"People often have told me that I'm too quiet, too reserved. That perhaps I should speak more and don't slouch, but what they don't realize is that it's hard for me. Everyone is so intimidating. They have such vibrant personalities and then there's me."N O T S O P E F E C T
Name;Skylark Alistair Collins III
Nickname;He absolutely hates his first name. If he could, he would change it, but alas he can’t. So he just goes by Skylar or Skye
Birth Date;May 10th, 1997
Zodiac Sign;Tarus
Rich or Poor;Poor
Trust Fund or Scholarship;Scholarship
Major;Music and Creative Writing
Occupation;Singer-Songwriter. Performs any gig he can get. He also is on Bandcamp.
In Depth Appearance;As slim as he is thin, what Skylar brings to the table is exactly what one would expect from a singer-songwriter such as him. He has fair skin and no real hideous facial features, so that’s a plus. His shoulder-length, medium brown hair paired with his average height(5'8) and weight(138lbs) does not invoke the feeling of impressiveness to those who look at him. In fact, one could say that Skylar is as average as any fresh-out-of High School student. If it wasn’t for the fact that he has alluring, and sensitivity-inducing green eyes that often win him the affections of the girls, there would be nothing remarkable about him, or at the very least, anything that separated him from anyone else in the crowd. As far as facial hair is concerned, he has a bit of a stubble.
Clothing Style;Skylar‘s attire style reflects his own self. As such, he has a few pairs of blue jeans, several comfortable T-shirts of various themes(most commonly of calming designs), a few sweater jackets with a zipper and hood. He has a few pairs of shoes, but he prefers to wear the pair that are of Vans. They have a white-on-black color scheme. It may seem odd for a guy such as himself preferring that kind of footwear, but he has always found that make of shoes to be most comforting.
Likes;►Playing his guitar and writing songs/poetry
►Relaxing music, usually along the lines of John Mayer.
►Writing his own stories(he is also a writer when he wants to be)
►Playing Video Games
►Comic Books
►Sunsets(it sooths him)
►Italian and Chinese Food
►Any kind of art.
►Soda. He loves soda and refuses to stop drinking it.
► His father’s strictness
►People who think they’re better than everyone else
► People who constantly put others down
►Bullies, Alpha Dogs, and Frat Boys.
►People who mistake him for being a girl(he has feminine skin)
►Indian Food
Habits;►Skylar has the bad habit of biting his nails when he his nervous or anxious about something.
►Despite claims from his family and peers that he‘ll injure his joints from doing it, Skylar constantly cracks his knuckles and fingers
►When he’s writing his songs or poetry, Skylar often zones out the rest of the world, ignoring them completely.
►He sometimes talks to himself, often getting raised eyebrows from those around him in the process.
►Going to Art Exhibits and Poetry Slams
►Going to the beach near sundown and watching the sunset.
Fears;►Losing himself to his Bipolar disorder.
►Feeling the wrath of his father’s disappoint.
►Succumbing to the fate of the Struggling Artist. In the sense that he fears he will never succeed at what he loves the most until he is long gone from this world.
Personality;When it all comes down to it, Skylar is the embodiment of an artist. He is very idealistic . His family(not his father obviously) and friends come to him for his optimism. While he doesn‘t see himself as being that way, he doesn‘t want to disappoint them, so he puts on a façade of a certain kind of optimism that fools them, but the person he ends up on fooling is himself. Being such a optimist to his friends and some members of his family for so long has imprinted this image of himself within his own mind, often confusing himself of who the real Skylar is.
Skylar, like most who look the way that he does, is very shy. Though he tries not to be like those internet introverts who can’t hold a conversation with the human race, sometimes he can‘t help it. He‘s super shy and takes a while to warm up to people. This is evident in his self-conscious side as well as being so reserved that people often get the idea that he can’t talk, furthering their impression that he might be a mute of some kind. It’s not that he doesn’t know how to talk to people, but more like something in his brain turns off when he is approached by people, especially at social gatherings. It’s like he can’t say anything instantly. Instead, he takes a minute or so to get out even the simplest of words like “hi” or “hey”. He’s trying to grow out of it, so perhaps the journey of university would help in that area.
To himself, his music and possible career as a singer-songwriter is the most important to him. To hell with science. Being a musician is his true calling. As a result, he exhibit’s a very creative and passionate side that can only be described as the true side of Skylar. This means that, whatever he is working on be it his songs/poetry or writing stories in his free time, Skylar puts his entire heart and soul into it. As a result, he leaves all that he has on the word document/paper that has his work on it. When he gets so into his work and forgets about everything else but his project, Skylar often forgets to do the most simple of tasks such as bathing, eating, and drinking fluids. This has been pointed out to him on more than one occasion and yet he still does it. It‘s nothing that Skylar can help, though. It‘s like it‘s imprinted in his DNA. It‘s like the artist in him refuses to take breaks from whatever project he‘s doing and put all that he has and then some into it until it is either finished or the his body physically gives up and collapses.
Income;Due to the fact that he is a struggling musician to get by, Skylar’s income is in the lower to mid thousands on a yearly basis. Usually, he has a $9000 yearly income due to the fact that he has three separate EPs that he sells both locally to those that will have him and on Bandcamp. Each of them are $10 each. Usually -- though not guaranteed -- he will get about forty copies of each sold a month, which brings it to 120 copies of his work sold a month. Each of them go for ten bucks, which brings his monthly-income to around $360, more or less. Some months it's higher than that and some it's lower. On average, however, he will bring 350-600 to his pocket a month. Yearly, that could range anywhere from $4,200-$7,200, though the latter amount is only when business is good.
Finances;Middle-Low Class. With his parents' on-and-off again jobs, the income wasn't always stable, but at the very least, his family had a good life. Nothing too fancy, but not dirt-poor, either.
Spending Habits;Budget Spender. Due to the fact that Skylar's wallet solely depends on whether or not people buy his music, it can fluctuate greatly. Sometimes he doesn't pull enough to eat. Sometimes he pulls in so much that he actually has enough to do a little splurging. It all really just depends if he can make bank on his music when selling it on Bandcamp and to the students at the university.
Transportation;Skylar walks or takes public transportation
House;The Dorms when the school year is in session or not on break. When it is on break, Skylar lives with his older sister in her
Place of Origin;Born in Vancouver, Canada and lived there for the first five years of his life. Moved to Seattle, Washington and lived there until he was accepted to HU.
Background;Born to Skylark Collins Jr, a High School Psychics Teacher rand Cassandra Nunez, a on-and-off again Night Nurse Skylar The Third is the second youngest of four children. His younger sister, Mary-Theresa Nunez will be fourteen in December of the year 2015. He has one older brother, Michael Dominic Collins who just turned twenty-five in April and he has an older sister, Lillian “Lily” Nunez. She is twenty-three and turned that age on Valentine’s Day in 2015.
Growing up with the values of the Roman Catholic Church, Skylar often found himself being the black sheep of his family. He never related to the beliefs nor did he really understand why his father cared so deeply that they believe the same way the church taught. Skylark would even go as far as to force the teachings on all of his siblings, Skylar included. He would do so by forcing all of them attend Sunday School until they reached their early teens. Even though he was forced all of that crap into his brain, it never stuck. It was as if it went in one end and out the other. Skylar’s main contribution to the Church was the choir. Ever since the age of nine, music was his love, being what separated him from his siblings and truly brought him some peace that he never got from his home life.
Though his father didn’t like it -- mainly because he was against the arts -- Skylark didn’t deny that his son had talents, but like all strict fathers have been according to the history books, it had to come to an end. Indeed, Skylark laid out an proposition: Put music aside for four years. In that time, he would focus on his studies. If he brought home nothing but straight-A’s in every quarter and semester and got a scholarship to any university Skylar wished, he would be able to pursue music so long as Skylar minored in at least one science when he got to that point.
Even though Skylar didn’t like this idea, he didn’t have much choice in the matter. He feared what his father would do to him if he said no to it. So, he said yes, and for the next four years that was his quiet, uneventful high school life, he delivered on his half of the deal. Skylar brought home nothing but straight A’s, even getting a few A+’s here and there, much to the surprise of his father. Halfway through, Skylar got to the point where he was taking the advanced courses. In his senior year, Skylar was taking nothing but AP classes and was even getting some early college courses at night. As one could imagine, that shocked Skylark. So much so that he eased off the deal around third quarter and that allowed Skylar to start his music once more…well, not like he stopped to begin with. He simply didn’t allow his father know about it.
And then came that one faithful day. The day that set in course Skylar’s journey to California. The day that he would be able to leave his life in Seattle behind and the stress from his overbearing, strict father along with it. The day that his acceptance letter to Hollywood University came.
When it came, Skylar was ecstatic. He told his family. He told his friends. He told anyone who would listen. They all gathered around him. Ten of them it was and they anxiously waited for him to open it and see what his future held for him. They waited for him to see if he was going to stay in Seattle and that in itself, stay near his father, or would he be venturing to new heights, to new horizons, and to a new state? Whatever it was, he would find out in that one moment. And that’s all that it took.
One, he ran his right index finger along the top of large envelope. Two, he opened it up and grabbed the packet in his hand. Three, he read and read, each word following in succession. Each word permanently registering into his memory. Each word revealing what waited for him.
“We, here at Hollywood University, are proud to announce that applicant Skylar Collins III is accepted to our esteemed school and that you will have a full-scholarship.” It read. When he got done reading, Skylar revealed what said. Each of them had different reactions. Half of them were speechless(in a good way) and the other half had only what could be described as looks of dismay, as if they were hoping for the complete opposite.
One reaction that got him was his father’s. He did not have a happy nor sad reaction. It was neutral, as if Skylark wasn’t affected by it at all. He simply reminded Skylar of the deal. The teen nodded and returned to the letter, looking through the rest of the packet. He had to read through it and prepare for his new life in California.
Extra;►Like Skylar, I too am an artist. Art was my true love(more so digital art cause I can‘t draw to save my life lol).
►Skylar is Half-Cuban, Half-Canadian. The former being from his mother's side and latter his father's.
►Skylark Collins Jr - 55 years old, father
►Cassandra Nunez- 46 years old, mother
►Michael Dominic Collins - 25 years old, older brother
►Lillian "Lily" Nunez - 23 years old, older sister(lives with her when HU is on break)
►Mary-Theresa Nunez - 14 years old, younger sister)