Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The One Piece does exist".
Edward "Shirohige" Newgate.

Across the four blues, stretching over the Red Line, through Paradise and Hell of the Grand Line lies a legendary treasure. Unmeasured fame. Unmatchable power. Ever lasting wealth. Just when The World Government thought they were ending a war, in actuality their causality was much bigger. They allowed for Whitebeard to inspire a generation more threatening than the Saiaku no Sedai (Supernovas).

With the start of the New Age, a new wave of pirates went to sea looking for One Piece, having heard Whitebeard confirm its existence. A number of pirates from the previous era escaped Level 6, and it was noted by X Drake that a new age also means that the Marines themselves now must change with this. However the exact direction this new era will take is still as of yet unknown.

Now a short 3 days after the death of Shirohige and his 2nd Division commander Fire Fist Ace a noticeable increase in pirate activities has surfaced. Too much for Justice to stand idle. Thanks to the death of Whitebeard, a new age has begun upon the world and the "Age of Pirates" that Roger established has ended. Thus, begins a new time for Marines as well. With the greatest Marines, Sengoku and Garp resigning, a power vacuum for the position of fleet admiral has occurred. Despite Sengoku's recommendation for Aokiji to take his position, the other higher echelons and new faces felt more worthy. The decision was decided over a 10-day battle between Aokiji and Sakazuki.

To compensate the loss of much military powers, the World Government granted the Marines unprecedented power, and with Sakazuki, as the new fleet admiral, the organization has become an overall much more powerful organization of justice ever since.

At the start of the storyline, the New Age has arrived. This New Age of Piracy was brought upon by changes in the world. Various characters who have mentioned it either spoke of a world on the verge of chaos, or a great age where pirates no longer chase their dreams.

Welcome all to the epicness of "3D2Y". For those of you who were not active in the in the interest check this is an RP based off the world of One Piece. Long has the days of Gol D. Roger passed and what is known as the New Age has begun. With the usual protagonists' laying low and training, the seas have opened new doors and opportunities have presented themselves for both justice and piracy. You are in control of the world's fate. What lies ahead can only be foretold by yourself. Decide the next step in The World Governments fight against the tyranny caused by those labeling themselves as pirates. Be the reason the World Government topples and drowns. Our future as role players holds countless of possibilities.

Hey guys, the almighty Brxvo here to oversee that things go smoothly. Rules should not have to be explained to experienced RPers like yourselves. Though I will go over a few things. So without further ado...

Rules &Tips

  • The common guild rules apply to this RP as any other.
  • Please if you are to be absent from the RP make a plausible reason for your characters absence also. This will prevent you trapping another player's character in an escapable scenario.
  • Do not be afraid to question my judgement. You have the right to your own opinion that I must respect.
  • Enjoy yourselves people. If you aren't satisfied please let it be known I'll try to make the most rational decisions.

Your Character

  • Progression- Fight!! Go exploring the island. Create your own Easter eggs and throwaway crazy bartender NPCs.
  • Death- You cant die as long as you can continue to type. But for realism sake, and a reason to think before you act it will be possible for your character to be unable to fight for the remainder of an arc due to battle injuries. Weakness could bring alot of unwanted attention to your character.
  • Character Sheets go here first before moved to the character tab.
  • Please remember to keep canon interactions to a minimum.
  • If it's lore it goes. If passable within the One Piece universe then I'd say I'm left with no choice but to accept it.

The Roster



The Graveyard

The World Powers

  • Fleet Admiral
    • Sakazuki Akainu
  • The Admirals
    • Kizaru Barsolino
    • Fugitoro
    • N/A
  • Worlds Strongest Man- Vacant due to recent death of Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate.
  • Worlds Strongest Swordsman- Hawkeyes Mihawk
  • Pirate King

News Coo.

  • Here you will be able to follow the events within IC. After anything major or significant happens it will be posted here. Large changes in bounty and rank. This will also tell of events happening across the world unrelated to yourselves. Giving you chances to take part in everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey, a One Piece RP. Seems good. I will have a Character Sheet up quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, so I've recycled a character from a One Piece RP that ended up dead in the water (I hope that's okay), but the thing is that the origin I made can easily be made either Pirate or Navy. So I left Crew/Base and Bounty/Rank blank for now. Please let me know which you prefer :)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tendo
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Tendo Lurking, always.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I might make a marine too if I come up with something good.

Anyway, here's Daisy.

EDIT: I see now, after re-reading my CS that she could fit both in the Navy or under a jolly roger. I'll probably go with pirate although I don't mind the Navy path if we have too many pirate sheets or something like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here he is.

Name: Balthier D. Sydney

Epithet: Black Dragon Sydney

Blue/Sea: East

Crew/Base: Former Captain of the Black Dragon Pirates.

Bounty/Rank: 99,999,999

Age: 22

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 98kg

Appearance: Dark red Eyes
Outside of combat he wears a black trench coat (usually open) with a button-down maroon shirt and white pants. (He removes the coat during combat because he likes it and doesn't want it ruined.)

Personality: He has a easy-going personality, and he is hard working. Generally speaking he has a good sense of humor, but he also has a mild temper. He can be more than a little arrogant and stubborn, he defiantly doesn't take orders very well. He is a thrill-seeker and has a lust for adventure that is without equal. He loves to live life on the edge, which can result in him diving head-first into ridiculously dangerous situations without a second thought and a smile on his face. In combat, he seems to go a little crazy and can often be heard laughing like a maniac.

Devil Fruit:
Name:Ryū-Ryū no mi (dragon-dragon fruit)
Type: Ancient Zoan
Ability: Allows him to turn into a dragon and take on dragon-like attributes. So far, he can only use the first transformation.

Skills & Talent: What ever needs done. (Can cook, clean, make, break, fix, navigate, or fight. He knows first aid, and is always eager to learn something new.)

Weapons: Sword and Revolver and powerful Haki. (Although he can't use his weapons in his dragonform. In combat, he fights with infighting techniques that utilize every part of his body as a weapon.

Transportation: Was a Large Frigate called the Nidhogg. Now, he has nothing.

Dream/Goal: Adventure, and to find his old crew.

Origins: Background: Born to a somewhat well-to-do family, Balthier was well educated from a young age. His life was normal until he was 13. On the eve of his birthday, his town was attacked by pirates and his family disappeared, he got separated from them in the chaos, and when he went back, he could find no sign of them. He was on the streets until he met a man who took him in. The man's name was Alzac, and he was a long retired Marine Vice-Admiral. Despite this, Alzac was a wise and kindly man. As a Marine Vice-Admiral he was scoffed at for being merciful. He didn't condone all pirates, just the criminal ones. Many mistook this for weakness, they would be dead wrong, he was a master swordsman and an exalant navigator; he taught Balthier how to fight and how to sail. Unfortunately, he died two years later from simple age. Balthier mourned him, but he understood that he wouldn't want him to wallow in grief. So, a month later, he gathered supplies and set out on the sea as a cabin boy on a merchant vessel. The captain of that ship was a cruel and uncaring man. Many long voyages were spent under the lash with little food and water to maximize cargo space. During a particularly bad storm, the captain drove them mercilessly, finally the crew snapped and Baltier ended up leading a mutiny. It succeeded, and Balthier, despite his young age, became captain of the Black Dragon Pirates. A very sucessful carrier as a pirate followed, during which he eventualy earned a bounty of 99,999,999 berries for piracy, sinking multiple Marine warships, sacking three towns, destroying a Marine base, burglarizing a Marine Captain's house, and shaving a Marine Captain's prize showdog. But then, after seven years of piracy, when he is 22, a rebellious subordinate wanted the money and fame, so he lead a mutainy of his own, marooning Balthier on an island.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

Name: Robert Delaware


Blue/Sea: East Blue

Crew/Base: -

Bounty/Rank: -

Age: 18


Personality: Although he appears to be reserved and calculating, he is quite the opposite. He generally has no care for the well-being of others outside of his crew, preferring to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. A true pirate's pirate. He does have a sense of humor, but he prefers to play the jokes, and not receive them.

Devil Fruit (if any): Bashi Bashi no Mi (Zap Zap Fruit). Taking the same logic of mera mera and magu magu, this fruit is the 'lesser' version of Enel's Goro Goro no Mi.

Skills & Talent: Expert swordsman. Adept at other simple weaponry. Above average cook.

Weapons (if any): A pair of katanas

Transportation: A simple boat, not meant for many as he is searching for a crew or people to form a crew with.

Dream/Goal: Become the best swordsman in the world, surpassing Mihawk.

Origins: Born into a merchant family in the East Blue, Robert grew up well educated and well fed. He never worried about his next meal. This carried on while the family was well enough off. However, as time passed and business declined due to an outward migration, his family's stores fell with it. Within a few years, he was sent off to a boarding school with what his family can spare and he never heard from them again.

Upon arrival, he knew that this was not the same crowd he grew up with. These kids were essentially street thugs. He has never had to fend for himself, until now. After the first few months where he got involved in nearly every fight that broke out. He had earned a reputation. He had a small group of kids following him, with him at the top as "Baron" Delaware. Although not the most infamous in the school, he was quickly asserting himself as such. Using his childhood training in swordsmanship, he quickly discovered that he has a natural talent with the sword. Now his preferred weapon, he carries two with him wherever he goes.

By age eighteen when he 'finished' school, his crew was the most infamous. The teachers, the disciplinarians, the students most of all, were all keeping their distance from them. For the most part, his crew is well-behaved. However, when things get out of hand, there isn't very many people that can stop them. On his graduation trip into the forest, Robert found a strange fruit. No one he knew had a clue as to what it was. Being the hotheaded teenage boy he was, he was urged on to eat it by his friends. Never backing down from a challenge, he took one bite and his life changed forever...

He did not remember what happened after he bit into the fruit. When he woke up, his friends had scattered and there were char makes all around him. To him, they look like marks that have been made with thunder. Approaching the nearby lake to wake himself up, he reached his hand into the standing water and nearly fainted instantly. Tumbling backwards, he gathered himself and tried again. Same effect. He then started remembering a whisper he heard through the grapevine. There are these mysterious fruits in the world that, once eaten, grants the consumer strange powers. However, the sea will forever reject them and if they come into contact with standing water, they become like hammers... One more thing of note he heard about these fruits is that they taste absolutely horrible. The taste of the fruit he bit into is something he will never forget. It tasted like...electricity, if such a thing was possible...

Scrapping up whatever berrie he can find and using a bit of coercion, he got himself a small boat, meant for a crew of no more than five, and set sail. His purpose is solely to find out what actually happened to him, and his friends, for now...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@KillBox Okay, I am not the GM here, and I haven't even been accepted, but I can tell you something here.

Your character will not be accepted.

Why? Because 1. That logia fruit is already OP as hell. 2. Talented swordsman AND logia fruit? Yeah right. 3. Someone already has that fruit in the story and from what I can tell, this still follows the One Piece storyline.

Seriously, too many red flags here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

@Crimson RavenSame logic can apply to you as well. 99,999,9999 berrie bounty? Zoro's bounty after the time skip is 120,000,0000. Your character is on the same level as a supernova from canon? Probably not. Boa Hancock, a shichibukai, had a bounty of 80,000,0000. Even though it has been frozen, I doubt your character has a higher bounty than a current Shichibukai back in her rookie days. Also, I don't think anyone has that fruit in the story currently? Enel was the last person to have it and he died if I remembered correctly. While we're still on the topic of devil fruits, mythical zoans were said to be even more rare than logias. Your fruit is the epitome of a mythical zoan. There has been exactly two ancient zoan to surface in the entire canon so far. 1st division commander for Whitebeard, Marco, and Snegoku of the Marine.

However, I will leave all of this to the GM/Co-GM's discretion. As of right now, my CS will stand.

@McHaggis*Raises hand*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

@McHaggisDarn it... lol. I didn't know that. Alright, I'll edit.

(I don't make OP characters... I make them, and then work with the GM/Co-GM to make it suitable to the game. If you're still passing on the offer, then best of luck ^^)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Crimson RavenSame logic can apply to you as well. 99,999,9999 berrie bounty? Zoro's bounty after the time skip is 120,000,0000. Your character is on the same level as a supernova from canon? Probably not. Boa Hancock, a shichibukai, had a bounty of 80,000,0000. Even though it has been frozen, I doubt your character has a higher bounty than a current Shichibukai back in her rookie days. Also, I don't think anyone has that fruit in the story currently? Enel was the last person to have it and he died if I remembered correctly. While we're still on the topic of devil fruits, mythical zoans were said to be even more rare than logias. Your fruit is the epitome of a mythical zoan. There has been exactly two ancient zoan to surface in the entire canon so far. 1st division commander for Whitebeard, Marco, and Snegoku of the Marine.

However, I will leave all of this to the GM/Co-GM's discretion. As of right now, my CS will stand.

@McHaggis*Raises hand*

True His bounty is high, and an Ancient Zoan type is rare, but mine isn't a rookie. He is a former captain with seven years worth of piracy and probably could have found that fruit anywhere and gotten lucky. The high bounty, is BECUSE of his power and position as a captain. Remember there were a bunch of rookies with higher than 100,000,000 million beri bounties in cannon.

Edit: I am aware that his is almost the archetype of Ancient Zoan, whitch is why I put a limiter on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

@Crimson RavenThose rookies are considered supernovas. As in the ones with potential to become elite pirates, if not already. Seven years or not, you're putting him in the category of supernovas. I agree with the fact that your character could have found a mythical zoan fruit due to luck or whatever other reason. My character could have also done the same with the rare logia fruit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@McHaggis Well, if my char is accepted and becomes a captain again (may or may not still on the fence) you will be welcome on his crew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Crimson RavenThose rookies are considered supernovas. As in the ones with potential to become elite pirates, if not already. Seven years or not, you're putting him in the category of supernovas. I agree with the fact that your character could have found a mythical zoan fruit due to luck or whatever other reason. My character could have also done the same with the rare logia fruit.

---not going to argue---
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And here is my character, the boy from the Red Line, traveling all the way from the dusty streets of Leroux Terre to obtain his desires!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Marik While your backstory certainly is interesting,I'm pretty sure that the image you chose for Alva is a girl
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Marik While your backstory certainly is interesting,I'm pretty sure that the image you chose for Alva is a girl

Nah fam, the artist that drew that specifically said that the character was male. And hey, what’s wrong with boys who like leaning to the feminine side? If the canon can have dudes like this…

Then I think Alva’ll be just fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright guys gotta go through these sheets thoroughly. Appreciate you guys hanging in there with me
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