Character Roster:
Logan Walsh (alive) - Heat
Alexandra Walsh (alive) - Heat
Andrew Lee (alive) - Lucius Cypher
Janette "Jane" Allen (alive) - Lucius Cypher
Sila Chanthavong (alive) - nicksilavong
Carmen Hollander (alive) - Halycon [Dropped]
Morgan Winters (alive) - Halycon [Dropped]
David Levitski (alive) - Gowi
Alex Crossman (alive) - Squishypal [Dropped]
Joseph Reed (alive) - czechmate46
Winifred “Winnie” Turner (alive) - czechmate46
Dani "Gata" Salazar (alive) - Liriia
Nelson Fortier (alive) - Red_massa

Logan Walsh
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Occupation: Commercial airline pilot
- Has had experience hunting, knows how to track prey and lay traps.
- Knows how to fly planes.
- Possesses good teamwork skills from years working in airlines.
- Can remain calm in situations that require it and knows how to take charge during emergencies.
- Can act very stubborn and dislikes being wrong.
- Extremely protective of his daughter, Alexandra, while this isn't naturally a bad thing, he's in the overprotective realm when dealing with her. He doesn't want to put her in any potentially dangerous situations.
- He is not trusting of strangers, he's seen what people do in desperate situations.
Firearm proficiency: 3 - Has handled guns on hunting trips with his friends in the past. He kept a pistol in his home before the outbreak and knows how to use a gun, though he is by no means fantastic at it.
Weapons: A crowbar and a hunting knife.
Equipment: A half empty case of matches, a quarter full canteen of water and a flashlight with no batteries.
Apparel: He typically wears a grey jacket, a white longsleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and black boots.
Personality: A quiet man, especially since the outbreak, Logan is normally a man of few words, though he is not afraid to speak his mind when he feels he needs to. He's most concerned with his daughter's safety, but he also cares about Haven's survival as well. He actually thinks it can be somewhere that a decent life in such a terrible time can be built, provided enough work is put into its upkeep.
Logan was an airline pilot before the outbreak, he had been years before it, at the time of the outbreak he was living with his wife, Anne, his daughter, Alexandra was going to a community college in the area. He was home from work when it happened, reports on the news, initially he brushed it off as nothing, then on a trip to pick up groceries he saw a man bite another.
As the panic occurred he rushed home, his wife was there, their daughter was not. She was out with her friends, Logan and his wife's priority was to find Alex and ensure that she was okay. She came home an hour after, right as Logan was coming down the stairs with the pistol he kept in a safe in his bedroom.
They moved to leave town, Logan barely avoiding getting stuck in traffic alongside the hundreds of others that had the same idea. His family and him managed to connect with one of his friends and his wife. Together they moved away from their town, unsure of where they were going, they just had to avoid the undead hordes. In the chaos his friend was bit, and Logan had to put him down when he turned and mauled his wife.
They just tried to survive for the weeks after, as they left town and went away, towards the woodsier areas where there were fewer people and less a chance of running into any of the undead. In a surprise bout of luck they came upon an abandoned cabin, they took shelter in it, occasionally leaving to scavenge for supplies. Two and a half weeks before the establishment Logan came home to find that his wife had been bitten. In tears he put her down as he shouted for his daughter to keep her eyes shut.
After burying his wife, Logan and his daughter moved on, eventually coming into contact with other survivors in the area where Haven would be located. From there they moved to establish it as a safe haven.
Other: N/A

Alexandra Walsh
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: College student
- Has limited medical knowledge from nursing classes while in college.
- She is an organized person, someone that is responsible.
- She has always been very self reliant, that reliance on herself only increased when the apocalypse occurred.
- She can be very trusting of people, even strangers.
- Alex is a not a very powerful person, nor that physically imposing.
- She always tries to help a person in need. It's hard for her not to.
- Sometimes will act boldly, often off emotions.
Firearm proficiency: 2 - Her father taught her how to use a pistol, but she's never actually shot anything outside of stationary targets.
Weapons: A wooden baseball bat.
Equipment: Three feet of rope, bandages, medical tape, a quarter full canteen of water, a compass and a pocket lighter. She carries these items in a backpack.
Apparel: She wears a leather jacket, a button up longsleeve shirt, a sleeveless undershirt, jeans and boots.
A naturally kind and caring person, Alexandra still hopes for the best in humanity. She's the opposite of her father in some regards, she'd like to see Haven take in people that come, especially if they're in dire situations. She doesn't like having to kill anyone, but will do it if she absolutely has to.
Alexandra before the outbreak was a nursing student in the community college near the town she grew up in. When the outbreak occurred she was out with her friends, they were at the mall together, police came in and ordered everyone to leave as the mall closed, though they did not elaborate on why they were forcing everyone out. After hearing the news on the radio she sped home, right as her parents were going out to look for her.
Together with her parents they left town, in the process connecting with two of her father's friends. Alex was horrified when one of the friends was biten, then dove at his wife and started to tear into her with his teeth. Her father put a bullet in the man's head, he as horrified by it as Alex was.
They took shelter away from town, finding a cabin which they hid in for weeks. Alexandra was in the cabin when her mother was bit, she ran out of the building after hearing screams and found her mother being mauled by a zombie. Alex grabbed a piece of wood and swung at the undead creature, she managed to kill it, then broke down as she saw her mother laying in a pool of her own blood. Her father came home to the scene and put down his wife, not wanting to see her turn into one of the things that had attacked her. The incident still haunts Alex to this day.
Her father and her moved on after that, eventually coming upon the area which would be known as Haven. Some other survivors welcoming them in, her father cautious of their intentions, but he was wrong with the caution. She has lived there with her father ever since.
Other: N/A