Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Member Seen 25 days ago


"Ever heard of that saying: 'mess with the bull, you get the horns?' Yeah, well I'm the bull, and my horns are made of fire."


Name: Luis Sanchez

Title: Reaper of War

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Date of birth: 17th March, 1983

Lineage: -

Class/Major: Tank

Class/Minor: Support

Occupation: Reaper

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Marital Status: Married, three children

Birthplace: San Jose, California

Blood Type: O+

Eye Color: Wholly crimson red, glowing and flickering with an unnatural fire. Occasionally sparks fly from the corners of his eyes.

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 185 lbs

Hair Color/Style: Medium length, longer fringe, light brown.

General Appearance: His build is muscular, strong and typical of a man his size. His usual combat gear is his combat vest, desert beige fatigues, combat boots and a tan scarf/neck protector. When not in combat gear, Luis is commonly dressed in a tee shirt of any design he chooses, blue jeans and sneakers, with a gold chain around his neck.

Skin Tone/Condition: Slate grey, dark and riddled with cracks. A deep red and orange light emanates from these cracks, as if the man's body is only a shell around a raging fire within.

Markings: -

Combat Stats

Dominant Hand: Left


-Upper Body:

  • Hellfire Armour - once thought to be a standard US-issue ballistic vest with plating, the body armour has since morphed into a fiery, ashen armoured regenerative vest, a mere visage of what it once was. It protects against most medium calibre bullets, but has a harder time stopping higher powered projectiles.

-Lower Body:

  • Boots of Flame - these special combat boots are part of Luis' Flame Boost power; their soles easily combust and break away to allow his flame jets to burst forth. They also regenerate nearly instantly, but do little else.


  • Cuarenta (Forty)- What was once an M249 SAW is now a fire-spitting beast of death. Drawing upon daemonic powers, the machine gun's magazine no longer requires bullets, instead spitting a constant stream of hellfire bolts at Luis' enemies.
  • Ira (Anger) - This Benelli M1014 shotgun is no longer a shotgun. It instead is an agony launcher, firing explosive shot or depositing pellets of distilled pain and fury into enemies, turning them into mindless killing machines that cannot tell friend from foe.
  • Desierto (Desert) - What used to be an IMI Desert Eagle is now a heat-seeking bolt thrower. The bolts from this unholy pistol release ungodly amounts of heat when fired, drying up plant life, dirt or soil, superheating liquids, metals and solid structures and weakening them.
  • Spada (Sword)- Luis' machete has been given a brain and a pair of eyes and a mouth, and now this foul blade reaps death in the battlefield, its bloodlust and power growing with each kill.


  • Super enhanced strength, endurance and stamina to nearly superhero levels.
  • Enhanced speed and reflexes.


  • Fire Form - By breaking free of his ashen flesh shell, Sanchez is able to turn his whole body and kit into an unstoppable raging fire, capable of swarming and engulfing small to medium-sized structures and turning everything into ash. Standing still and within his ashen shell, Fire Form renders him impervious to most basic projectile, penetrating or wounding attacks. When not in this form, he is mostly human. Sustaining Fire Form requires stamina, and though Sanchez is high on that, it's not infinite.
  • Ashen Flesh - What encloses his heart of hellfire, Ashen Flesh is a passive magic that overtook Luis' entire body upon his death and resurrection. It converts his skin, muscle and bone into a hard, dense ash that protects his innards. This ash isn't impervious to his own internal fires; the light and bursts of flame that emanate from the tiny cracks within the ash are what enhances his aesthetic. The ash is strong enough to withstand basic non-powered attacks from any type of melee weapon, though not tough enough to withstand either powered attacks or bullets. Other projectile attacks that are magical, not gunpowder-powered, are dissipated or absorbed, unless the power levels are too high. It all depends.
  • Flame Boost - By breaking holes in the soles of his feet, Luis is able to blow out jet streams of fire out his legs and effectively boost around like Iron Man. Flame Boost renders Luis capable of short-distance, sustainable flight, or long-distance ground travel.
  • Unkillable - Being made of unquenchable fire means that Luis effectively cannot die, though like Cho before him, being injured greviously or to the point of death means that he has to spend a long period of time slowly regenerating his body and rekindling his flames.


Voice: Hard, crackly, as if he was talking through a fire.

Personality: Sanchez is very up-front, gung-ho and boisterous. Most that are asked to describe him say that he laughs in the face of danger, and most times it shows.

Backstory: Sanchez was a full blooded Spanish-American, born and raised in San Jose on the west coast. Not long after he hit the right age, he immediately requested to sign on with the army. After his basics, he was placed within an infantry battalion, one that was posted to fight the War on Terror. This was in 2003.

In 2006, his platoon came under fire from an enemy machine gun emplacement inside a building. Trapped across a road from the rest of his section, Sanchez took it upon himself to free the rest of his comrades from the suppression of hot lead. With only his LMG and shotgun, he charged at the building in question, daring and taunting the insurgents within to kill him. They put up a fight, but Sanchez beat them back, forcing the gunner away from his position by firing back. With his bravery and confidence under fire, it was then that Delta Force took notice.

Two years later, in 2008, Sanchez was part of a Delta Force squad that single-handedly took down a terror cell hiding in a remote desert base on the outskirts of Cairo. On their way home though, they were ambushed by insurgent raiders and subsequently trapped in an abandoned town. It was there that he and his squad fought not only insurgents, but something else entirely. Something not quite human.

The dark skinned, robotic humanoid that greeted their squad wiped out the insurgents in a fit of rage, then turned on the four operators with a fire unmatched by anything they'd ever seen before. The team was killed, one by one, until Sanchez was the only one alive. The man was burned to a cinder by his opponent's magical fire, left as a husk on the battlefield next to the corpses of his friends.

Thus the Darkness chose him to bear an eternal fire and turned him into the Reaper of War.

Just as in life, when a courageous fire burned within his heart that could not be quenched, so too in death he was given a fire, a flame that consumed his entire inner being and set him ablaze in a furious inferno.

When he awoke, he found his skin like hard ash, his flesh like cinders and his inner body a raging fire. His weapons were possessed by daemons, and yet they were strangely friendly with them.

And, in front of him, stood another man. A man made of shadow.

A friend.

A Reaper.


Much like Cho before him, Luis was bonded to four daemons after his experience with death. However, in accordance to the way he died, the daemons he was bonded with are vastly different to the ones Cho travels with.


Cuarenta, or Ren for short, is a fire daemon. She resides in Luis' machine gun and, like Tac, is considered the de factor 'leader' amongst the four daemons with Luis. Her gentle and often understanding nature belies the cruelty and ruthlessness of her daemonic fire.

As Renny is a fire daemon, her powers and skillset are mainly devoted to fire; either causing it, spreading it, or imbuing it into his weapons and body.


Ira is a rage daemon, and he resides in Luis' shotgun. The youngest of the four, he doesn't let his inexperience stop him from unleashing fiery anger and unholy rage upon Luis' enemies.

Ira's skills and powerset passively augment Luis' combat and endurance abilities, bestowing upon him godly levels of endurance, healing and stamina, while enhancing his natural strength and speed.


Desierto, or Des for short, is a heat daemon, and the main difference between her and Ren is that while Ren produces and manipulates fire, Des can make and manipulate heat. She resides within Luis' pistol, and she is commonly used as a precursor for stronger attacks from his other weapons. Though her usefulness is limited, it doesn't stop her from trying to be the best she can be.

With aggressive heat as the basis for her skill and powersets, Des is most often used as a combat starter, prepping the battlefield and targets so that his other weapons have the most effect when they come into play.


Spada is the oldest daemon of the lot, and is an elite daemon fighter and warrior. While he doesn't have any special abilities, he makes up for it by being Luis' main source of combat smarts in the field, guiding the one-man wrecking crew along when he's busy being an unstoppable killing machine. He resides within his machete, and is most at ease in the heat of battle.

Spada's entire skill and moveset rely upon Luis' instincts and close-quarters combat abilities. By constantly observing and analysing a fight or combat, he is able to give consistent, good advice, as well as being able to make any bladed attacks home in slightly on their target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
Avatar of DJAtomika

DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 25 days ago

The Bandaged Man

"Life is a dream we all have to wake up from. In death is our eternal salvation."


Name: Unknown

Title: The Darkness, The Bandaged Man

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Date of birth: Unknown

Lineage: Entropy's Birth

Class/Major: Deity

Class/Minor: Warrior

Occupation: Curator

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Marital Status: Single

Birthplace: Unknown

Blood Type: Unknown

Eye Color: Blood red, black sclera.

Height: 6"

Weight: 176 lbs

Hair Color/Style: Short, black hair, unkempt and messy.

General Appearance: Akin to the picture above, the Darkness takes the form of a human male, roughly 30 years of age. Bandages cover most of his body, wrapped most prominently around his head and hands. These bandages are bloody, worn and messy; at times the ends of the bandages fall free from where they've been tucked in and wave in the wind. The Darkness is often dressed impeccably in a black suit jacket, black tie, white shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes, though oft times his clothes are messy and dirty, befitting his image as one of decay. The words "Wake Up" are written in blood on the left breast of his white shirt.

Skin Tone/Condition: Normal

Markings: -

Combat Stats

Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous


-Upper Body: -

-Lower Body: -


  • Cali - A longsword, plain and simple. Except not really. The sword was once the legendary blade Excalibur, owned by the equally legendary King Arthur. For the most part it is a wholly good blade, but in one plane of existence, the Bandaged Man appeared and slayed the king and his knights of the round. The Darkness took the fabled sword and corrupted it, turning it into a grim visage of its past, fit for a dark warrior such as himself. The sword also houses a daemon lord, one that grants the blade an infinite sharpness and a cutting edge roughly two feet longer than the blade itself.
  • Bass - A mere flintlock pistol, Bass is the home to a particular daemon lord: Basilisk. The pistol itself holds the power to petrify anything it looks at, along with having infinite ammunition since it's a magic pistol.
  • Yankee - Yankee is a grey aluminium baseball bat decorated with the livery of the baseball team the New York Yankees. Picked up on one of the Bandaged Man's jaunts to present day Earth in some dimension or other, the bat is his main melee weapon. Imbued with the strength to level mountains and open canyons, the bat is also home to a daemon lord.
  • Aury - A simple length of chain, Aury is one of the Bandaged Man's secondary weapons and is home to a special lord: Ouroboros, the Eternal Serpent. The chain is wielded as a whip, though if Aury's power is activated, the chain curls in on itself into the shape of a circle and turns into a force shield that can absorb and reflect any energy projectile shot at it, amplifying its powers tenfold first before firing the projectile back out.


  • Enhanced strength, stamina, speed and endurance.


  • Unstoppable Darkness - The Bandaged Man is a vessel of the Darkness, and as he's spent so much time as one, he is made entirely of the dark. Regular physical attacks don't even faze him, and it'll only take powered magic attacks to attract his attention or hurt him.
  • Serpent Limbs - The Darkness has loaned the use of his minions to the Bandaged Man. These minions are serpents made of darkness that emanate from his back. With sharp fangs and even sharper venom, these shadow minions act as extensions of his limbs as well as weapons.
  • Dark Body - Being made of darkness, the Bandaged Man can camouflage and submerge himself in shadows, swimming through them much like Cho can.
  • Unkillable - And of course, he can't die, regenerating his darkness whenever he sustains a fatal amount of damage.


Voice: Raspy, deep tone. British accent.

Personality: Cynical, aloof and blunt, the Bandaged Man isn't one to beat about the bush when he wants to tell you something. However, he does have an eloquent side, if he isn't busy or involved in anything unsavoury. His past as a ruthless killer is long behind him, and though he carries the mentality with him into battle, he is no longer the same outside of stressful or battle situations. And if he trusts you, expect him to be a loyal and trustworthy ally.

Backstory: Eons ago, in an advanced world akin to modern-day Earth, there once was a man. This man was a soldier, a mercenary and a killer, who commited atrocities unlike no other, for his world was cold, uncaring, unfeeling towards the sufferings of those in lower social status. With no family, no friends and no conscience, the soldier killed for money, power and glory. And, when he died, no one missed him. The only thing he found in death was a cold, dark black that he embraced with open arms.

What he did not expect was that the darkness embraced him back.

Formless, indistinct and without direction, the Darkness sought out this soldier and absorbed his intelligence and physical substance into itself, integrating him within it. This soldier was the first and only Avatar of Darkness.

For centuries, the Avatar was the herald of the Darkness. Wherever he set foot, death and destruction followed in his wake. Whole empires and worlds destroyed themselves merely because of his presence. And throughout this, the Avatar revelled in it. The wanton slaughter and chaos only fed his bloodlust and insanity, slowly turning him into a monster.

Then, one day, he was approached by someone. Another Avatar, this one of the Light. The two Avatars fought each other on a barren world, one devoid of life. The battle lasted two whole years, and systematically destroyed the planet they fought on.

At the end of it, the two Avatars had fought themselves to a standstill. A stalemate. Then the Avatar of Light explained to his counterpart that this was how things were supposed to be. The Avatar of Darkness, and by extension the Darkness itself, listened to the Light as they explained a compromise: the gigaverse and all they knew was always to be kept in a balance of Light and Dark, never with one in excess. These two forces were always to cancel each other out, never triumphing over the other.

Thus the Avatar of Darkness retreated. He withdrew to another barren world, one devastated by disease and famine, leaving it a husk of its former self. There, he thought and looked back at his actions. He and his master determind, after a long time, years even, that their actions had been in the excess, causing a resurgence of Light that had given the Light Avatar a reason to seek out his counterpart. The fight was merely to balance the two forces, not for one to win over the other.

The Darkness and his Avatar then struck an agreement: no longer would they engage in such wanton acts of destruction. The Darkness, after all, was nigh-omnipotent, just like the Light, and after the eons of being used through its Avatar, had gained intelligence and wisdom and judgement. With this knowledge, the Darkness gave his Avatar a new task: to act as himself, traveling at his orders to specific locations to spread chaos and death for the greater good of all existence, maintaining the balance as was decreed.

The Avatar took on a new image as the Bandaged Man, and spent the remainder of their time up until present as that balancing force, always maintaining a level of darkness and death to counterbalance the good and light in the gigaverse. However, he was only one man. So, taking things into his own hands, the Bandanged Man created the Four Horsemen, each from a singular, meaningful and powerful death. The Four were Death, a deadly and ruthless sniper, War, a courageous and headstrong soldier, Famine, a cold and silent assassin, and Pestilence, a compassionate and stoic medic. Once the Four were fully assembled and aware, he briefed them on their duties: to assist him in maintaining this balance of Light and Dark.

Thus is how the Bandaged Man is now, the "boss" of the Four, though occasionally he is of wont to perform these duties himself.

The best way to do something right, after all, is to do it yourself.



Being the pioneer of daemonic weapons, it would therefore make sense that the Bandaged Man has, in his possession, four powerful daemon lords within his four weapons, as unorthodox as they are.


Cali is a powerful daemon lord, one who used to be under Lucifer's command. The power that she wielded was that of death, and she was the main dealer of it. In Excalibur she serves, bringing absolute death to those that dared oppose the Bandaged Man. Contrary to her status as one of the most powerful daemons in his arsenal, Cali is not the leader of the four. Lofty and resolute, she is a duty-bound daemon, one who appreciates those who put their heart and soul into their work.

Cali brings death, plain and simple. She passively extends the cutting edge of the sword, giving it an extra two feet in length and a foot in breadth. Anything she cuts will also never heal, not even if she wills it. The only way to survive a wound would be to not get hit or die. As such, Cali is rarely used when the Bandaged Man requires someone alive instead of dead.


Basilisk is a unique daemon, originally a mythical monster. This particular basilisk was given daemonhood when it found and drank from an unholy font. When the Bandaged Man found it, it was already a daemon with intelligence. The lizard now inhabits the flintlock pistol the Man carried around, and its petrifying gaze is its main power. It is a strange thing, referring to itself in the third person and being curious about many things.

Basilisk is able to petrify anything it sets its gaze on. The effect is nigh instantaneous, and its victims are frozen in a stone visage. If the petrification reaches the victim's heart, they die. However, Basilisk must maintain its gaze continuously on the target otherwise the petrification effect is reversed just as quickly. Once a victim is dead or completely turned to stone they will not turn back.


Yankee is another daemon lord, one with immense strength and destructive power on a world ending scale. Who he actually is and why he chooses to stand with the Bandaged Man is a mystery. However, all the daemons within his arsenal, and even those of the Four all acknowledge Yankee as the biggest of them all. To say his real name would be a great blasphemy, though he does like the name of Yankee. Stoic and wise, he is often silent, though when he is needed, he does not hesitate to speak and act.

Yankee brings sheer force to the playing field. Each swing of his bat carries the force of several hydrogen bombs going off at once, though this unrelenting power can be scaled and lowered if need be. Otherwise, the bat itself is nothing special, other than being able to withstand the forces at play.

Yankee notes, absently, that the team he is named after plays their sport well, and is an avid fan of the game.


Ouroboros is a serpent daemon, the only one of her kind. Her status as the Eternal Serpent is one she carries with conviction. Loyal to a fault, yet enigmatic and wise, Aury inhabits the chain that the Bandaged Man carries around and uses as a whip.

Aury provides both offensive and defensive capabilities to the Bandaged Man. In her whip form, she can bite and latch onto her targets, injecting them with potent venom or allowing the Man to pull them towards himself. In her shield form she is able to absorb, amplify and redirect any energy projectile shot at her. Physical projectiles are merely deflected, because her shield powers only work on energy, be it magic or actual energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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