Some Thing in The Water
We really were never told who had the bright idea of creating this disease. We probably aren't ever going to. The person has probably died, like most of the population did, when it mutated. This disease was hidden from the population by our governments. Past off as a unharmful new fungus, that could one day be the cure to the next super virus. They knew it wasn't unharmful. Five deaths were reported since it was first discovered. Again the idiots who ran the government's hid these deaths. Passing them off as other causes. The first mutation made it more noticeable. Growths appearing around the mouth and neck. Then it got worse. The hosts of this disease started becoming hostile to non infected. These first infected soon died, the fungus seemingly dieing with them. The infected were washed, the spores of the fungus washed off the body with it. So yeah, that's how most of the worlds population were infected with this fungus.
I'm not describing everything that I know. You'll have to find some of that out on your own. The military issued a panflit on the stages of infection. For soldiers to know who to shoot on site and not. I collected a few of them, to give to any survivors I met. So tell me about yourself, why I should waste one. On you.
CS Template
Appearance: ( picture recommended)
Skills: ( You can't just create a new skill out of the blue. unless learned in game)
Past Occupation:
Guide to IWF
Guide to IWF or the Infectious Water Spreading Fungus
How to identify the infected.
The infected can be easily identified by the mushroom like growths around the neck, face, wrists and ankles. These growths when in the later stages of the disease will appear on the head and face. Skin also will start to peel off the face and other mostly exposed areas. Sometimes those infected will cut off these growths. Do check the areas of interest carefully.
Stages of infection
First: Small growths will appear on the neck, face , wrist and ankles. infected will show no signs of hostility towards others. some will also cut off these growths.
Second: Growths are bigger, and more resistant to being cut off. Infected will be slightly agitated towards non infected. Some muttering things like help or save me.
Third: Growths now cover more area than before, extremely resilient to cutting. Infected are slightly hostile, will fallow non infected latching onto them in hopes of getting help. The body will also be overly warm. Their cries are mostly about a cure, a terrible itch, and the feeling of being watched.
Fourth: Growths cover most of the face excluding the nose, eyes and mouth. Infected have lost all sense of hearing and voices are scratchy. Infected will be hostile towards non infected. Gripping onto anything living in reach, their grip extremely hard to get off. Skin that isn't covering in growths will slowly peal off.
Fifth: Extremely hostile towards non infected. Growths cover most of the face, excluding the eyes, neck and head. Will not chase down seeming accepted their fate, or the fungus has control over the hosts fuctions. Will find nearest source of water and drown themselves.
How to kill the Fungus

So here we are. Cs is coming. So is the pamflit. the information on the disease will mostly likely be done before the cs is. But here you are, Trying to survive in this city. No one will have a base at start. So travelers looking for other non-infected. Goal is to start a base maybe fund some relationships. Well your main goal is to survive. Then we can discuss other things. Just remember, There is always Something in The Water.