...you're going to need it.

I'm looking to put together a few one on one's and I'd just like to preface this by trying to explain just the kind of atmosphere I like in my stories. I like struggle, I mean struggle against impossible odds, I have killed more of my characters in mad acts of defiance and desperate last stands than I've had actually reach their final destination. And when they do make it to the end of story they are almost always a little broken. I adore stories about the power of the human spirit, I personally am stubborn to a fault and my characters will often reflect that trait to varying degrees of bullheaded. I am fascinated by the way characters can develop in the face of diversity whether they break or grow stronger, I want to watch them fall or grow, I don't want to see a character do a bad thing and suddenly become a bad guy. Go ahead and expect to see stories of people against difficult odds, characters that will be weak compared to the forces arrayed against them. Stories where the characters will likely be dragged through the mud, some might give up, but many will still keep crawling through simply because they have too. Stories that could, in a few circumstances, have two completely different characters by the time they're 'done'. Stories in which I can only promise the characters will have a simple camaraderie, like that of soldiers and survivors, but may still very well not like the other.

Anyways I've likely failed to explain anything, if someone has a few words that would better describe my madness let me know. And now that I've run off half the folk who were reading, here's some plots.

I should probably include all the requirement stuff here as well. I consider myself to be somewhere between the advanced and casual level by which I mean I like to think I'm a decent writer, but I won't pretend that I'm some master of grammar. Look over what I've written here and think of it as a template for my style, long-winded, a little disjointed, likely riddled with odd grammar issues, but full of ideas. I take my time on posts, usually 1 or 2 a week, and only hold my partners to the standards I set for myself. It's just an annoyance when I put several hours into a 5 paragraph post only to get a few lines back. I'm interested in the development of characters and so it's a rare thing when I'm not interested to know what they're thinking. Obviously I'm down with adult themes, I've no qualms with blood, violence, language, the works so long as it applies to the characters and the situation, I won't add things just because I want the story to be 'adult' I use writing to ask questions not sate some desire for pointless romance or smut. The characters will see horrible things, they'll do horrible things, but they'll also do good things, they'll laugh, they'll cry, they'll be people. Beyond that I can't think of anything pressing and I think I've done a thorough job of running folks off with a lack of clear point by point ideas. It's a talent really.

And frankly if none of this makes any sense to you but you think "Huh, this guy seems like he could be good to spin a story with." Just shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can do, even if it's outside what I've put down here. Honestly I couldn't even begin to write down my ideas, unless I just don't go to work. For like a month.