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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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When making it into the gum and watching Laura show off, Oliver nearly responded but that was until Vlad chewed her out. With a smile, Oliver got in line well Kitty...i would but...you're too busy getting your ass chewed. he said standing there watching her get down and stand next to him, getting in a small smack to her backside when she passed by. Oliver agrees with what Skylar said but didn't bother adding more criticism toward Vlad. He looked upon the course thinking of how he will effectively make it through.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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Skylar waited in wonder, Wanting to run throw it like she did when she robbed. She turned her on her headphones, crossed her arms again, and waited again. Her necklace glowed blue in wonder. "Reminds me of what I did when I robbed. Except my enemy/Vlad wasn't this.. strict, you know." Skylar mumbled under her breath. She shook her blue hair and her blue greenish eyes glazed across the course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew glanced around the gym, by now his ears had already changed back to normal. He looked around, and sighed. "Oh, thank you. Now this looks reasonable. I thought you was going to have some crazy high-tech stuff, weapons are out of league." he paused, looked at Vlad, and for some reason got felt really bad, and then added last minute, "right now." before continuing on, "This, this is stuff I can do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"You will climb the wall, the rope, and the net. You will do so as quickly as possible. This will tell me about your speed and agility. Then we ewill test your endurance and skills. You may pick the obstacle that you wish to start with. But you will do all of them." Vlad ordered
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Skylar listened and right when he finished, she dashed to the rock wall leaping up, swinging back and fourth toward the end. She swing off and raced to the rope, climbing with no sweat. She put on her headphones, looking at Vlad before swinging off and onto the net, climbed it, and leapt off, doing a back flip off and onto the ground. She was stood up, looking at Vlad. "Nice course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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"Do I have to do the net again? Or is there a point in doing it twice since you already saw me do that," Laura asked with a small attitude towards Vlad. She climbed the rope and went back down at a extremely good pace and the rock wall was no problem for her either. She waited for Vlad's answer about the net before doing that again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew was quite pleased that the first thing was climbing, something he was quite good at like most of the others here. Usually he had to climb walls and fences, but he had to do a lot of climbing of a lot of different things, and when running from the law, you pick up speed quite quickly. The rope and wall felt the most familiar, he didn't even remember having to climb across a net though. So, he ran up to wall and climbed up it quite quickly and slid down it quite nicely. He then went up the rope with a similar speed and slid nicely. He paused before going on the net, he looked over towards Vlad for a moment and started to climb it, at first he was quite slow, but seemed to pick it up quite quickly and finished at a mediocre time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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It was now Oliver's turn to be his climbing down. He started at the wall first which gave him a slow start at first. He managed to climb up not as fast as the other as when he made it to the top, he slid down. Now, with the first obstacle being done in average timing, he went for the rope which was a different story.

Climbing up, he move in a steady but yet smooth motion. With his arm movement, it was like he was slithering up the rope, quickly touching the top and sliding back down. The timing was much better on that obstacle. Now he moved on passing by Laura as he went for the net.

Going up the net, he moved like he did on the rope, going up the net at almost the same pace he went on the rope. Climbing diagonally, he made it to the top and then hurried as fast as he could to the bottom which was about 3 seconds slower than the rope but still better than the wall.

He stepped away and walked back to wait until the others were over and hear how he did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Skylar watched the rest. The went through hers with no problem, as she pulled her headphones around her neck. She went through hers in no time, as she watched them finished. She let her blue shaded hair fall in her face as her blue eyes gazed the course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy waited until others were done. Because she had done these a couple of times already. She headed to the wall. She glared at it. None of the others had struggled but despite her new agility she wasn't very coordinated. She struggled up the wall. She fell about half way up the wall. She sighed as she went over to the rope. Again she struggled. She didn't have much upper body strength and that was what she needed for the rope. She gave up about half way up and fell too her feet. Then she went to the pull up bars. By now her arms were sore. She grabbed the bars and tried to pull herself up. She succeeded five times before giving up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex smirked because he wanted to make things a little more interesting. He walked up to the rock wall and jumped and as he jumped and changed form using his claws to catch the notches in the rock wall. He then leaped a second time changing back to his human form on the top of the rock wall. He then climbed the ropes in just his human form and did it around the same as the others and same with the net. The pull up bars he around the same. He then stood with the others, still with the smirk on his face since he messed around on the rock wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pinkkitty
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*Lara was fresh out of the lab, she didn't even had a chance to test her abilities yet, they told her about some sort of fusion or stuff, but she didn't understand much of the scientific gibberish, all she knew is that she was out of her cell and free to walk about, now she has to find her sibling. And that is exactly what she would do if two gorilla-like soldiers wouldn’t escort her to a gym by the looks of it. They didn't answer any of her questions about the experiment, her brother or who those ominous "others" were, so she decided to not waste her breath anymore and just go along with it. They opened the door to the gym and let her to walk in alone. She took a look around, some people were training, they must be the "others", she heard about and somewhere there she saw Oliver...*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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While watching the other continue the course, Oliver was smirking checking the abilities of the others, finding interest of what to expect. Quietly observing, the doors opened behind them as Oliver turned to look over and see who else they brought in. But....out of all that cool guy attitude he had, and the interest he had towards the girls in the program and the fact that he could care less about some of the people in this place, His smile started to fade. His face shifted into an upset expression. Why? because there was nothing more upsetting than to catch a familiar face in his sights. His younger sister. Oh....Oliver was pissed. What...the...fuck! she was caught too!? if she was offered to come here, why the hell did she agree to it. Now...I have someone I have to look after now......SHIT!!! He didn't say anything but just looked at her. His expressions was clear that he was not happy to see her. and that he was going to deal with her later after the gym session was over. Obviously Oliver did not want to see his kid sister in such a place and she would've been better off in another facility.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Now I want you to run laps. I want to see the endurance. Let's see how long can you run at your top speed." Vlad told them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pinkkitty
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*Lara's eyes got locked with Oliver's for a second, he noticed here there and choose to ignore her like the coward he is, she was beyond mad now. Lara doesn't pay attention to the others, she walks up to her brother and slaps him, forgot she was the genetically enhance for a second, but no way she was backing up now*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew seemed to get really excited, and as soon as he heard it started to run. His speed was good, and his endurance was too. He once remembered when the cops chased him across the entire city. While obviously he had pauses then while he hid and couldn't keep up his full speed, that was a city, it had moving obstacles, places to climb, and other things that a simple gym didn't. He also had to walk home all the way back across the city. But he didn't do that alone, back then, he had his brother and he was with him. His daydreaming suddenly stopped, and he just started to full-on sprint at a speed not even he could keep, and he got like a quarter of the way across the gym from where he was and fell over in exhaustion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Now I want you to run laps. I want to see the endurance. Let's see how long can you run at your top speed." Vlad told them.

Skylar nodded, put her black headphones around her neck, and brushed the blue hair out of her eyes. She looked around, before darting off. Skylar was skilled at these kind of things, of course, she was taught this stuff to break in, and it didn't take her long to master it. She put on her black headphones. She smirked as her blue crystal eyes gazed past as she ended her laps. She wasn't out of breath, considering she was good at this stuff. She pulled her black headphones back around her neck, as she crossed her arms and watched the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The moment, Lara came over and slapped him, Oliver turned his head to look at her, ever more pissed off. He went to grab her shirt Lara! just what the fuck are you doing here!? and you have the nerve to put your hands on me!? why would you come to this place huh!? he asked as he then heard Vlad announce that they needed to run a few laps for endurance testing. he averted his eyes to Vlad and the others who started to run and switched his eyes back to his sister and backed away from her. he then pointed at her with a serious expression Wait until we are done with testing today....I'll deal with your ass later.... he said as he turned to run. Oliver does care for his sister but at the moment, upset at this turn of events where it's as if she was throwing away her life coming here to the facility.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Alex started running the track and when he reach his top speed he changed to his wolf form again. He then slowed down as he slowly changed back to human form and ran just under his top speed and finished his laps. He then walked back to the spot the others were standing and he then turned away from the group and clenched his fist trying to calm down. He thought to himself <Ok the first time was fun but now this change are becoming annoying> He tried to stay calm since it seemed whenever he got excited he changed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kit DewStein
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Kit DewStein Random blob

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Laura finished the bar when Vlad said to run. She noticed Oliver's reaction to the new girl and knew something wasn't right. Starting to run she grabbed his arm and yanked him into running with her. "Hey what's wrong," she asked with actual concern.
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