Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character sheet:

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ronin Lokidottir
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Loki
Personality: A bit of a trickster at times, but when in battle, she's very serious about it
Bio: Ronin spent her young life in a foster home, but when the monsters came for her, she realized her heritage and found her way to Staðr Húsgørð, where she was claimed by Loki
Skills/Weapons/Powers: Ronin is a highly competent warrior, in her chosen field, and is very intelligent, although not book-smart. Her weapons are a belt of throwing knives and a bladed staff. She has some of her father's magic, being able to cast illusions and glamors, both on herself and on others
Other: She owns a gold and green Honda Spirit Shadow (which is a motorcycle, for those of you who don't know)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Alda Ullrsdottir
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Ullr (God of games and the hunt)

Personality: Alda is laidback and witty most of the time, but her easygoing exterior hides an inhuman focus. If she sets a goal for herself, nothing on earth can distract her. She also doesn't like taking orders, preferring to act on her (pretty good) instincts instead.

Bio: Alda led a fairly quiet life for most of her childhood, though she had a rebellious streak that only grew as she went through middle and high school. It culminated with her coming out as a lesbian, upon which she and her mother had a blazing row which ended with Alda storming out into the street until things cooled down. Unfortunately for her, the monsters chose that moment to strike. She spent days on the run, trusting her unnatural luck to guide her through. Despite too many close shaves to count, her luck prevailed and guided her to Staðr Húsgørð, where she quickly adapted to life as a hálfraesir.

-Sharp senses. Alda's sight, hearing, and even smell are extremely sensitive, and she can isolate one sight/sound/scent from the background with ease.
- Quick reflexes. Alda's instincts often react quicker than her mind, allowing her to seize even a split second's opportunity.
- Shooting. Alda has years of experience with archery as a sport, and can use that skill to hit a monster's heart just as easily as she hits a bull's eye. While she has never used guns and dislikes the idea of using them, her hand-eye coordination would serve her well if she ever had to.
- Luck. Alda's lucky, pure and simple. While it gives her just enough of an edge to get by in everyday life, it really comes out while playing games. Basically, don't play poker with her unless you want to lose your life savings.

Other: While she pretends not to, Alda does actually miss her normal life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Brynja Hlíndottir
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Hlín (Goddess of Protection and Consolation)

Personality: Brynja is a very empathetic person. She's fiercely protective of the people she loves, and anybody who she knows is worth saving. However when she's not protecting someone, she's an extremely clumsy, but cheerful, person.
Bio: Brynja(or Bryn as most call her) was born a twin. She never knew her mother and whenever she asked her father, he just said she was somewhere they couldn't contact her so Bryn just assumed she was dead. When she and her brother turned 15, the monsters attacked. Their protective instincts led them to the only safe place, Staðr Húsgørð. There, she was labeled as a healer and not a fighter since she can't fight without the incentive, so it was a surprise to everyone when Hlín claimed her.
Skills/Weapons/Powers: When she needs too, she can utilize anything she needs to from swords to guns, as well as having heightened senses. However when she doesn't have someone to protect, she does know some hand to hand combat and at least how to load a gun and fire. She is a proficient healer, though not nearly as good as the children of Eir.

Name: Brant Hlínson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Hlín

Personality: He is very protective of his sister, especially since she can't defend herself. Otherwise he's withdrawn from people. Preferring to train rather than talk, he mostly keeps to himself than his sisters.
Bio: Unlike his sister, his skills aren't limited to protection only, although his aren't nearly as good as his sisters when she can actually use them. He was always good at sports as a result, and was kind of an opposite of his sister.
Skills/Weapons/Powers: Like his sister, he's proficient in every weapon when defending someone but otherwise he's good at hand to hand combat and he's excellent with a sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Asger Tyrsson
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Tyr (God of Combat and Heroic Glory)

Personality: A bit of a goof, Asger is a playful yet loyal guy who loves nothing more than hanging out with friends and making sure others are having a better day than himself. He is -fiercely- protective of just about anyone he considers an acquaintance and has a strong sense of morals and an uncanny ability to avoid being judgmental over others and always giving them the benefit of the doubt until proof is shown. Asger is also a very good natural athlete and while some become arrogant pricks with such a talent Asger instead counts it as a blessing and uses it to try and help others get better.

Bio: Asger never knew his parents, never knew that he had other parents until his twelfth birthday when his mom told him that he was adopted. He sat and listened as she explained that closed adoption and how she was unable to have children due to an accident. She and his dad both told him that they loved him like any biological son and Asger knew that. He wasn't upset with them but in the back of his mind he always wondered who they were. Said question was always at the back of his mind through the rest of Middle School and into High School but he never let it affect his feelings for his mom or dad nor did he let it affect his sports and grades. Asger instead let it just become a mystery. That is until the day he turned 15, three days ago to be exact and man did his world change then. The first attack came after school, and after football practice in the locker room. Everyone has left and the monsters made themselves known. He had gotten a letter earlier that day and had mulled over the contents for quite awhile wondering if it was a practical joke or not. Well, it wasn't. He was rescued by a detachment of Hálfraesir's who took him back to the safe house. It was here that Asger's question was answered as Tyr claimed him as his son.

Skills/Weapons/Powers: Quick reflexes, a prodigy in every weapon and martial art, Ability to detect the truth in others. Asger is also able to carry out a sentence. This is a power he has never used nor does he know it exists, but when listening to an excuse or interrogating someone he can sentence that person to whatever consequence he see's fit IF the person is guilty and that person will have to follow said order.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell57


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name:Maccus Sveersen
Godly Parent:Vioarr (God of forest, revenge, and silence)
Appearance:Stands unusally tall for his age at 5'5'' (Vioarr married a giantess) Auburn hair and a light beard coating his jaw in red fur. Striking blue eyes Lanky but lean
Personality: Quiet, Trusting, Rash, Vengerfull.. xD
Bio:Maccus grew up in Skvipjod a small island off the coast of sweeden his school years where just as any others but thing's changed when his mother told him of his origins. She had taken hime to the camp on his 16th birthday leaving him amongst the other of his kind with naught but a hug and a good bye
Skills- Strong knowledge of herbs and plants. Heintened sence of hearing and sight (common amongst the half breeds)
Weapons- Long hafted axe 1/2 handed. Round sheild. Seaux knife Long bow and bodkin arrows (Not sure if guns are in this I'm assuming not if it's played off percy Jackson
Powers- Sordin (Silence some one) Dyr og Tunge (Can speak with animals of the forest ex: Deer, wolf, bear, ect)
Other:.. Idk xD

Criticism welcome lover Norse history
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by theactivepanda
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Einar Tysson
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Tyr (God of war and sky)


Einar holds a strong sense of justice, he refuses to stand by and watch someone get hurt. He is head strong, and quickly acts before he thinks which has led him into may dangerous situations. Einar also holds a lot of anger, and can quickly lash out, it may be a smart idea to stay clear when rage envelopes him.


Einar lived a difficult childhood. Einar and his mother didn't have much, they lived in the poorest part of the city. Einar's mother worked as a cleaner in the morning, and as a server at a local diner at night.This left Einar to grow up being self sufficient. This didn't bother Einar much, since he spent most of his time playing sports at school. Living in the poor side of town, Einar saw all the cruelties of humanity. Einar promised that when he grew up , he would do something to change all that. That is if he survives his 15th birthday.


- Inhuman strength: Einar may look tiny, but never once in his life has he found any problems carrying anything twice his size, and even more.

- Enhanced Reflexes: People who have played sports with Einar would describe him almost having a six sense. Einar was always the first to react in situations, never once was he caught off guard.

- Inhuman Speed: Einar almost moves like a blur in some peoples eyes.

- Hands on Learner: Einar has always picked up things very quickly when he learns hands on.

- Berserker: Einar has an uncontrollable rage, his vision becomes red. Adrenaline rushes towards his entire body, and his nerves reduce the pain his body feels.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Rory Tyler, later Helsson
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Hel - Loki's daughter and Queen of the Underworld

Personality: Rather quiet, very intelligent, doesn't trust easily
Bio: There has always been an air around Rory that made people nervous. Maybe it was his white hair and red eyes, maybe it was the fact that he was an unquestioned genius... or maybe they sensed the undead guardian that Hel sent to watch over her son, without his knowledge. Whatever the case, Rory was pretty much unwanted wherever he went, so the next time he went to the forest with his current foster family, he got "lost" and hid in a small cave he found, waiting until dark to leave it.
He lived that way until he turned thirteen. Somehow, the monsters came for him earlier. That caused his watcher to reveal himself and drive them away. Rory and his guardian traveled for almost a year; along the way, Rory hypothesized that the presence of the undead was what had drawn the monsters to him earlier. Two days after his fourteenth birthday, he found Staðr Húsgørð and is now waiting calmly to be claimed
Skills/Weapons/Powers: Rory is very good at living off the land, and his guardian taught him the basics of fighting; he is also, as mentioned above, a genius with a practically eidetic memory. His weapon of choice is a hand-and-a-half sword, although he is not overly skilled with it. He has the ability to call on his mother to send undead warriors to aid himself, and he can sense when someone is close to death
Other: Rory is currently unclaimed, although Hel watches over him and Loki checks in on him every once in a while. Loki seems to be rather fond of his grandchildren
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