he had posed. Thin tendrils of steam curled from his short black coffee. He smiled and grabbed the coffee, downing the liquid. He enjoyed the heat that spread through his body as Mia moved her hand and rested her chin upon it. She stared out the window, watching as men and women rushed past the windows. Solenne followed her gaze, undoubtedly seeing more than what she was. Everyone outside the window, everyone in the near vicinity looked different to the vampire. Their pulses were all varied to the eyes of the creature of the night. Some were calm, others were frenetic and some were in states of calm. Her voice cut through his distraction.

"So will you tell me?"

He turned back to Mia and smiled at her thoughtful response and question. He always disliked this. More often than not were people shocked and appalled that his kind could be civil. Too much bad press had come from the ferals of his kind, the blood craze running rampant and the reclusive nature of the civil ones meant his kind did not have a great PR guy.

He massaged his neck once more, chewing his lip gently before nodding "of course, seems only fair" he gave a crooked smile, the left side of his lips curling up gently "I was a general in Caesar's army" he laughed slightly "I attended concerts by Mozart...I knew the Queen's mother" Solenne laced his fingers together gently and looked at her, crimson eyes steady and smiling "Mia...your soulmate is a vampire."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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"I was a general in Caesar's army. I attended concerts by Mozart...I knew the Queen's mother." Perplexed, Mia furrowed her brow at Solenne. Her mind raced in a clumsy way, thrown off track by his young features, his crown of brown hair. A skeleton did not sit before her. And just as her mind was stretching itself between these two far-reaching conclusions, she heard Solenne say, "Mia...your soulmate is a vampire."

At once, the furrow was gone. Mia sat back into her chair, studying Solenne carefully. A vampire. That did do away with the perplexing, contradictory relationship between his appearances and his apparent age. "That raises a lot of questions," Mia hedged. She locked gazes with his scarlet eyes, narrowing her own dark ones in newfound confusion. "For one, what was a vampire doing in the army? All that bloodshed; did you ever lose your restraint?" She gave a small shake of the head, her short hair trembling belatedly in the aftershocks, and offered an apologetic smile to Solenne for her ignorance. "I'll admit, I'm not very familiar with vampires. Never met one before. You'll have to teach me everything there is to know."

She leaned forward, staring closely at Solenne's eyes. "I should have guessed," she muttered, almost disappointed with herself that she hadn't, when the hints had been staring at her right in the eye. Quite literally. "Although, I never thought a vampire would enjoy coffee." Solenne dated very far back. He had seen so much of the world, lived through history itself; Mia didn't even know the beginnings of his species, beyond sketchy myths and legends that were about as good as the word of Salem townsmen in one of their rabid fits. And then a curious question struck her. "How old are you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Solenne raised a curious eyebrow at the response he was given. Admittedly he found it slightly amusing at the look of disbelief she had given in response to his answer. The ‘curse’ of looking around mid-twenties stuck again. He looked his soulmate over, already had he shared so much of himself with this girl he had hardly known, and yet he felt calm. She herself had said that she didn’t know much of the world; yet he sat as history embodied. A man that had seen empires rise and fall around him. And she hadn’t been scared of it. Merely curious with questions. The first one came simply about his time at war.

“I learnt very hard how to keep myself restrained” he nodded simply “though the one time I lost control was what Caesar considered my greatest battle and what caused me to become a general” he sighed gently, looking at his gloved hands. He remembered the bloodshed he had caused in the name of Rome. He gave the gentlest of shudders and continued answering her questions “I will teach you as much as there is to know” he smiled politely before she began to speak once more.

Solenne found himself watching her, less focused on what she was saying and more watching how she reacted. The simple movements of her shaking her head, as if in disbelief. He smiled gently, taking in her stunning appearance. She was stunning, he wasn’t sure if that was his own tastes coming through…the mark on his wrist burning gently…or something else. Suddenly the other obvious question came up. The whole age question. Solenne sighed gently “I honestly don’t know” he frowned a little “I was always a foreigner where ever I was that wasn’t this white” he pointed at his skin “I figure I’m some kind of English race” he shrugged “but my earliest memories are of Sparta if that helps” he gave an almost awkward laugh “sorry…this must be a lot to take in…” once again massaging the back of his neck he looked up at her “but what of you? We’ve only been discussing me…and that’s not really fair” he smiled “I’d like to know about you.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The irritation all but melted away as his soulmate spoke to him. He could ignore and forget the irritation as simply as a passing fly, his soulmate wanted to talk with him just as much as he wanted to. What could bring more happines to Danilo than that?

Just... Don't go anywhere.

It was such a strange thing to say in Danilos mind. Why should he even consider going anywhere with out him? Especially if one count how long and patiently he waited to actually be here and now? Regardless Danilo gave a firm nod of confirmation that he will indeed be staying there.

The dragon followed with his eyes as the owner of the Porsche, the suited man walked up to the police and started speaking. His soulmate making just a step or two before he turned around and grabbed the dragons hand. The action was a surprise, but a welcome one, as his heart forgot to beat for a moment as the burning from the wrist was gone the lack of it sending of a chill deep into him. He lost the pleasant warmth but he got something so much better in return.

"Keegan Lowry, by the way. Good to have you here."

Danilo returned the handshake. ''Danilo Suvic, likewise my long awaited soulmate, Keegan. Or simply call me Dan.''

There they have officially meet each other. It was none of the thousands of scenarios he played in his head, but for some reason Danilo didnt want to change anything in their meeting. He hold onto Keegans hand for a few more moments, and reluctantly managed to make himself, let it go. He gave him a nod and a smile, motioning to the police men. Once that is dealt with, Danilo just knew he would have all the time of the world to learn everything there is about Keegan, and answer anything his soulmate wanna know. So what did it meant being patient just for a few more minutes anyway?

He hold his cane, letting his finger dance over it, as he observed the situation. Waiting on the spot, just like he was asked to. He draw his head away and looked to a older woman to his side. Was she all the time here?

''Are you a friend of Keegan?'' He simply asked her, with a curious note in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Yeah I live about a ten or fifteen minute walk from here," he said ",I come here usually everyday, especially after nights like last night." He realized shortly after what he said and quickly tried to think of an excuse of what he meant.

"I mean, busy night and all for my job," he said not wanting to reveal what he was just yet to Aura unsure how she would react. Perhaps being his soulmate meant she would accept it no matter what but he wasn't entirely ready to test if that would be the case. The last attempt to share what he was with a normal person cost him a friend and he didn't want to loose another let alone his soulmate.

"So police work? That's pretty neat," he added ",What about outside of the job, any particular hobby you enjoy to do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Morte Angelis

After listening to her story Taylor sat shocked for a moment. He didn't know what to say, Annaliza was one of the strongest people he knew, as of now. The girl had been through so much and has had to deal with so much loss in her life, and she has barley lived yet. Well don't just sit there like an idiot, say something to her, hug her, kiss her, I don't care just do something to show her that your not dead. Taylor blushed at his words and after she was done helping the water and he ordered a Swirled milkshake. He scooted over next to her and gave her a hug. It was a embrace of warmth and was just meant to show his comfort and care. Taylor sucked with words, that was Bobby's thing, so he went with his actions instead.

"Listen, you have probably already heard this before, but it is not your fault, you should't hold your past over your head for the rest of you life, it's not healthy. In my opinion we should use our past to move forward and become better people." He didn't know if his words helped but he hoped that they somewhat got her comfortable again. Taylor released her from the hug and kept his hand in hers on the table. "Now about your voice, I would love to hear it one day if you would let me." He said with a firm but kind look on his face. Good job grasshopper, master has taught you well.

As he waited for their drinks, he got very nervous, she had just shared something very personal about her life with him and now he felt like he was holding out on her about Bobby. You might as well tell her, I'm gonna come out and introduce my self eventually. Stop being such a scardy cat, it's not like she won't like me, or do you think she will like me better. Bobby was correct, he always had people like him better than Taylor and he got worried Annaliza would be the same. Taylor turned to her and looked her dead in the eyes. "I have something to tell you and it is important."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deadnaut
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Deadnaut Weapons Specialist

Member Seen 2 mos ago


She nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of her head, thinking to herself "Well, hope he likes tom boys, I can't say my habits are girly in any way." The thought brought a slight chuckle from her, but she quickly stifled it and cleared her throat slightly. After a moment to collect her thoughts, she said "Well, I like reading, I play video games and I go shooting at the gun range, though I guess you could half-count that as work, but I love it so hey. What about yourself? Surely you programmer types don't spend all day writing Skynet." She offered the last part in jest with a light chuckle, though even she didn't think her joke had been particularly high quality this time. Her nervousness was beginning to fade as the conversation carried on, as it seemed that Alekaiser didn't meet any of the criterion that had caused her such fear before, and he seemed to be a pretty good conversationalist to boot. For now, it didn't seem like she could've been matched up with much better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

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Victoria Nikitina

Victoria had been going about her morning as usual. A few clients to see too with problematic canines, she spent most her morning offering advice, tips and helped clients to train their furry companions as if they were her own and she when she was finished, always seemed like she had places to be... Though that was mostly a facade to ensure she had time to herself without having to be around or confront other people when it wasn't necessary.

Having the rest of the ahead day cleared, Victoria had planned out an activity for herself and her little pup 'Kubik'. They had crawled into her small white pick-up and headed for the local park after her last client was satisfied. She was new to the area and out of all the places she'd been it was the best so far, plenty of shade was scattered across its reaches and while numerous people attended its trails they were too deeply focused upon their mobile devices, work companions or deep thoughts on their most private relations.

As she pulled up to the curb of the park she'd make sure she was within a marked parking spot and smile lightly, sapphire hues lighting up with glee as she glanced down at the dead husky pup, well it was more like a dead-to-the-world slumber... But, he resembled dead sometimes which is a weird thought Victoria figured. Patting her lap and causing a stir to wake the young creature she'd speak in an enthused voice, it rung lightly in pitch with a thickly lined Russian accent drawing over each word, "Com'on Kubik! Let's go play!"

As she got out of the car she'd close the door and move to the other side, her mobile within one of her faded blue jeans pocket. Moving to the other side of the pick-up she'd open the passengers door and reach in to grasp the now hyped ball of black shaded through to white. He had a little black leather collar strapped around his neck with a chrome name plate reading his name on one side, while the other held the engraving of his owner's mobile number. Quickly locking the vehicle she'd place her keys within her pocket and moved off towards the pack with Kubik in her arms.

Eventually placing the young pup on the floor with no leash, she'd begin striding into the parks grounds. Her motions fluid and well placed as she whistled gently to call Kubik along, though he seemed to follow quite easily and only really stopped when strangers wanted to pat him and offer him compliments along the way. Victoria, of course, kept her ears and eyes focused on his whereabouts so no one would try to pick him up and wander off. She, at this point, was completely oblivious to the ink upon her wrist, it was covered by a silver watch she barely ever removed and as she hadn't paid it much attention these past few days or possibly weeks, she'd been unaware of the date or name written upon it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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“Sorry…this must be a lot to take in…” said Solenne. Well, perhaps it was. Mia had had limited interaction with other species - had come across an elf once, in a chance encounter - and could not call herself an enthusiast when it came to learning the differences between kinds. But she found that she would be willing to learn all that there was to vampires, and this one in particular.

Solenne rubbed the back of his neck, a hallmark trait of endearing awkwardness and humming nerves. “But what of you? We’ve only been discussing me…and that’s not really fair. I’d like to know about you.” Here, Mia felt heat flush her cheeks with colour, and she tucked her chin in, laughing nervously. Her eyes flitted about the cafe, which seemed to be growing more packed by the minute.

"Trust me, there's very little to learn," she said, with one last chuckle. "I have twenty years to your - what? - couple thousand?" Nonetheless, she reclined in her chair and began to muse. "Well, I was born in Singapore two score years ago, I went to school, and lived a very regular life." Boring, more like, a voice murmured somewhere. But it was quickly shushed to nothing by Mia, who continued, "And now I'm here, as a barista in this cafe." She gesticulated at the clinking sounds of ceramic cups against tabletops, the soothing soundtrack of her life now that she spent many an hour and day immersed in it. Her hand folded itself into her lap again. "My parents didn't like my choices very much. Then again, they used to tell me not to get involved with boys until I was 30." The memory of trying to whittle the tally down with her parents - half in jest, half in terror that they would actually carry through with the policy - brought a laugh to Mia's lips, and she looked at Solenne with lips parted in breathless chortle.

"My life is rather monotonous, really," Mia admitted, apologetic for her averageness. "But you're not as boring." Reaching across the table, she gently grazed the fringe of his coat sleeve, feeling its smooth surface slipping by her finger, pressureless in its touch. Solenne wore formal attire, dressed to the nines, looking as though he had stepped right out from a professional photoshoot. But it was curious apparel in this day and age. "What do you work as? And what do you enjoy?" She was a firm believer the second question was just as - if not more - important than the first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Nah but if the military wants a prototype for it I have one," Alekaiser jested back with a chuckle ",Well similarly I enjoy video games, reading when I get the time, and playing certain sports like rugby, football or what you call soccer, and Australian Rules Football." He replied about his hobbies glad that they shared at least a few that were similar. His worries ebbed away and the more pressing matter of what Aura would think when he eventually told her of what he was went to the back of his mind. He was surprised by being matched up with someone so perfect but he figured that was probably why the name was etched into his arm and was called his soulmate. The conversation was going so well he didn't even notice his food had been brought by the waitress. It was probably cold by now but food wasn't on his mind.

As he stared at Aura his eyes shifted briefly, from the regular sky blue they were to a sharp yellow, it happened suddenly for only about a second. Alekaiser had felt his wolf briefly come up and pushed it back down hoping that Aura hadn't noticed and the worry about telling what he was crept back to the front of his mind.

"So anything you would like to do besides sitting here all day, not to say I'm not enjoying the conversation just you know I doubt you want to see here all day as well," he said hoping to shift the conversation away from any question about his eyes if she had noticed the brief change of color a few seconds before.
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