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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pinkkitty
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Are you out of your mind!? I am not venom resistent, jerk, unless you want to be an only child, keep your fangs to yourself! *Lara glared at him*

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Oliver shook his head Damn, girl. you can't take a joke!? I'm not going to poison someone I need and important to me. reassuring her and turning around Come on let's go meet these other freaks of nature. He said walking towards Roxy, Andrew, and Alex while looking at Skylar, giving her the look that he wanted to speak to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Alex then said "ok you seem to know a lot about this place, so here's another question" His face got serious and said "was the one I killed stable enough for step two?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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Skylar was running laps, her blue hair switching as she put her black headphones around her neck. She leapt high, transforming to her artic wolf, but not for long. She couldn't stay wolf long, so she turned human again. "Damn It!" She growled, her amulet glowing red in anger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I don't know. Which one did you kill?" Roxy asked him. Many had died in step one. Others had just gone crazy. It took a strong mind and body to accept the changes that Vlad did to their bodies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Alex said "well I was in a bit of a rage so it's hard to remember but I do remember seeing the word eagle on the sign." He held his head because his head still hurt from when he went ballistic when the blood transfer finally took affect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy nodded he had heard about that. She heard about a lot of things that she probably had no business hearing but the guards often forgot how strong her hearing was now.she didn't plan on reminding them. Knowledge was power and here they would need all the power they could get. "No he wasn't sane anymore. Vlad had decided to use him for other experiments." Alex had, in a way, saved the eagle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew sighed as no one even noticed his lament, though it was not an unfamiliar feeling. He then noticed the new girl and one of the people who was here before him, Oliver or something, approaching, "Oh hello." he said to them, basically yelling across the room. The two seemed to know each other, that seemed like a weird happenstance, it seemed to unlikely, unless they agreed to come together or one was following the other. And Oliver made no mention of this person he heard and they came at different times. However, starting to think about this started to become more difficult, and a thought just popped into his head to just ask them, but he suppressed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Oliver looked over to notice Andrew speaking to him. Raising and eyebrow, Oliver gave a hello gesture with a slight nod. After talking to his sister about hopefully make alliances, he headed towards Andrew with a straight face and answered back once close enough Sup homie... Oliver didn't really remember the guy's name or...more like....he chose not to remember. Most of the women there, he could recall their name easily since they were all he really cared about but since his sister just arrived, she was going to make it difficult. coming up on Andrew, Oliver just looked at him, waiting on Andrew to say something but then, he spoke instead What's your name again homie?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew really wanted to just make a sarcastic remark, but decided not to for the moment. He sighed, "It's Andrew." he said. His ears really bothered him. The itch was gone for now, but now that he knew they changed, he could feel every move they made. It felt like they never stayed still, constantly shifting left and right. He sighed again, and then calmed down a bit and realized that was a half-truth. They moved, but he was just throwing it out of proportion, probably due to the placebo effect he noted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Well this is fun and exciting. I say we explore the place while we have the freedom to do so. Tomorrow Vlad will probably have us do a test mission. It might be a good idea to know where everything is. Anyone interested?" Roxy asked. She knew the place pretty well. But there were some places she had never explored. She would start with the ones that she knew. But only if the others were interested. She wasn't really leader material but she knew the place better than the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Oliver gave Andrew a stare down to see how this boy would react to him. That was his usual gesture when meeting other men to see if they were indeed soft or if they were as hardened as they claim to be. Andrew looked as if he was one of those......"smart asses" that likes to try people, in Oliver's eyes but maybe there was more to him...maybe not but what is known, he's probably done some serious things to have come here. After introducing himself, Oliver moved his eyes up and down, sizing up Andrew and noticing his ears moving back and bother Yeah...alright then...Drew....the fuck you do to get in here.....and what's wrong with your ears man? Oliver said, looking all serious.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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@King Tai

Andrew didn't mind being stared at, not even trying to be tough, he was just so use to it, being stared at was just a part of his "old job." As if reading from a list that had no personal significance to him he spoke, "Mostly drug-dealing, I am pretty sure there was a few accounts of petty theft, resisting arrest quite a few times, some other things. Oh yeah, trying to struggle two people in there sleep." he then quickly changed subjects to his ears, "I don't know. Ask Vlad, he seems to know more about this kind of stuff more than me. It is just whatever he put into me seems to have a mind of his own."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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It seemed no one was interested in her offer. Which was fine. She doubted that it would have mattered anyway. She wasnt a leader by any definition. Tomorrow Vlad would test them and they would fail. She didn't doubt that. There was no way they could work as a team. Not after having know each other such a short amount of time. She just hoped the punishment for failure wasn't too bad. With Vlad there was no way of knowing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

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Skylar watched everybody, seeing she didn't have anyone to chat with. Being new, it was pretty obvious. She shrugged her shoulders bored. She flashed her winter wolf, when she didn't even do anything. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall near the entrance. She messed with her crystal necklace, and her black headphones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Listening to the list of things Andrew was involved in, Oliver gave a "hmph" as he met ones like him almost all the time when it came to business deals and standoffs with allied and rivaled groups. I guess you can be a little bad ass in your own right...thought you killed someone... When he didn't know why his ears worked the way it did and was to ask Vlad, Oliver looked over at the Bored Skylar and the indifferent Roxy and gave a sigh. If he was to make allies, he needed to get on a better level of communication with them. Looking to Skylar and Roxy, he turned to Andrew Look Homie...how about we get those two Chikas to team with us or something? (pointing to Skylar and Roxy) you can be my wing man....I heard the little mama speaking about explorin the place and she probably know this place better than all of us. Oliver suggested. He needed to know more about the facility in order to know how to break out.

Oliver yelled out hey! blue haired Chika....and Vlad's pet, I wanna talk with you.... trying to get their attention

@xXBalloonsXx @KatherinWinter @Leotamer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

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@King Tai

Skylar looked up, huffing. "Again? Coming." She said, back flipping over to the them, with her headphones on. She crossed her arms. "Yes?" Skylar asked, her deep blue eyes looking at him. She wore the same frown, as she awaited an answer. Being new, Oliver was so far the one she knew the most. She did chat with few others, but not very much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@King Tai
Roxy rolled her eyes. Did he think calling her Vlad's pet was going to earn him points? But it's sure as hell wasnt. If anything it was going to puss her off. She hated that she was bound to Vlad in anyway. The man was a creep. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Oliver. "I'm not a dog. I don't respond to commands. If you want something you come to me. My offer has expired."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Andrew sighed and rolled his eyes. This was probably a kind of guy that didn't have any friends that he didn't point a gun at first, however he couldn't be certain. It was possible he was just really horrible with people. He seemed to be proud of both their criminal past, and that just disgusted him. He didn't know what to say back, so he decided to keep it simple. "If you want me to help you, the answer is no." he said sternly, in starch contract to his early tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Oliver looked around him at their responses and gave a heavy sigh and shook his head everyone is so damn serious around here...i may not be as charming but at least I can have a smile on my face he said to himself. He just looked on at Andrew and shrugged not being bothered by him not wanting to join suit yourself...just trying to mingle.. he looked over at Skylar. He was going to show a little more mannerism since his fellow test subjects seems to react negatively towards him when he calls them out of name Hello SKYLAR...would you mind if we were to have a friendly chat while we stroll over to ROXY? he said loud enough for Roxy to hear and notify her that he would come over to talk to her in a civilized manner and call her by her respectable name so he can calm everyone's attitude towards him in order to finally have casual talk with his "comrades". But the way he was speaking did sound a little sarcastic but he was just speaking this way so to get a mild response.

@Leotamer @KatherinWinter @xXBalloonsXx
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