That's Mocha, she's 9.

Whole bunch in there, I tend to let it go after the initial planting and mulching, just try and keep it somewhat weeded.

Tiger and Asiatic Lilies, had flowers a week ago lol

Honestly don't remember what these new bushes are.

Some herbs and rhubarb and Mocha again.

Stuff and things and Mocha yet again.

Almost done with the front yard. And Mocha one last time.

Now I'm done with the front yard.

There's the purgola with the massive wisteria up front.

Fern's sisters chillin by the gas meter.

Honestly no idea how that pumpkin plant got there, since I didn't plant it.

Wisteria pods

Underview of purgola

My giant male kiwi.

More stuff and things.

Even more stuff and things.

Rocco and Tucker

Part 2

And part 3