The Republic of the Northern Isles

Founded at the earliest of all the four empires the RNI is strong and stable empire. It is located on the Northern hemisphere in a wooded area.Including many smaller islands and huge tundra's the RNI lacks of mineral riches.This is compensated by their fast technological advance and good trade due to the ocean. Rich yet small in landmass the population is an average of 1.2 billion. This many people are all fed using the ocean and the vast grassland avaible.The people living here are muscular and smart but the fertility is very low.They have pale skins and speak an accent that is most similar to scottish.The people are usually happy but who doesn't have a bad day.Their Milita is a massive army in case a war breaks out,whilst NIFF their army is well trained,and equipped with the best equipment on the Northern Hemisphere.In the past many kingdom fought over the lands for supremacy to conquer the fertile grasslands.The small kingdom of Domestos emrged after decades by inventing a powder much similar to gunpowder,which can be made from the sparse resources around the area.Making basic guns and bows that were fired like rockets they won the everlasting war.The guns today rely on the same propellant,tho often mixed with real gunpowder to enchance the accuracy and travel distance.(Think of this thing as white/grey gunpoder)Now the Emperor is the highest man in the country.Whilst called a republic the RNI still has an Emperor.He gives out laws and commands like a Minister, but truly has supreme control.Every Domestian knows that the Emperor is the rightful ruler,and all true blooded Domestians obey him.But due to the other nations annexed,the Emperor declared a republican mask.He is good friends with the leaders of the Irodien Empire,like every Emperor before him was.He puts high pressure on militarization to deploy a passive defense.Leading in Technology no one is quite as developed as the RNI.Ahead by almost a decade,breach loading guns are a normal to the NIFF.Their buildings use Roman Concrete as there are many natural deposits of limestone that are easely accesible.There are always research going on somewhere in the Republic.Many people mean more inventors.And the Emperor pays well for military technology.May he live long.
Glory to the Republic!
"Welcome to the Milita boys!"
The Commerical Milita of RNI

The RNI Milita is the first form of army structure the RNI had.Recruited from common townsmen and those wanted to defend their brave country,The milita is a large fighting force.Due to the large number of people avaible the army reaches 500.000 constant soldiers.There is also nearly a million that could be called in any time.After the recruitement they are trained in many aspects of fighting.They exercise hard to be bale to carry more stuff,or run for more.Althought only every 1/5 goes into the actual NIFF the milita is a well trained army force too.This is compenstaed by the relatively common equipment they get.Every Milit member is equipped with as shovel to dig foxholes and every 10th has a carpenters tool to put up planks.They use muzzleloading flintlock guns,with smoothbore concept.These guns are fairly long to grant improved accuracy.These guns are reliable and are made using the sparse mineral riches avaible.

"Boys to the rescue'"

The NIFF(Norther Islands Fighting Force)
The NIFF is the actual well armed and full time army of the RNI.Well trained,well equipped and selected from the best of the milita,they are a force to eb reckoned with.Counting 200,000 active members they are a big military force capable of defending the territiry from most fronts.They have been deployed to help the governement forces in the Irodien Civil War,they made spectacular results.Equipped with the newest guns avaible to date, they have an excellent accuracy.They use backloading flintlock rifles.These are similar to the ones the Milita uses.But they have a slight rifled design.This grants above average acuracy,making them able to perfom marksman roles.But this also makes the gun really long,and hard to use by unskilled hands.NIFF forces are trained for a year before finally sent to battle.This makes them effective but any casualties are hard to resupply.They also have acces to some light artillery elements.Thses include basic smootbore bronze cannons,and low effiency mortars.In battles they often use Ballistas or Catapults to provide support,instead of cannons.

"Here comes the cavalry!"

The RNI also has acces to a small cavalry force that is used as a rapid response infantry.Armed with cold steel blades and a small double barreled snaplock rifles,they can rapidly respond to most threats.They are excellent at horseback riding,and train every day to improve themselves.They are also amongs the best soldiers on foot.The higher ranked troops can often shoot backwards whilst riding.In the past tho,there hasn't been many cases where they were needed,so their numbers are small.Using ancient methods to demoralise the enemy,there is always 10,000 of them.They are called Helrriders because of this.The horses they use are nowadays bought from the Kingdom of Stoludi,as those horses are the finest they have acces to.

"We stand,till we die"

Domestian Guards
The Elite of the elite,these fearless guards are chosen,from pure domestian bloodlines.They serve as the Emperor's Guards and perform survelliance roles if needed.No equipment is spared on arming them,making them the most armed force known to ever exist.They have a light leather armor,with steel plates on it.There are ancient engravements in the leather making them look even fiercer.They are armed with guns that the NIFF use,with the difference of being shorter,yet not losing from their accuracy.They also have acces to state-of-art Flintlock Revolver Handguns, made by Edron,the leading firearm supplier in the Republic.They have a training that is ruthless,and humiliating.This includes the last trial of being sent out in the tundra,and they have to survive for a month alone.During this period they are watched,not to die,but those who fail are dismissed and will be a shame to their blood.They are granted luxurious conditions once passed training,to compense for the tasks they are given.They are highly disciplined, and are not to be messed with.There are currently 300 Guards working for the Emperor.They also serve as Chief Military Advsiors and Generlas in time of war,when needed.

"Set sails,our home needs us!"

The NIN(Norther Islands Navy)
The navy of the RNI resembles many different designs.Big adn small ships,taking ideas from times when the empire wasn't united.This leads to ships flat and low,to ship-of-the-line's that are very tall and have 2 hulls.Although most ships have the commonly used designs,bigger ships occasionally go to extreme heights.The NIN has excellent warships made out of the finest wood.They use mortars on most ships,and mechanisms to shoot enemy ships.These are then fastly retracted by an automated mechanism,that is powered by a waterwheel below the ships.This make the ships rapid fire,but low on firepower.The flaw is that the RNI's leaders favor biger ships over small ones.Because of this there aren't many small ships in the fleet.This often leads to funny and embarassing situations when smaller ships get close enough to the hull,where the big ships can't hit them,and tis way sink the boats.The RNI is incorporating some metal designs into the ship rosta,but so far the never had enough material to mass produce any.Most Domestians know how to sail,but they are not good.Whilst the ships exceed in quality,the crew's skills are questionable.Mostly,only the officers are trained in Naval academies.Thank god everyone know how to swim.Their strentght lies in numbers.

Founded at the earliest of all the four empires the RNI is strong and stable empire. It is located on the Northern hemisphere in a wooded area.Including many smaller islands and huge tundra's the RNI lacks of mineral riches.This is compensated by their fast technological advance and good trade due to the ocean. Rich yet small in landmass the population is an average of 1.2 billion. This many people are all fed using the ocean and the vast grassland avaible.The people living here are muscular and smart but the fertility is very low.They have pale skins and speak an accent that is most similar to scottish.The people are usually happy but who doesn't have a bad day.Their Milita is a massive army in case a war breaks out,whilst NIFF their army is well trained,and equipped with the best equipment on the Northern Hemisphere.In the past many kingdom fought over the lands for supremacy to conquer the fertile grasslands.The small kingdom of Domestos emrged after decades by inventing a powder much similar to gunpowder,which can be made from the sparse resources around the area.Making basic guns and bows that were fired like rockets they won the everlasting war.The guns today rely on the same propellant,tho often mixed with real gunpowder to enchance the accuracy and travel distance.(Think of this thing as white/grey gunpoder)Now the Emperor is the highest man in the country.Whilst called a republic the RNI still has an Emperor.He gives out laws and commands like a Minister, but truly has supreme control.Every Domestian knows that the Emperor is the rightful ruler,and all true blooded Domestians obey him.But due to the other nations annexed,the Emperor declared a republican mask.He is good friends with the leaders of the Irodien Empire,like every Emperor before him was.He puts high pressure on militarization to deploy a passive defense.Leading in Technology no one is quite as developed as the RNI.Ahead by almost a decade,breach loading guns are a normal to the NIFF.Their buildings use Roman Concrete as there are many natural deposits of limestone that are easely accesible.There are always research going on somewhere in the Republic.Many people mean more inventors.And the Emperor pays well for military technology.May he live long.
Glory to the Republic!
"Welcome to the Milita boys!"
The Commerical Milita of RNI

The RNI Milita is the first form of army structure the RNI had.Recruited from common townsmen and those wanted to defend their brave country,The milita is a large fighting force.Due to the large number of people avaible the army reaches 500.000 constant soldiers.There is also nearly a million that could be called in any time.After the recruitement they are trained in many aspects of fighting.They exercise hard to be bale to carry more stuff,or run for more.Althought only every 1/5 goes into the actual NIFF the milita is a well trained army force too.This is compenstaed by the relatively common equipment they get.Every Milit member is equipped with as shovel to dig foxholes and every 10th has a carpenters tool to put up planks.They use muzzleloading flintlock guns,with smoothbore concept.These guns are fairly long to grant improved accuracy.These guns are reliable and are made using the sparse mineral riches avaible.

"Boys to the rescue'"

The NIFF(Norther Islands Fighting Force)
The NIFF is the actual well armed and full time army of the RNI.Well trained,well equipped and selected from the best of the milita,they are a force to eb reckoned with.Counting 200,000 active members they are a big military force capable of defending the territiry from most fronts.They have been deployed to help the governement forces in the Irodien Civil War,they made spectacular results.Equipped with the newest guns avaible to date, they have an excellent accuracy.They use backloading flintlock rifles.These are similar to the ones the Milita uses.But they have a slight rifled design.This grants above average acuracy,making them able to perfom marksman roles.But this also makes the gun really long,and hard to use by unskilled hands.NIFF forces are trained for a year before finally sent to battle.This makes them effective but any casualties are hard to resupply.They also have acces to some light artillery elements.Thses include basic smootbore bronze cannons,and low effiency mortars.In battles they often use Ballistas or Catapults to provide support,instead of cannons.

"Here comes the cavalry!"

The RNI also has acces to a small cavalry force that is used as a rapid response infantry.Armed with cold steel blades and a small double barreled snaplock rifles,they can rapidly respond to most threats.They are excellent at horseback riding,and train every day to improve themselves.They are also amongs the best soldiers on foot.The higher ranked troops can often shoot backwards whilst riding.In the past tho,there hasn't been many cases where they were needed,so their numbers are small.Using ancient methods to demoralise the enemy,there is always 10,000 of them.They are called Helrriders because of this.The horses they use are nowadays bought from the Kingdom of Stoludi,as those horses are the finest they have acces to.

"We stand,till we die"

Domestian Guards
The Elite of the elite,these fearless guards are chosen,from pure domestian bloodlines.They serve as the Emperor's Guards and perform survelliance roles if needed.No equipment is spared on arming them,making them the most armed force known to ever exist.They have a light leather armor,with steel plates on it.There are ancient engravements in the leather making them look even fiercer.They are armed with guns that the NIFF use,with the difference of being shorter,yet not losing from their accuracy.They also have acces to state-of-art Flintlock Revolver Handguns, made by Edron,the leading firearm supplier in the Republic.They have a training that is ruthless,and humiliating.This includes the last trial of being sent out in the tundra,and they have to survive for a month alone.During this period they are watched,not to die,but those who fail are dismissed and will be a shame to their blood.They are granted luxurious conditions once passed training,to compense for the tasks they are given.They are highly disciplined, and are not to be messed with.There are currently 300 Guards working for the Emperor.They also serve as Chief Military Advsiors and Generlas in time of war,when needed.

"Set sails,our home needs us!"

The NIN(Norther Islands Navy)
The navy of the RNI resembles many different designs.Big adn small ships,taking ideas from times when the empire wasn't united.This leads to ships flat and low,to ship-of-the-line's that are very tall and have 2 hulls.Although most ships have the commonly used designs,bigger ships occasionally go to extreme heights.The NIN has excellent warships made out of the finest wood.They use mortars on most ships,and mechanisms to shoot enemy ships.These are then fastly retracted by an automated mechanism,that is powered by a waterwheel below the ships.This make the ships rapid fire,but low on firepower.The flaw is that the RNI's leaders favor biger ships over small ones.Because of this there aren't many small ships in the fleet.This often leads to funny and embarassing situations when smaller ships get close enough to the hull,where the big ships can't hit them,and tis way sink the boats.The RNI is incorporating some metal designs into the ship rosta,but so far the never had enough material to mass produce any.Most Domestians know how to sail,but they are not good.Whilst the ships exceed in quality,the crew's skills are questionable.Mostly,only the officers are trained in Naval academies.Thank god everyone know how to swim.Their strentght lies in numbers.