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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laura put her sniper rifle down and walked over to Andrew. "If you want to fight with your fists you first need to put your dominant hand in the front and your less dominant in the back and spread your legs," she forcefully positioned his left hand in the front position and kicked his legs apart. "Keep your body loose and since your a beginner I would say jumping would help you a bit." Showing him what do to striking with her dominant right hand first and less dominant second. He will owe me after this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Skylar grunted. Two guards were around her. She gave a keen glare at them, before looking back at her ice crystal necklace. She folded her arms once more, and gave a growl of anger in the Cafeteria. What a lame. You only try to have fun, and you find yourself here. She grunted, before looking up at one of the guards. "When do I meet the others?" She growled at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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@Kit DewStein

As the person who was slightly older than him grabbed him (Laura), he froze up and loosened up. Just allowing her to give her lesson, and absorbing the words slowly but truly. He was about to make a smart remark to the doctor, which probably would of been a bad idea anyways, but she just popped up out of nowhere. He just kind of nodded his head at her instructions if she was done and tried to slowly walk backwards to the other side of the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Alright children off to lunch. I will see you in an hour." Vlad told them before signaling the guards. He headed out leaving the teens to follow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Laura rolled her eyes at the lab coat male and started to head to the cafeteria. She turned around to Andrew, "If you would like any more training with fist fighting let me know."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Without even looking back, he remarked, "Um. No thanks. I wouldn't want to waste your time on me would I?" he said, walking towards the cafeteria. "If they care this little about us, their food probably wouldn't be the best, but they aren't going to starve us since they need us, wonder what they are going to serve. Regular prison food." he muttered as he thought to himself a bit to loudly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"The better you perform the better you eat. Vlad the creepy scientist believes in rewards and punishments. If you do well he will reward you. If you don't you will suffer. Today's meal will be decent enough." Roxy told him honestly. She didn't care really. She had earned her meat. The others were on their own. She had told them what she could. They would have to learn the rest on their own like she had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Being dismissed to go eat, Oliver simply headed to the cafeteria so to see what bullshit they were going to feed them. Roxy said that the better you perform, the better you eat but Oliver was not trusting. How did he know that they wouldn't shit him over? there's no telling but to find out first hand. Simply following everyone, he had his hands in his pockets, still thinking about the fight he was in and how he'd needed to gain more control over his animal DNA. Having the Black Mamba in him, did it mean that he has a lethal poisonous bite? other abilities like that of a snake? what else can these others here do? whatever it was, he will not back down from from a fight.

but before the satisfaction of combat and bloodshed, Oliver walked in the cafeteria looking around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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@King Tai
Laura got some food and sat down. She didn't care about how much food she got or the quality. She watched Oliver enter the cafeteria and shook her head. "Did you choose the large shot gun originally because you are trying to make up for something you lack," she joked with a raised brow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@Kit DewStein

Oliver, upon hearing Laura's witty remark, gave a sigh and looked over with a lazy stare. Cracking a smile Why don't you come over here and get on your knees to find out.... He retorts as he went to grab some food and find a spot to sit at. He realized that, just like in prison, someone was constantly going to try him and this time, it was Laura. Just by the way she looked at him, he could tell he disgusted her but in his mind, if they didn't have these restraints on him in this camp, he'd show her why he ended up with the record he had. but he did wonder what she could do besides being slick mouthed with him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laura was an ass because that was the only way she knew how to be tough. She preferred to try people the would try to make friends out of later. If she were nice to you it was probably because she pitied them which is rare for her to do. She laughed at Oliver's response in approval of it. Either way the relationship between them went, friend or enemy, she was going to have fun with this boy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Finding a seat to the side somewhere, he heard the laughter from Laura, resulting from his comment and had the look of amusement knowing he turned a tense situation into a funny one and started picking at his food to prepare to eat. He looked over towards both Roxy and Laura since they were the ones who dared challenge him. He was going to like this place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laura decided to be more of a jerk and moved to sit across Oliver. She didn't acknowledge him, she just sat and began eating her food. She liked to see what pushed buttons and what didn't and Oliver was a fun play thing when it came to personality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Before Oliver could even get the food in his mouth, Laura sat down right across from him. He looked around, wondering that with all the seat available, why would she sit close to him? she seem to not be paying Oliver any mind as he stared her down. He thought this could be a set up. He then spoke up I guess you came to take up that offer to get on your knees... he spoke as he took in his food. He continued to look at her to see how she is read either by action or personality.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lavender choked on her food at Oliver's comment. Coughing she gave him a sickened expression, "Just *cough* because you are a guy doesn't mean I am going to look at your mini water pistol." She scrunched her face and continued to eat her food not remembering the last time she ate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex followed the others to the cafeteria and grabbed a bunch of food and sat alone and ate the food quickly. He ignored any of the comments about guns being useless since he had learned how to use both guns and blades. He would use either that was at his disposal to complete his mission. He muttered "if he wants a team it's going to take a long time for anyone here to work together" He then kept eating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew got his food, and ate. It seemed to him he lost his taste quite a while ago, from going from one slob to the other. However it seemed to be back, but different. After he inhaled his food, there was an audible thud on his table when he realized he was probably going to spend the remaining time of this experiment with these crazies, and as his head hit the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy looked at the buffet. It was set nicer then she had expected. It seemed Vlad was going to be generous today. Which made her suspicious. She didn't know why he would reward them. It meant he would expect something from them. She grabbed a plate and helped herself to some meat. Then she took a seat at a table and dug into her food. She watched the others as she eat. Would their animal affect how and what they eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Skylar watched others come in. She stood up to get herself food. She looked over her shoulder at the guards. "Chill. Im getting food. Sheeesh." She growled at them, before grabbing some meat. She went back to where she was sitting where the guards were. She dug into it, and watched others. Her blue gaze flickered from the guards to the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Kit DewStein

Oliver gave a "hmph" watching Laura choking and coughing from her food. Seems what he said, caught her off guard. But he didn't care. it was obvious, she wasn't to screw with him and piss him off but trying to keep his composure, this was a way to mess with her. From her response, he retorts as well Tch...look at it? You can choke on this "water pistol" like the food you're eating for all I care. Anyways, why are you over here, Kitty Kat? you don't like me but you wanna get closer to me. Is that your fetish or something, Kitty? He asked curiously
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