Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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"Then, this other time, I looked up to the skies and saw the guardian of the skies, Ho--", Wim kept putting himself in a higher and higher pedestal, until he noticed the blond one had gotten up and spoken. "Hey kid, are you alright?"

He felt partly responsible for Devon's aggressiveness, given he had engaged him. Wim wondered if Devon thought his actions made him cool or intimidating. He also reminded himself that, so far, he was the oldest of the group, and he shouldn't encourage bad behavior.

"Yeah, he's gone. Got in and out of the office, got a Pokémon and the whole shebang. Maybe if we started screaming and kicking the professor would get to us quicker." Wim didn't want to encourage bad behavior, but he wasn't good at preventing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maple sat at her desk, still recovering from the spectacle Devon had made. "Well, I had better give the rest of them their pokemon." She said to herself. She lifted the box of Pokeballs and the Box of eggs from the ground and placed them on her desk. She then opened the door to the lobby and looked at the 3 who were there. Apparently, one decided not to show. Oh well, what can you do? She thought. "Hi, I'm Professor Maple. Why don't you three come in?" She smiled and gestured for them to come in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconis Nevyn
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Draconis Nevyn Archbishop of Banterbury

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Percy simply smiled at the boy as he asked if he was alright, saying "Oh of course, I've got good reflexes." He wasn't one to hold a grudge and simply assumed that the boy who had thrown the book hadn't intended to try to brain him. He nodded politely to the girl and replaced the book that was in his hand to it's rightful place on the shelf. "My name is Percy Solus, I'm from Fortree City in Hoenn, who might you two be? His smile became a large grin as he said this, for one he was genuinely interested and for a second, he loved his hometown, the treehouses, the freedom. He was also incredibly proud of the Gym that was situated there, before this he'd hoped that it would be the first gym he would have faced after getting his pokemon. It seemed that that would have to wait for now, this journey would be interesting.

"No, I don't think being troublesome is the best plan. I'm all for a good joke but that boy seems a little mean spirited." Percy let his smile slip for a moment, he was a calm person at heart, and not easily troubled so he didn't let it get to him too much, he'd face it as it came to it. He then turned as the Professor opened the door and then said to the older boy "It seems patience paid off anyway." and then walked towards office, entering past the Professor and standing to the side to allow the others to catch up with him, he was happy to wait a little longer in case the others had it in their hearts to go first. Well technically second but Devon was an oddball, definitely not a team player.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Viola practically skipped into the room behind Percy, not bothering to hide her excitement. She smiled at him as she passed, going straight to the box of Pokéballs and looking into it.

"It's very nice to meet you, Professor. And you too, Percy. I'm Viola."

She moved over to the box of eggs and took a look inside, then stepped back to let the professor speak.

"I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this. The beginning of a Pokémon trainer's journey!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Wim Ceiba. And that's Wim with a W. And before you say anything, dweeb doesn't even starts with a W, it starts with a D."

Within a couple of seconds, open came the doors and in between them stood Proffesor Maple. "That's a total babe if I've ever seen one...", Wim whispered to himself, trying his best to keep his cool guy posture.

Wim skipped several steps and heartbeats as he walked into the office. He stood quiet next to Percy and Viola for a couple of seconds before making sure he was standing slightly closer to the Proffesor than the other two. He grinned and waved, letting out a "Hiya!" before substituting his grin with a full-on-smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maple looked at the three youths before her, then shut the door to her office. "I'm sorry if my cousin, Devon, harassed any of you like he did poor Allie," she said apologetically, "Anyway, lets get to the good part! Here I have two boxes." Maple took a step toward the desk as she spoke, "In one box are Eevee eggs, which you are more than welcome to take if your not quite sure what you want in a Pokémon yet. On the other side of my desk, we have a box of Pokéballs containing various pokemon from Fletchling to Pidgey. Im not positive of the exact selection so you can just rifle through it to see if there is anything you want." After telling them all they needed to know about choosing a Pokémon, she walked to the staircase in one corner of the room and went up it. Seconds later she returned with 3 devices in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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The second Professor Maple gave the go-ahead, Viola was digging through the Pokéball box. She checked a few and set them aside before pulling out one marked with the eye symbol for a Psychic-type.

"Ralts, huh? I've heard good things about this species... especially the bonds they develop with their Trainers."

She closed her eyes and concentrated for a couple of seconds, then nodded.

"That's the one, all right. I'll take good care of you."

She stepped back from the boxes and pressed the button on Ralts' Pokéball, releasing it onto the counter beside her.


The tiny Pokémon looked up at Viola curiously, staring at her through its helmet-like crest.

"Hey there, Ralts. I'm Viola. I'm going to be a Pokémon Trainer, and I'd like you to be my first partner. What do you say?"


It nodded enthusiastically and held its arms out to be picked up, which Viola did. She clipped the Pokéball onto the strap of her bag and walked back over to wait for the professor's return, with Ralts sitting happily in her arms.

This is a good beginning. Together, I know we can do anything we set our minds to. That's something we have in common, after all. The power of the mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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Wim waited patiently for the Proffessor to come back down the stairs, and while she came back with the Pokedexes, he walked directly towards the box with the Pokéballs.

Growing up on Vermillion City, Lt. Surge had always been a sort-of role model, at least in a "I want to be as cool and respected as him when I grow up!" kind of way. And part of being as cool and respected as Lt. Surge would be by following his footsteps and having an Electric-type Pokémon, at least as a starter.

Wim started looking through the boxes, "thoroughly" considering his options. "Pichu? Too fragile. Mareep? Too cutesy. Shinx? Not very intimidating." Suddenly, his eyes started glowing. He knew he had found his perfect match. He knew he had found the coolest, raddest, most lovable Pokémon in the bunch. "ELEKID!"

After raising the Pokéball into the air and posing triumphally for several seconds, Wim left his new partner-in-crime out of his Pokéball.

"Kid-kid, Ehh-lekid!"

"Look at those forearms..."

As Elekid crossed his arms smugly, Wim had an idea, "You need a nickname!"


"How 'bout... Static? No. Shocker? Don't think so... BUZZER! YOU'LL BE BUZZER!"

And so the Elekid, newly baptized Buzzer, started hopping cheerfully and chirping with joy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Draconis Nevyn
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Draconis Nevyn Archbishop of Banterbury

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Percy registered the names of the pair of them and cocked an eyebrow when he mentioned that his name started with a W and not a D, he wasn't in on the joke after all. He waited a moment as the Professor told them they could choose their pokemon from Eevee eggs or from the other pokemon that were there. He couldn't help but grin even wider as the others moved in and chose their pokemon. This was it, his pokemon, this would be his friend. He took a few tentative steps forward before almost sprinting to the box and looking in. He picked up the first pokeball and looked at it:

"Pichu, no that's not me" he murmured to himself, looking around he saw the others already greeting their pokemon and was happy for them, there were more pokemon to choose from, but as he rifled through the box he grew a little more despondent, he found a Pidgey but he wasn't sure if he wanted that as his companion, his first friend. Then he saw the pokeball, in the corner, a small flying-type symbol was on it, a Fletchling.

"There you are. You're perfect." Percy lifted the pokeball from the box and held it up to his face. "I choose you, Fletchling! he shouted, releasing it onto a nearby counter. He then placed the pokeball onto his belt and held out his hand. The Fletchling flew on to his head and settled down.

"Fletchling, fletchling fletch!" It chirped as it began messing up Percy's hair.

He couldn't help but laugh as he said "Well I guess that settles it. I'll call you Fletchling." Then he looked at Professor Maple and said "Thank you Professor, from both of us." and he meant it, he wouldn't let his pokemon go, they were partners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lia watched as the three chose their Pokémon. She smiled, remembering what it was like when she had first started her journey 7 years back. She could still remember how Fennekin's pokeball felt that day. She shook her head to see that all of them had chosen a pokemon. She looked at Percy who had chosen a Fletchling and said, "You know, I have a Talonflame who I raised from a Fletchling." She then walked over to them and handed them each a Pokedex. "This is a Pokedex, I would explain what it does but I'm sure you all know. Here, take these too." She pulled out 3 Holocasters from her desk and handed one to each of them. "So we can stay in touch." She then walked back to her desk and started digging through the compartment labeled "Devon's Shit". "And..." she pulled out a pokedex from the compartment's messy inside, but this one said "Seen - 12" on the front where the others had said "Seen - 0", "Could one of you catch up to Devon and give him his pokedex? He should be in Needlesap Town by now." She held out the used Pokedex to them, hoping someone would be kind enough to take it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Viola took Devon's Pokédex along with her own and the Holocaster.

"I'll make sure it gets to him safely."

She glanced at the registry on Devon's Pokédex before putting it in her satchel, hoping to see what Pokémon might be available for battling on the way to Needlesap Town. She then turned to the other two new Trainers.

"So, I'm headed for Needlesap then. Would you like to travel with me? It would be much more pleasant than having each of us travel alone."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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"Yeah.. you do that." Wim wasn't sure wether he dreaded the idea of having to deal with Devon again or if he enjoyed his fighting spirit. Nevertheless, that was far from being the first thing on his mind. Right now, all he could think about was about his new friend, Buzzer, and how cool he was.

"Needlesap? That doesn't sound like much fun, but I guess we have to begin somewhere. if only there was some way of seeing who had the best Pokémon first...", Wim had a brilliant idea. "Hey! I know! I'll both of you this building's entrance. Whoever gets there second gets to battle me!"

Without waiting for a reaction from either of his fellow trainers, Wim bolted for the door. Right before exiting the building, he turned around, realizing he had forgotten something important. "Thanks Professor!"

After planting a kiss firmly in the Professor's cheek, Wim started running towards the door again. "Now this is how you start an adventure!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Devon sat down at the edge of the forest on the Needlesap Town side. He reached into his bag and pulled out the sandwich he had stolen from Lia's desk. About halfway through his sandwich, he heard a rustling from behind him. He stood up and spun around, yelling, "Whose there?!?" Almost as if in response, a Carnivine flew out from the brush and over his head. "GO! Trapinch!" He threw his pokeball, pointing at the Carnivine, "Use Bite!" Trapinch lunged forward, closing its jaws on Carnivine. Carnivine recoiled slightly from the attack, leaving it vulnerable to another attack. "Now, use Mud Shot!" A ball of mud formed in front of Trapinch's mouth, and it fired seconds after. Carnivine moved to the left, just dodging the move. The opposing pokemon's arm began to glow, it brought it down on Trapinch, apparently using Vine Whip. Trapinch was nearly K.O.ed, but Devon would not allow it to relent, "Use Feint Attack!" Trapinch faded from view and reappeared behind Carnivine and tackled it. Devon saw his chance and pulled out a Pokeball from his pocket and continued to toss it at Carnivine. The Pokeball shook for a few minutes and Devon used this time to finish eating. When he heard the Pokeball click, he scooped it up and clasped it to his belt.

A minute later, he had arrived in Needlesap Town. He opened his bag and dug around in it for a bit, but when his hands and face withdrew from its depths, people all the way back in Champion's Village could have heard the curses he invoked along with the insults toward Lia he uttered. "I can't believe she kept my Pokedex! Of all the things she held on to for me, that was the ONE thing she forgot to give back!" Devon was clearly displeased, and the citizens of Needlesap Town gave him confused looks. He decided she would send Dweeb and Co. to deliver it to him so he sat at the Farmer's Market in the rural farming town. "They've gotta know about this, its the most popular Farmer's Market in Newvorean. But then again, we are talking about a bunch of stupid foreigners..." Devon mumbled, before laughing to himself and laying down on the edge of a small fountain to nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconis Nevyn
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Draconis Nevyn Archbishop of Banterbury

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Percy looked at the Professor as she told him of her own Talonflame, and grew excited "Really? I'd love to see that one day!" and accepted the pokedex and HoloCaster with glee. This day was amazing, he was a real trainer now. He was ready for his journey though he didn't think that battling against Wim was the best idea, not yet anyway. After all due to his book he knew that Fletchling wouldn't be able to stand up against Elekid in a fair battle. Not yet anyway.

"Thank you again Professor, I'll come with you too, Viola. Sounds like fun." He gave her a smile and opened his pokedex and aimed it at his head, his pokemon, he then set the sound off and merely read the information it gave him. He wondered if the information was more or less for a pokemon he hadn't yet caught. He decided there was only one way to find out. By looking for pokemon.

"So what gym is in Needlesap I wonder" he murmured to himself and Fletchling though loud enough for Viola and the Professor to hear as well as he spun on his heel and walked out of the door, still in a daze from what the day had brought him so far. He stood at the entrance waiting for Viola, he was willing to wait, it seemed like a good idea for them all to leave at the same time. Start their journeys together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Viola set Ralts down to walk beside her and headed for the door.

"I haven't heard anything about it. I do recall that Gym Leaders in Newvorean tend to have stronger teams than those in other regions, so I plan to pass on the gym until Ralts and I get some decent battle experience. I'll probably also catch some reserve Pokémon as well, just in case the leader's team is strong against Psychic-types."

She nodded to the receptionist as they passed.

"Speaking of type advantages, it would probably be best if I fought Wim's Elekid. No offense, but a Fletchling wouldn't stand much of a chance."

She stepped out the door ahead of Percy and locked eyes with Wim.

"Looks like I made it second. I'd rather keep this battle a bit more casual; no wagers on it. After all, I wouldn't want to clean you out before we even get started."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JudgeApatow
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"Ha! The only thing of me that'll be clean after this will be my soul, because I will know I beat you fair and square!" Wim considered clarifying that he had good hygiene and that his body was clean too, but instead walked back a couple of feet to leave enough space between him and Viola.

After some quick, over-dramatic stretching, Wim went to grab his Pokéball before realizing that he had forgotten to put Buzzer back on it and that Buzzer had been following him ever since he came running out of the lab.

"Uh, BUZZER! Put on a show!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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"I cannot glean a single iota of meaning from that sentence. I shall have to conclude that you just wanted to get the last word in."

Viola nodded to the Pokémon at her side, and Ralts confidently stepped forward, looking Buzzer in the eye. (Not that one could really tell at a glance...)

"Let's end it quickly, Ralts. Use Confuse Ray, and be ready to dodge the counter-attack."

"Rrrrr... Ralts!"

The small Pokémon bowed its head in concentration, then released a swirling blast of violet light from its crest, sending it toward Buzzer at high speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryuzaki
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Ryuzaki Mad Prophet, and Herald of the Old Gods

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The professor scowled after Wim's kiss landed on her cheek, apparently he was more of a flirt than Devon. She began to walk toward the exit, her hand held ready to smack the boy across the face, then she decided that that was unprofessional. She looked back toward the untouched box of eggs and frowned. Lia felt bad for none of them getting to go with a trainer. She walked over to her desk and lifted one of the eggs, looking at it contemplatively. This one felt strangely heavier than the others, so she assumed that it was closer to hatching than the others and said, "I have some things of my own to do, and I may need a new partner to come along, waddaya say Eevee?" At those words the egg seemed to shake with excitement, Lia smiled and turned to her computer, withdrawing Talis, her Talonflame and her first pokemon, from the box. "This is it, we can finally go knowing that there will be people to look out for us." She snuck to the bookshelf and slid it aside after a bit of a struggle, showing a back room containing a few supplies and the locked back door. Lia attached the egg carrier to her back, collected all the supplies, and quietly slipped out the back door.


A tall man covered completely in shadows looked down on the sleeping Devon. This man had never met the boy, but knew exactly who he was. The two shorter men behind him seemed to be wondering why they were here, but they couldn't let their mind wander much more before the taller man said, "Seeing his pokemon choice proves he is no use to us, back to HQ!" and with that the 3 men trotted off to where they came from.
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