Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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It's been about a day since Oliver was transferred here. Last thing he remembered before being knocked out, he spoke about not really caring about being a test subject. As long as he was no longer in prison and will have an opportunity to get back out into the world. As he was waking up on the cold floor and was going through a series of testing, the guards were losing patience with Oliver as he was giving him a hard time. a push here, a shove there, he was threatened that if he was not cooperative, they would just put him to sleep. was this a bluff or were they serious, Oliver didn't really care but they brought him to Vlad's office so that he could take care of the rest as he wore a smirk on his face while cuffed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@Shuck@King Tai
Vlad looked up. "Aww new arrivals. Welcome. Please join us. Your alittle late. We will hav to work on that. Welcome to step two of the program. Making it this far means that you survived step one. We have just started weapon training. You may choice your weapon of choice. These are all training weapons. You will learn them all eventually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Oliver just continued smirking while Vlad gave them the rundown of what they were going to get into. Perking up at the mention of weapons training, Oliver gave a joker grin as he responded Are you sure you want me to grab a weapon doc? aren't you afraid that we'd turn it against you and your boys? and....speaking of weapons....will we get to use guns? asking curiously just to see what Vlad's response would be. Oliver also noticed a girl in the same room, dressed up in the attire he was also in. She was a bit cute but he wouldn't mind getting to know one of his comrades. most of all, for a girl like her, what the hell did she do to get in this program.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@King Tai
"The guards have tasers and tranqs. They won't hesitate to use them. If you dont think those are threats ask my pet how the affect your changed bodies. Beside these are only practice weapons. It would be hard to injure anyone fatally with them. Remember you volunteered to be here. It is me or death."Vlad answered indicating to Roxy. He knew that some of them would test the boundaries. It was there nature as criminals try to push the limit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shuck
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Fiore's pupils began to dilate in response to her excitement, even in her years of arms trafficking she'd never seen this much weaponry in one viewing. She felt like a kid in a candy shop, there was so much to choose from. However, still undecided, her gaze swiftly switched back onto the fellow test subject she'd first entered with. He was a tall, athletically built man with sharp facial features, and the same wild, piercing eyes as hers. She acknowledged him with a single nod of the head before quickly darting back over to Vlad and the girl. Vlad seemed to enjoy playing with fire, especially the one they called 'Roxy'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@KatherinWinter @Shuck

Amused to the fact that the young woman looked over at him and nodded with sort of an acknowledgement, Oliver gave her a stare for a moment until Vlad answered him. Oliver brought his attention back to Vlad not bothered by what he had to say. heh...I guess you're right. You guys would've lost control of this place a while back if it was that easy to stir up mayhem. And you have me a little curious about this pet of yours. Looking at the weapons, he was ready to get started Well then, If there's nothing else, I guess we can get started. I like bladed weapons anyway. Allows me to take my time. ain't that right chika? speaking to Fiore almost in a flirting tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy made her way to the table. She picked up the throwing knives. She ran her hands longingly over them. She missed her knives. She was tempted to throw it at Vlad even though she knew that it wouldn't do her any good. She went to stand by the wall waiting for the others to make their selections. She was curious if everyone would choose knives they were a common weapon and one almost anyone could carry and weld.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra rolled her eyes at the obvious flirtation attempt of the guy of Fiore. Quite pathetic. She turned to Vlad. "So we just practice? That's it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shuck
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@King Tai

Fiore didn't dislike Oliver's flirtatious demeanor per se; on the contrary, she found it most entertaining. "My name is Fiore. Not chika." She replied, a slight smirk creasing along her lips to reveal a small array of jagged teeth. This gave an obvious indication that she was some sort of carnivorous mammal. Which one exactly still remained a mystery. Her striking sapphire eyes soon drifted back onto the weaponry before her. Personally, she preferred something quick, simple but with enough power to kill someone with a single shot if made right. It was then she noticed the sniper rifle on the end table. Picking it up she rung her fingers precariously over the trigger, but not quite tight enough to set it off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Oliver took a look at the table as he noticed Roxy, another beauty grabbing knives. It brought a smile to him since it seems he may have some blade wielding rivals in this place. He noticed a Kukri blade, a curved machete-like blade that could be used as both tool and a weapon in south Asia. he then saw a Mossberg 500 pump action shotgun, which would most likely hold bean bags in them, and picked it up with one hand, having it rest on his shoulder.

When Fiore responded, Oliver at first gave a grin but slowly diminished upon seeing her sharp teeth. Thinking, that kissing her was going to be a hell of a task, Oliver simply gave a remark heh...cute... looking at another young woman Nyra, who asked about just practicing. Oliver was starting to wonder, another young girl? How the hell did they end up in this situation. usually girls this cute were his victims in the pass when he was actively causing hell.

Oliver went to stand by the wall with Roxy and waited for the others. Yeah along with baby bird's (Nyra) question, will we be teaming up as well?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Alex walked over to the table and looked at each of the weapons. The blades seemed nice, but he has used a lot of them. He then picked up a few different swords then he found a nice pair of swords he then found a nice double barrel shotgun. "so where's the chainsaw to match this boom stick" He said with a smile.
(like this if you got that reference)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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A pair of guards led Andrew into a large room. Andrew glancing back and forth, never enough to take in any real detail or even be practical, he was simply being paranoid. As he walked into the room with no resistance, he seen the others who were obviously in the same boat as he was, either they already had weapons or where looking over them. He paused for a moment, as if it took him a few seconds just to register what was happened, and then just spoke out, but in a modest tone and volume, "Wait. Wait. I signed up to be your guinea pig, not some time of soldier."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Actually once you agreed I can do anything I want with you. The government gave me funding to see if my work will improve their soldiers. So that means my guinea pigs get to become soldiers. You made your choice. Now you either you cooperate or you pay the consequences. It doesnt matter to me." Vlad told him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew looked around at all the guards, all armed. He knew running would not help him. He just sighed in defeat and walked over to the table. He quickly looked around and picked up either some kind of dagger or combat knife, he really didn't know his weapons. He worked with knives before, but never with the intent to hurt someone, but there was some familiarity in them, and he walked over with the others who had weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra put down the knives. She needed to know more weapons. With a sigh, she picked up a rifle. Nyra could shoot, and she did have good aim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shuck
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Fiore veered her scrutiny onto the new subject. He was a fairly lanky kid, lean and a bit on the malnourished side. His gaze bounced from guard to guard, only then to realize there was no escape. Poor kid. He reminded Fiore of herself when she was younger. She hated it. Inhaling through her nostrils and out through barbed teeth, she plucked up the courage to talk to him. "Hey, you!" She hollered from across the table only then to suppress whatever words where to come next. Perhaps shouting wasn't the best way to go around things, especially considering he didn't know who the hell she was. Fiore decided to walk over to him, although her walk might as well have been considered a run judging by how fast she was going. "D'ya need help picking a weapon?" She asked, her voice purred softly, more nimble than before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew tried to look at the person shouting at him and being unnaturally friendly, being around people on various illegal drugs, he got use to being around eccentric people. He lifted up the weapon he picked up from the table, a throwing knife, though he only picked up one. "Um, I guess i will use this knife, blade, thing." he said with a lot of uncertainty in his voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Good. You all have chosen your weapons. You may choose to change them at a latter date. Now I want you to show me how skilled you are with the weapon you choose. You can do that by simply demonstrating what you can do. Or you can attack one of the others. I have read reports but I want to see your skills for myself." Vlad told them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex put his weapons away and looked at Vlad. He then said "I Hope you have something that we can at least use the blade weapons on without having to hold back, because it wont be fun trying to avoid slicing limbs off of the others." He pulled out the shot gun and said "though it these things have nonlethal rounds, they will make things more fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Announcing the next phase involving use of weapons, Oliver, sheathed his Kukri and stepped forward with the shotgun in hand and looked over at Alex and the others.. "Im down with taking on some one. If not, just give me some targets and I'll show you why I'm good with weapons and assassinations..." Turning towards everyone waiting for an answer. "for all of you to be in here, you all had to have done some serious shit. So...I'm a bit curious on what some of you can do..." He said wearing a smirk on his face.
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