Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KingTip
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KingTip That King of 'Some Realm'

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Disclaimer: This is heavily influenced by an idea my friend and I had on another forum that never really got off the ground)

Long ago the planet of Eren flourished with great kingdoms and empires. Man had conquered the world and entered the renaissance era much earlier than our own history. Great minds made new inventions daily, pushing mankind's golden age further than anyone could ever imagine. Then, as if the planet took this as an insult, the Great Plague started. The Great Plague demolished this world's hopes. It spread through the nations like an invisible wildfire leaving a wake of destruction and death- Although leaving a wake implies the Great Plague had moved on, which it hadn't. The Great Plague had stayed, clinging to the land itself like a tick. It killed Humans, animals, plants, even the land itself seemed to be corrupted by this great evil. While humanity did not completely die out during this Great Plague, living during this era was like being tortured in hell. The Great Plague was so ravenous, if you were unlucky enough to not die immediately, you genes and DNA would be forever altered by the Great Plague. No one really knows how long the Great Plague lasted, only that it had lasted a very long time. There were no records or any civilization during the Great Plague, and the records of old kingdoms seemed to die as well, leaving mankind to start from scratch. Eventually the plague did die down, leaving as suddenly as it appeared. The remaining living things were alien compared to before- Including now many different races of humans, no actual humans left. Also new and sparse wildlife, plants and animals. What will happen in this new and threatening world? What civilizations will rise from the dust? And the biggest question- Will the Great Plague return?

Hello! Welcome to After The Plague, a NRP about many devastated new races of humans and their rise in the stone age. If you are interested, please say so. I am also looking for a co-GM, so if you have experience, tell me! Here is a rough draft of the NS, subject to change:
Name (of country):
Race (Just name here, race form below):
Population (There was just a massive dying and it's the stone age now... think small, max about 1,000):
Organization (How is your tribe led? Is there a religious leader, war chief, etc.):
History (We start the RP a few years after the plague, so how did your people find and group together?):
Religion (who your people follow, and gods may help in game occasionally. Explain the god(s) they beleive in):
Shelter (Do your people live in treehouses? Caves? Tepees? etc.):
Location (You may begin as a nomadic group, but eventually settle down): (Map will come later)
Wildlife/Geography (What kind of nature do your people live in/around?):

Race Sheet:
Changes (How did the plague change your race from being human?):
Advantages (If it is magic that is the only advantage you may have):
Disadvantages (Must be twice as many as advantages, you were created by a force of evil and death, after all):
Lifecycle (How old do they get?/ Anything special?):

Guide to the wildlife- The flora and fauna of New Eren:
Humans were not the only lives changed during the plague, plants and animals were also affected and changed in big way. This is an optional community 'journal' where flora and fauna around your tribe could be added, so we can get an understanding of this crazy new world. All you have to do is at the end of you App, write 'Guide Entries' and under write the name of the plant/animal in bold, then give a description. You may write as much or little as you want, and I will add it here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Deaddlife
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Deaddlife The Anti-Genesis

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested and have both character and world building experience, I haven't ever done a stone age rp though. I'll get a NS up soon.

Nation sheet
Name of country: The Restored Lands

Race: Gwill

Population: (small is rather unclear)

Organization: Tribe. The Gwill are led by a council of six elders, one for each of the elements. The strongest wielder of an element is by definition an elder. In the event of an impasse the elders of Life and Death have the final say and must reach consensus.

Religion: Shamanism. All things are a combination of the six element which are all a gift of the creator. All Gwill are taught magic from a young age and those who reject magic or the idea of the creator are pitied.

Shelter: Treehouses. Built both among the tree tops and within the roots, the Gwill find or use magic to shape natural dwellings. Those who cant find housing find refuge in gardens or on roofs.

Location: (will wait on map)

Wildlife/Geography: Heavy swampland, mostly water. Wildlife is densely populated.

Race sheet
Name: Gwill

Changes: The plague warped select members of humanity, sapping their strength and size, draining their flesh of color, leaving them to wither. But there are those who survived, those who would become the Gwill.

Appearance: Gwill and humanoids but only stand at roughly a half to a third the size of a man. Their skin is a dust grey that blends well with shadow but this effect is ruined by other features. Their straight hair for example is a brilliant white with an almost spiny quality that can easily be seen in most lightings. Finally each Gwill has bright, colorful eyes that match the color of their magic.

Advantages: Elemental magic (life, death, fire, water, air, earth.)

Disadvantages: As most can tell by their size the Gwill are weak. Additionally the Gwill area soft hearted people, acts of aggression are not in their nature.

Lifecycle: Gwill are considered mature at age 14, and are considered old at age 30. However many Gwill live well over a hundred with the record being 182 years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm going to post a NS for this sometime. It looks interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KingTip
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KingTip That King of 'Some Realm'

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Deaddlife Very nice! I like your race being well thought out. I can elaborate more with the population. Your race sheet is very good, but please elaborate more with your nation sheet. I am updating the NS to help explain this too, but here are some suggestions for you:
Organization: Everyone is a tribe, explain how your tribe is led, i.e: Is there a chief who distinguished in battle leading, or is there a religious leader who doubles as tribe leader, etc.
Religion: Your pretty good on this one, just explain which gods your religion has and what they could do.
Housing: Really, this is optional, but maybe explain how the treehouses are built, how high off the ground are they? Again, this one is optional.

Also I'll be adding a 'history' field to the NS.

Also, you seem like a potential co-GM.

@InkdropBut glad to have you 2 aboard!:D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deaddlife
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Deaddlife The Anti-Genesis

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@KingTip Expanded, I will probably fix it up some more in the future but for now I think I will call it a day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hmm seems interesting enough.I will post my NS till tonight.Also hello @Inkdrop you seem to be everywhere I look :D
Also Deaddlife if the world is plagued how can they have treehouses.Didn't plants die as well?It would seem to me as a barren post-apocalyptic place,with the added factor of starting fom stoneage.
Correct me if I am wrong and there are lush green forests that can support life,because i think i just didn't fully get the lore.Or maybe like in that one anime where there is only this one forest that exist and they guard it as a safe heaven against mutant creatures :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deaddlife
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Deaddlife The Anti-Genesis

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 Kinda my fault for not saying it directly but I was thinking that the Gwill use their magic to help both to shape the world around them (which is how their treehouses are made) and to help restore the wastelands (hence the nation name). I'll be on a bit later today to further expand on the NS and RS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Oh ok Sounds nice.Also I raised another question before making my post.How Stone-age is this?Are there people left that still have memories of old technology?After your answer I will post my NS
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KingTip
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KingTip That King of 'Some Realm'

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@6slyboy6@Deaddlife Well, I sort of mentioned this, maybe not clear enough though: Plants and wildlife as we know them are gone, though there are pockets of distantly modified versions of plants and animals, like the humans were changed. Maybe we should work together to create a wildlife database? Each of us adding our own local plants and animals? I dunno, thoughts? Your next question: It is a few years, enough for your people to find each other and get settled, after the apocalypse. Although there are no people left that remember the Old Age, for it was many generations ago, this new stone age has been in progress for a generation or two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deaddlife
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Deaddlife The Anti-Genesis

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You gotta remember that even if the plague was 99% fatal that leaves 70 million people left on earth. Considering the population density of mega-cities and certain nations a few years to form a tribe is feasible. As for wildlife its mostly up to you on what we do, mass extinction is a tricky game if you want science so group writing a small set of common flora and fauna might be for the best.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KingTip
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KingTip That King of 'Some Realm'

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Deaddlifeif 99% died today there would be 70 million people, this world had just entered the renaissance, and if we're going by our population at the renaissance, then 99% dead would put as at 300,000 living people- an extremely low number. And yes, I think I will implement a 'Guide to the wildlife- The flora and fauna of New Eren' where we collectively write about local nature around our tribes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Okay this makes it very clear, thanks for your quick response :D

So I made my NS
Hope you enjoy, and find it good.

Name of the country: Sacred Valley
Race: Honon
Population: 437
Organization: The Tribe is led by 4 Shaman's who are each responsible for their part of the tribe.
History: The Honun found themselves in the blessing of the Spirit's. They found a small isolated valley where there were still lush forests, althought mutated, it could support the Tribe. First there were few, then many more came until the tribe was organised by The First Four Shamans, that brought the Honuns together with the help of the spirits.
Religion: They are highly sensitive to the spirits that dwell in the valley. They can connect the Spirits of the elements to seek guidance and ask for help. They beleive in the Gaia, the god of Earth.
Shelter: Their dwellings are carved into the soft rock of the mountain. There are areas where the hillside is made of sandstone, so they could easely make little cave houses there.
Location: They are located in the Sacred Valley, which is their ticket to life. It is located in a valley, with 2 fountains that are the source of a river running through the valley.
Wildlife/Geography: The Sacred Valley is a lush forest, resembling a mix between an oak forest and a tropical jungle. There are eatable fruits, but also predatory plants. The wildlife mostly consists of Herbivores, due to the abundance of food they can eat. But there is one Carnivorous species. A big Crocodile-like animal with huge tusks. It is the top predator, but mostly stays near the river, and only hunts at night.

Race Sheet:
Name: Honun
Changes: The Honuns have twisted minds that no foreigner can understand, their body fell weak, and their humanity is lost. They resemble the Old World in many ways, but their faces have turned into monstrous looking scaled masks. The Plague twisted their genes, and from their birth, they have a lizard-like tail.
Appearance: Their skin is scaled, and their faces are pale and hard, no expression can be seen. They often paint their faces, which make it look as they are wearing a mask. They have a tail which is very muscular, and looks like a long and thin lizard tail.
Advantages: Their connection with the Spirits of the world. They cannot directly influence the world, so they ask the spirits to do it for them. Their tail is good as a weapon, and can be used to hang from branches.
Disadvantages: Their skin is covered in scales, their face is distorted. They are thought crazy for their minds. They have weakened muscles.
Lifecycle: When they are born, young Honuns a tail, but it is not strong enough for mosts tasks. After their 15 birthday, they go through a test, to prove if they are worthy for adulthood, and the blessing of the spirits. They usually live around 50 years, but the Shaman's who have the Spirit's blessing live for generations, until all four resigns, and withers away to the Land of the Spirit, where they guide the next Samans from.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm interested in this rp, and would like to join xD

Will try to post my NS today
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Will get an NS. Very interested, although I think a lot of people missed that the plague didn't destroy the perfectly good (if lacking in wildlife) cities, with free waterfront condos. Also, due to the fact that what was described is very largely more advanced then our Renaissance, I assume there can be some creative liberties? Also, for religion, I will either do fanatics who say the plague was a godly curse, or secularists. Hem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@UltikanaReLOl I will change my NS. "My people dwell in the waterfront condos watching family guy on a flatscreen and eating 100 year old doritos and mountain dew cause those never go wrong" XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 No offense, but.. Gremmertikul Erirz.
Also, my people will be immune to mold >)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@UltikanaReWhat did I write wrong :/
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Spacing. Like they have scaled faces,[ ]they like water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@UltikanaReOh well couldn't care less about that when writing from a 2,6 inch phone XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@UltikanaReYeah I get what you mean. With all due respect to every grammar nazi out there, I have been writing like this the last 10 years and I won't change it because some people have a fetish for spacing. Face it.
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