Jack Sullam

"“I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”" -Jimi Hendrix
Jackson. Edward. Sullam.
Jack or Sully
Birth Date;
November 2nd
Zodiac Sign;
Rich or Poor;
Trust Fund or Scholarship;
Contemporary Music Writing and Production
Music Business and Management
None, though he gets gigs from time to time locally and at the school.
In Depth Appearance;
Jack is a fairly broad guy, and stands at around 5’ 10 making just under average height. He has green eyes and a small scar on his lip from where he got into a fight. His beard is actually fully formed (Unlike the images) and he is very proud of his beard.
Clothing Style;
Jack wears a range of clothes casually, he liks to wear skinny jeans, flannel shirts and brogues. However more often than not the brogues are replaced with desert boots and the flannel shirt is replaced with a tee. But he loves skinny jeans.
-Not Working Hard
-Drum and Bass
-The Guitar
-Social Events
-Drum and Bass
-The Guitar
-Social Events
-His Dad
-Those who cannot appreciate music
-The self-entitled
-Those who cannot accept other people’s opinions
-His Dad
-Those who cannot appreciate music
-The self-entitled
-Those who cannot accept other people’s opinions
-Rolls a coin down his knuckles
-Every other word can be a curse
-When he is bored he doodles, though he is no good at art
-Has a cup of green tea every morning and night
-Every other word can be a curse
-When he is bored he doodles, though he is no good at art
-Has a cup of green tea every morning and night
-Creates new tracks on his laptop and using his guitar
-Going to other gigs
-Football (Soccer)
-Going to other gigs
-Football (Soccer)
-Not being Remembered
-Being lonely
-Being lonely
Jack is fairly tough, this is not too say he won't talk to people, but his brand of humour and the way he approaches things means that if you can't take a joke or accept an honest truth, you don't want to be his friend. At the same time he is in fact quite emotional and very easily takes things to heart if they are about a small list of subjects. But again, if you are close to him, you should know where to draw the line on certain subjects. He is appreciative of fans and doesn't mind people approaching him, only he wants them to do it in a respectful manner and if he is relaxing he prefers to be left alone. Jack loves social events, he prefer to gig them but if he is just going to a club with some friends he still has the time of his life. People are his lifeblood and whilst sometimes he struggles when he is not involved ina conversation, he knows how to get past his own little personal annoyances.
Jack gets his own income from the intermittent gigging he does, as well as this by agreeing to perform in any and/or all school events his Scholarship gives a little spending money. Meanwhile his Mum works as a waitress.
Working Class
Spending Habits;
Money from the scholarship and his Mum he spends sparingly, but his own he blows fairly quickly.
Walks or Public transport
Lives in the dorms right now.
Place of Origin;
London, England
Jack’s father wasn't around at his birth, after he found out his mother was pregnant he had skipped town never to be seen again. As such Jack's mother was determined to be a good enough parent for herself and the absentee father. This event also has lead to her refusing to date again, it wasn't that she didn't like men, she just couldn't bring herself to be that vulnerable. Although Jack's time at a school would be free, his pre school wasn't. As such he used to sit behind the counter at the cafe in which Jack's mother worked. During his early music lessons he found that he was naturally quick at learning to play instruments. His own mother encouraged this as she used to play a broad range of music all the time, from Mozart, to The Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. By the time he was 12 Jack was a guitar prodigy, accomplished on the piano/keyboard and an average drummer. It was then that he joined a music Academy, on a music scholarship, that held the equipment to DJ and create tracks. Now Jack had the real outlet he needed. During his time at the Academy though he got into a number of fights as a small group of fellow students joked and bullied him about his poor back ground. This was where he got his busted lip, after that he managed to claw a few friends and he had an alright time after that. He even managed to get a girlfriend for a short while, however that ended swiftly as he caught her cheating on him at a party. At the age of 16 Jack was forced to take up a part time job to help pay the bills, it wasn't too hard however it took him away from his music, and whilst he never voiced his resentment of this fact, his mother knew it. Even at the Academy which specialised in music, Jack was special and so he would often do the music for big events and other social events that were run. During an award ceremony he played in a band, giving the winners a track to walk up too and some soft music for people to mingle too after. Another example was the 'Locked In' event where students spent an evening in the building with the hall at their disposal. It ended with a fairly loud Drumm and Bass concert from Jack and a fair amount of damage to the hall. During a concert he was headlining at the Academy, he was talent scouted by Hollywood University. ALthough not old enough to go, he signed that when he was old enough he would go and become a student under a scholarship. The University paid for all his tuition fees, flight costs and room and board. For the next two years Jack spent his time refining his music ability at a music college, here he made some connections to other up and coming musictions as well as a music label. However Jack found that he didn't like the idea of being managed, and so made changed with the scholarship so that he could learn to manage his own label when he left. The day Jack flew out was the first time Jack had ever seen his mother cry, they were tears of joy as he reassured her that all the amazing happening were thanks to her strength and passion in raising him right.
My favourite subject is currently History.