Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leval Lamrue

Daichi paused for a moment giving him an odd, but brief stare before answering. "Yeah, thanks. Pretty rough start for the first day, right?" Leval considered the day so far. "I would have to agree, but at least we get to rest up for the rest of the day. Magical History should be interesting. He glanced back up to see Daichi, staring at his meal, nose wrinkled in disgust. "...what is that? It smells god awful." Leval looked at the bowl, the grey goop inside seemed to have taken the indent of his spoon and was slowly moving back to cover the depression. On the far side of the bowl, a small bubble popped with a deep bloop. However, Leval could still taste the deep rich flavor of chocolate in his mouth as his illusion stayed strong. 'This may be a good opportunity to reinforce the illusion.' A grey chunk of something wriggled against the bottom of the bowl, causing a slow moving ripple across it.

"Loosely translated into your tongue, I think the best I could call it would be 'Bog's Broth?'" A look of mild curiousity passed over his illusion's face. "You know I don't know if humanoids can survive it. Would you like to try some? He proffered Daichi a clean spoon, as he scooped a rather large helping into his mouth. Since he definitely had Daichi's attention, his real hands pulled an aerosal can and lighter and blew a small flame upwards. At the same time, he head the scent of can and shifted the flame so it appeared to be coming out of his illusory head as the false body attempted to stifle a burp. It appeared as though Leval's huge body had just shot out flames into the sky, the heat of the actual fire noticeable, but painless to those around him. "Please excuse me. His face appeared mildly embarrassed. Around the room, he saw Nodah and Nuna discussing some matter by the lunch dispensary. By the door though, he saw the girl with the strange patchwork aura, Akujo. He lifted an arm and yelled out in a booming voice. "Akujo! Over here, come eat with us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Onyx
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Onyx Monochrome

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan Delacroix

Following her statement Rowan was a little taken aback from the responses she received. She assumed the nocturne's whistle was some sort of catcall directed towards her. "Nice to meet you, Rowan. What's a pretty girl like you doing hiding under a hood?" Lance chimed from his seat as he looked in her direction. The vampire's eyelids fluttered open for a brief moment before averting her gaze quickly while attempting to brush it off politely. With a slight tint of pink to her cheeks, Rowan spoke up once again, "Pray do not flatter me so, I am not worthy of such complimentary words. This hood is simply meant to block out the rays of the sun." She glanced over at the elf once again and bowed her head when she finished her sentence.

Shortly after the burly Leval arrived at the table, Kuroda and the human proceeded to exchange small talk. Her gray eyes trailed down to the thick mush in Leval's bowl and she scrunched up her nose as the smell wafted in her direction. The sight of the bubbles rising to the top made Rowan's stomach turn, and she brought the tips of her fingers to her mouth to stifle her discomfort. At the far end of the room Rowan's attention was caught by the girl Leval had just called out to. That moment was her window to relieve herself from the unappetizing meal, even if it was only for a second.

"I will be back." she mumbled under her breath to Leval before excusing herself from the table with her untouched food on the silver tray. Rowan slipped the tray under one of the machines labelled trash and watched as the food dissolved. She approached Akujo and bowed before her. "Hello again, Maman Akujo. Would you care to sit with us?" she voiced courteously while pointing over her shoulder at the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kuroda Daichi

Daichi's hairs stood on end when he saw something wriggle at the bottom of the concoction. How is that even edible? The cat shuddered at the thought and returned his stare to Leval's face. "-I don't know if humanoids can survive it. Would you like to try some?" Kuroda's interest was piqued immediately by the offer- such a thrilling opportunity was not one he would likely pass up. "Really now? A big scary guy such as yourself must have a stomach of steel." he drolled, a wry smile spreading across his lips. He rested his chin on his hand and reached for the spoon Leval was holding out to him. "-Don't mind if I do." The nocturne maintained his grinning facade as he carefully leaned across the table to get a better view of what he was about to consume. The "Bog's Broth" certainly didn't look any more appetizing up close, and the smell wasn't helping one bit. What have I gotten myself into...

Daichi flashed Leval one last look, an expression filled with regret. He dipped the spoon into the bowl and his face contorted with disgust at how thick the consistency of the sludge was. Chunks of God-knows-what were sinking around the utensil and weighed it down to the bottom of the dish. He forced a loud gulp before retrieving a spoonful of the broth. Hesitance evident, Daichi finally held the spoon to his lips, wallowed in the heat rising from the substance, closed his eyes tightly, and slowly pushed the food into his mouth. The texture mixed with the revolting taste was sickening, and the cat immediately felt his body reject the meal even before swallowing. He thrust his chair back, covered his mouth with the back of his hand, and bolted for the nearest trash can to relieve himself.

Spitting up the stomach-churning gruel made him feel like everything else he had eaten was going to make another appearance as well, but he forced himself to hold his food down. He gripped the sides of the trash can tightly and hovered over it, just in case he missed a few chunks. Why the hell would anyone put themselves through this kinda torture?! Daichi aggressively wiped the corners of his mouth as he regathered his composure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lance Delmero

Lance raised an eyebrow at the spiked and towering figure who neatly took the seat between himself and Rowan, with a bowl of what Lance could only presume to be pestilence solidified. Holding his breath, he refocused on Rowan, who had politely deflected his compliment, although he counted the light blush on her cheeks as a score. She got up from the table shortly and moved to interact with another curious-looking girl. Not having anything to say, he continued to eat, trying to ignore the nauseating stench that was his neighbour's meal. It wasn't long before his attention was grabbed once more by the sudden departure of Daichi from the table. What had happened? It took the elf a moment to realize that Daichi had tried some of the spiked figure's sludge. Lance refrained from laughing, and instead got up and walked to the nocturne's side by the bin. "You alright?" He asked, with a mixture of concern and amusement. "I have to say, I thought you were smarter than that. His food looks like condensed sewage," he jerked a thumb towards the towering person at the table, a friendly grin on his face. Lance had to admit, he'd never seen a creature of that sort before.


Zephyr arrived at the dining hall just in time to see Leval burp, exhaling flames from his mouth. He rolled his eyes. Now that he knew the human was an illusionist, a trick like that wasn't particularly impressive. The question was, why exactly did he feel the need to put up such a grotesque facade? Zephyr didn't let the question bother him for long, bypassing the vampire girl and some other student on his way to the machines at the side. Swiping his ID card, he walked away with a plate stacked with assorted meats and a tall glass of a fizzy dark liquid he'd never had before.

He moved to Leval's table, setting himself down loudly in the seat opposite. He gave a sharp and wide smile to Leval with the words, "We meet again, eh, pal?" It took the demon a moment to notice the bubbling concoction that sat in front of the human, and he cringed away from it, sticking his tongue out in disgust. "What is that? I've been to the nether realms, and even they don't go that far." He was tempted to ask about the illusion itself and whether the quagmire like substance Leval ate was part of it, but he would wait a little bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riplipkip

riplipkip Izuze

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nuna Mori

"How could I refuse?" This was her cue to pursue to the table, but his response led into another conversation. She listened intently and as he came to a conclusion he said, "Would you grant me that?" She was looking at Nodah quizzically. Maybe he was mistaken? After the few seconds of her pondering gaze and observation of the scenario, she stated monotonously, "No. That is just Nuna Mori, the succubus, for you. I cannot make any promises, but I will attempt to resist the temptation. If anything I will permit you time. You can't get rid of me that easily." Turning from Nodah to face the direction of the table, she paused. She added over her shoulder, "If I may note, you seem to be demisexual. It's the little things you can pick up from the people you hang out with." Altering the intonation of her voice to one more upbeat, "Well, then. Let's continue to the table."

Approaching the table, she granted the party the respect of inquiring to sit down at their table after they finished the small chat. "Is alright if I sit down at this table? I'm Nuna Mori for those of you who don't know. Well met." She did not want to seem imposing like the early version of herself in the morning. Her reputation was already tarnished, so whatever she could do to salvage it would be beneficial.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover4evah
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maman Akujo

Akujo was overwhelmed with the shock of the multitude of people that she had nearly forgotten her hunger; it was only when her stomach growled at her to signify that it was time to retrieve some food. About to head towards the line, she made no movements as she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

“Akujo! Over here, come eat with us.”

Her head turned towards the owner of the voice that was seated at a table not too far off from where she stood. At first, however, she was going to move to the table to sit with who she hoped to be her new friends, but her stomach once again grumbled in complaint of not having gained nourishment in quite some time. And so, the starving witch changed her direction to head towards the now non-existent line towards her first choice of the school year.

A brief glance at the physical forms of the food she was supposed to eat, although, immediately sated her appetite, and she moved forth to the lunch table she had been invited to. However, she was soon met with the sight of the girl from the nursery that had been so concerned with the boy that had called out to her; Rowan. Akujo’s lips curved upwards into an eager smile as, once again, she was invited to sit with the others at that table.

“Hey, Rowan! It’s nice to see you again!” She enthusiastically greeted. “Of course I’ll sit with you guys!”

Immediately, they began to walk back towards their table. Along the short path there, the witch broke into conversation with the girl besides her.

“So, how has Rosewood been so far? Was there anything I missed before I saw you guys at the nursery? Because I kept walking past people with lots of bruises and cuts on them, but I never heard anything about there being fights when I came.”

Sooner then she had expected, the duo had arrived before the table, only to bear witness to one of their male classmates rush off to the nearest trash bin. Akujo giggled a bit at this action, but was still concerned enough to ask what was ailing to the poor being. “So. . . what happened to him? Do you think he’s going to be okay?” She questioned, not necessarily speaking to one specific person whilst deciding to occupy an open seat at one end of the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kuroda Daichi

"You alright?" Footsteps could be heard approaching Daichi from behind, and his drooping ears perked at the arrival of Lance. His voice was filled with what the cat assumed to be worry, but he sensed a hint of mirth in the elf's tone. He could tell he was holding back a laugh, causing the Nocturne to stifle a chuckle of his own. Without turning to face him, Kuroda lurched over the trash bin and tightened his grip on the sides. He let out a disconcerted groan in response before spitting into the garbage once more for good measure. "I have to say, I thought you were smarter than that. His food looks like condensed sewage," Lance stated coolly, a smile spreading across his face. He ushered over his shoulder towards the party at the table, specifically at the human whose food he had just thrown up. "He questioned my kind's ability to eat that stuff, but I'm convinced it's not even edible." Even through the unpleasant taste left in his mouth, Daichi managed to crack a smirk in response to Lance and his snarky comment.

"-sorry to get your hopes up, I'm not as smart as you had expected." he purred as he stood up straight. His eyes trailed towards the face of the elf who hovered so high above him, then back down to his chest that rested at the cat's eye level. It appeared that he had something to say, but he decided to keep his petty thoughts to himself. I can't look this guy in the eye... Daichi rubbed the back of his neck, confused even by his own thoughts before he started making his way back to the lunch table. Rather than leaving the elf in his wake, he patted Lance's lower back as an indication to follow him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Nuna walked off, Nodah watched her back advance to the table. "You can't get rid of me that easily," she had said. Was he to take it she would be a pestilence? But it was not her words which grappled with his curiosity and danger as much as it was the way she had said them. Succubi gallivant, he thought, his sneakered feet picking up to follow in Nuna's wake. This one...she does not seem to play for just the game. She had named him a demisexual for asking her to stay her pursuits where he was concerned. That humoured him, and his manner was outwardly jovial as Nodah came to the table, shortly after Nuna's introduction.

He tossed an easy smile, eyes now twinkling emeralds surveying the table. They lighted particularly on the slight girl in her hood and another in vivid colours, and flitted distractedly to a towering elf a distance away, where Daichi had strayed. All new students who had no place in Nodah's memory, save the pale girl, who owned a fleeting impression from the training hall. "Nodah Listig, at your service." He placed his tray down, upturned lips addressing the new faces, as he slipped languidly into a seat. "I am afraid you are strange to me. Might I ask your names? I would be so pleased to make your acquiantance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Onyx
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Onyx Monochrome

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan Delacroix

The two girls made their way gradually back to the table, and Akujo initated some conversation with Rowan. "Maman Akujo is quite amiable- she gives off a very pleasant aura." The vampire had her hands folded neatly before her as they walked beside each other, occasionally glancing over at her company while she spoke with such an eager tone. “So, how has Rosewood been so far? Was there anything I missed before I saw you guys at the nursery? Because I kept walking past people with lots of bruises and cuts on them, but I never heard anything about there being fights when I came.” Rowan lifted her chin slightly at the comment. "Your statement is correct. There were fights schedulded during the first class- Combat Training," she began quietly, still formulating a response in her mind. "One student faced another in separate chambers, and one came out victorious over the other. I, for example, went against Leval Lamrue."

Rowan tightened her grip on her hands when she recalled the turn of events towards the end of the battle. Just as they reached the table, Kuroda had bolted from his seat straight for the other side of the room. Akujo inquired what the cause may have been. "I'm not certain, but..." Her eyes travelled to the bowl of gruel in Leval's possesion. Without finishing her sentence, Rowan lifted a finger and pointed towards the peculiar concoction to give Akujo some sort of answer. As they both sat down, Rowan noticed two new faces already seated with the group. "Nuna Mori and Nodah Listig." She politely nodded her head in their direction, particularly intrigued by the changing color of Nodah's eyes. "My name is Rowan Delacroix." Her voice remained very quaint as she shifted her eyes shyly between both of the newcomers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by riplipkip

riplipkip Izuze

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nuna Mori

Immediately following her introduction, Nodah began his formalities. During this short interval, she examined the students she was to be among. Inimitable, stylish, and bewitching. These adjectives crossed her mind as she quickly glossed over their faces. Some new and some old... The others had yet to give her a response, to sit down at their table. But the speech that ensued after this thought was the closest. "My name is Rowan Delacroix." The hooded figure, or rather Rowan, carried a hushed demeanor, almost hiding her true identity in her cloak. But there was something in the way she orated that left an impact on Nuna. The sensations the students emitted around her were immense, but Ms. Delacroix made her want to institute a liaison. Mori noticed the shy looks of Rowan and returned it with what she hoped to be a cordial smile.

The other students had yet to engage in conversation, so Nuna began with an open-ended question. "So how is everyone's lunch?" She stated as she began to eat what seemed to be brunch. The appearance of the maple syrup covered fruits and nuts, grapefruit buttermilk donuts, smoked salmon, and raspberry drink were not enough to cover the lingering stench that assailed her nose. A grimace washed her face and cleared to avoid any attention. Before the thought of hurling overcame Nuna, she stuffed a spoonful of the maple fruit and nuts into her mouth. "Mmm..." as the morsels of food began to fill and her repel the odor. Her body reacted to the nourishment with a shudder of relief and satisfaction. She ate slowly, enjoying the smell and taste her food provided. May the soul of the person eating whatever is procuring such a foul stench ascend freely into the light, ridding it of such pungency and impurity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover4evah
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maman Akujo

In response to the aforementioned question of why one of the other males sitting at the tables burst from his seat to rid his something of some foul substance, Akujo accepted the answer of Rowan's pointed finger, which was directed towards the bowl of some unknown, grotesqueness that Leval had in front of his figure. Once Rowan and she had sat down with the rest at the table, she recognized the male and female that had come over to seat themselves at their table. Though uncertain of her names, the young witch did not hesitate in introducing herself to the newcomers.

"Hello there! I'm Maman Akujo; you can just call me Akujo. It's nice to meet you!"

The girl, Nuna Mori, then spoke as well, inquiring whether everyone was enjoying their meals. At that statement, Akujo sighed as her seemingly calm stomach groaned at the mention of food, though knowing that not much of their selection seemed particularly appealing.

"Well... in my opinion, there isn't too much good food here, so I'll probably just skip for today." She commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riplipkip

riplipkip Izuze

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nuna got up from her table.
Walked away and dropped and sang the song of doom.
A forbidden song only to be used when one's soul is corrupted.
The world ended with all life and everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kuroda moonwalked from the table and towards the window.

"Later, bitches."

He saluted with a wry grin on his face, turning to kick the large glass through its frame.

Looking over his shoulder, he winked at Nuna.

"Care to join me on my campaign to world domination?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zephyr was immune to the death song.

Except it made him turn into a giant ass demon.

"Prepare to get fucked." He boomed, all demon-like.

And with that he went to fuck shit up.

Lance died and all the pretty girls in the kingdom cried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"L-Lance, bby... no... WE HAD SO MUCH CHEMISTRY!!!!"

He wailed, throwing himself out of the window. All hope was lost. No more pretty cat-elf babies.
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