Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character Roster:

Logan Walsh (alive) - Heat
Alexandra Walsh (alive) - Heat
Andrew Lee (alive) - Lucius Cypher
Janette "Jane" Allen (alive) - Lucius Cypher
Sila Chanthavong (alive) - nicksilavong
Carmen Hollander (alive) - Halycon [Dropped]
Morgan Winters (alive) - Halycon [Dropped]
David Levitski (alive) - Gowi
Alex Crossman (alive) - Squishypal [Dropped]
Joseph Reed (alive) - czechmate46
Winifred “Winnie” Turner (alive) - czechmate46
Dani "Gata" Salazar (alive) - Liriia
Nelson Fortier (alive) - Red_massa

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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------On wait.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago


"The brave ones die first."

Name: Andrew Lee

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Occupation: Currently, a vagabond

Skills Very perspective and has a excellent memory, almost photographic. Physically healthy and capable of carrying a heavy load for long distances at a modest pace. Also used to be a vagabond and is no stranger to the harsh realities of going days without food or shelter. Also knows the area around the state very well, even after the end. Has very good handwriting too, and can write very fast, about 175 words a minute. He's a excellent bike rider.

Flaws Never had the stomach for nor any experience in fighting. Has an addiction to soda which hasn't affected his health too badly due the the sparsity of his ability to obtain them. Unbeknownst to him, he's also diabetic.

Firearm proficiency: 2: He's used a gun before, but that was back when he shot at targets with his uncles. And he was never really a good shot anyways.

Weapons: Carries various lengths of rope which he can manipulate to be used as a whip, flail, or even lasso. Also carries a crowbar for breaching doors and bashing heads. Can be tied to the rope to serve as a sort of impromptu grappling hood. Lastly, a sturdy MTech Knife for all his knife needs.

Equipment: Andrew has a few notebooks containing various notes and scribbles. Most people wouldn't be able to make sense of them, but for Andrew they contain knowledge and information that could be highly useful for surviving after the end, as well as being used to jot down any new information he comes across.

Andrew also carries two rolls of duct tape. He does his best to keep "Fresh" rolls, as in they haven't be used yet, but he'll take whatever he can get. He'll also whittle a long staff out of wood or make use of a broom stick or whatever wherever he goes, both to use as a weapon and generally just to poke things from a safe distance. He has a makeshift first-aid kit with gauze, disinfectant, tourniquets, tweezers, sygrines, and scissors. He's no doctors but he did read a manual on first aid.

Andrew has a some food in the form of mushrooms. Most of them are safe to eat, though he'll admit he picked a few that he's never tried before. Most of them he scrapped off trees. He has a half-gallon container for water as well.

Lastly, Andrew's most prized possession: His bike. Capable of folding to be more compact, Andrew can cover most distance then others thanks to this contraption. He knows how to take good care of his bike and keeps tools to maintain it.

Andrew only has the clothes on his back (In the image), as well as spare underwear and socks. However he also crafted himself some improvised armor using sport equipment and scrap metal. It's somewhat protective, though admittedly he made it mostly to scare off lone scavengers. It at least also serves as a gas mask so he could go through particularly pungent areas without too much discomfort.

Personality: If there's anything that Andrew would tell you he's like, he's a coward. He isn't one to throw his life away for someone else. He could live with the guilt of having others die for him. That being said, he's an honorable man enough when his life isn't on the line. A favor for a favor, and he is capable of being generous. He takes the easy way out and it can be a bit shocking how quickly he'd make big decisions, typically without much thought or planning. He's good at living in the moment because his plans tend to be too complex to ever be pulled off perfectly.

If there's anything good about Andrew, it's that he at least tries to help. While he's a coward and frankly cheap, he'll never say no to helping someone if they have some idea of how he could help, so long as it doesn't involve sacrificing himself. He'll even fight if the chips or down or if he thinks he can last long enough for someone more capable of show up. Andrew might only look out for himself, but he likes people well enough to watch their back too.

Backstory: Before the disaster, before all the zombies, Andrew's humble beginners started as a college drop out. He was going for an AA degree as an electrician, and indeed he's always been showed with compliments that he's very studious and intelligent. His memory allowed him to memories entire text books within one reading, and he felt that was all the study he needed. But there was a flaw with his talent: He had no experience. He knew the mechanics but he lacked the application. When tested he could slew facts and directions, but when it came to putting it into practice he lacked the creativity or experience to actually use his knowledge. He never recognized his flaws, and after two semesters he was suspended for his failing grades. At the time his family was disappointed in him and refused to let him live with them. He tried to get a job, but he only managed to stay in work for about a year before word of his vagrancy got him fired. With no home, no education, and no money, Andrew became homeless. He was 22 when this happened.

Ever since than Andrew just drifted. He begged for money, taking whatever job he could to get himself food money. Most of them were basic moving jobs, and he got mugged many times. Despite his appearance, people just kept picking fights with him. He guessed it because people see him and think he's strong, so they go and mess with him, kick his ass, and feel better about themselves afterwards. The best Andrew does is run away before they get him, which he's pretty good at. He lived everywhere he could lay down at, from the cold streets to insect-infected forests. His memory at least allowed him to take in the sights and sounds of the world around him. He learned how to live on the edge. And when the undead were raised, he was more then ready to run the hell away from them.

Recently, he discovered the little town of Haven. One of the few settlements to let him in, though now he's waiting to see if they'd kick him to the curb like all the other settlements he tried to work with.

Other: Andrew has literally been everywhere around the state, and knows from memory every building, every landmark, and every path in and out of the area. One of the reasons he lasted this long against both zombies and looters was precisely because he knew how to maneuver past them, as well as where to get supplies in places no one knew about. Granted most of those supplies were from vending machines and raiding medicine cabinets, but they were intact and that's all that mattered.


"Be careful with kind and gentle people. The weak are already dead."

Name: Janette "Jane" Allen

Age: 57

Gender: Female

Occupation: Used to be a physician, retired, and now runs a farm.

Skills Janette is old, without a doubt. She's not as spry as she used to be. But before she dies, she intends to impart all the knowledge she can. Janette was a pharmacist, specifically working for various pharmaceuticals to ensure that their medicines were up to standard. She oversaw the synthesizing of many types of pills, syrups, and poultices. Janette knows how they're made and what they're made from. She even knows herbal remedies, supplementing their spiritual healing with more practical physical ones. But don't think that medicine was all she knows.

Janette was born in the south country, and she is still very much a southern girl. Janette is no slouch with a rifle and knows how to handle animals, from dogs to bulls to horses. She could butcher a buck in ten minutes with a pocket knife. Her family was cheap, so that meant she had to help her family repair and make tools. Janette also has a good amount of farmer's knowledge, knowing how plants grow best and under what condition, as well as how to save them if they fail.

Flaws Janette, as we've covered, is old. She currently has breast cancer and actually retired because of it. She's expected to not live much longer past sixty years, and that's with taking medicine and regular check ups. Janette had also broken her shin in the past and while she's capable of walking, running for too long is liable to make her injure her leg again. She's also starting to become senile: While she can remember most of the details of her past life, she sometimes forgets about things that were told her her just moments ago. Lastly, Janette simply isn't as strong as she used to be. Stronger then most women her age, but that isn't much compared to much younger people. While her deceptive strength might catch some off guard, she's too old to be able to overpower anyone without the element of surprise on her side.

Firearm proficiency: 4. Don't mess with Granny.

Weapons: Janette carries her personal shovel with her. Not only can it serve as a shovel, but also an axe, a spear, and even a hammer. If she cleans it she could also use it as a pan. She also carries two knives, one small skinning knife and a much larger knife that's almost machete sized. And last but not least, she carries a sling and some smooth stones. This deceptively simple weapon is capable of piercing someone's skull, and you can bet she's quite good with it.

Equipment: Janette carries a box of matches and some dry bits of paper for whenever she needs to start a fire. She also owns a Emergency Care Kit, heavier and better supplied them what most first-aid kits would have. She owns various powders and roots which she can mix together for medicine, however more serious diseases will need proper medicine and care. Janette carries various seeds for various plants, most of them things that could withstand a cold winter. Hardy, but high maintenance.

Janette is also one of the fortunate few to still have a motor vehicle that works. While she knows gas is limited, she has a truck which despite it's age and appearance, is quite sturdy, deceptively fast, and handles very well even under extreme situations. However it's a bit of a gas guzzler and currently while the truck itself is capable of taking punishment, it lacks any protection for it's driver or passengers.

Apparel: Janette has a large wardrobe, though she's mostly seen wearing casual jeans, baggy shirts, and sturdy boots. She does wear a shawl at times when it gets colder. She lacks any actual armor, but she does have a thick leather jacket that could withstand knife stabbings. Usually teeth don't have much better luck.

Personality: A kindly old woman, if rather bossy. She's a worry wart and doesn't want people taking risks, least of all herself. But she understands the need for sacrifice. That sometimes one has to make a gamble. And she'd be the first to put her life on the line when it's time to pay the price. Janette frankly doesn't think she'll last long, even if she could somehow get the medicine to treat her cancer. Because of it Janette is almost always the first to volunteer herself for potentially dangerous task, even though she knows she would be more useful alive and teaching others what she knows.

Don't think that Janette isn't a stone-cold killer however. While she may not like killing and will absolutely not accept preying on others just to survive (like raiding) she's not going to bat an eye at stabbing you to death if you threaten her or anyone else. She can be very merciless and she accepts no prisoners. Every fight is a fight to the death. Men, women, adult, children: If you threaten her, you forfeit your life. She'd gladly go to hell if it means those she cares about stay on Earth a bit longer.

Backstory: Janette was raised in North Carolina. Her father was, to the surprise of some, a martial artist. He ran the "Allen's School of Karate", and while they weren't the largest or flashiest, they taught practical stuff. But while her father taught karate and her mother was an accountant, her grandfather, also a master in karate, lived on a farm. Janette spent much of her childhood on her grandfather's farm learning from him when she wasn't going to school.

As a young adult, Janette wanted to be a martial artist like her father, and his father before him. But Janette suffered an accident when she was twenty years old where she shattered her shin when she did a round-house kick to an opponent's elbow. While she recovered, her leg would never feel the same and always felt like it was on the verge of breaking all over again. This nixed her career as a karate teacher, but inspired her into surgery. She went to college to study for it, but found that to be a bit more difficult then she had anticipated. Janette instead took up the job as a pharmacist instead, which she found a knack for.

After she graduated from college Janette came back home and opened up a pharmacy in North Carolina. It was family own until she was brought out by CVS, where she was promoted to oversee their product. Janette was really good at her job and made quite a bit of fortunate just making sure everyone was getting the medicine they were suppose to get. She was a stickler for details which annoyed just about everyone, but it was thanks to her attention to detail that she was able to make sure that no one ever got the wrong medicine, and that everyone got what they needed on time, in the right dosage.

Janette worked for various pharmaceutical companies for about 30 years. She married and had 3 children by the time she was 27 years old. Her husband died when she was 47 due to kidney failure. Three years later, she went for a check up and discovered she had cancer. Her children insisted on taking her in, but she refused. As adults in their own right, she didn't need to baby them anymore. She chose to retire, leaving her inheritance between her three kids. They still visit her from time to time, making sure she's alright living alone. She brought herself a bit of land to start a farm of her own. Just to go back to her roots and settle down in peace.

But peace wasn't something she was going to get. The dead began to rise... And much to her horror, not even her own family was spared. Her first zombie was her own son, the youngest of the three. One day they were attacked by a gang of men, who were actually zombies. They bite her son and she fought them off, but he succumbed to the infection later that night. She had to put him down with tears in her eyes. He was going to become a computer engineer. Disaster struck hard and fast, and soon power was down, landlines cut, and it was as though the world was back to an age before technology. Janette frankly didn't know what to do with herself. She knew she didn't have long for this world. She didn't want to become an undead monster. For a while, she debated blowing her own brains out and saving everyone the trouble. But looking at the corpse of her son, she knew she couldn't do that.

Janette was alive. And she intended to stay alive, long enough for the newer generation to survive. She was going to pass on her knowledge and make sure that her children's future lasted long enough for their children to see it, and for them to thrive despite the disaster of this world. Packing up her things in her truck, Janette left her little farm to find a community to live with. The first she found was Haven.

Other: Janette left behind her gun and some supplies back at her old house, though it's hidden away. In the event she ever returns up there she'll be able to get it and show everyone what it was like growing up hunting everything and anything that ever left the safety of the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nicksilavong

nicksilavong Humnoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Sila Chanthavong

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Chef and Physical Therapy Student Drop Out

+ 6’1” with moderate upper body strength.
+ Sila specializes in cooking quick and affordable
meals and snacks that have
all the nutrients of a full-course meal.
+ Proficient with knives in pretty much every manner ranging from fileting a
fish to hitting targets with accuracy at ranges of 20 feet.
+ Sense of humor can help keep dire situations seems light.

- His keen judge of character causes him to see the worst in people, and will
often exaggerate various characteristics in friends and acquaintances.
- Underneath his seemingly calm nature is a raging
beast of anger management issues that takes a large
amount of provoking to merit a verbal/physical
- Sila loves to quietly judge and mock people in the confines of his mind.
- Sila’s left index finger, left middle finger and thumb were nearly severed
in a bet involving knives resulting in the nerves becoming unresponsive in
most of his left hand. Deeps scars are found on the knuckle of the middle
finger, the knuckle where the index finger meets the top of the hand, and the
top portion of his thumb is missing, leaving a slight angle.

Firearm proficiency: 2. Sila has been to a firing range occasionally on his international travels, but he hardly knows his way around a gun.

Weapons: Sila carries a Santoku knife (Japanese cooking knife) with a 9” black blade and sturdy, dark, wooden handle carried in a shoddy leather sheath strapped to his right thigh. He also carries a small Smith and Wesson tanto knife in his right pocket for utility, and has four Cold Steel Sport Throwing knives that he has yet to figure out how to quickly access them in case the need for them ever arises.

Equipment: A compact knife sharpener, a random container of salt, a Moleskin journal filled with recipes ranging from ones that he has learned on the road to those perfected in the kitchen by his mother, a Hydroflask®, and
All held in a black, medium sized rucksack.

Apparel: Has a total of two short sleeve shirts, one long sleeve shirt, (accumulated from different restaurants), one pair of dark blue jeans, a long black rag that he often wears as a headband, a black cap with a small “J” embroidered on the face, and dark brown hiking boots.

Personality: Great judge of character and discernment for tense situations afforded to him by his quiet, observational nature. Believes that an empty stomach is the leading cause of depravity, and that if he could satisfy a person’s stomach then he could also keep that person content. Naturally introverted, but can also surprise acquaintances with his rowdy personality usually reserved for family and close friends.


Sila's passion for cooking stemmed from his fascination with knives that came at the young age of eight. He loved to test the knives in his mother's kitchen to see how well they could slice a slab of meat or a chicken breast.
This curiosity soon turned into a cooking hobby, and carried well into his teenage years until it became second nature. Cooking became as important as breathing to him.

After graduating high school in Temecula, CA, Sila went on to achieve his Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and was enrolled in a physical therapy program. Much to the dismay of his mother and close family members, Sila dropped out 3/4ths of the way in order to dedicate his time to perfect his culinary skills that focused mainly on street food and quick, filling meals. Dropping out resulted in his mother kicking him out of the house, so he first resorted to staying with friends. He soon realized that his welcome was running out, and decided to take to a life on the road.

Previously, Sila loved to travel the world and seized every opportunity that he was able to get on a plane and fly to a remote part of the world to share his knowledge and love for food and to study the various types of international cuisine. To him, life on the road was no different than this. He had been living this nomadic lifestyle for eight months before the outbreak, going from city to city, sharing his culinary creations with any person who would be willing to receive from him. After the outbreak, he tried to get into contact with his family, but was unable to do so. After realizing he would not realistically be able to make it back to them, he offered his services to any hungry soul that he came across.

He wandered for two months before coming across what the locals call "Haven," and dedicated his skills to keeping the encampment nourished.

Other: He regrets not mending things with his family, and leaving the girl that he loved to pursue his cooking. He also talks in his sleep, and is often heard murmuring, "I'm sorry, Jacqueline."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Halcyon
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


David Levitski



Police Detective

As a career cop David has collected various skills such as familiarity with handguns & revolvers, investigation talents for picking up on clues in people as well as the environment, occasional lock-picking, and breaking limbs with baseball bats. Wait, what? Truth be told, David was not a “by-the-book” detective in his time and in fact is kind of “mostly corrupt asshole” detective where he was known to use intimidation and physical assault in many situations to get what he wanted. If the situation needed this arsonist to have a three broken fingers to get some information then David would break four. Despite this sense of ruthlessness, David is good at his job as his skills make obvious.

It is likely that the strongest personality traits David has are the ones that are the most despicable and unaesthetically pleasing such as his cynicism, tactless honesty, realism, and ruthlessness. He would rather kill someone than have them “waste” supplies, views the world as it is and not as it should be, and always strive for a hard-working diligence. These traits obviously put him at odds with others when they are shown, especially in abundance, though there is a utility to the way the polish-american detective is.

If his strengths are not a sort of double-edged weakness, then there are options to be perceived for what are. This includes his excessive nature to be prone to violence, his patronizing view of optimistic viewpoints, his short-sightedness when he is in a bad mood, and what some could view as a two-faced attitude towards others like in the instance he hates his own nephew but quite enjoys the company of females with similar personalities.

In terms of habits and indulgences he also is fond of a good vodka whenever he can find it.

Firearm Proficiency
Level 4 - Due to be a trained police officer with decades of experience, David Levitski is proficent with firearms particularly revolvers and handguns. However he isn't particularly skilled with assault rifles, shotguns, or other advanced firearms.

Baseball Bat

Assorted Tool Kit – Collected during his time following the outbreak, this kit has a mix-matched assortment of screwdrivers allowing David more subtle access to buildings and items.

Mini Crowbar – Enough to fit between David’s pants and belt, good for prying doors and hatches open.

Flashlight – While it needs batteries and batteries are hard to find, a flashlight is always useful in darker situations.

Wallet & Watch – Mundane items from David’s former life.

Knife – Serves as a secondary weapon and tool.

Flash – Half-full with water and not vodka, apparently.

By appearances sake, David Levitski looks like the opposite of who he is—his smiles seem genuine, his manners can seem perfectly charming, and he gives off the impression of a kind-hearted traditional cop. Even before the epidemic David kept himself in shape to keep himself on the level with the criminals he constantly dealt with and the truth remains in this “apocalypse” (though he just calls it Tuesday). For clothing preference, not much has changed except for a bit more tears and stains in his clothes which consist of a trenchcoat and scarf in colder seasons or a light jacket in the warmer seasons alongside unassuming buttoned or non-buttoned shirts and jeans or khakis. He does always prefer boots though.

David Levitski has been called blunt, violent, bitter, and patronizing. These observations aren’t incorrect as the former police detective’s manners are ones of a cynical, ruthless, and shifty nature. He has played loose with the law to gather arrests and information in interrogations, been a terrible father figure to his nephew, and generally prefers rash action to solve problems quickly and cohesively. However it isn’t true that he is always in a sour mood or hates people as he has acted well to others as long as he doesn’t perceive them as stupid or he finds attraction in their features or traits. His time as a public figure of the police department caused him to smile often and make it authentic enough to put people at ease as well as hide who he really was. Until really talking to David for longer than a few hours would you have an inkling to who he really is.

A man as long-lived as David Levitski could publish a novel of his escapades and life experiences alone. This of course is something David Levitski would rather not occur as he would rather not be judged by his new neighbors for what he achieved throughout his childhood and adulthood. Born to a Polish immigrant following the Second World War named Waclaw Levitski in 1963, David would be the eldest of several siblings raised in a lower income class household that had much conflict inside and out. His father was an abhorrent and abusive alcoholic who struggled from one job to the next—from general labor to distribution line factory work and so on thus when the next time his father lost a job nobody in the family was sure if they were going to leave the city they were used to or if another one in the area would repeat the process. It came to a point when David’s mother divorced his father and they moved to a more stable (relatively speaking) environment permanently around 1974.

David’s new environment was crime-ridden and tough on his mother, especially considering the stigma that still existed amongst divorced women trying to pick themselves up in the era. Perhaps it was here in his mother, Ashley Levitski, where David learned an admiration for hard work ethic since his father was so careless and arbitrary to the point where David didn’t care for him. In a chance encounter in the local park David found himself at odds when he attacked a boy over a name he called his mother to the point he told him that he would “erase his face” – he was interrupted before doing so by a police officer by the name of Thomas O’Reilly, who would be his first father figure.

The time passed in the inner city and under the guidance of the “old school” police officer David found himself joining the Police Department and aspiring to keep his burning temper under control within the confines of the law and if so necessary unleash it on those who deserved it—for not out of a sense of morality, but just desserts. David’s talents were soon discovered in these formative years as he found a knack for noticing things that other officers didn’t which eventually served him well when he was promoted to Detective fairly early on in his career, though due to politics and relationships with his superior’s daughter he found promotion climbing any further was quite unlikely. Still David found himself enjoying the work with every thumb he cracked or head he slammed into a table—as if he was exerting some weird power fantasy over his abusive childhood with his father. Nonetheless, time went on.

In time David found his younger brother, Richard, following in his footsteps—though in his time away from home his brother had taken to weird senses of optimistic morality and found himself clashing with his older brother during holiday gatherings in which they debated perspective. Admittedly, David was abrasive and patronizing towards his own sibling and likened his intelligence to inanimate objects in an attempt to give himself a reason to beat his brother down. However, Richard didn’t snap proving himself to be the better man. Still the siblings found themselves at odds with each other for many years up to through the childhood of Richard’s first son which he named after himself.

The time as a cop carried on and David continued to see people for how they really were—selfish, manipulative, deceitful, arrogant, pig-headed, out for themselves, and ultimately pretty terrible people. For every criminal he met he saw at least one aspect of his father in them which only made it all the easier to trait them with such vitriol. “Guilty until proven Innocent.” he figured about these people. As time toiled onwards things began to change such as his partner in the squadcar, shifting from “old school” detectives like Andrew Tate to “new school” detectives like Joseph Atkins and Miranda Beake. The world kept proving itself to David however and he never strayed from how he believed. The years moved on.

Eventually came the epidemic, and as he pushed himself from group to group with his small assortment of survivors until he ended up on his own due to disagreements or death with the people he found himself with. The rest of David’s story is ongoing and the past is mostly buried as he cemented himself within the community of Haven.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Squishypal

Squishypal Evolving newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex Crossman




Paper boy

Alex has a fine set of skills which best suits him on his journey of survival, most notably his ability to be fast-paced when it comes to almost anything. At only the age of just 17, Alex had been awarded two silver medals for beating several running charity marathons which were held by his town mayor, Mayor Ridgewood. His range of being able to Sprint for long distance, as well as cycling had helped benefit his techniques of getting every paper to his neighbourhoods door under a short space of time. He's the kind of guy that is quick, especially when it comes to thinking.

Alex has a variety of different flaws too, sometimes his emotions gets in the way when it comes to handling certain moral situations of where it becomes overwhelming for him. He can also be very picky about who he decides to ally with as he fears every choice he makes with someone he assumes can lead to sufficient consequences- This indicates that Alex has some issues with trusting people, especially strangers.

Firearm experience
Alex had received a firearm license at the age of 18 and was trained by his father who was a police officer. His firearm proficiency rating is a 3.

Baseball bat
Meat cleaver

Cans of soda- Still fresh and picked up from the local supermarket, everyone loves soda.

A newspaper- Containing stories of fallen victims of the outbreak, along with random telecom advertisements scattered on each page,etc.

Balaclava- The classic ski mask, used to cover the face as protection from being mauled at as well as preventing any unwanted fluids e.g. Blood or saliva from any infected individual to contaminate (Aside from eyes).

Alex has short light brown hair that is normally styled flat, which suits his small facial features as Alex is very baby faced for his age. He usually wears a dark vibrant green hoodie which takes on the slightly disheveled-look as it's been worn and torn away at some areas such as the shoulders and hip area, to compensate for that he wears a white undershirt.He also wears blue jeans and desert brown hiking boots. The hiking boots come in handy for trekking up far hillsides and mountains.

Alex was always known to be a compassionate person by his fellow peers whom he had raced with in town. By heart he had always been strong-willed and motivated; as well as always possessing such a kind and comforting nature towards other people due to being brought up by a selfless family. Though when the outbreak began, Alex was frightened at first when witnessing the death of his parents by the hand of a infected. But later regained his strength. Alex now endeavours in searching for survivors whom he can try to trust, even a place of where he can be in safe hands. He believes all of this could just blow over if a cure can be found.

As a child, Alex had a deep interest for sports which later grew as a talent in which he had pursued his interest down the route by participating in clubs at school such as the running club and the passion also grew as well as becoming more flexible by the more he practiced and focused his energy on sprinting.

Crossman at 17, had participated in various athletic events that involved running or cycling the most well-known event he had entered in his town was Mayor Ridgewoods Charity marathon event of where he had earned two silver medals, later on earned a gold medal in one cycling rally.

Crossman whom still lived with his family had worked extensively hard as a paper boy for two years in preparing to save up his funds for university to study mathematics, as it was his life long dream to become an mechanical engineer. But many of the colleges which he initially signed up for had rejected his application forms, as they ceased to show interest in letting him in. All except of one college who did allow him in, which was ironically the same day as the outbreak.

Unaware of the outbreak after he came home with the exciting news that a college finally accepted him, he witnessed his family die by the hands of an infected who mauled them to death in the kitchen. As the drooling infected tried to attack Alex, it resulted in Alex taking a Meat cleaver from the drawer and slashing the infected to death with it. Alex witnessed his parents turn before his eyes and tried to kill him, Alex had no other option and was forced to kill his loved ones. And in the end...he had.

Witnessing the apocalypse hands on had been very traumatizing for Alex as he had to see people die before his eyes, which he did not like. Earlier on, after coming to terms with himself being one of the very few people alive on earth, he later had regained mental strength and became used to killing, but only the undead.

Alex travelled alone at first through the outskirts of town, he had single-handedly narrowly escaped from a horde of infected and had met a a small group of survivors that were seeking a haven, they teamed up together in searching for their shelter. Eventually the group had been killed, and all that remained was Alex. He made his way through the railway system, through the tunnels and walked several miles to of which he found Haven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name: Joseph Reed

Age: 37

Gender: male

Occupation: Farmer

Skills Knowledge of agriculture, knowledge on how to deal with livestock, brief knowledge in hunting, self sufficiency, two years of university, average firearm knowledge, understanding, easy to talk to, problem solver, people skills, handyman, physically strong, good writer

Flaws lacks leadership qualities, passive, strong conscience, lacks brutality, often does not take action when action is needed, somewhat cowardly, somewhat mentally unstable, procrastinator, can also be too trusting

Firearm proficiency: 3.5, a farmer such as himself made sure he could defend his farm

Weapons: axe, long knife

Equipment: blue pick up truck, a few blankets, a lighter, dead cell phone, tool box containing various common tools, a sack of assorted fruit/vegetable seeds, a small bit of gas, a notebook, a box of old photographs, a heavy fur collared jacket that was passed down to him from his grandfather.

Apparel: Often wears flannel shirts and jeans. The odd time he’ll wear his overalls if he is working on something. He has heavy boots and two jackets.

Personality: Joseph can be described as a rather reserved and calm man. He is a man of few words and picks his battles. However, as a result of this, he finds that he gets little say in group settings and is ordered around by the other members. He can easily work/travel alone, however he does grow lonesome at times. He is usually happy to let someone else run the show and just act as a support beam. He can often be indecisive when he is met with a tough decision that needs to be made on the spot. He must take his time to think about it. However, he is more than willing to help others with their problems. Before the outbreak, he could be best described as passive aggressive and gentle. Come the outbreak, he was forced to resort to violence which disturbed him greatly. He tries to refrain from violence as much as possible. Joseph is a man who is in touch with his thoughts and likes to write them down on paper. Currently, he is scared that he will become a monster with all the killing he is doing. He feels remorse for killing walkers but knows it’s necessary. He also scares himself by his increasing aggressiveness. Nonetheless, Joseph is still a gentle giant. Yet he may not remain that way.

Backstory: Joseph Reed was born to an English professor and a stifled housewife in the city. He had a relatively easy childhood and had a few close friends throughout his years. However, he was constantly living in the shadow of his father. Being the Reed’s only son, Joseph’s father had high and strict expectations of him. Joseph was to go to university right after high school and become a professor just as his father was. This all changed when Joseph was 20, one year into his degree when he met the love of his life. A farm girl named Margaret. She was young, beautiful, and free spirited. Needless to say, Joseph fell madly in love with her and dropped out of school a year later to marry her. They owned a ranch together where Margaret would teach Joseph everything about farming, raising livestock, shooting, and hunting. When Joseph was 25, he and Margaret had a son named Tom. The following 12 years leading up to the outbreak, the Reed’s focussed on being a family and running their ranch.
The virus was delayed in making it’s way to the Reed’s ranch. As they lived out almost in the middle of nowhere in a small rural county, they had heard little of the outbreak. They had no idea it had gotten so out of control or the devastating effects of the virus.
One late afternoon, Joseph and his wife had realized that their son had not yet returned from earlier on that day when he told them he was taking one of the horses for a ride. Margaret insisted that Joseph stay behind while she went to look for him in case Tom came back to the house while she was out. A few hours later, the sky was beginning to darken and now neither Margaret nor Tom had returned to the home. Joseph was beginning to grow anxious and decided to go out and look for them in his truck. He had no avail and returned home hours later. He called neighbours and friends of the family, asking if they had turned up at their houses; but few of them answered their phones and those that did had not seen Margaret or Tom. He continued to search the next day. If he did not find them by nightfall, he planned to call the police. In the afternoon, he went to the stable to search by horseback this time. This is when he found his wife and son - but not in the way that he had expected. They frothed at the mouth and staggered about, moaning, appearing to not have any control over their own mind or body. At the sound of Joseph opening the stable door, they attacked him, as well as another undead that was believed to be the one that infected them. How he got into the stable is a mystery. Joseph tried to find some way to subdue them without using his gun but all three were overpowering him and he could tell that they were not of a sound mind. He realized they had the virus he had faintly heard about but he could not bring himself to shoot them. He barely managed to tie them up without getting bitten, before racing back inside and calling the police. No answer. He turned on the news and saw nothing but chaos. After taking a ride into town and seeing what the world had gone to, Joseph knew what he had to do. However, he sat on this for nearly a month. He locked the stable and stayed inside the farm house, believing that he had no other option but to wait it out at the farm. About a week and a half after his family had been bitten, a young, recently orphaned girl named Winifred Turner, stumbled upon the farm house and banged on the doors and windows, begging Joseph for help. Lonely and unable to turn her away, Joseph let her in and let her stay with him. She stayed with him until the farm became overrun and they had to leave. In the haze of it all, Joseph managed to get to the stable and find his wife and son. He finally laid them to rest. This still haunts him.
After leaving the farm Joseph and Winifred traveled for a while, living out of his truck and scavenging whatever they could find. In this time, the two became very close and Winifred asked to Joseph to adopt her. While making a stop to search for gas, the two came across a man who was on a run from Haven. He brought them to Haven.

Excerpt from Joseph’s journal a few days after realizing that Margaret and Tom could not be helped.


Name: Winifred “Winnie” Turner

Age: 14

Gender: female

Occupation: student

Skills outgoing, easily likable. Small and able to fit into small spaces, light on her feet, athletic. The ability to get over offence quickly. Fishing skills. Very little gets to her, mentally.

Flaws can get hot headed at times and always has something to say about everything. Often puts her nose where it doesn’t belong and sometimes doesn’t know her place. Her age puts her at a disadvantage for strength and fighting as well as wisdom when it comes to dealing with strangers. Possessive of Joseph and sometimes causes problems for him because of this.

Firearm proficiency: 2; her real father had set up a target practice in the backyard but Winifred had only used it about 4 times

Weapons: pocket knife, various shards of glass

Equipment: change of clothes, first aid kit, dead cell phone, wallet, weathered copy of The Outsiders, box of items she’s collected, photograph of her and her parents, a set of walkie talkies

Apparel: Jean shorts that stop an inch above her knees and a red t shirt is what she more or less lives in. The change of clothes she has with her is a green long sleeve and a pair of black pants. She wears sneakers and has a toque that Joseph gave her.

Personality: Winifred can best be described as being strong willed. She is outgoing and will talk it up with anyone around her. If nothing is being said, she will find something to say. If she believes something wrong is taking place, she will speak out against it. She speaks her mind most of the time, which sometimes causes conflict, but for the most part she is liked. She has mastered the art of flattery and uses it to her advantage. She is a bit of a busy body and likes to gossip. She has no problem with killing walkers and really doesn’t let it affect her. She understands that they are no longer really living once they’ve turned. She lets very little actually get to her and doesn’t hold onto offence over petty things and arguments. She really doesn’t mind getting dirty or having to engage in physically stressful activities in order to survive. She likes be active and loves adventure.

Backstory: Winifred was born in a hickish small town to an alcoholic father who owned a bait and tackle shop and avoided the house as much as possible, and an often detached, schizophrenic mother. The house was not a nice environment and Winifred tended to be out more often than not. After school let out, she would simply walk off on her lonesome. She loved to explore, often going off into forests, abandoned buildings, or strange parts of town. She’d come home with the dark, and dinner would be made, sitting on the kitchen table under a bowl.
Winifred was an outgoing child but somehow had few friends. She was seen as weird and strange amongst her peers and was always known as the daughter of the “lady who talks to herself”. Her tomboy-ish tendencies did not make her popular with the girl and her aggressiveness did not make her popular with the boys. She had about 3 peers that she called friends but, more often than not, she spent her time alone. Which, in the process, preserved her youthful demeanour. It also did not help that she was an only child and did not have older siblings to help her mature.
Winifred was more so fascinated than scared by the virus when it broke out. Class mates and teachers were suddenly disappearing and all these crazy stories were going around about what was happening to those who got the virus. Although citizens and students were advised to stay inside, Winifred paid no mind to this. One day, while she was out walking through a tall field of grass at around four in the afternoon, she saw a walker in the distance. She was confused but intrigued - she advanced towards the walker and attempted to talk to it as if it were a person. When it began to growl and hiss at her, Winifred knew something was wrong. She began backing away from it, and then began to run. She ran home, passing two other walkers on the way, to find her father standing above one of the walkers in the backyard, holding a rifle that he had used to kill it with. He then revealed to Winifred that the walker had bitten her mother.
Winifred and her father stayed in the house with her mother until she turned. At this point, her father laid her to rest. They then gathered their belongings and moved to her father’s shop, as he believed it would be safer there. However, they only lasted two weeks before survivors managed to break into the shop and killed Winifred’s father. She escaped while the survivors raided the shop and ran until she could barely breathe. Winifred spent two days looking for shelter, but she had ran so far out into the rural areas and farm lands that houses were far and few. She slept in trees and by the time the third day came around, she had grown desperate. She had nearly been bitten multiple times and she had barely eaten or drank anything in the two days. When she came across the Reed farm, she could not help but bang her fists against the doors and windows until Joseph let her in.
Winifred spent the next few weeks with Joseph at his farm until it became overrun and they had to leave. During this time, the two became very close and Winifred became very attached to Joseph. She asked him if he would think of her as his daughter and was delighted when he agreed. She came to Haven with him after being invited by the survivor they ran into.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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"I am merely seeking the truth, you see."

Name: Dani "Gata" Salazar
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Occupation: College Student; Forensics Major; Daycare Assistant

Gata had always dreamed of being a detective or a forensics scientist, ever since she was young. Books, countless open binders and pages, swarm her mind, with images of crime scenes and bodies plastered among the wordy parchments. She is extremely knowledgeable of the human body and seems to always catch if something is amiss with people around her. While she is no doctor, she is surely well versed in common first aid thanks to her ventures as a daycare assistant, and the one medical sciences class she took in high school. Gata is also in possession of some very keen eyes. Clues rarely fail to slip past her vision, and she always strives to find the truth, no matter the consequences. She is also skilled at caring for children, especially younger ones.

Growing up in a rather harsh Mexican city, Gata has always had to rely on her street smarts to survive. She took quite a few self defense courses in high school and college, and is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish with relative ease. To this day she still practices slef defense and yoga, making her extremely agile and quick. She loves people, and as such has some decent communication skills. Her way of talking, though normally sweet if she likes you, can easily be swapped, though, if the group is in need of an interrogation. Gata is sharp tongued and scary when she needs to be, and those who don't wish to be cut should stay on her good side.

Gata, despite her usually clear and bright mind, is prone to bouts of depression and anxiety. The apocalypse has left her incredibly shaken, and often spends her night sleeplessly staring at the stars or her hands, wondering how she could continue from where she is at. She has extreme break downs in some cases, though she has started to try and control them as of recently. Though she has some self defense training, Gata is extremely poor with firearms and would much rather avoid conflict than actually dive head first into a fight.

Gata has a very intense fear of storms and water and is also unable to swim. A bad experience at the beach are the reason for these phobias. While she is not the weakest girl out there, Gata isn't as strong as she would like, relying more on speed and out thinking her problems than simply pushing through them. Though her mind goes into overdrive in stressful situations, she is easily distracted, and when things don't seem to want to go her way she can become overly stubborn and bratty.

Firearm proficiency: 1, Gata has had little to no experience with firearms.

- Iron-bladed shovel, extremely worn and slightly rusted from age.
- Pocket knife, the blade reads Gata, and looks as though it was poorly engraved years ago.

- A large, dirty canvas bag
- Dozens of old books and journals, some hers and some not.
- A metal canteen, almost empty
- Many pens. Maybe too many.
- A broken watch, normally seen on her left wrist.
- Various trinkets she either found interesting or pretty.
- Fold-able winter coat
- A bloody, wrinkled picture of a class full of students and teachers.

Fourth Outfit

Dani "Gata" Salazar is always smiling around other people. She smiles in the worst of situations, and laughs lightly, trying to have other join her cheerfulness as to keep them from despairing. The worst thing to do in a dire situation is to lose hope, and Dani knows this. Hope is the only thing she has left to cling to, and she grasps it tightly, smiling all the way. She finds weakness in getting angry for no reason, or crying, and thus she bottles up her emotions, keeping up her cheery mask as the world burns. As one may guess, this often leads to Gata feeling very drained or stressed, though she never reveals or tired face to anyone. No one should burden her own anxiety but herself, after all. And so, she playfully teases those she is close to, tells light jokes and old stories, and just generally tries to keep everyone's spirits up. Gata often clings to her closer friends, having a strange interest in physical contact, and likes to think of herself as a very maternal character towards them.

As true to her old, student ways, Gata is extremely curious towards things she doesn't know. She thirsts for knowledge and truths, and can often be found studying the many journals or textbooks she manages to find. Gata also keeps quite a few observation journals herself, their pages filled with details of the apocalypse and the creatures that roam the empty streets. She is somewhat sly to those she doesn't entirely trust, and can sometimes come off as a bit stand off-ish and blunt to strangers if they don't interest/feel safe to her,. Due to her severe stress and depression, Gata is prone to episodes of insomnia, and can often be found writing or reading when she can't sleep. Though she has managed to keep her break downs under control recently, sometimes the stress can get to be too much for the woman, and she will simply "shut down", curling away into a far corner where hopefully no one would find her until she feels better.

In emergency situations, Gata, through her aching head and beating heart, always tries to keep her eyes peeled for solutions and clues. Her ambitions to be a detective have never seemed to leave her mind, and with those wishes in mind she will always try to seek the truth,and the way to safety. Those who treat her badly, or those who threaten her or her friends will most likely catch a glimpse of "Interrogator Gata", the Gata with harsh eyes and cat-like grin. The Gata who's words cut like knives and who's hands seem to shake with a hidden rage. With that Gata in mind, do try to keep on her cheerful side. While she will never, ever take one's life without reason, it is best to be safe than sorry, right?

Dani Salazar was born and raised in Tamaulipas, Mexico, a sea side city that wasn't exactly known for having welcoming locals. Living in a small home with her useless mother, Luisa, and a tabby cat named Cielo, Dani hoped from a young age to escape the city and live in America, hopefully safe from the bullies that normally threaten her life. She also gained an interest in science and detective stories at a young age, which must be the key to her love for forensics in the future. While living in Tamaulipas, Dani often found herself getting sucked into local junior gangs by mistake, though not for the reasons you may think. They paid her, actually, to run errands and send messages, and though the jobs themselves may be somewhat fatal towards her life Dani never did like to turn down cash.

In high school, she started becoming a bit more defensive around other people, taking classes to ensure her safety all while studying twice as hard with a hope of getting into a decent college far, far away from this god awful town. Time passes, and she manages to secure a scholarship to New Mexico's State University. She waved goodbye to Mexico at the age eighteen, and hopes to never look back at that awful city behind her.

Las Cruces, the main campus at NMSU, was where she spent most her time. Dani studied her brains out, working twice as hard as students usually did, and was awarded with decent test scores and knowledge that filled her brain with bliss and her heart with pride. She found work at an old, homely day care, looking after darling children during her off days from school. The pay was great, and her co-workers were all so friendly and kind, it felt as though she had left all her worries behind in that damned city. It felt as though she was finally where she belonged.

And then everything crumpled around her. The panic started during her afternoon shift at the daycare. It happened quickly, too quickly even. She had failed to notice the thing that had staggered in, thinking it to be just one of her co-workers, but when it suddenly sprung onto a child all Hell broke loose. The door, they always left the front door open, that was the first thing Dani thought of, and her eyes traced the gleaming door way, watching in horror as two more of those things entered, attracted to the screams of the injured child beneath the first monster. She moved slowly, stunned by the sight of blood, and then quickly ran over to tear the odd being away from the first child, her breathing labored as she saw that the screams had stopped and the boy was still and quiet. Dead.

Her co-worker, a stout woman with curly hair and dark skin, started screaming at the children, telling them to get into the teacher's office, but even her cries are cut off by the second monster's teeth digging into her shoulder. Dani slowly pulled her eyes away from the dead child at her feet to stare at her co-worker, and then with sudden ambition she continued calling the children towards the office, guiding them around the carnage until the remaining seven toddlers and herself were safe behind a rattling door. She found herself unable to stand after that, her mind clouded with after images and her mouth a gap with empty air. The children were sobbing, screaming, just riling up the monsters outside the door, and Dani found herself unable to calm them. She was just. . . Useless.

Two hours later and the door wasn't about to hold anymore. Dani had managed to gain some control of herself, and after calming the children slightly she began leading them towards the very large windows to the east side of the room. The windows slid open with ease, and one by one Dani lifted the children over the sill and onto the green grass outside. The door shattered after the fourth child escaped, and Dani, feeling rushed, simply tucked the remaining children under her arms and booked it.

They didn't get far, who would have expected them too? Without a plan, or even the slightest idea off what the hell was happening, the group of children were picked off one by one. Ripped right from Dani's grasp, screaming in pain as the monster devoured them. By the time they reached any other non-zombie citizens, only Dani and two children were left. Scarred beyond belief and shaking like mad, Dani was thankful to see other breathing people, and the folks quickly took in the three remaining daycare attendees, giving them a safe place to stay for a few moments, water, and plans.

The family of four Dani had stumbled upon were all planning to head out of the city, far from the carnage that filled the streets. They all assumed that open fields would be safer than crowded towns, and after gathering up supplies and sharing names, the group of seven all crowded into a white mini-van and drove.

They survived well for the first few weeks, though good luck never seemed to last around Dani, and very soon she was all alone. The entire group had been slaughtered by bandits, bandits that simply wanted their car, and Dani barely escaped with her life. She took refuge in an abandoned cemetery, and wallowed in guilt and fear for what felt like millenniums. She wandered the rotting house that stood among the stone tablets, too terrified to move passed the gates of the cemetery, finding books and notebooks to fill her time, and eventually a buzzing radio. Whispers would sometimes emanate from the black box, speaking of survivors and a place called Haven. The name itself gave her a bit of hope, and that alone was enough to inspire her once again. Dani took whatever she could find from the cemetery house, and with new ambition set off towards Haven, hoping to find safety among other survivors, and sanity among living minds.

- "Gata" means 'Cat' in Spanish (feminine). Dani acquired this nickname in her teenage years from a close friend, who often related her to a "quick, sly kitty cat".
-She's bisexual as hell.
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Name: Nelson Fortier

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Park Ranger

Skills ‣ Navigation/Tracking
‣ Hunting
‣ Survivalist
‣ Can be very supportive

Flaws ‣ Amputee
‣ Has trust issues
‣ Doesn't see well at night

Firearm proficiency: 3; Being a park ranger he has vast knowledge and training with multiple types of firearms. He has only used one in a real life scenario's once and only enough training to pass his qualifications.

Weapons: 10"Busse Battle Mistress

Equipment: Flint & Steel, One bottle of water, rope and harness.

Apparel: He has a tendancy of dressing in layers so that he can add or remove to adjust to the temperature. At any given time he could have a combination of the following; anything not worn is stuffed into his napsack.
‣ Black UFC hat ‣ Red Beanie cap ‣ Black Bandana ‣ Black Undershirt
‣ Forest Green shirt ‣ Black Sweater ‣ Black Jacket ‣ Navy Blue Shorts
‣ Faded Orange Cargo Pants ‣ Black Hiking Boots

Personality: Nelson makes himself hard to get to know since he places to many mental barriers up that it is tough to get passed but if you do manage to get there, you will love him since he is quite funny and witty. He can be protective to the right people.

Nelson had always loved the outdoors thanks to his fathers love for it also making it only natural that he had wanted to have an occupation outdoors. That was what created his want to be a park ranger, he liked to help people and he was in the outdoors perfect combination. Nelson once used to be quite a trustworthy person until one day the new guy that he was training had been examining his rifle when one day they had been approached by a mother black bear whom they later realized was looking for her cub. However when they needed to defend themselves the new guy panicked and took off running with his rifle leaving Nelson unable to defend himself. Nelson ended up using his training and played dead and luckily the bear didn't take his life, only his leg. After that day he still helps people as a park ranger but he doesn't train or trust anyone.

When the outbreak started Nelson had been out on patrol in the park like any normal day (no he didn't stop being a ranger since he lost his leg) When he had come across someone who had been covered in blood and limping and Nelson naturally assumed that it was someone who had injured themselves and had come looking for help. It wasn't until he called in for help and heard no response that he thought something might be up since they always had someone near the radio incase of emergencies. Nelson had approached the person and immediately got bad vibes and noticed that he had something in his teeth that resembled flesh. This was the first time that Nelson had ever fired a shot outside of a training scenario or qualifications and it was the second worst feeling he ever experienced.

Nelson has been living off the land, sleeping in trees thanks to his sleeping bag, rope and harness. He sometimes gets lucky and stumbles upon a cabin to rummage through and stock up on small supplies, but he has been avoiding going to more populated areas fearing of what is out there especially given how many of the undead that have been straggling out in the woods he doesn't imagine that large areas will be much better. It has been changing seasons and currently in mid November Nelson knows that he needs to find somewhere to survive since he knows that it is nearly impossible to survive a whole winter outside. Nelson had thought that if he travelled south for long enough that he would find something since he knew the limits of the forest but never needed to travel this far down. One day Nelson had found a trail that continued south further, this excited him since most paths like this lead somewhere. That was when Nelson spotted the steeple of a church!

Other: Nelson is a heterosexual. He might be a amputee but he has gone through full physiotherapy and has a fully functioning prosthetic leg.
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