Elizabeth was glad that she had been received positively, as, if nothing else, it would be possible to meet a new friend in the way of Skotadi. Skotadi was right, that they needed to go and hurry along. The Lady had given them little time for anything, and had certainly had not given away any time for wasting.
"You are quite right," Elizabeth said. "I'll be on my way as well."
Elizabeth went back to her room to collect her things. That is, she went back to her room go and collect her pet and her egg. When Elizabeth went back to her room, her Arcane Hound was sitting there quietly. So far, she liked her Arcane Hound, and had decided that she would call him Hesiod. Such a name, that evoked both majesty and humility, among other desirable traits, would befit him, or so she thought. So far, he had said no words to Elizabeth. Elizabeth assumed that there would be a day that he would, and that he was currently either too young, too bashful, or too unfamiliar with her to be at the stage yet. She also grabbed her white dragon egg, which Elizabeth thought seemed to shine whenever she took a look at it. She held it carefully in her arms, and made sure that it in no way be endangered. Hesiod followed his new master obediently as they left the room.
She was speed-walking, as they say, as she traversed the still unfamiliar surroundings of the academy. She went into the second lecture hall, and took a seat. She kept the white dragon egg in her arms, and kept a close eye on Hesiod. He seemed to be a good pet, but Elizabeth still had to work out what his personality was.